by Dr. Gregory L. Little
BrotherBlue Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Excerpt from:
Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual UFO
Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife
Experiences, Sacred Ancient Sites, and Other Enigmas
-1994 by Dr. Gregory L. Little |
Abductions Through The Ages
The abduction stories form a
continuum with old legends and beliefs ...They do contain a
message ...given to us by the hidden parts of our being.
-- John Rimmer - (The Evidence for Alien Abductions - 1984)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore - While
I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of
someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
-- Edgar Allan Poe - (The Raven)
"We stepped into the fringe of reality,"
Karla Turner replied to a questioner - after relating her
incredible story to an immense group at the 1992 Ozark UFO
Conference. "Our book comes from my journal that I kept (about these
Karla [now deceased; a victim of the
insidious cancer many "abductees" mysteriously succumb to - B:.B:.],
who holds a Ph.D. in English, hypnotized her husband Casey in the
mid-1980s to attempt to find the source of Casey’s anxiety and
Casey, a computer software consultant, had been seeing a
therapist at the time and was suffering with a variety of nervous
problems. What they found in the hypnosis was not what they
Casey had numerous memories of alien contact - sexual contact. One
of his earliest memories was a white-haired, old woman appearing in
his bedroom when he was 13 years old. She had a deeply wrinkled face
and deep, piercing eyes. Unable to resist, he had sexual intercourse
with her. Casey also recalled other times that creatures entered his
bedroom and forced him to have sex.
One such experience left him
with claw marks on his back, while another incident in 1987 resulted
in a painful scar on the back of his leg.
Interaction with the abductors wasn’t limited to Casey. Karla told
of walking into her home at night when a being grabbed hold of her
arm. The creature told her it was her mother, but Karla stated that
it looked like a giant grasshopper.
Another time, Karla was coming
home through her back yard when she felt like she,
"had hit an electric fence. I wasn’t
feeling right...wasn’t moving right ...there was a glow
everywhere ...I stopped...and saw four gray beings standing side
by side in my backyard."
"I assumed I was having a hallucination (but) I’m awake - why?
I felt I could see through them and they talked to me
"Greetings, we are your ancestors," they said. "We are a part of
you, but we are real."
"I couldn’t move as I normally do," Karla continued. "Then two
females behind me came up close - they started buzzing."
"They are giving you some instructions," they told me.
Karla and Casey have become involved
with a variety of MUFON investigators since the uncovering of their
memories as well as conducting a variety of their own
They have somewhat specialized in sexual abductions
and been influenced by the popular books Intruders, Missing Time,
and others. Karla told a story about a grandmother with her young
grandson. The grandmother had been a widow for several years when
she was forced to drink a liquid handed to her by an alien who
appeared in her bedroom late one night.
After she drank the thick fluid, she became young again. A
reptilian-like alien then attempted to have intercourse with her but
she resisted. Then the alien brought in her dead husband who began
making sexual advances to her. The grandmother had intercourse with
the creature that appeared as her husband, but eventually saw that
it was a reptilian. After finishing with the grandmother, the
reptilians had anal and oral intercourse with her young grandson.
At the 1992 Ozark UFO Convention, cattle mutilation expert Linda
Moulton Howe also focused on sexual abduction stories.
She told a
story about one man who had become so plagued by a particular female
alien coming to him each night that he repeatedly masturbated before
sleeping so that he would have trouble getting an erection when the
aliens appeared.
This so disturbed the female alien and her
mantis-like "keepers" that they made an agreement with the man. Howe
stated that the aliens are probably collecting genetic material from
cattle and humans.
In discussing how the beings appear, Howe said that "the air itself
is like a curtain they can go behind." They come out of "tears in
the air."
The "modern" aliens associated with sexual abductions now appear to
fall into three broad categories. The traditional grays are nearly
always present. Male grays seldom engage in intercourse, but some
female grays do. The grays often connect bizarre devices to the sex
organs of abductees and insert needles in an apparent attempt to
collect sperm and ovum samples. Then there are the more sinister
creatures described as reptilian, grasshopper-like, or mantis-like.
These creatures, whose sexual organs are described as ice cold,
often have intercourse with humans.
Finally, there are creatures that,
except for their dress, would be indistinguishable from humans. They
are sometimes described as Nordic in appearance - tall blondes with
blue eyes.
These abductors have, at times, had intercourse with
abductees. All of the appearances taken on by abductors appear to be
fluid and plastic; that is, they can easily change their shape to
whatever they wish.
Aileen Garoutte, director of the abductee support organization
UFOCCI, has interviewed and used regression hypnosis on numerous
abductees who have claimed sexual contact with the aliens. One
couple was abducted during a drive between Princeton and Penticton
in British Columbia, Canada. Two hours of missing time occurred
during their trip that was later "remembered" as a "classic"
Both were given a special drink, medical exams, and had
sexual encounters with the aliens. The woman became pregnant as a
result of the abduction though she had been using two different
types of birth control. After their abduction she had spots on her
body over her ovaries and her husband had a ring of spots across his
Literally dozens of similar stories have been uncovered by UFOCCI.
Abduction Experiences Aren’t New
Given the current intense interest in alien sexual encounters, many
people seem to feel that such reports are relatively recent.
aren’t. Sexual encounters with alien abductors are not new to ufology. On October 15, 1957, 23-year old farmer
Antonio Boas was
plowing a field at his farm near Minas Gerais in Brazil. It was
night as Boas was trying to catch up on the plowing. Looking up into
the sky, Boas saw a brightly lit red object descending from the sky.
It was his third UFO sighting that week.
This time, however, the
object landed in his field. Out of the egg-shaped object came four
aliens fitted in metallic space suits with helmets.
As the creatures glided toward him, Boas tried to escape on the
tractor, but it stalled. Boas jumped off and started running. A few
moments later he was captured and dragged into the spaceship.
he was taken into a circular room where he was restrained while one
of the creatures took a blood and skin sample from his chin. Then he
was stripped and moved to another room where only a white, plastic
couch sat in the center of the room. His body was sponged with a
clear, oily liquid and then the four creatures left.
A few moments later clouds of gray smoke filled the room causing
Boas to vomit. Then a hidden slit opened in the wall through which a
beautiful, naked, alien woman walked. She had blond-white hair
parted in the middle, large blue eyes, thin lips, high, prominent
cheekbones, and a pointed chin. She was under five feet tall. Boas
clearly remembered her blood-red pubic hair and her well-separated,
pointy breasts.
The female began rubbing her body against Boas and he quickly
embraced her. According to Boas they had intercourse two times
during which the alien barked and growled like an animal. After the
second time she got off the couch and walked to the hidden door. She
pointed to her stomach and then to the sky. Then she walked out.
Moments later two of the space suited aliens returned with his
clothes. He dressed and was given a tour of the ship after which he
was released.
In the month that followed his encounter, Boas became ill with
symptoms similar to radiation sickness. In addition, small purplish
wounds developed on his hands.
In his book The Ufonauts, Hans Holzer related the May 2,1968
abduction of teenager Shane Kurz. Under regression hypnosis Ms. Kurz
told of being abducted while walking through a field and being
levitated into a saucer. Inside the saucer several gray aliens
placed her on a table, stripped her, and rubbed a thick liquid on
her. She was told that the liquid was a stimulant and that she was
being tested for pregnancy with a device that was lowered on her.
Then the leader told her that they wanted to make a "half" with her.
One of the beings quickly sexually penetrated her. He made animal
sounds and a humming noise during the act. Kurz was then released.
Shortly after this incident (which she did not remember at the time)
her menstrual period stopped for a year. She had a sudden,
unexplained weight loss exactly 9 months after her abduction. It was
the weight loss that led her to a doctor and eventually uncover the
memory of the abduction.
Budd Hopkins’ Intruders (1987) and Missing Time (1981) are filled
with distinctively sexual abductions.
And if you don’t look at the
long-term perspective of the phenomenon, it is easy to be misled
into thinking the sexual abductions are a recent happening:
"Intruders makes what appears to be
happening in UFO abductions more clear. Genetic experimentation
is being conducted on unwilling human subjects by an
extraterrestrial civilization far different from our
own... Through the process of interbreeding, the technology
involved in producing test tube babies, and cloning, they are
producing a hybrid race."
(Little, 1990)
But appearances can be deceiving
Abductions Through The Ages
abductions and alien sexual encounters are nothing new.
Witches supposedly were taken into the air for meetings with the
devil. People who had been abducted by fairies were left with
distinctive body scars similar to those in UFO abductees.
And the incubus and succubus of medieval times did the exact same things to
their abductees as today’s sexually-inclined aliens do to their
According to fairy lore, fairies create a circular cluster of small
bruises as their mark. The phenomenon is known as "fairy bruising"
and is a sign of either favor or disfavor. The ring of bruises is
often found around the genitals.
They did this, according to various
17th century accounts, by pinching their victims:
If lustie Doll, maide of the Dairie,
Chance to be blew-nipt by the fairie.
Marston’s Mountebanks Masque
An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs,
1976) gives numerous ancient examples of fairy abductions.
always a special drink was given to the abductee. This drink,
usually described as a thick liquid, was an essential part of the
fairy abduction. Women are abducted much more often than men and
some fairies take special delight, in repeatedly capturing women for
amorous motives. In short, some fairies simply liked having sexual
relations with mortals.
Fairies abduct their victims through paralysis; then they simply
carry (levitate and fly) the abductee away into "fairyland."
Fairyland is always nearby; under normal conditions we can’t see or
perceive it. The paralysis induced on the victim is how fairies get
their abductee to enter fairyland. The modem word "stroke" (meaning
paralysis) is derived from the ancient terms "elf-stroke" and
"fairy-stroke." Fairies travel in circular globes of light,
sometimes called "will-o-the-wisp."
There are so many different types of fairies that going through them
would be tedious. Some of them, however, are virtually
indistinguishable from what have been described as demons. One
particular type, the "bogie," looks a lot like the traditional
bigfoot. Virtually every society has some lore of these "little
people" and myths of them forcing their sexual attentions on human
Fairy lore has a tradition of thousands of years. Fairies have been
said to be abducting humans, human babies, flying in lighted globes,
striking paralysis and amnesia on their victims, forcing strange
drink on their victims, and having sexual relations with humans for
all time.
If we could remove the mythological aspect from fairy
abductions and dress them a little differently, the folklore reports
of a thousand years ago would be virtually indistinguishable from
present UFO abduction reports.
The same thing could be said for the
reports of demons.
As my eyes fell on the demon drawings in Plancy’s Dictionaire
infernal (1863), I was struck by their similarity to the famous
Kelly-Hopkinsville UFO case. Imagine the demons as gray in color,
and they would also fit the description of the ubiquitous grays in
recent abductions.
There are many in the UFO field (as well as various religious
leaders) who believe that the creatures associated with UFOs are
demons. The similarity of some demons to the grays of UFO reports
are probably no coincidence.
The resemblance between modern UFO abduction reports and ancient
accounts of demonic visitations are striking, indeed. Ulrich Molitor’s De Laniis et phitonicis mulieribus (1489) shows the first
known engravings of demons who abduct and then have sexual relations
with humans.
Olaus Magnus’ Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus
(1555) contained engravings of the devil and demons carrying women
(witches) away for sex.
The early accounts of these are similar to
UFO abductions; however, in that era it was not seen as a good thing
to happen to you (as contrasted to many UFO abductees who view it as
a positive and special experience).
In the early days of the church, people who told of having
visitations by "demons" were tolerated. Somewhat later, they were
fined or removed from the church. It was in the 15th century that
the church was no longer content to simply throw the "witches" and
"sorcerers" out of the church. From that point onward they sought to
wring confessions out of suspected witches and then burn or hang the
To have sex with a demon meant you were a witch or a
Witches almost always had sexual relations with the demons
or Satan himself and they were said to have some power over
elemental demons. It is the lower orders of the demons that
supposedly take on the appearance of UFO-like beings and fairies. In
fact, in many of the witch trials in the 15th and 16th centuries,
the "lower orders" of demons were described as leprechauns, gnomes,
and other fairies.
According to this ancient witch lore, Satan and demons had their
favorite humans for sex. Both women and men were abducted for sex,
but women were favored. Most victims were unwillingly abducted in
their bedrooms at night. Many victims described several demons (of
different types) being present at the time of their abduction. Some
of the demons "stood by" just watching during the act.
The first written mention of Satan himself forcing sex on a victim
was probably at the trials of Artois.
The writer Vignate (1468)
chronicled the trial. Here too, was the first mention of Satan’s
sexual organ as being cold as ice. This statement is similar to what
some UFO abductees have said about their abductors who forced sex on
them - particularly the insects or grasshopper-like creatures.
Far more frequent was mention of sexual
intercourse forced on victims by demons known as incubus or
"Essentially the incubus is a lewd demon or goblin which
seeks sexual intercourse with women... the corresponding devil which
appears to man is the succubus"
(Dictionary of Witchcraft &
Guazzo’s (1608) Compendium Maleficarum stated:
"(The demon) can assume either a
male or female shape; sometimes he appears as a full-grown man,
sometimes as a satyr."
St. Augustine firmly believed that demons
abducted people and forced sexual relations on them:
have often injured women, desiring and acting carnally with
Virtually no one disputed the existence
of these sex-seeking demons.
Martin Del Rio (1599) wrote of the
reality of incubus in the Disquisitionum Magicarum,
"...to disagree
(with their existence) is only obstinacy and foolhardiness; for it
is the universal opinion of the fathers, theologians, and writers on
philosophy, the truth of which is generally acknowledged by all ages
and peoples."
Peter Binsfeld’s De Confessione Maleficarum (1589)
"(The incubus) is an indisputable
truth which is not only proved most certain by experience, but
also is confirmed by history.."
Crossbreeding & Genetic Experimentation
Just like modern UFO abductors do, demons have long been collecting
sperm samples from male victims.
According to the ancient reports,
the succubus gathers semen from the male victims so that the demon
can fully perform the sex act and sometimes impregnate its female
victim when acting as an incubus.
In Thomas Aquinas’ 13th century
book Summa Theologica he wrote:
...if sometimes children are born
from intercourse with demons, this is not because of the semen
emitted by them, or from the bodies they have assumed, but
through the semen taken from some man for this purpose, seeing
that the same demon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an
incubus for a woman.
It was believed even then that a
crossbreeding of sorts was occurring between the demons (fairies)
and humans.
Tradition has it that the magician Merlin was the result
of crossbreeding between Satan and a human female. And most readers
are familiar with the many matings of the Greek and Roman "gods"
with humans. Their offspring spurred many of the great legends and
myths of old.
For several thousand years there have been reports of alien
abduction for sexual purposes. Because of the number of reports
coming from early church members, much attention was given the
phenomenon during the 1200s and 1300s.
Here are a few summaries by
the church from this time period:
De Trinitate: "Devils do indeed
collect human semen...therefore devils can transfer the semen
which they have collected and inject it into the bodies of
Bonaventura wrote:
"Devils in the form of women yield
to males and receive their semen; by cunning skill, the demons
preserve its potency, and afterwards,... they become incubi and
pour it into female repositories."
Just as in modern UFO reports, the
incubus desiring to have sex with a human will adjust its shape to
one that lowers resistance of its victim.
In 1698 Johann Klein
reported on a court case where a woman claimed to have been
impregnated by her long-gone husband. A creature taking his form
appeared to her at night in her bedroom where she simply couldn’t
resist. Many other victims of an incubus claimed that the incubus
appeared to them as a person (deceased) they knew and loved.
Some of the most interesting reports about the incubus come from
nuns. During the mid-1400s, many nuns in certain sites were victims
of incubus attacks with the nuns often displaying amnesia over the
event. The copious amounts of semen present left no doubt that
something physical actually happened.
Other accounts of incubus attacks leave one with the definite
impression that something physical was happening rather than the
experience being a purely psychological event. One impressive
account had numerous witnesses. The writer Sinistrari wrote of a nun
that was locked into a small, nearly barren cell after dinner.
was alone when they closed the door; shortly thereafter, however,
sounds of passion (between two people) came from the cell. When the
cell was immediately opened for inspection, no one but the nun was
in it.
Another nun then bored a small hole
through the wall and was astonished to see a youth "appear" on the
bed with the nun. Quietly, the nun gathered other sisters to view
the scene in the cell between the locked-up nun and the "youth."
When they went back into the cell, the youth again disappeared.
However, the nun confessed that she had been intimate with an incubus for some time and that he appeared as the youth that they
had seen. None of the nuns recognized the youth, nor was he seen
again. In addition, that report indicated that there was no way that
anyone could escape the cell holding the nun. He simply appeared and
then vanished.
Another interesting feature of medieval witch reports that parallels
modern UFO reports is the so-called Devil’s mark. This is not the
same thing as a witch’s mark, but is rather a mark conferred upon
victims by the devil himself. According to ancient beliefs, the
devil marks his victims for identification. The mark is scratched on
the victim with a talon.
The marks are usually a straight scar in an
odd spot, typically not seen without some difficulty, or some sort
of a tattoo. Daneau (1564) stated in Les Sorciers that,
"(Not a witch exists) upon whom (the
devil or a demon) doth not set some note or token of his power
and prerogative over them."
Sinistrari’s De Demonialitate stated
that the mark of the devil...
"is imprinted on the most secret parts
of the body."
Were we not in "modern" times, the marks seen on many UFO abductees
would be seen as the marks of the devil.
Cuts on the back of the
leg, purplish circular spots, bruises, circles of warts and spots
surrounding the abdomen and genitals, facial holes, and nasal cavity
holes all would have qualified. These were the exact same marks and
areas of the body used for the Devil’s mark.
These are also similar
to the "fairy bruises."
Musings On
For a number of reasons, most people studying UFO abductions are
deeply disturbed by the parallels between ancient and modern UFO
abduction reports.
They are so disturbed that they refuse to even
see that any relationships exist. I am astonished at how many
contemporary investigators - professionals who should know better - simply refuse to see the historical perspective of this
It is easy to be smug and say,
"This is different, we
aren’t superstitious anymore, these are modern times."
But in 500
years a lot of what we deeply believe will be laughed at and
Many, many people want to believe that UFOs are crafts from other
worlds carrying advanced extraterrestrial beings. Many want to
believe that the sexual abductions represent genetic experimentation
and crossbreeding by extraterrestrials. The simple fact is that
believing that is far more comforting than accepting the possible
reality of what has been described in the prior few pages.
Most of
us don’t want to really believe that there are actual beings that
exist that have been called "demons" or "fairies" or a "devil."
Contemplation of such possibilities is deeply disturbing. It touches
the darkest and most remote areas of our psyche. It energizes the
most fearsome and powerful psychological processes of our minds.
"Nuts and bolts" ufologists avoid studying or even acknowledging
abductions by stating that these aren’t "true" UFO reports.
I have
heard numerous urologists state over and over,
"We know these (UFOs)
are physical craft, they are spaceships. The psychic and
parapsychological stuff doesn’t have anything to do with these
craft. Anything but what I’m studying is ’new age’ bunk."
It’s as if
they stick their noses down and look at the little piece of the
gigantic puzzle before them, refusing to open their eyes to the fact
that they are ignoring the big picture.
It is important to understand that I am not saying that UFOs are
piloted by demons. I am not saying that fairies and demons are the
rapists who force themselves on their abducted victims. There is a
real problem with terminology here - most of us have a preconceived
idea of what a fairy or a demon is, and I really don’t want to
conjure up that image.
What I am saying is that there is a process that has been ongoing - probably for all of humanity’s history
- that manifests itself
through the appearance of archetypal creatures and beings. John Keel
was one of the first to recognize this. Others, including Vallee,
Clark, and many British ufologists have long pointed out the resemblance between modern UFO reports and the ancient traditions.
It doesn’t really matter what we call the process underlying
abductions, and all of the related phenomena, but it is important to
see that they all tie together.
Even the dreaded and
paranoia-producing "government" has long-recognized this connection
in their earliest reports (although changes in policy precluded too
much future mention of it). John Keel’s UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
cites the preface from a 1960s publication by the U.S. Air Force
Office of Scientific Research called UFOs and Related Subjects: An
Annotated Bibliography.
In that report it was stated:
A large part of the available UFO
literature is closely linked with mysticism and the
metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy,
automatic writing, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena
like poltergeist manifestations and possession...
Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount
alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic
possession and psychic phenomena which has long been known to
theologians and parapsychologists.
Abductees and the
In July 1990, ufologist Brent Raynes published the results of a
statistical survey he conducted on 46 people who reported contact
with or sightings of UFOs in the publication UFO Perceptions. A
little over a quarter of them were abductees, with the rest having
some close contact with UFOs.
Raynes’ survey clearly showed that
people who have any sort of UFO experiences also have a variety of
other "paranormal" experiences.
Here are some of the results:
87% had repeating psychic
72% had telepathic
70% had more than one UFO
70% reported some
precognitive experiences
63% reported "out-of-body"
59% reported experiences
with poltergeists
In addition, Raynes conducted a survey
of his UFO percipients’ medical and psychological histories.
Most of
his medical findings were within normal expectations of a sample of
adults randomly drawn from the population. However, the
psychological findings appear to strongly suggest a Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD) cluster of findings.
Here are a few findings
from Raynes’ extensive statistical list:
4% admitted to drug abuse
7% had been
institutionalized at some point for mental problems
9% admitted to alcohol abuse
17% had asthma
20% admitted to suicidal
22% were sleepwalkers
26% engaged in compulsive
28% experienced amnesia
28% experienced severe
35% had insomnia
37% had anxiety attacks
In recent years, PTSD has become one of
the favorite diagnoses of recovery-oriented mental health
When the symptoms are seen, childhood abuse (sexual,
physical, and emotional) are often immediately suspected. Many
professionals (myself included) view this quick diagnosis tendency
as a temporary fad; however, there is no denying the trauma that
childhood abuse inflicts upon its many victims.
Over a decade ago, Rick Rotter, a former MUFON Section Director,
suggested to me that all UFO abductees are reliving a form of
post-traumatic stress syndrome. This is not really a new idea. But
what was rather unique about Rick’s idea was that he felt abductees
were experiencing the abduction because of long-standing trauma due
to childhood sexual abuse. That is, the memory of a UFO abduction
(and the sex that occurs during the abduction) represents a reliving
of a childhood memory of an adult human who perpetrated sex abuse on
the young child.
Because the memory of the person
perpetrating the abuse (usually the child’s father, mother,
grandparents, or other relative) is so traumatic, their memory is
twisted and adjusted so that a "monster" or otherworldly creature is
believed to have performed the act on them. "Inner Child" theory and
other pop psychology beliefs relate to this idea.
A review of classic abduction cases can certainly lend some support
to this view. Just reading the sexual abductions in the beginning of
this chapter can support this belief.
The problem is that perhaps
somewhere between 10% to 25% of the entire population has had some
form of childhood sexual abuse. (There is great disagreement as to
the reliability of childhood sex abuse statistics - virtually all
should be seen as unreliable guesstimates.)
Thus, statistically
speaking, 10% to 25% of abductees should show childhood sexual
abuse. Most abductees are screened for childhood sexual abuse and
the results seem to show that between 10% to 25% were victims - not
the much higher numbers expected with the sexual abuse trauma
I have more than a passing interest in childhood sexual abuse. I
co-authored a chapter in a medical text, Sexology (Bianco & Serrano,
1990), on treating sexual abuse disorders and co-authored another
paper in a hypnosis journal on it. Alcoholism, drug abuse, and
various relationship and personal problems are quite frequently seen
in victims of childhood sexual abuse - therein lies my professional
interest in the issue.
But are UFO abductions related to it? Not in
my experience or my colleagues’ experience. Because childhood sexual
abuse is a hot topic right now in recovery circles, it is invoked
for virtually every single problem seen in adults.
Victims’ groups (sometimes called
survivor’s groups) believe that almost every physical and medical
problem, relationship difficulty, psychological problem, and career
problem is caused by childhood sexual abuse. When someone is seen
with any kind of problem, they say that it must be as a result of
childhood sexual abuse.
What this boils down to is this:
investigating abductees should almost always see the symptoms of
PTSD if the abduction was experienced as traumatic by the abductee.
But PTSD symptoms only indicate that some sort of trauma occurred
- not what the trauma was.
Because an undetermined percentage of
people (probably between 10% to 25%) were victims of childhood
sexual abuse, that same percentage should show in people who claim UFO abductions.
Today, most ufologists investigating abductees screen out the
abductees who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Most
professionals who have investigated ufology to any depth agree that
the childhood sexual abuse problem has next to nothing to do with
UFO abductions. I agree with most professionals on this.
Rotter’s Sexual Trauma Hypothesis bears a striking resemblance to
another abduction explanation. In the early 1980s, an English
professor, Dr. Alvin Lawson, suggested that abductees are reliving
the trauma of birth.
"the fetus is unwillingly taken from a
place of security (the womb) to an uncontrollably unknown world (the
(Little, 1984)
Lawson explains the humanoid abductor’s
appearance as symbolically representing a fetus. Of course, when you
are born you can’t see your appearance (as a fetus). And all of us
were born - so we might expect many more people to have abduction
Few people today take Lawson’s hypothesis seriously.
Abductions - Separating Wheat From Chaff
There is no doubt that a lot of abductions have occurred.
The 1992
Roper Survey suggested that at least 2% of the population has been
abducted. Thus, over 5 million Americans alone may have had the
experience. Are there really that many visitors from other worlds
here? If 2% of the world’s population has been abducted over the
last 40 years (as has been suggested by ufologists), then at least
90 million people have been abducted in the world.
This means the
clever aliens are grabbing 2.25 million of us each year (assuming we
each get to have only one abduction).
Over 6,000 abductions are then occurring
each day with about 257 abductions occurring each and every hour.
Are all of these abductions caused by extraterrestrial beings flying
around in craft - or do they represent something else?
Are modern
UFO abductions just a modern version of a phenomenon that has
occurred and been documented over thousands of years?
I am certain
this is what they are.
Before the modern era of UFOs, those who claimed contact with
non-human entities were placed in occult, spiritualistic,
apparitional, hallucinatory, psychotic, or pixilated categories.
Some ufologists - again, those who adhere to the extraterrestrial
hypothesis - argue that abductions aren’t part of the UFO
phenomenon. They are wrong. For abductions are an integral part of
the UFO myth.
Abductions are almost always cited as evidence of
alien contact, and ufologists will use cases that fit their theory
while discarding the rest as unrelated, purely psychological, or
This is another example of selective
perception and confirmation bias - attending to only those facts or
tidbits of information that already confirm your beliefs. It’s time
that we began fitting all of the pieces of the gigantic ufology
puzzle together.
It’s time we recognize that we are interacting with
something that is very real, but it’s not alien extraterrestrials.
About the
Dr. Gregory L. Little holds a
Master of Science Degree in Psychology and a Doctor of Education
Degree in Counseling from Memphis State University. He works in
criminal justice as a trainer, publications editor, and
He has published and presented over 200 papers and
reports in numerous professional journals and publications on
the topics of psychopharmacology, mental health, substance abuse
treatment, antisocial personality treatments, and criminal
In addition, he has published
articles on archaeology, UFO abductions, and other paranormal
phenomena. He is also a licensed private pilot and part Seneca
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