from "The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold"

from TheArchive Website


For nearly 2,000 years hundreds of millions of people have been taught that a historical "son of God" called Jesus Christ lived, did miracles, suffered and died as a blood-atonement especially established once and for all by God himself, the Creator of the entire cosmos.


In reality, the gospel story of Jesus is not a factual portrayal of a historical “master” who walked the earth 2,000 years ago but a myth built upon other myths and god-men, who in turn were personifications of the ubiquitous solar mythos and ritual found in countless cultures around the world thousands of years before the Christian era.


As such, the tale served to amalgamate the numerous religions, cults and sects of the Roman Empire and beyond, to create a state religion that was promulgated through forgery, fraud and force.

Nevertheless, countless believers have insisted that the gospel tale happened, not because of any evidence, but merely because they have been told it was so and blindly accepted it, against common sense and better judgment.


Furthermore, historicizing scholars and other evemerists, funded by the same agencies who created the myth, have thrown their scientific minds out the window and dishonestly begun their desperate work with the wrong premise, thereafter constantly trying to shore up the impossible, with endless tortured speculation where there are no facts at all.


The actuality is that, had Jesus been real, the world would have developed differently than it did, particularly immediately after his alleged miraculous advent; yet, the world went on as if nothing had ever happened.


Earl Doherty summarizes the problem with the gospel “history”:

If this man Jesus had had the explosive effect on his followers that is said of him, and on the thousands of believers who responded so readily to the message about him, such a man would have had to blaze in the firmament of his time. That impact would have been based on the force of his personality, on the unique things he said and did. There is no other way.


And yet the picture we see immediately after Jesus’ death, and for the next two generations in every extant document, flatly contradicts this.


The blazing star immediately drops out of sight. No contemporary historian, philosopher or popular writer records him. There is no sign of any tradition or phenomenon associated with him. For over half a century Christian writers themselves totally ignore his life and ministry. Not a saying is quoted. Not a miracle is marveled at.


No aspect of his human personality, anchored within any biographical setting, is ever referred to. The details of his life, the places of his career: they raise no interest in any of his believers.


This is an eclipse that does not even grant us a trace of a corona!


If, on the other hand, Jesus was simply an ordinary human man, an unassuming (if somewhat charismatic) Jewish preacher, who really said little of what has been imputed to him, who performed no real miracles, and who of course did not rise from the dead – all of which might explain why he attracted no great attention and could have his life ignored as unimportant by his later followers – what, then, is the explanation for how such a life and personality could have given rise to the vast range of response the scholars postulate, to the cosmic theology about him, to the conviction that he had risen from the dead, to the unstoppable movement which early Christianity seems to have been?


This is an unsolvable dilemma.

When pressed, scholars and clergy alike will admit that the founding of the Christian religion is shrouded in centuries of intrigue and fraud.


They will confess that there is not a single mention of Jesus by any historian contemporaneous with his alleged advent and that the biblical accounts are basically spurious, not written by their pretended authors and riddled with tens of thousands of errors, impossibilities and contradictions.


They will even admit that such texts had been forged by the hundreds and later interpolated and mutilated. Such “experts” may even go so far as to concede that the historicity of Christ has been called into question from the beginning, with that fact itself being cloaked in euphemism and deceit. They may further confess that there is absolutely no physical evidence of the event or the man, and that the numerous relics, including the infamous Shroud of Turin, are fakes, as are the tourist spots where the drama allegedly took place.


These scholars may even have the courage to admit that the Jewish religion, upon which Christianity claims to be based, is itself not what it is asserted to be but is basically a rehash of older myths and theologies, as, in the end, is Christianity.

In other words, like the Christian fathers, these scholars and experts will concede that the gospel tale and Christian ideology constitute a direct lift from so-called Paganism. They will even admit that the gospel story is fiction, cagily calling it “benign deceit.” Yet, these scholars and researchers will continue in their quest to find a “historical” Jesus, endlessly pumping out tomes that would be better off as trees.


Waite describes their futile endeavors:

Many attempts have been made to write the life of Christ. But it is difficult to see where, outside of the gospels the material for such a work is to come from; while, if the gospels are to be taken as a basis, it is equally difficult to understand what is to be gained by rewriting what is contained in them.


Any such attempt only brings out, in plainer light, the discrepancies in those accounts, and finally results in a mere display of ingenuity on the part of the biographer, in his efforts to reconcile them; or, as in the case of some writers, in a sublime unconsciousness of any discrepancies whatever.

Indeed, the efforts to find a historical Jesus have been pitiful and agonizing, based mainly on what he was not: To wit, the virgin birth is not history, and Jesus’s parents were not called Mary and Joseph.


Jesus was not from Nazareth, which didn’t exist at the time, and the magi, star, angels and shepherds did not appear at his birth. He didn’t escape to Egypt, because Herod was not slaughtering children, and he didn’t amaze the priests with his teaching at age 12 in the temple.


He did not suddenly at 30 reappear out of nowhere to mystify people who, if the birth stories had been true, would have already known him. The “historical” Jesus didn’t do miracles or raise the dead. The sayings and sermons weren’t originally his. He wasn’t betrayed by Judas, since that would be illogical if he were already “world famous.”


There was no trial, no crucifixion and no resurrection.

Such are some of the numerous parts of the gospel story that have been thrown out by “skeptical” historicizers and evemerists over the centuries because they represent elements found ubiquitously in the myths of the solar heroes and in mystery rites.


Tossing all these parts out, we might wonder, even more skeptically, where is the historical Jesus Christ? Have we found the core in the onion? The leap of faith even among evemerists is mind-boggling. If 99 percent of this story is based on the myths and only one percent on any “history,” what are people admiring and worshipping?

Although they are taught that “Jesus” represented a stunning break from the “old Pagan world,” believers are worshipping basically the same deity or deities as the Pagans - in fact, practically all of them rolled into one. Yet, not knowing this, the faithful smugly set themselves apart in an atmosphere of superiority and pity, if not outright hatred, for so-called Heathens and Pagans, i.e., “those not of the faith.”


As Jackson says,

“Many Christians denounce Paganism as a false religion. If this is correct, then Christianity is also false, for it is of pagan origin, and if one is not true, then neither is the other.”

To reiterate, as Robertson says,

“There is not a conception associated with Christ that is not common to some or all of the Savior cults of antiquity.”

And Carpenter states that,

“the doctrine of the Savior is worldwide and world-old, and that Christianity merely appropriated the same (as the other cults did) and gave it a special flavor.”

He also remarks:

The main Christian doctrines and festivals, besides a great mass of affiliated legend and ceremonial, are really quite directly derived from, and related to, preceding Nature worships; and it has only been by a good deal of deliberate mystification and falsification that this derivation has been kept out of sight.

And Jordan Maxwell says:

All that we find in Judaism and Christianity - there is virtually not one concept, belief, or idea expressed in Judaism or Christianity, not one - that cannot be traced back many, many times to many different religions. It’s a very old, ancient story. It’s the greatest story ever told.

Of this greatest story ever sold, Massey states:

In this way it can be proved that our Christology is mummified mythology, and legendary lore, which have been palmed off upon us in the Old Testament and the New, as divine revelation uttered by the very voice of God. We have the same conversion of myth into history in the New Testament that there is in the Old - the one being effected in a supposed fulfillment of the other! Mythos and history have changed places once, and have to change them again before we can understand their right relationship, or real significance.”

The gospel story, fought so widely from the beginning because it was misrepresented as true, has now become through constant force and proselytizing unhealthily lodged in the human psyche, a meme that has caused a large proportion of the human race to live in a world of awful fantasy and endless waiting for the miraculous, for the divine to step in, like “he” purportedly did 2,000 years ago.


Yet this alleged “miracle” of Jesus’s advent was no more factual than that of Osiris, Krishna, Horus, Quetzalcoatl or any of the numerous other myths and savior gods upon which the Christ character is predicated.


To believe that the mythical is the historical is not only to be dishonest but also to destroy the meaning of the mythical and to ruin its real miracle. Indeed, the historicizing of the mythos removes its value and makes the mind idiotic; but, to understand the gnosis behind it is to become wise.

As Massey also says:

[I]t is the miraculous that shows the mythical nature of the history; the identical miracles of Christ the healer that proves him to have been the same character as the healer Iuemhept, or Aesclapius, and the caster-out of demons, Khunsu. It was the human history that accreted round the divinity, and not a human being who became divine. On the theory of an historic origin and interpretation the discrepancies may be paralleled for ever with no possibility of attaining the truth; the matter can never be moulded into coherent consistency. But the mythical origin explains all. . . .


The mythical origins only can explain why there are two Marys both of whom are described as being the mother of Jesus. The mythical origins only can explain why Jesus should have been rebegotten as the anointed son at thirty years of age . . . The mythical origins only can explain why there is no history furnished from the time when the childChrist was about twelve years of age to that of the adult-ship of thirty years.


The mythical origins only can show how the Word, or Manifestor, from the first could be said to be made flesh. . . . The mythical Christ could have two birthdays like the dual-natured Horus, one at the solstice and one at the equinox.

Massey further states:

The Christ of the gospels is in no sense an historical personage or a supreme model of humanity, a hero who strove, and suffered, and failed to save the world by his death. It is impossible to establish the existence of an historical character even as an impostor. For such an one the two witnesses, astronomical mythology and gnosticism, completely prove an alibi.


The Christ is a popular lay-figure that never lived, and a lay-figure of Pagan origin; a lay-figure that was once the Ram and afterwards the Fish; a lay-figure that in human form was the portrait and image of a dozen different gods.

As to the hackneyed evemerist arguments in favor of these “dozen different gods” and any others being legendary heroes of old, rather than aspects of the celestial mythos, Higgins demonstrates their error and its consequences, obviously understood in his time over 160 years ago but suppressed:

The following is the state of ancient history given by Mr. Bryant, and nothing can be more true: “ is evident that most of the deified personages never existed: but were mere titles of the Deity, the Sun; as has been in great measure proved by Macrobius. Nor was there ever any thing such detriment to ancient history, as supposing that the Gods of the Gentile world had been natives of the countries where they were worshipped.


They have been by these means admitted into the annals of times: and it has been the chief study of the learned to register the legendary stories concerning them: to conciliate absurdities, and to arrange the whole into a chronological series - a fruitless labor, and inexplicable: for there are in these fables such inconsistencies and contradictions as no art, nor industry, can remedy.”



The Age of Darkness

There is indeed nothing new under the sun.


And “Jesus” is, basically, the same old sun, the Hellenized Joshua, the Judaized Horus and Krishna, thought by the deceived masses to have been a native of the country in which he was worshipped. Is it mere coincidence that, after the celestial mythos and astronomical nowledge had become completely eclipsed and subverted, the Western world was plunged into the Dark Ages?


Jackson describes the results of this putting out of the light of the sun:

[T]he Gnostic wisdom was not wholly lost to the world but its great, universal educational system was supplanted. It is a well-established historical fact, not denied by the church that it required about 500 years to accomplish this submersion of Gnosticism, and to degrade the new generations in ignorance equal to the state of imbecility. History again points its accusing finger at the living evidence.


The horrible results of such a crime against nature and mankind are pictured in the Dark Ages... Not even priests or prelates were permitted to learn to read or write. Even bishops could barely spell out their Latin. During this period of mental darkness, the ignorant masses were trained in intolerance, bigotry, fanaticism, and superstitious fear of an invisible power secretly controlled by the church; all of which begat a state of hysteria and imbecility.

Robertson explains why Christianity arose and what its purpose was:

Religions, like organisms and opinions, struggle for survival and the fittest survive. That is to say, those survive which are fittest for the actual environment, not fittest from the point of view of another higher environment.


What, then, was the religion best adapted to the populations of the decaying Roman Empire, in which ignorance and mean subjection were slowly corroding alike intelligence and character, leaving the civilized provinces unable to hold their ground against the barbarians?... Christianity... This was the religion for the Dark Ages...

And Larson states:

We believe that, had there been no Christianity, Greek enlightenment would, after a fierce struggle with Mithraism and its offspring Manichaeism, have emerged victorious. There would have been no Dark Ages...

During this appalling Age of Darkness without the Sun, learning and literacy were all but destroyed.


Libraries were burned, in order to hide the horrible secret of the Christian religion, and a world that had been reaching for the stars, with great thinkers appearing in numerous places, was now subjugated in darkness falsely portraying itself as the “light of the world.”


As Pike says:

The Church of Rome claimed despotism over the soul, and over the whole life from the cradle to the grave. It gave and sold absolutions for past and future sins. It claimed to be infallible in matters of faith. It decimated Europe to purge it of heretics. It decimated America to convert the Mexicans and Peruvians... The history of all is or will be the same - acquisition, dismemberment and ruin... To seek to subjugate the will of others and to take the soul captive, because it is the exercise of the highest power, seems to be the highest object of human ambition. It is at the bottom of all proselytizing and propagandism...

And, as Wheless declares:

Holy Fraud and Forgery having achieved their initial triumph for the Faith, the “Truth of Christ” must now be maintained and enforced upon humanity by a millennial series of bloody brutal Clerical Laws of pains and penalties, confiscations, civil disabilities, torture and death by rack, fire and sword, which constitute the foulest chapter of the Book of human history - the History of the Church!


The Origins of Cultural Bigotry and Racism

One of the most unfortunate aspects of the historicizing of this “oldest story ever sold” was that one particular ethnic group, and that one only, became esteemed above all others for being “God’s chosen people,” the “priestly nation” and the spiritual masters of mankind.


Another calamitous aspect has been the vilification of these same people as “Christ-killers” and foaming-at-the-mouth murderers of the Almighty Lord God himself.


Thus, in believing the gospel tale Christians have been forced into a love-hate relationship with the Jews, who are to be perceived as “God’s chosen” and “Christkillers” at the same time. Not only is this schizophrenic salvation plan and legacy not the product of any good god, it is utterly divisive, setting people against each other all over the world.

Furthermore, not a few people have wondered why these identical stories found outside of the Bible and revolving around “Gentile” or “Pagan” characters are “myths,” while the biblical tales told about Hebrews and Jews are “history.”


As Jacolliot remarks:

We have repudiated Greek and Roman mythologies with disdain. Why, then, admit with respect the mythology of the Jews? Ought the miracles of Jehovah to impress us more than those of Jupiter?... I have much more respect for the Greek Jupiter than for the God of Moses; for if he gives some examples not of the purest morality, at least he does not flood his altar with streams of human blood.

The gospel story constitutes cultural bigotry and does a disservice to the history of humanity.


Contrary to popular belief, the ancients were not an ignorant and superstitious lot who actually believed their deities to be literal characters. Nor were they as a whole immoral or unenlightened. This propaganda has been part of the conspiracy to make the ancients appear as if they were truly the dark and dumb rabble that was in need of the “light of Jesus.”


As Massey says:

The picture of the New Beginning commonly presented is Rembrandt-like in tone. The whole world around Judea lay in the shadow of outer darkness, when suddenly there was a great light seen at the centre of all, and the face of the startled universe was illuminated by an apparition of the child-Christ lying in the lap of Mary. Such was the dawn of Christianity, in which the Light of the World had come to it at last!

That explanation is beautifully simple for the simpleminded; but the picture is purely false - or, in sterner words, it is entirely false.

And Pikes asks,

“Did the Deity leave the whole world without Light for two score centuries, to illuminate only a little corner of Palestine and a brutal, ignorant, and ungrateful people?”

The reality is that the ancients were no less advanced in their morals and spiritual practices, and in many cases were far more enlightened, than the Christians in their own supposed morality and ideology, which, in its very attempt at historicity, is in actuality a degradation of the ancient celestial and terrestrial religion.


Indeed, unlike the Christians, the true intelligentsia among the ancients were well aware that their gods were astronomical and atmospheric in nature. Even the much vilified Babylonians declared that their gods and those of other cultures and ages were the sun, moon, stars and planets, demonstrating that they were not only advanced but honest in this matter.


In addition, the eminent Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle surely knew that their gods, such as Zeus, the sky-god father-figure who migrated to Greece from India and/or Egypt, were never real people.

These three great Greek luminaries were, oddly enough, highly esteemed by early Christian conspirators, who, as they had with so many preceding purveyors of wisdom and ideologies, falsely presented these savants’ known accomplishments in philosophy as divine revelation to the Church. Such appropriation was recognized by the ancients themselves.


For instance, Amelius, a Platonist of the 3rd century,

“upon reading the first verse of St. John the Evangelist, exclaimed, ‘By Jove, this barbarian agrees with our Plato.’”

Cardinal Palavicino is quoted as saying,

“Without Aristotle we should be without many Articles of Faith.”

It is amusing to consider that the omniscient “Lord,” who came to deliver a “New Dispensation,” needed the writings of Aristotle to determine doctrine for “his” Church. It is likewise interesting that, by constantly “borrowing from” and aligning themselves with exalted philosophers who were recognized as having penetrated the mysteries of the cosmos, the Christians themselves admitted just how advanced were their predecessors.


Thus, we discover that the image of the ancient world as portrayed by Christianity is utterly false.

In fact, rather than serving as an improvement, Christianity has been a psychic trauma, uprooting ideas and deities that were worshipped since Neolithic times, particularly nature gods and goddesses. The sexist Judeo-Christian-Islamic ideology has been a war on all things considered female, including Nature and Mother Earth. The patriarchal age has represented the military campaign of the sky-god father-figure against the earth-goddess mother-figure.


In the process, the Goddess’s groves - so sacred to the ancients that to cut them down was sometimes a capital offense - have been plowed under and her creatures butchered in a vicious quest for riches and “heaven.” The current culture is now headed for environmental cataclysm, because this ideology has served to disconnect human beings from the earth, to constantly focus their attention not on this life and this reality but on an afterlife and another world altogether.

Furthermore, as Graham says,

“Such a story as the Gospels tell us is unworthy of man’s respect; it is, we repeat, the greatest fraud and hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind.”

No human culture can survive that bases its fundamental beliefs and perceptions on a hoax, particularly one in which the result has been the needless torture and slaughter of millions around the globe.

In reality, Christianity was the product of a multinational cabal composed of members of a variety of brotherhoods, secret societies and mystery schools, and was designed to empower and enrich such individuals and to unify their empire. To do so, these conspirators took myriad myths and rituals of virtually all the known cultures and combined them into one, producing a god-man to beat them all.


This unreachable fictional character has since been considered the “greatest man who ever walked the earth,” to whom no one else can compare and besides whom nobody else deserves much recognition and appreciation. All others are, in fact, pathetic, born-in-sin wretches. But, he did not walk the earth, and we must hereafter allow the dignity of sanctity to be bestowed upon not just one “man” but all of creation.

The prejudice and bigotry promulgated by Christianity and other monolithic yet divisive ideologies have caused an atrocious amount of destruction of cultural diversity.


It has been demonstrated what a wonderfully colorful and varied world it is in which we live. Around the globe for millennia has appeared a mythos, a core of understanding, that is cosmic and eternal in nature. It once had an infinite variety of flavors and incorporated much of creation in a divine and respectful play.


To reduce all this glory to a handful of characters of a particular ethnicity who allegedly played out the cosmic drama one time in history robs us not only of the truth but also of our diversity and universality as well. Furthermore, by removing our ability to question “authority” and to develop our own individuality, this ideology homogenizes us in a way that it is not beneficial but ugly and sheepish.


By understanding the terrestrial and cosmic mythos conveyed for millennia, we can move ourselves at last into an age of enlightenment and enjoy the multiplicity of the human mind, unfettered by controlling concepts and “thought police” that limit creativity and wisdom.



The New Age

It has been demonstrated that Christianity pretty much got it all wrong - except the end to its erroneous means: It succeeded in enriching and empowering its most effective proponents many times over.


According to the same astrological system used to create Christianity, the age for such divisiveness, fascism and hierarchical exploitation is now drawing to a close, and lying, deceit, cheating and stealing will fall by the wayside. Included in this age in which “the truth will be shouted from the rooftops” is the exposure of Earth’s “dirty little secret.”


As Jacolliot says:

Apostles of Jesus, you have counted too much upon human credulity, trusted too much that the future might not unveil your maneuvers and your fabricated recitals - the sanctity of your object made you too oblivious of means, and you have taken the good faith of peoples by surprise in reproducing the fables of another age, which you believed buried for ever.

But the future is now, and the maneuvers are being unveiled.


As far as Christianity’s role in this “New Age,” Carpenter states:

Christianity therefore, as I say, must either now come frankly forward and, acknowledging its parentage from the great Order of the past, seek to rehabilitate that and carry mankind one step forward in the path of evolution - or else it must perish. There is no alternative.

Despite the vilification of the so-called New Age movement, the fact is that we are entering into a new age.

“I am with you always to the close of the age” - so ends the Gospel of Matthew.

What does this mysterious statement mean, and why was this all-important book ended with it?


The age referred to in the gospel tale is that of Pisces, and, through contrivance and duplicity, coercion and slaughter, the fish-god “Jesus,” the Piscean Solar Avatar, has indeed been with us, but now it is the close of the age, and his time is over.

As Hancock says,

“We live today in the astrological no man’s land at the end of the ‘Age of Pisces,’ on the threshold of the ‘New Age’ of Aquarius. Traditionally these times of transition between one age and the next have been regarded as illomened.”

Illomened verily, as the ongoing destruction of the earth and the endless warfare over ideology will indeed produce the “Armageddon” so long awaited and planned for by those who cannot live for today but must look towards an afterlife.


By realizing the cultural unity revealed behind the Christ conspiracy, however, humanity can pull together and prevent this fall, to create a better world.