by Benjamin Fulford
April 17, 2008
Few people in the West are aware that 500 years
before Christ was born, there lived a sage in China whose teachings are
uncannily similar to those of Jesus. His name was
Mozi (original name Mo Di) or the "tattooed
In his time he was a serious rival to
Confucius. He also had a
million-man army at his disposal.
Mozi preached that all men are created equal. Unlike Confucius, who said
relatives had first priority, he preached universal love and caring for the
poorest and weakest in society. Mozi also said there was a heaven and an
afterlife and that people who became rich through unrighteous means would
not be able to go there.
Just as Jesus said it was better to teach a man to fish and feed him for a
lifetime than it was go give him a fish, so did Mozi emphasize teaching the
poor the skills they needed to care for themselves.
The most important teaching of Mozi, however, was the concept of "Gi" which
has been translated as "righteousness" but would be better translated as
"life" or "love." The idea is to draw a line and fight whenever Gi or life
is being harmed.
So, was Jesus copying Mozi?
This is what informed speculation can tell us:
First of all, we know the Romans had trade with China because we know they
had silk. We also know the Library of Alexandria demanded that all traders
bring books. It is thus highly likely the scholars at Alexandria had access
to the works of Mozi.
Jesus may well have been a Jewish scholar who learned of the teachings of
Mozi. Perhaps the Romans had Christ 'crucified' because he stirred up the poor
and the downtrodden with Mohist ideas. What we do know is that a Mohist
(followers of Mozi NOT Mao) style rebellion appeared in the Roman empire in
the form of early Christianity.
Mozi had a teaching that was similar to the idea of turning the other cheek
when hit. In his teachings the idea was to "show obedience with your face
while disobeying in your heart." This was a form of passive disobedience
that was very hard for rulers to overcome. Nobody openly opposed them yet
things did not get done.
This may have been what prompted the Roman emperors
to try to adopt and subvert this slave religion to their own ends. They also
tacked on ideas, such as the death and resurrection of the
God, from
other ancient religions.
This could explain some key differences between mohism and christianity as
is taught today.
It was with great dismay when I recently watched the leader
of a christian group in the correctly analyze the horrendous situation in
the US but then conclude that,
"we do not need to do anything about it
because they will go to hell and we will go to heaven."
The Mohists, want justice in this life, not the next and thus are not
opposed to violence as a last resort.
Mozi had a well armed, highly trained
army at his disposal. The army would only fight defensive battles on behalf
of small kingdoms that were being attacked by larger kingdoms. Usually, the
mere presence of his army was enough to prevent war. If attacked, their
resistance was fanatical.
Their view was that,
"if we are going to die
anyway, we will take as many of them with us as possible."
Mozi developed many new types of armament and fortification. He was not just
a philosopher but also a general, an engineer and an inventor among many
other things.
According to Western scholars Mohism vanished without a trace in the 2nd
century BC.
It is true the Qin emperor, who ended the warring states era by unifying
China brutally suppressed the Mohists and burned their books.
However, they did not vanish, the merely went underground and became secret
societies. After Mozi died his disciples split into three factions. Today,
their spiritual descendants are known as
the triads.
The triads are not the same a crime gangs. Most of their members are engaged
in legitimate business. However, whenever they perceive that government has
become evil and is excessively exploiting the common people, they make
secret preparations for revolt.
As the Chinese proverb has it:
"all it takes
is a single spark to start a prairie fire."
Time and time again in the
history of China they have started peasant revolts.
Most recently we saw the Taiping rebellion of the 1800's and the Boxer rebellion of 1900. Their big
success was in overthrowing the last Emperor in 1911 and installing Sun Yat
Sen. They also threw the Soviets out of China in 1967 and freed China from
the last vestiges of colonial domination.
In Japan as well we can find Mohist societies known as
the Yakuza. It is
believed by current secret society members that the first Yakuza settled in
Japan in the 2nd century BC as refugees from the first emperor of China.
Certainly Yakuza philosophy is Mohist in content. Modern day Yakuza
(unfortunately many lower level members have lost this spirit) fight against
injustice of behalf of the weak.
They also practice, like Mozi taught,
meritocracy with strict rules against nepotism.
Japanese gang lords do not pass their leadership onto their children. Also,
again as Mozi taught, their leaders are frugal. The current head of the
50,000 man
Yamaguchi Gumi, for example, lived in a small apartment above a
noodle shop and had to be forced to move into a large house his gang had
prepared for him.
The head of the Asian secret society also lives in a modest middle-class
house and eats in low-cost diners. Their view is they should not live
decadently if their lowest subordinates are struggling to get by.
The important thing for
the Illuminati to realize is that their insane plans
have woken up the sleeping Mohist dragon and it will not go back to sleep
until the poorest person on earth is well fed and the smallest creature is
safe in its burrow.
Because they think of violence as a last resort, the
traditional rulers of China had a very good reason to be terrified of them.
Just the thought of them waking up was enough to force most rulers of China
to do their best for the weakest among their people.
Despite all the
propaganda being directed against the Chinese government these days, an
objective look at the facts shows they have taken the words of Mozi to