Atla, Aedl, and Atl
The Ari, The Princes of
Jehovah Was A Man
A Prehistoric Racket
The Oracle
God Came from Teman
Alexander, the Tool of
the Els
The Gods of Ireland and the
Tuath de Danaan
The Aryan Gods of Mexico
and Peru
The Gods of Crete
Egypt and Osiris
Asgard and Yggdrasil
The God Indara
The Serpent and the
The God, Jesus Christ
Other Works of
Same Author
Cities may burn, floods may destroy, pestilences may kill, and wars
may ravage, yet a word may survive; the decrees of judges, edicts of
emperors, bulls of popes, may not be sufficient to remove a word
from the speech of a people.
So long as people live in houses there
will be the word for house:
should all at one time forsake the
houses and dwell in caves, the word house might possibly cease to
For some unknown reason there exists within the midst of our
languages a very significant word, the meaning of which has been
lost for many generations.
And like the prospector who unknowingly
tramples over valuable ore, we have used this word over and over wit
out realizing the scope and depth of its meaning.
This is the word Illi or Tllium,
the name of Troy, and the name of one of the oldest
epics in the world.
From it is derived the word civilization
for the Illi were the city builders and the Illi who lived in cities
were the civilli. The word capitol originally means the head Illi
from the chief hill in Rome which was originally possessed by the
The original home of the Illi was the islands or the land of the
The names of many islands today still bear the Illi name: for
...and so on.
Apparently thousands of Islands, were
used by the Illi before the time of civilization; before the time of
Troy; even before the time of any written history.
Knowing navigation the Illi sailed the
seas, the oceans, and the rivers. Up the rivers they went for trade,
and later to settle in the high places, whence we get the word hill;
Thus there were two homes for the Illi, the islands and the hills.
Mountains were even called Cordirilla, or the ropes of the Illi.
Upon the hill the Illi built a castle, a castelle, or a citadel
which literally means a house of the Illi. Up the high mountains in
Spain the whole country was called Castille. The word "cassa" for
house comes from a very great tribe of the Illi who originally lived
in the Cassiterides near England.
The natives who contacted the Illi upon the hills called them the
Nobilli or the high Illi for "nob" means high. A genera] all
embracing term was the Gentilli or the race of Illi for "gens" means
race. Genesis speaks of the Gentiles and the Isles of the Gentiles.
The British carry both terms in their words nobility and gentility,
the gentility ranking a little below the nobility, yet far ahead of
the people in the slums.
Now the nobility
termed themselves the Elite or the refined.
toot possession of the favorable tracts of land in Europe, Asia, and
Africa, by decree or self inspired divine sanction, similar to that
used by the Pope in dispossessing the American Indians when he gave
away half of the continent at one time. The movements of the Illi
were always from some island to the continent by way of a river.
Examples of the same would be from Crete
up the Nile to the island of Elephantine and thence to conquer
Egypt; or from Illes, home of Charles Lindberg, off the coast of
France to Ille at the center of Paris and from there to conquer
France; or from Heligoland off the coast of Germany up the El (be)
river to upper Germany; or from the small island of Ely in the
Indian ocean up the Euphrates to the site of Babylon to conquer
Rome on the Tiber river was so founded.
Such a name as Heidelburg, a Teutonic city of learning, means
literally the burg of the high Illi. Kimel was the home of the El,
it may have been a castle or it may have been an island. The
and the English called the castles the Halla and Valhalla was to
them a sacred place. The French and Roman word pavillion stood
for a home or tent of the Illi.
The Irish word for house was bally,
and ailaille was the high house; while the American Aztex word for
house was the Xacalle, whence we get our word shack.
Considerable complications set in as the Elite Nobility moved into
the high places. Those who were against them were termed exiles, and
those who were for them were called allies. Walls or murailles were
built for protection and those outside were beyond the pale, for the
wall often was also picketed with a fence. War was termed bataille
the bats of the Illi, Large implements of war were termed the
artillery of the art of the Illi.
Large observation towers were built, as
in Ireland, Bell towers called Campanille or the bell of the Illi,
summoned all within hearing to the vassalage of the Illi. The
Ells-bells predated the Christian era by many centuries. The word
"lord" was originally Laford and the vassal was his servant. Beal
time was bell time and the word bell is derived from the name of the
god Bell, famous in Ireland, Phoenicia, Central America, and
Babylon. Baltimore means the big house of the god Beal.
Whatever possessed excellency was said to possess a quality or to be
like the Illi for "qua" means like. Ability was from the Illi and
utility was the use of the Illi. The Illi were the first to
cultivate, they tilled the ground and milled the grain into aleuron
or flour. They were great artists in the making of beer or ale in
the lager or winepress.
The Illi were the originators of the institution of marriage.
Parents, children, kinfolk, servants, made up the household and were
termed the family or the famous Illi.
One favorable to the advancement of the Illi was possessed of
fidelity for he knew the Illi, and one opposed was hostile. The
artistry of the Illi brought in the word "facille" or made by the
Illi ana of course, it was done easily and gracefully. The Illi
were the only ones who could write and their lettering was called
the "sigilli" or the signature of the Illi stamped upon a paper it
was a seal. They passed news swiftly by means of signelle or
They legislated, legally, lawfully for they were the Les as well as
the Els.
In France and in Egypt the Illi used the Lilly as the flower emblem.
In France it was termed the Fleur-de-Les, or the flower of the Le or
Illi. The .rulers in France termed themselves the Ille. The famous
Bastille was the whipping post of the Ille where the prisoners were
(lam) ;basted. Early churches were Basillicas or ramparts of the
Illi. The older home of the rulers of Paris was Tuileries and the
new one was Versailles.
As well as the vassals there were the serville or the ones who
served the Illi. Rabble or poor people were called proletarians or
in Latin proles, the people who existed before the Les, and hence
very inferior in culture. Fights were feuds and feudal times
consisted of the times when the Illi contested among themselves for
Early seafaring boats were the ellide ships. Oars were skulls, and
servants were skullions - probably the oarsmen of the Illi.
Hill is Tel in Hebrew and in Greek it is Poli. Polis politics,
police, and polite are the Greek and French forms of Illi that
designate the city living folk as civilli does for the Latin.
Below the crest of the hill was the dale, and lower down, the vale.
In the vale was the ville, the vil, and the villian, who was a
peasant and sometimes a slave, and in later days, a devil.
All of this may seem a bit Jumbled with
regard to time, so in order to satisfy a time sequence let the
history of Rome be used as an example.
Upon the Tiber River a short way from the sea are a group of hills.
These hills were possessed by a tribe of the Illi in very early days
and five or six of the hills still bear Illi names, to wit:
Aeneus was an Illi from Illium, Romulus or Rominilius was also
an Illi.
The early king, Latinus, was also one.
The most Ancient Romans were the Siceli or the Illi who cut, (for
sic means cut), and now is the present Sicily. Seventeen generations
before the Trojan War Oenotrus left Greece and went to Rome; there
he found the Elymi, a primitive Illi tribe. Or the coast he found
the Paralli.
On the crest of Capotiline hill, there was a sacred
shrine and later a citadel built to Jupiter - Capitilinus or in
literal translation "Ju the father - the head Illi." Caesar was from
the line of the Ju-illi - whence his name, Julius. Caesar traced his
lineage back to the Illi but Christian books have smiled at the idea
of his descent.
The Illi brought to Rome the famous Sibylline books, "Sib, Sibbi" -
related by blood, means akin to and sig means write. Si-billi means
akin to the gods and Sigilli means the writing of the gods., so the
literal meaning of sibylline is "akin to the Illi."
These books
warned against warring with Egypt (for the Illi also ruled Egypt)
and proved of aid in Antony s undoing. The young Sibylline books
were memorized by the Sibyls, or young virgins, whence the name
Sibyl now given to girls.
The name of Caesar's mother was Aurelia; that of his Cornelia; and
of his paramour, Servillia.
Only a few of the nobility ruled Rome, Host of them were related in
some manner or other. Caesar's sister, Julia, married Marius; Julia's cousin married Marc Antony; Sulla's daughter, Amelia, married
Pompey, Antony also married his cousin, Antonia; Tertia, wife of
Cassius, the assassin of Caesar, was also the mistress of Caesar.
Octavius was the son of Caesar s sister
s daughter; and Brutus was the son of Caesar and the brother-in-law
of Cassius. Antony was related to Caesar through his mother, Julia.
The Quintillion family was the fifty Illi family. From millions to
billions the numbers illustrated the greatness of the Illi.
House of Pompey claimed descent from Neptune, the Illi god of the
seas, and quite significantly, Sextus Pompeius was a great sea
pirate in the time of Antony and Octavius.
"Drilled" "Legions" are both Illi words. Civillius was a Roman
general; ever the name Virgil means Strong Illi.
The Sibylline books promised Rome rulership of the world. It was not
a prophecy but more a bit of sequence. Troy had ruled a thousand
years before, and much the same story could be told about Dardanos,
the Dardanelles, and Illium; or, about two thousand years before,
about Babylon and the Els that settled there on the banks of the
Again another story of the Illi could,
be told on a later day about London and the Thames or Paris and the
Loire. It is an ever repeating story of the high Illi and the masses
or the Plebs. Dark intervals of time such as the Hellenic dark ages,
the Christian Dark Ages, do not interrupt the continuity .of blood.
When the Roman legions withdrew from Europe the local kings were
thereto begin their feuds.
Charlemagne (Great Illi of Cariots), Martel (Illi of war), and
Taillifer (Small man, the tax collector of-the Illi), were all Illi
noblemen, "facile princeps."
In fact, the culture covered up by the
Roman dictatorship of Europe was much the same as that which
sprouted again after Rome withdrew. The Lancelot and Elaine story is Idylli, (specifically Illic) and the many names connected with the
story verify it.
Summarizing all this leads to the statement that e find is possible
of anticipation. -The words "festival" and "holiday" or "galliday"
direct us to the word "Jubille" or to a specific occasion such as a
Saturnalia. Rich and affluent Illi take us to the word idle or the
eldi-gangen (a gang of idlers who lived on interest in the middle
When we find words that mean the same
whether spelled forward or backward we are guided to the fact that
the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, and the early Greeks wrote from right
to left; and at one time the Greeks wrote both ways alternately.
Vowels were omitted at times or placed in for accent.
There is the
word for sun, probably written as often as any word. Helios is the
Greek word L-O-S but in the word Soloman S-O-L is the word for sun.
And Sol is now our nickname for the sun. Illiun is the word for
light and the Illi worshipped light. Having attained this point it
was possible to anticipate the surname of Thor, of Zeua, of Jehovah,
and of Jupiter, and to find them ell one and the same word: Illi.
The process of this discovery makes
another story too long to be told here.
Back to Contents
"Their gods are the gods of
the Hills."
I Kings 20:23
A geography is usually called an Atlas.
Atlas was the god who supported the world. The House of Atlas was
the family of gods who ruled the world, and who lived on the island
of Poseidon.
The myth of Zeus centers on the island of Crete. He was of the House
of Atlas. The Myth of Thor centers on the island of Gotland in the
Baltic Sea. Thorns name was Aedl. Part of the subjects of Zeus moved
to Phoenicia. Pin and Phoen correlate very well.
The myth of Atl or Quetzalcoatl in Mexico relates to the white god
who, after teaching civilization, sailed away to Tla pallin, his
island home. The city of Mexico is named from Mexitli, the god of
war. Prescot speaks of the great ruins of Mitla.
It, at, id, the, this, that are words of designation or words for
distinction. When Mustapha Kernel Phasha changed his name to Kernel
Ataturk he became Kernel "The First" Turk.
Atla means the first "la," Itla or Italy is the same word, for
Saturn or Chronos spent part of his time in Italy and there could be
scarcely any other origin for the name.
While there may be some difficulty in classification it is possible
to show that all the gods of all the nations and languages bore the
same surname, the name of Illi. The vowel before and after is of
little consequence, for such early languages as the Phoenician, the
Hebrew, the Greek, or the Egyptian, generally omitted the vowels.
Today such words as "drama" or "either" are pronounced many ways.
Illi is shortened to "el" or "Al," "la"
or "le." A list of some two hundred names for the gods is given at
the end of this book for reference.
It would appear from all this that Euemerus (the Greek who taught
that the gods were deified men) was right. He stated that he once
sailed to an island where he found all the names of the gods with
their ages and dates of their deaths engraved on stones.
coincidence, how may one account for the same words for the same
things appearing in distant lands. In Hawaii Aloe is the word for
Hello. In fact, our word "hello" is a word for the Illi, the same as
hail or alio.
The Mexican word Teo for god is the same as our word
Theo in Theocracy.
The answer to all this is that the gods were a race of world
navigators. Neptune, the god of the sea, carried the name "Earth
Girdler" and Atlas, the supreme god, "Knew the depths of all the
Their ships were larger than those that Columbus sailed in.
Being the only race of navigators, the Illi committed no piracy
among themselves. Plunder enough there was among the savages on the
Hesiod, a contemporary of Homer, passes a remark that,
"There are thirty thousand gods that
rule the world."
He also said that,
"The gods keep mankind ignorant of
the ways of living, else one would do enough in a day to last
for a year."
And that indeed was the way of the
universal hierarchy that ruled the world through the priesthood.
The priests of Mexico, the Druid priests
of Ireland, the priests of Egypt, each and all took such advantage
of the ignorance and the superstition of the savage people that they
were able to rule the multitude to such a degree that in Mexico
twenty thousand victims stood in line at one time ready for the
sacrifice and not one remonstrated.
And who ruled the priesthood except the Illi. The oracle or
literally the word of the "le" spoke from the rocks or from "behind
the veil" and the sibyl or literally the writing of the "yl" guided
the Romans or even was recited to the populace in Iceland down
through the Middle Ages by a virgin maid who was reared for that
purpose only.
The Greeks listened to the oracle until
at last the Sophists decided there were no gods. A god or in
other words a "le" could speak from behind the rocks, walk out, and
look like any other man.
He undoubtedly was initiated into the "Ele"usian mysteries which were given at Eleusius and which were
undoubtedly the "ways of living" spoken of by Hesiod.
The secrecy of the knowledge of the arts and of writing was of great
benefit to the Illi, and it was of great benefit never to let that
knowledge pass to the mainland, indeed, Diodorus says,
"The rites and initiations practiced
by the Athenians in Eleusis and in Samothrace, of which Orpheus
was the institutor; are celebrated darkly and mystically, but in
Crete, at Cnossus, by anoint law, they are celebrated plainly
and openly, for many gods went out of Crete."
This condition and this situation of
mankind being ruled by a hierarchy of gods who passed the
pleasantest part of their own existence upon the islands while the
people brought the first fruits to the hilltops for the sacrifice
was a phase of mankind s existence that lasted for thousands .of
Islands did not need fortifications.
Wealth flowed from the hilltops down the rivers to the islands where
luxury flourished. Odyssus at the borne of King Alcynous enjoyed
music, tap dancing, gymnastics, and other pleasant diversions.
one seemed to work. There is the legend of the Isles of the Blest.
There is the legend of the island with the gates of pearl, a
forerunner of the expression of "Pearly Gates" in Revelation.
On the contrary cities on the mainland were walled. Babylon, Troy,
Rome, and Paris all had walls.
The legend of Prometheus is simply the story of a disagreement among
the gods as to how much knowledge could and would be passed on to
the people on the mainland.
Gibbons' HISTORY OF ROME gives a hazy picture of the gods in
northern Europe before the time of the expansion of Rome.
Gods or goddesses ruled the tribes from
their abode in some island or from some sacred grove.
"The unknown symbol of the earth,
covered in a thick veil, was placed on a carriage drawn by cows;
and in this manner the goddess, Herda, whose common residence
was in the island of Rugen, visited several adjacent tribes of
her worshipers.
During the progress of her visits the sound of
war was hushed, quarrels were suspended, arms were laid aside,
and the restless Germans had an opportunity of tasting the
blessings of peace and harmony."
He also states that,
"The Suevi (most
valorus and ancient German tribe) always returned to a sacred grove
in upper Saxony beyond the Elbe."
This Saxony is the upper highlands
of the Elbe river, Heligoland is an island at the mouth of this
.river. Herda or Earth was worshiped there.
After the time of Caesur the Germans were ruled occasionally by
Gibbons says,
"some of the interpreters of fete, in the
Batavian war, governed in the name of the deity, the fiercest
nations of Germany."
Today, the Germans are on the brink of falling in with the idea that
they are the original race of the gods.
As a matter of fact the
barbaric Germans were just as docile as any other wild race under
the dominion of the "Els,"
News Flash September 20, 1938
It was understood that Hitler would wire Chamberlain today
inviting him for a conference probably tomorrow at Godesburg, on
the Rhine near Boon.
There by the "Hill of the Gods" which was a
Germanic place of sacrifice in the days before the Romans came
2000 years ago, Hitler intends to receive Chamberlain.
Ellmen and Ellwomen worked up the rivers
from Elsheimer the home of the Els (Himmel) and procured the
Rhinegold, which passed to Heligoland (Eliogland) at the mouth of
the Elbe river.
Ancient rites were practiced there.
Great castles of wood were built there. Some were burned according
to the legend of the Nibelung as teld in the Wagnerian opera.
Niflheim was another Norse home.
The Loreli were the Rhine maids who sang on the river. All myths and
stories are strung to the word "El."
The greatest Phoenician god was Oel (identified by some as Kronus)
and the commonest Scandanavian name is Ole Oleson or Ole the son of
Ole. What might be termed Phoenician influence is quite apparent in
Northern Europe.
Phoenicia was in reality a small group of gods that ruled a Semitic
people. These gods according to inscriptions styled themselves the
Royal race. Carvings on stone always show the Royal .pair moving on
a ship and the Semitic soullions at the oars below. Bible critics
are not able to definitely locate Tarshish, another of their cities.
Hannibal of Carthage was a rich general
of the Royal Raoe who purchased an army in Spain.
Bel or Baal or Beal was their chief
secondary god. Baal appears universally as a god. The name Bailey is
common Irish. Balin-Quintz, Balan-Agab, IqXn-Balara, were divine
gods of Central America. What is termed Phoenician influence in
Ireland would fill a separate volume - the exception that we take is
that it might be Irish influence in Phoenicia.
There are ten times
as many exhibits of fine workmanship belonging to the Bronze Age
found in Ireland as in either Italy or Phoenicia.
But Tara was the ancient prehistoric capital of Ireland. And Tyre
was the prominent city of Phoenicia. Moore's song, THE HARP THAT
SONGS ON TARA'S WALLS is dedicated to the ancient capital.
A grass
hill marks the place today - beside the headwaters of a small river.
Ireland comes into history as a full fledged kingdom, and its origin
has baffled many an historian.
Ireland having never known the tread of
the Roman soldier, was far along in 500 B.C., as far as Europe was
in 1500 A. D. Onelrish philologist has admitted that he could not
account for the "I" in so many Irish words.
Such words as Tralee and Erill are examples, Ailaill is the old Irish word for "house," Bally
is the name for village, Baal names are innumerable. But many common
Irish names are the names of kings and gods elsewhere.
Without appearing ludicrous may we ask the indulgence of one
example. The expression "the Deuoe" is a common by-word. Deuce has
been identified with Teus of the Teutons and our word Tuesday. It
has also related to Zeus of the Greeks and Dyas of the Indians, Duke
is the same word, II duce of Italy carries it for prestige to his
We find it hitched to the Illi surname
in the word Deucalion the name of the Greek Noah who was washed
ashore in Greece in prehistoric days. We stretch a point to say that
the Greeks never named a man Zeus; nor did the Germans dare to name
a man Teus; but in Ireland, Mr, Dooley is so common we have a song 0
Mr. Dooley the first and last name of a god.
As we have said before the gods generally took to the hills not far
from the rivers nor from, the seas, Olympus was the home of Zeus,
and Capitoline hill was the home of Jupiter.
Sinai was the home of Jeal or Jehovah (for Jehovah said "Jealous is my name"), Beal
probably lived at Bealbec near Phoenicia. The shrine to Quetzalcoatl
is at Cholula in Mexico. Thor commuted between the upper Elbe and
the Sea. And Osiris went up the Nile from the sea. The shrine to the
Casian Jupiter is in Asia Minor.
Teocalli is the Mexican word for pyramid. It means the house of god.
Teo compares with our Thep. for god - calli compares with the word
"Bally", the Irish word for village or the word "ailaill" for house.
Jupiter-Capitolinius literally means Ju the father, the head Illi.
The Capotiline hill in Rome parallels the volcano in Mexico
Popocatepetl, not unlikely papa or pope the head of the Illi. Very
much evidence can be strung along that the gods occupied the high
places in Mexico and Peru. Awe-inspiring ruins are found in the very
highest places in Peru.
Egypt correlates very well with all this. The first god, before whom
there was nothing of any consequence ir. Egypt, was Osiris, Osiris
came from the Nile Delta, or in other words the Sea, His name means
"Lord." And today the word "Sir" as addressed in letters means the
same thing. Osiris was white as was all early Pharaohs, Typhon, his
brother was red haired.
The word "Pharaoh" means great-house. Tyre (sur) Syria, Mount Seir, the plain of Shur, near Sinai, and
Assyria are all one family name. Such manuscripts as the Tel El
Armana Manuscript shows the interrelationship of the countries.
The Elohim were the gods of the Bible and of Babylon (the gate of
the gods). Babylon was built on a river and was protected with
fabulous walls. But down the river near the sea they are NOW
uncovering the ruins of "La" gash, the older town, the home of
Sargon the "lord of the Sea." Sargon the first was the first great
god of the Tigress Euphrates valley, the vale of Elam.
Sargon, Osiris, Jehovah, Jupiter, Deuce, Thor and Quezalcoatl were
all "El" gods. The derivatives of the name "Illi" can hardly be
But to go on farther take the gods of India. Andara the first god of
India sailed up the India river to the highlands of Kashmir. (Kask,
Cass and mir, mere that is the sea of the Kassites).
Cassi is an
early branch of the Illi. From the Cassiterides in the British
Channel, to Spain, to the Hittites or Kassites, to Circasia, to the
mountains of Cassia, and the river to Cassis there tread one race
that eventually went to India.
Casey, Cassidy, Cassius, are later
family names. At Kashmir, famous for its beautiful women, at
Circassia, likewise famous for its women, the high places were
sought for by the "Els." The superstitions of the natives were
utilized for :the mastery of the country and the Illi played the
role of the gods.
China -s history includes the story of-the god Fuhhi, who came in to
teach civilization and the city system. The rivers of China
furnished the highways to the upper hinterland. Today the
foremost men of China carry the-name of Lee or Li as their surname
which comes first. Allee is common. Alishan is a province. The
walled cities of Canaan in the days of Joshua.
Like a vast sponge the lethargy of the
natives obliterated the veneer of learning brought in by the
Today Japan makes no excuse for telling the world that her Emperor
is a god. Hi s ancestry is traced back one hundred twenty five
generations to that of the gods. A group of early navigators passed
into Japan the same as elsewhere. They were the Harries. A separate
chapter will be given to the Harries.
Should the Europeans have kept their
genealogies; as well as the Japanese did, they also might claim
descent from the gods.
In Hawaii as in Mexico and Rome the high places take the name of
Alla. Hello changes to Aleo there. The flowers are the Lei and are
placed upon the incoming visitor the same as the gods did in the
Atlantic before the time of Rome.
And now to complete the circuit let us pass to the American Indian,
Recall the word Illinois, or Illini, and word which means men, not
gods - and for once, perhaps, the Indians were wiser than the white
"A hair perhaps divides the
false and true Yes;
and a single Alif were the clud.
Could you but find it - to the
And per adventure to the Master
quatrain, Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam
Back to Contents
There is another word of vast importance in the scheme of things
throughout the world in prehistoric times. This is the word Ari, the
name of the number two men, who ranked below the gods, yet above the
The Aries were at first the plowmen: Agriculture is Aricul-ture. It
was first introduced in each country from Mexico to China by the
gods. Fable says that "In Zeus garden only the sacred ones may
In Peru a sacred plot is reserved in the garden where only
the Incas god plowed. Ideas such as the Garden of Eden, the garden
of Zeus, the garden of Alia, the garden of Hesperidas, the garden of
As, all suggest the primitive importance of agriculture.
Ari took on the meaning of "first." Aristocrats were the first of
the land. Many Greeks had the word incorporated in their name.
Aristotle and Aristophanes are examples.
The word first so
originated &r* is the same word as prince. Princes under the kings
were a later formation of the Aries under the gods.
Harry, Andari,
Henry, Indara, India, are formations of the same word. In ancient
Ireland the Aries were second rank under the Leuds or the Lees or
the gods for such were the
Tuath de Daanan.
Ireland itself is named
after the Ari and called Erin or Ireland.
The German word of salutation "Herr" is the same word. It means lord
or Prince or is left untranslated. The "Old Herr" was the man who
bestowed the emblems of royalty to the aristocrats and the custom
became known as Heraldry. The practice became a ceremony attended
with trumpets and trappings.
Our salutation "Mister" or "Master" is simply a return to the
seafaring days of the gods. The Herr of the Hast, or the mist, (that
is darkness) the herr who dared go beyond known land, hence mystery,
or the ship was the number two man below, the owner. The word "Sir"
or Lord is the abbreviated form used in letters. Osiris, or the Lord
of the Sun was the first god of importance in Egypt as we have
mentioned before. Darius, Cyrus, are variations of this word.
As the Herrs became more numerous, work was more diversified. The
boss of the neat shop was the Butch herr; of the baking, the Bake
herr, and of the banking, the Bank herr; and so on until it became a
common ending for any word of action. The place of action was the "ary".
Thus the brewer brewed in the brewery.
The Ari were the leaders of armies for the gods. The Ari were the
first rank in the Lygian nation of the Silesians that invaded Gaul,
The Ari were the leaders of armies in general. The Tothari were a
Celtic tribe that fought in Egypt in 1300 B. C.
Switzerland is the land of the Zwei herrs or the second herrs, end
furnished tall good-looking soldiers (Horrs who were sold for money)
for the Pope s guard as well as for many kings in the Middle Ages.
Almira was the Arabian high priest, Iikhari was the khan of the
The Darri is the sacred emperor of Japan, whose face like that of
the sacred emperor of Peru, must not see the sun, and whose foot,
like that of the sacred Montezuma of Mexico, must not touch
the ground. In fact, anyone who will take the time to search out;
will find the Japanese nobility a group of harries who placed
themselves above the people as gods some 125 or 126 generations ago.
Arito was ambassador to America, and Han i Kara was the name of
another Japanese of high repute. The Samuari are the leaders of
Japan now.
In China the secondary men of importance are the Mandarin or the
religious noblemen who administered to the people.
In Egypt at Delr el Bahari, at Luxor, is shown in stone, the
marriage of the queens to the gods. Harem is a related word to the
ceremony, Ra signified the "supreme ruler" as an Ammon Ra Pharaoh of
Prince Herremon was king of Ireland about 2500 years ago, Ke was a
Tuath de Danaan, a god who reigned at Tara. The name Harri-man was
held by an American financier not long ago, Herman is the German
Hera was the wife of Jupiter. Eris was a Greek god. Demigods or
Half-gods were Heroes. But perhaps the Irish called them the O'Harras.
The word Caesar means a Herr of the Cassites who in turn were
probably the greatest and most powerful tribe of the Els, Upon a
high peak of the Cassian Mountains is a sacred shrine dedicated to
the Ca3sian Jupiter. Cassius the assassin of Caesar bore the same
The German and English name, Henry, was furnished the name of kings
for time immemorial. Eighty consecutive kings of a tribe of Germans
bore the name Henry which means "the harry".
Harland, Harlem, Orlando, Harrison,
Eric, Andrew, are but wide variations of the same name and all have
the same meaning.
The original home of the Phaeaoians (a tribe of gods) was Hyperia a
land "beyond" Eria, Hyperion was a "very" early Greek god.
Shakespeare placed the word in Hamlet s mouth, Hesperides was the
home of the fabled daughters of Atlas. Hiberia was in Spain; Siberia
was in Asia; Algeria in Africa; and Bavaria was in central Europe
and possibly not unrelated to the hills of the gods for it contains
the headwaters of both the Rhine and the Danube.
The Danube river, the Dardanelles, (Thor
of the Danites of the Illi)
the Tuath de Danaan of Ireland are
not so hard to correlate when one will remember the locale of the
gods always included an island, a river, and a hill.
Ariola was a very ancient city in Belgium, a land named after the
god Bel; and Aroi Ovistus was a king of ancient Germany. The King of
Ancient Ireland was elected by the Aires and was called the Ard Rig
The word "write" or "cryptos" is derived from the Ari, as is also
the word "arithmetic" the measure of the Ari, The word "heir" leads
to the belief that the gods had descendants who were first in line
for receiving the heir. Such words as Alfrederic, Roderic, Ira,
Hiram, Pateric, Katherine, Mary, and Sara, are variations of the
word Ari and all mean Noble. And Noble means the high El,
The word Mary is more common than Henry or Harry. Marie was the star
of the sea. Mare was the word for sea, as now shown in Marine or
Mariner. As in Roman days every girl was named Julia, so in very
early days every woman was a Mary.*
* "Amaryllis" shows the relation of
Mary and Illi.
Women attended their husbands in sea
expeditions from the islands.
The Els or the Illi gave them numerous
names such as Helen, Silvia; Belle, Ethel, Kallie, Lula, Nellie,
Ophelia, Phyllis, Tallulah, Mahala, Amelia, or Adelia, but to the
people every woman was a Mary.
As the Els instituted family life they
also instituted Marriage or "the taking of a Mary. Before
the coming of the Famous Illi the savages ran in tribes and were
polygamous, the strongest man generally succeeding, but the
blood and lineage coming from a holy mother, who was queen of the
tribe. This held almost universally.
Eve was a queen mother, "The mother of
all living."
The poem Prometheus Bound relates how
the people at that time were without knowledge,
"No craft they knew, to build the
sunlit porch."
Rome was divided into two classes: the
patricians or those who could identify their father (patri) and the
plebs or bastards who could not.
The Patricians were of the Illi blood as
they always paid much attention to their genealogies. The plebs (a
backward spelling of the word people) were a mixed lot carrying some
of the Illi blood and a lot of the aboriginal.
The institution of marriage threw the
line of inheritance to the male where it has been ever since.
It seems evident that the Arries were not a separate line in
themselves. They were selected men, perhaps partly of royal Illi
blood and part plebian. The point is not fully settled. Enough has
been established to show that the method of the Illi was to have an
intermediary link between themselves and the people.
As today, it is very difficult for an
ordinary citizen to gain a conference with any man of national
importance, so in prehistoric days the gods never came in contact
with the people except through the offices of a number two man, an
Ari, such as Moses or Aaron.
The Mast Herrs of the ship did the
navigation but the royal Illi passengers told them where to go and
the orders were given to the scullion slaves.
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"For I have not dwelt in an
house since the dcys that I brought up Israel."
I Chronicles 17:5.
"Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time
that I brought up the Children of Israel out of Egypt,
unto this day but have walked in a tent and in a
II Samuel 7:5.
Idalia (that Alia) was a town in the
island of Cyprus in ancient days, sacred to Aphrodite and to Venus.
Cyprus was the home of the Adonai, the
lords who ruled small cities on the mainland. A local god was called
Adonai. The name is joined up with that of Jehovah in the word
Adonai wan a Biblical surname.
The story of Venus and Adonis as told
by Shakespeare is but a poetical sublimation of the orgies held upon
Cyprus and even at Byblos on the mainland. The Israelites were often
admonished not to attend such degenerate pleasure jaunts.
Bel or Baal or Boal was the supremo deity. It is a name common in
many countries throughout the world. Belgium, Baltic, Belfast, and
Baltimore are northern words derived from Baal, Venus, Adonis,
Uranus, and Aphrodite were of the El line and were of the Royal Race
of Cypress.
To the south of this locality in Egypt Osiris was the first god of
any consequence. Predating Osiris there was nothing of importance in
Egypt. East of the Nile there is the plain of Shur, the mountain of
Shur, and the river Shur. Likewise there was another great Egyptian
god, Horus (from-which we get our word horse) the god of time
(hours) and who brought the horse into Egypt.
East of the Nile there
is the Mount Hor, which is the locality of Mount Sinai,
and there was a race of Horrites, a not uncivilized people, yet
profligate like all at that time. Horus and Osiris were the white
men of the El line. The river Nile was their river.
Elephantine island and Crete were their
islands. As Horus brought in the horse, so Osiris brought in the
bull, Apis, There was the cult of Osir and there was the cult of
Apis; and later they were joined into the cult of Osir-apis or
Serapis from whence sprang the word Seraphim the name of the Angels
that guarded the gates of Kineva and Which now may be seen in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Osiris was the Eldest son of
Saturn, a famous world god, from whom we get the word Saturday.
Between these two locations, Byblos, Cyprus, Tyre, and Phoenicia on
the one hand, and Egypt, the Nile and Memphis on the other, there
came into play the maneuvers of another strain of gods. Jehovah
states that "Jeal" is his name, and Je means lord and el means god,
Jehovah Elohim is his name and there are two original manuscripts of
Genesis, in the one the word god is Elohim (Elonis-tic) and in the
other the word for god is Jehovah (Jehovistic).
Jehovah told Moses that he had a somewhat different name from the
god of Abraham for he was not known to Abraham by the name Jehovah.
That Jehovah was a man; that Moses and Israel thought of him as
nothing else but a living man is evidenced in many places. Jehovah
agreed to show his feet, his hands, his back, in fact, his whole
person except his face.
But Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihm, and
seventy of the Elders of Israel went and saw the god of Israel and
there was under his feet a paved work of Sapphire stone and upon the
nobles of Israel he laid not his hand. Many instances 3how that god
ate and drank.
To Moses he said,
"I come to thee in a thick cloud
that the people may hear when I speak to thee."
"Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of
"Take heed, go not up the mount
(Sinai), whosoever toucheth the mount shall surely be put to
"Set bounds upon the mount and
sanctify it."
"And thou shall come up, thou and
Aaron, but let not the priests nor the people."
All this and many passages too numerous
to quote show, that the person of Jehovah was concealed from the
people, that Jehovah lived on Sinai and did not want any people to
visit there.
That he led the children much after the fashion of an army is also
shown in many places,
"The Lord is a man of war."
"And the lord went before them by
day in a pillar of a cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire."
"Thrice in a year shall all your men
children appear before the lord."
He directed .the Children of Israel to
build the tabernacle which was his traveling tent.
In the tabernacle there was a dividing
veil behind which he stood and gave his directions. The best of all
the food, the gold, the women captives were brought to the
tabernacle for the lord. The veil and the concealed face served to
provide a substitute and also prohibit recognition of the god when
seen in the open. Thus one god apparently led the Children of Israel
for four hundred years.
Jehovah spoke from Mount Sinai, in fact,
his home was there for he told Solomon that he,
"had not lived in a house since the
Israelites left Egypt."
Moses and Aaron were the Aries, the
number two men. (The Roman word vicar means vice harry.)
They served as the link between the god
and man. The angel of the lord was a messenger of the god and .man.
The angel of the lord was a messenger of the god for that is the
literal translation, of the word. The Angels served much as the
prime ministers of today. Jehovah also had a small but good private
army of his own.
Occasionally there were seen the
"The first fruits of the land, thou
shalt bring into the house of the Lord."
"The rich, shall not give more, now
the; poor less than a half a shekel."
He gave Moses the commandments and "the
writing was the writing of God."
It was puzzling to know where the Israelites got their wealth to
give Jehovah until .the following passage was found:
"But every women shall borrow of her
neighbor jewels of silver and of gold and raiment, and put them
on your sons and daughters, and ye shall spoil Egyptians."
"Sanctify the first born, both of
man and beast; it is mine."
"Thou shall not not revile the gods"
"Moses alone shall come near the
"Come up to me into the mount and I
will give thee tablets: of stone"
"Thou canst not see my i5;ce, for
there shall no man-see me and live."
"Thou shall see my hack parts, but
my face shall not be seen."
"Neither let the flock s or herds
feed before the mount."
"An offering to the Lord gold;
silver, and brass."
"And he set bread in upon it before
the Lord."
"And we compassed mount Seir many
Thus, the Lord set about to lead the
Children of Israel and at the some time to live upon them. For "When
the most high (Ammon-Hotepb, an Egyptian Pharaoh) divided the lands,
Israel was the Lord's."
Such a levy of the Lord could be taken down the river,
"For the day of the Lord shall be
upon every one that is proud and lofty.
Upon all the high mountains,
Upon all the hills,
Upon every high tower and fenced
wall and upon all ships and pleasant pictures."
- Isaiah 2:14.
At Jerico and other towns the women and
children all were utterly massacred and all the houses were burned
and only the gold and silver brought to the Lord.
To what benefit was gold, and silver to
the Lord if not to trade? From the hill top .down the. river
to the islands prompted the words of Isaiah,
"Keep silence before me, O islands,
and let the people renew their strength."
In other words the draining out of the
country of the gold and silver, the first born of the beasts, the
first fruits of the land, not to say the first born of the people,
was too much for the people.
The islands grew richer, hence the
prophet said let the people renew their strength.
"Be still we inhabitants of the
Isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon that pass over the sea
have replenished the harvest of the river is her revenue and she
is the mart of the nations."
Apparently Jeal or Jehovah never
compromised very much with Beal.
Beal and Jeal were constantly at
war. when things went wrong Jeal had an alibi - Israel had
disobeyed. Jeal constantly reminded the Israelites that he led them
from Egypt. In fact, the personality of Jeal then was about that of
the average politician of today who is constantly reminding the
desired voter of an unfulfilled obligation,
Jeal sold the Israelites here and there at odd times, not unlike the
head of a lodge today would sell the proceeds of the collections to
the head of another lodge. Just before the time of Saul there was a
lull in the activities of the god. Eli the chief priest ruled in his
stead. Perhaps Jeal was sojourning upon some island as the work of
his plundering would necessarily require a vacation. The
arrangements of the veil were very satisfactory.
But when the god had found a successful line in the persons of David
and Solomon, wealth poured into Jerusalem.
Shortly before, Troy had fallen, Illium was the favored city of the
gods. When a successful king favorable to the gods ruled in
Jerusalem the wealth of the fleeing gods flowed into that city. Word
went out, Jerusalem was safe, wealth flowed in, ships brought
But Jeal and Solomon parted ways and the wealth went, away as fast
as it came. Jeal left also. He went back to Mount Hor and to his
home on the mountain. Here is where Elijah (God is Jehovah) went to
consult him. Elijah was one of the faithful. Here it was in the
Bible, that Jehovah was raised to the eminence of divine ruler of
the universe. Here it was that the glorification of Jehovah began.
But Jeal was never active again. The
Oracular ways of government were on the wane. Indeed the El line was
finding better* lands to plunder in Rome. Rome was virtually founded
after the fall of Troy and many gods may have migrated there. There
was a dark age about 1000 B. C, just like the one after Charlemagne
about 1000 A. D.
Paralleling this was the passage of the gods in the north. The
Gotterdamerung, or the twilight of the gods, was taking place. They
had ruled in the island of Gotland. A Finnish legend states that
part of the population of that island moved to Finland, Helsinki is
the Finnish capital and is likely named after the Els.
The Greeks were no longer consulting the
Oracle, the word of god. The Sophists were maintaining that there
were no gods, that the gods were a myth. In fact, the remote control
method of the gods made them seem mythical.
The position of the gods in Egypt is best illustrated by the
quotation of Aesculapius:
"The day is coming when the
world will know
nothing of the faith of the Egyptians. Our land
will stand desolate. Tombs and the dead will be
its only witnesses. 0 Egypt. Naught but fables
will tell of thy faith, and no posterity will believe
them. Nothing will remain but the word
hewn in stone, to tell of the ancient gods."
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"All the fat is the Lord s."
Leviticus 3:16
"Sack" is a word common to nearly all
languages, and is pronounced the same in all.
The beggars and the poverty stricken
Negroes of the South of today carry sacks for luggage. Cities were
"sacked" in prehistoric days, the half-starved robbers plundering
with "sack" in hand.*
* Saccharilla - muslin?
But before the time of cities the sack of the harries were filled
daily by the toiling peasants.
Daily sacrifice was made on the high
hill, either of free will or of coercion. Were objections or
omissions made, the offender would suffer either at the hands of his
fellowmen, or from the instrument of the Els.
The sacrarium was the place where the sacrificial objects were kept.
Food was the primitive gift; gold and silver that of the later
times. In the middle ages the church collected a tenth and the
landlords, the descendants of the original Els, took more for the
rental of the land the title of which was lost in antiquity.
Paralleling the word "sacre" the sack of the harry is the word "sacellumi"
literally the sack of the Els.
The sacellum was a small temple,
roofless, and not unadaptable as a repository for a small sacrifice.
In historical times the temples (house of the Els) were filled with
precious objects placed as gifts to the gods
The El or god was never present "when the gift was made. It is
typical of all myths that no man could live and see the face of god;
Thus possessed of the secrets of writing, of fire and lightning, of
Bronze making, and even the secret of his own identity, a god could
easily dispose of any recalcitrant victim. Thus thirty thousand gods
from thirty thousand hills, disgorged the people of their first
fruits and sent the cream of that down the rivers to the islands.
Sacrilege is literally translated as the gathering of the sacks of
the harries. Any one who would steal a sacrifice was guilty of a
very great crime. It was only in later times that the word sacred
took on its holy meaning. Once the gods were gone, even the temples
remained filled, so much and so firm had the 5dos of sacrilege been
implanted in the common mind.
For years the temples at Athens
remained filled with precious gold and silver vessels and no one
desecrated them. It was only in later wars that the temples were
pillaged. The nobility of the Greeks all traced their lineage to the gods.
people on the other hand might better be described by a quotation
from Prometheus Bound:
"Ho craft they Knew, with woven
brick and jointed beam to pile the sunward porch; but in the
dark earth burrowed and housed like sunless ants in sunless
But it was from Crete that the Sophists
came and taught that there were no gods and that there never had
been any.
And Crete was the home of the gods. It was in their home
that they lost their honor. Where the living had been the best the
worst came. It is the same today in Spain, Russia, and, China. It
was indeed a great blessing that the Sophist ever came at all.
It was quite possible for a man to bring a gift to the high hill for
a sacrifice and never know its final destination. Secrecy of face
was matched by secrecy of writing. One secret writing . of the
ancient gods was the "Runic." Runic literally means "secret." The
Slavs, the Saxons, the Finns, all had runes. The alphabet was not
unlike the Latin except that it was fitted better for carving on
The secret of fire was watched by special servants. Not unlikely
gunpowder was also a secret not desecrated until the time of Roger
Were it necessary for a god to appear before the public his face was
hidden or veiled. Thus Zeus on coming down from Mount Olympus veiled
his face. We have already quoted Gibbons to the effect that the
goddess Herda was veiled, Jehovah spoke from behind the veil in the
Tabernacle, Such secretiveness added to the prestige of the god or
goddess, and also to the awe and respect if not the reverence of the
We have spoken of the secret rites of Eleusis and Samothrace. The
school, of Pythagoras also required the initiate to maintain secrecy
and not to speak for four years.
It may have been purely accidental that writing, ever came into the
hands of the people, Cadmus a Phoenician god, settled at Thebes in
Greece and brought writing with him. This according to legend is the
beginning of writing. The writing of the Pharaohs and the gods of
Babylon was not in the hands of the people.
The brewing of Beer or "Ale"
(significantly an El word) and the mysteries of the wine press were
secrets of the gods. Bacchus was worshiped throughout Europe and
western Asia, The Egyptians brewed beer centuries before Christ,
Brewing in Ireland and in Germany belonged to the Lueds. and to the
Les; and was held in secrecy till late in the middle ages.
In fact, one prominent American Brewery
imported its first brewer from a clan of Les a scion of an ancient
family on the banks of the Danube who had held the recipe to brew
beer for ages, and his name was Steinle.
Another great secret of the gods was death.
The gods were supposed
to live eternally. If it were possible never to show the face it was
an easy matter never to let the people see the deceased body of a
god. The wealth of legend about the immortality of the gods and the
inlands of the blest can only be unraveled by accepting this
interpretation of the selfish secrecy of the gods.
What might best be pictured for illustration is the wealth and
splendor of the old sea god, Minos, and the Labyrinth at Cnossus at
Crete. All this site has been excavated and described in detail by
Sir Arthur Evans. Plunder from the mainland, "The Harvest of the
River" reposed in specially prepared rooms.
Shields like that of Achilles adorned
the walls. Bronze war implements were manufactured in quantities.
Boys and girls were sent over from-Greece on the mainland as gifts
of sacrifice. Jehovah was a piker compared to Minos at Crete. Such
were the Blessed Isles, the home of the Ils, who loafed and played
as the wealth rolled in. For it must not be forgotten that when a
god pre-empted a hilli he was there only by the consent of the super
god, the At II, the Ed II, or the Et II, who had his divvy in the
take, and who reposed in a luxury that would dazzle a Capone.
Such is the way the Bronze Age conquered the Stone Age. Added to the
skill in preparing more scientific weapons was the Michavellian
understanding of the superstitions of the people and the inclination
to take advantage of them.
No matter the clan, no matter the religion, the god could
superimpose himself and use their beliefs to his advantage. The god
who came from "The Land of the Lead" the unknown land of happiness,
or from "Avalon" the isle of Fairyland, dwelt on the high hill till
rich enough to go back home. Thus Archeologists find the picture of
the ship engraved on rocks, an emblem of the passage to paradise.
Many such carvings have been found in
northern Europe, Even the great Pharaoh Menes wrote of his visit to
his homeland to the West. Passage to the afterworld at death is
described in the Book of the Dead as a passage by ship and was
symbolized by crossing the Nile.
Paradise was always an island in Myth; Even in India the White
Islands were the Islands of Paradise, where ambrosia persisted and
where the supreme god ruled. In Egypt the home of Osiris was to the
west. The Home of Atlas was on an Island, Tarshish, Crete, and Tyre
were later abodes of the Els.
The Indian Epic, the Rig Veda, describes the islands in verse:
"Where desire and fulfillment are
one, In the red spaces of heaven (West) Where the ghostly food
is (Ambrosia) There let me be immortal."
As the Bronze Age came in, one useful
tool was the bell, which could not be made from stone.
It took its name from Bel, the number
two god of the Els. The peal of the bell at the stroke of the hammer
of Thor imitated the peal of thunder from the sky; as the flash of
the bronze sword and shield resembled the shining brightness of the
sun. The bell took on a symbolism of its own. The priest wore e
small bell as a token o: his office as the first below god. Bells
and pomegranates were woven into the hem of the robe of the priests
of the Israelites; bells and pomegranates were- chiseled into the
stonework in the round towers of Ireland.
These towers are so old their origin is lost in antiquity. The Round
towers were the Towers of the gods, the Campanille or Bell towers.
The bells summoned the people to vassalage, the same as today.
Possessed of the hill the god built a cassa, a house, so named from
the Cassiteride, the islands which were located near England, and
not unlikely the Stilly isles. Tin, an ingredient of Bronze was
mined there. Thus the Greeks called tin, Kassiteros.
The cass later became a castle, the home
of the El. Horses and chariots were brought in and the rule extended
to the plains.
All Europe today abounds in evidence to
this effect.
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"Have not I brought up Israel
out of Egypt ? And the Philistines from Capthor, and the
Syrians from Kir?"
- Amos 9:7
"They will kill you and me if I break the god s oracles,"
- Agamemnon, by
"And thou shalt make a veil of blue, purple and scarlet,
etc., etc... And thou shalt hang up the veil , ..that thou
mayest bring within the tabernacle and the veil shall divide
unto you between the holy place and the most holy,"
- Exodus 26:1?.
"And the Oracle ho prepared in the house within, to set the
Ark of the Covenant of the Lord"
"And the Oracle in the forefront was 20 cubits in length, 20
cubits in breadth and 25 cubits in heighth thereof; and he
overlaid it with pure gold and so covered the altar
which1was of cedar, etc."
- I Kings
"To savage and barbarous tribes - the first appearance of
men whose mechanical inventions, whose superior knowledge of
the arts of life, nay, whose exterior advantages of garb
and mien indicate intellectual immanence till then neither
known nor imagined, - presents a something preternatural-or
divine. They yield as to a teacher - hot succumb an
- Bulwer Lytton.
The ancients were so steeped in their
ideology about the gods that when a hypnotized virgin chanted in
ill-constructed hexameter Greek they accepted the words for final
authority from god and shaped their conduct in things of major
importance accordingly.
By this important method of chicanery
the Oracle ruled for a thousand years.
Heraclitus states,
"By her maddened mouth she roaches a
thousand years with her voice by the power of god."
Historians rough estimate this period
from 700 3. C. to J00 A.D but the oracle predated the fall of Troy
1100 B.C.
Virgil states,
"What colony has Greece sent forth
into Aeolia, Ionia, Asia, Sicily, or Italy without an oracle
from Pythia (Delphia) Dodona, or Amnion."
(Apollo spoke at Delphia; Zeus at
Dodona; and Ammon at Ammon.)
Plutarch states,
"The ancients used to receive by the
oracles signs by which they built towns... Alexander built
Alexandria in Egypt by the direction of the oracle... Likevnse
Smyrna, Laodicia, Nysa, and Antiochia, were founded."
When Alexander proposed to relocate
Smyrna the inhabitants first consulted the oracle for a favorable
reply. Heracles, Cadmus, and Alcanaeon received orders from the
oracle to lead forth colonies.
Even Plato said,
"No sensible man would try to
disturb the directions delivered from Delphi, Dodona, or Ammon."
* The king's name, Telamon (King of
Salamis), means Atalamon, or the high amon - Atlas Amon.
Abbott stated that the emigrants were
surprised at the accuracy with which the oracle directed them. Oman
stated that the Delphic Oracle was a well trained emigration agency,
a systematic agency for news.
The sanction of the oracle served as a warranty deed to the land of
colonization; even the aborigines accepted the word of the virgin
sibyll and let the colonists move in peacefully.
Abbott states that the priests of Delphi claimed to possess the
whole world beyond Hellas.
There were about 260 oracles in Greece but only a few were
prominent. The Oracle at Dodona laid claim to be the oldest. Herein
lies the secret of the gods. Dodona, the oracle of Zeus, was a
product of Crete, Before the time of the Trojan war Zeus sailed from
Crete and founded the Dodonan Oracle, Zeus himself was never seen.
His voice was the voice of the frenzied sibyll.
According to Plutarch the Sibyll was
selected from the simple daughters of the poor farmers.
She was beautiful but uneducated, a
virgin, and young. She lived in the Temple. She gave her answers in
verse. If specific attention was desired the petitioner might sleep
in the Temple overnight and then he would receive instruction -
presumably in a dream. Thus was Alexander as a boy, appraised of his
great mission and given a vision of God garbed as the high priest of
And thus did Samuel converse with God in
the temple of the high priest Eli.
"And the priests brought in the Ark
of the Covenant of the Lord in his place, unto the Oracle of the
house to the most holy place, even under the wings of the
- Kings (I) VIII, 3, 6
By such methods the policies of any
country could be swayed.
For example, when the Pythian Apollo was
asked at Delphi,
"How best might one worship the
gods", the answer was, "After the customs of your own country."
Meyers intimates that the organized
oracle might be like the papal priesthood, he is not certain
however. That they were organized there can be no doubt.
The ten greatest oracles were the,
Cuman of Cymae in Aeolis
the Cumean in Italy
The oldest and probably the greatest was
the Lybian, or the Oracle of Ammon, in Africa on an Oasis near
Egypt, and which we have inferred to have been the centralized
authority for the control of the world of theocracy.
Closely related to this Oracle of Ammon
on the 'Lybian' Oasis (Siwa
Oasis), was the Oasis of Teman in Arabia the home of
Jehovah and the Wise Men of Teman.
Colonizing directions were sent forth
from here. According to the Old Testament the Syrians and the
Canaanites were colonies of the gods, the same as Israel. The Oracle
that led the Israelites was the Oracle of Jehovah in the Tabernacle,
the voice of the Shekina that stood on top of the Cherubin on the
Ark of the Covenant. Thus were the Pelasgi of Greece divided and
part of them led forth to Italy by the Oracle.
That there was in progress a great colonizing movement by the gods
is evidenced by the names of the countries of Europe. Each European
country has an El derivative name. This deserves more research.
We shall enumerate some of them:
Alle-mania, Angel-land
Gaul or Gael
Kel or Caledonia
Val or Vals and its reverse
Slave, possibly from the Runic language
Italy from the word Atlas
Palestine from the word Pales
the god of pasture lands
...and so forth.
Somewhere else in this book we have
shown the Eri place names of these same countries and the influences
of the Harries.
That the oracle was organized is also evidenced by the fact that
there were several times when they were simultaneously silenced.
Again all were not equal: When Croesus, fabulous rich king of Lydia,
sent seven men to ask the seven oracles what he was doing at that
time the Delphian was one to give the correct answer.
Croesus sent a reward of great wealth
that reposed in the Temple at Delphi for hundreds of years.
Marcus Aurelius (The El of Thor) once rebuked the Roman Senate for
failing to consult the Sibylline Books of Rome. This was after the
time of Christ.
Like the Amphictryonic League there was a priestly board of
Decemvirs half plebian and half patricina, first appointed in 367 B,
C. that took care of the Sibylline Books and received their
interpretations from two Greek Interpreters. These books reposed in
a stone chest in the Temple of Jupiter on Capitoline Hill at Rome
until 83 B.C. when a fire destroyed them.
Spurious Sybilline books appeared later, some composed by the Jews
of Alexandria. Christian Sibylla also came in vogue. The last Oracle
spoke about the time of Constantine and after that the voice ceased.
A thousand years before they had been numerous, even the voice of
Beelzebub (the Devil) was heard at Ekron in Canaan from whence
Jehovah had unsuccessfully advised the Israelites to keep away.
Historians have stated that the various states of ancient Greece
went through the forms of government from Royalty to Tyranny,
passing through such stages as oligarchy, aristocracy, timocracy,
and democracy. They omit the one supreme control that prevailed
throughout Greece during and all the different forms of government:
The Oracle held sway in Greece no matter what the form of
No great design was enacted, no city
founded, no colony planted, no war undertaken, without the advice of
the Oracle. Barbarian kings who stood in awe, credulously presented
gifts to enrich the Oracle. Thousands of people consulted the Oracle
at Delphi, possibly the most famous Oracle in Greece.
To add to the prestige of the Oracle, the advice and the answers
given were generally correct; the predictions of the future were
generally true. And such a condition requires more than the usual
explanation of coincidence.
Oracle literally means the word or the mouth of the El. It comes in
with primitive Greece from prehistoric times. Beside a spring,
within a grove, inside a cave, or from atop a hill, there came the
voice of the Oracle in answer to the questions. The voice was
generally that of a woman. The first two Oracles of Greece were said
to have been stolen from Egypt.
The witch of Medieval Times is a related
phenomenon. In later Greece there were temples and well built places
for the Oracle, places filled with the rich and precious gifts of
the people. There were special places built for the Oracle in
Solomon s Temple. In the Ark of the Covenant the Voice came from
atop the cherubim on the Ark inside the Tabernacle.
There is nothing to hinder the statement
that the Oracle of God in Solomon's Temple was like that Oracle of
the Greeks at Delphi. It was the word of God. It consisted of
directions for the ways of living. It gave advice to Kings.
Alexander the Great consulted the Oracle at Delphi. Caesar Augustus
consulted the Oracle or the Sibyl at Rome.
That the Oracle was organized, that it represented a subtle rulership, may be inferred from some of the following accounts of
its activities and some of the results of those activities.
The great Olympian Games that were held
every four years, and that in a way coordinated Greece and served as
a check to the constant warfare of the Greeks was started by the
Dorian Oracle at Delphi.
"It was a rule, from old time that
Greeks should not consult the Oracle with regard to war against
- Xenophon in
The Oracle was instrumental in getting a
tribe of the Pelasgi to migrate from Greece and to settle in Italy.
(Such similar movements of people guided by the gods took place
when the Canaanites were moved from Capthor, when the Israelites
were moved from Kir.)
When the Territory of Cirrah
revolted, the Oracle told Solon to appropriate the whole territory
to the service of the Temple. Directly the Athenians conquered this
island and dedicated all of its wealth to the Oracle. The Oracle at
Delphi was the consultant of Lycurgus in the framing of his famous
laws for which Sparta was renowned. Pythagoras, the famous
philosopher and mathematician, and the founder of a great secret
society, visited the Delphian Oracle and received instructions.
Four years of silence was the
prerequisite for admittance to the Pythagorean Society.
The entire state of Ellis was as one temple devoted to the gods. It
was sanctified and sacred. It was not necessary for it to be
fortified. Many rich Greeks drifted there to live and to build
wealthy homes. The Eleans managed the Olympian games during which
the entire peninsula underwent a holiday, a sort of universal truce.
Weapons were laid aside, even as in ancient Germany, and a period of
universal peace reigned.
The Eleusinian Mysteries were related to ^]>o gods and to the
Oracles. They were renowned for their purity and decorum. They had a
good effect on the morality of the people. The Greek law protected
the Eleusinian Mysteries. Part of their program was a sort of
morality play. Criminals upon proper approbation could be absolved
from their crimes.
They could be restored to their former
places in society. It was not unlike the restoration of the
backslider in the present day Christian religion.
To protect the Temples, the Oracles, and the gods, the Greeks
established the Amphictyonic league (Named from Amphictyon, the
father of Hercules), This league consisted of two members selected
from each Greek State. This league was long-lived and strong. It
once declared war against the state of Crissa for some offense
against the gods, captured the state and dedicated life in Greece,
and on down in time till the period of the Roman Emperor Constantine
whence it was supplanted by the papal activities of Home.
Thus was the Oracle of the Temple protected and in turn the Oracle
made peace between states and between princes. It gave advice in
time of war. It framed laws. It settled states. The wealth deposited
in the temples was enormous.
It may be stated in general that the Oracle was a fundamental Greek
institution. The El in oracle is related fixedly to the Greeks in
the word Hellenes, the name of the Athenians. The founder of the
Hellenes was Duoalion or Duke All, a nephew of Atlas, and the son of
Prometheus. "Duke" means leader, "all" means god. Ducalion
identifies himself as belonging to the race of Els, from which
sprang the Greeks,
Extensive reading in Greek history will convince one of the relation
of the Greeks to the Great Race of Els, who lived partly in Crete
and in Memphis. Cecrops, the earliest teacher of the Pelasgi (the
earliest Greeks) was presumed to have come from Egypt.
Minos, the early king of Crete, received his laws from the Oracle of
Jupiter, Minos brought Greece into the vassalage of Crete. Hostages
were taken from Greece to Crete. Excavations at Knossus in Crete
show the Cretans as highly civilized whites. Many fables placed
Crete as the home of the gods. Like Cyprus it received its wealth
and lay unfortified.
Rhodes erected a great statue to the god Helios, a primitive Greek
god of light which is the meaning of the word Helios. But the
Egyptians also worshiped the god Helios and the city of Heliopolis
was the reputed starting point of the Children of Israel when they
departed from Egypt. Rhodes indeed erected the statue as a thank
offering to the Egyptians for favors given in time of war.
Illium or Troy (Troiiius) was fortified by walls supposedly built by
the gods. Inscriptions of the Phoenicians reveal a royal race and
the relationship of the king or prince of Tyre to the gods will be
shown more fully in a later chapter.
The Greek Athens, the goddess of education, was said to be the
Egyptian goddess Naith of Sais Egypt. Naith is the same word as
Athene with the "N" placed before instead of after as in Dog-Latin;
If this is discredited as accidental, consider the word Mazda; the
god of light for the Persians, and its correspondent Tamuz, the name
of the Phoenician god of light.*
*Our word light (it) is but the reverse of Atl (tl) the universal
word for god and perhaps hill (tel)
Or consider the Egyptian No-Ammon and
As ancient names were generally subject
predicate word sentences, to change the form is not unlike the
reversal of sentence form in passing from English to German, Our
word "people" is a form of the Latin "plebs" which has the same
The names Isabel and Velicia, Nell and
Helen pair as example of backward and forward writing of the same
Back to Contents
As there is no written record of the way in which Thor led the
people out of Gotland, nor how Apollo Milesius led a colony of the
Milesians into Ireland, nor how the Oracle of Delphi sent a colony
to Italy, nor any of the many other colonizations that took place in
the first and second millenniums before Christ, we must of necessity
turn to the written works of the Old Testament to find the details
of the workings of the great theocratic government that moved and
controlled the lives of so many people.
For a period of time the vast area of Asia Minor and adjacent Europe
was controlled by the Theocracy centralized at Egypt. Amen-Ra was
king of the gods.
The word Amen seems to mean verily as it
does today, and the word Ra means the king. Rah, Ray, Rajah, are
words for king. The Hurrah is a vernacular variation. The word Amen
appears in such words as Tut-ank-amen a great Pharaoh about the time
of Moses, and in Anen-hoteph another Pharaoh.
Thus without the intention of hurting the feelings of any seriously
religious Christian we launch into some of the records of the Els
that appear in the Old Testament.
"God came from Teman, and the Holy
One from Mount Paran."
Habakkuk 3:5
In the Persian Gulf is the sacred island
of Dilmun; with which the Babylonians had connections by sea.
At the head of the Persian Gulf there
was the earliest settlement of Lagash, a white settlement of
Gentiles who later went to Sumer and Ak-kad. Babylon was later
planned and built; it did not grow as some other cities did. Babylon
means the gates of the Elohim. It was so named from the many famous
gates that pierced its walls.
At the head of the Red Sea on the Gulf of Alaba was the ancient city
of Elath (the El); Elath was very close to Mount Sinai, Mount Seir,
Mount Hor, and Mount Paran, all on the left. Below Elath on the
right was Edom and Teman and Yeman, the home of the wise men of
Edom, the Dukes of Edom, and the highly educated queen of Sheba who
visited Solomon.
From Elath there is c dry river bed that
leads to the Dead Sea and to the Holy Land.
There seemed to be an understanding that the Mediterranean was the
sea for one race of Els and the Red Sea for the other. When Solomon
was at the heighth of his power he decided to build large ships
which he launched at the port of Elath. Hiram of Tyre had a fleet
with that of Solomon and they sailed together on long voyages of
three years each bringing back rich cargoes and hundreds of talents
of gold.
So, near as Jerusalem was to the
Mediterranean, it yet was at the time of Solomon the capital of the
Red Sea. It may be seen that Solomon s achievements fitted into an
already established extant sea economy. It was not voyages of
discovery, it was rather voyages of commerce.
But later, after Jehovah had divested
Solomon of his power the great King Jehosphaphat arose and tried to
imitate Solomon. He built ships at Elath for trade, but God
destroyed those ships.
It seems the Israelites were destined only to go so far, A greater
Hierarchy ruled from somewhere in the nearby southland.
Solomon was the first king to use chariots. Chariots and
horses were used in Arabia and in Egypt. The royal chariot of King
Tut was found in 1922.
God is represented by Isaiah as coming
in a chariot, Habakkuk states,
"That Thou didst ride upon thy
horses and thy chariots of salvation ...thou didst walk thru the
sea with thine horses."
Literally the royal race of the Els used
ships, horses, and chariots in the reduction of Arabia.
Early Arabia was divided into small city states each ruled by an
Ilah which was a god, and each having a local temple and a high
priest. Contracts for all business were recorded at the temple so
that the gods could keep tab on what was going on. At the locality
of Teman an ancient stone inscription has been found which depicts a
new god as taking power. The new god stands before the priest.
The stone was smuggled out of the
country and is now in the Museum of Paris, Pliny states that the
priests of Arabia placed a tithe on the incense trade.
Later the priests became priest kings.
Many local names of Arabia have the word Ilah as a root, Elula lies
just below Teman; Hail is a little cast and further in the desert.
That Ila is important follows from such words as Samuel which is
Hebraic for "the name, is God," as Shumuhualay which is Arabic for
"the name is high," as Shemuel which is the Bybical word for "the
name is God" and as Shumualailu which is Babylonian for "the name is
surely God."
It is said that the same words appear in
the Phoenician, the Elephantine papyri, and the Telel Amarna Mes.
All the local gods were called "Als." Mohammed framed the word Allah
from the article il and the word Al thus ila or Alla.
The Arabian word Samsuiluna means the "sun is our god" and thus
connects the Els of Arabia with the Els of Illium or of Troy, and
with the Pharaoh Amenhotep of Egypt who was at first a worshiper
of light. Today the sultans are generally men selected from a
superior race and are not of the local people.
The great vacant space in Arabia Rub Al Kaali, whence we get our
word Alkali, is a form of the word El, The nearby Somaliland gets
its name in the same way.
Numerous writers have shown that Arabia was the locale of the Book
of Job, They have shown how the place names agree with the personal
names, and how the Arabian scenes fit those of the Book. In Job 3-6
the sons of God (Elohim) presented themselves, before the Lord, and
Satan was among them. A elan of the Els would fit in well as the
sons of God, and Satan seems to be a high priest of the serpent
cult, a form of worship that was dying out before the onslaughts of
the sun cult.
In such and only such an interpretation
can any sense be placed in the lines. Job was the follower of the El
and no serpent cult could dissuade him. The two cults were at
friendly parlance. Such rich sheiks as Abraham and Job presented
valuable gifts to the gods and they were a source of living for the
heads of the theocracy.
In the Yemen in south Arabia rich and precious gifts were brought as
thank offerings to the temple. Sometimes entire families presented
themselves before the temple as a gift. That was not unlike the
Levites (Followers of the Els) who were to present themselves to the
Tabernacle as the servants and luggage bearers of the Tabernacle.
Later they became the servants of the Temple of Jerusalem. Early
Yemen inscriptions are now being deciphered. The language resembles
the Gothic but its characteristics are of a derived language
resembling the Phoenician.
In several places we have found the Chaldeans of Babylon called
Kasdeals. This related them to the people of Circassia and of
Caucasia. Indeed the word is of importance secondary only to that
of the El. The Hittites were Kassites. Cassiopes means fort of the
Cassites. It is the same word as found in Kassiterides of which we
have spoken previously. Cassi will relate the city builders from
Ireland to India just the same as the word El.
In considering the ways of the governments of Arabia wherein the
local gods took direct providential control of the most minute
details, there is an astonishing parallel in the details and
descriptions given us in the Bible, In I Kings 7:27 there is
described the wheel cart which carries the sacrifice.
In Samuel 2:21,
"And the Lord visited Hanna so that
she conceived and the child Samuel (His name is God) grew before
the Lord."
In view of the greatness of Samuel was
he indeed a child of the Temple?
And was not the Temple a great
organization that was living off the sacrifices of the people?
Consider the walls that surround Jerusalem - such names as the "Fish
Gate" and the "Sheep Gate" indicate that the sacrifices were
enormous. Should the sacrifices cease there would be great commotion
among the Temple parasites.
That other nations beside Israel were led forth by some agency of
the Els is indicated by the passages in Amos:
"Have not I brought up
Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor?
and the Syrians from Kir?"
If Caphtor is Crete, as some say, then
there is a relationship of the Els at Knossus and Paestos to the Els
at Egypt.
The relation of Crete to Greece has
already been shown. The Biblical words Kirjath Sepher, which mean
city of books, and the word Kirjath-debir, which means city of words
designate an oracle that predates the coming of the Israelites under
Moses. All the information that may be gathered about the Canaanites
indicates a form of Theocratic control just like that of Israel
except that the god was Bel.
Going farther into the method of control we find in Judges 10 "the
Lord was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hands of the
Phlllistines . . , and into the hands of the children of Ammon, This
intimates a relationship between Jehovah and Bel and Ammon. The gods
of the Red Sea recognized the gods of the Mediterranean.
This indeed shows that the lands were
divided among the gods as is indicated in Deuteronomy 32:8
"When the most Eigh divided the
Nations... Jacob is the lot of His (Jehovah's) inheritance."
The Most High may have been Amen-Ra, it
can only be inferred.
When Moses led the Children of Israel forth he did not go by the
short route of Canaan, but he took them by the back door, the
Arabian desert.
On the route he said,
"Distress not the Children of Ammon"
"Meddle not with the Children of
Esau" ...(on Mount Seir)
"Distress not the Moabites, neither
contend with them."
I have given Ariel (a city named after
the first and second Lords of the world) unto the children of Lot
for a possession. Such references show a recognition of the rights
of the other settlers and the other gods.
The usefulness of the other gods came in the discipling of the
Israelites. For unfaithfulness the Israelites were sold to Cushan in
Mesopotamia for eight years; to Eglom, king of Moabfor eighteen
years; to Jabin, king of Canaan, to the Phillistines, to the
children of Ammon, and to Sisera. Again Shalmaneser, king of
Assyria, took Israel to Media "because they did not obey the Lord"
and Nebuchadnezzar took them to Babylon for seventy years.
Jehovah states,
"I will bring again the captivity of
Moab, of Ammon, of Elam, of Egypt, of Jacob, and Judah."
That Assyria and Babylon were kingdoms
under the influence of the El theocracy one needs only to inspect
the stone carved statues that survive today.
In the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New
York there are large stone images of Angels (winged) doing homage
and service to the god. The god administers ablutions to a sacred
tree. Nebuchadnezzer was under the influence of the priesthood as
told in Daniel and in the Book of Bel and the Dragon.
It was not difficult for the priesthood or the oracle at Babylon to
advise Nebuchadnezzar to war upon Jerusalem. It was not hard to get
help when needed to chastise a recalcitrant people.
Thus in II Chronicles,
"You have forsaken me, I will in
turn forsake you, and deliver you into the hands of Shishack."
Then Shishack came undoubtedly at the
order of the Egyptian priesthood and (12:8) Shishack took away the
treasures of the house of the Lord.
The treasures were not lost to the priesthood, they only reposed in
Egypt; or in Babylon as when Nebuchadnezzar took the golden vessels
away from Jerusalem. The same priesthood and oracle was
in control and upon the proper time resettlement was possible, after
enough chastisement had been administered.
To broaden the view of this Theocratic control of the near East,
consider the case of the king of Tyre. As in the Middle Ages the
Pope of Rome stood above the kings, so in the first millennium
before Christ the gods yet stood above the Kings of the Levant.
We quote at length, for the passages
give a vivid description of the wealth and splendor that the rich
enjoyed once they were ensconced in the high places,
"(3) And say unto Tyrus, 0 thou that
art situate in the entry of the sea, which art. a merchant of
the people for many isles, thus saith the Lord God: O
Tyrus, thou has said, I am of perfect beauty.
(4) Thy borders are in the midst of the seas, thy builders have
perfected thy beauty.
(5) They have made all thy ship
boards of fir trees of Senir: they have taken cedars from
Lebanon to make masts for thee.
(6) Of the oaks of Bashan have they
made thine oars; the company of the Ashurites have made thy
benches of ivory, brought out of the isles of Chittim.
"(7) Fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt was that which
thou spreadst out to be thy sail: blue and purple from the isles
of Elishah was that which covered thee.
(8) The inhabitants of Zidon and
Arvad were thy mariners; thy wise men, C Tyrus, that were in
thee were thy pilots.
(9) The ancients of Gebul and the
wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers; all the ships of the
sea were in thee to occupy thy merchandise.
"(10) They of Persia and of Lud and of Phut were in thy army,
thy men of war. They hanged their shields and helmets in thee;
they set forth thy comeliness.
(11) The men of Arvad with thine
army were upon thy walls round about, and the Gammadims were in
thy towers. They hanged their shields upon thy walls round
about; they have made thy beauty perfect." (In much the same way
were the shields hung upon the walls of the labyrinth at Cnossus
in Crete as found by Sir Arthur Evans.)
Then in turn are enumerated the various merchants and their
wares. Commerce from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean is
"(27) Thy riches and thy fairs, thy
merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers; and the
occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy men of war, that are
in thee, and in all the company which is in the midst of thee,
shall fall into the midst of the sea in the day of thy ruin.
(35) All the inhabitants of the
isles shall be astonished at thee and their kings shall be sore
Chapter 28
(2) ...Say unto the Prince of Tyre
... Because thou hast said "I am a god, I sit in the seat of God
in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man and not God, though
thou set thine heart as the heart of God.
(3) Behold thou art wiser than
Daniel; there is no secret which they can hide from thee.
(4) With thy wisdom and thy
understanding thou hast gotten riches.
"(7) Behold, I will bring strangers upon thee, and thou shalt
die the death of those that are slain in the midst of the sea."
"(13) Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God; every precious
stone was thy covering
(14) Thou art the anointed Cherub
...Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God ..." and finally"
(16) I will destroy thee."
Chapter 24 - " (7) I will send upon Tyrus Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon, a king of kings...
(9) He shall set engines of war
against thy walls,
(12) And they shall make a spoil of
thy riches.
Such were the consequences for the king
desiring to be a god.
A king who had found out all the secrets
of the gods was a danger. Such a king was Solomon. Nebuchadnezzar
also filled his temple with gold from the temple at Jerusalem. Thus
it was that the Theodoratis priesthood adjusted the balance of
power. A king could only become so great. If he attempted to go
farther he was checkmated. Win, lose, or draw, the Temple always
Whether in Tyre, Jerusalem, Babylon, or
Memphis, the gold was always in the Temple. Should a
king desire to break the shroud of their mysteries and desire to
become one of them he was generally cut off. Only the initiated
could be a god: such as
Enoch (whose name means initiated) who
walked with God and God took him. That is, he went with the gods and
lost direct contact with the people.
It mattered not that the Prince of Tyre worshiped Bel, it mattered
not that Nebuchadnezzar worshiped Bell.
Both were at one time or another,
favorites of the Theocracy, and both were creatures of its
"O Thou, who man of baser Earth
didst make,
And ev'n with Paradise devise
the Snake:
For all the sin wherewith the face of Man
Is blacken'd - Man's forgiveness
give - and take."
- Eighty-first
quatrain, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Back to Contents
Once there is opened up the evidences of a theocratic despotism
controlling Asia Minor, the circumstances surrounding the short life
of Alexander the Great grow increasingly suspicious. Was he the tool
of the El Theocracy? Briefly the events that touch upon this
question may be rehearsed.
Alexander, noble, well educated, but young, at first consulted the
Oracle at Greece with regard to the conquests that he had in view,
"Thou are irrestible" was the enigmatic reply of the voice from the
Starting to war he crossed into Asia Minor. At Gordium he cut the
Gordian knot, concerning which it had been said by the Oracle that
whosoever untied the knot would be lord of all Asia.
Defeating Darius he proceeded to Syria and Phoenicia. He captured
Tyre and presented himself before Jerusalem. Jerusalem, however,
opened its gates to him for the high priest had been instructed (by
god, the Oracle in a dream) not to resist. Alexander did not molest
Jerusalem. He is reputed to have stated that a high priest resembled
the person he had seen in a dream back home in Macedonia, and that
the person garbed like the high priest had told him about his
destiny to conquer Asia.
Alexander proceeded to Egypt and to the shrine of Ammon (Amen) and
asked the voice of the Oracle if he (Alexander) were indeed the son
of god. Ammon is reported to have answered in the affirmative.
From Egypt Alexander went to Asia, conquered the Persians and part
of India and returned to Persepolis and Susa. He provided
bountifully for the Jews, establishing a place for them at Alexandria
and inviting them to settle there, which they did, forming a large
part of the population. He also extended privileges to the Jews of
Babylon and Media. He reestablished the old regime in Egypt, (This
would replace the priests in higher standing than with the
government head at Persepolis.)
After conquering the so-called world he established himself as an
oriental despot which in other words would mean that he desired to
be a god. He was learning fast, after the fashion of Solomon
or the Prince of Tyre, But his life was short. He died, aged
thirty-three, after a drunken orgy.
He was said to have been the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel
who foretold the destruction of the Persian Empire.
Such briefly are the facts of history. No Sherlock Holmes is needed
to note that Alexander contacted three forms of deity, the Oracle of
Greece, the Temple priests of Jerusalem, and the Shrine of Ammon of
Eypt. He did obeisance to each of the three, indicating that
he acknowledged each of the three as superior to himself, openly at
least. The way was paved before him by the wisdom of the priests who
played the role of spies for they were tired of Persia and wanted
Greek influence favorable to them to come in.
Alexander s fault lay in the fact that he thought himself a god and
undertook to exercise that divine prerogative. This was too much for
the bosses in control. He possessed the fault of the Prince of Tyre.
He was like a Cherub. He was blessed. But he died, aged
thirty-three; If drunken orgies killed men all potentates would have
died, aged thirty-three, or earlier.
Thus through history we see the destruction of Ammon-No; of Tyre, of
Jerusalem, of Ninevah, of Babylon, of Persepolis; through the
instrumentality of the subtle control of the Els, selfishly seeking
the riches of the treasury of the temple. Each conquering king was
favored by the priesthood on coming into power. As he waxed rich he
lost his power.
Rebuohadnezzar protected Jeremiah who was virtually a spy and who
advised Jerusalem to capitulate before the Babylonian king, the same
as later before the Greek king. CyŁus the Great resettled Jerusalem
through the efforts of Jerubabel, a possessor of the secrets of the
Control of the seas had been achieved in the previous millennium
when Dionysius ruled as "King of the gods in Crete, and Amnion
ruled at Amen-No as King of the gods."
In the first thousand years
before Christ the control was also sought for the land.
Back to Contents
Miracles are ceased, And
therefore we must needs admit the means How things are
Shakespeare, King H. V.
The utmost bounds of earth far off I see Where Thetys and
Ocean boast to be The parents of the gods.
The house of Atlas ruled the world in
the age before the beginning of written history; an age that we
shall approximate to extend from 5000 B, C to 2000 B. C,
The Atlas
myth sprang from the fact that the house of Atlas bore the burdens
of the whole world. Thus the Greeks gave us the statue of the
powerful man actually upholding the earth. In fact whatever the
Greeks gave us has been glorified and sublimated so that a lot of
it is doubted.
In the Bermuda Islands Professor Beebe discovered the pro-glacial
beach of the Islands. It lies several fathoms below the present
beach. In his famous bathysphere he traveled along the bottom of the
sea. Following his vivid descriptions one is led to believe that
there was much more land in the Atlantic Ocean during the Glacial
The gulfs along our Atlantic seaboard were once river beds.
While the continents were covered with ice, the islands were larger
than now and furnished favorable havens for the development of
The Glaciers in the Ice Age did not come down from the .poles; ;they
formed upon American and upon Europe, The Gulf Stream led northward
between the two continents. It was on some island in the Gulf Stream
(Ireland) that man advanced so far, the process of development of
mankind is a process called "orthogenesis," or straight line
development. In this process Nature develops a specialized organ
without knowing when to stop.
For example, the large tusks of the
elephant outgrew their usefulness and dragged them down. (Scientists
are worried about this development; insects and bacteria are
susceptible to the process. New diseases may come from the effects
of the process.)
The brain of mankind is a result of orthogenetic
development that took place very rapidly. It is not too far fetched
to state that the possessors of the highly developed brain may have
thought that they were gods.
The Greeks had a myth about the Hyperboreans, or the people who
lived beyond the North Wind. Thomas Moore wrote a poem called the
Song of the Hyperborean, Pythagoras claimed that he, spiritually,
was a hyperborean. These Hyperboreans were a highly talented,
musically inclined race of superior men.
During the Ice Age, Ireland was
separated from Greece by the Glacier on the continent of Europe,
Southern Ireland lay basking in the sun when Germany was covered
with ice. During the Ice Age the Hyperboreans would have had time to
develop orthogenetically a superior brain. The three specific things
resulting were agriculture, city or hall building, and the
theocratic control of the world.
Greek culture approached the
culture of the Hyperboreans, which came in through the Islands.
English culture of today is vestigial of that same process; they
still have their Halls, their Lords, their gardens, and they, in a
way, control nearly all the world by a process that is questionable,
if not theocratic.
For lack of any other likely place we assume that the gods evolved
from the Hyperboreans, and that the house of Atlas gained control of
the race of gods,
Euripides called Atlas "a warder of the heavens":
"There stands Atlas, warder of the heavens bounds, And there the
daughters of the Hesperus, Who watch over the golden apples.
There is the palace where was wedded the immortals, There nectar
foams, and earth yields up to the gods The undying food of this
blessed life."
Homer calls Atlas "the wizard":
"A seagirt isle, where is the naval
of the sea,
And where a goddess hath her habitation.
daughter of the wizard Atlas,
Who knows the depths of all the
Homer called Poseidon "the Earth
Poseidon was the sea god of the Atlas Dynasty who
circumnavigated the earth. The Romans later called him Neptune.
Neptune is a later form.
The house of Atlas furnished the first astronomers who charted the
stars and thereby the seas. They took the Zodiao-from their homeland
isle so far as from Mexico to Chaldea, The Atlas Empire was
primarily an Empire of the sea. Cities built on islands were
unfortified. (Cnossus, Phaestus, Tara.) Cities built on continents
were fortified. (Troy, Babylon, Cusco.)
The Atlantic ocean took its
name from the house of Atlas. There was a deity on the gulf of
Mexico by the name of Atlan. The Atlas Mountains in Africa were also
so named. The "Atl" syllable ending is found in the names of nearly
every god of Mexico,
A fragment of the writings of Plato (400 B. C) gives a peek at the
culture of the time of Atlas. We incorporate a part of it in this
chapter to show that it integrates well with this story about
The palace of Poseidon is described as a stone building with silver
roof and doors of gold, . Inside there is an ivory dome above a
golden statue of a god standing in a chariot driving sir winged
horses. This statue was emblematical of the sun for the gods were
sun worshipers. Hundreds of other statues stood in the palace for it
was an eighth of a mile on each side. Inside at the center there was
an untrodden sanctuary, sacred to Clito and to Poseidon.
Outside there were hot and cold springs
surrounded by buildings and trees and basins for the baths of the
gods, the icings, the citizens, the women, and, last of all, the
horses and other beasts, Waste from these baths was conducted to a
grove of orchards and gardens. Gymnasium, race tracks, harbors, and
ships furnished a complement to the sanctuary.
Farther inward was a sanctuary in an assembly place. Here were
written the laws on a large stone column. Here roamed at large the
sacred consecrated bulls for the sacrifice.
Once each four years the assembly of the gods gathered there and a
bull was sacrificed and bled on the column of stone. Each god took a
goblet of wine, dropped in a small clot of blood, and made a
libation, and swore that he would give judgment according to the
laws on the stone; that he would take council in all the affairs of
war, and that he would acknowledge the high command as given to the
house of Atlas.
Plato also states that so long as the laws were obeyed and "while
the god strain in the people was yet vigorous" everything went along
"The wealth of gold, the wealth of their possessions they
considered a light load, for they were masters of themselves."
Francis Bacon, the father of modern inductive reasoning and perhaps
the author of Shakespeare, also wrote a fragment like that of Plato.
In his
New Atlantis he states:
"You shall understand that about 3000 years ago, or somewhat more,
the navigation of the world (especially for remote voyages) was
greater than at this day,"
1600 A. D.
It is a matter of recorded history that in Caesar s time the ships
of the Atlantic were larger than those of the Mediterranean. And in
the days of Solomon, about 1000 B. C, the ships of Tarshish were
considered as large ocean going vessels.
Thus as a matter of recorded myth there are three men who style
themselves the king of the gods:
Back to Contents
"No wonder tho their
strength be great,
Sons of kings and queens are one and all,"
Old Irish Saga
The history and the mythology of Ireland
goes farther back in time than that of England, Scandinavia, France,
or Germany.
The treasures of the Museum of Dublin show the proof.
While the continent was covered with ice, Ireland enjoyed a pleasant
climate. Ireland belongs to the sea; England to the continent.
The poetry and music of Ireland are rich in mystical loveliness. The
relation of Ireland to Greece grows more evident as the study of
their myths increases.
Bronze musical instruments; ornaments, tiaras, necklaces, razors,
swords, harps, trumpets, eating utensils, all of exquisite
workmanship, have been found in Ireland.
The prehistoric round towers of Ireland are of intriguing interest.
There are over an hundred of them, each of which is from 80 to 100
feet in height and some twenty-five to thirty feet in diameter at
the base. They are made of stone and are so well built that in the
Middle Ages a cathedral was built about one of them. The cathedral
has since fallen away, but the tower remains. Prizes have been
offered for the best explanation of the origin of these towers.
The masonry is of such character that it
is very lasting. The stones are laid neatly together, so close that
the joints are scarcely perceptible, which was a custom of the
master masons of the gods.
This was the style of the ancient
It was a semi-dry masonry in which the
stone work is carefully laid out and cut with a very hard
tool, perhaps a tempered bronze chisel.
Over the opening of one
tower is chiseled some pomegranates and bells. This is the insignia
of the priests of the Children of Israel for upon their . robes
there were woven the same design, pomegranates and bells.
(In fact, it is apparent that the culture that Jehovah imposed upon
the Israelites was an already extant system of priesthood*. )
These round towers were the thunder towers of Thor, Thor was the
handsome red bearded god mentioned in the Islandic Edda, He might
possibly be identified with Arthur in the legend of King Arthur; or
with Hathor of Egypt; or with Capthor of Crete; or with Dar or
Dardanus the founder of the Dynasty of Troy at the Dardanelles (The
Elles of Dar).
The home of Thor might have been at Tara, the most
ancient capital of Ireland, (The slide from t to th is a factor of
Grimm's Law,)
In the Eric Vidforlas Saga of the Eddas,
Eric reached Odair. Sakir by being "swallowed by v dragon, (This
probably means that he was ship wreaked by a typhoon,) Odain Sakir
was a place of great beauty, with 8 tower suspended in midair. The
tower was reached by a ladder, (This is the way the entrance to the
round towers was reached.) Delicious food and wine were served to
Eric and he was treated to a bed to sleep upon. A youth told Eric
that he was in Odain Sakir and that it was near paradise. (Eric, was
shipwrecked, reached Ireland when it was inhabited by the gods,
the Tuath de Danaan.)
Another parallel is in the story of Ifing, the great stream between
the earth and the sacred land, whose waters never froze. (This
must Suave been the Gulf Stream that divided the Island from
In Lie Korse mythology, Asgard, the city of the gods, was seoarated
from the continent by a bridge or by the rainbow. It was situated on
an island. Its ruins will someday be found as were the ruins of Troy
and of Hycenea and of Cnossus,
Gladsheira, the great hall in the Palace of Odin, had twelve seats
for the council of the gods. This is very reminiscent of the council
of the gods for the house of Atlas in the Palace of Poseidon,
(Sidon). The Palace of Thor, Thurdvange, had 540 halls, which
suggests that it was built like the Palace of Minos in Crete.
Valhalla, the gold and silver Palace of Odin, also suggests the gold
and silver Palace of Poseidon. Valhalla was the halls of the Vals.
It also suggested the halls of Lokapala Bhakhyana-Parva, the Indian
Sanskrit name for the Halls of the Celestials. It suggests the Halls
of Tara, and the Halls of Olympia, and even the halls of the English
Aristocracy of the Middle Age3.
Himenbiorg, or Heaven Tower, of the Thunder gods, Thor and
Valaskialf, whence Odin-could watch all gods and men, was the round
towers of Ireland, each of which had windows at the top to command
views in all directions. Here were the "El s Bells" of which we have
spoken previously.
Today, ruins of the round towers may be seen at the bottom of the
shallow seas near Ireland.
The Valkyries, the battle maidens on swift horses, were without
doubt the Amazonian maids who went into battle, the same as men did.
The word Hilda is a present day connotation of the same thing.
As the red haired gods went up the Shannon river and settled in
central Ireland, they met the dark haired, dark eyed, smallish cave-dwelling
type of the Mediterranean savage. The Conquerors, the Tuath de
Danaan, were a tall, blue-eyed, red-haired Caledonian type of Hall
dwellers. Today both types may be seen among the Irish people.
Let us quote some of the poetry of Ireland, which relates to the
Happy Land, the possible abode of Atlas.
"There are thrice fifty distant
In the Ocean to the west of us; Larger than Erin twice. In each
of them or thrice."
(Erin was small in Gladical times.)
"A folk that thru ages long
Know no decaying; No death nor sickness there Now voice raised
in wailing.
"Such games are played there Coracle on waves play With chariot
on land contends; now swift the race is."
(From the Voyage of Bran to the Land of the Immortals. An old
Irish Saga.")
The above lines compare favorably with the following quotation
from Hesiod, a very early Greek writer.
"While Saturn reigned, those then his subjects were, Who lived
the life of gods without all care. Whom sorrow, labor, nor old
age oppressed, But soundness, both in hands and feet, them
Diodorus, a Latin writer, states of the
visits of Apollo to Ireland. The surname of Apollo was Hilesius,
Irish legend states that the Milesians went into Ireland some 2500
years B.C. Queen Tea, the daughter-in-law of King Hilesius, is said
to have been buried at Tara.
The word Apollo may como from the word Apelo or Apple. The Apple
Grove is famous in Myth. Avalon was the island of the apple groves.
Tennyson speaks of Avalon in his poem the Passing of Arthur.
"But now farewell, I am going a long
way . , With these thou seest - If indeed I go
To the island valley of Avalon (Havila of the Bible) Where falls
not rain, nor hail, nor snow,, Nor ever the wind blows loudly;
But it lies deep meadowed Happy with fair orchard lawns And
bowery hollows crowned with summer sea,"
Stories of the golden apples are found
in the Scandinavian as well as the Greek myth.
The golden apples
guarded by the Amazonians maids were the orange groves of Atlas or
the so-called apple orchards of Avalon. The southwestern lake
district of Ireland is semi tropical in climate. The Isle of Man,
which lies between England and Ireland, has a temperature range of
only seventeen degrees.
The Faroe Islands have a bay named Gods-haven. The Baltic sea has an
island named Got-land. Quite recently remarkable finds have been
reported at the latter place. The historical museum at Stockholm
recently reconstructed a strange type of helmet from a piece of
copper found in a peat bog on the island of Got-land. The name Got
is a favorite prefix for surnames.
Today the Shetland Islands carry as high a type of people as may be
found anywhere. Their blood dates back to the Bronze Age. The
remains of Bronze Age villages have been uncovered there.
Contrary to nineteenth century historians, England was a highly
developed civilized country before the Roman occupation. London"was
a thousand years old. There were good roads; good houses, horses,
and cattle. Some of the mythical kings, such as Lear (Le the Harry)
were the inspiration of Shakespeare's play. Good horses seen always
to have been a possession of Ireland.
England and Ireland were in decay before the time of the Romans.
poem of Thomas Moore shows the change:
"The harp that once thru Tara s
The soul of music shed, Now hangs as mute as Tara s walls As if
the soul were fled,"
"So sleeps the pride of former days, So glory s thrill is o'er.
And hearts that once beat high for praise, Now feel the pulse no
"No more to chiefs and ladies bright. The harp of Tara swells;
The Chord alone that breaks at night, It' tale of ruin tells."
- (Moore)
The Voyage of 3ran pictures the horses:
"There are at the western door
In the place where the sun goes down, A stud of steeds with grey
specked manes And another crimson brown."
- (Cuchulinn's Sick Bed.)
Moore relates Ireland to the Hyperborean
"I come from a land of the sun
bright deep, Where the golden gardens glow, Where the winds of
the north becalmed in sleep Their conch shells never blow,"
Moore, Song of the
An old Celtic oath is suggestive of the
rise of the sea in the time of the melting of the glaciers:
"I fear no man,
Only the sea to fall; I fear no priesthood, Only the sea to rise
O'Flaherty's Sketch of the Island of Arran (west of Ireland) leads in the direction of other Irish Myth:
"The people of Arran fancy at
certain periods they see Hybrasail elevated far to the west in
their watery horizon. This has been the universal tradition of
the Irish who supposed a great part of Ireland had been
swallowed up by the sea and the sunken part often rose and was
seen hanging in the horizon."
This story fits well with the geology of
the western isles of Scotland which bears marks of prodigious
earthquakes, as told by Plato in his story of the Island of
G. Griffin had said the same thing in verse:
"On the ocean that hollows the rock
where you dwell, A shadowy land has appeared as they tellj
Men thot it a region of sunshine and rest, And they called it
Hybrasail the isle of the blest.
"From year unto year on the Ocean s blue rim The beautiful
spectre showed lovely and dim; The golden clouds curtained the
depths where it lay And it looked like an Eden far, far away,"
Almost too preposterous is the legend of
the Greeks of One-rios (Henry) and Morpheus coming from the island
with the gates of horn, can noting a celestial paradise with gates of
In the Odyssey, Homer describes the Palace of Alcinous on the Island
of Scheria, It is much the same picture as that Plato gives Of the
island of Poseidon. It was the home of the Phaecians, who were
skilled beyond all others in the driving of "swift ships."
He states
the Phaecians originally came from Hyperia. Hyperia means beyond
Eria. There was an early God. The surname Hyperides was held by a
Greek orator. This name "Hyperides" coincides with the Irish legend
of the Isles in the west, which were beyond Erin. Eris was the Greek
goddess of Discord.
A list of place names is not out of place in a discussion of
Erin or Ireland: the home of the
gods, literally the noble land mentioned in the Exter book.
Noble land in the sense that it was plowed land, not
marsh, nor mountain, nor desert: from Ar, to plow.
Hyperia: a legendary land beyond Ireland and the original home
of the Phaecians of Homer.
Hesperides: the garden of the gods - legendary islands of the
Atlantic - home of the daughters of Atlas,
Heberides: islands off the-coast of Scotland.
Kiberita: the Spanish peninsula.
Tercira: an island in the Azores. Siberia: in Asia.
Maderia: islands in the Atlantic.
Shceria: a legendary island,
Algeria: In Africa,
America: across the sea land - A and Mere, sea - so named in
Switzerland from Americus Vespucius,
Bavaria: at the junction of the Elbe and the Danube,
C (a) rete
Arran: islands off the coast of Ireland. (Found in two places.)
Ari: islands off the southern coast of Arabia in the Indian
Paris: originally a small island in the river Seine,
Illyria: on the Adriatic sea,
Situated on the Shannon river facing the sea is the city of
Limeric - literally the city of the gods of the sea - or the Els
of the sea.
The living words of today are the best
way of studying the remote past.
Although the district of Harlem in
New York is the Negro district of that city, the word shows us that
New York was once settled by whites who came from Holland. There
probably is no other evidence of that history in the district that
may be found so easily.
As the glaciers of the Glacial Age are studied by the moraine of
today; so the words of today may be studied as the moraine of our
prehistoric past.
The following list of old Irish words is taken
largely from the works of O'Curry entitled "The Ancient Customs of
Ireland" and published in 1860 at the request of the University of
The nobility of ancient Ireland was called the Aries, whence the
name of the country Ireland. The Airemen were the free lords. (We
have the name Harriman, a late American Financier.) Above the Aires
ranked the Foleith (the modern name in Foley) who were the
Leuds, (the Lees).
The Irish name for chief was "cleith."
Mai was the name for prince. The Aires elected a king, the Rig Erind;
The Ard Rig Erind, Rig appears in the Indian literature in the words
Rig Veda.
The Irish word for homestead was the Les, Lis, or Lys. The word for
year was Airles" "(Geo Arlys). Ailill was the word for Royal House.
Aryan words for palace are: seld, selida, sella, sala, salle, sele,
salr, selda, and are a backward form of the word palace with the "p"
omitted. Aryan words for the land grants were: alod, ethel, odil,
nodal, athal, and edel, (We have already shown that "d" or "t" are
accents, and the land grant was That El, that is the place which
came from the El.
Deuce or Deaus was the Irish word for Zeus.
The brewing of Ale was the privilege of the Flaths in Ireland. The
Flaths were the Lee Men. (In Germany the privilege of brewing
belonged to the Lec Men or the nobility and there stands the legend
of Thor carrying away the giant s boiler for brewing ale. The Ale of
Ireland was celebrated for its quality. The ale feast was given in
the fall to the god Lagenian. "Whence the word Lager.)
The Roman word "clietes," the German "laeti," the Irish "ceiles,"
all connote the word vassal or servant to the El as does the word
feudal, Koill was the word (Irish) for oath. Leach was the word for
monument, Fidil was the old Irish word for harp, Aryan words for
stringed instruments are: viheula, viula, viola, viele, vidulai
vitulai fitola, phiala, violin, voil, fithele, fidel, fidula, videle,
vigele, and fidil.
Proper names of the Tuath de Danaan carried the El formation. LaBrad
was a Tuath de Danaan, Bradley is the modern version, Illand was
another name of a god, Claiden was the word for sword, Gladius was
the Latin word.
O'Curry states that-a marked characteristic of the Irish legend is
that it is inseparably interwoven with the ancient topography of
Ireland, in contrast to the British, Norse, and Germanic, which are
nomadic and without habitat.
Hilary was the name of the. god of joy, Hilary is a common Irish
surname, Hilarius is the name of the word for laughter.
Mr. C. Wadeel of England states that the Pharaoh Menes of Egypt was
buried in his homeland in Ireland, upon a watershed hill be the name
of Manyland.
(For a view of the Aryan features of the Pharaohs see
pages 226 in A. Weigal's History of the Pharaohs. It is a statue in
bronze of the Pharaoh Piop and his father Toti.")
A part of Tipperary, Ireland is named Ele or Ely. Elymi were the
early people of Italy. Limeric is situated near Ely.
To relate the Norse Myth to the Irish we make a few notes from the
Saga (Saying) of Thorstein:
Haloge was king of Norway.
Helgoland (Heligoland) was his home.
The Roman writer Tactius
states that
the Germans adored Herthus (Earth)
and that
ceremonies for her were held upon this island.
Gladwas was the wife of Kaloge,
Elivagar was their home (Eli).
Alvor was the wife of Grim and the sister of Aif who ruled near
the Elbe river.
Viking was the son of Vifil (King after God).
Rcfil was the son of Mefil.
Upsala was the shrine of Odin.
Vala was a goddess prophetess, (Compare Sibyl.)
Valkyries were maids who went to Valhalla.
Ellide was the ship.
Kild was the goddess of war.
Hel was the god of death.
Heimdal was the god of the rainbow.
Havalmal was the song of the high one.
Jumsla was the supreme god of the Fins (not Norse).
(Jumiel was the angelic prince in the book of Enoch.)
"Heady to you the ale of Erin, 3ut headier the ale of the
great land, The land of which I speak, No youth there grows
to old age."
- Old Irish
Back to Contents
"Free me from this
slaughterous priesthood, in which it is my office to
till strangers."
- Iphigenia,
by Eruicides.
Temporal and divine potter had been
united in the governments of Mexico and Peru.
The priesthood was
united to the emperor. The empires had stood still too long. Before
Mexico and Peru fell into the hands of Cortez and Pizarro decay had
so progressed that those empires resembled overripe fruit, ready to
fall at the first slight disturbance. The conquests of those two
empires were similar in most respects.
The main impulse that urged
the conquerors forward was gold. The wealth of gold in the empires
was fabulous; the gold offered Pizarro filled a large room; more
would have been added had not the flow been stopped.
The golden age of fable edges out into the light of reality in
Mexico and Peru. But all that was left was the metal itself; the
golden qualities that had existed in the infancy of the empires had
long gone before.
In both instances the progress of the invaders was aided by the fact
that the people expected the white men to come again as gods. The
legends of these countries tell that the original conquerors who
came centuries before the time of the Spaniards were bearded white
men, who came in the ships from the north and that they were
considered as gods. The white gods brought in a new way of living.
Quexaquotal and Packacamac, the respective gods, taught the people
agriculture, weaving, and masonry.
In Peru the first civilizers took possession of an island in Lake
Titicaca, This is indicative of an island culture.
Today all Peruvians are not colored. There remain some rod haired
white people with blue eyes.
The father of Tupac Amaru (the Emperor) possibly had more wives and
concubines than had Solomon or David.
In Mexico the legend related that the bearded god Quexalcoatl came
in and taught the natives all the arts. In both countries the
chronologies indicate that this happened about 5000 B.C.
In the sacred book of southern Mexico, the Popul Vuh, there are many
instances of parallelism between the culture of Old Mexico and of
Old Egypt. Prescott states that the aristocracy of the Old Mexico
was in many ways like the aristocracy of the Europeans in the middle
They feasted, drank, danced, and enjoyed music in a very
refined way; there was, however, a very sordid vestige of
cannibalism that remained as though the high breeding of the
nobility had been stained by the admixture of a baser influence. The
gods of
the Popul Vuh were a reasoning and thinking people. As in
Egypt, they resorted to inbreeding to keep their blood strain pure.
Apparently that was unsuccessful.
In Cusco, Peru, the ancient stonework remains today with the more or
less crude ruble work of the later Spaniards superimposed.
The old work is random ashlar finely out and very closely chiseled.
It seems that the master masons laid out each stone with lines and
set the laborers to work chiseling them to the line with very hard
tempered bror.2e tools. Very hard rock was easily cut. All sizes of
.stone were quarried. The largest stone ever quarried lies
Baalbek in Asia.
The largest stone quarried in Peru
approaches that stone in size. Modern stonework looks shabby when
placed beside or imposed upon the work of the Inca. It is well worth
recalling that a parallel exists in the round towers of Ireland and
the later stonework that was placed upon them.
Four highways led out of Cusco to the four parts of the Empire, The
highways led out of Cnossus in Crete the same way. In Cusco there
was a vast temple of the sun with golden decorations which was
similar to the temple of Poseidon which was a temple to the sun. The
Myth of the Incas relates that their rulers came from the "Island of
the Sun." (Poseidon.)
The cult of the sun was universal for
the Els had circumnavigated the globe. Standing opposed to this cult
of the sun was the much older and more savage cult of the serpent.
In the Popul Vuh one speaker states "I am a snake," which meant that
he belonged to the serpent cult. The serpent on the cross was just
as appropriate in South America as in Europe. Coins bearing the
serpent on the cross have been found in Central America.
Then there was the cult of the Battle Ax. With the Inca as with the
Cretans the Ax was the symbol of power. In Peru bronze, silver, and
gold axes were used by the three classes of people. The gold ax was
carried by the Inca. In Crete at the Palace of Minos the ax was
carved on the sacrificial stone in the sanctuary. (There was a
sacrificial stone at Minos. Labyrinth at Cnossus the same as
described to be at Poseidon.)
The falcon or eagle was used as a symbol of power in Peru that same
as in Egypt. The falcon-headed man is chiseled on the gate of
Tiahuanaco in Peru; the falcon-headed man appears, too, in Egypt on
the Tombs in Memphis.
Philological paleontologists have shown the similarity of hundreds of words in the Inca language to the Aryan roots, either
in Sanskrit, Greek, or English.
The canal drainage systems of the Inca were like those found at Cnossus, or like those spoken of to be in the palace of Poseidon.
The Aryan Inca developed the Llama, the lima bean, and the Indian
The hieroglyphies of Mexico remain undeciphered.
The pyramids of Mexico resemble those of Egypt.
To get a picture of the ancient Peru one should read the Aryan Incas
by Miles Poindexter, who was American Ambassador to Peru at one
time. His picture of the people of Peru worshiping the dissevered
head of Tupac Amaru (their emperor god) who was foully murdered by
the Spaniards, can only be likened to the followers of Christ at his
The late conquest of Ethiopia in some respects parallels that
conquest of Peru. Haile Selassie is but the vestigial remnant of a
once glorious empire that in the time of Solomon came near to being
a world empire.
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"Now when the blessed gods had
finished their toil and settled by force their struggle for
honors with the Titan3, they pressed far-scoing Zeus to reign
and rule over them, by Earth s prompting. So he divided their
dignities among them."
Hesiod s Theogony
From what has been found among the
excavations at Cnossus in Crete there is considerable evidence that
there was a race of gods and that Crete was one of their
Whatever traces of the gods that may be found on the
mainland of the continents is secured by uncovering the veil of a
vast sacred organization. At Crete, however, there is evidence that
it dropped the secrecy from many of its activities.
When the Cretans said that Crete was the home of the gods, the
Greeks called them liars. There is record somewhere in the Old
Testament that the Kittites thought the Cretans to be great liars.
Diodorus, an important Roman Historian, wrote that "Many gods went
out of Crete." When Minos and the Labyrinth appeared in Greek Myth
they were fictitious; but after the excavations at Cnossus it is now
agreed that they are historical.
Minos was reputed to be the son of Zeus. Today up in the mountains
in Crete along a rocky path, there may be found the throne chair of
Zeus and the seats of his council where they met to consider their
matters of conquest.
The labyrinth ruins are described by Sir Arthur Evans in his "Palace
of Minos."
The indications are that the culture that built the
"Palace" was the same that built the Sanctuary of Poseidon, and the
same that settled in Egypt. The Labyrinth at Egypt was larger but no
finer. Refinements and details of the* findings at Crete are just as
nice and bear markings of just as great a civilization as those at
Egypt. There is evidence of this-difference.
The people in old Crete had more time
for leisure and sports than those in Old Egypt. That is, there were
more of the leisure (lee) class proportionately in Crete than there
were in Egypt. Egypt appears as a vast horde of slaves and a few
rulers. Crete appears as a civilization with a great-many of the
leisure class, or with a greater proportion of distributed wealth.
The working class lived in fine houses away from the palace. Throngs
of refined people attended the athletic contests. Paintings indicate
that there were other races on the island, but they were not in the
Profiles of the pictures on the murals invariably show the classic
nose. The Greek nose is common to the Greek statues.
The gods were long headed "dolichocephalic" people. (There was a
considerable development of the lower or little brain, the
This is the seat of artistic endeavor. The sloping
forehead was an advantage over the people of today, for the front
part of the brain is the seat of worry and ambition. A recent report
of Drs. Freeman and Watts of the George Washington University states
that after operating and removing a portion of the front brain and
improving the condition of the patient, they conclude that the
frontal brain has more to do with emotional tone and ambition than
with intelligence.
As a further digression may it be Stated
that some anthropologists believe that the sloping forehead
represents the fully developed skull; while the perpendicular
forehead of the baby-face type represents a stunted development; In
other words man of today is an infant; he is paedo-morphic, which
means that a child may bear a child. Literally paedomorphic means
child change. With regard to insects it means for the larvae to lay
In a cave in France the sloping forehead type of skulls were
found beside the erect forehead type of infants. The latter was
supposed to develop into the former type; today we do not develop;
we are stunted.
Today it takes twenty-five years to
educate a child, and corporation considers him unfit to hire when
he is forty-five. That is, twenty-five years for preparation and
twenty for service.
Egyptian natives placed boards on the foreheads of their infants to
make their skull slope.
The gods placed belts about the waists of their children at infancy.
Greek myth states that the nurse placed a belt of gold upon the
waist of Apollo when he was an infant. In the Cnossus murals all the
people of a certain class have belts, and their waists are very
Shields of great ornament hung upon the walls of Cnossus. The
ornamentation and method of hanging are much as described by Homer
in his descriptions of Hercules; Achilles, or Zeus.
Pictures of the Bull adorned the walls and the vases. As at
Poseidon, the sacred bulls roamed the enclosure. The stone of
sacrifice was also there. It is no more than logical to suppose the
gods of Crete actually took the oath to abide by the decisions of
Zeus, and to take the divisions of the spoils of the continents as
given out by the "King of the gods."
Between Crete and Greece there are innumerable islands that were
peopled .with the god race. Here it was that Odysseus met a goddess
who prepared a meal for him. Here was the way for the gods to
penetrate to Greece. In later days the greatest school of Sculpture,
of Oratory, of Mathematics, lay upon the islands. On one such island
Octavius studied as a youth.
Near the city of Alexandria there was an ancient port for the ships
that came from Crete, It .now lies six fathoms below the surface of
the water; it was even undiscovered when Alexander went to Egypt.
The large quays were built to accommodate ships up to 300 tons.
War chests of Crete included rooms full of bronze arrow heads,
sharpened like razors.
Homer states that,
"The Acthiopians are split
asunder, some to the east, (in Asia) and some to the west (in
He also states that the god Poseidon had gone to Aethippia
to collect tribute.
Aethiopian soldiers are shown upon the walls of
Cnossus. Here is indication of a penetration of the Red Sea by the
gods, (In the Old Testament is the reference of the Canaanites
coming from Capthor (Crete) under the leadership of a god.)
the handsome white god, with his wife, Cassiopea (The fort of Casey)
a goddess of the Cassi tribe, was given suzerainty over Ethiopia. It
was he who came with a troop to aid Troy in the Trojan war.
Today the white blood of the Cretans shows in the Ethiopians. Haile
Selassie is partly white. His picture, in the papers, standing
holding a highly ornamented shield harks directly back-to the time
of Zeus "Who holds the Aegis" (shield). Haile Selassie did not
lose his head as did the Emperor of Peru, but in many ways there is
a parallel for the two empires and the two leaders. They both were
rulers of a wasted and degenerate empire. Both belonged to the
Bronze Age of 2000 B.C.
It is highly evident that Crete was one of the "Isles of the
Gentiles" from which those came that "divided the lands" among
themselves. From the Red Sea they penetrated as far as Japan and the
Pacific Islands.
There is a quotation from Lucian, a Roman writer, that described
conditions" in the Atlantic ocean 3000 years ago.
The picture drawn
then will fit the Pacific Islands of today:
"As we were walking thru the meadow
full of flowers, we met the guardians of the Isle, who,
immediately chaining us with flowers, for they were the only
fetters, conducted us to their king."
Today this is the manner of greeting
with the Lies (le) in Hawaii.
Born to the sea, on islands in the sea, the god no more feared the
sea than the Arab fears the desert. Each was in his own element. The
gods knew the ocean, (named from O'Kean, an Irish name and probably
means to know - Keen O).
It was Atlas, the wizard, who upheld the
world; and Poseidon the Earth Circler who circles it.
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"Nor Thebes so much renouned,
Whose courts with
unexhausted wealth abound.
Where thru a hundred gates
with marble arch,
To battle, twenty thousand
chariots march."
- Homer.
Arising from mud houses and sand pit
graves the Pyramid Age appears as if by magic.
Five thousands years B.C. Egypt was a
land of ignorant savages. It was the same four thousand B.C. The
change that came was the result of the coming of the gods. Nothing
great in the history of. Egypt predates the coming of the god
Osiris. Tradition states that he came from the Nile Delta. With his
coming, the appearance of Egypt changed much after the coming of
Osiris was canonized by the people who worshiped him. He taught them
the ways of agriculture. He gave them Apis the bull. Consequently
his picture is drawn sometimes as a man with a bull s head and
sometimes as a bull with the head of a man. Vestiges of the latter
extended over to Babylon and Ninevah where recently there was found
statues of large bulls with human heads. One of these grotesque
creatures now rests in the Chicago University.
There was the cult of Osiris and there was the cult of Apis. Then
there was the joining of the two into the cult of Osirapis or
Serapis. Seraphis is the winged bull of Ninevah. Seraphim was one of
the winged bulls that Isaiah saw in the king s palace near the
There was a cult of I sis that came and lasted till 600 A. D.
The veneration of Osiris was so great that after his death parts of
his body were worshiped, in a way not unlike the worship of the
dissevered head, of Tupac Aramu the inca god of Peru,
An Egyptian song, to Osiris translates thus.
"To the west to the mansion of
To the west thou art going.
Thou who wert best among men
Who did hate the untrue."
Osiris came from the west according to
Myth. He was borne from the sea. He appeared as a local god in the
city of Ded in the Nile Delta. Isis was sometimes called the goddess
of the west.
There can be but little doubt that Osiris came from Crete.
We give another quotation from Diodorus to show the connection of
this god to the gods of Crete:
"My father was Saturn (World ruler,
sometimes called
I am Osiris, Chronus, father of the Atlas line,)
That led an army thruout all the nations.
I am the eldest son of Saturn
A branch of a famous noble stock."
Another way of relating all these gods
is by the meaning of their names and the place names of their
The word Zeus means "Light or Sun"
The word Crete means "Belonging to the Sun,"
The word Osiris and the word Isis both mean "Sun,"
The word S-argon (the first king in the Euphrates Valley) moans
Assyria (probably a formation of the word Osiris) means "Sun."
The Persian word Cyrus means "Sun."
The word Ur (the home of Abraham) means "Sun,"
The word Baal means "Lord of the Sun."
The word Illium (Troy) means light of "Sun."
The word Helen and Llewellan both mean light or "Sun."
Helios or Los (Sol) both mean "Sun."
Elohim was the surname of Jehovah (Gods of Babylon), The lights
of the world.*
* The syllable 'as' in Assyria and 'sa'
as in Sargon are examples of backward and forward writing for both
syllables mean light. See
chapter on Asgard,
A complete list of the El words of the
Bible is given in the Appendix. Such a list as the above should be
convincing evidence that all the nations of the related districts
were ruled by sun-worshipers or the gods who worshiped light.
These worshipers of light were the Elohim, the Ely, the gods of the
Old Testament. All six Pharaohs mentioned in the Bible bear the
subtitle, Son of the Sun, and two bear title of Amen, viz., Ra-messu Mein
Amen, and Shashang Mein Amen (Shishak). Such words as Daniel,
Israel, Michael, Samuel, Uriel, Elijah, and many others are words
that refer to gods and come from the time-when the gods were first
penetrating the continents.
The great gods divided up the lands among the lesser gods in Egypt
as well as in Asia. Jehovah was a lesser god. His line became more
powerful at the time of Solomon (Man of the sun)
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"All who have courage to remain
steadfast thrice in this life,
And ,to keep their souls altogether free from envy;
Pursue the road to Zeus, to the
castle of Chronos,
(In my Father s home are many mansions.)
Where over the Isles of the
Blest ocean breezes blow
and flowers
Gleam with gold; with bracelets of flowers they entwine
their hands And wreaths crown their heads.
Pindar - Compare Leis,
So saying, Minerva, goddess, asure eyed,
Rose to Olympus, the reputed seat of the gods,
Where never storms disturb, • . .
There the divine inhabitants rejoice forever.
There are the turning places of the sun. (west)
The land is good
Rich in herbs and flocks.
Death never enters the land;
No hateful sickness falls on wretched mortals.
"How greatly you exalted Troy when she made connections in
Heaven... But Troy has lost the chara that held the gods."
Trojan Women, by
"Yet Castor was there - a strong man--not yet translated to
the stars."
"Gone are the festivals and songs of the dancers - gone are
the festivals of the gods in the darkness of the night."
Greek culture begins with Homer who
wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.
He lived about eight or nine
hundred B.C. His writings were of supreme influence upon the Greeks
who in turn influenced the entire European World. Homer was supposed
to have been blind, which was not uncommon for poets in Fabulous
The Bards who were to devote their lives
to remembering the legendary poetry were purposely blinded so that
their memory would not be hampered by the sight of things.
The greatness of Homer s poetry implies that there was something
that went before. There were legendary poets that predated Homer.
Orpheus and lluseaus were two of marked ability but there is none of
their works extant.
Were our only access to the Roman world to be by the way of the
Shakespearian Plays, we would still, know Caesar, Antony, and
Brutus; yet we.should hesitate to count them anything but fic-ti oo.
The whole Roman world might have been but the fabrication of the
Shakespearian mind.
Thus the story of the Trojan War and all the
"Olympian gods that live forever" and the "Phaecians who are of near
kin to the gods" were and still partly are considered the
fabrications of the mind of the blind poet Homer. After the ruins of
Troy, the "way was opened up for a rational explanation of the
wonderful fancies of the Epics.
The Hellenic Dark Ages obscured the golden age of the gods mentioned
by Homer and Hesiod, The age of disorder which followed the
disappearance of the gods affected the Greeks just as the Christian
Dark Ages of the* days after Charlemagne affected Europe, Control of
the" seas passed from the gods into the hands of pirates. The port
of Athens was called Pireus, Hundreds of years later, Athens came
out supreme, as England comes out today after the days of piracy of
the Drakes and the Morgans.
Troy was the civilized city, the Greeks were the barbarians in
ancient days. Troy was the city of the gods. Apollo and Neptune had
worked upon the walls of the famous city. Zeus was the supreme god
of the Greeks. He came from Crete.
He landed at Dodona, and
established the Oracle,
"No craft they knew, with woven brick and
jointed beam to pile the sunward porch; but n the dark earth
burrowed and housed like sunless ants in sunless caves."
Aeschylus - Prometheus
The greatness of classical Greece was due to the culture of the Illi
which for the first time in the history of the world was made
available to the public.
Cadmus, the "Phoenician God" that brought the alphabet to Greece and
founded Thebes may have been a god of the serpent cult who opposed
the sun cult and broke the bonds of secrecy that surrounded all the
mysteries of the Illi by making written language available to the
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There is an expression among historians that denotes confusion about
the source of civilization. It is the phrase "The lost origin of the
Aryans." The hunt fades out in the Euphrates Valley where as
elsewhere they are supposed to appear full-fledged as Minerva from
the brow of Jove.
The earliest settlers of the Euphrates Valley that were civilized
were the Sumerians, "Sumerian" probably means the great Eri, or the
great of the sea.
There have been found lately the ruins of the earliest settlement by
name Lagash, (an L word). The first Sumerian king was called Sargon,
the sun, or "Lord of Plants" or "Lord Digger of the Earth" or "Lord
of the Garden." Sar in pictograph language was the
picture of a
garden. The word garden today carries the "ar" syllable. Aryls meant
garden in Irish.
Like Moloch, Sargon was a man represented as half fish, that is that
he came from the sea. As Osiris came from the Delta of the Nile, so
Sargon came from the Delta of the Euphrates. Next after Lagash,
Sumer and Akkad were built.
In one of the latest books on Sumeria (The Sumerians, by C. Leonard
Wooley, 1938) the author states that the explorations
in Sumer discover a civilization
dating back to 4000 B.C. In the form of society discovered there the
king was either a divinity or was presided over by a very
anthropomorphic god who ruled the king.
city had its man god who dealt with the people only by proxy, which
necessitated the long list of lower gods who acted as intermediaries
for the people.. He states that the sign for the upper class was "amelu."
The first wife of the god was generally the eldest daughter of the
king. There were many other wives however. Sargon the Great extended
his sway over the entire part of Asia Minor.
In the sands of the Delta of the Euphrates there has been found gold
and silver jeweled carvings and beaten work of greater refinement
than farther up the river. The gods and the upper class were
Caucasian and not Semitic. The words "Ali" and "Harri" also appear
in the king lists as "Shargalisharri" a king who reigned about
2600 B.C.
Alulim and Alagar were kings who reigned before the flood,
Sumulailu (undoubtedly the same as Samuel) was a King-God that
reigned shortly before the reign of the famous Hammurabi (1940 B.C.
coincidentally just so far B.C. as we are now A. D.)
In reading the code of Hammurabi, and
familiarizing oneself with the social scheme of things in Babylon a
close resemblance between the gods of the Euphrates Delta and those
of Genesis may be seen. In the very first and second chapters of
Genesis may be seen the coming of the Eloihim (ilu) to the valley.
Genesis 2:6 starts the description,
"there was not a man to till the ground."
"But there went up a mist from the
earth and watered the Whole face of the ground." (The deserts
formed during the Glacial Age were watered during the melting of
the glaciers. At the same time the gods came to the
valley and brought agriculture to the troglodytes, "And the Lord-God
(Eloihim the original - and plural) planted a garden eastward in
Eden." There may have been many Edens, or Gardens.)
The word
paradise is-from the Greek "paradeisos" a park of the gods.
It was
to such a paradise or Eden that the Prince of Tyre had been, Ezekial
"Thou (King of Tyre) hast been in Eden, the garden of
God; every precious stone was thy covering," etc.
And 28:2 in the
"Thou hast said I am a God... yet thou art a man"
"Behold thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret they
can hide from you," (We see here the aspect of trouble between the
kings and the gods and the way the gods ruled.)
In a book on Arabia (Wooley, C.L., is
the author) the description of the activities of the gods coincides with
those of Sumer. Wooley
states the relation between Sumer-and Egypt-of the times of Menes
seemed very close, Egypt before the time of Menes compares with
Mesopotamia before the time of Sumer.
The city of Babylon had walls eighty feet high, about a hundred
gates, and the river ran under the .walls to furnish-water,
Hammarapi (Api) the great king had a great library in Babylon, In a
translation of some clay tablets a story of Arrapha (the city of
gods) is given. It is a story of much corruption.
After success in that valley the gods pushed on to the Iranian (Erinian)
plateau to found the: Persian Empire, named after Perseus, a
god so called by the Greeks. The cult of the sun was established in
the worship of Ahura-Mazda. And the language was phalavi. (Compare
Assur (the god of sun disk) was founded by the-god, Assur, who came
from Babylon.
The Chaldean name for god was Ilu while the Indian name for the
first king was Aila.
East of the delta was the land of Limerica. (Compare the word
Limeric in Ireland.)
Up toward the headwaters of the Euphrates there was the city of
Khatti or Kassi a city of the Cassi tribe and perhaps settled from
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Asgard and Yggdrasil - THE WORLD ASH TREE
According to Norse and German legend Yggdrasil was the world ash
tree that encircled the earth with branches all over the world and
with roots in heaven where knowledge and wisdom were concealed by
the well of Miner and the sacred fountain of Urd where the gods had
their doomstead (place of justice).
The etymology of this word Yggdrasil explains this myth which
coincides definitely with the theme of this book. Yggdr was a name
for Odin and it meant thot: as and il have previously been shown to
mean both god and light. Ash also means light.
Thus the thot of the
gods of light encircles the earth as a tree of light with branches
or god empires established all over the world and with roots or
origins in heaven the home of the gods where wisdom and knowledge
existed as a source or root. Thus Yggdrasil was the tree of
knowledge which was forbidden to Lno occupants of the garden of Eden
(Woden, Odin, weden, Wednesday, Eden, Garden of Eden).
The tree was sacred in many places. The Druids worshipped the tree
and especially the mistletoe. (The kiss under the mistletoe is a
vestige of the feast of the saturnalia and the worship of the tree.)
There were many gardens and many gods with a central home or
doomstead where judgment was given to all the gods and where they
swore allegiance as mentioned in the story of the island of
Denmark was originally called Gotland and the many islands in the
Baltic presented a condition like that near Greece.
Odin had a hundred names according to the Eddas. Wotan in German is
not unlike Votan the god of Gutamala in America. The Asen gods gave
names to many places in northern Europe. Ostend, Essen, Esthonia are
some. Asasen was another name for Odin. Asis was the land of
light, or the land of the rising sun.
The thirteen celestial gods of Asgard were the Aesir or the Osir.
This is the same word as found in Assyria and in Osiris. It carries
the same meaning in all instances.
Assyria was founded by Assur who came from Babylon; and Babylon was
settled from Lagash, Lagash carries the pictograph of a garden and
no doubt is related to the garden of As or Ash. The Assyrians were a
heavy bearded white people of Aryan stock and could not have been
indigenous to the Euphrates valley. That they were a seafaring
people-originally is shown by the fact that Sargon, "Lord Digger of
the Earth," was pictured as half fish, like Moloch, and was also
called lord of the seas.
Indeed such words as Aesir (Norse), Osir (Egyptian), Assyr
(Assyrian) or Asathor (Korse), Asthorth or Asthart (Phoenician),
Astara (Saxon), Easter (English), Esther (Spanish), are too widely
spread over the earth to indicate an Asiatic origin. The land of the
Kybrasail, the mythical home of the Irish west of Ireland is very
suggestive of Yggdrasil.
It is true the settlement of Lagash below
Babylon was very early, about 3000 B.C.
The Invasion of the Baltic may have bee.
later, yet it was to our conclusion a more direct" settlement from
the west. Yggdrasil was nearer the truth than the tree in the garden
of Eden. There the sacrament was made over a small tree as shown by
inscriptions. In other words the tree of Eden was vestegial. The
tree that Abraham planted (Gen. "HO") was the Eshel (literally the
tree of god).
The sacred tree of the Canaanites that
stood beside the altar was the Ashera (literally the tree of the
The tree of Knowledge was forbidden Adam for it was not the
intention of the Gods (Elohim) to have man partake of the secrets,
even as a southern slaveholder could baptize and convert a hundred
slaves to Christianity and not share the proceeds of his plantation
with any one of them.
Ascard the German Heaven
Asen was the name of the family of gods of Odin, Thor, Balder,
Freda, and others.
Their home was Asgard or literally the
garden of As. (Such names as Oswald, Oscar, and Osmond, are derived
from As.) There was a race of people in early Italy named Oscan, and
also a city at the sea coast near the present site of Rome called
Ostia and founded at least 1500 B.C.
The giants were a slothful dull older people than the gods. The gods
built Asgard and drove the giants to Utgard or "Beyond the Garden."
This was very much like the Elohim drove mankind from the Garden of
Eden in Babylon. The King of Utgard was Utgardloki. There was a
river "Gioll" between Asgard and Utgard or between the gods and the
Griot-tunagardr was the rock boundary of the garden and was
the site of the fight between Thor and the giant Hrungnir.
Thor was also called Asathor, the mighty god. The Asen gods were the
gods of light as such names as Halogi (flame) (of. the Greek Helios
or Logos) and Elivagar indicate..
Baldur was the best beloved and most refined Asen god. His home was
a castle named Breidablick (Broadview).
The most important beings below the gods were the Harries or
literally the "First Harries" and the name is the same as Henry.
Thus we can see a reason for so many German kings bearing the name
of Henry. It is also to be reminded that the number two men of
ancient Ireland were the Harries. There they ranked below the Leuds.
It should be not be out of place here to mention the
writings secretly known to the Egyptian Priests which was termed the
There was a second and older race of Nordic Gods, the Wanen, who
dwelt in Wanenheim or Mitgard. The Mitgard Serpent and the Mitgard
Dragon ship indicate that the Wanen were the serpent gods, an
earlier organization than the Ely Gods everywhere.
There was a war
in heaven between the Asen gods and the Wanen gods. When peace was
finally established hostages were exchanged to guarantee good faith.
Thus we can see that the Asen gods conquered to some extent the
giants and the snake gods. This coincides with the story of Hesiod
who told of the gods warring the giants and of the final supremacy
of the gods with the selection of Zeus to reign.
Warfare existed mainly on the basis of single combat: Armies were
practically unknown. Many of the escapades of Thor were incursions
into the giant land, the untellable mountains, the forests, and the
Fricia's palace was named Fensal or Sea Hall, and Niodr s Castle was
Noatum or the Ships Harbor. Oegir was the sea god who lived far out
in the sea. He often visited the Asen and one is led to believe the
Asen lived on Islands, in Halls, surrounded by Gardens.
The gardens
were walled and had large gates. This must nave been the way of
living throughout the entire European and Asiatic world for
thousands of years during the age of the gods. Gold seems to occupy
a fundamental place in the world of the gods. Valhalla or Asgard was
topped with gold. There was a golden age like that mentioned by
The Roman writer Tacitus states that human sacrifices were brought
to Thor by the Semnones, the oldest tribe of the Suebi. Thor also
had living slaves given to him by devoted followers as tokens or
sacrifices. They would correspond to the Levites given to the Lord
by the Israelites, Of course Thor probably represented a line of
gods the same as did the word Jehovah,
Christianity pushed the religion of the Asen gods to Norway and
Sweden. From there as the Christian religion moved in, a band of
settlers moved to Iceland to have their freedom of worship
unhampered by the religion of Rome, It was here that the Eddas were
collected together and written down. They were already old at this
time. These Saga or Sayings combined with the oral myth of the
northern Europe are the source of the information relative to the
prehistoric gods.
It is scanty indeed. The Greek and Roman
material is one hundred times so plentiful. Enough exists however to
show that the Nordic Gods were the same as the gods of the Levant.
The Gardens; Kalis, warfare, altars, sacrifices, marriage and family
life; were the same.
Most of the stories are primitive exaggeration,
yet the raw material could not have originated sui generis. The
savages of the north could not have invented the civilization of the
halls and gardens of their own accord. The gods were agricultural
pioneers seeking a foothold on the continent, There was a partial
While they did mingle with the aborigines of Northern Europe and
while their blood yet regains on the continent, there was some
event, partly human and partly seismic that
caused Ragnarok, the
tragedy like that of Iceland in 1783 that ended the direct control
of Asgard.
Golden Asgard with its palaces was destroyed by flames
while its queens were inside.
The gods died fighting and the Gotterdamerung ensued.
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There is a Myth in the Maha-Brata, the great epic of India, where
Ekata and Dvita testify that they had seen the beautiful white
island and its inhabitants, that there were great and wonderful
things there, and that it could be compared as a way to heaven.
Indara sailed up the Indus river as far as Cashmir to build his
palaces and celestial halls. Indara is a form of the Aryan word And-ari
or Henry.
The Mahas-Bratas were the High-Brits a word that is far
reaching and descriptive in its import. Berith means covenant. Baal-Berith
means lord of the covenant and the Britons were a race prone to make
covenants. Hon. L.A. Waddell (ell) of London shows in an almost
indisputable manner that the Maha-Bratas were the high Brits, the
word Maha meaning high as it does in Irish and the word
being the same as Brit.
The social system of India drifted into the caste system that they
have there today. The gods are still on top.
A few of the Maha-Bratas penetrated across the mountains and went
into Tibet to establish the godship of the grand Lama (Dalai) and to
build the sacred city of Lassa* where today about half of the men
are priests,
* Reverse form of as al.
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"The cloud capped towers,
the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great
globe itself, Yea; all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a
wrack behind."
"Myself a serpent - wild and savage serpent, too - shall
lead an army of spearmen against Hellas."
Cadmus, in the
Bacchants, by Euripides.
The Druids of Britain called themselves
the Snakes; the Chiefs of Votan, mentioned in
the Popul Vuh in
Guatemala, styled themselves the great race of the Dragon or the
In later Babylonia the Hierophants were the reputed sons of
the Serpent God. In Crete the famous image of the Serpent Goddess
has been found and some call it the image of Eve, In Greece, Apollo
slew the Phython or Serpent, In Israel, the common people
were always making images of the Serpent and offering worship. In
India the serpent is still worshipped.
It is plausible that there was quite a conflict between the cult of
the Sun and that of the Serpent.
The story of the garden of Eden and of Adam and Eve is but the
sublimation of the story of the struggle of the Snake worshipping
aborigines of the Euphrates Valley against the gods of the Eloihim,
who in Sumerian were termed the "Ilu."
The Garden there spoken of
was Babylon "The gate of the gods" as the name means. Babylon
surrounded by high walls was indeed a garden in the strict sense of
the word for it was large enough to hold agricultural grounds as
well as houses. Into this garden the gods took the proletarians or
"forerunners of the gods" on probation, to make "like us."
The Serpent priest or Satan warned them
they would only be slaves.* (The Pharaoh of Egypt was called a
Dragon, Ezekiel 29:3, and the soldiers of the Pharaoh were called
Dragons. Thus it may be easily seen why the children of Israel were
prone to worship the Serpent, the emblem of the gods from whence
they came.)
* Echion, in ancient Greece, belonged to the Dragon race.
Such conditions might be almost modern comparatively
speaking, had the Pilgrim Fathers invited the Indians into their
villages "To make men of them or to make them in their own image,"
Indian Snake doctors and priests might advise to the contrary.
Thus man, unwilling to follow the advice of the gods, was suffered
to go without the fruits of the garden.
There is the legend in Egypt that the Serpents robbed the gods of
their immortality. In Babylonia the Legend of Napishum states that
the Serpents stole the ambrosia from the gods and the gods lost
their immortality. In India the god Indara was supposed to have
preserved the ambrosia from the Snakes.
In the garden of Eden
(Babylon) the gods (Eloihim) drove the Snakes (Adam and Eve and the
Serpent) out of the garden. Legend states that Saint Patrick drove
the serpents out of Ireland, (possibly the passing of the Druids who
were Snakes). There are no real snakes on many of the islands of the
earth today. Thero is a universal pictograph of the serpent entwined
about the cross. This symbolizes the universal struggle between the
two cults.
The worst (or perhaps the best) happened; the gods interbred with
the snakes and lost their identity in the lands that they conquered.
With the passing of the gods, universal decay set in.
All the
countries that we have mentioned took on a depressed condition and
there was not one that withstood the great world depression.
"And Zeus will destroy this race of
mortal men also, When they come to have grey hair on their
temples at their birth."
Hesiod - Greek
"And the gods will depart from
mankind; All the voices of the gods will of necessity be
silenced and dumb... After this manner will old age come upon
the earth. All things will be disordered and awry."
Hermes Trismegists -
"And so the lord scattered them
abroad from thence upon the face of the Earth; and they left off
to build the city."
Genesis XI - Hebrew
"The gods, to punish so much vanity
and presumption, had consigned to everlasting oblivion the
founders1 names, dates, periods, and all records of them."
Pliny - Latin
"The day is coming when the whole world will know nothing of the
faith of the Egyptian. Our land will be desolate and tombs and
the dead will be its only witness. O Egypt! Naught but fables
will tell posterity of thy faith and none will believe them.
Nothing will remain but the word hewn in stone, to tell of the
ancient gods."
In the myth of the north European
countries there is the story of the Gotterdamerung, or the Twilight
of the gods. It portrays the same story.
The great Els became the
little Els, the ending of names that so many people thought to be the
diminutive sign. The el or le ending of nearly all names is a sign
of the El blood continuing in the blood of the person who bears the
Mankind in general; in the desperation
of the realization of its own incompetence, grasped at the god of
the Israelites, and accepted him as the ruler of the universe.
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There is a connection in the secret mysteries and rites of the
Ancient World.
The oldest mystery is the story of Osiris, son of Saturn, brother
and husband of Isis, father of Horus, and brother to Typhon, Typhon
kills Osiris and Isis retrieves the body in dissevered parts and
Osiris is proclaimed arisen from the dead. Zoroaster brought this
mystery to Persia, Cadmus brought it to Greece, Orpheus brought it
to Thrace, and Helampus brought it to Athens.
Similarly the mystery of Adonis was the funeral feast and his
reported arrival the following day alive. The Orphic Rites
celebrated in secrecy at night the funeral lamentations for a great
person. After bewailing his death he is understood to be restored or
Baptism was one of the ritos celebrated in the worship of Hithras,
the Persian God, who, by the way, was ascendant in Rome before the
time of Augustus, The Orphic rites celebrated a holy trinity and the
mysteries of Samothrace taught the worship of the Holy Mother of the
Gods, a future life, and eternal punishment for the wicked.
Dionysius or Bacchus of Crete was said to have arisen from the
The Essenic customs are said to be like the customs followed by the
worshippers of Orpheus, the pupil of Apollo, and together with
Musaeus, a pot of the darkest age of Greece. Christ and John the
Baptist were said to have been Essenes.
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Modern Lodges of
Masonry both observe a rite of resurrection. A young man approaching
initiation into Masonry must profess his belief in God, such also
was the requirement for the young neophyte in seeking entrance into
the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Mystery is mentioned in the New Testament twenty-one times. The word
signifies mastership. Whatever the Master did in ancient times was a
mystery. In London in 1666 a paper mentions "The freemen of the
mystery of Carpenters."
Above the mystery stood the miracle, the
wonder of the gods. Between the miracle and the mystery stood the
magic, or the work of the great one, the Magi, such as the three
wise men.
The ingredients of Christianity were already prepared by the secret
mysteries of the Illi gods, though they contended among themselves
very often. Some similarities and many others are mentioned in such
researches as The Golden Bough.
They bring one to the brink of
wondering if, after all, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ were not a
"super colossal" miracle play, based on such secret rites as were
given at Eleusis and Samothrace, played on a grand and real scale in
a large city for the benefit of the secular public - or as Diodorus
"What was done in secret, later was done openly."
If so,
for this drama Christ was prepared and schooled from infancy.
Such a thesis leads to other evidence. At the time of Christ,
Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt, were prostrate before the Roman
barbarians. Sacrifices to the Divine Julius and to Augustus were
made by the populace. The culture of Greece and Egypt would have
had to seek cover. The home of Apollo, Demeter, and Orpheus had been
desecrated. Golden plunder was carried away to Rome.
The Island of Patmos was not far from Eleusis and Samothrace, the
homes of the secret rites. It was on the Island of Patmos that Saint
John saw Christ, pictured as an old man with white hair, garbed in
white, with a golden girdle. (Rev. I.) This was about 90 A. D. If
this were not a vision, Christ is presiding there at the head of a
meeting of Elders. (II.) He held the place as a result of going
through the ordeal of being crucified.
In Rev. Ill Christ speaks of "the Amen," using the word as a noun, calling them the "faithful and the
true." Cannot this denote a relationship with the Amen of Egypt? The
Amen or Ammon were the secret rulers of the world, the same who
controlled Alexander and told him to found the city of Alexandria.
They were in turn to control Roman Empire during the attempted world
theocracy during the Middle Ages.
In somewhat glorified terms John
describes the twenty four elders wearing crowns before Christ.
The Greek word for king is Baselius. Base is the word for foot, bass the
word for low, and bas means down, so surely baseli means below the
gods. Thus the king was below the gods. This furnishes the basis for
the European King s claim for Divine Right in ruling.
Earlier in Matthew 1, Christ promised the faithful twelve rulership
over a restored Israel. It would seem at first that the aim of the
early Christian movement was to control Israel, but first aims are
not always last accomplishments.
Christ s words upon the cross are enigmatical. "Eli, Eli why hast
thou forsaken me?" They seem to indicate the expectation of some one
who was to help him down. He was, indeed, taken down by Joseph of
Arimathea, a rich man, who only claims him after he was crucified,
as if that were his only cue. At the same time there were displays
of supernatural commotion not unlike the displays at the time of the
murder of Julius Caesar as told by Plutarch.
As told by Matthew,
Mark, and Luke, the veil of the Temple was rent.
Someone has passed from the outside
through to the holy of holies. Some person, for it would need not be
rent were it a spirit. Haliburton speaks of a tunnel that was
supposed to lead from the Temple to the outside of the city. The
Temple is gone now but there is some evidence that there was a
tunnel. If there was the High Priests knew it.
The Jews and the High Priests of the Jews did not accept Christ.
Matthew 28,
"This thing is commonly reported among the Jews to this
day" that is "that his disciples came by night and stole him away."
Later Christ s ascension took place in a cloud. A spirit would need
no cloud.
It is reminded, Jehovah himself, moved in a cloud by day.
Christ s words, "In mi fathers house are many mansions" might
be taken literally. The word paradise means park in Persian, in
Greek it is park of the gods - paradeisos, deis means god, the same
as theos.
The gods as we have said stayed in the sacred groves even
in upper Silesia or in Southern Arabia, The word Elath (The El)
means grove (it was the name of the home of Jehovah and was located
on an arm of the Rod Sea) and the word Elim means oak grove. The
wonderful facades on the bluffs at the site called Petra, or perhaps
Sela, south of the Dead Sea and on the border of Arabia deserve more
The place which is beyond description in grandeur is
about two miles long and several hundred yards wide. Facades of
Temple entrances perhaps two hundred feet high and wonderfully
carved face the enclosure. There are many of them. The whole area
may only be approached from a narrow passage a few feet wide.
knowledge of its existence has been lost to the world for many
Britannica states,
"Petra was the home of a very early sanctuary of
the Horites"
That the name of the place was not known - that
the style of the architecture is Kabataen at first but later partly
Greek and partly Egyptian.
Strangely enough few inscriptions have
been found in Petra. The most eminent find was a rock hewn altar
named the Highplace consisting of a place for killing victims and a
shallow court perhaps intended to hold water; the most complete
Semitic sanctuary that is known.
Further - "One part of the site
was called Pharaoh s Treasury," and also "that Christianity was at
Petra very early."
How could this place be built by wandering
robbers - it must have been constructed from the continuous flow of
wealth from the offerings at the Temple in Jerusalem running for
hundreds of years. Such a place might well have furnished the
resting place for the intellectual recluse, rich and safe and
secluded: it might well have been the Abode of the Gods.
But if it were it ceased to be when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem
and plowed up the ground. The Romans feared the Theocratic
Organization, and well they might, for it would eventually conquer
Rome. No other city in the world was so utterly destroyed as was
Jerusalem. But the controlling men were safely hidden away from the
The Papacy of Rome can be foreshadowed.
The Illi theocracy
went underground during the Roman ascendancy. For about three
hundred years Christians were persecuted, churches were held in
secrecy. But when Constantine was converted, supposedly by a miracle
in which he saw a vision in the sty, the Christian Church came out
of hiding and took open secular control in Rome. All the Oracles
simultaneously ceased to speak: Christ s words were fulfilled.
had shifted to the control of the Emperor. The Pope took to himself
the prerogative of crowning kings. At this point Christian
Scientists claim that the power of healing was lost to the
Christians. As worldly power was gained, spiritual power was lost.
Thus the organization of Ammon continued through to the Christian
Church of the Middle Ages.
Beyond the history of Masonry there is unwritten evidence that the
lodge is-the product of the religion of Bell or Baal. Scotland,
England, Ireland show evidences of the religion of Bell.
Christianity and Masonry join up in agreement on antediluvian
mythology, yet Masonry differs from Christianity in doing no
proselytizing, in doing no healing, in avoiding many emotional
disturbances common to Christianity.
Masonry acknowledges the Great Architect, makes morality a skill and
a training - not a miraculous conversion. Hiram of Tyre was a
worshipper of Baal (History of Masonry) and knew not Jehovah.
belonged to the Napthalia or the priests of the apron or linen.
Hiram s craftsmen built the temple for Solomon who had no craftsmen.
Solomon was practically converted to Baal for he admired the higher
cult and Jessica introduced the worship of Ball to Jerusalem. This
Jehovah would not stand for he above all was a "jealous" god. Hence
the line of Solomon was to be destroyed.
As a matter of fact Jehovah's jealousy was the destruction and the dispersion of the Jews,
as Jehovah undertook to wreak vengeance by bringing in the armies of
nearby nations.
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Religion of the historical and the prehistorical past lies
deep-rooted in the present.
Where superstition and ignorance still survive, religion flourishes
as an ancient tines. Father Divine of New York styles himself god -
the nearest approach the Twentieth Century, A. D. has to the
Twentieth Century B.C.
Prerevolutionary Moscow was called the city
of churches. Four hundred churches with golden domes looked down on
the. slum-like dwellings of the poor. This was a Nineteenth Century exhibition of the religion existing on the superstition of the
masses. Money flowed into the churches to furnish their golden domes
but none of it ever seemed to pass out to benefit the poor.
During the Middle Ages the Papacy struggled with the German Emperors
to maintain world supremacy. The Germans complained of the
Ultramontainisn, the money that passed beyond the Alps to build the
cathedrals of Rome and never to return.
The supremacy which the Papacy inherited from the time of
Constantine was indeed the supremacy of the Amphictyonic League of
Greece. The League of Amphictyon goes back to the time of
Troy. Before the time of Troy the Pelasgi of Greece were settled by
the Priests of Ammon. Priests directed more then than in the time of
Marquette and La Salle.
Direct evidence may never be found, but circumstances indicate that
Julius Caesar s main business in Egypt was to secure the consent of
the Priests of. Ammon to his world ruler-ship. Caesar himself was a
high priest according to Josephus. When the weakness of the
organization became apparent Caesar s ambition mounted, ambition hot
to be "king," but to be god.
Indeed in the time of Augustus Caesar
daily sacrifices were made by the masses to Octavius as a god.
Unlike Alexander, Julius Caesar preempted the powers of Egypt and
was directly assassinated as a result of a whispering campaign of
the priesthood. Egypt and Rome warred under Antony and Octavius and Rome won, but three hundred years later Constantine was
won over to the other side. Such fluctuations of power had happened
The seclusion of the Popes at Avignon is another example. The
struggle between the priests of Typhon and those of Osiris is a
third. Milton has dramatized this sublimated story in his Paradise
Lost. Satan was the symbolized form for the Priests of Sat in the
temple of Sat in Egypt under Typhon.
All the Devils of Milton s story were the local gods mentioned
elsewhere in this book. Existing side by side they sometimes
maintained control by coalition, even as the wet and dry politicians
of today sometimes swing their forces together. Exposure was
impossible for they all were practicing the same methods, and for
one god to expose the methods of the oracles of the opposing god
would be suicide for himself.
Thus the Jews consulted the oracle of
Beelzebub against the direction of Jehovah, yet Jehovah would not
expose the methods of Beelzebub, lest Beelzebub expose Jehovah.
A disciple of one creed (such as Job) could be robbed indefinitely
but he always remained faithful. (Do anything to him, but spare his
Today continuity of organization exists through the church of Rome,
the Oracle of the Delphi, the Priests of Ammon, to the House of
Atlas on the island of Poseidon. But there is no continuity of
personnel. In the days of Atlas the rulership belonged to one race -
an inbred race and hence a race that tended to sterility, the
biological result of inbreeding. Many of their leaders were either
sterile or had only one son as had Ulysses.
Brother and sister
mating were common. Caesar for lack of a son settled his estate upon Octavius. Alexander died without issue.
The slow decadence may be
seen in the European nobility of the last few centuries.
Biologically an outbreeding was necessary; but even to the time of
Marie Antoinette of France the demarcation between nobility and
plebian was supremely distinct.
Thus today, even though we outbreed, we bear marks of deterioration.
We dwell upon the threshold of hysteria. The mental troubles that
harass the multitude are brought about largely by the universal
system of exploitation. When submerged races are not available for
exploitation, the descendants of the Illi exploit one another, and
thereby increase their mental ailments.
Who knows but that possibly the happy days of ancient
pastoral-Saturn may return in our own machine age. In the days of
Saturn exploitation was not felt. The fields were new and
un-fallowed. Likewise exploitation was not felt in America when the
land was new.
Conditions such as came about in Egypt and India were
the result of the exploitation of the gods who in turn made no
effort to rationalize the superstitions of the masses. The gods were
to blame. All the beauties of the splendid Christian ideals cannot
make recompense for the damage done. Nor today can the church
explain away its neglect, its failure, its procrastination in the
elimination of worldwide slums, the slums of the Troglodytes.
the belt of rural slums in America is sometimes otherwise termed the
Bible belt.
All cities have slums. Evidently slums are needed for a system of
exploitation to succeed. A populace cannot be continually robbed and
not become poor.
Thus indeed the Bible may say:
"The poor ye have with ye always."
Yes, indeed, the poor we have; unless
the system be changed. And the church places emphasis upon the
individual, who is helpless, and forebears to mention the system.
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There is a touch of modern
Christianity in the words of Aesculapius (Asklepios) that
predate Christ:
"Gross matter is • the nature of bodies: Spirit, the nutrient of the
soul: Beside this there is mind, which Is a gift from heaven... By the light of mind, the human soul Is illumined as the world is
illumined by the sun." - Aesculapius III.
Face to face - Judges, 2-2: "Alas 0 God for because I have
seen an angel face to face." And the Lord said unto him. Peace be
unto thee, thou shalt not die" . Genesis 32, 30: "And Jacob
called the name of the place Peniel, for I have seen God face to
face and my life is preserved"... Judges 15 - 22: And Manoah said
unto his wife "We shall surely die" because we have seen God"... Deuteronomy 3, 26: for who is there of all flesh that hath heard
the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire as
we have, and lived?"... Numbers 14, 14: "For they have heard that the Lord is among his people , that the lord is seen face to face,
and that thy cloud standeth over them." It is reported that in ancient Egypt as the Pharaoh walked past,
the people would bow their faces to the ground.
Sela (Petra., the rock). Psalms 4: "The Lord has heard-me out of
his holy hill." Deuteronomy 32,2: "The Lord came from Sinai and rose
up in
Exodus 3: "Moses came to the mountain of God, to Horeb." Exodus
17, 6: "I will stand .before thee on the rock of Horeb." Exodus
18i-5 "Where he encamped at the mount of God." Genesis 8, 10:
"It was well watered even AS the Garden of
Organization (Probably•operating from-Petra)« Joshua 5, 14:
"And he said "Nay, but as Captain of the host of
the Lord am I now come." And Joshua fell on his face to
the earth, etc." Genesis 32, 1: "And Jacob went on his way, and the
Angels of the God met him, and .when Jacob saw them he said "This
is God s host" Genesis 38, 7: "And the Lord slew him."
Genesis 38, 8: "And the Lord view him also." Note: In the early
days it was easy to slay one who did not obey the commandments of
the Lord. Later when there were thousands that followed Astoreth or
Baal it was necessary to send., armies of vengeance*
"I am the Lord that brought thee out of the land of the Chaldees
to give .thee this land to Inherit It." - Genesis 15 5 7. There is
indication that while the men or mankind owned
the land, the gods owned the men. How much more profitable would be
a herd of men than a herd of cattle, for men brot everything for the
sacrifice? For how much more valuable is the possession of man s
mind than the ownership of land. There is also evidence too lengthy
to quote in detail that, the gods of the Jehovah strain proclaimed
an equity in the Israelites that required the gods of Egypt to
acquiese to a removal. And thus only certain lands were offered,
and the Israelites passed over some lands almost as trespassers.
Arc: The oldest name for a ship war Arc. The word has a variety of
meanings that would indicate the invasion and conquering of Greece
,by way of the sea with chips .
Archi is Chief: Arche is beginning:
Arc is guard: Arc is a bow: Arcanun Is secret: Archon was the chief-ruler: Architect was the great technician: Monarch was the king.
Amphictyronic .Council appointed Phillip of Macedon (330 B.C.)
commander in chief for their forces. (See chapter on Alexander.)
Aristarcus (first shipman). Born at Samos 280
B.C. An astronomer
who anticipated Copernicus in Heliocentric theory.
Aesculapius, the son of Apollo, was taught medicine by Cheiron and
was able to restore the dead to life, for which he was killed by
Zeus. His daughter Hygieia was the goddess of health. Greek
physicians were" the priests of Aesculapius.
Agricola, a Roman general was forbidden by the Roman
Government to invade Ireland (80 B. C.). (Was Ireland sacred to Rome
the same as was Egypt?) Britain was conquered shortly before
this- time.
Greek Culture appears to come into Greece already differentiated: It
came from the adjacent islands: Many if not most of the important
talented Grecians were born and lived on Islands: Sappho was born in
Lesbos, Pythagoras in Samos, Peisandra in Rhodes, Herodotus tells of
the largest temple of Hera on Samos, whose literary tradition is
singularly defective.
Oscan: An ancient race in Italy.
Ossian: Gallic legend places Ossian as the son of Finn. Finn-land
has too many place names and too-many names of their important
citizens not to be related to the gods. Sibelius the great Finnish
composer: Kallia the President: Mickala and Kareli and Helsinki are
examples. The name Finn is probably related to the .same word in
southern Ireland. The late war could symbolize modern version of
the war between the gods and the giants in which the gods lost.
Dwarfs: In Norse legend the Dwarfs were favorable to-.the gods; the
giants opposed and fought them. Lapland today has dwarfs genteel
in many ways.
Atli: Another name for Thor in the Eddas. Odin (Asason). was the
father, of Tys or Teas. Ocean was the father of Zeus.
Fricca: The wife of Odin. Of Fran. Unlucky Friday. Utgard Loki: The
king of the Giants. The Snake or Serpent.
Griottunagardr: The rock garden where Thor meets and fights giant
Giants predate the gods: Indicating the giants as
Druids: Tree worshippers: Of Dryads., the same, in Greek for wood
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