by David Icke
originally at
DavidIcke Website
Rense Website

As I travel around America it is clear that this country is on the
brink of an economic catastrophe the like of which it has never
seen. And, of course, it is not alone. A similar story can be told
around the world.
The foreclosure figures are fantastic as families and others lose
their homes through no fault of their own on a scale that, according
to current projections, is destined to become a tidal wave.
The credit explosion was orchestrated through Illuminati agents and
Satanists like Alan Greenspan, who represents the interests of the
Bilderberg Group,
Council on Foreign
Trilateral Commission
and other far more exclusive and sinister
secret societies.
Greenspan was the long-time head of the privately-owned 'US central
the Federal Reserve.
Once his policies had manipulated as
much personal and commercial debt as possible the plug was pulled on
the system to trigger what is designed to be global economic

Greenspan, who led 'the Fed' under Reagan, Father Bush, Clinton and
Boy Bush, operates at a deeper level within the Illuminati network
than most of their public figures, and I was told by a former
Satanist, an unofficial offspring of
the Rothschild family, how he
remembered Greenspan at sacrifice rituals he attended:
'I can recall
the Rockefellers and
the Bushes attending rituals, but
never having the supremacy to lead them. I still regard them as
lackeys and not real brokers of occult power.
Except for Alan
Greenspan, most of these fellows were camp followers in the occult,
primarily for the economic power and prestige. Greenspan, I recall,
was a person of tremendous spiritual, occult power and could make
the Bushes and the younger Rockefellers cower with just a glance.'
This, then, is the man who was controlling the United States economy
from 1987 to 2006 and who, as planned, oversaw the insane economic
policies that led to
the current global collapse.
Go to another
level of understanding and you can see that Greenspan and other
Illuminati place-men throughout the world knew exactly what they
were doing and what the outcome was planned to be.

Zionist Greenspan got out just before the true scale and
consequences of his manipulation came to light. It has been left to
others, including his Zionist successor at the 'Fed', Ben Shalom Bernanke, to offer the 'solutions' to the problems that Greenspan
and his like created. All of these 'solution' people are controlled
by the same force that was, and is, behind Greenspan.
This is why
Obama has named blatant insiders to his 'economic team'
who were
fundamentally culpable in the very collapse they have been appointed
to 'address'.
The Zionists Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, Paul Volcker, etc., who
are all stalwarts of the same Bilderberg Group-Council on Foreign
Relations-Trilateral Commission network as Greenspan, have no
intention of finding a 'solution' that will benefit the people of
America or anywhere else.
Neither does Obama's Budget Director, the Zionist Peter R. Orszag.
It was Orszag who advised the Russian finance ministry at the time
when Zionist oligarchs were raping the Russian economy and stealing
its resources and he was a financial advisor to the Icelandic
central bank just before the Iceland banking system crashed.
'choice', Barack...
During the Clinton administration, Orszag worked with Obama's White
House Chief of Staff, the ultra-Zionist Rahm Emanuel, on imposing
the NAFTA 'free trade' agreement that has cost incredible numbers of
American jobs - exactly as planned. Emanuel served in the Israeli
army and is the son of a terrorist with the notorious Irgun, one the
terror groups which bombed Israel into existence after World War
It was Emanuel who said after Obama's election:
'You never let
a serious crisis go to waste'.
Emanuel, a cold and vicious piece of work, is directly controlling
Obama and the White House in league with senior White House advisor,
the Zionist David Axelrod, who ran the puppet 'president's' election
campaign and oversees the writing of the speeches that he reads from
the teleprompter screens.

Obama's puppeteer

Obama's voice on the teleprompter screens
At least most of 'Obama's' economic place-men are fundamentally
connected to the Zionist Robert E. Rubin, the Treasury Secretary
under Bill Clinton, who oversaw financial deregulation that led
ultimately to the current crisis.
Rubin recently resigned from
Citigroup after encouraging the policies that led the company to the
brink of collapse. In January 2009, Rubin was named by Marketwatch
as one of the '10 most unethical people in business' and his
protégés and close associates are now running the US economy under Obama.
Another massive blow to economic confidence came when the Zionist
hedge fund crook, Bernard Madoff, revealed that he'd 'lost' $50
billion of his clients' money. He says he acted alone. No bloody
Other financial disasters which have collapsed the markets
include American International Group (AIG), the insurance giant
headed by the Zionist, Maurice Greenberg. It has just announced
losses of $61.7 billion for the final three months of 2008 - the
biggest quarterly loss in corporate history.
Greenberg is extremely close to the Zionist Henry Kissinger, one of
the Illuminati's most vociferous global manipulators of the last 50
years. Kissinger was appointed chairman of AIG's International
Advisory Board in 1987.

Zionist Kissinger with Zionist Greenberg.
Anyone see a common theme
building here??
Are all these people just breathtakingly incompetent? No, no, no...
Their role for the cabal is to destroy the economy and America in
general by, among many other things, triggering the financial crisis
and then wasting staggering amounts of borrowed money - trillions of
dollars - to ensure that there is no way back.
A U.S. TV ad apparently said that if you spent a million dollars a day
every day from the alleged birth of 'Christ' to today you would
still not spend as much as Obama is spending in borrowed money in
his 'stimulus' package - let alone the other fantastic sums on top
of that to 'bail' the banks.
They have worked super-fast, using fear and the Obama hype as their
weapons, to throw more petrol on the fire in the full knowledge that
this will make matters worse, not better. Bush's 'bail out' of the
banks has disappeared from the radar with nothing to show for it and
now Bush Mark 11, Mr Change, is fronting up the spending of another
three trillion.
The biggest recipient of bail-out money has been Maurice Greenberg's
AIG, which has been given $180 billion in borrowed money that the
American taxpayers, and their children, are now responsible for
Rubin's Citigroup is in for $50 billion of borrowed
'government' money.

The idea is not only to collapse the American economy, but to throw
so much money at the problem (the banks mostly) as quickly as
possible so that the response options of the government are zero by
the time the economy really crashes on the scale that is planned.
The same is being orchestrated around the world, as we see in
Britain where the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is also hurling
borrowed money at the banking system only for the situation to go on
getting worse. Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, in charge of
the country's finances, right through the Blair years when he
pursued policies that mirrored those of Greenspan.
Now the man who was a major cause of the banking crisis in the UK is
asking us to believe that he is the 'savior' of the financial
system. That's like a guy smashing someone around the head with a
baseball bat and then claiming to be a hero for driving the fellah
to hospital.
But these people have no shame...
The global economic collapse is designed to trigger a stream of
'benefits' to
the Illuminati agenda. One, as I have said from the
start, is to use this as an excuse to impose a global economic
dictatorship controlled by a world central bank. But there are many
other 'solutions' and connected 'benefits' that are planned to be
exploited and we need to be streetwise to them.
The one I want to emphasize here is the need to stay calm and react
peacefully to what is happening. This is not easy when there is so
much stress and fear around with regard to the economic present and
'future', but we need to do it all the same or we will walk straight
into a massive trap that has been set for us.
Let's get this straight: They want you to riot in response to the
unfolding economic catastrophe and we are already seeing people
falling for this.

Riots in France over economic conditions
Why would the authorities want people to riot?
Readers of my books
over the years will see the answer immediately. They want an excuse
to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and
people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by
agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.
Be very, very aware of anyone who starts rioting, or encourages
others to do so, amid peaceful demonstrations. Who are they and why
are they doing this when it is handing all the aces to the system to
impose a Police State? They are either stupid or agents of that
Regular readers of my newsletters will recall the one about the UK
traffic warden who was suddenly given new cards authorizing him to
do the work of the police and to enter property without permission.
His job was supposed to be just handing out tickets for illegal
parking and so on. His boss would not discuss why these new cards
were being issued, but a police officer friend explained all to him.
The officer said the government was preparing well ahead of time for
a coming 'war', during which they were expecting mass protests and
rioting in the streets. The police and the military were going to be
so focused on dealing with this that other uniformed professions,
like traffic wardens, private security guards, CCTV operators and
many others, were going to be brought forward to do the work
normally done by the police.
Soon after the traffic warden approached me, the government
announced that his profession was being re-designated 'civil
enforcement officers', thus disconnecting them from their sole role
of dealing with traffic. A few months later the government announced
plans for a new group called 'accredited persons' - private security
guards, CCTV operators and many others who would be given authority
to do some of the work currently confined to the police.
The officer told the traffic warden about a 'war', and that is
planned for sure at some point.
But the excuse of the war could also
have been a cover-story for those people who were needed to work on
the preparations, but were not to know the real reason behind it.
That real reason, as we can now see, could include economic rioting
after the financial collapse that the Shadow People have long known
was coming because they were going to cause it - although, I stress
again, a war is also being engineered involving the 'West', China
and Russia.
I have been stressing this point about the plan to stir up civil
unrest and rioting whenever I can and now the insiders are beginning
to put that thought into the public mind. 'There could be riots' is
designed to communicate the theme subliminally of 'go out and riot'.
It is the simple power of suggestion masquerading as 'concern'.

And who should do just that than
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder
of the Illuminati Trilateral Commission and one of the
chief mentors
and controllers of Barack Obama.
I won't call him 'President' Obama
any longer until he produces a birth certificate to prove he is
eligible for the post.
Brzezinski told MSNBC:´
'there's going to be growing conflict between the classes and if
people are unemployed and really hurting, hell, there could be even
No, Mr. Brzezinski, you know there are going to be riots because the
network you represent is going to do everything it can to make them
More and more we are seeing this theme appearing from
representatives of the State. The U.S. Army War College has made the
same warnings in a document called
Known Unknowns - Unconventional
'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development.
It said the military must be prepared for a 'violent, strategic
dislocation inside the United States', in the light of 'unforeseen
economic collapse'. Unforeseen?? You must be joking.
The document
talks of 'purposeful domestic resistance', 'pervasive public health
emergencies' or 'loss of functioning political and legal order'.
goes on:
'Widespread civil violence, would force the defense establishment
to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order
and human security. An American government and defense establishment
lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be
forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments
in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home.
Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of
military force against hostile groups inside the United States.'
As the traffic warden, now 'civil enforcement officer', found out,
this is precisely what they are planning in the UK and the same will
be the case in every country because they are all controlled by a
world-wide web orchestrating a global agenda.
The War College
document said that the Department of Defense would be the,
hub' for the 'continuity of political authority in a multi-state or
nationwide civil conflict or disturbance'.
Put that through the Orwellian Translation Unit and you get
military will control the country'.
This has all been planned for a
long, long time as I and others have been warning all these years,
and the 'hostile groups' the document talks about will be anyone who
is challenging the political/military dictatorship in any way, even
In the light of this, you won't be surprised to know that the US
military is currently seeking to spend another $6 million on 'riot

Dennis C. Blair, Obama's Director of National Intelligence and
Trilateral Commission member, has also said that the economic crisis
could create civil unrest in the United States and around the world.
He said the crisis was 'regime-threatening' if it continued over one
or two years and this manufactured crisis is designed to be much
bigger and longer than that. In the simple language that he seems to
find so hard to summon, Blair says that there is a greater chance of
war during economic turmoil and there's no doubt they have just that
planned in the wake of what is happening now.
Other establishment figures who have warned of unrest and rioting
include the heads of the World Trade Organization and the
International Monetary Fund, both
Illuminati organizations to their
core, and anyone who heads them will be, by definition, gofers for
the cabal.
In the UK, yet again confirming the validity of the traffic warden
story, the head of the police branch dealing in public order has
warned of a possible 'Summer of Rage' over rising unemployment and
the economic crash. Superintendent David Hartshorn of London's
Metropolitan Police said that 'known activists' were planning to
exploit the situation to mount mass protests and he pointed to the
G20 Summit in London in April as a likely target, along with banks.
The London Sunday Express has also reported that UK police and
'security' services are preparing to deal with rioting and 'the
chilling prospect of soldiers being drafted on to the streets has
not been discounted.'

Riots in Greece
Mass protests around the world are no longer simply predictions
because they are already happening and, with the global economy yet
to collapse on anything like the scale it is intended to, we have
seen nothing yet.
Some 120,000 people demonstrated in Dublin over
the handling of the economic crisis in Ireland, a million protestors
have been on the streets in France, UK oil refinery and power
station workers launched a series of strikes in protest at the use
of foreign workers, and the riots across Greece late last year were
partly economic in nature.

Albert Pike
I can encapsulate what is going on here with part of a letter
alleged to have been sent in 1871 by Albert Pike, a Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in America, to
Giuseppe Mazzini, the Illuminati 'revolutionary' in Italy.
In this
letter, Pike is said to have detailed the background to three world
wars the Illuminati was planning to bring about their global
The first two happened as he predicted and this is
what he said about the third:
'The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the
differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the
political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World.
The war
must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World)
and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each
other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue
will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical,
moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion .
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall
provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will
show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin
of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against
the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with
Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without
compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing
where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through
the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought
finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from
the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction
of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the
same time.'
Click here for more background.
Many dismiss the letter as a myth, but in the context I am using it
that doesn't matter. What it says is what is planned - an economic
and social catastrophe in which the people turn on themselves in
their engineered desperation and all morality is submerged in a mass
battle for perceived survival.
The term 'nihilism', used in the Pike letter, has this dictionary
Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a
willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or
religious belief.
The belief that destruction of existing political or social
institutions is necessary for future improvement.
That pretty much sums it up, really, and this is why they want
people to riot all over the world to destroy the existing order,
which, yes, the Illuminati created, but they now seek to replace
that with the next stage of their tyranny - total global control.
This means that national governments and nation states must be
destroyed to allow a world government to assume its dictatorship.
Look at that definition of 'nihilism' again in the light of this:
'The belief that destruction of existing political or social
institutions is necessary for future improvement.'

'Rioter' and police dealing with the 'rioter' - all wearing
the same
police-issue boots.
Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.
Already waiting in the wings are the agent provocateurs and the
useful idiots primed to start the riots and civil unrest that the
idiots believe to be challenging the existing order.
But the
existing order was created by the same network of Illuminati
families that are seeking to create the 'new order', the
New World
Order, which is planned to emerge from the turmoil and chaos they
are now engineering.
To achieve this, as always, they need our cooperation and let no-one
be in any doubt that those who choose to riot and loot in response
to what is happening, and encourage others to riot and loot, are
walking straight into the trap that has been laid for them. The
government and military agent provocateurs will know that, the
useful idiots will not, but it is time they did.
I have met few more concrete-minded or naive people than those that
are termed the extreme end of the political 'Left'. They have been
played like a violin for hundreds of years to change the world in
the image of the Illuminati blueprint in violent revolutions to
bring down the established order.
Now they are being gathered again
to complete the journey to global tyranny and provide the violence
and chaos that is designed to open the way to a world government,
world army, world central bank, world electronic currency and a
microchipped population connected to the global positioning
satellite system, or GPS, among many other technologies of
surveillance and control.
The riots and looting they want to see, the chaos, will be met with:
the installation of a Police State with curfews
jail without trial
the military on the streets
the activation of the concentration
camps for 'dissidents' that we have long warned about
They are
officially called 'military installations', run by
FEMA, the
deeply-sinister Federal Emergency Management Agency, and it is no
coincidence, of course, that
a bill numbered H.R. 645 is passing
through Washington,
'to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to
establish national emergency centers on military installations'.
New Legislation"H.R.645"Authorizes FEMA
Camps In U.S.
concentration camps, and other countries will have them prepared
Look at what that War College document said:
'Under the most extreme
circumstances, this might include use of military force against
hostile groups inside the United States.'
Might? It's a certainty
because that's the plan and all the laws are in place to allow them
to do it.
They have been passed by governments around the world as
'anti-terror' legislation, but they use the terms 'terror' and
'terrorist' in such a non-specific way that all these laws can be
applied to the entire population of the country that the 'laws' were
supposed to protect according to their advocates.

It was all a gigantic con, as some of us tired of pointing out. It
had nothing to do with terrorists who are alleged to plant bombs and
so on. All these laws have been put into place with the specific
goal of controlling the mass of the people through a Police State
when they triggered an economic collapse, together with new wars.
Add to all this a stream of presidential executive orders signed by
successive presidents without oversight by either the House of
Representatives or the Senate. These are unconstitutional and make
the president a virtual dictator.
Below you can see the powers that
the State can activate, thanks to these orders, when
martial law is
Executive Order Number |
Meaning |
10990 |
Allows the government to
take control over all modes of transportation, highways,
and seaports. |
10995 |
Allows the government to
seize and control the communication media. |
10997 |
Allows the government to
take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels,
and minerals. |
10998 |
Allows the government to
take over all food resources and farms. |
11000 |
Allows the government to
mobilize civilians into work brigades under government
supervision. |
11001 |
Allows the government to
take over all health, education, and welfare functions. |
11002 |
Designates the Postmaster
General to operate national registration of all persons. |
11003 |
Allows the government to
take over all airports and aircraft, including
commercial aircraft. |
11004 |
Allows the Housing and
Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new
housing with public funds, designate areas to be
abandoned, and establish new locations for populations. |
11005 |
Allows the government to
take over railroads, inland waterways, and public
storage facilities. |
11051 |
Specifies the responsibility
of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives
authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in
times of increased international tensions and economic
or financial crisis. |
11310 |
Grants authority to the
Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in
Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to
establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control
all aliens, to operate penal and correctional
institutions, and to advise and assist the President. |
11049 |
Assigns emergency
preparedness function to federal departments and
agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders
issued over a fifteen year period. |
11921 |
Allows the Federal Emergency
Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish
control over the mechanisms of production and
distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit
and flow of money in the U.S.A. financial institution in
any undefined national emergency. It also provides that
when a state of emergency is declared by the President,
Congress cannot review the action for six months. |
This is why Obama's Zionist Svengali, the White House Chief of Staff
Rahm Emanuel, is seeking to have gun ownership curtailed - to make
the military takeover easier.
Meantime, more people are seeking to
be armed and requests for concealed weapon permits in Florida alone
are up 42 per cent in 45 days with the consequences of the economic
turmoil in mind.

The military on the streets of Iraq.
How long before the same is
seen on the streets of America and elsewhere?
The only way to stop all this is not to react as they want us to,
with violence and hostility to both the State and each other.
many violent revolutions have led to just another tyranny, official
or unofficial, to replace the one that fell? It has to be so because
what is destroyed by violence will be replaced by the same energy.
As I have said in
my books, what you fight, you become.
John Lennon put it perfectly when he sang:
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change
the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want
to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you
know that you can count me out .
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to
see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
doing what we can
But when you want money for people with minds that
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Revolution (1968)
Martin Luther King also put it brilliantly when he said of rioting:

'The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot
win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not
revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves
an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of
Those are the words of a revolutionary who succeeded through
peaceful non-cooperation. Yes,
they killed him, but what he created
through non-violence and determination went forth to end
segregation. Physical life does not matter when compared with what
is right, for we are all eternal Consciousness having an illusory
experience and the greatest illusion is death.
I would much rather die 'early' doing what I knew to be right than
to eek out a few more illusory years as a slave to a tyranny.
But there is no need even for that to bring an end to this nonsense.
There are billions of people being enslaved and a comparative
handful doing the enslaving. Er, I think I see a way out of this.

We need to come together in mutual support, love, kindness and
empathy. We need to put aside the manufactured fault-lines that
divide us - religion, politics, race, culture and income bracket.
That is not to say people have to reject their beliefs, just don't
let them be weapons of division.
We are all in this together and we need to meet the challenge
together, not steal from each other, loot or riot, or look the other
way because something happening to someone else is 'not my problem'.
They are not seeking to enslave Muslims, Jews, black people, or
white middle class Americans and so on. They are seeking to do it to
all of us and they are picking off different groups one by one, just
like the Nazis did in Germany.
Remember these famous words because
they are so applicable now:
First they came for the Jews and I was not a Jew so I did nothing.
Then they came for the communists and I was not a communist so I did
nothing. Then they came for the trade unionists and I was not a
trade unionist so I did nothing. Then they came for me and there was
no-one left to speak out for me.
Let us unite behind that which affects everyone - the loss of our
most basic freedoms.
And if this is being planned now, what kind of
world are our children and grandchildren going to live in? Can you
live with that thought while doing nothing or rioting as the
authorities want? I can't.
We need to start getting organized in communities and groups to
support each other and stop cooperating with the system - not to
fight it. The system can only exist with our cooperation and
acquiesce. We are holding it together. They have their men and women
of violence, called the military and 'Swat' teams, to deal with
violent resistance.
But their worst nightmare is our non-cooperation - the refusal to
pay taxes; refusal to leave homes when banks foreclose on them;
refusal to 'comply' with our own enslavement in any form. The system
couldn't cope if this was done on a mass scale. And that's the
point: to do this we need to do it en-masse and those not
immediately affected need to support those who are.
Instead of compliance, we need the non-comply-dance of people who
beat to a different drum and will not comply with what is unfair,
unjust, or targets their freedom and the freedom of others.
approach does not refuse to comply in a spirit of hostility, rage or
violence, but with love, joy and laughter - and an unbreakable
determination not to cooperate with their own enslavement.

We need,
a mass refusal join the military, especially if they try to
introduce the Draft
a refusal to do the compulsory 'community
service' for young people that Obama's controllers want to introduce
(as does the UK government)
a refusal to join, or accept the
legitimacy of, Obama's planned civilian security force, which is
nothing more than a scam to get the people to police the people on
behalf of the Elite in the midst of the economic collapse and war.
We need to start getting together local currency schemes that can
operate outside the system and, yes, people should also have mass
protests if they choose, so long as they are peaceful. But they need
to be part of the campaign of non-violent, non-cooperation, not the
focus of it.
How many mass protests have there been over the years around the
world and yet everything just goes on as before, be it war or
We need to stop posturing and then heading for the
bar to feel good about ourselves and start doing what will actually
make a difference.

Mass protests can ease frustration - steam whistles as I call them -
but what good do most of them do?
Mass non-cooperation with the
system is far more effective.
The protests need to be targeted at non-cooperation, refusing to
accept laws that ban assembly by massive numbers turning up;
surrounding the homes of neighbors when the bank bailiffs come to
put them on the street; and so filling the locations of government
and finance with masses of people that the system cannot function.
Workers who provide essential services to government, police and
financial institutions etc., can refuse to do so until Orwellian
laws and financial injustice are removed. In this way the
perpetrators are affected, not the mass of the people, as with
all-out strikes.
And all of this needs to be good humored and strictly peaceful.
I would say this also to those in uniform. You may think you have
power, but you are just pawns in the game like anyone else. You
don't have the power, your uniform does, because that is an
extension of the State. Those inside are just there to animate the
uniform and do the bidding of those it represents.
When you are
useful to the cabal they'll praise you and when you are surplus to
their requirements as part of the bigger agenda they'll show you the

You have children and grandchildren, too, who will have to live in
the world you are policing into existence by 'following orders' and
believing the manipulative nonsense fed to you by governments and
cabal 'training' fronts like the UK-based Common Purpose. Wake up
from the trance and stop building a Police State for your own
children and grandchildren - and everyone else.
Think about the
consequences for those you love of what you are doing - and stop
doing it.
More than anything, we all need to free our minds and become
conscious. From that, everything else will come, including the
intuition, inspiration and knowing that will guide us on how most
effectively to deal with what we face.
If there are many things you would like to do in a room, but the
room is dark and you can't see, what is the fundamental first step
to anything else happening? You have to turn on the light and then
all the rest becomes possible. Without that you are thrashing around
in the dark and falling over the furniture.
That is what 'humans' are doing today and have been for so long.
They have been manipulated to believe they are their bodies and
their names when those are just the experiences of who they truly
are - eternal Consciousness.
As the great American comedian, Bill
Hicks, said:
'All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are
all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no
such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the
imagination of ourselves.'
The divisions between us are illusory to allow a certain kind of
experience, but these illusions have been exploited mercilessly to
divide and rule us.
When we awaken to the truth of who we are the world looks very
different and so do the challenges that are put before us - or we
put before ourselves. Move your point of observation and everything
changes. Try it. Try ceasing to identify who you are with your body,
your name and the reflection in the mirror. Try seeing those things
as experiences and not who you are.
Try observing your life and the
world from the perception of the real you - eternal Consciousness,
All That Is, Has Been and Ever Can Be in our illusion called 'time'.

Eternal Conscious in awareness of itself doesn't riot; it is not
violent and it doesn't loot.
But nor does it ever do, or accept for
itself and others, what is not fair, just, loving and kind.
Crucially, Consciousness is without fear. When we operate on that
level then we can truly claim to be Conscious and not trapped in the
illusion called Mind.
As Albert Einstein said:
'You cannot solve
problems with the same level of consciousness that created them.'
John Lennon also made this key point in
Revolution about what needs
to happen to really make a difference.
We need to free our minds and
become Conscious:
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to
change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of
chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
We are now fast heading for the eye of the storm that has been
planned for so long to enslave the global population in a
centralized tyranny. But we don't have to accept it or acquiesce to
it, meekly looking on as the walls of control close in by the day.
But that is what is happening and it has to stop. For everyone's
sake, it has to stop.
We can come together, we MUST come together, putting aside the
fault-lines of race, religion, culture and income bracket. These are
just illusory labels through which we are divided and therefore
ruled. Believe in them if you wish, and enjoy them if they make you
happy, but don't let them divide us any longer.
We need to come together in mutual support at this time as those
with sick minds and closed hearts are poised to throw everything at
us to complete their agenda for total control. Whether their
insanity prevails is not in their hands, but in ours.
It is we who
have the power if only we would choose to use it.
We are One Consciousness deluded into thinking we are 'little me'.
When we realize that we are all One - and act upon that with
courage, love, kindness, peace and empathy for all who need support
- the walls of oppression must fall.
But sitting on your arse hoping it will all go away is no longer an
It never was...