by David Icke
05 May 2011
DavidIcke Website
Later I had an email from a man in Italy asking me if I knew that on
the weekend that I was speaking in Rome there were going to be
millions of Roman Catholics in the city from all over the world
because the last Pope, John Paul II, was going to be ‘beatified’.
sounded painful to me, but the pennies were starting to tumble.
I had no idea about the ‘beatification’. I don’t choose specific
dates to speak anywhere, I just let the ‘flow’ and my intuition pick
them for me. When I spoke in Barcelona, Spain, last year it was on
the same weekend that the present Pope was making an official visit
to the city in his Popemobile with millions of people on the
streets. I didn’t plan that, either.
The night I arrived in Rome a few days before my event last week I
started to see clearly what it was all about.
The royal wedding and
the beatification of Pope John Paul II were connected. They were two
ends of an enormous collective
Beltane ritual.
The key date of
Beltane is May 1st - May Day - which is why so many celebrations and
parades happen at that time, including the May Day parades in the
Communist world. That was when the people of the Soviet Union were
called to the streets in their millions to watch missiles and tanks
paraded before them. It is all occult ritual.
But energetically, Beltane is not just May Day. It begins to build
through April 29th and on to April 30th for its culmination on May
1st. The Roman celebration of Beltane was called
Floralia, the
Festival of the Flowers in honor of the Roman goddess, Flora, and
ran through April 29th and May 1st.
Here we had the royal wedding in
London on April 29th and the beatification of Pope John Paul II in
Rome on May 1st. The two rituals were at different ends of the
Beltane energetic period in two cities so ritually crucial to the
Satanic hierarchy which is running the
Illuminati agenda.
Coincidence? Not a chance.
Neither is it a coincidence that the fake
"killing" of
the already dead, Osama bin Laden, was also announced on
May 1st.

In your face at the 'royal wedding'.
David highlights the importance of Rome and London to the global
conspiracy and their Satanic ritual connection when he visited Rome
on the recent Beltane weekend in which the Royal Wedding in
London on April 29th was followed two days later by a
major ritual in St Peter's Square related to Pope John Paul II on
the key Beltane date of May 1st.
A coincidence? Not a chance.
The London-Rome Beltane Ritual 2011
by Jay4louise
21 May 2011
BlipTV Website