Serving the dragon - the past

Great spirits have always experienced violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

The ancient world abounds with stories of the serpent or dragon race and royal kings, queens, and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descent from the serpent gods.

The Sumerian accounts tell of flying serpents and dragons breathing fire (symbolic of their aerial craft?) and how the kings of Sumer, going back long before the deluge to some 240,000BC, were "changelings" seeded by the union of the gods and humans. Sargon the Great, that famous ruler of the Sumer Empire, claimed this genetic origin and the very existence of "kingship" is reported very clearly to have been a gift of these gods.


Equally clear is that they were reptilian gods, as in "The reptiles verily descend". And there are many references by the Sumerians to their gods as fiery, winged, serpents. The term U-SHUM-GAL, often used to describe Enki, translates as flying, fiery, serpent, which would perfectly describe a reptilian in a flying craft emitting a fiery exhaust. In fact the word SHUM can relate to the term "sky vehicle".1

There could be another origin for this "fiery" symbolism, also. The Anunnaki god Ninurta was called a MUSH-SHA-TUR-GAL-GAL - the "flying serpent with the fiery glance" and this fits perfectly with the descriptions by the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa in his stories of the reptilians in ancient and modern African legend. He says the reptilians have a third eye between the other two which opens from side to side instead of top down - the "fiery, red eye" in African tradition.


From this can be flashed a red, laser-like beam, he says, which can knock a person down and paralyze them. This is an origin of the phrase about giving someone the "evil eye".2 In China the Lung Wang ("Dragon Kings") were said to have a "magical pearl" on their foreheads, a "divine eye" and mystical source of power. French stories from the Alpine regions speak of a dragon with a blood-red ruby "eye" in the centre of the forehead that was so bright the creature seemed to be projecting fire.3


Sometimes this middle eye is called a dracontia 4 and the eye in the centre of the forehead in the ancient stories of the beings called the Cyclops may well relate to this, too. Credo Mutwa and modern abductees describe how the most "royal" and senior reptilians, the Draco, have horns. Some look like Darth Maul in the Star Wars movie with the nodules or "horns" around his head. So much truth is told as fiction through Hollywood movies, both by those trying to get the story out and, overwhelmingly, by those conditioning humanity for the open appearance of these beings in the years to come. In my view, George Lucas of Star Wars is among the latter. The Sumerians depicted their "gods" with horned helmets and other headgear that was later

used by the hybrid bloodlines to symbolize royalty and kingship, and from this came the symbol of the royal crown. Look at Darth Maul and you will perhaps see where the crown comes from. Credo Mutwa says on the Reptilian Agenda, part one, that he was amazed to see Darth Maul because of his likeness to the reptilians in ancient and modern African legend.


The ram or goat's head, so widely used as a symbol of Satanism, is partly symbolic of the horned nature of the Anunnaki "royalty" that Satanism was created to serve (Figure 16).

Ram is a word or syllable meaning fire and relates to the Atlantean god of fire, Votan.


From this we get pentagram, pyramid, Semiramis, Ramses, Rama, Ramtha, maybe even program or programme, a word at the heart of the Illuminati strategy.

The dragon kings

The kings of the succession in the reptilian bloodlines were known as "Dragons". When many kingdoms joined together in battle, or as a group of kingdoms, they appointed a king of kings. These were known as the Great Dragon or... Draco. The Celtic title of Pendragon, as in Uther Pendragon, the father of "King Arthur" in the Grail stories, was a version of this. In the legends, the symbolic Arthur was a descendant of the dragons and his helmet (or El-met, named after a reptilian goddess called El) carried a dragon motif.


The red dragon symbol of Wales comes from the claim by Merlin, Arthur's "magician", that the red dragon symbolized the people of Britain. Merlin was described as only half human because he was the child of an underground being and a human woman. The Arthurian stories include all the classic elements of the story, including the creation of royal bloodlines through the interbreeding between humans and non-human entities, shape-shifting, the use of holographic images to hide a being's true form, and battles between competing dragons.


Geoffrey of Monmouth, the 12th century historian, said that Merlin's earlier name had been Ambrosius, thus possibly associating him with the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the reptilians love to drink.5 There is also the theme of the "Lady of the Lake" and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centers located under lakes and lochs.


Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and the earlier Atlanteans and Lemurians and was based almost entirely on their stories and myths under different names. All over the ancient world you find the same recurring stories of the serpent gods.


Throughout the Sumer Empire the people worshipped serpent gods and as the Reverend John Bathhurst Deane wrote in his book, The Worship Of The Serpent:

"...One of [the] five builders of Thebes [in Egypt] was named after the serpent-god of the Phoenicians, Ofhion ...The first altar erected to Cyclops at Athens was to 'Ops', the serpent deity... The symbolic worship of the serpent was so common in Greece that Justin Martyr accuses the Greeks of introducing it into the mysteries of all their gods."6

The Hebrew serpents

I have mentioned that in Hebrew myth, the Biblical "Nefilim", the "sons of the gods", are called awwim, which means devastators or serpents. Hebrew legends also describe the Eden serpent as a being who walked and talked like a human. The Hebrew book of ancient oral tradition, the Haggadah, speaks of this serpent as a creature with two legs that stood upright to the "height of a camel".7


The Slavonic Apocalypse of Abraham says the serpent with Eve had hands, feet and wings,8 just like many other ancient and modern descriptions of the Draco. The Hebrew stories came from the earlier Sumerian, Atlantean, and Lemurian accounts, many of them changed and twisted to suit the priesthood and to lose most of the direct reptilian references. These can be identified, however, by following the trail from which their terms and names derived. The name of the Hebrew winged "angels", the Seraphim, means serpent and they were described as having six wings -just like the one in the Garden of Eden featured in the Apocalypse of Abraham.9


Flying angels in religious texts are symbolic of the reptilians, some of which, according to ancient and modern descriptions, have wings and can fly. This is also symbolized in the flying reptilian gargoyle figures, which the bloodlines have on their homes, cathedrals, churches, and other buildings, including the British Houses of Parliament. Seraph in the King James Version of the Bible is translated as "fiery serpent" and would seem to derive from the same root as the Sumerian, seru, the name of a serpent in the Epic of Gilgamesh (the origin of the "Noah" story), and sarpa, a Sanskrit term for the Indian reptilian "gods", the Nagas.

The Jewish Talmud forbids the depiction of the dragon, as it does the Sun and the Moon, both symbols of major Anunnaki figures. A fragment of the Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls, translated by the Hebrew Scholar, Robert Eisenman, includes a description of a "Watcher" known as Belial (an origin of the "Sun gods" Bel and Baal?). It calls him the "Prince of Darkness" and the "King of Evil" and he is described as a being of terrible appearance... "with a visage like a viper".


The researcher and channeled W.T. Samsel, writes in The Atlantis Connection that the force behind the spiritual demise of Atlantis was known as the Sons of Belial. Interestingly, one of the key colleges at Oxford University, that "education" centre for the Illuminati, is called Balliol and it has produced many significant politicians who have advanced the Illuminati agenda. It is named after its founder John Balliol who was married to a Scottish Princess, Dervorguilla of Galloway.


Their son, another John Balliol, was King of the Scots from 1292 to 1296. The Balliol family were big time bloodline and given the Illuminati's astonishing obsession with symbols and the sound of names and words, there may well be some connection between Belial and Balliol. Certainly there is in spirit because Balliol College, like Oxford University in general, is an Illuminati stronghold turning out future generations of placemen and women.

Early accounts by the Gnostic sect (Gnostic = "knowledge") tell of the serpent gods in a positive light. They claim that Lilith (Eve) was their first creation and then Adam followed as her partner. The Hebrew Talmud also claims that Lilith, a vampire, was Adam's first wife. This is symbolism, of course, but symbolizing what? Lilith (also Lillibet and Elizabeth) is one of the code names for the bloodlines on the female side to this day. She was known as Lil to the Sumerians and Lilitu in Babylon.


Hebrew traditions say that Lilith rebelled against Adam and his God and fled to a cave after eating her own child. There she lived with the demons of the underground world and bred with them. She told Adam and Eve that she and her offspring would always abduct human children and take them to their subterranean world. The Roman Church savagely suppressed the Gnostics, not least because they did not believe that people needed a middleman between themselves and God. Went down very well with the Christian priests, that one.


Hippolytus, an early Christian "father" and historian, wrote that many of the first Gnostics in North Africa were known as the Naaseni or "Serpents" and they worshipped Nahustan, the golden or brazen serpent, the image of whom they displayed on wooden crosses. The Naaseni (Nagas) later became known as the Ophites, a Greek term for serpent. The Greeks said that serpents were creatures of great knowledge, which spoke through their oracles - psychic channelers. In other words, communications from another dimension, or density.


The story of Moses contains much serpent symbolism, also.

The garden of Eden, Edin, Heden

The serpent that "tempted" Eve in the Biblical Garden of Eden is the best-known serpent symbolism of all. This was an edited rewrite of the far more ancient Sumerian story of Edin, the "Land of the Gods or the Righteous Ones". There is again a common theme of the serpent gods in a garden, and James Churchward suggests in The Children Of Mu that these "gardens" all refer to Lemuria-Mu, the "Motherland". I think he could well be correct.


The Persians spoke of a region of bliss and delight called Heden, which was more beautiful than the entire world. It was the abode of the first men before an evil spirit in the form of a serpent tempted them to take the fruit of a forbidden tree. There is also the banyan tree under which the Hindu "Jesus", known as Krishna, sat upon a coiled serpent and bestowed spiritual knowledge on humanity. The ancient Greeks had a tradition of the Islands of the Blessed and the Garden of the Hesperides in which grew the golden apples of immortality.


The garden was defended by a dragon. In Chinese sacred books there is a garden that contained trees bearing the fruit of immortality. It, too, was guarded by a winged serpent called a dragon. The ancient people of Mexico had their version of the Eve story that involves a great male serpent, and a Hindu legend tells of the sacred mountain of Meru, guarded by a dreadful dragon. This was said of so many ancient places.


The belief in a serpent or half-reptile, half-human, giving knowledge to humanity is also a universal story.

Asian serpents

The Indus Valley culture of the Sumer Empire and the Lemurians, and the Hindu religion and Indian mythology that emerged there, are full of references to the serpent gods and flying dragons who brought knowledge and fought with each other in the sky. They called them the Nagas, as we have seen, and they said they could take either reptilian or human form whenever they chose.10


The Nagas, who originated in Lemuria, seeded the "royal" families, we are told, and interbred with the white peoples. It was said that the Indian serpent-goddess Kadru gave birth to all the Nagas or "cobra people" and made them immortal by feeding them her lunar (menstrual) blood. The theme of the serpent goddess or serpent queen is everywhere, as we shall see in detail later, and in Figure 17 you can see the symbolism of "serpent maidens" in Indian art.

The Indian epic, the Ramayana, tells the story of the serpent-god called Ravan who went to Ceylon. Ravan was said to feed on humans and drink the blood of his enemies.11 Ceylon was a major centre for the serpent race, it seems. Ancient Chinese sources say it was a home of the Nagas, the "strange reptilian-like creatures", as they described them.12 They are reported to have traded with the Chinese, but interestingly it is said that they never revealed themselves. They left their products and a price tag, but stayed out of sight until the Chinese traders had departed."


The Nagas were reported to have a "special weapon" that paralyzed their enemies and drained their life force. Abductees have reported the same experience in modern times. Snake worship continues in India today, of course.

Serpents of the far east

The entire culture of China is based on the dragon and serpent race. Once again, here was a highly developed civilization thousands of years ago that was inspired by Lemurians and later influenced by the Sumer Empire. Even today their languages and writing are remarkably similar, as are their myths and stories. The great age of Chinese culture is reckoned to have begun around 2800BC -when the Sumer Empire was in full swing.


Chinese history says that the first humans were created by an ancient goddess called Nu Kua, who was half dragon and half human. The Yih King, a very ancient Chinese book, says that the dragons and humans once lived in peace and that they intermarried and interbred.14 Ancient Chinese emperors were described as "dragon-faced" and looking like the dragon gods.


Japanese emperors claim descent from these same "gods" and their ancient legends say those islands were populated by beings that came from the sky Again James Churchward connects the Japanese race to Lemuria-Mu. There are countless Japanese legends about serpents and dragons, and their marriages and sexual encounters with humans that produced reptilian-human offspring. Shape-shifting serpent people would change into beautiful men and women, and lure human warriors and leaders into sexual encounters.


Michael Mott, author of Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures, tells of one story involving a maiden called Mimoto who was seduced by a member of the serpent race:

"...Mimoto never saw her dragon-lover again but she did give birth to a hybrid child, whom she called Akagire Taro, or Chapped Son. This was due to the fact that his skin was cracked, creased, and scaled like that of a reptile. From here the ancient tale enters historic accounts, for a direct descendant of Akagire Yataro, as the son was known in manhood, was a member of the Genji Clan named Saburo Ogata, who took pride in the fact that he had scales on his body as had his ancestors before him. He was the grandson of Yataro the Fifth.


Again, a prominent family line seems to have been the desired target of the original, and perhaps repeated, genetic exchange. While in the East, the influx of 'dragon-blood' is seen as a thing of great pride, in the West such things are covered with an elaborate coating of fable and mist, becoming 'fairy tales' about serpent or frog-princes. Western sentiment, at least on the surface, is against such liaisons, often for religious reasons but not always on this basis alone, as the subterraneans have a track-record of cruelty, selfishness, and malice."15

The Chinese calendar zodiac, dating to 2500BC, is symbolised by animals, all of which still exist, except for one -the dragon. Is it really likely that they would choose real, living, creatures for all their signs, except for just one? Again we see the theme of reptilian bloodlines in China.


The ancient Chinese believed that a dragon fathered the First Dynasty of "divine" emperors, and subsequently emperors claimed their right to rule because they were descended from the serpent gods. Their thrones, boats, and beds were designed with dragon symbolism. Today there are many Chinese bloodlines in the Illuminati, particularly some strands of the Li bloodline, as identified by author and researcher, Fritz Springmeier, in Bloodlines Of The Illuminati (1999).16


Just as this book was heading for the printers in March 2001, Springmeier and his wife were raided by the US agencies involved in the mass murder at Waco and their research was confiscated. James Churchward, who did so much extensive research into the existence of Mu, claimed that the ancient tablets he examined from an Indian monastery revealed that the serpent hybrids, the Nagas, had populated China, Tibet, and a significant part of Asia, including the Uigher Empire.17


The Pamir Mountains or "the roof of the world" in central Asia is one specific location connected by legends to the peoples of Lemuria-Mu and there you will find the Lake of the Nagas or Lake of the Serpents.18 Among the descendants of these bloodlines, it is claimed, were the fair-skinned Aryans, again indicating the connection between the reptilians and the Nordics.


As a "serpent" colony, you would expect to find pyramids in China, and you do. One was some 1,000 feet high - twice the height of the Great Pyramid at Giza. This was encircled by others and some still survive today, including what is left of that monster structure. References to them have been found in Chinese texts dating back 5,000 years.

The secret society initiate Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff said that he had been part of an unsuccessful expedition to find a lost city of the Uigher Empire under the sands of the Gobi Desert. He said he was initiated into the Sun/Moon Brotherhood of Central Asia and was told that the founders of this Brotherhood had come from Mars in ancient times.19


James Churchward says that the Uigher Empire were former Lemurians. Later a Russian archaeologist called Professor Kosloff found a tomb of ancient artifacts in the same area of the Gobi Desert. These included a painting of a ruler and his queen and he estimated the work to be some 18,000 years old - at least.20 There was also an emblem of a circle with a cross, and at the centre was a symbol similar to the Greek letter, Mu. An expedition by the American Museum of Natural History in 1993 found a mysteriously large number of dinosaur fossils in the Gobi Desert. They found 40 to 50 dinosaur skeletons in around three hours in an area no bigger than a baseball field.21


Researcher and author Mark Amaru Pinkham writes in The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom that a race of extraterrestrials called the Kumaras established a Mystery school on Lemuria/Mu and later relocated their operation to Mongolia, the Gobi Desert region of China, and to Tibet.22


Certainly Tibet is one of the most important depositories of the ancient knowledge, and legends galore talk of underground cities and tunnel systems where the "supermen" continue to live. Agartha and Shamballa are the most famous of them. The Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet is far more connected to this story than political acquisition. Tibet, that land of such ancient secrets and legend and still today very much connected with the Illuminati, is another home of the serpent symbol. So is the ancient, former Lemurian, culture of the Australian aborigines that includes the Rainbow Serpent.

The Chinese name for the ley lines or meridian lines of the Earth energy grid is dragon lines. Appropriate and understandable given that the reptilians exploit the energy in this grid, and built temples and structures at the major vortex points. An ancient Chinese tale about the dragon kings also makes a clear reference to shape-shifting.


This is the most amazing aspect of this bizarre story -the way these reptilians can change their appearance or "shape-shift" between a human and reptilian form, evidence for which I will present shortly. A character called Liu Ye, who wanted to marry a princess of the "dragon race", was said to have seen the palace of the emperor change before his eyes and the courtiers dissolve and then return to their original form. He saw the coils of dragon bodies, flashing wings, and dragon's eyes. The legend says that Liu Ye changed his Earth form and became one of the dragon race that lived in the sky.


With that, he became immortal.23

Serpents of the Americas

The story is the same in the Americas with the serpent gods at the heart of the ancient myths and legends of North, South and Central America. The books of the Mayans called Chilam Balaam say the first settlers of the Yucatan in Mexico were the Chanes or "People of the Serpent".24


They were said to have come across the sea led by a god-figure called Itzamna, a name that apparently comes from the word itzem, which translates as lizard or reptile.25 Itzamna, the sacred city of the god, therefore, means "the place of the lizard" or "Iguana House".26 Itzamna's symbol was the Tau cross also known as the T-square in Freemasonry. Quetzalcoatl, the most famous Central American "serpent" god, also carried a Tau cross.


This cross, like the Christian cross, refers to crossbreeding in Illuminati symbolism and not polarity union as is often claimed. While excavating in Central America near a place called Texcoco, the archaeologist William Niven discovered more than 20,000 tablets that included many symbols identical to those found on the Naacal tablets, which James Churchward had seen in India.27


And Churchward's tablets were connected to Lemuria/Mu, which was the origin of both these cultures. Itzamna was the Central American version of the creator god who breathed life into "Man" and yet another who was depicted as half human, half reptile. Quetzalcoatl, the "Feathered Serpent", was the major deity of this culture and he traveled, like all the others, in a "flying boat". It is possible that Quetzalcoatl is another name for the Anunnaki DNA wizard, Enki. Aztec myth says that Quetzalcoatl created humans with help from the Serpent Woman, Cihuacoatl - Ninharsag of the Anunnaki worked with Enki, according to the Sumerian tablets.

There is serpent symbolism all over the ancient Central American sacred sites and these were places of human sacrifice on a scale that beggars belief. Edward Thompson, the American archaeologist, was initiated into the Mayan Brotherhood of Sh'Tol and he was told that the name of the ancient port city of Tamoanchan in Veracruz, Mexico, means "the place where the People of the Serpent landed".28


They came in boats, he was told, which "shone like the scales of serpent skins" and they were "clad in strange garments and wore about their foreheads emblems like entwined serpents".29' Another landing point for the "serpent" Atlanteans was Valum Votan. Here, according to Spanish chroniclers, Pacal Votan and his entourage came ashore. Pacal Votan means "He of the Serpent Lineage".30


He established the city of Palenque, the heart of the Mayan culture in the Yucatan. Palenque is the centre of its geographic land mass, as is the Great Pyramid at Giza.31 The temple or pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán in Mexico uses the royal cubit as its unit of measurement, the same as the Great Pyramid, and its mathematics conform to those used in ancient structures across the world.32


Why? Because they all originate from Lemurian/Atlantean bloodlines and know-how. The Olmec peoples of Central America based their whole culture on worship of the serpent. Excavations have uncovered representations of the Olmecs with serpent features, snake heads, and bodies like dragons.

Native American culture in general is awash with reptilian imagery and includes many tales of the "Sky Gods" coming down to breed with their women. In Ohio there is a mysterious and unexplained mound shaped like a serpent from a culture long forgotten. The Hopi Indians in Arizona have their plumed serpent god Baholinkinga. They talk of an underground world they call Sipapuni, where they claim to have originated.


They say that while they were within the Earth they were fed by the "ant people" and they refer to their ancestors as their "snake brothers". These descriptions sound very much like beings described in Sumerian accounts. The most sacred of Hopi underground rituals is the snake dance. This is very much like the dance rituals performed by Mayans at places like Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, Mexico. The Hopis believe they share the same ancestors as the serpent-worshipping Chimu people of Peru - Lemurians.


The Chimu established a city called Chan-Chan or "Serpent-Serpent".33 Their "Temple of the Dragon" still survives and their priests would make snake hissing sounds and chant "snake mantras" to invoke their serpent gods.34 Significantly, the region where you find the Hopi and Navajo lands in Arizona/Utah, is also claimed by modern UFO researchers and abductees to be the site of a major underground reptilian base. This is especially true of Four Corners, where the states of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico all meet at the same point. The Hopi Snake Clan, an ancient society of initiates, claims its origins from a Hopi boy who was taken into the "House of Snakes" in a tunnel complex under the Earth.35


Another Hopi legend speaks of a very ancient underground tunnel complex under Los Angeles, which was occupied by a "lizard race" some 5,000 years ago. In 1933, an LA mining engineer called G. Warren Shufelt claimed to have found this complex, but the news of the discovery was immediately covered up. Today it is claimed by some people that highly malevolent Freemasonic rituals are held there. Geronimo, the great chief of the Apache, told legends of the dragon and the serpent people who ate children. He said his tribe was named after a boy called Apache who killed the great dragon.


The story has the feel of David defeating Goliath and even George defeating the Dragon. Mark Amaru Pinkham in The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, interprets the explosion of serpent symbolism as recognition of energy and spiritual initiates. I agree with some of that, but there were rather more literal reasons for these symbols, I would suggest.


Anyway, he does a good job in detailing the symbolism of the serpent around the world, including that in America or "Amaraka":

"According to the descendants of the early Lemurian record keepers, the Andean Elders, the entire American land mass was anciently known as Amaraka, the 'Land of the Immortals' or the 'Land of the Wise Serpents'. The title Amaraka is derived from the Quechuan-Lemurian word Amaru, meaning snake or serpent.


(Quechua, the language of the Incas, is derived from Runa Sima, the primal tongue spoken on Lemuria, and ends in the syllable "ka", which denotes both serpent and wisdom).


Apparently echoing the recollections of the Andean Elders, H.P. Blavatsky maintains in The Secret Doctrine that America is referred to in the Hindu Puranas (legends) as Potala, the Kingdom of the Nagas [Serpents]."36

Native Americans call America "Turtle Island" after their reptilian ancestors. The name of the founder of both the Inca Empires in South America was Manco or Manko Kapac (Kapac means serpent wisdom or spiritually wealthy). Some of the former Lemurian and Atlantean peoples who settled in the Andes migrated northwards to become some of the Native American tribes of what we now call the United States.


The Mescalero Apaches of Arizona claim to descend, via Peru, from a continent that sank in the Atlantic.37 This was documented by Lucille Taylor Hansen in her book, The Ancient Atlantic (Amherst Press, Amherst, Wisconsin, 1969).38


Asa Delugio, the Mescalero Apache Chief, told her that the ancestors of the Apaches were "serpents" from their sunken homeland in the Atlantic, which he called Pan and the Old Red Land. After being forced by conflict to leave Peru they traveled north where they fought with local tribes-people in North America. Their men were killed and the women went on to breed with the victors to form the bloodlines that became the Mescalero Apaches. Hansen identified significant connections between the Apaches and the peoples of North Africa who also claimed descent from Atlantis.


The Mescalero Apache Crown Dance is performed with serpents painted all over the bodies of the participants. The chief wears a 13 pointed crown of the Atlantean fire god, Votan, and other key performers wear the trident headdress. The trident is the symbol of Atlantis and Lemuria. Hansen established that the Tuareg people in North Africa, who claim to originate in Atlantis, perform an identical dance. She also saw an ancient Egyptian artifact that appeared to depict the very same dance. The Sioux tribe insist that their ancestors were from Atlantis via Peru, and again the serpent or reptilian imagery is extremely prominent in the story. Sioux means "snakes", as another tribe, the Iroquois, means "serpents".39


The Sioux ancient records say that after the demise of Atlantis, their ancestors, who they call the Turtles, traveled to the Caribbean Islands (from Ka-rib, the Atlantean serpent people)40 and went on to South America before heading north. They say these "Turtle" people became known as the Lakota and the Sioux or "snakes". This story is apparently symbolized at the mysterious Serpent Mound in Ohio in which the Turtle is depicted leading the snake. The original structure was vast, covering 14 acres and rising to 100 feet. The Lakota, Sioux and Peruvian native peoples share certain words in their language.


A Sioux chief called Shooting Star said during a visit to Peru:

"This is the land of our beginning, where we went from the Old Red Land even before it sank, because this land is as old as the Dragon Land of the fire god."41

Which was, of course, Atlantis. Other Native American tribes (many with the hard "k" sound in their names) say they descend from Atlanteans or Lemurians who fled directly to North America from the sunken lands. Oklahoma, a significant Illuminati centre in the United States, means "Sun people of the Red Land".42 Lucille Taylor Hansen collected Native America legends, which say that some tribes came from Atlantis under the leadership of the prince grandson of Votan III, who was alleged to be the last priest king of the Atlantean House of Votan.


Hansen says that this grandson of the royal bloodline of Atlantis wrote a book called Proof That I Am A Serpent, which survived in circulation among the Native Americans until the time of the European invasion when it disappeared. Prince Votan's arrival in North America was celebrated with an annual ceremony known as Thanksgiving, later stolen by the European Pilgrims and still a major festival in the United States.43


A key area for Illuminati rituals and mind control projects is Mount Shasta in northern California and this is also at the centre of many legends about "serpents" and Lemurians settling before and after the cataclysm. As with all of these former Atlantean and Lemurian peoples, they were obsessed with building structures on the vortex points. Some 40,000 stone circles, pyramids, and mounds were built in North America.44 Burning flames were often placed on the top of the mounds and they were never allowed to be extinguished. These were the symbol of the "Great Spirit" or "Serpent Fire", a continuation of the worship of the "Fire Serpent" of Atlantis.45


The most used symbol of the Illuminati today is the flame or lighted torch. It is known as the "eternal flame" -exactly the term used by the ancients. The Native American tribes formed secret societies or "Serpent Clans" like the Snake Clan and the Thunderbird Clans. The Thunderbird is a version of the Chinese rain dragon. Many of their leading initiates were believed to be snakes in human form, which, symbolically, is what the key bloodlines are.


Author Mark Amaru Pinkham writes of these clans:

"They were reputed to wield the lethal power of a live snake and display both the intimidating temperament and appearance of the unsavory beasts. As a sign of their viperous power, Snake initiates would often adorn their body with snakeskins or snake tattoos and hang snake fangs from around their necks.


They also conveyed poisonous snake venom within the medicine bag and/or armed themselves with a serpent-embellished rattle, which would hiss eerily like a coiled snake when shaken. The tendency of such snake initiates was to be secretive, like a stealthy reptile, and some even developed a penchant for seeking out dark secluded dwellings or living nocturnally."46

Initiations into these clans include being covered, often bitten, by live snakes. Sometimes the rites involved cutting off a finger or other part of the body and feeding it to a snake (don't say a thing!). My eyes have just watered.


The main deity of these Snake Clans is the "Great Horned Serpent".

African serpents

Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, has painted pictures from ancient and modern descriptions of these reptilian entities (see picture section) and describes the various levels of the fiercely imposed genetic hierarchy. The lower levels are the "warriors", the "poor bloody infantry" as we say in Britain.


They are ruled by the "Royal" leaders, which have horns and tails, and at the very top are beings with a white, albino-like, skin and not the greenish or brownish color of the others. Witnesses and abductees have reported seeing reptilian beings with albino-like skin and these descriptions can also be found in ancient texts.


In Africa the reptilians are known as the Chitauri or "Children of the Serpent" and "Children of the Python".


This is so close to the Central American term "People of the Serpent". Africa is another continent awash with the legend of the serpent race. For Anunnaki, Annetoti, Nagas, Dravidians, and so on, read Chitauri. Different names, same people.

Credo Mutwa talks for hours on the video The Reptilian Agenda, part one, about the background and history of the Chitauri, and he confirms the theme of shape-shifting and how the Chitauri bloodlines can take either human or reptilian form. He describes how the Earth was once encircled by a canopy of water vapor (the "firmament") that was destroyed in a cataclysm.


This water vapor protected the planet from the harsh effects of the Sun, and the whole planet was moist and humid and had a constant temperature. It was a place of enormous abundance and vast forests.


This is a common description of the Golden Age - the Lemurian "Garden of Eden". But, he says, that when the Chitauri destroyed this canopy (symbolized by the Biblical 40 days and 40 nights of rain) the whole climate changed as the Sun's rays baked once green and abundant lands like Egypt and began to form the deserts.


Scientists agree that Egypt, now part of the Sahara Desert, was once a green and pleasant land. This could explain the water erosion found on the Sphinx. To divide and rule the people, Credo continues, the Chitauri scattered them across the Earth and gave them different languages so they could not communicate with each other. This is another story repeated all over the world and not just in the Old Testament version of the Tower of Babel.


That was a steal from many more ancient accounts. The Hopi say that when they came to the surface on the orders of "Spider Woman", a "mocking bird" arrived to confuse their language and make the tribes talk in different tongues. Credo, repeating the information passed on to him in a lifetime of initiations into this underground knowledge, said that the Chitauri reptilians interbred with all races to create the reptilian-mammalian hybrids through which they rule.


He said that in African culture a person's genealogy is very important and that the "royal" bloodlines of the kings of black Africa claimed descent from the same "gods" as the white peoples and others across the world. What's more, he said that these black royal bloodlines, like those in the countries of the white peoples, had largely moved out of the positions of inherited control, like kings and queens, where they could be identified. Instead they have taken the positions of "appointed" or "elected" control, like government administrators, bankers, businessmen, and political leaders.


He reveals, from his knowledge of black African genealogy, that the black presidents who came to power after "independence" from the white Europeans have been the same royal bloodlines as the kings and queens of black Africa. He cited Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe as an example - the same Robert Mugabe who was manipulated into power by the Illuminati's Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington, as documented in ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free.


Mugabe has brought poverty, hunger, and chaos to black and white alike in a country that should be one of the richest in Africa. At the same time, he has made himself a billionaire by "winning" rigged elections and stealing the people's wealth. Also in Africa, as we have seen, the African Dogon tribe of Mali, it is claimed, say they were visited by extraterrestrials from Sirius. The Dogon appear to descend from a Greek people who themselves claimed descent from the "Argonauts".


The Dogon settled first in Libya and then further south in Mali, where they interbred with the Negro peoples.

The Greys are reptilian

Credo also supports the view of many UFO researchers that the so-called greys, that best-known of extraterrestrial beings, are lackeys for the reptilians. But he goes further than that. He says they are reptilian. The control and focus of the world is based on Europe and North America and for far too long that has been the case in UFO research, too.


This has blinded so many of those researchers to the staggering information available in the vast continents of Africa, South America and native Australia. While they are still arguing over whether "grey aliens" were found in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, black African tribes people have been finding these greys in the bush for hundreds of years right up to the present day. Black Africans call them the Mantindane ("The Tormentors").


Credo says that often when the greys die in the open, they are removed quickly by government agencies or their "friends" in flying craft. But occasionally dead greys have been found and removed by tribes people and he has witnessed them being taken apart and examined. He describes in the video, The Reptilian Agenda, part one, how he was once given part of a grey to eat, without realizing what it was, and the consequences were amazing in the effect on his mind and body, good and not so good.


I won't spoil the story in case you want to see the video because he tells it so brilliantly He says that the greys are not grey and do not have big black eyes, as it appears. The grey "skin", he reveals, is actually a strange type of suit, which is astonishingly difficult to break through. In Credo's words, it requires not just a new axe, but one that has been sharpened to its fullest potential. When you finally breach the "suit", he says, you find inside a pinkish, scaly, reptilian, creature with pupils that go up-down like a reptile's. Africans call them in this "non-suited" state, "Pinky, Pinky".


The big black eyes, he says, are not eyes, but very sophisticated goggles to protect the eyes of the grey from the Sun. For some reason, the reptilian greys and at least some of the other reptilians cannot endure, or do not wish to experience, direct sunlight, and they have to either wear these suits and eye protectors or only go out at night.


I know it's serious, but I have to laugh at how bizarre it all is. Aliens walking around in grey suits wearing big black shades, and others doing impressions of the Mario Brothers or Puff the Magic Dragon. Wake me up. Researcher Alan Walton also says that the greys have been described as having a "reptiloid, amphiboid, or even saurian" genetic base complete with scaly skin, and webbed claw-like fingers.


He says that people have reported seeing reptilian eyes with vertically slit pupils within the "big black slanted eyes" that seem in many cases to be "some type of biomechanical covering". He says that they also appear to have an insectoid-type infusion into their DNA.


Frans Kamp came across this same theme of an aversion to sunlight in his own research of the reptilians:

"Reptilians are intuitive or paranormal creatures. They live underground because of the Sun. The radiation of the Sun diminishes the production of seratonin and as seratonin is necessary for the stimulating of the pituitary gland or pineal gland to produce melotonin, they better stay underground. Melotonin is indispensable for life. The more melotonin, the more life. The more intuition/paranormal you are the higher production of melotonin."47

Draco = Dracula

This is where part of the symbolism in the story of Dracula originates. It was written by the Irish author Bram Stoker and published in 1897. Stoker probably knew the score after years of research into the countless vampire legends. As a History Channel documentary about Stoker confirmed, there is no part of the world and no era of history that does not have its myths and legends about vampires who feed off other people's energy and blood.


Look at the main elements of that tale in the light of what you have read so far. His name is Dracula (the Draco constellation is the alleged home of the royal reptilian bloodlines). He is called "Count" Dracula (symbolic of the way these Draco bloodlines have been carried by "human" royalty and aristocracy). Dracula is a vampire (symbolic of the need of the Draco reptilians to drink human blood and feed off human energy). Dracula shape-shifts, appears and disappears (symbolic of the reptilian shape-shifters and I will elaborate on this shortly).


He cannot stand direct sunlight (exactly what Credo and others say of the reptilians and greys). He comes in through "windows" (symbolic of the interdimensional portals through which reptilian entities enter our world). So many famous writers and artists were initiates or dogged researchers who told elements of the story through art and "fiction".


Stoker's character was largely based on a man called Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, the 15th-century ruler of a country called Wallachia, not far from the Black Sea in what is now Romania (Rom = reptilian bloodlines). This was the same region that was once called Transylvania, the home of the most famous vampire legends, and the Danube River valley, which runs from Germany to Romania and into the Black Sea, is a name that comes up very often in the history of the bloodlines.


Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula, slaughtered tens of thousands of people and impaled many of them on stakes. He would sit down to eat amid this forest of dead bodies, dipping his bread in their blood. He was a great guy to invite home for dinner, apparently. He usually had a horse attached to each of the victim's legs and a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled and care was taken that the stake not be too sharp; he didn't want the victim dying too quickly from shock. Infants were often impaled on the stake forced through their mothers' chests.


The records indicate that victims were sometimes impaled so that they hung upside down on the stake. Death by impalement was slow and painful. Victims sometimes endured for hours or days. Dracula had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns and the most common was a ring of concentric circles. The height of the spear indicated the rank of the victim, an excellent indication of the ritual-obsessed reptilian mind.


The decaying corpses were often left there for months. It was once reported that an invading Turkish army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses impaled on the banks of the Danube. In 1461 Mohammed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, a man not noted for his squeamishness, was sickened by the sight of twenty thousand impaled corpses rotting outside of Dracula's capital of Tirgoviste.


The warrior sultan turned over command of the campaign against Dracula to subordinates and returned to Constantinople. Ten thousand were impaled in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, where Dracula had once lived. On St. Bartholomew's Day, 1459, Dracula had thirty thousand merchants and others impaled in the Transylvanian city of Brasov.


One of the most famous woodcuts of the period shows Dracula feasting amongst a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brasov while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims. Impalement was Dracula's favorite technique, but by no means his only method of inflicting unimaginable horror. The list of tortures employed by this deeply sick man included nails in heads, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or wild animals, and boiling alive.


No one was immune to Dracula's attentions. His victims included women and children, peasants and great lords, ambassadors from foreign powers and merchants.

Vlad the Impaler was the son of Vlad Dracul, who was initiated into the ancient Order of the Dragon by the Holy Roman emperor in 1431. Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross. Vlad II wore this emblem and his coinage bore the dragon symbol. All the members of the order had a dragon on their coat of arms and he was nicknamed Dracul (the Devil or the Dragon).


Son Vlad signed his name Draculea or Draculya or the "Devil's son" and this later became Dracula, a name that translates as something like "son of him who had the Order of the Dragon". Most appropriate. This is the same Dragon Order that is today promoted by the British "Holy Grail" author, Sir Laurence Gardner.


By the way, Queen Mary or Mary of Teck, the mother of King George VI and therefore grandmother to the present Elizabeth II, was descended from a sister of "Dracula".


Nothing like keeping it in the family.

British and European serpents

In Britain and the rest of Europe, the stories of dragons and reptilian gods abound also. Here are just some of the places in the British Isles that have dragon/serpent legends:

Avebury, Bamburgh, Baslow, Betws-y-Coed, Bishop Auckland, Brent Pelham, Bretforton, Brinsop, Bromfield, Bures, Burley, Castle Neroche, Cawthorne, Chipping Norton, Crowcombe, Dartford, Deerhurst, Dinas Emrys, Dronley, Dunstanburgh, Durham, Gunnerton, Henham, Highclere, Horsham, Hughenden, Hutton Rudby, Kellington, Ker Moor, Kilve, Kingston, Lewannick, Linton, Llandeilo Graban, Llyn Cynwch, London, Longwitton, Ludham, Lyminster, Middlewich, Mordiford, Norton Fitzwarren, Norwich, Nunnington, Oxford, Penmynydd, Penshaw, Renwick, Saffron Walden, Saint Leonards Forest, Shervage Wood, Slingsby, Sockburn, Tanfield, Trull, Uffington, Wells, Westbury, Wharncliffe, Wherwell, Wiveliscombe, Wormbridge, Wormingford, Wormhill, and Wormshill. (Worm or wirm means "wingless dragon".)

All the legends of the dragons and serpents of the British Isles follow similar themes.48

The British Isles was an Atlantean/Lemurian colony before the deluge and the bloodlines returned there as the Phoenicians, Egyptians, and other names, when the Sumer Empire began to expand to the centers of its former Motherlands. The carriers of the Atlantean/Lemurian knowledge in Britain and other parts of Europe were called the Naddred or Adders, a Welsh name for serpent.49


They are better known as the Druids, a Gaelic word in Ireland meaning a wise man, sorcerer, or serpent, and they were called the "snake priests". An Irish manuscript claims that the adepts of the Druidic arts descended from the Tuatha de Danaan -"The People of the Serpent Goddess Dana".50 Apparently the Tuatha de Danaan were also called the Sumaire. These were the former Atlantean peoples who settled in Asia Minor (Turkey) and then expanded out into Europe. It was they who called Britain "Albion" after Albina, the eldest daughter of Danaus, an ancient Danaan priest.51


Danaan is also so close to Canaan, of course, and these "two" peoples came from the same part of the world. I think we will find that Danaan and Canaan are terms for the same people. It was one of their number, called Brutus, who led migrating Danaans/Trojans to the British Isles and established the city of Caer Troia or "New Troy" -today's London. The legend goes that when the Danaans were defeated by the later Greek Milesians of Asia Minor, the peace agreement involved the Danaans moving from the surface to live in an underground kingdom which could be accessed from "hollow hills" in Ireland.52


The Danaans were said to be a giant race of warriors, who became smaller through generations of living within the Earth. The same was said in Ireland of the Firbolgs, Formorians, and Nemedians, who were also defeated and driven underground where, it is said, they lost their giant stature. This theme of giants forced underground where they dwindled in height can be found all over the world and, like the Danaans, they are often described as having what I call the "Nordic" appearance.


Another common story is that these People abducted surface humans and interbred with them. Michael Mott in his hook, Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures, also points out the close similarity of "Tuatha" and "Tuat", the Egyptian name for the underworld, through which the Pharaohs believed they would travel to immortality.

The Druids, it is said, continued to use their Danaan knowledge on the surface after those peoples were forced underground. The highest level of the Druidic Pyramid was the Arch Druid. They were located on islands because land surrounded by water is a particularly powerful energy centre and if it also happens to host major vortex points on the energy grid that power is increased immensely.


The Arch Druids were based on the Isle of Man (home of an ancient Danaan Mystery School ) in the Irish Sea, the Isle of Anglesey off the North Wales coast, and the Isle of Wight, the "Dragon Isle" as it was called, off the south coast of England where I have lived for nearly 20 years.53


Researcher Mark Amaru Pinkham suggests that the Isle of Wight could have been (therefore is) the "pivotal vortex" in the northern grid of the planet. No wonder so much Satanism involving major Illuminati figures goes on there. Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury Tor, Bath, and Iona were other significant Druid centers. Glastonbury Tor (hill or mound) was located in the Isle of Avalon and Avalon means "island of the Immortals" -a name that is common to many of these "serpent" centers. The island of Iona off the Scottish coast was formerly known as Innis nan Druidhneah or "Island of the Druids". The Arch Druids were indicated by the seven "serpent eggs" displayed on their breasts.54


The goddess Artemis (Dana, Diana) was also depicted with eggs on her chest. Was the legend of the mythical St Patrick chasing the snakes out of Ireland the destruction of the Druid or Adder network?


If this was so, it happened for public consumption only as the knowledge was taken out of general circulation, but remained very much alive within the secret societies.

Egyptian serpents

You find the same story of serpent symbolism in the country to which so many modern Illuminati symbols and codes relate: Egypt. The great Temple of Ammon or Amen Ra was placed on a massive vortex point at Thebes or Karnac (Amen or Ammon is where the Christians get their term Amen! ). Under Thebes/Karnac are networks of tunnels known as the "Serpent's Catacombs". As a result of the traveling Egyptians of the Sumer Empire (or the Nordics who traveled to the Sumer region) we also have Carnac in Brittany (Barati), France. There were once 10,000 standing stones here, arranged to form the image of a seven-mile serpent. Carnac means "Serpent Hill".55


The ancient Egyptian accounts known as the Pyramid Texts speak of the serpent being both subterranean and celestial. Stories of flying serpents can be found in Egypt, as you would expect of an important colony of the Sumer Empire, and, once again, they symbolized immortality. Flying serpents were pictured taking the kings to the land of immortality in a star constellation in the heavens. One serpent symbol was the divine asp on the headgear of Egyptian kings and they used the fat of the crocodile in their coronations.


The great ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria was called "City of the Serpent's Son" (Alexander the Great) and there they worshipped the serpent god, Serapis. He was known as the "Sacred Serpent" or "Fire Serpent" and from this comes the Biblical "Seraphim", the serpents associated with YHVH or Yahweh (Jehovah).


The Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria was dubbed one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, as was the 400-foot-high Pharos lighthouse in the city, which was topped by the Illuminati's key symbol the lighted torch or eternal flame. In the temple, Serapis was portrayed as a massive statue standing on a crocodile holding a staff with a serpent coiling around it.


At the top of the staff were the heads of a lion, dog, and wolf, all classic symbols of the serpent cult.56 Egyptian queens like Cleopatra were known as the "Serpent of the Nile" and the Uraeus hieroglyphic sign for goddess was a serpent.57 Later Gnostic Christians adopted the name Uraeus as a secret name for God!58 Many Gnostic traditions also identified the serpent with "Jesus".59

As with many other cultures of the serpent gods, they were seen in the earliest Egyptian records as either benevolent or partly benevolent and partly not so. This is what you would expect from any race of people that reflects all attitudes. However, there came a time, which can be identified most clearly in Egypt, when this image changed dramatically. Suddenly, they were the bad guys.


In the earlier Old and Middle Kingdoms (which ended about 1640BC), the serpent was given a good press. But starting with the New Kingdom it was all very different. Especially from the 18th dynasty (starting about 1546BC), serpents become the target of hatred and rituals were performed to exorcise them. This change of serpentine image in Egypt came in the period of chaos lasting hundreds of years, after the Middle Kingdom fell.60


And it was the kings of the 18th dynasty who removed the Hyksos, who invaded Egypt and ruled till around 1550BC. The Hyksos (which means "Princes of Foreign Lands") destroyed all places of worship of the old religion when they took over, and R.A. Boulay writes in his Flying Serpents And Dragons that the Hyksos were known as the Amalekites by the Hebrews and were part of the Rephaim, descendants of the reptilian Nefilim.61'


Apop was the first ruler of the Hyksos in Egypt and the name was used to symbolize the serpent when they took on their "evil" public image in Egypt. The serpent was known as Apep or Apop (Apophis to the Greeks), and Apop became the symbol of the serpent people who occupied Palestine and also Egypt at the time of the so-called "Exodus". Rituals to destroy Apop in Egypt were very similar to those in Asia designed to overcome the Nagas. For me the Hyksos were of the reptilian bloodline and played a major role in infiltrating the Egyptian Mystery schools.


It was around 2000BC that the Royal Dragon Court, now the Imperial Royal Dragon Court and Order, was formed in Egypt by the priests of Mendes to protect, advance, and serve the "dragon bloodlines" and 4,000 years later it is still in operation and promoted by Sir Laurence Gardner in England. This is the organization, remember, that awarded the Dracula family its most prestigious title.

Clearly the legends and accounts of the serpent gods, their royal hybrids, and their often grotesque activities, abound throughout the ancient world. So does the most bizarre theme of all -their ability to change their form before your eyes.


They can shape-shift.


1 Translations of Zecharia Sitchin
2 The Reptilian Agenda, part one, with Credo Mutwa and David Icke
3 Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 31
4 Ibid
5 The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 650
6 Reverend John Bathhurst Deane, The Worship Of The Serpent (J.G. and F. Rivington, London, 1833)
7 Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 7
8 Ibid, p 9
9 Ibid, p 10
10 The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 903
11 Ibid, p 41
12 Ibid
13 Ibid
14 Ibid, p 48
15 Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures
16 Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines
17 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 50
18 Ibid, pp 53 and 54
19 Ibid, p 51
20 Ibid
21 http // 
22 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 52
23 Flying Serpents And Dragons, pp 48 to 50
24 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 67
25 Ibid, pp 66 and 67
26 Ibid
27 Ibid, pp 68 and 69
28 Ibid, p 65
29 Ibid
30 Ibid, p 66
31 Ibid, p 87
32 Ibid
33 Ibid, p 155
34 Ibid, p 154
35 Ibid, p 180
36 Ibid, p 55
37 Ibid, pp 60 and 61
38 Ibid
39 Ibid, p 63
40 Ibid, pp 62 and 63
41 Lucille Taylor Hansen, The Ancient Atlantic (Amherst Press, Amherst, Wisconsin, 1969)
42 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 63
43 Ibid, p 64
44 Ibid, p 84
45 Ibid
46 Ibid, p 178
47 Correspondence with the author
48 For more on British dragon legends and a host of other ancient and modern reptilian information, see the award-winning Reptilian Agenda archives at part of the David Icke website.
49 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 244
50 Ibid
51 Ibid
52 Ibid, p 245
53 Ibid, p 251
54 Ibid, pp 250 and 251
55 Ibid, p 80
56 Ibid, p 260
57 The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 906 and 1,028
58 Ibid, p 1,028
59 Ibid, p 907
60 Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 43
61 Ibid

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