Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality -- Page #1[7th edition] Compiled by ’The Group’ Edited by ’Branton’
This native American, who went by the name Oga-Make, related the following account in appreciation for a story on the Navaho which appeared in the Spring of 1948 in a magazine which was carrying numerous articles on the mysterious "signs" or "fires" in the skies which were causing an enormous amount of confusion and debate during that same year, as well as the years following.
The article on the Navaho nation, which appeared in an earlier issue, told of the suffering that their tribe had gone through during past winter seasons, and encouraged the readership to send goods and supplies to help them through the upcoming winter of ’48-’49, which many of them did.
In appreciation of this, Oga-Make related the following ’legend’ which told of the secret history of the Americas which ran it’s course, possibly thousands of years before white men set their foot en masse upon it’s shores:
The preceding account, titled "TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING SAUCERS", appeared in the Sept. 1949 issue of FATE magazine. Coincidentally or not, this same ’legend’ was repeated in amazing similarity by an old prospector by the name of Bourke Lee in his book "DEATH VALLEY MEN" (Macmillan Co., New York, 1932). However, Lee stated that it was NOT a legend, but an actual account of the discovery of a (now abandoned) city WITHIN the Panamint Mountains as he heard it from three other people who claimed to have seen this ancient wonder beneath the earth. Believe it or not, those who talked to Bourke Lee mentioned the ancient ’lake’ within Death Valley, the ancient city within the Panamints themselves, and even the large tunnel-like ’quays’ or ancient boat docks above the ancient shoreline on the eastern slope of the Panamints which led INTO the ancient city... ancient artifacts which they swore they saw with their own eyes.
The Editors of FATE magazine introduced the story which appears above with the following words:
The story of the Hav-musuvs seems to be a major or key ’piece’ of the overall puzzle of a wide range of aerial as well as subsurface phenomena which have mystified numerous researchers throughout this century.
Not the least of these unusual phenomena were the so-called ’contactees’ of California who during the 1950’s and ’60’s, in fact, described their own alleged encounters with ’benevolent’ human-like beings who were seen to emerge from aerial disks, not far at all from the mysterious Panamint mountains them- selves.
The Mojave Desert is also, believe it or not, the very place where William Shatner claimed to have had his UFO encounter with a ’silvery disk’, which he alleges saved his life after he became lost in the Mojave’s other-worldly expanse, and this long before he was Christened ’Captain’ of the U.S.S. Enterprise!
The Mojave Desert of California is in this sense perhaps one of the most interesting areas in the world whereas encounters with strange aerial phenomena are concerned. In certain small California and Mojave Desert towns, like the small town of Anza for instance, one is more likely to be called crazy for NOT believing in UFO’s than they are for believing in them. Sightings have been so numerous over the years that these aerial visitors are an accepted fact of life. The interesting thing, however, is that the two most commonly reported types of ’occupants’ which are described by thousands of witnesses with remarkable consistency the world over (in relation to these aerial phenomena) play a large part in the Mojave Desert scenario as well. These are the two groups which have often been referred to at the ’Saurian Grays’ and the ’Nordic Blonds’.
Both types of ’entities’ have appeared in many accounts describing encounters with not only so-called extraterrestrial beings, but also the lesser known -- although nevertheless persistent -- accounts of intra-terranean beings as well. In this file we will document numerous accounts which seem to suggest that the ’Nordics’ may be our ancient ancestors who, a few thousand years previous to the modern ’space race’, may have attained the science and technology necessary to burrow deep into the earth in order to construct vast subterranean technological metropolises, and shortly thereafter like a slingshot from the lower depths of the earth they may have hurled them- selves in starships of their own devising through the interplanetary and perhaps even interstellar depths of space.
The strange allegation among ’UFOlogists’, however, is one mentioned by many ’contactees’ who allege that a neo-sauroid or reptilian race known as the GRAYS may have for hundreds if not thousands of years been in conflict, or even in even all-out warfare with the so-called ’Nordics’ (as we will see further on, the "Nordic" appellation may be closer to the truth than one might think). The explanation given by some researchers as to the ACTUAL ORIGIN of this malevolent and predatory (other) race of ’grayish’ aliens may shock you!
Since National Polls reveal that approximately 80 percent of all Americans believe in the phenomena known as UFO’s to some degree, and that as many as 2 percent or 1 in 50 believe that they have been targets of ’abduction’ by the same in the past, this file is written with the assumption that the reader is one of the 80% (and possibly even one of the 2 percent who have experiential knowledge of the UFO phenomena).
If the reader believes that they are part of the 20 percent who do not believe in UFO’s and have no desire to do so, then the following may not be for you. If one does not like the idea of having the very ’fabric’ of their concept of reality torn apart and woven back together again, then they might do well to pass on this information to someone with a more open mind. But if you desire to bear with us, we will reveal to you the hidden secrets of one place on earth which appears to be a ’doorway’ to other worlds, to worlds and realities and adventures which may well make the reader’s own perception of ’reality’ seem absolutely mundane to the extreme...
But if you dare, then read on:
Leonard, based on research gathered by himself and certain ex-NASA employees, confirms the suspicions of certain researchers to the effect that NASA is aware of the fact that an alien race (the Grays, etc.) AND a human-like race has for centuries been fighting for possession of the moon, that mining equipment has been seen as well as many other evidences of lunar activity. Leonard says:
Mr. Leonard, during one of his interviews with an ex-NASA employee whom he refers to as Dr. Sam Wittcomb (a pseudonym to protect his real identity), at which time he showed ’Whittcomb’ the ms. for his book, learned the following disturbing facts:
As we’ve said, at least one of the races on the Moon is human, or identical to those of us on earth. If this is so, then we might ask ourselves "where on earth did these people come from, and how did they get to the moon before ’we’ did?" It is certainly a reasonable question.
There exist several corroborative accounts taken from ancient Hindu scripts (again, as Ripley would say "believe it or not"), which we will quote shortly, stating that the ancient GREEKS had actually developed flying ships thousands of years ago. Is it possible that the Hav-musuvs (which as we’ve said, may have been a neo-Grecian race because of their dress and their marble- like cities) would have taken the next logical step after developing aerial travel: that is, attempt to land one or more of their kind on the Moon... eventually upon Mars... and possibly even later upon planets in a nearby star system?
The United States has made incredible advances in this area in a period of less than 100 years, thanks to the phenomena known as the technological curve (i.e. that a synchronous effort on the part of many contributing factors eventually leads to a multiplying explosion in technology). If America landed a man on the moon only 70 years after the Wright Brothers opened the skies to aerial travel, then can we expect anything less from the Hav-musuvs or others like them? For instance technology in our society is becoming thousands of times more sophisticated every year. Is it possible that the ancient Greeks or a similar ancient society had a ’technology explosion’ thousands of years ago? If so, then it may have been possible for them to establish bases or colonies on the Moon, Mars, and perhaps beyond! We might add that there are some who even claim that the secret of "hyper- space" travel was inadvertently discovered only 40 years after the Wright Brothers successfully tested their aircraft at Kitty Hawk - during a super-secret Navy experiment called the Rainbow Project which was carried out at the Philadelphia Naval harbor in 1943.
If ’we’ can go from the horse-and-buggy to landing men on the moon in LESS that 100 years (or from the horse-and-buggy to "hyperspace" travel in only 40 years!?) then how much exploration and colonization of other planetary bodies might have taken place by a race who three or four THOUSAND years ago possessed aerial craft and technologies equal to or greater than our own?
One ’contactee’, incidentally, has stated that a large ’space port’ does in fact exist in a network of caverns deep below present-day Death Valley.
In reference to this we will quote from a ’synopsis’ of the experiences of Brazilian ’contactee’ Jefferson Souza, as it appeared in a catalog put out by the UFO LIBRARY (11684 Ventura Blvd. #708., Studio City, CA 91604). Many of the individuals referred to in this catalog, which offers taped interviews or lectures describing their encounters, are either ’contactees’ who have had friendly encounters with the so-called ’Nordic’ or human-like beings who pilot many of the ’alien’ craft; or who have been ’abducted’ by the more manipulating and predatory ’Gray’ or ’saurian’ entities. Quoting from their description of Mr. Souza’s experiences:
We see here then a definite connection between the subterranea of the Death Valley region, which is reportedly inhabited by the neo-Grecian (?) Hav-musuvs and the human societies in ’Vega’ and ’Ummo’, which as we shall see later on, according to other contactees, are "Federated" with other human colonies or civilizations in Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades and elsewhere.
Although Jefferson Souza claims to have encountered the Ummo People in landed craft, the Vegans are the ones who allowed him to travel on their craft most often. It was also the Vegans who showed him the MASSIVE basing complex below Death Valley, which contained chambers miles in diameter and numerous compartmentalized sectors which had been adapted to meet the gravitational, atmospheric and environmental needs of the various Federation world representatives who use the base as a way-station for their operations on earth. Apparently the Hav-musuvs have been VERY BUSY for the last few thousand ears, if we are to believe Souza’s account.
In addition to the above, Souza learned of two other alien species that are in conflict to some extent with the humanoids with whom he maintained contact. One of these includes an "Insectoid" type race, while the other is reptilian. The latter consists of a tall, very reptilian-saurian appearing "master" race to which the shorter reptilian "Grays" are subservient. There are at least three types of "Grays", according to Souza:
One might ask: if some of our ancient ancestors were so intelligent that they could develop aerial craft, then where is all the evidence? The evidence is there, but has been largely ignored by orthodox scientists who cannot fit the existence of advanced prehistoric civilizations into their own theoretical framework.
For instance:
Just as the U.S. government is allegedly working with ’Nordics’ based at Mt. Shasta near Weed, California and others in nearby star systems such as those mentioned above who have a base below the Panamint Mt.-Death Valley region; their neo-saurian adversaries are allegedly working with others of their kind within a huge subterranean network centered below the Mt. Archuleta region near the town of Dulce in Northwestern New Mexico (which seems to be the U.S. CENTER of activity in regards to MIBs or ’Men In Black’, abductions, mutilations, disappearances, sightings of reptilian entities and so on).
These ’Grays’ are allegedly working with other ’Draconians’ who have established themselves in:
Why is this ’war’ being carried on in secret? Partly because the U.S. Government does not believe that the American public can handle the truth. Just recall Orson Wells’ ’WAR OF THE WORLDS’ radio program of so many years ago, and the panic it incited.
In reference to Zeta Reticuli, from where many of the Grays are said to ’originate’, Jeffrey L. Kretch, in his article ’THE AGE OF NEARBY STARS’ (which appeared in ASTRONOMY Magazine in response to Terence Eckerson’s Dec. 1974 article ’THE ZETA RETICULI INCIDENT’, describing the Hill abduction, an article which incidentally raised more interest among the readership than any other article the magazine had published), makes note of the METAL and CARBON deficiencies of this binary system. He suggests that carbon-based life could not have ’evolved’ in such an environment, and he may be right, for the ’Grays’ have ’told’ some abductees that they are actually RETURNING to earth, their native planet. No doubt ’they’ will try to use this argument, even if true, in an attempt to justify their planned takeover of the planet.
Recently one researcher, K.S., was approached by the family of a U.S. Intelligence worker (O.S.I.) by the name of ’Tucker’, who had disappeared mysteriously. They were concerned and frightened as they had discovered, in a personal locker of his, SEVERAL papers describing INTIMATE details of activities surrounding the Dulce, New Mexico and Nevada (S-4, etc.) underground installations. Among this large stack of papers was hidden the following letter which was stamped ’SECRET’. The letter, copies of which were apparently also in the hands of a few other researchers as well, stated the following:
The humans at the Nevada Test Site ’may’ in fact, if we are to believe some researchers, be victims of subtle reptilian propaganda and intimidation. For instance, this source apparently believes that ALL the saurian-grays or EBE’s come from extraterrestrial worlds. However as we’ve shown there is much evidence that saurian activity exists within deep sub- terranean levels and cavities throughout the earth, and has so for many centuries. This is a fact that the saurians have tried to hide from humankind, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Also, there are accounts suggesting that the sauroids, grays, etc., ARE IN FACT breeding profusely and reproducing themselves via deep subterranean polyembryony tanks below Dulce and elsewhere, and are not as ’over-extended’ as they might have us to believe.
However, on the other hand, the fear the humans might have of prematurely attacking the ’enemy’ positions might possibly be propaganda intended to keep humans from taking OFFENSIVE action, believing they are keeping the grays, etc., ’at bay’ when in fact the Grays ARE ATTACKING OFFENSIVELY HUMAN SOCIETY on other hidden fronts via mass abductions, deception, implantations, psychic manipulation, recruitment of ’fifth column’ humans and infiltration. We personally do not believe in ’standoffs’. In war there is no ’neutrality’, one is either attacking (in various ways) or being attacked, in various ways -- ways which those on the defensive might not even be aware of. The letter continued:
Another researcher by the name (or pseudonym) of Jason Bishop has revealed that ’John’, to whom the letter was addressed, is non other than John Lear (one of the most decorated test pilots in U.S. history, and whose father William Lear founded Lear Jet Corp., invented the 8-track tape recorder, and so on) who himself claims many connections with people ’in the know’. According to the letter, both the Nevada Test Site and Deep Springs are areas of conflict between U.S. Govt.-’Nordic’ groups who are at war with the saurian grays or the ’reptilians’ - since the internal makeup of the grays is reportedly reptilian- based rather than mammalian-based.
Jason Bishop also released some other information he received by way of John Lear, from this individual whose letter we just quoted. According to Lear, the author of the letter was actually a Security Officer at the Test Site who had called in to the Billy Goodman talk show (KVEG radio - Las Vegas, NV) on a few occasions. This person used the codename: ’Yellowfruit,’ which he claimed was actually the codename of a top secret group that worked at the site, with which he was involved. YF also sent Lear a copy of the ’Benevolent’ teachings. The ’Benevolents’ are allegedly working at the Test Site with MJ-12 and are ’Blond-Nordic and/or Aryan-like’ people. It is not certain whether these ’aliens’ are tied in with the so-called exterran Nordic’ Pleiadeans, the terran ’Aryan’ Antarcticans, or the subterran ’Blond’ Telosians - as all three groups allegedly exist according to different sources, and may have been confused with each other in the past. All three of these groups allegedly posses aerial disks, although in reality their societies may be somewhat distinct from each other.
The BENEVOLENT TEACHINGS (not limited to the below) were identified as follows:
(Editors Note: One personal suggestion would be to place all ’unreformable’ death-row prisoners together for life, without possibility of parol, in large though sealed single-entrance extreme-security closely- monitored DEEP underground ’prisons’ with others of their own kind and gender. Provide minimum life provisions and possibly even religious-Christian consultation, or broadcasting, and hope at least that the ’Hell’ that these people make for each other will motivate some of them to seek for a better existence in the afterlife - Branton).
Yellowfruit also provided coordinates for the Electro-magnetic Triangles he referred to in his letter. These include:
From what we can gather from the letter quoted earlier ’there are many’ areas of conflict or ’standoff’ between the humans and saurians around the world. Those who realize that the conflict exists, such as the inner government, have failed to warn the general population of the problem possibly out of fear. However, as we have seen, the documentation proving that such a hidden conflict between the human and serpent races has existed since ancient times is surfacing en masse. We must realize however that due to the likelihood of the existence of recovered antediluvian technologies (as well as the apparent existence of hidden human and reptilian communities within the earth, which have utilized and added to such technologies since ancient times), the possibility exists that this ’war’ began on the surface of the earth, spread to the caverns, and was later propelled out into interplanetary and interstellar space.
From the depths of the earth both ’races’, as these technologies developed, apparently rushed to take control of as much territory as possible before the other side had a chance to, the humans - motivated more by their desire to expand their civilizations for the good of their overall societies; and the reptilians (and possibly humans "sellouts" who had collaborated with them) - motivated largely through Imperialistic tendencies, including the desire to establish god-like control over all creation without regard for universal law, a ’prime directive’, etc. However, we must be reminded that man is partially to blame for opening the ’door’ for these intelligent yet corrupted creatures to enter in and invade our societies, as well as possibly opening the way for their parasitical infestation of the heavens. Perhaps the ’war in heaven’ between Michael and the ’Dragon’ or the ’Old Serpent’, referred to in Revelation chapter 12, ties in with this scenario as well?!
Utilizing the ancient technologies and adding upon them through a multiplication process, it is uncertain just which ’race’ was first able to land itself upon Luna and other planetary bodies, the humans or the reptilians? But there are indications that they both may have done so at least a few thousand years ago, give or take a millennia. According to John Lear’s Intelligence sources, U.S. astronauts have even been warned of the dangers of space exploration by human ’UFO’ occupants who have allegedly monitored and even accompanied many of the space shots - possibly something along the line of similarity to an older brother teaching a younger brother how to ride a bike, although in this case the stakes are much higher. Many of these ’dangers’ would no doubt include malevolent alien entities.
UFO’s have also allegedly followed U.S. space shots such as the Apollo and the Shuttle flights, the latter of which have actually ’filmed’ what appear to be battles between alien craft and earth-based ’SDI’ defense systems. The Apollo shots were allegedly followed FROM EARTH by UFO’s, suggesting that an ancient Terran society which already went through the ’space race’ phase, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years ago, was concerned with the feeble efforts of their ’little brothers’ to move out into space. As we will see later on in this file, the possibility that an ancient Terran race developed space travel thousands of years ago is one which may be backed-up by actual evidence. When we realize that the United States itself became the major world power in less than two hundred years, and as we’ve said had essentially gone from the ’horse-and-buggy’ to interplanetary travel in less than 75 years; then how much activity might have resulted in extraterrestrial realms over a period of two or three thousand years by human AND saurian beings whose ’sciences’ were increasing at a synchronous rate?
Also, do the ’benevolent’ human-aliens allegedly working at the Nevada Test Site have any connection with the Hav-musuvs described earlier? Were the ’human’ occupied bases on Luna as seen by NASA officials, according to George H. Leonard and others, actually installations placed there by the Hav-musuvs or another society affiliated with them? These are questions we intend to answer in this File.
As we’ve indicated, there are numerous accounts suggesting that an ancient race who utilize high-technology now resides in the bowels of Mt. Shasta in the Cascade Range of northern California. According to researcher William F. Hamilton, who claims to have met representatives of this society, the inhabitants of the subterranean ’city’ under Mt. Shasta are usually tall, blue- eyed blonds who number in excess of over one-and-a-half million in their large 5-leveled, 20-mile long underground city.
Mt. Shasta has been a major site for UFO contacts for decades. Also Indian legends - as well as stories of strange people being seen on it’s slopes - abound there. These accounts are so well-known that many of the travel guides to the Shasta area mention the legends of the ancient people who are said to dwell within this ancient volcanic peak.
Aside from the apparent ’Greek’ connection with the under- ground city allegedly existing beneath Mt. Shasta (that is, the name ’Telos’ itself, which is a GREEK word that literally means ’uttermost, purpose’), Mr. Hamilton also states that some of the ’Telosians’ claim to be descended from ancient cultures such as the ’Quetzals’ and the ’Naga-Mayas’. This seems to indicate a possible Meso-American connection or origin of some of the alleged inhabitants of Shasta. Is it possible that South American cultures AND Mediterranean cultures such as the ancient Greeks ’teamed up’ in their obsession to explore the heavens?
James Churchward (who authored several books describing the history of an alleged sunken island-continent which he believed existed within the Indian Ocean and which went by the name of ’MU’) has indicated that the ’Naga-Mayas’ were a human tribe tied-in with ancient India. Whether the Telosians are descended from ancient Mayapan, India or Greece is not clear. It is possible as we’ve said that many ancient empires, such as was suggested in the Hav-musuv account, flowed-in to each other and traded and interacted with each other to a large degree.
Early archeologist Augustus Le Plongeon, one of the first researchers to do an in-depth study of the Mayan Language, came under criticism from orthodox scientists when he claimed to have broken the Mayan language code, and learned of the close connections the Mayas had with Egypt, India and an ancient island continent called ’MU’. Although Churchward placed MU in the Indian Ocean, Le Plongeon placed it somewhere in the Caribbean, perhaps in the Bermuda Triangle region - possibly mistaking it with the ante-diluvian ’Atlantis’ legends. Others however place MU or ELAM-MU off the west coast of North America or, in fact, identify modern-day California as none other than the ancient kingdom of MU which in ancient times was a peninsula or large island just of the California coast, as the Havmu-suv account seems to suggest. It is also possible that the ’MUrians’ had several ’colonies’ throughout the ancient world.
Zechariah Sitchin, author of many books, states that some Mayas may originally have came from Egypt. This might be the case when we realize the apparent similarities between the Egyptians and Mayas as they can be seen in the Mayan and Egyptian Pyramids, and so on. Another possibility is one suggested by Churchward, that the Mayas or Naga-Mayas came from India. However, even if they came from Egypt, a connection to India may still exist, for the ancient Greek writer Philostratus insists that the first Egyptians were originally navigators from INDIA! Whether or not the Mayas were originally descended from the Egyptians OR ancient East Indians, there is much evidence that the Mayas WERE never- the-less a highly scientific society, who were well advanced in medicine, astronomy, architecture and mathematics. In fact, Charles Berlitz (author of many books on the Bermuda Triangle, the Philadelphia Experiment, and other mysteries) refers to the account of a Colorado art historian by the name of Jose Arguelles.
Arguelles claimed to have met an old Mayan ’sage’ by the name of Humbarty Men who told him that his people, the Mayas, still exist as a civilization (underground? - Branton) and that they have in the last millennia succeeded in ’navigating’ at least seven nearby planetary systems through advanced spacefaring technologies.
In relation to this, a man by the name of
Morris Doreal, also of
Colorado (a state which is or was believed to be the home of an
advanced subterranean human culture), runs an organization
called the ’Brotherhood of the White Temple’.
Doreal claims to
have visited a few of the ancient underground cities and alleges
that several ’members’ of his organization are Guatemalan Indians
of Mayan descent who have told him of their own knowledge of
subterranean cities inhabited by both good and evil (reptilian?)
beings. It is true that there are many strange caverns in the
regions of
In addition to all of the above, there is much evidence that thousands of years ago the ’Nordic’ Vikings landed on the west coast of the Americas. However, whether ’they’ have anything at all to add to this scenario is uncertain. The best possible source however for the ’Hav-musuvs’ and in fact the ’Telosians’ themselves seems to be the ancient Greeks AND Mayas (Greco-Mayans?), although as we’ve indicated, possibly several ancient societies may have been working together. It is said by some that the Greeks borrowed much of their scientific thought from India during the time of Alexander the Great, and subsequently may have put this scientific thought into physical applications which were in turn shared with some of the leaders of India. As we will see later on, the ancient Greeks AND (Aryan?) East Indians may have been collaborating thousands of years ago in a ’space race’ which propelled these cultures outwards to nearby star systems, possibly a millennia or more before the appearance of Christ.
In 1961, SEARCH Magazine published a letter in it’s October issue, pp. 76-81, from a Gene A. Statler of (at the time) North Street, Jackson, Missouri. Excerpts from this letter are given here:
Ray Palmer’s editorial reply to Statler’s letter was as follows:
As we have seen by the Hav-musuv and related accounts, hidden technological societies descended from ancient Grecia or other ancient societies, may very well have established aerospace travel several hundred, if not a few thousand, years ago.
Assuming this, once aerial travel was accomplished by ancient races such as those described by Oga-Make, William Hamilton and others, ’space’ travel would be the next logical step. There are indications that the Hav-musuvs may have been only one of many ancient ’Terran’ groups to discover ’free- energy’ (electromagnetic) propulsion, and they certainly have not been the last. The problem is, when a segment of the human race, a scientific cabal for instance, stumbles upon the secret of electromagnetic propulsion (or even atomic, mercury, ion or tachyon energy drives - tachyons being an actual faster-than- light particle recognized by quantum physicists), they have a propensity to seclude themselves from mainstream humanity. This was usually done, according to various accounts, out of a fear that their technologies would be stolen and used for destructive purposes. It has only been in recent centuries that this ’techno-imperialism’ on the part of the secret scientific fraternities has weakened, as the overall masses of humanity have demanded their ’share’ of the technological ’pie’, and with it they have also received the darker side of technology - machine guns, missiles, atomic weapons - the works.
Usually man has a suspicious outlook toward his fellow man, understandably, and this has apparently led many such subterranean cultures to develop their technologies in secret. Some hidden societies such as the MIB or ’Men In Black’ have been especially defensive of intrusion and have used a type of ’psychological terrorism’ in order to keep their secrets hidden from those on the surface, especially now that the technologies of the ’International’ societies are becoming more refined. This defensiveness and paranoia on the part of the MIB might be explained by their own guiltiness which stems from their ancient associations with the serpent races, and the subsequent mental control which the reptilians have established throughout their own and other ’collaborative’ societies. Many of the MIB’ however are prisoners of environmental influence and cannot be condemned for being ’born’ into such a society (we refer here to the ’humanoid’ MIB, although androidal and even reptilian ’Men In Black’ have also been encountered). There is no telling how many times such a scenario (of a society discovering the utilization of electro- magnetic energy and subsequently disconnecting themselves from mainstream society) has run its course throughout the millennia.
As for the ’Men In Black’, which according to researchers like John Keel are an ’Illuminati-like’ secret society who may be collaborating with the malevolents (reptilians), their Black Automobiles have been seen entering and leaving underground areas, like for instance--according to one witness--a particular mountain near a road that runs between Hopland and Lakeport California, a road on which many automobiles including government vehicles have allegedly disappeared throughout the years.
The Haitians refer to these large black automobiles, which have sometimes been seen ’apparently’ operating without a visible driver, as the ’Zobops’. The superstitious Haitians, many of whom are into Voodoo and serpent worship themselves, refer to the Zobops as a race of sorcerers, and add that if one sees one of these large black automobiles apparently operating without a driver that they had better leave it alone. As we have suggested, there are also many cases which suggest that many of the so- called ’Men In Black’ are not human at all.
But whether good or evil, there are apparently numerous societies--many of them highly advanced technologically and many of them very ancient--who have hidden themselves away from mainstream surface societies, again for either benevolent or malevolent reasons. There is, in fact, evidence that such high-tech ancient cultures did exist in ancient times:
These ancient scientists as we’ve indicated also seem to have made persistent efforts to hide their knowledge from irresponsible persons, although some of this ancient knowledge apparently did fall into the wrong hands, if certain accounts of ancient nuclear explosions are to be believed.
Yves Naud reveals:
Daniel Cohen, in his book "THE ANCIENT VISITORS" (Doubleday & Co. Inc., New York. 1976), also relates an account taken from an ancient text concerning what might have been aerial craft developed by an old race:
Yves Naud related still other accounts suggesting that ancient Terrans did in fact attempt space travel...successfully:
If one such flight to the moon was successful, then we must assume that many others followed. Actually, Yves Naud quotes another ancient legend from China which suggests that at one point a great ’space race’ to explore and colonize nearby planets was a reality, and that as a result of a perverted race of troglodytes the world was thrown into a dark ages which led to an almost complete loss of contact and communication between the other-planetary colonists and the ancient world. Quoting from the legend:
In connection to the above, it may not be any coincidence that John A. Keel states on pp. 93-94 of his book ’THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’ (Signet Books, N.Y., 1975 paperback edition) the following concerning certain UFO witnesses:
From the ancient text, the BRIHAT KAHTA, we read how the ancient inhabitants of INDIA were aware of the flying craft WHICH HAD BEEN DEVELOPED BY CERTAIN GREEKS who were very possessive of their scientific and mechanical knowledge. In the ancient account we read:
This account, as we can see, indicates that the ANCIENT East Indians and Greeks were allies and were working together in the development of aerial craft. Could this explain the apparent involvement of neo-Grecian, and possibly ’Indian’ and Mayan cultures in connection with the human civilizations living in the various cavern systems beneath California?
There are other indications besides those that we’ve just mentioned which suggest that the ancient Greeks were very steeped in the intellectual sciences and used this knowledge to explore the unknown regions. Is it possible that before the Grecian empire crumbled, certain members of that society continued to carry on their own version of their civilization in remote outposts beneath or beyond the earth? According to Judeo-Christian history and prophecy (Book of Daniel), four world ’empires’ would run their course before the Messiah Himself finally reigned as king of an incorruptible Kingdom. The first was the Babylonian Empire, second was the Medo-Persian Empire, followed by the Grecian Empire which would subdue "the face of the whole earth" (see: Daniel 8:5,21). The last empire would be the largest, cruelest and most oppressive, the Roman Empire. It would rise and rule the nations, and then ’fall’ in a sense although still retain considerable control over the ’religious’ world (Revelation ch. 17-18) and then revive into a ’10-horned’ empire ruled by a counterfeit messiah.
The idea that the Grecian empire went about "on the face of the whole earth" might be significant if we consider that the ’Hav-musuvs’ for instance were connected with ancient Grecia. As for the highly intellectual nature of the Greeks, this was confirmed by the Apostle Paul, who alleged that during his visit to Athens, Greece,
Actually, when we consider the possibility that an ancient Grecian-like race developed aerospace travel thousands of years ago and compare this with modern accounts of human UFOnauts, there are indications that a connection between the two may be found. Many modern historians attribute our present sciences to the ancient Greek philosophers. However, when the Dark Ages of Roman Inquisition came these sciences were suppressed. But what if, as some suggest, certain of the early Greek philosophical-fraternal- scientific societies discovered for themselves hidden abodes far from the oppression of mainstream society and continued to develop their sciences with the freedom and creativity that only such hidden colonies could provide?
One very interesting account, which seems to indicate that hi-tech human societies on and within the earth did in fact colonize other planetary bodies thousands of years ago, appeared in SEARCH magazine. The article, titled "BRACE YOURSELVES", was written by an ex-NASA employee who identified himself only as ’The Doc’. His account appeared in the Winter, 1988-89 issue of that magazine. This ex-NASA employee related at the beginning of the article two very remarkable things that he’d heard while working at NASA. One of them included the discovery that the sun’s surface may not be a region of continuous thermonuclear activity as has commonly been believed. Instead, scientists had found that it appeared to be in essence a tremendous electromagnetic dynamo or sphere which in turn generates the electromagnetic fields of the planets. In other words it seemed to be more of a gigantic electrical ’light’ or ’sphere’ than a gigantic thermonuclear reactor, although nuclear reactions might play a part, but not nearly to the extent that many believe.
Some have alleged that the ’heat’ experienced from the solar orb on a planets’ surfaces is not so much determined by their proximity to the sun, but more by the amount and type of atmosphere with which the solar radiations and rays interact to produce friction and heat. In simple terms, the sun is not ’hot’ in the sense that most believe, but the solar flares and explosions taking place on the surface of the sun are more consistent with tremendous electrical ’arcs’ than with nuclear explosions. The other ’revelation’ he received from other NASA employees was that the U.S. Navy has for several year been making regular reconnaissance-observation trips to monitor alien ’bubble-cities’ on the ocean floor. Some years afterwards, while practicing homeopathic medicine in Phoenix, Arizona in 1984, ’The Doc’ met a young man who had come into his office to pick up some ’UFO photos’ he had loaned to a different doctor on a previous visit. The ex- NASA employee struck up a conversation with the young man. Following is an excerpt from the conversation which ensued between the young man and ’The Doc’ during that visit. The young man said, after talking to ’The Doc’ about the photos:
He looked at me penetratingly and continued.
"The Doc" then gave him a checkup, since the young man had originally come in for back problems. After he had informed the doctor that his back no longer bothered him, he told "The Doc" that he had to rush to catch a flight to Switzerland, and left the clinic.
In his book "LIGHT YEARS" (Morgan Entekin Books., Atlantic Monthly Press., N.Y. 1987), Gary Kinder reveals that the Swiss contactee Eduard ’Billy’ Meier was told by the star travelers he allegedly encountered that ’they’ were from the Pleiades, some 430 light-years from earth. The Pleiades are a relatively nearby ’open’ star cluster consisting of hundreds of stars, and according to scientists the sun (or Sol) itself and some of its neighbors revolve around Alcyon, the central star of the Pleiades cluster. However, the Pleiades are a relatively young system of stars which are unlikely to have developed life of their own and, in fact, the Pleiadeans claim that they are not native to that part of the galaxy. The Pleiadeans claimed to have ’terra-formed’ certain planets in that sector to support life and that their actual place of origin IS MUCH CLOSER TO EARTH, in the Lyra systems, some 30-or-so light years from our Sol-ar system. In other words, they migrated outwards from the general direction of the earth.
The Pleiadeans according to Meier look remarkably, almost exactly, like us although many of them are allegedly ’Nordic’ appearing, some with blonde hair and others with darker shades. They number only a little more than 500 million on their Terra-formed planet of Erra, in the ’Taygeta’ system of the Pleiades. This suggests that they have probably been living on that planet for a relatively short period of time as compared with the inhabitants of the earth, who number over 7 billion.
’They’ also claim to have horses, cows, rabbits, fish, and other ’Terran’ life-forms roaming about on their planet. This strongly suggests that the ancestrage of the Lyran-Pleiadeans and those on earth are intimately linked via ancient civilization, and in fact Meier was told that ’their’ ancient lineage does in fact converge with that of earth’s ancient inhabitants. When we consider that the Pleiadeans originally came from Lyra, which is much closer to planet earth, and consider the remarkable similarities between terran and Lyran-Pleiadean life, then one might wonder if Lyra itself might have been originally colonized by ancient explorers such as the Hav-musuvs, or by other civilizations such as the Mayas, Greeks, Chinese or Eastindians who according to many sources all possessed aerial and/or interplanetary exploratory craft a few thousand years ago. There is incidentally ANOTHER GROUP of ’extraterrestrials’ who have made themselves known to various contactees and who claim to be tied-in with the Pleiadeans AND ancient earth, suggesting an even greater possibility that these as well as the Pleiadeans had their genesis originally on (ancient) earth thousands of years ago. Could planet Earth be the original ’seed’ from which all sentient life in the universe proceeded?
To be honest, there have been many claims -- mostly through so-called "channeled" information -- which would have us to believe that the Earth was originally colonized by beings from other worlds. We are of the opposite opinion, however, and suggest that much of the inhabited sectors of this galaxy were colonized by the many expeditions which, "unofficial" history tells us, were sent outward from earth by several hidden societies who had attained the ability to initiate interplanetary or interstellar travel throughout the past 3 or 4 thousand years, in post-diluvian times. The "other side" in this argument may present all the evidence they can gather to support their theory, however they must allow us the same privilege. We feel that if we are to suggest that planet Earth was the original life-seed of the galaxy, then we have the duty to compile the evidence to support this theory, so most if not all of the information contained in these files is information which we have gathered in support of the above thesis and we make no apologies.
We present this possibility not because of any egotistical desire to place planet earth above any other ’world’, but simply because it seems to be the one explanation which fits with all of the accounts given in this File. This ’other’ spacefaring group who are allegedly tied-in with the Pleiadeans claim to come from the Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridanus star systems, which are two of the nearest SOL-type star systems in this sector of the galaxy.
According to Meier, a great interplanetary battle and mass human exodus took place ages ago within the Lyran system, and as a result a large percent of the human inhabitants were forced to evacuate their planet within that system after many of their ancestors were apparently killed in the war. Meier was not told, to our knowledge, just who the ’attackers’ were, but another ’contactee’ claims that the attackers in the ’Lyran wars’ were none other than the interstellar parasites known to us as the ’Grays’. Some who have been abducted against their will by the grays have even been shown holographic recordings of such an interplanetary war, as if the grays in their leviathan pride were parading their supposed invincibility to their frightened and confused abductees.