by Tom Lucas
"If the importance of the caverns beneath
Siloam Springs and Eureka Springs
[CIA-Masonic-Mafia ’underground’ drug capital in Arkansas...] is a bane of
contention between the picturesque little towns, Hot Springs, Arkansas,
would be the next logical choice for investigation.
During the 1930
Prohibition days, it was frequently reported in a Chicago newspaper that
Chicago gangsters traveled often to Hot Springs to go to the horse races and
soak in the hot baths. It seems reasonable, based on what we think we know
now, that during the lulls in recreational activities in Hot Springs,
leaders of the various gangs made discrete trips to the caverns beneath the
city to brag about their latest exploits and to bring offerings of gold.
"To get a rough idea of what a cavern map of the U.S. would look like,
simply pull out a road map of any state and identify all of the dense
population centers, be they cities or hamlets. Where there is a city on the
surface of the earth, there is a city in the caverns below that city...’as
above, so below.’ The co-relation breaks down as the size of the population
centers dwindle...
"In the early 1930’s, the caverns of
Hot Springs must have been the U.S.
capital, or at least a regional area, for the marketers of illegal alcohol.
"Cavern communities close to the surface are probably not completely
self-supporting and require huge injections of funds to keep them going.
These facilities lack the super-technologies of those caverns much deeper in
the earth, and require much gold for trading with people within cities
deeper in the Earth’s crust. An ounce of gold in the underworld has as much
or greater buying power than on the surface because the deeper
super-productive cities need all the gold they can get and are willing to
make generous trades for gold. This relieves the near-surface caverns of the
burden of secreting goods and services from the surface world which would be
a real security headache.
"Cities beneath cities, and some hamlets, require injections of wealth from
the surface that doesn’t leave paper trails to their caverns. Each cavern
has to develop and specialize in some particular money-making scam, or any
number of sting embezzlements to bring in a constant stream of traceless
cash and gold.
"One cavern, for example, specializes in
addictive drug sales, another bank
embezzlement and fraud, another stock market riggings, government money
transfer schemes, along with other more esoteric and less known ways of
generating profit that must eventually be converted to cash and gold that
cannot be traced. The expression underground cash economy is probably a
semi-cryptic phrase that refers directly to installations beneath cities
notorious for dealing only in cash and gold.
(Note: The notorious ’inner
world’ researcher and writer Richard Shaver did state that organized crime
syndicates were one of the larger elements operating within the secret
cavern systems, and that the term "the underworld" - as a description of organized crime networks
- is more than just a coincidence. - Branton)
"When America was young, developing underground caverns beneath American
cities having a flavor of anarchy similar to communities developing on the
surface, did not at the time have formal relations with each other... not
even "wild-west" sub-surface communities in the American West... "as above,
so below."
"Over a period of time, cavern communities within regional areas
geographically near each other found they had to get along with each other
in a non-competitive manner, to encourage synergetic relationships which
tended to raise the standard of living of each of the involved cavern
Each cavern specialized in an area of crime-monopoly expertise
that wasn’t in competition with neighboring caverns. If a regional area
demonstrated it could keep surface dwellers in line - e.g., keep them
thinking the ’right’ thoughts, stifling all real creativity, via the
under-ground’s crack people-management teams and organizations on the
surface in the form of police departments, public schools, controlling
secret societies, quack medical fraternities, polished propagandists and
moralists, a sufficiently initiated CLERGY, etcetera - then this regional
area is allowed to incorporate into a semi-autonomous fiefdom that would
eventually reflect on the surface as "a county" in the U.S... "As above, so
"These underground fiefdoms in the form of counties then combine to form
states; states combine to form the nation... Today, 33 degree Masonry and
the higher degree [33+] is getting ready for the final conflict between
Rightwing Caverns [RWC] and Leftwing Caverns [LWC]. This [Hegalian/Machievellian]
conflict will not be so much a battle between countries on the surface as it
will a war of the caverns.
Surface 33+ is clandestinely developing
relatively unknown caverns beneath smaller communities which 33+ degree
confidently feels will not be identified and destroyed once the conflict
begins. Surface 32 degree and below are to be left on the surface to
die with the rest of the ’profane’.
The deal is, knowing a real holocaust is
coming, 33+ is planning to abandon the old underground installations and
flee to the new when the time arrives. It appears that both left and right
wing factions will be responsible for the sacrifice of huge segments of the
Earth’s above and below ground populations.
(Note: Take note of the fact that the
Jesuit-created Scottish
Rite and and the black gnostic serpent cult of
the Illuminati of Bavaria - which both collaborated in the establishing of the "33 degree" system of
Masonry - have their ultimate headquarters in ROME and BAVARIA, those two
regions which made up the duel headquarters of the [UN]HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
These were the same forces which brought about the Macheivellian conflicts
between ’right’ and ’left’ wing factions in World War I and World War II.
Now they are apparently planning for a third Machievellian global conflict - this one being nuclear in scope
- ABOVE and BELOW the surface of the
planet, a conflict which they intend to ’ride-out’ in their secret
underground strongholds and eventually emerge to control the upper AND lower
’worlds’. It would be an elaborate "Helter Skelter" scenario - Helter Skelter being the term that mass-murderer Charles Manson used for his plan
to incite a race war which he and his ’family’ would ride-out in an
underground cavern in the Mojave desert which he referred to as "the Pit".
Once the holocaust had ended and most of those
on the surface were dead, Manson and his followers believed that they would
emerge from their hiding place and rule the world. If such a plan seems to
be the product of an insane mind, then it would appear that Charles Manson
was not alone in his insanity, which is a scary thought. Another thought - just what part do the alien Greys play in the 33+ Masons’ plans?
Incidentally, there are reportedly several levels above and beyond the 33rd
degree, mainly those which interface with and collaborate with ’alien’
fraternities or secret societies below and beyond planet earth.
For instance
the ’Alternative 2’ and
’Alternative 3’ forces who, in collaboration with
the Greys, have exploited and oppressed numerous ’slave worlds’ throughout
this sector of the galaxy - according to one couple who in UNICUS magazine
told of how they defected from the Alternative-3 agenda after a ’Federation’
agent informed them of these facts. The Nazi ’Neu Schwabians’ are deeply
involved in these joint humanoid-reptiloid interstellar atrocities against
the peaceful inhabitants of other colonial worlds.
The atrocities of World War II were just the
beginning, since the Nazi ’holocaust’, if we are
to believe some ’contactees’,
has spread beyond the surface of this planet, both within and without. As
for the 33-plus levels of Masonry, according to former Dulce base security
officer Thomas E. Castello - who possessed one of the highest security
clearances at the base, Ultra-7 - there were several security clearances
above his own that the ’higher initiates’ held... such as UMBRA, STELLAR,
and UMS - UNIVERSAL MILITARY SERVICE. In his writings Whitley Streiber tells
of being taken during an abduction experience to another desert-like planet
with ancient ruins and tall ’Grey’ type beings. He encountered American
military personnel on this interplanetary excursion who were dressed in
military kackies, carried camcorders and other unusual equipment.
military personnel would probably have possessed a security clearance
similar to one of those mentioned above. According to Castello, President
Harry Truman was a ’High Archon’ in the interplanetary lodges and
one of the
first U.S. Presidents to establish a secret American treaty with Greys from
Alpha Draconis and Epsilon Bootes as well as with the subterranean Ashtar
forces. George Bush was apparently at one point a 42nd
degree Mason,
according to another source who I believe to be reliable. He would have to
had been considerably high in the degrees if he were involved with MJ-12 as
is claimed. So the 33+ degrees of Masonry are the alien-interactive levels,
and ’we’ are meant to believe that there are ONLY 33 degrees and no more.
The Scottish Rite’s infiltration of the
lodges challenged the domination of the more Judeo-Christian YORK Rite. The
Scottish Rite can be traced back to the Jesuit college of Clermont in
France, and at the core it advocates a global government and the destruction
of all national boundaries, sovereignties and cultures; the dissolution of
all traditional "family" structures making all children the wards of the
world state; and the destruction of the idea that man has a soul - or
rather that humans are merely evolved animals having no spiritual nature and
therefore no need for God. In other words a homogenized collective society
which does not tolerate individual expression but instead enforces absolute
conformity to the controlling establishment, kind of like the system which the Greys themselves live under.
to former 33rd degree Mason James Shaw, author of "THE
DEADLY DECEPTION", the U.S. headquarters of the Scottish Rite is located
in the "House of the Temple" in Washington D.C.
(click image right) and, according to some, it sits directly over an antediluvian system of ’Atlantean’
tunnels and ancient underground chambers called the ’NOD’
complex, which
serves as a major NSA-Sirian-Grey center of collaboration.
Some believe that
the antediluvian or Atlantean alchemists or sorcerer-scientists had begun
experimenting with elemental forces and that their experiments had gone out
of control and created a temporal rift in the space-time continuum in the
so-called ’Bermuda Triangle’ region, opening up a hole between dimensions
and leaving ’electromagnetic fallout’ which has had adverse effects to this
This was just prior to the global deluge which
destroyed their island-continent. This ’House of the Temple’ is, according
to Jim Shaw, filled with murals, statues, and carvings of serpents. In other
words it is a SERPENT cult. This pagan temple actually sits at the northern
point of the PENTAGRAM like street layout of downtown D.C., which is not
surprising when we consider that much of the original construction of
Washington D.C. was carried out by MASONS!
After what was supposed to be the
culmination of a lifetime of initiatory work, Shaw was excited about his
33rd degree initiation which was attended by two former U.S. presidents, a
famous ’evangelist’, and a Scandinavian king. He was anticipating a type of
spiritual illumination, however the dead, dry ritual and the ’tomb like’
atmosphere of the temple itself was far from inspiring. Following the
disillusioning experience he left the building, looked at the entrance above
which was written "THE SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY", and, realizing that it
was all a LIE he sadly said to himself, "It isn’t Scottish, it isn’t Rite,
and it isn’t Free!" He left the lodge and never returned, and from that day
on became a Christian Evangelist and one of its most notorious critics.
Some state that as part of the 33rd degree
initiation one is challenged to blaspheme Christ, spitting on a cross or a
Bible or something of the sort. If the initiate refuses to do so they are
told "You have made the right decision", and remain forever in the 33rd
degree. If they do commit the act of blasphemy however, they are told "You
have made the right decision" and continue their ascension through the
degrees beyond the 33rd.
The lowest degrees are presumably ’Christian’ and
many share membership jointly in Masonry and Christian denominations. As one
ascends higher, the Christian beliefs are slowly and almost imperceptibly
subverted so by the time the 33rd degree is reached one has arrived on the
verge of Luciferianism.
Those who have been through the degrees must admit
that what they are being taught now is almost diametrically opposed to what
they were taught in the lowest degrees. This is the work of the Scottish
Rite which infiltrated the Masonic Lodges for the purposes of using them as
a framework for the establishment of their Godless New World Order. In
Masonry the LODGE is god, ’The Grand Architect of the Universe’, which is
simply another name for the Lodge itself. - Branton).
"At the same time underground 33+ develops remote survival caverns
- an
activity generally unknown to underground inhabitants, including 32-, they
are also developing caverns without support communities which, above, could
pinpoint their survival caverns for target purposes... Without support
communities to obscure their activities, surface Masons are deprived of this
"When one moves to a cavern without a support community above, it is similar
to a surface dweller moving from the city to the countryside. Unless there
is access to needed goods and services available at alien facilities much
deeper in the earth, each time the remote cavern dweller needs something
from the store he has to travel to a cavern with a support community above
to get what is wanted.
"While in the NAVY, I was told that
only five men, who were sworn to
secrecy, decided the targets for America’s bombs; also that these five men
were the only ones who know where the bombs were going! This means targeting
information inside the ICBM’s are sealed and not even technicians loading
the programs know what is on them.
Bombing instructions for nuclear bomber
pilots are sealed. This means submarine captains do not know where their
ICBM’s are headed. All the captain does is tell the missile its location and
the missile decides where to go. Apparently an almost unlimited number of
possible target guidance programs are generated and placed in a library made
available to these five men. To be installed in missiles appropriate for
specific targets, all is sealed and safely locked away.
"I’m sure the method by which all this is done is complex and thought out in
a way understood by none other than the five select men. I doubt the system
has changed since my Navy days of years ago. The activities of these men and
the targets selected are never audited.
(Note: Just as the secret agencies like
MJ-12 are
never audited since Congressional investigators are only allowed ’Top
Secret’ clearances - whereas MJ-12 and similar agencies operate at ’Above
Top Secret’ levels and beyond. In fact the charter for the NSA, for
instance, states that the NSA is exempt from all U.S. laws which do not
specifically mention the NSA within the text. So here is a job for you
Congressional legislators... MENTION the NSA in every new or old regulatory
law that might be applicable! - Branton).
The person who told me this said there is no way
of ascertaining if these five men are even on our side! Though the faces of
the men may change over the years, the system of security remains the same.
These five men must all be MASONS, which means there is much room for
"300 U.S. citizens were made ready for the 1917 Russian Revolution. Taught
the Russian language and leftwing socialist ideology, they were shipped off
to Russia to form the first politburo. Plainly, this means that socialist
Russia is a tool and puppet state of the United States.
(Note: Or, more exactly the
Masonic ’Banksters’ operating within the U.S. - as for instance the Rockefellers, who played a major role in grooming the agents of the
Communist-Socialist revolution in Russia AND the agents of the
National-Socialist revolution in Germany. Whether it is left-handed
Socialism or right-handed Socialism - Socialism either way you look at it
Any recent reforms in Russia will NOT change
the fact that she is still taking orders from [the Bavarian-backed 33+
Jesuit-Masons in] the U.S. [U.N.]. Although the front men may change,
leftwing socialists are very adept at making reforms that increase their
"All of which indicates that it is unlikely that the bulk of America’s
atomic arsenal is aimed at Russia, as claimed and, for the most part, it is
unlikely that Russia’s atomic arsenal is aimed at the United States. The
only missiles targeted for the U.S. would be aimed at the underground
installations of the most lethal of rightwing adversaries... After all, the
effectiveness of our underground nuclear bomb-testing program is just
that... a test showing just how efficiently each bomb design destroys
underground caverns!...
"Summarizing, it appears that both
Russian and American nuclear arsenals
stand ready to fire in concert. But at what? The answer is at all of the
caverns which, occupied by the enemy of World War II (namely, the NAZIS -
Branton), are awaiting the time to deliver THEIR nuclear missiles from
sanctuaries beneath the ANTARCTIC, and from cavern strongholds beneath
(Note: The 33+ themselves are neither against the
’right’ nor
’left’ wing forces, but rather control the leadership of each, so as to set
the two forces against each other in a Machievellian or Hegalian scenario - with more than a little help from their reptiloid and grey alien advisors.
This plan seems to have been traced back to the MASONIC ’Pontiff’
Pike [who called himself ’the vice-regent of Lucifer’ on earth] and his
JESUIT ’deputy’ Guisseppi Mazzini. According to
Des Griffin, Pike and Mazzini established the 22 Illuminati ’Palladium’ lodges for the express
purpose of creating the right-wing Nazi and left-wing Communist movements
and to lay the foundation for three world wars which they hoped would
wear-down the masses to the point where they would accept a
New World Order
dictatorship as the only peaceful alternative.
From the alien perspective,
the New World Order would offer easier control and massive population
reduction at the same time. As I have suggested, we can also surmise that
the 33+ Masons ’leading’ the right wing factions and the 33+ Masons
’leading’ the left wing factions are all working closely together along with
their reptilian allies beneath and beyond this planet.
When and if the final conflict breaks out, we
can expect the high-ranking ’leaders’ of both sides of the Machievellian
conflict to leave the so-called left-wing Communist Socialists and the
so-called right-wing National Socialists to their fate, with the hope and
expectation that they will slaughter each other and eliminate all resistance
when they - the Roman-Bavarian 33+ Jesuit-Mason Banksters and their alien
’hosts’ in Orion and Draconis as well as some collaborating factions from
Sirius-B / Hale-Bopp, etc. - emerge to take control of the planet. In
reference to the Sirian collaborators, a major irony exists in the fact that
the Sirius-B zealots connected with the Hale-Bopp complex - who are so
determined to stage a mass landing on earth - may be largely motivated by
the fact that several of their allied underground colonies on earth and in
this system have been and are under attack by the Reptiloid-Grey
Apparently they believe that by supporting their
secret-society allies here on earth - who are in turn intent on
establishing a New World Order - they will be in a better position to
defend themselves and their ancient bases and colonies here from the Draconians-Greys.
Yet, they are in fact serving what they have
been led to believe are "Ascended Masters" within the Hale-Bopp complex
itself, unaware that their beloved "Ashtar"
hierarchy has long since been
infiltrated by Orionite Dracos and Greys. In a similar manner, the
Orion-backed Jesuit Lodge had managed to infiltrate the Sirian backed
Masonic Lodge on earth via the Jesuit Scottish Rite, and just as the
have been duped into submitting to the agenda of the Orionites in Hale-Boop,
the Masons have been duped into forming an alliance with
the Jesuits in the
form of the
Bilderberg society. If the Masonic Lodge and our own
Constitutional U.S. Government can be infiltrated by Draconian-Orionite
interventionists, then are those from Sirius-B who live in an even more
collectivist system any more exempt from the same threat?
Maybe one day
they, AND WE, will learn that the Draconians are playing for keeps and that
there is NO level of deception to which they will NOT sink in order to get
their way. Just like us, the Sirians and their Masonic representatives on
earth have been so concerned about defending themselves from an ’enemy
without’, that they AND WE have ignored the infiltration of the ’enemy
within’. - Branton)
"This explains why the U.S. and Russia have such a large surplus of atomic
bombs. Caverns tend to be nuclear proof, except for direct hits which mean
that at least one bomb is needed per cavern, and perhaps several just in
case the first one fails to make it. All those bombs going off will have a
negative environmental impact on all life on the surface; but the 33+ plan
to be safe and snug in their holes.
"Both sides could fire all their arsenals at once; but this is unlikely to
happen. World War II will be PROTRACTED [like a chess-game] and both sides
will agree to a standard set of rules for war.
"As the war progresses and the world’s standard of living drops, squabbles
over remaining resources will become frequent, and pointed. States will
fight states, counties will fight counties, towns will fight towns, all of
which will reflect the political biases and inclinations of controlling
caverns beneath.
"Did you know that only group organisms such as
ant hills and termite
colonies - and masonic controlled men - indulge in mass warfare? Nothing
else in nature does.
"All group organisms, such as
bee hives, use sex odors [via the queen bee]
to induce conformity in the hive or colony. [Scottish Rite] Masonry is most
similar to the termite colony in that both chew away at the foundations of
civilization and neither can stand the light of day.
"Masonry may not use sex odors to induce conformity and absorption into the
group organism but it does use mesmerizing, hypnotic rays that may have
sexual content to it.
selfless devotion to service
faceless anonymity
slavish devotion to a noble ideal... for the good of the whole
work without
profitless causes
these are the value-philosophical ideals of
an and in an ant hill, a termite in a termite colony...and a mason in a masonic organism
"Interesting is how cleverly encyclopedias talk about springs but never
caverns, and that De Sota was more curious about caverns than springs.
tunnels I recently learned of that lead off from basement rooms in the old
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TEMPLE in Springfield, Missouri, which is in the heart of
the Ozarks, gives pause for a lot of wonder and conjecture.
Until recently,
I thought only a few surface dwellers knew and had access to the Underworld,
but it now appears to be common knowledge among those of a specific segment
of the population... It’s just that those who talk don’t live long."
More of what the ’Aryan elite’ plan for America and the world was revealed
in a lecture given by the late Phil Schneider, who was murdered [strangled
to death] by persons unknown shortly after giving this speech:
"I love the country I am living in, more
than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking
my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is
going to concern deep underground military bases and the black budget.
Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross
national product of the United States. The Black Budget currently
consumes $1.25 trillion per [2] years. At least this amount is used in
black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military
bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the
United States.
"They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly,
since the early 1940’s. Some of them were built even earlier than that.
These bases are basically large cities underground connected by
high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several
books have been written about this activity.
Al Bielek has my only copy
of one of them. Richard Souder, a Ph.D architect, has risked his life by
talking about this. He worked with a number of government agencies on
deep underground military bases. In around where you live, in Idaho,
there are 11 of them.
"The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are
basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25
cubic miles in size. They have laser drilling machines that can drill a
tunnel seven miles long in one day. The Black Projects sidestep the
authority of CONGRESS, which as we know is illegal. Right now, the New
World Order is depending on these bases. If I had known at the time I
was working on them that the NWO was involved, I would not have done it.
I was LIED to rather extensively.
"Basically, as far as technology is concerned, for every calendar year
that transpires, military technology increases about 44.5 years. This is
why it is easy to understand that back in 1943 they were able to create,
through the use of vacuum tube technology, a ship that could literally
disappear from one place and appear in another place. My father, Otto
Oscar Schneider, fought on both sides of the war. He was originally a
U-boat captain, and was captured and repatriated in the United States.
He was involved with different kinds of concerns, such as the A-bomb,
the H-bomb and the
Philadelphia Experiment. He invented a high-speed
camera that took pictures of the first atomic (Hydrogen or H-Bomb - Branton) tests at Bikini Island on July 12, 1946. I have original
photographs of that test, and the photos also show UFO’s fleeing the
bomb site at a high rate of speed. Bikini Island at the time was
infested with them, especially under the water, and the natives had
problems with their animals being mutilated. At that time, General
McArthur felt that the next war would be with aliens from other worlds.
"Anyway, my father laid the groundwork with theoreticians about the
Philadelphia Experiment, as well as other experiments. What does that
have to do with me? Nothing, other than the fact that he was my father.
I don’t agree with what he did on the other side, but I think he had a
lot of guts in coming here. He was hated in Germany. There was a $1
million reward, payable in gold, to anyone who killed him. Obviously,
they didn’t succeed. Anyway, back to our topic - deep underground
"Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the ’federal’
government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States
form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the
1954 Greada
Treaty (Eisenhower administration - established contact-landings at Holloman AFB, New Mexico; and Muroc-Edwards AFB, California in 1954.
This was a year after the ’Greys’ had established geosynchronous orbits
around our planet within two ’planetoids’ that had been engineered to
serve as operational bases for later abduction, implantation, cattle
mutilation, base construction, and infiltration operations. - Branton),
which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a
few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but
that they had to give details about the people involved.
Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldn’t abide by it
at all. Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the fire-fight at Dulce
occurred quite by accident. I was involved in building an ADDITION to
the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the
deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.
At that particular time, we had drilled four
distinct holes in the desert, and we were going to link them together
and blow out large sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes
and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the
particular rock. As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a
large cavern that was full of outer-space (or "inner-space"? -
aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that
time, there were 30 people down there.
About 40 more came down after
this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole
underground base of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had
been living in our planet for a long time... This could explain a lot of
what is behind the
theory of ancient astronauts.
(Note: This report seems to reveal a limited
’perspective’ on the
overall ’Dulce wars’ based on the experience of one man. It appears
however from a number of sources as if there was much more involved in
the overall scenario than what Phil Schneider describes. For instance
from Phil’s description it would appear as if his team broke-in to the
base ’accidentally’. It could have been that IN RESPONSE to the captured
scientists mentioned by Thomas Edwin Castello and others, special
military forces and agents intentionally attempted to break-in to the
underground alien bases through a "back door" so-to-speak, yet Schneider
may have not been aware of this part.
Other reports would suggest that
the conflict was more complex than this, involving more than one
firefight. According to Thomas Castello, John Lear,
Bill Cooper, and
other sources, the "Dulce Wars" involved AT LEAST a hundred
highly-trained special forces, including Delta force Black Berets, Air
Force Blue Berets, Division 5 FBI, CIA, and Secret Service. Because of
the "cover-up", special forces units with the necessary security
clearances for this type of operation were rare. Needless to say, this
"war" did not have the full backing of Congress and the American people,
and this no doubt contributed to the loss of the 66 special force
personnel who died in the conflict.
Following the confrontation, the U.S.
’government’ withdrew from all negotiations with the Greys and a rift
began to develop within the Intelligence Community. It appears as if
this split can be traced back to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, which
became divided over what to do about the Dulce situation and the aliens
in general. Col. Edwards and the Wing Commander wanted to support
Paul Bennewitz in a full-scale investigation of Dulce and they petitioned the
White House, which at first agreed and told them to go ahead with the
project... that is until forces ’elsewhere’ in the intelligence
community began to bring pressure against the White House and Kirtland
AFB to drop the whole thing.
Kirtland AFB Col. Richard Doty seems to
have been torn between two intelligence agendas, explaining his
seemingly schizophrenic reversals in policy regarding Dulce and related
matters. Some segments of U.S. intelligence wanted to declare war on the Greys and develop SDI weapons that could be used against them in space
and underground, whereas others - apparently motivated by more sinister
motives - desired to continue negotiations.
Two years following the Dulce wars, AQUARIUS and MAJI re-established negotiations with the
at Dulce for the purpose it would seem of gaining continued access to
mind control technology for their New World Order agenda. - Brandon)
"Anyway, I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a
box on their body, that blew a hole in me and gave me a nasty dose of
cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that.
"I didn’t get really interested in UFO technology until I started work
at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two years recuperating after
the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G
and other companies. At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of peculiar
spacecraft. How many people here are familiar with Bob Lazar’s story? He
was a physicist working at
Area 51 trying to decipher the propulsion
factor in some of these craft.
"Now, I am very worried about the activity of the federal government.
They have lied to the public, stonewalled senators, and have refused to
tell the truth in regard to alien matters. I can go on and on. I can
tell you that I am rather disgruntled.
Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland,
Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make
railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years,
and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day, excited,
and he told me "they’re building prisoner cars." He was nervous.
Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build
107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles.
There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly,
Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel
and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in
the rail yards in North Portland. He was right. If you multiply 107,200
times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably
the number of people who disagree with the federal government. No more
can you vote any of these people out of office.
Our present structure of government is
’technocracy’, not democracy, and it is a form of feudalism.
(Note: I would venture to say that it is more like a
techno-monarchy, since several of the U.S. presidents since Truman have
been placed in office with Rockefeller financial-media backing,
suggesting that these same presidents were inclined to favor certain
Rockefeller corporate agendas over the interests of the American people.
The Techno-Monarchy would constitute those parts of the
Military-Industrial Complex or M.I.C. that are largely influenced by
Rockefeller and European Black Nobility interests.
When the American
Union was young, the Continental Congress was fearful that the roots of
Monarchy might rise within the new Republic. There were critics who
suggested that we should not even have a Chief Executive or a President
for this very reason, however by majority vote they installed George
Washington as the first U.S. President with the hopes that all those who
came after him would follow his example of selfless devotion and
patriotism. Unfortunately the Continental Congress was wrong, and had
overestimated the integrity of those U.S. ’Presidents’ who would come
later. - Branton).
It [our present form of government] has nothing to do with the republic
of the United States. These people are god-less, and have legislated out
prayer in public schools. You can get fined up to $100,000 and two years
in prison for praying in school. I believe we can do better. I also
believe that the federal government is running the gambit of enslaving
the people of the United States. I am not a very good speaker, but I’ll
keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts a bullet in me, because
it’s worth it to talk to a group like this about these atrocities.
"There are other problems. I have some interesting 1993 figures. There
are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently. The budget from the U.S.
Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million. You couldn’t buy
the spare parts for these black programs for that amount. So, we’ve been
lied to. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A
trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons.
U.S. Congress never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of
gold. Contractors of [these] programs: EG&G, Westinghouse, McDonnell
Douglas, Morrison-Knudson,
Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace,
Lorimar Aerospace, Aerospacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Rider
Trucks, Bechtel, *I.G. Farben*, plus a host of hundreds more. Is this
what we are supposed to be living up to as freedom-loving people? I
don’t believe so.
"Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by
the black budget. Star Wars relies heavily upon stealth weaponry. By the
way, none of the stealth program would have been available if we had not
taken apart crashed alien disks. None of it. Some of you might ask what
the "space shuttle" is "shuttling". Large ingots of special metals that
are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth.
They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. We are not
even being told anything close to the truth. I believe our government
officials have SOLD us down the drain - lock, stock and barrel. Up
until several weeks ago, I was employed by the U.S. government with a
Ryolite-38 clearance factor, one of the highest in the world. I believe
the Star Wars program is there solely to act as a buffer to prevent
alien attack - it has nothing to do with the "cold war", which was only
a toy to garner money from all the people - for what? The whole lie was
planned and executed for the last 75 years.
"Here’s another piece of information for you folks. The Drug Enforcement
Administration and the ATF rely on stealth tactical weaponry for as much
as 40% of their operations budget. This in 1993, and the figures have
gone up considerably since. The United Nations used American stealth
aircraft for over 28% of its collective worldwide operations from 1990
to 1992, according to the Center for Strategic Studies and UN Report
"I don’t perceive at this time that we have too much more than six
months of life left in this country, at the present rate. We are the
laughing stock of the world, because we are being hood-winked by so many
evil people that are running this country. I think we can do better. I
think the people over 45 are seriously worried about their future. I’m
going to run some scary scenarios by you.
The Contract With America. It
contains the same terminology that Adolph Hitler used to subvert Germany
in 1931. I believe we can do better. The Contract With America (or is it
the "Contract ON America"? - Branton) is a last ditch effort by our
federal government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
"The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the
United States. For every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Is
this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need
64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us. I
doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. I doubt if all the
world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with
LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar.
They can see you walking from
room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects in the
house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles.
That’s how accurate that is. Now, I worked in the federal government for
a long time, and I know exactly how they handle their business..."
On Oct. 20, 1991, California researcher Michael Lindemann, founder of
20/20 Group’, gave a lecture before a large crowd of interested
During the course of his lecture wherein he discussed the
Military-Industrial Complex’s underground bases outside of Lancaster,
California, he made the following statements:
"...How many of you have seen the book
’BLANK CHECK’?... It is not a UFO book. I strongly recommend that you
read the book ’BLANK CHECK’ so that
you can understand something about how these projects are funded without
your say so, indeed WITHOUT THE SAY SO OF CONGRESS. Most citizens don’t
know for example that the National Security Act of 1947 made it illegal
to ever say how much money is spent on the CIA. Indeed all of our
tremendous alphabet soup collection of Intelligence Agencies. Whether
your talking about the CIA, or the NRO, or the
NSA or the DIA, etc., all
of them are in the same category.
"You cannot say how much these things cost. All you can do if you want
to find out is add-up the numbers on the Budget that aren’t assigned to
anything that actually means anything. There are these huge categories
that have tens of billions of dollars in them that say nothing but
’Special Projects...’
And every year the Congress dutifully passes this
bloated budget that has some $300,000,000,000 or more with HUGE chunks
of cash labeled like that: ’Special Projects,’ ’Unusual Stuff.’ - Ten
billion dollars. O.K., well where does the ’unusual stuff’ money go?
Well, it DOES go to ’unusual stuff’, that’s for sure, and one of the
places it goes is that it goes into the underground bases. Indeed TIM
(Tim Weiner)
said recently since the publication of his book [BLANK CHECK]... MORE
Black Budget
money goes into UNDERGROUND BASES than ANY OTHER kind of
"Now I don’t believe that 35 billion, which is the approximate size of
the black budget money that you can find by analyzing the budget, I
don’t think that comes CLOSE to the real figure because there is
absolutely unequivocal evidence that a great deal of additional money
was generated in other ways, such as the surreptitious running of guns
and drugs.
And one wonderful example of that is coming to light with the B.C.C.I. scandal which I hope you’ve heard of... a number of very
high-ranking American officials are caught in the undertow of the BCCI
tidal wave... Even though these guys are tying to pull ’fast ones’ on an
immense scale they are getting caught. These things don’t always work.
Indeed they are very, very vulnerable.
Indeed this whole ’end game’ is very vulnerable and that’s why they feel
it requires such secrecy.
The American people wouldn’t stand for this
stuff if they had the information, and that’s the reason why we have to
get the information out and take it seriously because it really is a
matter of our money and our future that’s being mortgaged here.
"But my friend who worked in the underground bases, who was doing
sheet-rock was down on, he thinks, approximately the 30th level
underground... these bases are perhaps 30-35 stories deep
[’ground-scrapers’]. As I say they are not just mine shafts, these are
huge, giant facilities... many city blocks in circumference, able to
house tens of thousands of people. One of them, the YANO Facility [we’re
told... by the county fire dept. director, the county fire dept. chief
who had to go in there to look at a minor fire infraction] there’s a
400-car parking lot on the 1st level of the YANO Facility, but cars
never come in and out, those are the cars that they use INSIDE.
"O.K., so... a very interesting situation down there. Our guy was doing
sheet-rock on the 30th floor, maybe the 30th floor, underground. He and
his crew are working on a wall and right over here is an elevator door.
The elevator door opens and, a kind of reflex action you look, and he
saw three ’guys’. Two of them, human engineers that he’s seen before.
And between them a ’guy’ that stood about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall. Green
skin, reptilian features, extra-long arms, wearing a lab coat, holding a
"I tend to believe that story because, first of all because we have
other stories like it, but more importantly because he walked off that
job that very day. And he was getting paid a GREAT deal of money... If
your basically a sheet-rock kind of guy, if you can do sheet-rock in a
place like that then you get paid way more than standard sheet-rock
wages, you can count on it.
"So, he walked off that job. His buddy on that same crew turned into an
alcoholic shortly after. This is an extremely upsetting thing. You know,
it wasn’t like this alien jumped out and bit his head off or anything,
it was just standing there for a few minutes, the doors closed. He has a
feeling that that elevator was malfunctioning, otherwise he never would
have seen that except by accident..."
Several people have referred to the underground as well as the
operational ’connections’ between the Dulce base in New Mexico and the
Dreamland base in Nevada, connections that exist via Dougway, Utah and
Page, Arizona.
From Dreamland/Area 51/S-4 these underground systems
reportedly extend towards the Edwards AFB/Lancaster/Tehachapi region
where so many Military-Industrial-Aerospace operations are being carried
out. If alien forces are intent on taking control of this planet, then
it would be logical for them to target our most strategic
military-industrial weapons research and development center. This might
involve actual ’infiltration’ of our military-industrial complexes and
control of the line-of-command through mind control of specific and
strategic personnel.
In many cases patriotic Americans have become
caught in the middle of this ’underground war’ between loyal American
military personnel and alien or alien-controlled ’personnel’, as in the Dulce and the Groom wars themselves. The ’deeper’ one descends into the
underground ’alien empire’ the greater the security and therefore the
greater the ’control’ will be.
Michael Riconosciuto, a former Wackenhut employee, claims that at
51 when one goes past a certain level of security they are either dead
or disappear. Riconosciuto’s father Marshal Riconosciuto was a
Hitler-supporter and a close friend of Fred L. Crisman, who was involved
with the Maurey Island Incident, was an agent of Military-Industrial
Intelligence, and was in turn a close friend of Clay Shaw who Louisiana
District Attorney James Garrison accused of being the CIA-Mafia
go-between in the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Garrison might have
convicted Clay Shaw if not for the fact that Garrison’s star witness
David Ferry was killed a few days before he was to testify at
Shaw’s trial. Anyway, Michael Riconosciuto told reporters that when he
worked for
Wackenhut at the Nevada Test Site before he was ’framed’ on
drug charges and put in a Federal Prison, he and several others tried to
get damning evidence and documents out of the base on a helicopter, data
apparently dealing with unconstitutional biogenetic activities, alien
interaction in the underground facilities, etc.
This helicopter was shot down before it
could leave the base and the five people on board were killed. How many
brave freedom-loving Americans have to DIE before we finally wake up
from our apathetic skepticism and realize that WE ARE AT WAR!?
Must we
have a repeat of the Holocaust, and only after the fact hear such
pitiful excuses like those that followed World War II?:
"Yes, we heard
the reports about the concentration camps, but they seemed too fantastic
to be believed, so we didn't bother bombing the ovens or the train
tracks leading to the death camps..."
Or maybe: "Underground bases and
concentration camps that have undermined America, where Nazis and Aliens
are working together in a joint effort to impose a global dictatorship
on this planet? Come on, how were we supposed to have believed something
so fantastic?..."
When all is said and done I will probably be seen as one of America’s
greatest hero’s or one of the nations most notorious fools.
To tell you the
truth I could really care less. I would rather be seen as a fool rather than
risk the lives of thousands or possibly millions of people who might turn
out to be the potential victims of a cosmic conspiracy which I ’perceive’ to
be taking place, one which has specifically targeted America and her
So then, at the risk of being a fool, I’ll just go for broke and
expose those specific areas where I ’perceive’ the ’collaboration’ maintains
underground strongholds, based on what I have learned through years of
research, personal experience, and interaction with others who have their
own stories to tell about such an ’underground invasion’ of North America...
Within the United States, the following joint operational bases - operating
under the control of Bavarian and Draconian intelligence agencies - have
been identified by various researchers, beginning with the major facility
near Dulce, New Mexico. Other facilities of this nature include:
Dougway, Utah
Nevada Test Site
the Madigan facility near Ft.
Lewis, Washington
Deep Springs, California
Mt. Lassen, California
Lancaster, California
Montauk, Long Island
Denver International
Granite Mountain - Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah
Sleeping Ute Mountain on the Ute Reservation of SE Utah

Other underground facilities for the New World Order itself are [apparently]
occupied exclusively by lower-ranking levels of the collaboration which are
nevertheless controlled by the ’serpent cult’ of humanoid and
collaborators in the ’joint operational’ facilities.
Many of the ’closed’
military bases in the United State possess underground facilities which are
occupied by U.N. troops from various countries. Several Federal Buildings in
many major cities also reportedly have underground facilities equipped with
massive military weapons stashes, such as the Oklahoma City Federal Building
which contains a 15 level base underneath, which was revealed during the
initial local reports of the bombing of the federal building there - although these references to the underground tunnels were censored by the
time the story reached national and international audiences.
Since Oklahoma
City and Airport are intended to be a major FEMA/U.N. ’relocation’
processing center, one has to ask just which ’side’ had stashed the
underground arsenals there, the American, or New World Order government?
Also FEMA itself maintains SEVERAL underground facilities, many of them
located beneath major airports throughout the United States...
Could America
be facing a four-fold invasion force in the future... via air, sea, land as
well as an ’invasion’ from the underground networks of the Military-Industrial Complex?
Go Back
The following information comes from a research source which has
investigated actual UNITED NATIONS preparations, WITHIN THE UNITED STATES,
to deal with any resistance to a ’New World Order’ takeover.
Take note that
FEMA is a major New World Order front with SEVERAL extensive operational
underground bases which, like underground Trojan horses, exist beneath
strategic locations throughout the United States:
south and east-central California; west-central Montana; north Texas;
west-central Wisconsin; north-east Illinois; south-east Michigan; central
Indiana; south-west Ohio; north New York; south Delaware; south Maryland;
north-east Virginia; north-east North Carolina; central, south Florida.

"A) House to
house search and seizure of property and arms "B)
Separation and categorization of men, women and children as
prisoners in large numbers "C) Transfer to detention facilities of aforementioned prisoners
"CONFIRMED MJTF [Multi-Jurisdictional Task
Force] POLICE LOCATIONS: north-west Washington; central, south California;
south-west, south-east, north Wyoming; north, north-west, south-west Nebraska;
north Texas; south-east Missouri; west-central, south-east Wisconsin;
north-east Illinois; central, south-east Michigan; central Indiana;
north-central Kentucky; south, south-west Ohio; north, south-east New York;
south-central North Carolina; west-central Georgia; south-east Florida;
central(?) Alaska.
"The MJTF Police is made up of:
MILITARY - Converts those National Guard Units that are not
banned by the president, into a National Police Force "2)
Converts all surviving local and state police to national
"3) Converts street gangs into law enforcement units for house to house
searches [L.A., Chicago, and New York are in the process now]
"1) House to
house search and seizure of property and firearms "2)
Separation and categorization of men, women and children as
prisoners in large numbers "3) Transfer to and the operation of detention camps in the U.S. [43+
California; north-west, west, south-west Montana; south Arizona; north Texas;
east Michigan; north, south-east New York; north New Jersey; north-west, north-central, north-east
North Carolina; west-central Georgia.
(Note: There are those
who are convinced that WITH the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy a
’coup d’etat’ took place within the Executive branch of the America
government via Internationalist groups who are determined to destroy the
U.S. Constitution, and that the ’presidents’ who were manipulated into
office since that time - mostly
C.F.R. and
T.L.C. members - have signed
numerous un-constitutional ’executive orders’ designed to pave the way for
America’s assimilation into a global dictatorship. If this is the case, then
American’s have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to resist this FOREIGN U.N. - N.W.O.
government, a right which is also laid down in the DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE. As for the Kennedy assassination itself and those behind it,
Louisiana District Attorney James Garrison in an interview with Playboy
magazine made the following statement in regards to Lee Harvey Oswald:
"...Our office has positively identified a number of his associates as
neo-Nazis. Oswald would have been more at home with Mein Kampf than
Ironically, the Mafia agent who was assigned to kill the ’patsy’
Oswald, Jack Ruby, was one of these "neo-Nazis" according to
Garrison. -
AMENDMENT PASSED WITH 1991 FISCAL BUDGET: "north, south-west, south-east Wyoming; north-west, north-east, south
Nebraska; north, central(?) Texas; central Wisconsin;
central, south-west, south, south-east Michigan; north-east, west-central, south
Indiana; north-west, north-east, central, south Ohio; west, north, east New York.
"A) Each site can detain between 32,000 to
44,000 people min. "B) It is indicated that the
Texas and Alaskan sites may be much larger and more heavily
armed "C) For the areas west of the
Mississippi, OKLAHOMA CITY is the central processing point
for detainees and can handle up to 100,000 people at a time "D)
The Eastern processing center is not yet identified at this
-- 23 FEMA Authorized and stationed;
-- 20 DOD
[Department of Defense] Budget authorized and stationed
-- 43 TOTAL"
Note: In Red China an untold number of people are suffering in Communist
camps as slave laborers; in Soviet Russia it was the ’Gulag’ camps. In Nazi
Germany the ’Concentration’ camps were not only used as slave camps, but
also as extermination camps to carry out the genocidal plans of American
CORPORATE and European MILITANT ’Nazis’.
I have only one thing to say
concerning these plans for confinement camps here in America, and I’m sure
that many of our Jewish-American citizens who share this country with us - that is with ALL of us of all national backgrounds whose ancestors came from
all parts of the world in order to be free from tyranny - will agree with
me whole-heartedly when I repeat their battle-cry:
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