24. Virtual Reality Projection

Virtual reality projection (VRP) is an out-of-body technique through which the subconscious mind can be tricked into creating custom-made virtual realms.


This is achieved during real-time projections by passing into a picture or painting, while the mind is held empty and the gaze is held fixed and unfocused ahead. This is very easy to do once you can project, and can be a whole lot of ran to experiment with.


It's also a very good way of getting into the astral planes if you are having trouble getting through the real-time zone. I discovered this phenomenon completely by accident while road-testing the rope projection technique.

The projected double has enormous creative potential during any type of astral or real-time OBE.


It can be difficult to deliberately create anything durable enough to be useful, though. If a sword is deliberately created by a real-time projector, for example, the sword will slowly appear, exactly as imagined. However, it will quickly fade away once the projector ceases holding its image in mind. To create anything durable, the subconscious mind must be tricked into helping.

A projector is a point of consciousness with no actual size or shape.


The body of the projected double is created by the projector's own sense of body awareness, and only becomes apparent when noticed or deliberately observed, with the act of self-observation affecting the appearance of what is seen. If no body is being observed, projectors revert to being a point of consciousness.


This variability in size can be used to create some very interesting out-of-body special effects. Because this point of consciousness is so small, anything it approaches and observes closely can be perceived as steadily growing in size as the distance between it and the projector decreases.

Consider what happens when a real-time projector passes slowly through a solid wall.


Once the surface of a wall is breached and the projector's head begins passing through it, the interior of the wall becomes highlighted and can be clearly seen as if greatly magnified. If the projected double had kept its copy of normal physical size while passing through solid matter, it would not see so much texture and magnified detail.

Passing into a two-dimensional picture or mirror, however, gives the illusion of passing into something much larger than it really is. The trick is to keep the surface mind clear and the gaze unfocused and straight ahead as the picture or mirror is approached.


The projector then moves into the target rather than passing through it. This seems to trick the subconscious mind into creating a virtual astral realm around the projected double, identical to that shown in the picture or mirror being approached.


Following is my first accidental experience with this fascinating phenomenon.


First Virtual Reality Projection - Experience

It was an early winter's evening. Using the new rope technique, I projected out of my body.


It was fairly dark in the room, with only a crack of light from the streetlight outside coming through a chink in the heavy curtains covering my window.


I floated toward the wall leading to the living room, where my mother was watching TV, and was about to pass through, when I noticed something strangely familiar in front of me. Before I could properly see what it was, I suddenly found myself in a strange new world.

"Where the heck am I?" I thought, surprised.


Still at the start of a fairly strong real-time projection, I seemed to have suddenly shifted into an astral realm for no apparent reason. This was highly unusual at this stage of a projection. I was not expecting reality fluctuations for at least another five or ten minutes. I found myself in a dimly lit and misty world.


The atmosphere felt damp and gloomy but I did not feel threatened in any way. An enormous rail fence made of massive, rough-hewn timbers was in front of me. I could see a large, dilapidated timber building a short distance behind it. To the right of it I saw dim, silvery reflections, seeming to indicate a body of water in the distance.

I heard muffled noises coming from beside the old building and, looking over, saw movement in the shadows. I did not feel threatened, so I climbed through the fence and walked over to investigate.


The ground felt almost spongy beneath me as I waded through a low mist clinging to the ground and swirling about my legs.


This world felt fairly solid compared to most astral realms. I could vaguely feel my body, the ground, and the fence as I climbed it, although these were nothing like real-life sensations.

A large, roughly dressed man with an old black dog came shambling out of the shadows. The man was a giant compared to me, a roughly featured shadow looking to be at least eight feet tall. They moved across to the right and away from me, stopping near another oversized but lower fence. They stood there looking off toward the lake in the distance. I called out to them, but they didn't seem to hear me. They climbed over the fence and walked off toward the lake, slowly fading away into the mist.

I went over to check out the old building. It appeared to be a huge barn with a large open door on one side and some kind of lean-to at the rear. I looked inside but saw nothing but mist and shadows.


Circling the barn, I found it even gloomier at the rear, so I decided to follow the man and his dog. None of this made any sense to me and there was nothing here of interest to me, but it all seemed vaguely familiar. I could not think why. Had I been to this realm before?

I gave up on it and decided to try moving to a different realm. I looked at my hands.


They appeared white and unreal looking and my fingers melted quickly away into stumps. Realization dawned on me and I suddenly knew why this realm was so familiar to me. I was inside a large painting that hangs on the wall of my bedroom, left to me by my father.


It is painted in autumn colors and depicts an old barn with a rough-hewn timber fence running past it.


There is a small lake in the background and a man and a black dog are standing near the barn and looking out toward the lake. It is twilight and misty and fairly dim-looking overall, with lots of deep shadows. It hangs in the spot where I had tried to pass through the wall.

Excited and not wanting to lose track of what had just happened, I focused on my physical body and soon found myself back in my chair. I turned on the lamp beside me and recorded the experience in my journal - just a few keywords and phrases in the correct sequence to lock it into my brain. I turned off the lamp and let my eyes adjust to the light. Sure enough, a thin beam of light fell onto the painting from the chink in the curtains.

I got a small torch (flashlight, to Yanks) from my bedside drawer, wrapped an old coat around it and positioned it on the dresser under the painting so a thin beam of light fell onto the face of the picture. This highlighted the picture quite well while still leaving the room in virtual darkness.

I used the new rope technique again, buzzed free of my body, and hovered near the ceiling. On the wall in front of me, now clearly illuminated in a puddle of light, was my painting. It struck me how much like a window this looked. I moved slowly toward it to see if it would happen again. The first time had been an accident, so I had doubts regarding being able to repeat the experience.

I moved closer; the closer I got, the larger the painting grew. My projected double seemed to shrink until it was just a tiny point when I got right up close to it. I moved back and forth a few times, studying this effect. I had the impression I was looking into the picture when I got very close to it, rather than just looking at it.

I moved up to the painting and inside it again. Suddenly, there I was in the same misty world. This time I was on the other side of the barn near the small lake.


Everything was much better illuminated this time, probably because of the light provided by the torch. I turned around, half expecting to see the glare of the lamp from my room, but saw nothing but the vague images of distant trees in far-off shadows. I felt for my body again and soon returned to it.


Getting up, I recorded everything in my journal.


Creating a Virtual Reality Realm

To create a custom virtual realm, get a picture, painting, or poster of a pleasant scene, something bright and sunny.


Hang it on the wall or ceiling, or even in another room close by. Get a small, low-powered directional lamp, spotlight, or torch and set it so that part of the poster is softly illuminated by it when the main light is off. Customize a virtual realm by affixing small pictures of objects and people you want to find there. Try to make these extras blend in by keeping them roughly in the same scale as the picture.

You can use a mirror to enhance a virtual reality (VR) realm. A mirror adds depth to a two-dimensional picture, which helps create a much clearer and more realistic virtual realm.


Place your picture facing a mirror so its reflection can clearly be seen therein. You do not have a body to interfere with this reflection during a projection, so the picture can be fairly close to the mirror. Dressing tables or wardrobe mirrors are ideal for this purpose.


Simply stand or hang your chosen picture opposite a mirror and place a low-wattage lamp so that the picture reflects into the mirror. Or use a wallpaper mural. This can be entered directly or through its reflection.

A small picture of someone living or deceased can trick your subconscious mind into creating a replica of them in a VR realm. This may be an effective way to communicate with deceased persons and spirits in a controlled and safe environment. The VR replica has the potential to attract the actual spirit of the original person, which could make meaningful communication possible.

A custom-made realm will contain a great many familiar elements that you will always find there whenever you enter it. This helps enormously with overcoming natural fears associated with projecting into the unknown out-of-body environment. A safe haven is thus created, a kind of bolt-hole that can be entered whenever you become anxious during a real-time projection.

A virtual realm can also be used as a staging area for projecting into the astral planes. It can be used to avoid the real-time zone completely if this is causing you apprehension. To enter the astral planes, travel beyond the limits of what is depicted or reflected inside a virtual realm. Move over that hill, behind those trees, or off the edge of whatever is depicted in the picture being used to create the virtual realm. Once you move beyond the picture's limits, you will be in an anomaly and will soon fade into or find your way into the astral planes.


Where in the astral planes you end up will depend on your energetic value and angle of perception at the time of the projection.



Fig. 26.

Picture box setup with mirror


Spotlight: A simple spotlight can be made by wrapping a pencil torch (penlight) in aluminum foil and making a small hole in the foil through which light can pass.


Adjust the torch to direct a thin shaft of light onto the picture being used. You do not need a great deal of light for this purpose.

Picture Box: Another way of setting up a VR entrance is to use a cardboard box. A small oblong packing carton will do for this purpose. Paint the inside of the box with blackboard paint, or line it with black crepe paper so the inside is all matte-black.


Affix the picture being used to the bottom of the box, face up. Leave the other end open to provide access for the projected double. Lay the box on its side and illuminate the picture by taping a pencil torch or torch bulb to the inside of the box, so its light falls onto the picture.


Take care not to use a lamp that could create enough heat to ignite the cardboard box. You do not need a lot of light.

The above setup can be enhanced by placing a mirror in the bottom of the box.


A cheap mirror tile is perfect for this purpose. Affix the mirror to the bottom of the box and set the picture at about a forty-five-degree angle at the other end so it reflects into the mirror. Leave a gap above where the picture is set to provide access for the projected double.


Set the light so it falls onto the picture and causes it to reflect into the mirror at the other end of the box. A clear reflection can then be obtained. One end of the picture box should be left open above or behind the picture so the projected double can see into it and thus gain access to the mirror at the other end of the box.

The picture box setup can be put atop a wardrobe or somewhere else convenient in the room and its light turned on before a projection. It can also be hung from a doorknob, affixed to a wall, or simply put on the floor somewhere. However, it is advisable to put it as far away as possible from where the physical body will be in the room, to lessen the pressure between the projected double and its physical body.


If the room being used is very small, the picture box setup can also be placed in an adjacent room.


Entering a VR Realm

To enter a virtual realm, project into real time and immediately move toward your chosen picture. Keep your mind clear.


Do not think about what you are going to do. Gaze steadily ahead and feel yourself moving toward the picture. Stay calm and do not think about the picture or of passing through it or the wall behind it.


Think of nothing as you move closer, letting the picture fill your view. The picture will appear to grow in size. Simply move up to and inside. It's as simple as that. If you want to return to your physical body, feel for it and you will be transported back to it.


Look on this picture as being a doorway into another world.

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