29. The Akashic Records
I believe the fabled akashic records are part of a medium that
permeates all dimensions, on all levels, and has many different
They are a permanent record of every thought, perception,
and event that has ever occurred, like a huge and infinitely
detailed history book, where past events can be accessed, viewed,
and even experienced firsthand.
The akashic records can be accessed
and experienced within the astral planes (during OBEs) or with
clairvoyance, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities.

Fig. 33.
Traditional akashic records library scenario
The akashic records also contain probability energies that are
records of the future.
Probability energies stem from and are
generated by past and present events, actions, and thoughts. These
energies can be tuned in to and read, visually or otherwise, in many
different ways, both in and out of the astral planes, but the akashic records are far more accessible as a searchable type of
records structure from within the astral planes, where they can be
searched, viewed, and experienced firsthand, even by unskilled
Like the astral hospital, the akashic records are an energetic
dimensional structure with no actual shape or form.
The appearance
of this structure is affected by projectors' angles of perception,
belief systems, and creative abilities. Projectors' needs for a
definite and well-known structure within which to work have created
a fairly solid library-like astral structure, which has been added
to and maintained over many years.
The most popular structure is the traditional library scenario.
Imagine a large and imposing white stone building, beautifully kept,
with wide marble steps leading through several large stone pillars
that mark the main entrance. This building is set well back among
neatly kept lawns and gardens. Inside is a large main foyer with
high ceilings. Several hallways lead off from this into different
parts of the library.
Sometimes a librarian will meet projectors and
may guide them to the part of the library they wish to use.
If not -
which is more often the case - projectors must use their intuition
to choose a hallway and move down it to a section of the records. If
they feel nothing and all the hallways look and feel alike, they
must guess.
While guessing, projectors must hold their area of
interest or query firmly in mind. The chosen hallway opens into a
larger room full of books and scrolls. Even computer terminals can
be found and used there these days.
An item must then be selected
for viewing and, once again, it is important the query be kept
firmly in mind at all times.
Projecting to Akashic Records
Direct Projection: The sooner you project to the akashic records
after your exit, the better, as projection time is always limited.
After the exit out of body, move at least twenty feet away from the
physical body and stop. Imagine the library scenario strongly. Hold
the intention of visiting the akashic records firmly in mind. Feel
yourself moving toward the imagined destination and feel it moving
toward you.
Alternatively, project into the astral planes in the usual way,
while holding the intention of finding the akashic records firmly in
mind. Either method can take you there.
You will suddenly find
yourself standing on the grassy lawn in front of the library
building after the dimensional shift.
Using Entrance Structures: If, after the dimensional shift, you find
yourself hovering above an astral-plane entrance structure (see
chapter 26), dive into it and penetrate the central part of the
pattern as close as you can to dead center.
This will take you to
the highest realm your energetic value can attain within that astral
plane. As you plunge through the centerpiece, hold the intention of
seeking the akashic records firmly in mind and picture the
traditional library scenario.
You should find yourself there shortly
after the transition through the surface. If you are using an astral
tube-type entrance structure, hold the intention of finding the akashic records firmly in mind as you are Shooting up the tube.
Either use your intuition to select an exit, or wait for a
mind's-eye vision flash that shows something resembling a
library-like structure.
Alternatively, just keep this in mind and
wait until the tube drops you somewhere. Hopefully, this will be at
or near the akashic records.
Instantaneous Travel Method: After the exit out of body, strongly
imagine or visualize the library scenario. Hold this as clearly as
you can and project there, using the instantaneous travel method
chapter 25). Feel yourself moving toward your destination and
feel yourself as being there.
Creating a Door: Another good way of entering the akashic records is
to use your creative ability to create an imposing door. This is
much easier to do than it sounds; even a novice can do it.
projecting out of body, strongly image a heavy iron- studded door
with massive hinges. Construct it in your mind and imagine it slowly
appearing before you as you construct it from the memory of a
similar door you have seen in the past. If you can, create a heavy
brass sign on it that says "Akashic Records".
Hold your intention of
finding the grass lawn-fronted library steps beyond the door. If you
concentrate your creative energies, this door will slowly appear in
front of you, as if by magic. When you can see the door clearly,
simply open it and you will usually find the traditional library
scenario just beyond it.
If you cannot touch or open this door, use
your creative ability, imagine it opening, feel it opening, or pass
through the door itself as you would pass through any other door or
Entering an Anomaly
Another way is to enter an anomaly. Look for a false or misplaced
door in your house. Hold the intention of finding the library
scenario on the other side as you pass through it.
If you find a
corridor of some kind with more doors behind the first anomalous
door, enter one of the new doors while still holding the intention
of finding the akashic records beyond it.
Repeat this process,
entering anomalous doors each time you find one, until behind one of
them you find the library scenario you are searching for.
Virtual Records: You can also use
virtual reality projection (VRP) to gain
access to the akashic records from within the real-time zone (see
chapter 24).
Use a picture of an imposing building, similar to the
one described above, or get a picture of a real library or take one
yourself, as the mental association this will cause may also help
this process. Hang this picture on a wall in your room, or as per
other VRP methods. Write the words "Akashic Records" on the building
in the picture, just over the doorway.
After the real-time exit,
move toward and through this picture and you will usually find
yourself at or near a semblance of the akashic records.
This picture
can also be reflected into a mirror, as per the VRP mirror
technique, for added depth and realism. If using a mirror, write the
words "Akashic Records" backward, or write them on a piece of clear
plastic, then reverse it and tape it to the picture, so the words
will read normally when reflected in the mirror.
Using the VRP
method, as you shift into the picture or mirror, hold a firm
intention in mind of your desire to visit the akashic records. This
should be enough to shift you into the real akashic records.
there, proceed to enter the building as normal, and consider
yourself as being in the real akashic records.
Viewing Records
Once you arrive at the akashic records library building, by whatever
method, enter the building and expect to find inside exactly what
you are looking for.
As you climb the steps and enter the building,
firmly hold in mind whether you are going to look at past or future
events. When you get to the records room, you may find books,
scrolls, or pictures on walls, shelves, desks, or tables, or even
computer terminals. Alternatively you may find yourself transported
to a mysterious cloudy world, as often happens to me, filled with
strange symbols and living metaphorical imagery.
If you use the traditional library-building method, you will most
probably find books. However, these will be quite unlike normal
books. Inside record books, you will see titles, pictures, images,
and symbols. It usually doesn't matter which book you pick up. It
matters more what your intention is when you select and open a book.
You will usually see moving images and living pictures within it.
Concentrate on one of these images and allow it to fill your mind,
which will happen automatically if you stare at it. This will
usually move you inside the page where you can experience an akashic
vision - a record - firsthand.
To return to the library from within a book/vision and start over,
imagine and feel for the library scene you just left and you will be
transported back to it. In most cases, once a record has been
experienced, projectors automatically slip back into the records
room as it finishes, or when they have seen enough, simply by
wishing for it.
Whatever method used, hold a firm intention in mind of the time
period required: past, present, or future.
Future events seen in akashic records are strong probabilities. They are not to be thought
of as being completely unchangeable destiny. The keys to changes
that could be made to affect future events will be symbolically or
metaphorically represented as a part of the event being viewed.
These potentially modifying elements may be subtle and can be quite
difficult to recognize, but they will always be there.
Unfortunately, these elements are usually apparent for what they are
only in hindsight.
Tuning in to Areas of Interest
If you tune in to the akashic records without a, definite subject in
mind, you will usually find yourself viewing one of two general
subject areas:
Disasters: Wars, earthquakes, airline crashes, floods, fires,
train wrecks, mass murder, assassinations, death and destruction,
etc. Disasters have a far greater energy surrounding them than any
other type of event, because of the dramatic effect they have on the
lives of so many people. The energy surrounding these records makes
them stand way out above everything else. In a way, they bubble to
the surface where they are much easier to see.
Personal: The events surrounding your own life, property, and
interests, and the lives of all those connected with you - past,
present, and future - are also very strong. As with disasters,
high-energy events will stand well out from the more mundane events.
If you look into the general future, into the area of probabilities,
you often experience a confusing maelstrom of symbolism and complex,
multilayered metaphorical imagery mixed up with apparently real-life
This can be very confusing at times, but a great deal can be
gleaned from this, if you understand something of the underlying
nature of the energetically generated metaphorical imagery you are
dealing with.
Metaphorical Imagery
As poetry, art, and music are the twin languages of the soul, so
symbolism and metaphorical imagery are the languages of the spirit
above the base level of consciousness.
At higher levels of
consciousness, the thoughts and words used by the base level of
consciousness become progressively redundant. Communications and
perceptions always match the altered level of consciousness being
My experience with higher levels of consciousness, through
high-level meditation and projection, has shown me that the further
I move away from my base level of consciousness, the more abstract
and complex perception and communication become. At higher levels,
perceptions, thoughts, and communications become progressively more
abstract and compressed.
Living, abstract metaphorical imagery is the universal language of
spirit above and beyond the base level of consciousness. This is a
highly compressed form of perception-based communication, where a
great deal of information is packed into high-speed, multilayered
telepathic interchanges, with emotional and intuitive overlays. The
end result is living, abstract metaphorical imagery. The higher the
dimensional level experienced, the more abstractly simplified this
I say simplified, because this factor, in essence, reduces a
book-length saga into a simple picture or vision that only appears to
be simple on the surface. The reason it appears so simple, I think,
is because much detail is lost in the translation, from high-level
format to base-level format, when it is recorded as a memory by the
physical brain.
When the base level of consciousness receives any form of perception
or communication from a higher dimensional level, or higher level of
consciousness, it interprets this in the only way it can, at the
base level of consciousness, in base-level format.
Complex energetic
impressions and communications are thus interpreted and rendered
into anything from simple pictures and abstract symbols, to living
metaphorical imagery. Instead of words, sentences, and paragraphs,
the end result is something like a selection of abstract art pieces
appearing amidst a series of brief one-act plays, where every item,
costume, word, action, and gesture has deep meaning to it.
When projectors' consciousness shifts into higher dimensional
levels, they take with them their base level of consciousness and
understanding. This base level of understanding overrides higher
levels of perception and communication natural to higher levels,
which means that perceptions and communications received there
cannot be completely understood.
The base level is only capable of
fully understanding base-level perceptions and communications
natural to it in the physical dimension, at its normal level of
waking consciousness.
I know of no way to directly overcome this. Even if a raised state
of consciousness is incorporated into a projection, eventually
everything has to be downloaded, interpreted, and stored in
base-level format by the physical brain as a normal memory. This
factor alone, I suspect, is responsible for the extremely heavy loss
of details and meaning common to any projection above the real-time
(The only exception is with spirit communications. Spirit
beings can deliberately couch their communications at the base level
of understandability, to communicate with projectors or people in
the physical dimension. Any higher-level perceptions or
communications that are not immediately understandable, therefore,
are unlikely to be intentional communications from an intelligent
spirit being.)
This problem of interpretation particularly applies to information
gleaned from the akashic records.
The natural levels of perception
and communication within the astral planes and akashic records are
not completely understandable at the base level of consciousness,
because information gleaned from the akashic records must be
interpreted at the base level of consciousness, by the human mind
and its physical storage medium, the brain.
Information gained from
higher sources is interpreted into something the brain believes it
most closely resembles. This causes the brain to interpret
high-level energetic perceptions into metaphorical abstracts, into
pictures and images that most closely resemble the raw and
compressed essence and meaning of what is received.
the end product, the memory, may appear not to make sense.
(As a related side note, this line of thought suggests that ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphics and other ancient symbolic pictorial
languages may be a high level of written communication, rather than
the simple picture languages of low-level civilizations that they
appear to be.)
Associations and Predictions
We all perceive and experience the akashic records differently,
according to our energetic angle of perception and learned mental
associations. The energy units representing each recorded event are
stored in compressed energetic format natural to that level.
records are viewed and interpreted, they are seen as a type of
in-astral mind's-eye vision experience, with overlays of emotional
and intuitive impressions. How this energy affects the mind's eye of
projectors depends not only on their angle of perception, but also
on how their subconscious mind works.
Subconscious mental associations appear to be affected by ancient
symbolism embedded within the collective consciousness, even though
it may appear on the surface to be contemporary mind's-eye imagery.
This historical symbolism can be used to index the akashic records.
For example, the reference symbol Dogs of War is easily
understandable as representing the subject of war.
The Grim Reaper
is a symbol representing the subject of death. Thus, to find "war"
in the akashic symbolic index, you might use the combined symbols of
the Grim Reaper and Dogs of War, or other symbolic variations. You
could then browse through past, present, and future wars, and
related areas. Future wars are Great Big Disasters and carry a lot
more energy than any other type of human-precipitated event.
are, therefore, much easier to tune in to, and thus usually appear
first if you are searching within or near that subject area.
This is the main reason, I think, why many prophets, psychics and
remote viewers have made such doom-and-gloom predictions about the
future of the world and mankind.
They have accessed the akashic
records either in or out of body, and have seen a stream of terrible
disasters looming ahead in the near future.
An Experience of the Akashic Records
When it comes to indexing, viewing, and deciphering past and future
world events, some knowledge of history, geography, ancient
symbolism, current affairs, and world leaders is a definite help.
when I had the following vision I had been able to recognize the
person I saw addressing the crowd, and had recognized the landmarks
of the country, I could have accurately predicted an important
future event - instead of being wise only in hindsight.
After completing some experimental energy work on my brow center
during a deep-trance session, I projected out of my body, passed
through a brief tunnel of starlight, and held a strong intention in
my mind that I wanted the Akashic Records.
At one point I experienced a soundless flash of silver-white light
in my mind's eye and a momentary feeling of something like
concussion in my face, blinding my perceptions for a moment. This
was my brow center strobing back in my physical/etheric body (see
chapter 14). My brow center had strobed several times in the past
hour, but this was the first time it had ever happened during a
When my perceptions stabilized I found myself under a flickering
purple-indigo sky, knee-deep in clinging mist. It billowed all
around me, forming strange misty sculptures in the air.
Each of
these collapsed back into the misty soup after only a few moments of
life. It wasn't long before I realized that if I held or pushed a
thought into the mist a shape erupted, somehow representing the
thought. The longer I held this thought, the more detailed and
alive-looking the shape became, filling with color and movement.
Concentrating, I focused on future disasters and the mist boiled
upward, humming and flashing into a sea of multicolored sparks.
As the mist engulfed me, I began seeing on several levels at once. I
was bombarded with glimpses of wars, earthquakes, famine, volcanoes,
disease, floods, plane crashes, murders, and explosions. Visions of
multitudes of people suffering and dying filled my mind and I felt
their terrible pain and anguish. It was nauseatingly confusing, not
to mention thoroughly depressing.
These visions seemed connected
with the strange mist. I felt connected with these clouds like they
were a living part of me, but everything seemed horribly mixed up.
It was like trying to watch several TV channels at the same time,
with the pictures superimposed. Very confusing. I cleared my mind
and the onslaught of impressions slowed. This was very tricky, as I
carefully focused more clearly and calmly on my original intention.
The clouds boiled and hummed around me again, but much less
Deep in the clouds, hundreds of vague shapes and symbols sprouted in
the field of mist around me. They flickered in and out, some clearer
than others, but they kept their distance and individuality this
time. I saw one piece of symbolism I recognized, The Grim Reaper,
and fixed my attention on it. This quickly grew larger and more
solid than the others. I floated toward it and focused on it,
holding the thought of war in the back of my mind.
The Grim Reaper
suddenly stood up, larger than life and walked toward me - as my
astral heart skipped several beats. He suddenly looked very real and
The clouds darkened and the atmosphere turned sinister, filling with
the clammy stench of death and decay. The Grim Reaper threw back his
ugly head and laughed, roaring evilly, raising and shaking his
scythe threateningly at me.
In his other hand he now held a bunch of
cords, which were holding several evil-looking dogs that suddenly
appeared beside him. They were huge, heavy-chested, narrow-hipped,
short-haired, dirty-yellow brutes with oversized snarling jaws and
burning red eyes.
Their sheer aggression and bloodlust was
terrifying. They strained and bayed and dragged the laughing Grim
Reaper toward me. These dogs appeared to be the infamous Dogs of War
(another symbol come alive). I concentrated on the scene and felt
myself beginning to shift again. The Grim Reaper released the
terrifying dogs right in front of my face and they leapt straight at
me as I shifted (most thankfully) into a spectacularly clear vision.
I found myself floating above a strange city under a clear-blue sky
in brilliant, cloudless sunlight. The baking sun burned through me
and the air filled with pungent aromas I did not recognize. A couple
of hundred feet below me, a dark-haired, swarthy, heavily built,
mustached and uniformed man stood on a raised dais under two giant
scimitars. I flew down to get a better look, coming to rest hovering
about fifty feet above and in front of him.
The swords were huge,
looking to be about forty feet or more high. He was giving a
charismatic speech and exhorting an enormous crowd of people in an
unrecognizable language. I had never seen a crowd so large, there
seemed to be millions of people here. They were dressed in robes and
turbans, some looking like old rags. The crowd cheered wildly
whenever the speaker made a point or stopped for breath.
As I watched, one of the swords slowly changed into a large,
two-handed Crusader-type broadsword with a golden crucifix engraved
on the blade near the giant crosspiece and hilt.
The scene continued
for several minutes then faded as I willed myself to return to the
cloudy akashic records structure I had just come from. I returned
instead to my still-entranced physical body. I had been out of my
body for almost twenty minutes.
The man giving the speech, I now know, was Saddam Hussein.
The scene
was in Baghdad, at the Iraqi monument to the unknown soldier. This
monument was, I believe, built to honor the dead of the Iran-Iraq
War. I saw this future vision seven months before the Gulf War
I did not learn who Saddam Hussein was until the Gulf War
started, or where this scene would take place - until I saw my
vision televised during the Gulf War. In real life, there are two
giant scimitars affixed to this monument. The changing sword (from a
scimitar to a crusader's sword) was morphing symbolic imagery,
indicating a future probability.
The crossed swords were also an
easily recognizable symbol, representing the probability of a coming
military conflict between East and West.
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