by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
15 January 2008
Sott Website

It was a warm, clear afternoon in the capital.
The bustle of
metropolitan commerce and tourism filled the streets. Small sailing
vessels dotted the sheltered waters within sight of the government
buildings, riding on a soft southerly breeze. The Sun sparkled on
the gentle swells and wakes, lending a luminous glow to the poppies
and tulips nodding in the parks along the water's edge. All was in
But suddenly, the sky brightened as if with a second, more brilliant
Sun. A second set of shadows appeared; at first long and faint, they
shortened and sharpened rapidly.
A strange hissing, humming sound
seemed to come from everywhere at once. Thousands craned their necks
and looked upwards, searching the sky for the new Sun. Above them a
tremendous white fireball blossomed, like the unfolding of a vast
paper flower, but now blindingly bright. For several seconds the
fierce fireball dominated the sky, shaming the Sun.
The sky burned
white-hot, then slowly faded through yellow and orange to a
glowering copper-red. The awful hissing ceased. The onlookers,
blinded by the flash, burned by its searing heat, covered their eyes
and cringed in terror. Occupants of offices and apartments rushed to
their windows, searching the sky for the source of the brilliant
flare that had lit their rooms. A great blanket of turbulent,
coppery cloud filled half the sky overhead.
For a dozen heartbeats
the city was awestruck, numbed and silent.
Then, without warning, a tremendous blast smote the city, knocking
pedestrians to the ground. Shuttered doors and windows blew out;
fences, walls, and roofs groaned and cracked. A shock wave raced
across the city and its waterways, knocking sailboats flat in the
water. A hot, sulfurous wind like an open door into hell, the breath
of a cosmic iron-maker's furnace, pressed downward from the sky,
filled with the endless reverberation of invisible landslides.
the hot breath slowed and paused; the normal breeze resumed with
renewed vigor, and cool air blew across the city from the south. The
sky overhead now faded to dark gray, then to a portentous black. A
turbulent black cloud like a rumpled sheet seemed to descend from
heaven. Fine black dust began to fall, slowly, gently, suspended and
swirled by the breeze.
For an hour or more the black dust fell,
until, dissipated and dispersed by the breeze, the cloud faded from
Many thought it was the end of the world...
[Reconstruction of events in Constantinople, AD 472, "Rain of Iron
and Ice" (1996) John S. Lewis, Professor of Planetary Sciences at
the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Co-director of the
NASA/University of Arizona Space Engineering Research Center, and
Commissioner of the Arizona State Space Commission. ]
As I have continued to dig into this subject triggered by reading
Victor Clube's paper:
The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and
Comets, it sure appears that I have opened a can of worms.
I can
report two things at this point:
there is a lot of covert
research going on about this subject
Victor Clube, himself,
seems to have disappeared
We've got some researchers digging on
that right now and I'll report back later.
It could be the guy just
retired, but for the moment, it does seem a bit mysterious
considering the things he has written on the topic to hand.
In any event, once you pull one worm out of the can, a whole bunch
of others that are tangled up together come out too, and you start
getting a bit discombobulated wondering which one you should pull on
first! And the things you find out when you start on a subject like
this! Amazing! I've got a stack of books and papers on my desk two
feet high!
Anyway, according to Dr. Lewis, whose fanciful scenario of what it
might be like to witness an overhead cometary fragment explosion is
quoted above, our Earth actually experiences these types of events
rather often, even if somewhat irregularly.
Explosions in the sky -
some of them enormous - have, according to him and many other
scientists, profoundly affected the history of humanity. Strangely,
historians, as a group, don't speak about such things.
That is one
of the things that is making this research so difficult. It's not
just a matter of going and reading a history book and the author
saying something like:
Well, in 325 AD Constantine was terrified by
an overhead cometary explosion and decided to adopt Christianity as
a consequence, and to make it the state religion.
How did this affect history?
The conversion of the Emperor to Christianity certainly couldn't
change the beliefs and practices of most of his subjects. But he
could - and did - choose to grant favors and privileges to those
whose faith he had accepted. He built churches for them, exempted
the priesthood from civic duties and taxes, gave the bishops secular
power over judicial affairs, and made them judges against whom there
was no appeal.
Sounds like a Fascist regime, eh?
Early Christianity had very distinct and novel ideas that were
grafted onto Judaism. Christianity retained and passed on in a
virulent way, certain ideals of Judaism which have produced the
foundation upon which our present culture is predicated.
The main template of Christianity - received directly from Judaism -
is that of SIN.
The history of SIN from that point to now, is a story of its
Awareness of the nature of SIN led to a growth industry in agencies
and techniques for dealing with it. These agencies became centers of
economic and military power, as they are today.
Christianity - promoting the ideals of Judaism under a thin veneer
of the "New Covenant" - changed the ways in which men and women
interacted with one another. It changed the attitude to life's one
certainty: death. It changed the degree of freedom with which people
could acceptably choose what to think and believe.
Pagans had been intolerant of the Jews and Christians whose
religions tolerated no gods but their own. The rising domination of
Christianity created a much sharper conflict between religions, and
religious intolerance became the norm, not the exception.
Christianity also brought the open coercion of religious belief. You
could even say that, by the modern definition of a cult as a group
that uses manipulation and mind control to induce worship,
Christianity is the Mother of all Cults - in service to the
mysogynistic, fascist ideals of Judaism!
The rising Christian heirarchy of the Dark Ages was quick to
mobilize military forces against believers in other gods and most
especially, against other Christians who promoted less Fascist
systems of belief. This probably included the original Christians
and the original teachings.
The change of the Western world from Pagan to Christian effectively
changed how people viewed themselves and their interactions with
their reality. And we live today with the fruits of those changes:
War Without End.
Now, on what basis can we relate the ascendancy of Christianity to
overhead cometary explosions?
In a recent issue of New Scientist, (vol 178 issue 2400 - 21 June
2003, page 13) there is an article that reports on the discovery of
a meteorite impact crater dating from the fourth or fifth century AD
in the Apennines. The crater is now a "seasonal lake," roughly
circular with a diameter of between 115 and 140 meters, which has a
pronounced raised rim and no inlet or outlet and is fed solely by
There are a dozen much smaller craters nearby, such as
would be created when a meteorite with a diameter of some 10 meters
shattered during entry into the atmosphere.
A team led by the Swedish geologist Jens Ormo believes the crater
was caused by a meteorite landing with a one-kiloton
impact - equivalent to a very small nuclear blast - and producing
shock waves, earthquakes and a mushroom cloud.
Samples from the crater's rim have been dated to the year 312 plus
or minus 40 years, but small amounts of contamination with recent
material could account for a date significantly later than 312.
The legend of a falling star has been around in the Apennines since
Roman times, but the event that it describes has been a mystery.
Other accounts from the 4th century describe how barbarians stood at
the gates of the Roman empire while a Christian movement threatened
its stability from within. The emperor Constantine saw an amazing
vision in the sky, converted to Christianity on the spot, and led
his army to victory under the sign of the cross. But what did he
Could the impact of a meteorite hitting the Italian Apennines have
been the sign in the sky that encouraged the Emperor Constantine to
invoke the Christian God in his decisive battle in 312 when he
defeated his fellow Emperor Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge?
This reminds us of the report of the historian Herodian who
described the siege of Aquileia by Maximinus in the 230s during
which operation the soldiers saw "the god Apollo" appearing
"frequently" above the city and fighting for it. Herodian wasn't
certain whether the soldiers REALLY saw it, or whether they just
invented it to explain their defeat. The standard explanation is, of
course, that it was common for generals to claim "appearances" in
order to give heart to their troops.
But maybe, sometimes, they DID
see something?
This reminds me of something else: I recently read a news article
about a fellow who had a meteorite come through the roof of his
house while he was at work. His reaction was extremely interesting:
he announced that this was a "sign from God" that he needed to go to
church and renew his faith.
What is up with that?
Clube writes elsewhere:
...[W]ithin these last few years, it has been found that there is a
great swarm of cosmic debris circulating in a potentially dangerous
orbit, exactly intersecting the Earth's orbit in June (and November)
every few thousand years.
More surprisingly, perhaps, it has been
found that the evidence for these facts was in the past deliberately
concealed. When the orbits exactly intersect however, there is a
greatly increased chance of penetrating the core of the swarm, a
correspondingly enhanced flow of fireballs reaching the Earth, and a
greatly raised perception that the end of the world is nigh.
perception is liable to arise at other times as well, whenever fresh
debris is formed, but deep penetrations occurred during the fourth
millennium BC, again during the first millennium BC, taking in at
their close the time of Christ, and will likely take place yet again
during the millennium to come.
Christian religion began appropriately enough therefore, with an
apocalyptic vision of the past, but in the aftermath of the last
deep penetrations, once the apparent danger had passed, truth was
converted to mythology in the hands of a revisionist church and such
prior knowledge of the swarm as existed, which now comes to us
through the works of Plato and others, was later systematically
Subsequently the Christian vision of a permanent peace on Earth was
by no means universally accepted, and it was to undergo several
stages of "enlightenment" before it culminated with our present
secular version of history, to which science itself subscribes,
perceiving little or no danger from the sky. The lack of danger is
an illusion, however, and the long arm of an early Christian
delusion still has its effect. [...]
The idea of a terrible sanction hanging over mankind is not, of
course, new. Armageddon has been widely feared in the past and it
was a common belief that it would arrive with the present
millennium. During the last thousand years, moreover, it has usually
been the reforming church that revived the fear.
But such ideas,
whenever they have arisen, have always met with fierce opposition.
Sometimes the proponents of such ideas escape to new found new lands
where in due course they meet opposition of a homegrown kind. In the
United States for example, despite freedom of speech, old traditions
of cosmic catastrophe have recurred from time to time, even in the
present century, only to be confronted by Pavlovian outrage from
That being the case, it is perhaps ironic that
elections in the United States are generally held in November
following the tradition of an ancient convocation of tribes at that
time of the year, which probably had its roots in a real fear of
world-end as the Earth coincided with the swarm.
In Europe the millennium was finally dispensed with when an official
"providential" view of the world was developed as a counter to ideas
sustained during the Reformation. Indeed to hold anything like a
contrary view at this time became something of a heresy and those
who were given to rabble-rousing for fear of the millennium were
roundly condemned.
To the extent that a cosmic winter and Armageddon
have aspects in common, therefore, authoritarian outrage is nothing
new. [...]
Enlightenment, of course, builds on the providential view and treats
the cosmos as a harmless backdrop to human affairs, a view of the
world which Academe now often regards as its business to uphold and
to which the counter-reformed Church and State are only too glad to
Indeed it appears that repeated cosmic stress -
supernatural illuminations - have been deliberately programmed out
of Christian theology and modern science, arguably the two most
influential contributions of western civilization to the control and
well-being of humanity.
As a result, we have now come to think of global catastrophe,
whether through nuclear war, ozone holes, the greenhouse effect of
whatever, as a prospect originating purely with ourselves; and
because of this, because we are faced with "authorities" who never
look higher than the rooftops, the likely impact of the cosmos
figures hardly at all in national plans. [...]
A great illusion of cosmic security thus envelops mankind, one that
the "establishment" of Church, State and Academe do nothing to
disturb. Persistence in such an illusion will do nothing to
alleviate the next Dark Age when it arrives. But it is easily
shattered: one simply has to look at the sky.
The outrage, then, springs from a singularly myopic stance which may
now place the human species a little higher than the ostrich,
awaiting the fate of the dinosaur.
[Clube, (1990) The Cosmic Winter]
Cosmic Turkey Shoot, we had a look at Victor Clube's summary
statement of conclusions based on his longer report entitled:
Narrative Report on the Hazard to Civilization due to Fireballs and
Comets which he wrote under the sponsorship of the US Air Force and
Oxford Department of Physics.
In the summary Clube writes:
Every 5-10 generations or so, for about a generation, mankind is
subject to an increased risk of global insult through another kind
of cosmic agency.
Every 5 to 10 generations? That's a pretty shocking statement.
If it
is true, then why don't we know about this? Why don't historians
know about it? Why don't average people who learn history (one is
told) in school, know about these things?
I dug around a bit, following references from Clube, and found that
there is, in fact, a group that is looking at these things, but I
don't think they are doing it to inform the general public, nor do
they have the best interests of the public in mind.
Have a look at
INSAP website and follow some of their links.
conference, attended by Clube and referenced obliquely in his report
on the Hazards to Civilization, was held at the Mondo Migliore,
under the sponsorship of the Vatican Observatory,
Rocca di Papa,
Italy, from 27 June - 2 July 1994.
Their mandate reads:
INSAP conferences explore the rich and diverse ways in which people
of the past and present incorporate astronomical events into
literary, visual, and performance arts. This emphasis distinguishes
INSAP from other conferences that focus on archeoastronomy,
ethnoastronomy, or cultural astronomy.
INSAP provides a mechanism
for a broad sampling of artists, writers, musicians, historians,
philosophers, scientists, and others to talk about the diversity of
astronomical inspiration.
This, of course, reminds me of the strange recent news item about
the new Pope evicting the Jesuits from the papal summer palace. See:
Pope tells astronomers to pack up their telescopes.
Following that story, one then finds this:
Italian scientists attack
Pope's equivocation on Galileo trial
Pope Benedict XVI has been forced to cancel a visit to the
prestigious La Sapienza University in Rome after lecturers and
students expressed outrage at his past defense of the Catholic
church's actions against Galileo.
The Pope had been due to make a speech at the university on Thursday
17 January 2008. [...]
Sixty-seven academics have said that the Pope effectively condoned
the 1633 trial and conviction of the astronomer Galileo for heresy,
in remarks he made while head of the Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, the successor to the notorious Inquisition.
As Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, Pope Benedict said that Galileo had
turned out to be correct about the earth revolving around the sun,
and that subsequent biblical scholarship had rejected literalist
readings of texts that had been taken by the Church to deny this.
Nevertheless, he said, Galileo had been dogmatic and sectarian in
his statements at the time, and the Church authorities had acted
reasonably given the levels of knowledge available then.
But the scientists say that this is "insulting" and unacceptable
equivocation. The Church was unjust, irrational and unfair in its
treatment of their predecessor and its outright rejection of
Copernican theory, they say.
My, my!
Well, anyway, before
Ratzinger was selected to run the
Catholic Fraud Factory, apparently
the Jesuits were pretty
interested in figuring out what was going on here on the BBM - for
what purposes, we may never know.
Clube was there at one of their meetings and presented a paper which
is so interesting:
The Nature of Punctuational Crises
and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization.
Parts of it are a bit
rough, but it is well worth the trouble of reading it all the way
through - maybe more than once - and giving a lot of thought to the
implications of what he writes there especially in regard to any
group of people who are trying to dig out this kind of information
and present it to the public. Clube makes it abundantly clear why
this must be considered a revolutionary activity!
Getting back to the narrative report he wrote for Oxford and the
USAF, he says:
The sequence of events affecting involved generations is potentially
debilitating because, whether or not the risk is realised,
civilization commonly undergoes violent transitions e.g. revolution,
migration and collapse.

In short, whether or not there are any impacts during those periods
when "something is out there, rather close and threatening," people
go crazy when they get the feeling that they are living on a target
in a cosmic shooting gallery.
Yes, indeed, the knowledge that the
earth beneath our feet may not be so firmly and peacefully fixed in
space assaults our deepest feelings of security. It's almost as if Clube is saying that there is some sort of contagious madness, a
stampeding of human beings, almost, like a herd of cattle stampeding
over a cliff because someone accidentally (or on purpose) shoots a
gun into the air.
That's not even a bad metaphor because, as we are
going to see in today's installment, it seems that the ruling elite
DO tend to take advantage of such conditions for their own purposes
which are usually to grab more power and plunder.
Subsequently perceived as pointless, such transitions [revolution,
migration and collapse] are commonly an embarrassment to national
elites even to the extent that historical and astronomical evidence
of the risk are abominated and suppressed.
Indeed, when the madness dies down and the people begin to realize
what fools they have made of themselves and, more importantly, what
fools their leaders are, when they view how much death and
destruction has occurred for no good reason at all except a form of
madness, I'm sure that the elites do want to just shove it all under
the rug and try to make everyone forget that it ever happened so as
to keep their hands on the reins of power.
As we will see, this
isn't how it always turns out. Sometimes, the people are so hostile
when they see how they have been abused by their leaders, the
leaders pay a rather high price... sometimes their very heads!
Upon revival of the risk, however, such "enlightenment" becomes an
inducement to violent transition since historical and astronomical
evidence are then in demand.
Such change and change about in addition to the insult is evidently
self-defeating and calls for a procedure to eliminate the risk.
The term "enlightenment", used above, is a reference to people
waking up to what is possibly going on out there in space.
to the full-text report, on page 2, discussing potential impacting
giant comet remnants, we read that...
...their presence is readily enough betrayed by the zodiacal dust
which continues to accumulate in the ecliptic and by the rather
sudden encounters which the Earth makes every other century or so,
for several decades...
These encounters produce an overabundance of
fireballs penetrating the Earth's atmosphere implying both an
increased probability of bombardment by sub-kilometer debris AND an
increased risk that the Earth will penetrate the core of a minor
disintegration stream a la Shoemaker-Levy.
An abundance of fireballs and repeated comet sighting apparently
excites a lot of "eschatological" activity - predictions that the
world is going to end - that can lead to all kinds of social unrest
which is, as Clube points out, highly undesirable to the ruling
After all, if people are thinking the world is going to end,
they generally blame it on their rulers for being so corrupt and
evil! The way they usually handle that sort of thing is to create an
ostensible enemy who is responsible for it all, get a war going that
satisfies everyone's "end of the world blues" and kills of most of
them in the bargain!
Clever, aren't they?
Right now, however, I want to come back to that "every other century
or so" comment where Clube says this has been happening and then
covered up by "governing elites" who are embarrassed. What the heck?
As it happens, further on in the narrative we find out just what
periods he is referring to:
There have been five extended epochs since the Renaissance when the
Earth apparently encountered the fragmentation debris of previously
unsighted comets.
Well, we know from the work of Mike Baillie that the period around
540 AD is highly suspect as
the period around the Black Death is
The events that Baillie suggests were happening during those
periods are backed up by very strong scientific data. But those
aren't the periods that Clube is talking about here. He is saying
"since the Renaissance."
The Renaissance, of course, followed
closely on the heels of the Black Death which Baillie considers to
have been a period of cometary bombardment that killed almost half
of humanity! (Or so it seems from the statistics given for those
areas where statistics were obtainable.) In the broadest of terms,
the Renaissance covers the 200 years between 1400 and 1600, although
specialists disagree on exact dates.
The Black Death began in
1347/1348, 50 years earlier, so it could even be inferred that the
Black Death was the gestational period for the Renaissance, or that
the Renaissance occurred as a reaction to the Black Death.
Anyway, what we now see is that Victor Clube is suggesting that
there was a lot more going on in our recorded history than we know
about, and that the rise and fall of nations and civilizations may
be closely related to what is going on out there in space!
During these epochs, broadly coinciding with the Hundred Years' War,
the Reformation, the Thirty Years' War (including the English Civil
War), the French Revolutionary Period (including the American War of
Independence) and the mid-nineteenth century Revolutionary crisis in
Europe [including the American Civil War], the various national
authorities could do very little to restrain public anxiety in the
face of the perceived danger.
Okay, we now have some specific periods where Clube, et al, believe
that strange things were going on in the space around our planet. It
might help us to better understand our own time period to take a
look at times past.
The Hundred Years War covers the 116 year period from 1337 to 1453,
the Black Death 1347/48 - 1351, and then the Renaissance: 1400 to
1600. Some really ugly stuff was going on back then! Anyway, as for
the war itself, it was a conflict between France and England, over
claims by the English kings to the French throne.
It was punctuated
by several brief and two lengthy periods of peace before it finally
ended in the expulsion of the English from France, with the
exception of the Calais Pale. We notice that this state of conflict
was already in motion about ten years before the Black Death fell on
If you were of a strong religious bent, you might even want
to say that the Hand of God punished mankind for being warlike! That
is probably what the people of the time thought and I suspect that
this was not a favorable view for the masses to take toward their
The Hundred Years' War was also the time of Joan of Arc who was
running around hearing voices and rallying people to an apocalyptic

Joan of Arc, Witch and Heretic
There was unbelievable devastation in France, and the end result of
this war was that it helped to establish a sense of nationalism in
France, ended all English claims to French territory; and made
possible the emergence of centralized governing institutions and an
absolute monarchy.
One commentator notes:
The Hundred Years War was actually dozens of little wars and
hundreds of battles and sieges that went on for over a century
(1337-1453), until both sides were exhausted. While neither side won
in any real sense, the end result was that while there were two
kingdoms at the beginning of the war, there were two nations at the
end of it.
When one studies the history of the Black Death and the Hundred
Years War side by side, the thing that stands out is that whatever
was going on then, there were conscienceless people taking advantage
of the situation of confusion and terror.
For example, we read the
This would be a war of devastation. Villages and crops were burned,
orchards were felled, livestock seized and residents harried. On
Edward's entry into France he spent a week torching Cambrai and its
More than 1,000 villages were destroyed. France did what
it could in England, at the war's onset seamen ventured to the
southeastern coast of England to burn and ravage there. Much plunder
was taken back to England and the thought of acquiring ill-gotten
gain enticed many to support the war. Ransom was another was of
monetary gain and a king, nobles, knights and even citizens were
taken hostage.
Cruelty abounded. After the city of Limoges was captured and burned,
Edward ordered the townsmen executed. Much of Artois, Brittany,
Normandy, Gascony and other provinces were reduced to desolation
(circa 1355 to 1375) and France did the same to the provinces that
sided with England. Walled towns were safe during the early period
of the war, but churches, monasteries, villages and rural areas were
Truce and treaty were not observed. The "Free Companies" went into
action, bandits of Either, English, French or hired mercenaries led
by captains that dominated large areas and levied tribute on towns,
villages and churches.
They also seized women, took clergymen as
accountants and correspondents, children for servants and plundered.
(Edward P. Cheney, (1936)The Dawn of a New Era 1250-1435)
Another source tells us:
For the first few years of the war there wasn't much happening
except English raids into France and Flanders. Then, in the 1340s,
England and France took opposite sides in the long-running civil war
over who should be the duke of Britanny.
In 1346 this resulted in a
French invasion of Gascony and the shattering French defeat at
Crecy. The English then rampaged through western France, until a
truce was signed in 1354 (brought on by the devastation of the
Plague, which hit France heavily in 1347-48)
The truce didn't last. In 1355, the war began again. In 1356 another
major battle was fought at Poitiers and the French king was
captured. English raids continued until 1360, when another truce was
In addition to all the warring going on, the plague, etc, the
weather was going crazy!
Clube writes:
One chronicler at least reports of the most immediate cause of the
plague in 1345 that,
"between Cathay and Persia there rained a vast
rain of fire; falling in flakes like snow and burning up mountains
and plains and other lands, with men and women; and then arose vast
masses of smoke; and whosoever beheld this died within the space of
half a day..."
There seems little doubt also that a worldwide
cooling of the Earth played a fundamental part in the process. The
Arctic polar cap extended, changing the cyclonic pattern and leading
to a series of disastrous harvests. These in turn led to widespread
famine, death and social disruption.
In England and Scotland there is a pattern of abandoned villages and
farms, soaring wheat prices and falling populations.
In Eastern Europe there was a series of winters of unparalleled
severity and depth of snow. The chronicles of monasteries in Poland
and Russia tell of cannibalism, common graves overfilled with
corpses, and migrations to the west.
Even before the Black Death came, then, a human catastrophe of great
proportions was under way in late medieval times. Indeed the cold
snap lasted well beyond the period of the... plague.
A number of
such fluctuations are to be found in the historical record, and
there is good evidence that these climatic stresses are connected
not only with famine but also with times of great social unrest,
wars, revolution and mass migrations.
(Clube, The Cosmic Winter)
It sounds surprisingly like our own era, doesn't it?
There are
differences in detail and scale, but the dynamics of a world gone
mad, and incredible cruelty running rampant, and global climate
fluctuations are the same as we see before us now.
One naturally wonders why the masses of people would put up with
such a state of affairs since it was they - and not the elite - who
took the brunt of the horrors. The answer then is the same as it is
now. The masses of ordinary people support their leaders in war
because of propaganda.
During wartime, church and state generally
form an alliance and patriotic statements are used in church sermons
to support the ruling elite. The goal of the government is always to
make the masses hate the enemy that the leaders wish to destroy (or
at least to take their attention off their own depredations on the
body social).
In addition to the propaganda of church and state,
governments will offer increased wages and new opportunities to
those who fight in the war (mercenaries like Blackwater today).
Criminals are often released from prison to fight. Then and now,
people are promised lands, goods, benefits of all kinds, if they
join the war effort. In some cases, what is offered to the common
man is just to be left alone in their "normal life" and not hounded
or ridiculed.
All of this has been how wars have been supported
since time immemorial, and nothing has changed. The lures of power
and goods make people who have no conscience, or who are low on the
social totem pole enthusiastic to join in killing other people just
like themselves.
Calvinism was one of the developments that came out of this period.
As Clube notes, the Protestant reformation was partly due to the
fact that the Powers of the Time,
the Catholic Church, had built
their control system based on the Aristotelian system of,
"God is in
his heaven and all will be right with the world if you are a good
Obviously, they didn't want to talk about a cosmos run
amok over which their vaunted god had no control.
And the fact that
things were running amok and the church couldn't do anything about
it (not to mention the corruption of the church that was evident to
the masses) gave ammunition to the Reformers who then were able to
attract many followers just as Christianity attracted Constantine at
a time when the pagan gods didn't seem to be able to help in the
face of cometary bombardment.
The Protestants thus were able to use the situation to advantage,
suggesting that it was "The End of Times" and that this was all part
of the plan and people would be saved if they would only come over
to the Protestant side!
Of course, once the Protestants had "won their place," so to say,
they, too, had to establish authority and adopt the Aristotelian
"NOW, God is in his heaven and all will be right and there
won't be any more catastrophic disruptions as long as everybody goes
to church, tithes, and obeys the appointed authoritie!"
Another bizarre thing that came out of this time period was witch
From the early decades of the fifteenth century until
1650, continental Europeans executed between two and five hundred
thousand witches (according to conservative estimates), more than 85
percent of them being women. (Ben-Yehuda, 1985) People of the time -
and even later - really did believe in the reality of witchcraft and
evil demons.
Men like Newton, Bacon, Boyle, Locke and Hobbes, firmly
believed in the reality of evil spirits and witches.
As Russell
Tens of thousands of [witch] trials continued throughout Europe
generation after generation, while Leonardo painted, Palestrina
composed and Shakespeare wrote."
In order to understand this part of what was going on throughout
those troublesome times, we have to back up a bit.
Witchcraft and witches have existed throughout history though in a
context completely different from that which came to be understood
during the crusade against witches.
The Old Testament pretty much
ignores the topic except to report an encounter between King Saul
and the witch of Endor and to include a law:
"Thou shalt not suffer
a witch to live."
But, other than that, in a way that seems to
bizarrely contradict that law, stories of witches in the Bible are
surprisingly neutral. There is no conceptualization or elaboration
of witches, devils, or any kind of demonic world.
In ancient Greece and Rome, magic was used to produce rain, prevent
hail storms, drive away clouds, calm the winds, make the earth bear
fruit, increase wealth, cure the sick, and so on. It could also be
used against one's enemies to deprive them of those desirable
effects. These beliefs were widespread in the ancient world and
generally, "good magic" was lawful and necessary, and "bad magic"
was condemned and punished.
The state even supported those who could
purportedly do "good magic."
It depended on perspective whether you
were a "good magician" or a "bad" one. That's probably why the
English condemned Joan of Arc for being a witch and France turned
around and canonized her.
The Greco-Roman religious universe - the supernatural world - was
not divided into extreme good and extreme evil. It was occupied by
every shade and combination of all qualities exactly as existed in
human society. (It was only in the Judeo-Christian religion that God
becomes the very image of absolute goodness and purity, and the
devil was invented to be his opposite.)
For the ancient world, magic
was simply an attempt to harness the power of the Unseen while
religion occupied itself with respect and gratitude to Nature and
its representatives for results. In this way, prayers and spells
could be easily combined.
The witch or sorcerer was a person who had a method - a technology -
that could be used to harness and activate supernatural powers on
behalf of himself or others. He could "control" the forces of
nature. (At least, that is what they believed.)
So, two points are important here:
witchcraft/sorcery was a
there was a definite distinction
between good magic and bad magic
This changed drastically during the fifteenth century, the time when
the forces of nature ran amok, and most certainly, someone had to be
blamed when it was all over!
Protestantism was on the rise and it
was not seen as politic to go after the Mother Church which still
held a great deal of power, so some other sin-bearer had to be
found. The distinction between good and bad magic vanished and
witchcraft became something purely evil. The pluralistic conception
of the supernatural world also vanished and we were left with only a
very good god who was, however, seemingly impotent in the face of
evil mankind in cahoots with a very evil devil.
Well, not exactly
"mankind," mostly "woman-kind"!
One of the results of this change in attitude was the creation of
witchcraft as a systematic anti-religion; it became the opposite of
everything that Christianity - both Catholic and Protestant - stood
for. Witchcraft as an elaborated system of religion was unknown
before the fifteenth century. This was a period in which a theory of
supernatural demons was invented and crystallized as an explanation
for the evils that fell upon mankind.
How else to explain the Black
Death which killed indiscriminately in spite of the prayers and
supplications of the priests of the Christian church, both Catholic
and Protestant?

Another point to note is that witches were no longer thought of as
beings that could use a technology to control the powers of nature;
they became beings that channeled evil into the world because they
were under the control of the Evil One.
They were all purely Satan's
puppets and no good could ever come from them.
The Malleus
Maleficarum specifically mentions that "witchcraft is chiefly found
in women" because they are more credulous and have poor memories",
and because,
"witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women
(Sprenger and Kramer, Malleus Maleficarum, 1968, pp.
In short, "witch myth" was created in the late 1400s in reaction to
the Black Death which consisted of a whole, coherent system of
beliefs, assumptions, rituals, and "sacred texts" that had never
existed until this time.
The Dominicans developed and popularized
the conceptions of demonology and witchcraft as a negative image of
the so-called "true faith" and the Protestants were just as busy!
When Kramer and Sprenger (both members of the Dominican Order and
Inquisitors for the Catholic Church) wrote the Malleus Maleficarum
and submitted it to the University of Cologne's Faculty of Theology
on May 9, 1487, seeking its endorsement, it was roundly condemned as
unethical and illegal.
The Catholic Church banned the book in 1490,
placing it on the
Index Librorum Prohibitorum. In order to
understand why, again we have to back up a bit.
After the disintegration of the Roman Empire and the rise of
Christianity, many missionaries, on finding that the pagans had
their own spectrum of local deities and beliefs, often sought to
convert them by the simple expedient of canonizing the local gods so
that the natives population could continue to worship them under the
aegis of Christianity. They became "Christian saints" complete with
invented hagiographies.
The old temples were converted into churches
so that the pagans would come to familiar places of worship to hear
mass and pray to their "saints" just like always. Magical practices
were tolerated because it was felt that the people would give them
up naturally over time once they had become truly Christian.
Official church policy held that any belief in witchcraft was an
In the famous, but mysterious,
Canon episcopi, we read:
Some wicked women, perverted by the devil, seduced by illusions and
phantasms of demons, believe and profess themselves in the hours of
night, to ride upon certain beastes with Diana, the goddess of
pagans, and an innumerable multitude of women, and in the silence of
the dead of night to traverse great spaces of earth, and to obey her
commands as of their mistress, and to be summoned to her service on
certain nights.
But I wish it were they alone who perished in their
faithlessness and did not draw many with them into the destruction
of infidelity. For an innumerable multitude, deceived by this false
opinion, believe this to be true, and so believing, wander from the
right faith and are invalued in the error of the pagans...
Wherefore the priests throughout their churches should preach with
all insistence ... that they know this to be false and, that such
phantasms are imposed and sent by the malignant spirit... who
deludes them in dreams...
Who is there who is not led out of himself in dreams, seeing such in
sleeping which he never sees [when] waking? ...
And who is so stupid and foolish as to think that all these things,
which are only done in spirit happen in the body?
It is therefore to be proclaimed publicly to all that whoever
believes such things... has lost his faith.
(Translated by Kors and Peters, pp. 29-31. The origin of this
document is not clear. Kors and Peters (1972) date it to 1140. It
has been attributed to an obscure meeting, the Council of Anquira,
held possibly in the 4th century. Although there is no record of
this council, the statement on witchcraft was adopted by later
canonists as official policy. Ben-Yehuda, 1985)
So, for more than six centuries, this was the official attitude of
the church toward witches - that it was an illusion or delusion or
just the product of dreams.
It was even declared:
"Whoever was 'so stupid and foolish' as to believe such fantastic
tales was an infidel."
In 1450, 100 years after the Black Death had destroyed about half of
Europe's population, the Hundred Years' War was coming to an end and
someone had to be blamed, (definitely NOT cometary explosions!), and
the so-called Renaissance was kicking off, Jean Vineti, Inquisitor
at Carcassone, identified witchcraft with heresy.
In 1458, Nicholas Jacquier, Inquisitor in France and Bohemia, identified it as a NEW
form of heresy.
When Jacquier wrote his book on witchcraft, he had
to dispose of the Canon episcopi first. Other writers of the time
also found it necessary to diminish this official church policy in
order to even have a "witch craze." So, the first attacks were made
on the validity of the document itself.
Then, contemporary witches
were claimed to be different from the ones that the document was
In 1460, Visconti Girolamo, Inquisitor professor, Provincial
of Lombardy, stated that the act of defending witchcraft (or
witches) was itself heresy. In 1484-86, Sprenger and Kramer
published the Malleus which explicated a crystallized theory of
witchcraft which held sway for three hundred years. Johannes
Gutenberg's printing press - a product of the Renaissance - allowed
the work to spread rapidly throughout Europe.
This crystallization
is what resulted in the beginning of the witch craze itself.
Taking into account the wars of the time killing off so much of the
male population, one might suppose that there was in increase in
unmarried women. In short, women were becoming autonomous widows as
a consequence.
So, a couple of psychopathic types (psychopaths
always seem to really hate women - dunno why, but there it is) -
Sprenger and Kramer et al - came along and got hostile about it and
wrote a book describing a healthy, competent, intelligent woman as a
witch, and presto! Problem solved.
All the excess women can be
gotten rid of; all the autonomous women with property can be done
away with and their property confiscated; and, at the same time, the
psychological control of men over women, re-establishing the
subservience of women and the Church, can all be accomplished in one
fell swoop! I think a strong factor in the witch trials was also psychopathy -
Those guys who wrote the Malleus sound
like your typical schizoidal psychopath. Devilishly clever, I say!
(One also has to consider the destruction of many genetic lines of
powerful women in this process which has been ongoing, so it seems.)
Again, we note that the most spectacular "witch" was Joan of Arc who
was tried, condemned, and burned in 1431, three years before
Europe's mass panic over witches started in Valais where over 100
people were tried by secular judges - not religious - for "murder by
sorcery." As the craze spread over Europe, literally hundreds of
thousands of women were burned at the stake.
Children, women, and
even whole families were sent to be burned.
The historical sources
are full of horrifying descriptions of the tortures these poor
people were subjected to. Entire villages were exterminated. One
account says that all of Germany was covered with stakes and Germans
were entirely occupied with building bonfires to burn the victims.
One inquisitor is reported to have said:
"I wish [the witches] had
but one body, so that we could burn them all at once, in one fire!".
(Trevor-Roper 1967, p. 152)
In the 1580s, the Catholic Counter-Reformation became dedicated
witch hunters, going after Protestants, mainly.
In France, most
witches happened to be Huguenot. There were many cases of
"political" executions in the guise of witch burnings. One victim
was a judge who was burned in 1628 for showing "suspicious
As the craze spread, the viciousness and barbarity of the
attacks increased. The judge just mentioned, a Dr. Haan, under
torture, confessed to having seen five burgomasters of Bamberg at
the witches Sabbath, and they, too were executed. One of them, a
Johannes Julius, under torture, confessed that he had renounced God,
given himself to the devil, and seen twenty-seven of his colleagues
at the Sabbath.
But afterward, from prison, he contrived to smuggle
a letter out to his daughter, Veronica, giving a full account of his
He wrote:
"Now my dearest child, you have here all my acts and confessions,
for which I must die. It is all falsehood and invention, so help me
God... They never cease to torture until one says something. If God
sends no means of bringing the truth to light our whole kindred will
be burnt."
(Trevor-Roper 1967, p. 157)
Protestants and Catholics accused each other and the early decades
of the 1600s were infected by a veritable epidemic of demons!
lasted until the end of the Thirty Years' War. It is said that if
the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum was the beginning of the
terror, the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 was the end. In recent
times, the Malleus has been examined critically, though not by
individuals with any awareness of the cosmic events of the time.
Nevertheless, what they have observed has a bearing on our subject
Sexy Devils
One evening 10 years ago, Walter Stephens was reading
The Malleus, as scholars refer to it, would not be
everyone's choice for a late-night book. Usually translated as The
Hammer of Witches, it was first published in Germany in 1487 as a
handbook for witch hunters during
the Inquisition.
It's a chilling
text - used for 300 years, well into the Age of Reason - that
justifies and details the identification, apprehension,
interrogation, and execution of people accused of consorting with
demons, signing pacts with the devil, and performing maleficia, or
harmful magic.
"It was 11 at night," Stephens recalls.
"My wife had gone to bed,
and on the first page [of the Malleus] was this weird sentence about
people who don't believe in witches and don't believe in demons:
'Therefore those err who say that there is no such thing as
witchcraft, but that it is purely imaginary, even although they do
not believe that devils exist except in the imagination of the
ignorant and vulgar, and the natural accidents which happen to man
he wrongly attributes to some supposed devil.'"
That convoluted sentence dovetailed with a curious line Stephens
knew from Il messaggiero, a work from 1582 by the Italian poet
Torquato Tasso:
"If magicians and witches and the possessed exist,
demons exist; but it cannot be doubted that in every age specimens
of the former three have been found: thus it is unreasonable to
doubt that demons are found in nature."
Stephens, the Charles S. Singleton Professor of Italian Studies in
the Hopkins department of romance languages, is a literary critic,
and he sensed that something intriguing was going on beneath the
text on the page.
Tasso, and especially the Malleus' author, a
Dominican theologian and inquisitor named Heinrich Kramer, had in
their works invested a striking amount of energy in refuting doubt
about the existence of demons. What was that about?
For the next eight years Stephens read every treatise he could find
on witchcraft, as well as accounts of interrogations, theological
tracts, and other works (his bibliography lists 154 primary and more
than 200 secondary sources). Most of the 86 witchcraft treatises he
cites had been written in western Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th
centuries, and one after another (including the Malleus) contain
accounts of sexual intercourse with satanic spirits.
Why? Were the
authors remorseless misogynists hell-bent on portraying women in the
worst possible light? Were they lurid, repressed celibates who got
off by writing accounts of demon sex?
Stephens didn't think so; the
texts, in his view, didn't support that reading.
Elsewhere in the Malleus he had found a key reference to accused witches under
torture as being,
"expert witnesses to the reality of carnal
interaction between humans and demons."
These guys are trying to
construct proofs that demons exist, he thought. They're trying to
convince skeptics. And then he thought, They're trying to convince
Stephens' thesis profoundly revises the conventional wisdom about
centuries of cruelty and injustice. The great European witch hunts,
he says, were the outgrowth of a severe crisis of faith.
The men who
wrote books like the Malleus, men who endorsed the torture and
burning of tens of thousands of innocent people, desperately needed
to believe in witches, because if witches were real, then demons
were real, and if demons were real, then God was real. Not just real
but present and attentive.
Carefully read the works composed by the
witchcraft authors, Stephens says, and you will see how profoundly
disturbed these educated, literate men were by their accumulating
suspicions that if God existed at all, He wasn't paying much
attention to the descendants of Adam. [...]
The sanctioned, organized pursuit and persecution of witches, which
peaked from 1560 to 1630 and was almost entirely a western European
phenomenon, began during a time of grave concern in the Roman
Catholic church. The European world in the early 1400s was a wreck.
The preceding century has been labeled by historian Barbara Tuchman
as "calamitous," and she does not overstate. Starting around 1315, a
great famine ravaged much of western Europe. From 1347 to 1352, the
Black Death killed more than a third of the continent's population.
Other diseases and additional outbreaks of the plague scourged the
weakened survivors.
As if natural catastrophe weren't enough,
England and France chose to fight the Hundred Years' War from 1337
to 1453, the longest war in history.
The Church itself fractured, riven by massive organized heresies, and by a schism that led to as
many as three men simultaneously laying claim to be the true pope.
How could a world created by a watchful, benevolent, and engaged
be such a mess?
Indeed. The calamities of that time - of ANY time - assault
religious faith.
And anyone who talks about such calamities in a
reasonable and factual way as just what Nature does, and who back it
up with scientific data, MUST be silenced because they threaten the
very foundation of Western Civilization:
Christianity and Uniformitarianism and Fascist
control of humanity!
It seems that such persecutions may very well have been initiated as
a way of controlling those who uttered "heresies" against the
"providential" order of the universe established by the Church and
State, like pointing out that an increased number of fireballs and
comet sightings may very well suggest that the planet and its
inhabitants are in potential danger.
This was the period of Galileo,
after all, and he was accused of being a "heretic" for not
supporting the potency of God Almighty. Nowadays, that's the same as
being accused of being a "cult". We notice, also, as mentioned
above, that the Church is regressing into the same mindset that held
sway during other "eschatological" periods.
What strikes me as particularly funny is the way the US school of
Asteroid Impacts is going about this.
Apparently, under the
influence of the British school of cometary bombardment, they are
thinking about all of these things. It also seems highly likely that
the entire War on Terror is a distraction from what is really going
on "out there."
Anyway, from a recent conference:
AIAA 2007
Planetary Defense Conference we note what is agitating them most:
An asteroid impact could occur anywhere on the globe at any time, so
planetary defense has implications for all humankind. All nations on
Earth should be prepared for this potential calamity and work
together to prevent or contain the damage. That said, there is
currently very little discussion or coordination of efforts at
national or international levels.
No single agency in any country
has responsibility for moving forward on NEO deflection, and
disaster control agencies have not simulated this type of disaster.
Providing funding over the long term was also seen as a challenge.
Much of the work in virtually all areas of planetary defense has
been done on individuals' own time and initiative. There is a need
for ongoing studies and peer-reviewed papers to improve our
knowledge in this area, as well as to increase the credibility of
the issue and the public's trust in our ability to respond.
reality is that NEO deflection or disaster mitigation efforts may
not be required for decades or longer, so governments, which are
focused on more immediate concerns, may not be willing to commit
sufficient recourses to this type of work. Determining the
appropriate level of this work and funding such activities over the
long term is seen as a major issue.
In addition, major legal and policy issues related to planetary
defense need to be resolved. An example is liability for predictions
that prove false or deflection missions that only partially work or
fail completely, resulting in an impact.
Other examples include:
A prediction is made that an impact may occur in a specific area,
and residents and businesses that might be affected leave. Are there
liabilities associated with the loss in property values if the
prediction is wrong?
A nation makes a deflection attempt, but it fails to change the
object's orbit enough to miss Earth. Is that nation now responsible
for the damage inflicted?
A NEO threat demands the nuclear option, but public perception is
that the possibility of a launch failure and subsequent damage is
more acute than the threat from the NEO. What are the liabilities
and political and policy implications associated with a launch
failure during a deflection mission?
These types of issues should be discussed and resolved before they
are raised by a serious threat.
Yup, that's what they are worried about! Legal liability!
Well, anyway, at the end of the Hundred Years War and the Black
Death, the Witch Persecutions were utilized to hush up completely
any hint that the Earth was not securely hung in space, and history
and truth was suppressed with blood and burning human flesh.
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