by Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
December 7, 2011
Educate-Yourself Website
Over the past year, Tim Hicks,
Franz Erdl, the Aetheric Resistance and others have
witnessed the demon realms disappearing. The demon lords are gone
and their minions are not stealing from humankind, animals or Mother
Earth herself as they were a few years ago.
Some of the legions of demons have switched sides and have polarized
themselves back to Source.
Illuminati black magicians are few
in numbers and disappearing too. Those left are unable to utilize
ritual to invoke demons to do their bidding as strongly as they
previously could. There are Avatars with plenipotentiary authority
from Source to remove the obstinate souls ~ and they are doing so.
The lower astral is being cleaned up by advanced souls in the
physical. The planetary despots are likewise being removed.
Tim Hicks wrote:
This request is of the same nature and source, the information
given during meditation. If you can find time, please relate any
thoughts or info you might obtain about this vision I will now
In meditation, I saw all entities and creatures being removed
from both of the first occupants.
As the wife is human, she is now
dazed and trying to figure out how to survive without her
guiding parasites. As to the husband, since he is not human but
a man-built set of flesh and bones and was animated by the
entities in him (they might newer to the name "Legions"), I saw
him laid out motionless.
After repeated attempts and failures
to reanimate him by installing more entities, those that would
attempt this have given up. I am looking for an announcement of
a fatal heart attack on or about December 12, 2011.
Hoping this makes it through the filters,
I slept on Tim's insight and the next
Dowsing I get that they were not Americans and that the couple
is unknown to most Americans.
The couple are "anchor points" of
the lower astral realms into the physical and the release of the
legions moving through them will allow an uplifting of
consciousness. They were Russia's top Black Magicians.
They are writers and academicians at Moscow University Russia.
They maintained the same positions when the Communists were in
control. His death announcement will be in the arts and
literature pages of newspapers.
They helped Stalin control the Russian people.
The hidden magicians and
extraterrestrials who controlled them are being weeded out.
The old mind control forces are fading.
Things forgotten are being remembered.
Those who have been subjected to
MK-Ultra mind fracturing are losing
their astral parasitic alter-egos (alters). Soon black-ops soldiers
will remember everything and throw down their weapons. They will no
longer be killing machines who prompting forget who they killed.
They will remember everything as the torture, the drugs and hypnotic
command words wash away. The mind-controlled soldiers around the
world will no longer be zombies obeying illegal orders.
How can soldiers tortured from three years of age be 'volunteers' in
the armed forces of all nations?
Russian Spetznaz Special Forces are under the same medieval mind
control the Marines are at Fort Bragg.
Prime Ministers
...of all countries and eras tortured babies in order
to break their connections to Source. Pedophiles raped babies to
create future soldiers. A normal human being cannot aim a rifle to
kill another.
Reconnected to Source, a soldier regains his/her humanity and free
Reconnected to Source, the illusions
wash away and forgiveness floods down from Heaven.