by Heather Callaghan
August 05, 2013
NaturalBlaze Website

Even though the EU is initiating a 2-year
ban on neonicotinoid pesticides which are heavily
implicated in causing massive bee die-off, and a few organizations
are suing the EPA for turning a blind eye towards pesticides - there
is still a dire situation needing immediate remediation.
And, there is a lot in the way of urban beekeeping that can help.
Slowly but surely trending, much like community gardens, is urban
beekeeping. Especially as more people find out how doable it is just
about anywhere. Surprisingly and best of all - in urban areas.
Here is a close-up view of an urban beekeeper's work in Washington
state who explains the challenges of keeping bees and the need for
it - with a major focus on the many rewards:
Beekeeping from Lauren Stelling on Vimeo.
Does it make sense that city beekeeping would actually be more help
to the bee population than rural beekeeping?
It still sounds asinine that pesticide industry moguls Bayer and
Syngenta answered the bee problem by calling for more research and
suggested planting more flowers around crops. Right, because it
would be really helpful for the bees to go even closer to sprayed
fields that can kill them within minutes.
The US and UK have seen a 50% bee drop-off in the last 25 years.
They pollinate to create 3/4 of the world's food crops. With the
massive loss, especially noticeable beginning 2006, an expert
suggested it would take 5-10 years to return to the good ol' days of
normal bee levels - if something was done to help starting now.
But again, there are options and powerful ways to help. The quick
video below is among the most positive messages about urban
The beekeepers explain how city and apartment rooftop keeping is
actually healthier for the bees and anyone can do it.
For city-kept bees, some of the benefits include:
Biodiversity - flowers
everywhere versus monoculture crops
Away from pesticides - less
likely to come across industrial farming chemicals
Less likelihood of Colony
Collapse Disorder
Will get enough food throughout
the day which keeps them from being fed cheap and
high fructose corn syrup which can kill