by Sean Martin
March 24, 2016
Express Website

Uncommon Core
Scientists Discover How to
Upload Knowledge to the Brain.
A GROUP of scientists
claim to have created a
which can upload knowledge
directly to your brain.
Brain/computer interface
is the holy grail of the
transhuman community.
It is moving closer to
reality as multiplied billions of dollars fund
research to fulfill Obama's inaugural pledge to "map
the human brain" via the Brain Initiative (BI).
Listen to the video to
understand the scope and goals of the project

In a breakthrough which promises new
technology like that from
The Matrix, researchers at
Laboratories have developed a program which they say can upload
new skills and knowledge directly to your brain.
The California-based institution analyzed electrical signals in the
brain of a pilot and fed the data to people who didn't have the
knowledge to fly planes via electrode-embedded head caps which
stimulated the correct regions of the brain.
The participants who were fed the information via electrodes were
then pitted against a placebo group on a realistic flight simulation
test, which found that the former performed an average of 33 per
cent better than the latter, according to the results published in
the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Transcranial
Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Neuronal Activity and Learning
in Pilot Training.)

Lead author Dr Matthew Phillips explained:
"Our system is one of the
first of its kind. It's a brain stimulation system.
"It sounds kind of sci-fi, but there's large scientific basis for
the development of our system. The specific task we were looking at was piloting an aircraft,
which requires a synergy of both cognitive and motor performance.

"When you learn something, your brain physically changes.
Connections are made and strengthened in a process called neuro-plasticity.
"It turns out that certain functions of the brain, like
speech and memory, are located in very specific regions of the
brain, about the size of your pinky."

He added that this could be the future of learning:
"What our system
does is it actually targets those changes to specific regions of the
brain as you learn.

click above image for video...
"The method itself is actually quite old. In fact, the ancient
Egyptians 4000 years ago used electric fish to stimulate and reduce
"Even Ben Franklin applied currents to his head, but the rigorous,
scientific investigation of these methods started in the early 2000s
and we're building on that research to target and personalize a
stimulation in the most effective way possible.
"Your brain is going to be very different to my brain when we
perform a task.
"What we found is… brain stimulation
seems to be particularly effective at actually improving
While scientists may have figured out how to upload knowledge to a
brain, a Russian billionaire is working on uploading his brain to a
Dmitry Itskov has said he will make it possible for humans to live
forever in the next 30 years by connecting human brains to