
also rebranded by the military as

'human augmentation'

or 'human enhancement.'


Transhumanism is a class of philosophies that seek to guide us towards a posthuman condition.

Transhumanism shares many elements of humanism, including a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life.

Transhumanism differs from humanism in recognizing and anticipating the radical alterations in the nature and possibilities of our lives resulting from various sciences

and technologies.






 -  6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists Won't Stop Hacking Humans


 -  A Biosynthetic Dual-Core Cell Computer - CRISPR used to built them Inside Human Cells


 - ¿Alguien Quiere Ser Androide? - El Cerebro Puede Sobrevivir a La Muerte del Cuerpo


 -  Beyond IoT and 5G - Internet of Bodies or IoB


 -  Beyond the Great Reset - 10 Official Documents on Human-Machine Hybrids


 -  Big Tech, Big Data, Big Pharma, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity 'May Be Faked'


 -  Bill Gates Patent gives him 'Exclusive Rights' to 'Computerize' the Human Body


 -  Biodigital Convergence - The 'Pandemic' started the Genetic Transformation of Humanity


 -  Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of All Living Things


 -  Biological Immortality and You


 -  'Bond Villain' Schwab and his WEF are Pushing the Internet of Bodies


 -  Canadian Government's Think-Tank explores 'Transhuman Society'


 -  Cerebros y Mentes Digitales - A La Vuelta de La Esquina


 -  Chemtrails, Transmutación Genética y Transhumanidad


 -  Christian Transhumanism is Trending - Contradictory Words and Opposing Meanings...


 -  Científico afirma que Humanos se acercan Rápidamente a la Singularidad y a la Inmortalidad - Nanobots


 -  Consciencia Maquínica - Metaprogramación del Biocomputador Humano

 -  Consciousness and the 'Transhumanist Agenda' - What You Need to Know about it


 -  Convergencia Biodigital - La 'Pandemia' inició la Transformación Genética de la Humanidad


 -  Convergencia Biodigital - Un explosivo Documento revela la Verdadera Agenda




 -  Cyborg America - Inside the Strange New World of Basement Body Hackers


 -  Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface is Now Reality



 -  DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Main File


 -  David Icke and Chemtrails, Nanoparticles and the Gender Agenda


 -  David Icke and the Road to Transhumanism


 -  Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda


 - "Directed Evolution" - In Lockstep Towards the Abyss


 -  Dismantling the Transhumanist Agenda


 -  Dra. Chinda Brandolino sobre Transhumanismo y Neurocontrol


 -  El Chip implantado en el Cerebro que hará del Humano una "Máquina" casi Perfecta


 -  El Constructo Físico como Hospedador - 'En tu Cuerpo Habito'


 - "El Hombre es ahora un Animal Hackeable"


 -  El Movimiento Singularidad, la Inmortalidad y Quitando el 'Fantasma' de La Máquina


 -  Elon Musk accidentally leaked 'Disturbing Details of A.I.' - Live on TV


 -  Elon Musk - Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?


 -  Elon Musk's 'Neural Lace' to 'Achieve Symbiosis with Machines'


 -  El Programa ‘Inmortalidad 2045' del Transhumanismo Amenaza La Integridad de La Humanidad


 -  El Reino de Las Máquinas - La Separación de los Mundos 1


 -  El Transhumanismo Cristiano es la Tendencia - Palabras Contradictorias y Significados Opuestos...


 -  El Transhumanismo de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin y la Secta de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial


 -  El Transhumanismo - La Trampa para la Conciencia


 -  El Transhumanismo - Un Materialismo Gnóstico que quiere Implementar un Plan para Evacuar el Cuerpo y la...


 -  Enter the Bizarre World of Mark Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of Reality with NWO Transhuman


 -  Esiste Vita sulla Terra? Uno 'Sperimento Mentale' - Il Covid-19, una "Scossa" come Ultima Opportunità per...


 -  Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips


 -  Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement


 - 'Executive Order' advances Biotech-Transhumanist Agenda


 -  Four Billionaire Technocrats are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality


 -  Futurist Claims Technology Causing Humans to 'Evolve' Into a New Species


 -  Futurólogo e informático Predice que los Humanos serán Inmortales en 2030


 -  Gemelos Siameses - Tecnocracia y Transhumanismo


 -  Gene Therapy and the Trans-Human Agenda - Cure Disease or Alter Humans


 -  'Genetically Modified Micro Humans' to be 'Farmed' for Drug Testing by 2017 - Mad Science


 -  Google versus Muerte - ¿El Combate del Siglo?



 -  Grafeno - El Material para Controlarnos


 -  Hacking Humanity - Transhumanism


 -  Hacking The Human Brain Furthers The Advent of Super Soldiers


 - ¿Hay Vida en la Tierra? - Un 'Experimento Mental' - Covid-19 ¿una "Sacudida" como Última Oportunidad...?


 -  How 'Smart Dust' Could Spy on Your Brain


 -  Human Body Version 2.0



 -  Human Cyborgs are Just the Beginning


 -  Humanity 2.0 - 'The Fusion of our Physical, Digital and Biological Identities'


 -  Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots by 2045?



 - 'If the DNA is Genetically Altered, it can be Patented' - Dr. Chinda Brandolino


 -  Immortality Hype - Humans to Download "Souls" onto Microchips


 -  Immortality' Transhumanism Program 2045 Threatens Humanity's Integrity


 -  Intelligent Neural Dust Embedded in The Brain Could Be The Ultimate Brain-Computer Interface


 - 'Internet of Bodies' may lead to 'Internet of Brains' by 2050 - RAND Corporation


 -  Is There Life on Earth? - A 'Thought Experiment' - Is Covid-19 a 'Shock' for Humanity's Final Chance?


 -  Is the Transhumanism Movement an Existential Threat to Humanity?


 -  Is the Transhumanist Movement a Threat to Our Survival?


 -  Is Transhumanism the New One-World Religion?


 -  Killing Us Softly - Klaus Schwab's "Great Narrative" for the Global Borg


 -  Kurzweil and Google Working Together to Develop Technology for Immortality


 -  La Agenda de Vacunación - Transhumanismo Implícito


 -  La Caída de los "Dioses"


 -  La Consciencia y la 'Agenda Transhumanista' - Lo que Necesitas Saber al respecto


 -  La Esperanza de una Tecnología Humanizada


 -  La Fantasía del Transhumanismo es un Fracaso para la Humanidad


 -  La Fase Apocalittica della Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto


 -  La Inmortalidad Digital


 -  La Licenza Bill Gates gli consente "Diritti Esclusivi" per "Computerizzare" il Corpo Umano


 -  'La Muerte de la Muerte' - Revoluciona las Ideas sobre la Vida


 -  La 'Singularidad de la Piel' está Cerca


 -  Las Personas Vacunadas Pertenecen al 'Titular de la Patente'


 -  La Trampa del Transhumanismo - Porqué el Hackeo Biológico Encadena la Conciencia al Mundo Material


 -  La Vacuna mRNA COVID ¡NO ES una Vacuna!


 -  Literal Smart Dust Opens Brain-Computer Pathway to "Spy on Your Brain"


 -  Los Cerebros 'Hackeados' Votan


 -  Meet your New Biotech Overlords - How Covid has ushered in the Next Generation of Digital Control


 -  Merely Human? That's So Yesterday



 -  Merging Man and Machine - Singularity vs. Humanity



 - 'Meta' - Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?


 - 'Meta' - The Final Disconnect from Reality?


 -  Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers - Hitler Would Have Loved The Singularity


 -  mRNA Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls


 -  Nano-Bots, Mind Control and Trans-Humanism - The Future of Consciousness?


 -  Neo-Humanity - Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine

 -  Neural Dust - An Ultrasonic, Low Power Solution for Chronic BrainMachine Interfaces


 -  'Nos Convirtieron' al Transhumanismo sin haberlo Aceptado


 -  Patrones en Vacunas Covid - Nanopulpos y Nanotubos de Carbono-Grafeno


 -  Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal 'Synthetic Organisms' - Molecular Kill-Switch Included


 -  Por La Senda del Transhumanismo


 -  Propaganda sobre la Inmortalidad - Los Seres Humanos descargarán las 'Almas' en Microchips


 -  Religion Goes Digital - They want to play God, become gods, and build God(s)


 -  Revelación de los Objetivos Transhumanistas de la Elite


 -  Russian Scientist Says ‘Immortality' Possible for Wealthy Elite by 2045


 -  Scientists are mixing Human Body Parts with Robots and Monkeys


 -  Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away



 -  Self-Spreading Vaccines would Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of Transhumans


 -  Signs of a Transhuman Future - The New Technologies that Will Change Human Civilization as We Know It


 -  Space Fence - Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas


 -  Superhuman Powers and Life Extension Technologies will Allow Us to Become Like God - Transhumanists


 -  'Super Soldier' - Genetically Modified Humans Won't Need Food, Sleep


 -  Techné, Terraformación y el Impulso Trascendental - Un Imperativo Evolutivo


 -  Techne, Terraforming and the Transcendental Impulse - An Evolutionary Imperative


 -  Technology as Tyrant - A Glimpse into a Dystopian Technocratic World


 -  Tecnologías Trans-Humanas - Anticuerpos Plásticos, Impresión de Órganos


 - ¿Te Gustaría Ser como 'Dios'? - Transhumanismo



 -  Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism



 -  The Anatomy of Cyborg Man - Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind


 -  The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...


 -  The Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 'Transhumanism Occult Trap' and the Way Out


 -  The Coming Technological Singularity - How to Survive in The Post-Human Era


 -  The Ethics of Transhumanism and The Return of Eugenics


 -  The 'Evil Twins' of Transhumanism and Technocracy


 -  The Evolution of The Humanoid Robot


 -  The Genesis and Progress of Transhumanism


 -  The Global Elite's Plan for the Future - 4IR and the TransHumanist Endgame


 -  The 'Great Reset' will Lead to a "Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity" - Klaus Schwab


 -  The Hope for a Humanized Technology



 -  The Human Avatar Programs by NASA & DARPA


 -  The Link between Transhumanism and the Metaverse


 -  The Looming Future of GMO Technology - Transhumanism, Biocrops, and More

 -  The Machine Kingdom


 -  The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine!


 -  The Next Best Version of Me - How to Live Forever


 -  The Physical Construct as Host - 'In Thy Body Do I Dwell'


 -  The Rise of the Cyborgian Consumer

 -  The Singularity - Main File


 -  The Singularity Movement, Immortality, and Removing the Ghost in The Machine

 -  The Skingularity is Near


 -  The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy


 -  The 'Technocratic Global Death Cult' will cull the Human Population

 -  The Transhumanism Fantasy is a Failure for Humanity

 -  The Transhumanism Trap - Why Biohacking Chains Consciousness to the Material World

 -  The Transhumanist Agenda and The Future of Humanity


 -  The Vaccination Agenda - Implicit Transhumanism


 -  They are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains that they have Enslaved called "Organoids" to Run Computers


 -  Think-Tank del Gobierno Canadiense explora la 'Sociedad Transhumana'


 -  Top Transhumanism CEO Says Artificial Intelligence Singularity Will Go ‘Very Badly For Humans'


 -  TransEvolution - The Age of Human Deconstruction


 -  Transhuman 101 - Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine to Be an 'Operating System'


 -  Transhuman 101 - Moderna Dichiara che il Vaccino COVID è un 'Sistema Operativo

 -  (Trans)humanism and Biopolitics


 -  Transhumanism Advances With The Creation of GM Babies

 -  Transhumanism - Bowing Down to a 'Techno-Industrial God'

 -  Transhumanism - Dancing with the Digital Devil


 -  Transhumanism - From MK-Ultra to Google


 -  Transhumanism - Is a Future Where Men Have Merged With Machines Inevitable?


 -  Transhumanismo - Desde el MK-Ultra hasta Google



 -  Transhumanismo Forzado - El Ser Humano está en Peligro


 -  Transhumanismo - La Agenda Antihumana del Culto a la 'Singularidad'


 -  Transhumanism - Salvation or the End of Humans?

 -  Transhumanism - The Anti-Human Agenda of the 'Singularity' Cult

 -  Transhumanism - The Consciousness Trap

 -  Transhumanism - The New Face of Eugenics


 -  Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future


 -  Transhumans - Frozen Heads, New Blood, Computer Brains

 -  Trans-Human Technologies - Plastic Antibodies, Organ Printing


 -  Tu Guía para la 'Guerra de Quinta Generación'


 -  Una Historia del Pensamiento Transhumanista


 -  Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs

 -  U.S. Spy Agency Predicts a Very Transhuman Future by 2030

 -  U.S. Super Soldiers of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable of Superhuman...


 -  WEF boasts Billions of Humans will soon be Replaced with AI Hybrids

 -  What is Transhumanism, or, What Does It Mean to Be Human?


 -  What will Happen in 10 Years? - The Biggest 'COVID Question'...


 -  When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns and Digitization Rules - Humanity will Cease to be Human

 - "...Who Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab

 -  Why the Future Doesn't Need Us


 -  Why Transhumanism may become the 'Science of Mass Control'


 -  Will new COVID Vaccine make You 'Transhuman'?

 -  World Economic Forum believes People are "Useless Eaters" - Views their "Brains and Bodies" as product...

 -  World Economic Forum says Synthetic Biology is the Key to Reset Living Systems

 -  You'll Be Transhuman Whether You Like It Or Not

  Additional Information  

 -  3D Printer Produces Synthetic 'Tissue'


 -  A CRISPR/Cas9-​based Central Processing Unit to Program complex logic Computations in Human Cells


 -  Addiction Vaccines - Scientists Use Human Experimentation to Advance Transhumanist Agenda


 -  AI (Artificial Intelligence) Revolution 101 - Our Last Invention, Greatest Nightmare or Pathway to Utopia?

 -  An Elite Consortium Building World's First Super Brain


 -  An Interview with Zoltan Istvan, Leader of the Transhumanist Party and 2016 Presidential Contender


 -  Are We Being Conditioned to Accept Transhumanism as 'Evolution'?

 -  A Tissue-Like Printed Material


 -  Automation Nightmare - Philosopher Warns We are Creating a World Without Consciousness


 -  Avanzamos hacia una Conmoción de la Especie Humana


 -  CDC Calls Morgellons' Nanoworms a Delusion - Protects DARPA


 -  Comentarios sobre Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca - Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro


 -  Contenidos en la Vacuna COVID - 2 Documentos mas revelan los hallazgos con imágenes de Microscopio


 -  Could Humans One Day Live to 500? That's what a Group of Eccentric Billionaires Believe


 -  Covid Vax Contents - 2 More Documents reveal their Findings with Microscopy Images


 -  DARPA Combines Human Brains and 120-Megapixel Cameras to Create The Ultimate Military Threat...


 -  DARPA do Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome


 -  DARPA's New Biotech Division Wants to Create a Transhuman Future


 -  Dawn of The Singularity - Superheroes of Science to Rescue Humanity from Itself?


 -  De Los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida - La Agenda Oscura de La Biología Sintética


 -  Did Ancient Biotech Create "Nephilim"? Will Modern Science Bring Them Again?


 -  Doctors find 'Rectangles and Inverted Pyramids' in Degraded mRNA Vaccines - Scientists dispute Analysis


 -  Education of the Future? Scientists Figure Out How to UPLOAD Knowledge to the Brain


 -  El Contra-Imperio - Mundialización y Cibernética


 -  El Hábitat Artificial Para la Humanidad - Éste No Es el Fin del Camino


 -  El Internet de Todo - Aniquilando el Tiempo y el Espacio



 -  El Materialismo y la Pérdida del Alma


 -  El Plan para un Sistema Global de Esclavitud


 -  El Primer Trasplante de Cabeza de la Historia - ¿Revolución Científica o Pura Fantasía?


 -  El Ser Humano está Entregando su Poder Divino a las Máquinas


 -  Era of Smart Oceans With Autonomous Robots


 -  Escuchen, escuchen...! Científicos Crean Orejas de Apariencia Humana con Impresora 3D


 - ¿Estaremos siendo Condicionados a Aceptar el Transhumanismo como 'Evolución'?

 -  Existential Risk Prevention as The Most Important Task for Humanity


 -  Expertos Advierten a Panel de Naciones Unidas sobre Peligros de la Súper Inteligencia Artificial


 -  Experts Warn United Nations Panel on the Dangers of Artificial Super Intelligence


 -  Exponiendo a la Inteligencia Artificial, Sentiente Extraplanetaria, Depredadora y Patógena


 -  Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence


 -  Fluoride and The Future - Population Level Cognitive Enhancement


 -  Genetically Engineering Humans


 -  Genetic Engineering - 'Spider Goats' Create One of the Strongest Known Substances


 -  Governance by Artificial Intelligence - The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny


 - ¿Ha Empezado a Involucionar el Ser Humano?


 -  Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World'


 -  Hardware and Software Combining to Replicate the Human Brain


 -  Hear, hear!... Scientists Create Human-Like Ears with 3D Printing


 -  How Neuroscientists Are Hacking Into Brain Waves to Open New Frontiers


 -  How will We Live in the Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science

 -  Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project


 -  Human Engineering and Climate Change


 -  Humanity at Crossroads - Technology Explosion or A Return to The Middle Ages


 -  Human Modification - Spider Goat Silk to Make ‘Bulletproof Human Skin'


 -  Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?


 - "I Am Legend" and The Depopulation Agenda



 -  Impresora 3D Produce 'Tejido' Sintético


 -  Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro comenta sobre Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca


 -  Intelligent Robots Will Overtake Humans by 2100 - Experts Say


 -  La Despoblación de Un Planeta - Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una Agenda No...


 -  La Dictadura del Futuro - Los Magnates Invierten sus Fortunas en Alcanzar la Vida Eterna


 -  La Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens


 -  La Humanidad en Encrucijada - Explosión Tecnológica o Un Retorno a la Edad Media


 -  Las Vacunas contra el Covid-19 Modifican el Genoma Humano


 -  Los Nuevos Conquistadores - Una División Tecnológica Amenaza Nuestra Supervivencia


 -  Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo


 -  More Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is 'Embedding MAC Addresses'


 -  Nanotechnology, Terraforming, Transhumanism, and You...


 -  Nanotecnología, Terraformación, Transhumanismo y Usted...


 -  'Neural Dust' will Connect Humans and Machines


 -  Neuromorphic Chips Could Help Reverse-Engineer The Human Brain


 -  New HAL Exoskeleton - Brain-Controlled Full Body Suit to Be Used in Fukushima Cleanup


 -  No Después sino Distinto - Notas para un Debate sobre Ciencia Moderna y Postmoderna


 -  One Million Robots - Our Replacements Have Arrived 



 - 'Operation Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech Agenda'


 -  Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply


 -  Oxford Professor says Genetically Altering Unborn Babies Personalities a Moral Obligation


 -  Researcher links Artificial Intelligence, Geoengineering, Smart Dust and Morgellons to ET's

 -  Reversing the Life Cycle - Medusae Transforming into Polyps and Cell Transdifferentiation in Turritopsis...


 -  Scientists Are Convinced Mind Transfer Is the Key to Immortality'


 -  Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create 'Bulletproof Skin'


 -  Self-Taught 'AI' shows Similarities to how the Human Brain works


 -  Silicon Valley Fascinated with Overcoming Death


 -  Skynet Rising - Google Acquires 512-qubit Quantum Computer - NSA Surveillance to Be Turned Over to...


 -  Some Examples of Brain Controlled Technology in Action


 -  Some Reasons Why Google Wants to Build the Perfect Human


 -  Spider Silk - Air Force Radar Chaff Farmed from The Milk of Transgenic Goats - Infrared Sensors/Infrared...


 -  Stanford Creates Biological Transistors, The Final Step Towards Computers Inside Living Cells


 -  Synthetic Police Are Coming - DARPA Engineering Autonomous Robots


 -  Team of Experts Say Humanity Faces Extinction


 -  The A.I. and the Creation of a Massive Class of Useless People and what should be done with them - Y.N. Harari


 -  The Artificial Habitat for Mankind - This Isn't the End of the Road


 -  The Coming Techno Apocalypse


 -  The Conservative Case for a Transhuman Future™


 -  The Georgia Guidestones - Main File



 -  The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and The New World Order


 -  The Hidden National Institutes of Health (NIH) Webpage - Duplication/Trisomy of Q42 11 Q42 12


 -  The Internet of Everything - Annihilating Time and Space


 -  The Many Evil Faces of Morgellons


 -  The Man Who's Building a Computer Made of Brains


 -  The Many Goals of Mind Control - Interim Report



 -  The New Conquistadores - A Technological Divide Threatens Our Survival

 -  The Singularity is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology


 -  The US Government is Bankrolling The 'Engineering' of Humans


 -  The War on Human DNA


 -  Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Neuronal Activity and Learning in Pilot Training

 -  Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future


 -  Una Compañía Afirma que Trasplantes Cerebrales podrían Resucitar a los Muertos en el 2045


 -  Una Película de Terror

 -  United Nations Envisions Transhumanist Future Where Man is Obsolete


 -  Un Material Impreso Similar a un Tejido


 -  Un Millón de Robots - Nuestros Reemplazos han Llegado


 -  Vaccination Agenda - An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism


 -  Varios Gigantes Tecnológicos se Unen para Impulsar la Inteligencia Artificial - Histórico y Terrorífico


 -  Weaponization and "Human Augmentation" - Warfare of the Immediate Future...?


 -  Welcome to The Programmable World


 -  When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech


 -  Your Body is The Next Frontier in Cybercrime



 -  Connectome - How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are - by Sebastian Seung

 -  Dark Aeon - Transhumanism and the War against Humanity - by Joe Allen

 -  Exploring Biodigital Convergence - What happens when Biology and Digital technology Merge?- by P.H.C.

 -  God and Golem Inc. - by Norbert Wiener

 -  New Bottles for New Wine - by Julian Huxley

 -  Programming and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by John. C. Lilly

 -  The Age of Spiritual Machines - by Ray Kurzweil

 -  The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism - by Patrick Wood

 -  The Religion of Technology - by David Noble

 -  The Skingularity is Near - The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the... - by William Henry

 -  What We Owe the Future - by William MacAskill

 -  World Brain - by H.G. Wells


 -  Bionics, Transhumanism, and The End of Evolution

 -  CFR Discusses a Future with "Humans 2.0" and "Autonomous Robots"

 -  Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails - Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering

 -  Creating Life - The Ultimate Engineering Challenge


 -  Cry for Freedom - Why Cyborgs won't save the World

 -  Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A Directed Energy Weapon


 -  De los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida - La Agenda Oscura de La BIOLOGÍA SINTÉTICA


 -  Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser Humano Versión 2.0

 -  Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0


 -  El Fin de la Humanidad - Planificado por los Líderes Mundiales

 -  Elite Undeniably Engaged in Poisoning The Masses - Slow Kill Holocaust

 -  El Transhumanismo - Libramos una Guerra contra nuestra Propia Naturaleza - Mary Harrington


 -  En Busca de la Verdad - Volver a las Grandes Preguntas


 -  Futuros Humanos a la Carta en China


 -  Great Awakening vs. Global Reset - How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence

 -  Human 2.0 is Almost Here



 -  Humanos Híbridos - La Conquista del Cerebro


 -  Hybrid World - The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race


 -  La Fine dell'Umanità - Come Pianificato dai Leader Globali


 -  La Ghiandola Pineale e la Battaglia per le nostre Anime - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt


 -  La Glándula Pineal y la Batalla por nuestras Almas - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

 -  Laura Aboli Delivers Epic Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'

 -  Life After People - History Channel



 -  Llegan Los Humanos Transgénicos


 -  Obsolete - Mini Documentary (2016)


 -  Obsoletos - El Ser Humano podría Ser Innecesario en un Futuro Dominado por Robots

 -  Redesigning Life - Playing God



 -  Revolucion en La Ciencia - Los Transhumanos y El Perfeccionamiento Humano

 -  The Age of Transitions - Transhumanism


 -  The End of Humanity - As Planned by the Global Leaders

 -  The Merging of Humanity and Machines - Transcendent Man

 -  The Pineal Gland and the Battle for our Souls - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

 -  The Transhumanist Agenda - Human Robotization and Nano Implant Technologies

 -  Toward a Post-human World

 -  Trance-Formation - Transhumanism, Genetic Modification of all Life, Nano-Technology, HAARP...

 -  Trance-Formation - Transhumanismo, Modificaciones Geneticas, Nano-Tecnologia, HAARP, Geoing...

 -  Transhumanism - The Age of Transitions


 -  Transhumanism - The War on Human Nature

 -  Transhumanist Technocracy Continues - Truth, Science and Spirit

 -  Vaccines insert Nanobots in our Bodies Turning us into HUMAN 2.0 - Says Dr. Carrie Madej

 -  WARNING ALERT - New NWO Mass Depopulation Agenda - Google Georgia Guidestones Eugenics...

  Related Reports  


 -  Biochip Implants - Main File



 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File



 -  EndGame - Main File



 -  Genetic Changes - Main File



 -  Global Reset - Great Reset  - Main File


 -  Matrix - Main File


 -  Organic Portals - Main File


 -  Terraforming and Planetary Engineering - Main File