December 7, 2010
ExoticWarfare Website

Blood Things
Captured with 40x thru 1000x biological microscope
and DCM 35 camera
The National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and the
United States Air Force (USAF)
are listed as the agencies that gave the grant monies for the
invention of atmospheric, radar chaff created from silk fibroin
proteins derived from the milk of transgenic goats.
The United
States Army funded the
development of the transgenic goats, who were
given a gene from a web-spinning spider. This silk fibroin material
is harvested from the milk of these transgenic goats. This must be a
new kind of radar chaff, instead of the old, aluminum strips chaff.
Over many years, the Air Force has dumped
radar chaff in the skies
of the United States.
The below information was hacked off of the front page of the site.
Nothing was hacked off of the front page but this information. We
can only assume that it is important for certain parties that this
information is not known by the public.
Hacked section:
"The Air Force & National Institutes of Health Funded
Self-Replicating, Organic/Inorganic, Nanoscale - Macro-scale,
Silica/Spider Silk/Polymer Advanced Materials That Can Be Used for
Anything from Radar Chaff to Nano Fibers to Biosensors. Used to make
fibers, foams, gels, films, or crystals.
They can put almost any biological thing
- drug, germ, antibody,
hormone, gene, etc. into these advanced, nano-materials. These
advanced, nano-materials can be used for microelectronic devices.
The patents also talk about a crystallization process that can happen
in vivo - after implantation.
Let's call these...
Radar Chaff #1 and
Radar Chaff #2.
"It was demonstrated that the functional recombinant silks exhibit
an ability to promote the nucleation of hydroxyapatite. The
functional recombinant silks (silk fusion proteins) of the present
invention have potential application in biomaterials, tissue
engineering, advanced material composites and biosensors."
from the patent, Radar Chaff #1)
The Above Radar Chaff Patents
Silk Fibroin farmed from the Milk
from the
Army's Transgenic, Spider Goats.
Who is investigating
Morgellons? The National Institutes of Health
and the Army Institute of Pathology are investigating; they own
nanotechnology patents, and they can't seem to recognize
nanotechnology when they see it?
Are we paranoid to be worried about Frankenstein Science? Scientists
farm the silk fibroin from the milk of the transgenic, spider goats.
What if the spider or the goats have a parasite or weird germ? Could
the parasite or germ replicate due to being further incorporated
into an organic/inorganic, self-replicating advanced material?
Hey, this Frankensilk can promote a mineral to grow - what else?
Time will tell."
For about 14 years, the public has been reporting that planes are
spraying some kind of substance that comes down from the skies and
looks a lot like spider webs.
Here is a video of this phenomenon:
Let's find out if these spider silks have ever been used as chaff
over your town!
It is advised that all interested persons send FOIA requests to the
agencies and educational institutions listed in the patents
regarding "fibrous protein fusions," "silk fibroins," or
"organic/inorganic composite materials made from spider silks" that
might have been used as chaff by the Air Force or any federal
contractors using federal monies over any part of the United States
during the past 14 years.
Federal monies were used to develop this
chaff, so even the universities would probably be required to honor
an FOIA. The General Accounting Office might also have information
in regards to any such expenditures.
This link will help you do a
FOIA request. It has sample forms that
you can use. Usually, the processing fee for a search for government
documents is free if you are not using those documents to make a
profit. Let ExoticWarfare know if you get something of interest.
Chemtrail activists who study the webs that fall from the sky have
noticed that these fibers will fluoresce different bright colors
when a UV light is shone on them. As an example, spider silks have
been developed in China at
Tongji and Shanghai Jiaotong Universities
that strongly fluoresce in the near-infrared band when the fibers are
coated with certain types of nano-crystals and macromolecules.
When you read this material, realize that ExoticWarfare is not
implying that the named inventors have anything to do with what the
Air Force or any other branch of our military is spraying in our
skies. They just developed these spider silks. The military has its
own laboratories.
There is an amazing range of inventions that can
be made from spider silks,
Goats are prone to
nematodes. Wolbachia, a bacteria, is prevalent in
spiders used for laboratory purposes.
Wolbachia causes sterility in
the males of the spider species.
They took a silk protein gene from
a laboratory spider that could have been contaminated (we hope not)
and put it into some milk goats that could have been contaminated
(we hope not). Then, they harvest the silk proteins from the goat's
milk and turn it into lots of things. Air Force chaff is just one
Along with farming those silk fibroins, could they be
accidentally harvesting genetic materials from nematodes,
germs, or other parasites?
"Wolbachia is a genus of bacteria which infects arthropod species,
including a high proportion of insects (~60% of species). It is one
of the world's most common parasitic microbes and is possibly the
most common reproductive parasite in the biosphere. One study
concludes that more than 16% of neotropical insect species carry
this bacterium and as many as 25-70% of all insect species are
estimated to be potential hosts.
Here is more from the same
Wikipedia article about how Wolbachia
effects human health:
"Applications to human health Outside of insects, Wolbachia infects a variety of isopod species,
spiders, mites, and many species of filarial nematodes (a type of
parasitic worm), including those causing onchocerciasis ("River
Blindness") and elephantiasis in humans as well as heartworms in
dogs. Not only are these disease-causing filarial worms infected
with Wolbachia, but Wolbachia seem to play an inordinate role in
these diseases.
A large part of the pathogenicity of filarial
nematodes is due to host immune response toward their Wolbachia.
Elimination of Wolbachia from filarial nematodes generally results
in either death or sterility.
Consequently, current strategies
for control of filarial nematode diseases include elimination of Wolbachia via the simple doxycycline antibiotic rather than far more
toxic anti-nematode medications."
One might infer from the paragraph above that Doxycline is the
treatment of choice by medical professionals for nematode parasites
in humans. Spiders, goats, and people can all get nematodes.
There are many patents that are associated or related to the four
patents below. Below is the main patent for spider silks that can be
used as chaff harvested from goats, another patent for recombinant
(cloned) spider silks, a patent for a coating for that chaff, and
the patent for the transgenic goats that produce silk proteins in
their milk.
Silk proteins that can be used for radar chaff can come from,
In the first
patent below, they discuss using these silks for radar chaff in this
"[0045] In another embodiment, the underlying template (e.g., fusion
polypeptide formed into a film etc.) can be removed or etched away
to generate porous networks, tubes, or lamellar sheets of inorganic
These materials are useful directly as biomaterial
scaffolds, for control of cell and tissue growth (e.g., as nerve
conduits, bone conduits) and for nonbiological applications (e.g.,
filtration and separation media, catalysis, decontamination
(directly or if filled with appropriate chemical or enzymes),
radar chaff, coatings in general, and many related needs, for
example, inorganic fillers to toughen materials that can also be
filled with a second component."
Excerpts from the patents in question:
Patent #1 for the Air Force Chaff
WIPO Patent Application WO/2006/076711
Inventors: KAPLAN, David, L. (46 Poond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) HUANG, Jia (63 Edward Street, Apt. 2# Medford, MA, 02155, US) WONG PO FOO, Cheryl (88 B Alder Street, Waltham, MA, 02453, US) NAIK, Rajesh (1241 Beech Trail, Dayton, OH, 45458, US) GEORGE, Anne (614 Laflin Street, Chicago, IL, 60607, US)
FORCE (AFMCLO/JAZ, 2240 B Street Room 10, Wright Patterson AFB OH,
Illinois at Chicago, 1737 West Polk Street Chicago, IL, 60612, US)
KAPLAN, David, L. (46 Poond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) HUANG, Jia (63 Edward Street, Apt. 2# Medford, MA, 02155, US) WONG PO FOO, Cheryl (88 B Alder Street, Waltham, MA, 02453, US) NAIK, Rajesh (1241 Beech Trail, Dayton, OH, 45458, US) GEORGE, Anne (614 Laflin Street, Chicago, IL, 60607, US)
GOVERNMENT SUPPORT [002] This invention was supported by FA9550041 -0363 awarded by the
U.S. Air Force and EB003210-01 awarded by the National Institutes of
Health. The government has certain rights in the invention."
Patent #2 for Recombinant/Cloned Spider Silks
WIPO Patent Application WO/1991/016351
Inventors: Lombardi, Stephen J. Kaplan, David L.
Assignee: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary, The Army OF. The, Pentagon"
Patent #3 for the Coating for the Air Force Chaff
WIPO Patent Application WO/2005/000483
Inventors: Kaplan, David L. (46 Pond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) Chunmei LI. (11 Burditt Terrace, Malden, MA, 02148, US)
Assignee: TUFTS UNIVERSITY (Ballou Hall, Medford, MA, 02155, US) Kaplan, David L. (46 Pond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) Chunmei LI. (11 Burditt Terrace, Malden, MA, 02148, US)
[002] This invention was supported by National
Institutes of Health grant R01 DE1 3405-OlAl and the government of
the United States has certain rights thereto."
Patent #4 for the Army's Transgenic Goats
WIPO Patent Application WO/1991/016351
Inventors: Lombardi, Stephen J. Kaplan, David L.
Applicant: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary, The Army OF. The, Pentagon"
If you do a search on world and U.S. patents for a "Kaplan, David
L." - you will find 118 patents on 3 pages where he is either one
of the inventors or mentioned in other inventors' patents as a
Probably not all of these patents are the exact same
David L. Kaplan, but many of them are the co-inventor of Army goats
who works at Tufts University. Right here is that search.
All of these patents are fascinating:
tissue engineered silk organs,
tendons, ligaments, and skin
edible holographic silk products
slow-release, chitin-coated, silk-based, drug delivery systems
these pages, there are substances that can be used in,
There is the use of chitin derived from the shells of insects,
shrimp, lobsters, and crabs and chitin-like exopolymers produced
from utilizing the bacteria of,
Some of the former bacteria have been implicated as being factors in
Morgellons syndrome.
We saw discussion in
one patent about the
method for creating a trademark symbol on
nano-scale devices.
Objects coming out of the skin of victims have been found that had
symbols on them. Watch the below video to the end to see the symbol
on the object.
Is it an odd artifact or a maker's mark?
Chitin is used in industrial applications for treatments of
It has been approved by the FDA for use in medicine for
drug delivery, bandages, and it helps stop bleeding. It is used in
agriculture and water filtration.
Dr. Kaplan and his team have
developed a way to make cellulose-chitin and cellulose-chitosan
biological synthesis that avoids using harsh chemical
extraction methods on crustacean exoskeleton waste.

Blood Things
Captured with 40x thru 1000x biological microscope
and DCM 35 camera
This quote from a United States patent that was co-invented by
Kaplan gives us a good idea of the kinds of various silks that are
the focus of most of his team's patents.
"United States Patent
6,902,932 Helically organized silk fibroin fiber bundles for matrices in
tissue engineering
Inventors: Altman; Gregory H. (Dedham, MA), Kaplan; David L.
(Concord, MA), Horan; Rebecca L., Horan; David J. (Westfield, MA)
(Westfield, MA) Assignee: Tissue Regeneration, Inc. (Medford, MA) Trustees of Tufts College (Medford, MA)
Advantageously, the silk-fiber based matrix is comprised solely of
Types and sources of silk include the following:
silks from
silkworms, such as Bombyx mori and related species
silks from
spiders, such as Nephila clavipes
silks from genetically engineered
bacteria, yeast mammalian cells, insect cells, and transgenic plants
and animals
silks obtained from cultured cells from silkworms or
native silks
cloned full or partial sequences of native
silks obtained from synthetic genes."
Another United States patent of Kaplan's,
#7,674,882, was funded by
the Air Force and the National Institutes of Health and is a method
for the production of electrospun, nano-scale, silk fibers.
Kaplan's U.S.
patent #7,635,755 is funded by the Air Force
(subcontract from Foster Miller), the National Institutes of Health,
and the National Science Foundation. This patent uses transgenic,
spider silk fibroin for fibers, threads, hydrogels, and can be used
for as scaffolds for "organ repair replacement" or "regeneration"
These scaffolds can be used in many parts of the body,
"including but
are not limited to, spine disc, cranial tissue, dura, nerve tissue,
liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, spleen, cardiac muscle, skeletal
muscle, tendons, ligaments and breast tissues."
Metalized spider
silk is ten times stronger and could be potentially used for super
tendons and
super physical strength for
super soldiers.
the United States Army
the United States Air Force
National Science Foundation
the National Institutes of Health,
other agencies funded much of this research through the University
of Illinois, Tufts University, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Boston University, and other universities.
It may be that most of these inventions are only used in consensual
medical applications or for other legitimate purposes, but knowing
that the Air Force and the National Institutes of Health have an
proprietary interest in spider silks developed for radar chaff that
uses spider silks from transgenic goats that were invented and are
owned by the Army is disturbing.
These fibers can used in
electronics or
From a Tufts University article, "Implantable Silk Metamaterials Could Advance Biomedicine, Biosensing," one can read
that David Kaplan and Fiorenzo Omenetto are creating interesting
"Small Antennas Act as One
The researchers sprayed gold-based metamaterial structures directly
on pre-made silk films with micro-fabricated stencils using a shadow
mask evaporation technique.
Spraying the metamaterial onto the
flexible silk films created a composite so pliable that it could
be wrapped into small, capsule-like cylinders...
According to Fiorenzo Omenetto, the research team likens the concept
to "a very peculiar kind of antenna" - actually, a lot of small
antennas that behave as one. The silk metamaterial composite is
sensitive to the dieletric properties of the silk substrate and can
monitor the interaction between the silk and the local environment.
For example, the metamaterial might signal changes in a bioreactive
silk substrate that has been doped with proteins or enzymes."
Spider webs could possibly conduct an electrical current through
ionic conductivity when wet, and certain parasites in the animal
world have been able to create or control
certain behaviors in their
According to this United States patent, "Electrospun carbon nanotube
reinforced silk fibers,"
#20070082197 - when spider silks
are reinforced and electro-spun
with carbon nanotubes, spider silks can have a "function of
controlled level of electrical conductivity" and be used as,
"electrodes for brain/machine interfaces and numerous other
applications including, but not limited to neuron regeneration."
Factor in that present day communication systems can wirelessly send
electro-magnetic signals to pretty much any point or area on earth,
even if you have to hop those signals from node to node. It has been
demonstrated that
carbon nanotubes can receive radio signals.
There are two more patents that are interesting that have to do with
radar chaff and silk fibroins. The inventors are Stevens and Sturm.
One of their methods is to take a spider silk and coat it with
aluminum. The assignee is
Alliant Defense Electronic Systems.
Here are their patents:
There is a statement in each of these patents that is telling in
regards to spider silk chaff.
They state that spider silks will
degrade over time from ultraviolet radiation. They also state that
silk in quite flame resistant.
Chemtrail activists have
noticed that the webs that fall from the sky seem to
eventually disappear over time in the sunlight
Morgellons sufferers have noticed that some of
the fibers coming out of them are hard to burn
Excerpted from the patents above:
"Silk is also a natural protein. The
majority of commercial silk is obtained from the cocoons of
silkworm caterpillars, although in a few select applications,
silk from spider webs is used. Silk is a hygroscopic material
that is quite flame resistant.
It is tougher than cotton, and
has a strength similar to that of nylon or pure iron of
equivalent weight. Like wool, silk is very elastic.
Though not as sensitive to mildew
and mold as the other materials in this category, silk is very
UV sensitive, being adversely affected after only a few months
of exposure."
Stevens and Sturm further discuss the advantages of developing a
radar chaff from spider silks in this passage:
"In this respect, the persistence of aluminized glass fibers after
settling to the ground and the perception of respiratory or
digestive hazards of these materials has limited the open air
dissemination of chaff for testing and training.
Ranchers and
environmentalists, particularly in the Midwestern U.S., have
objected to chaff because it is carried uncontrollably by the wind
and settles on populated areas or on land grazed by wildlife and
livestock. Additionally, the United States FAA has experienced
difficulties in monitoring air traffic because of the
electromagnetic noise associated with drifting chaff.
It would therefore be a substantial advance in the art to provide a
chaff material which variously is characterized by a reduced
settling rate and increased hang time, as compared with conventional
chaff materials, overcomes the persistence of adverse electrical
characteristics which is a major disadvantage of conventional chaff
materials, and is of enhanced environmentally acceptability in
relation to conventional chaff materials"
Though Alliant Defense is obviously a military contractor and the
assignee on the patents, nowhere on the Stevens or Strum patents is
the government listed as having an financial interest in these
The military does not own the patents (like the Army,
spider/goat patent), and there is nothing in the patents about being
able to add a drug, vaccine, sedative, gene, germ or other substance
to the coating of these fibers.
But, in the Kaplan and Chunmei patent #3 listed above, "Method for
forming Inorganic Coatings," there is this passage:
"Additionally, the templates of the present invention can be used to
deliver any type of molecular compound, such as, pharmacological
materials, vitamins, sedatives, steroids, hypnotics, antibiotics,
chemotherapeutic agents, prostaglandins, and radio-pharmaceuticals.
The present invention is suitable for delivery the above materials
and others including but not limited to proteins, peptides,
nucleotides, carbohydrates, simple sugars, cells, genes, anti-thrombotics,
anti-metabolics, growth factor inhibitor, growth promoters,
anticoagulants, antimitotics, fibrinolytics, anti-inflammatory
steroids, and monoclonal antibodies."
Read these patents of Kaplan, et. al. They state that they can put
different kinds of substances inside the coating or inside of the
silk fibers themselves during creation.
Stevens and Sturm also state in those patents that conventional
chaff can interfere with weather radars. If the Air Force or Navy
(they use chaff, also) is using radar chaff from spider silks, the
chaff is still interfering with weather radars.
Watch this weatherman:
In 2006 at the behest of constituents who said they were getting
sick from the aerial spray, Senator Harry Reid contacted the General
Accounting Office to find out what was being sprayed over the United
He received this report from the GAO: "Environmental
Protection: DOD Management Issues Related to Chaff." In the report,
it states that there has been public resistance to the spraying of
radar chaff and that there are efforts to develop a degradable
They state:
"Unlike fiberglass chaff, the new chaff’s base material and its
coating can take a few weeks to a few months to break up, depending
conditions. Development of the new chaff began in September 1993..."
(GAO, 1998, Washington, D.C., page 14)
Notice it does not say what the substance is for the base material?
Is it spider silks, since they degrade under UV radiation? Is the
military buying and using the radar chaff produced by Alliant
Defense, the radar chaff from the GAO report by Esterline, or are
they using the lighter, more versatile, and degradable chaff that
they themselves funded and in which they have certain proprietary
Explains it all doesn't it?
ExoticWarfare would like to apologize for stating on
Exoticwarfare.com that Morgellons could be infectious. Upon further
reflection and experience with this syndrome, we don't believe that
it is infectious in the traditional sense, but if it is connected
with the atmospheric spraying of radar chaff, we have all been
exposed to it. If these fibers cause Morgellons, we are in a whole
lot of trouble.
People with damaged immune systems would be the most likely people
to present the syndrome first. Can these fibers be used to
specifically sicken a targeted race or sicken one individual based
on their genetic makeup? Can the fibers lie dormant in the body
until activated?
It seems an unethical program could use them for genetic
experiments, biowarfare, or drugging the population.
If the fibers
contained certain radioisotopes, metals or carbon,
Would it
facilitate the targeting of the population with neurological or
radio weapons?
What about the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum?
Why are these
fibers fluorescent?
Are they color-coded to indicate certain
substances are inside or on them?
People investigating these fibers
through magnification have even noticed some kind of signaling.
Would the color of the fiber determine the frequency of the
Here is a video that shows a fiber flashing:
This brings us to the discussion of infrared signaling and infrared
Is there anything else in the Kaplan patents that could
possibly link photonic signaling and silk fibroin or silk
fibroin/silica fibers? Yes, the patent below states that if you add
very high amounts of
glycine to the base materials or to the coating
of the fibers they can function as infrared sensors or infrared
You can find that information in this patent assigned to Tufts,
Kaplan, and Regina Valluzzi:
The patent states that these devices can be in form of fibers and
explains the infrared properties:
"Because of its supermolecular order, the three-dimensional
materials have enhanced infrared (IR) absorption compared to the
polymers from which they are made. When the self-assembled material
described above is applied to the surface of a device the IR
absorption is enhanced.
The device can be an IR sensor or an IR
In another embodiment, the present invention is drawn to a method of
modifying the optical response of a device in the near to mid
infrared wavelength range, the method comprising applying a
self-fabricated material having a three-dimensional structure and
comprising a plurality of the miniblock polymers to the surface of
the device."
Considering the Pentagon has a pulsed energy projectile weapon (PEP
- A Companion Weapon of The Microwave, Active Denial System) that
generates plasma pulses by ionizing the air to a target by using an
infrared laser, ExoticWarfare would like to know if the fibers
implicated in Morgellons syndrome could receive some kind of signal
from infrared pulses.
Active Denial System is to be used for
crowd control. The PEP is meant to be used along with the Active
Denial System for crowd control.
These are incapacitating, crowd
control weapons.
Globalsecurity.org describes the PEP:
"This counter-personnel capability projects a beam that creates a plasma
pulse at the target. When the plasma pulse strikes an individual, it
results in a flash-bang effect that startles and distracts, and it
also has a kinetic effect on the individual's nerve sensors."
military has been dumping a lot of money into developing different
kinds of laser and plasma weapons.
You have an infrared sensor on your television that works with your
remote to turn the television on and off.
How would a PEP weapon
effect people who have the fibers implicated in Morgellons growing
out of their skin if those fibers just happened to have a very high
glycine content making them infrared sensors?
Can we find a way to
see if these fibers respond to infrared light or infrared pulses?
And then, there is this patent about silk sensors:
WIPO Patent Application WO/2008/127402
Inventors: KAPLAN, David (46 Pond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) OMENETTO, Fiorenzo (22 Prospect Street, Wakefield, MA, 02155, US) LAWRENCE, Brian (44 Woodvine Road, Medford, MA, 02155, US) CRONIN-GOLUMB, Mark (669 Pearl Street, Reading, MA, 01867, US) GEORGAKOUDI, Irene (2 Berry Lane, Acton, MA, 01720, US)
Assignee: TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE (Ballou Hall, Medford, MA, 02155, US) KAPLAN, David (46 Pond Street, Concord, MA, 01742, US) OMENETTO, Fiorenzo (22 Prospect Street, Wakefield, MA, 02155, US) LAWRENCE, Brian (44 Woodvine Road, Medford, MA, 02155, US) CRONIN-GOLUMB, Mark (669 Pearl Street, Reading, MA, 01867, US) GEORGAKOUDI, Irene (2 Berry Lane, Acton, MA, 01720, US)
"[0002] The invention was made with government support under grant
number FA95500410363 awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research. The government has certain rights in this invention."
These are some interesting statements from the above patent.
"[0004] For example, in the environmental science and technology
field, sensors can be used to detect the presence of particular
materials in the air, water, soil, and other environments and media.
In addition, in the medical and biotechnology field, specialized
sensors can be used to detect the presence of specific materials in
living matter, such as in plants and animals. . . .
...biopolymer sensors of the present invention are described
herein below as being implemented with silk, which is
biocompatible and biodegradable. In this regard, the silk
utilized was silkworm silk. However, there are many
different silks, including spider silk, transgenic silks,
and genetically engineered silks...
In addition, other biocompatible biodegradable polymers may be used
instead of silk. For example, some biopolymers, such as chitosan,
exhibit desirable mechanical properties...
Since the biopolymer sensors in accordance with the
preferred embodiment are biodegradable, they can be
functionalized so that they may be dispersed in the
environment, such as on land or in water, either in large
volumes such as in reservoirs, streams, and lakes...
Such changes in the optical signature and properties can be
detected by direct optical interrogation and analysis of the
biopolymer sensor, or even remotely, for example, via
satellite imaging."
Wow. They can detect "changes in the optical signature" of these
sensors via satellite.
The patent says one can attach any small
molecule (blood cells, germs, light harvesting molecules, light
emitting compounds, antibodies, drugs, genes, horseradish compounds,
etc.) to these sensors. The sensors degrade. It is not chaff, but it
is "dispersed."
Appendix II of the patent has information on
"luminescent silk films." The Air Force has rights in the invention.
One more, because it is important considering how many Morgellons
victims keep finding a gel coming out their bodies:
DEVICES WIPO Patent Application WO/2010/036992"
This invention converts a silk fibroin into a silk gel. The
conversion is done by electrolysis with DC current and is
reversible. This gel can be used as a coating for biomedical
implants, biosensors, or silk fibers.
The gel can be used as a
delivery vehicle for substances inside the body, as a glue for
attaching a robotic surveillance device to a wall, as a component of
a biomedical robot, or for laying down silk fiber optic cables in
the body.
Wonder if one could remotely communicate photonically with
these silk fibers? The invention was funded by the National
Institutes of Health, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Air Force.
Are there classified patents?
Our government has a history of experimenting on their citizens.
There were the,
Senator John Glenn stated in 1997 on the floor of the
Senate that there are loopholes in the laws that are supposed to
protect the citizens against experimentation by our government.
introduced legislation to close these loopholes, but it was not
passed. In 2000 and 2003, U.S. Representative Dianne DeGette,
introduced legislation on this issue that was also not passed.
military has had its fingerprints all over much of this history.
There are strong indicators that the effects of electro-magnetic
fields and beamed energy (info towards the bottom) are being tested
on the public, and very recently, the EPA was forced to review and
rewrite a policy that allowed non-consensual testing of pesticides
on children.
Radar chaff made from spider silks would get into people's lungs. It
would get into the water we drink. It would fall onto the crops we
eat. Is the military spraying radar chaff that is solely and only
for radar countermeasures? Lots of nasty questions.
The second bit of news is about Dr. Hildegarde Staninger a
industrial toxicologist who has done a lot of work with people who
have Morgellons and/or who are victims of non-consensual
experimentation with drugs, germs, or neurological weapons. She is
based in California at a clinic called Integrative Health Systems,
LLC in Los Angeles, California.
She was responsible for testing of the chemtrail fibers and fibers
from a number of Morgellons victims at four national labs that
indicated these fibers are what she has described as "advanced nano-materials."
The laboratory reports are not published in their totally, but she
has paraphrased sections of the laboratory reports in her reports on
the web. The reports do not say that the fibers are derived from
transgenic or cloned spider silks - it mainly discusses silicon,
silicone, metals, hydrogels, polyethylene fibers, carbon, and
various other substances.
Kaplan and Lombardi developed a fusion
material of spider silk and silica. Patent #1, above, is the
Here is her report:
"PROJECT FMM Fiber, Meteorite & Morgellons:
PHASE IA Initial Examination of Several Dozen Samples, March 29,
Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1 © Saturday, March 27,
It would be nice if the original laboratory reports were actually
available to see.
She appears to be a brilliant and caring woman,
and it may be that the laboratory studies that she had commissioned
discovered some valuable information that is a part of the chemtrail/Morgellons
puzzle, but there are some concerns regarding information about her
past that was revealed in an old, newspaper article found by
The newspaper article that we think you will find very interesting
is from a Florida newspaper, The Lakeland Ledger of Sunday, April 11,
1993. It is written by William R. Levesque, who won an award for his
articles covering an agricultural, fungicide by DuPont called
Benlate DF.
Staninger is featured on page 1A and page 14A. It is a two-part
The title of his article on 1A is: "Tests in Dispute:
Questions raised about Benlate health results" (below

The title of his
article on 14A is "Benlate scientist's resume raises questions"
(below image):

two-part article is very in depth about Dr. Hildegarde Staninger.
Her married name was Hildegard L.A. Sacarello.
The archived article was difficult to open in Opera, but opened just
fine using the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Here is a quote
from that article:
"Sacarello graduated from Kensington University in Glendale, Calif.
in 1983, earning a doctorate in industrial toxicology. Kensington
students study by mail on an independent tutorial basis... But
the California Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational
Education, a state agency that monitors and regulates private
universities and colleges, said the school has never been authorized
to grant such a degree."
Sacarello is said to be 38 years old in the article from 1993 - that means she would be around 55 years old at this time.
There is
also a picture of her on the front page, 1A.
Michael Sweeney was the
chairman of the Department of Health Sciences at the College of
Health at the University of Central Florida when Levesque wrote this
newspaper article in 1993 in The Ledger.
In the article in part two
on page 14A, Levesque writes:
"On her resume, Sacarello also says that she is a clinical faculty
member 'housing 15 research products' at UCF. The school did appoint
her to the non-salaried position in 1984, a position that she held
for about a year, Sweeney said.
'But I can guarantee you, she has never done any research through
this university, Sweeney said.'"
Read the article; there is more information from her resume that
"raises questions" for Levesque. She did state in an internet
interview on Rense.com that her degree was from Kensington.
According to a recent article on CBSnews.com, "Top Officials Hold
Fake Degrees," Kensington University was closed down by officials at
the state level in California and Hawaii.
In a lawsuit brought
against Kensington by the Hawaii Department of Consumer Protection,
there was this statement:
"4. Defendant KU is not now or never has been accredited by a recognized accrediting agency or association recognized by the
United States Secretary of Education.
5. Subsequent to July 1, 1999, Defendant KU, acting in concert with
others, has engaged in the operation of the unaccredited degree
granting institution Kensington University. To that end, the
defendant has offered to sell and sold post secondary degrees."
You can read the state complaint and the default judgment against
Kensington at
this address.
Staninger has also publically stated that she has two awards from
the United States Army. These awards are also listed in her online
biographical profile.
We regret that we did not find this old newspaper article sooner and
realize that we needed to track down more information about
Kensington University. Exoticwarfare retracts any statement, verbal
or written, that would imply that Dr. Staninger would be a competent
professional to visit to document evidence of non-consensual
Please make your own decisions on which researchers or medical
professionals to visit to acquire evidence of:
Please do a through search into their training and accreditation.