by Zen Gardner
November 9, 2012
ZenGardner Website

The aerosol spraying of ours and many
other nations’ skies continues in ‘plane’ site. The picture above of
the US Northeast leading up to the so-called Frankenstorm is a
perfect example. Tell me those are regular jet routes, never mind
Watch your skies for yourself, or search
“chemtrails” if this is news to you. Jets have never spewed
emissions that hang over the skies for hours, unless doing some air
show stunt or are low-flying small planes spraying crops.
Even then the trails will dissipate far
sooner than these concoctions designed to do just what they do -
hang and spread out - poisoning the air we breathe and the animal
and plant life of earth, and polluting our oceans, lakes, rivers and
drinking water. (Go to
for more documentation.)

Silence Treatment
The degree of silence and cover-up of
this toxic spraying is Orwellian.
The most stunning aspect of this
phenomenon, besides the absence of admission by any authority, is
the lack of media coverage of such an obvious and intrusive
phenomenon. While in some ways that is sadly not surprising in
today’s clamp-down state controlled media, the idea that someone is
purposely poisoning the very air we breathe on such a massive scale
is harrowing.
Couple this massive spraying with the
campaign for “clean air” and the emissions crack down on the victim
citizens below, (even the life giving CO2 we emit!) and you have
cognitive dissonance at its best.
The two ideas
are so contradictory the average citizen gives up trying to
reconcile the two and goes into a state of rationalization. This
translates into enforced acceptance of the status quo or phenomena
being introduced which eventually puts them into a docile state of
controlled apathy.
It’s a known method of scientific social and
cultural manipulation, and it’s used at every level of public
Make war, get peace prize...
Promise transparency,
everything hidden...
No lobbyists, all lobbyists...
Global warming,
planet cooling...
Preserve freedom by more control...
Save nations by
destroying them... etc. etc...

It’s conditioning, and we’ve been
getting hit harder and harder with it, especially over the past 2
generations as the modern media machine gained its grip.
conveyed a similar, simpler precept for crowd control - tell a big
enough lie and people will believe it. People just can’t bring
themselves to believe anyone could be so manipulative, so inhuman,
especially their so-called “elected” government, as to perpetrate
such horrific things on their own people.
Think again...
Read some real history. Oligarchs and
rulers have routinely used their people to their own ends, or their
handlers’ ends, not ours.
They just try to keep us sedated,
distracted and thinking we’re happy so we don’t wake up, revolt, and
throw them out.
‘Are you telling me countries would
carry out dangerous clandestine experiments on their own
See for yourself...
The Sordid History of US
Experimentation - On Its Own People
After World War I, the United States
went on a chemical weapons binge, producing millions of barrels
of mustard gas and Lewisite.
Thousands of US troops were exposed
to these chemical agents in order to “test the efficacy of gas
masks and protective clothing”. The Veterans Administration
refused to honor disability claims from victims of such
The Army also deployed mustard gas
against anti-US protesters in Puerto Rico and the Philippines in
the 1920s and 1930s.
In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, then
under contract with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Investigations, initiated his horrific Puerto Rico Cancer
Experiments, infecting dozens of unwitting subjects with cancer
cells. At least thirteen of his victims died as a result.
Rhoads went on to head of the US
Army Biological Weapons division and to serve on the Atomic
Energy Commission, where he oversaw radiation experiments on
thousands of US citizens.
In memos to the Department of
Defense, Rhoads expressed his opinion that Puerto Rican
dissidents could be “eradicated” with the judicious use of germ

In 1942, US Army and Navy doctors
infected 400 prisoners in Chicago with malaria in experiments
designed to get,
“a profile of the disease and
develop a treatment for it.”
Most of the inmates were black and
none was informed of the risks of the experiment. Nazi doctors
on trial at Nuremberg cited the Chicago malaria experiments as
part of their defense.
At the close of World War II, the US
Army put on its payroll, Dr. Shiro Ishii, the head of the
Imperial Army of Japan’s bio-warfare unit. Dr. Ishii had
deployed a wide range of biological and chemical agents against
Chinese and Allied troops.
He also operated a large research
center in Manchuria, where he conducted bio-weapons experiments
on Chinese, Russian and American prisoners of war. Ishii
infected prisoners with tetanus; gave them typhoid-laced
tomatoes; developed plague-infected fleas; infected women with
syphilis; performed dissections on live prisoners; and exploded
germ bombs over dozens of men tied to stakes.
In a deal hatched by Gen. Douglas
MacArthur, Ishii turned over more than 10,000 pages of his
“research findings” to the US Army, avoided prosecution for war
crimes and was invited to lecture at Ft. Detrick, the US Army
bio-weapons center in Frederick, Maryland.
That’s just for starters, folks. There’s
a litany of atrocities that were uncovered in FOI documents.
a few more:
From 1950 through 1953, the US Army
released chemical clouds over six US and Canadian cities.
The tests were designed to test
dispersal patterns of chemical weapons. Army records noted that
the compounds used over Winnipeg, Canada, where there were
numerous reports of respiratory illnesses, involved cadmium, a
highly toxic chemical.

In 1951 the US Army secretly
contaminated the Norfolk Naval Supply Center in Virginia with
infectious bacteria.
One type was chosen because blacks
were believed to be more susceptible than whites. A similar
experiment was undertaken later that year at Washington, DC’s
National Airport. The bacteria was later linked to food and
blood poisoning and respiratory problems.
Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park,
Florida were the targets of repeated Army bio-weapons
experiments in 1956 and 1957. Army CBW researchers released
millions of mosquitoes on the two towns in order to test the
ability of insects to carry and deliver yellow fever and dengue
Hundreds of residents fell ill,
suffering from fevers, respiratory distress, stillbirths,
encephalitis and typhoid. Army researchers disguised themselves
as public health workers in order photograph and test the
victims. Several deaths were reported.
In 1965 the US Army and the Dow
Chemical Company injected dioxin into 70 prisoners (most of them
black) at the Holmesburg State Prison in Pennsylvania. The
prisoners developed severe lesions which went untreated for
seven months.
A year later, the US Army set about
the most ambitious chemical warfare operation in history.

From 1966 to 1972, the United
States dumped more than
12 million gallons of Agent Orange (a
dioxin-powered herbicide) over about 4.5 million acres of South
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
The government of Vietnam
estimate the civilian casualties from Agent Orange at more than
500,000. The legacy continues with high levels of birth defects
in areas that were saturated with the chemical. Tens of
thousands of US soldiers were also the victims of Agent Orange.
(read more hideous examples here)
No, we’re not the only country to commit
such hideous crimes.
In the UK it’s the same:
The Guardian: The Ministry of
Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant
laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on
the public.
A government report just released
provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of
Britain’s biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979.
Many of these tests involved
releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms
over vast swaths of the population without the public being
While details of some secret
trials have emerged in recent years, the 60-page report reveals
new information about more than 100 covert experiments.
UK Guardian
Back to the Current
Chemtrail ‘Experiments’

(Germans are being
sprayed as well and are also upset.
Many countries are reporting the
same phenomenon.
It’s no longer if they’re doing it, it’s WHY?)
Even stranger is the now open admission
of PLANNED aerosol programs under the name of “geoengineering” of
exactly the nature that we’ve been experiencing in our skies as far
back as 1995!
This is similar to the “discoveries” of
“new technologies” that have been available and used in covert
projects in the military for years, such as lasers and microwave and
infrared technologies to name just a few. By the time we hear about
it it’s well under control and either deployed or surpassed by a
newer technology.
This parallels the Orwellian
introduction of known poisons into our food supply such as,
...only to “find out”
later, once it’s taken hold and they’ve made their money,
“Ooops, our bad. It’s toxic, we’ll
stop. But wait - we have some wonderful new chemicals to sell
Chemtrails have been found to contain:
the essential elements of the chemtrail. [Nano particles,
desiccated human blood cells, bacteria, fungi and other toxic
substances have also been detected.]
Aerosol Barium salts
were sprayed from planes over Panama, Libya, and during Desert
Storm to make people sick and weak.
Barium poisoning is worse
than lead poisoning. The lungs are affected adversely. Many
complaints of colds, flu, even pneumonia occur within a very few
days after heavy chemtrail spraying over an area.
causes extreme neurological disorders. Dementia, uncontrollable
spasms, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease can be caused by
long term aluminum exposure. Breathing in those particulates
over time is a definite long term hazard.
EDB or dibromethane
was banned in the USA years ago from use in all auto and jet
But somehow it is appearing again in samples from chemtrail residue. It is a major component of insecticides,
which are nerve poisons. It affects the nervous system
especially where breathing is involved. And it is very

Where’s the Media In All
You won’t see many
mainstream media
reports on chemtrails or the aerosol program, people are afraid to
touch the subject.
On the ground most people have become so
Pavlovian that they can’t even acknowledge anything that hasn’t been
formally introduced into the group consciousness.
But now that people are beginning to
wake up to this atrocity, they’re beginning to disclose a plan to
supposedly counteract the global warming emergency with a
geoengineering project - or however they couch this program- to suit
the current mindset and pretend it was for our “good”.
I’ve written the EPA, the Weather
Channel, contacted local officials, and there’s no official
acknowledgement whatsoever.
A friend called one of the California
high desert airbases after watching her skies turn white with trails
and one jet in particular was doing “doughnuts” over and over
leaving a thick plume of this toxic slurry in circles.
The officer’s answer?
“You’re crazy lady, there’s nothing
going on up there.”
The jet immediately left the area.
Will anyone disclose the truth and call
for a halt to this insanity and a full, real investigation?
I would hope so, but the clampdown is so
pervasive it’s tantamount to
getting 9/11 Truth on the mainstream
news. Let’s at least do our part and alert
anyone and everyone we can.
It took pointing them out to awaken me,
how about you?