by Catherine J. Frompovich
May 2, 2014
ActivistPost Website

There's an aphorism about the weather
that goes something like this:
"Everyone talks about the weather
but no one can do anything about it."
Well, don't be so sure about that,
especially since several means of atmospheric manipulation have
become commonplace, if not mainstreamed.
Weather modification has been one of the ultimate prizes for
technology to capture, especially those who want to use it as a
weapon of war. What? Yes, a weapon of war that has been used in the
relatively recent past.
Operation Popeye was "a highly
classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia from 1967
to 1972" [1] during the Vietnam War.
In December of 2007 Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Founder
and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG),
published an extraordinary paper titled "Weather
Warfare - Beware the US Military's Experiments with Climatic Warfare"
[2] wherein he discussed such things as,
"HAARP was developed as part of an
Anglo-American partnership between Raytheon Corporation, which
owns the HAARP patents, the US Air Force and British Aerospace
Systems (BAES)."
Readers will note that two nations'
government-war-machinery-branches are involved: the US Air Force and
the British Aerospace Systems.
There is more to
HAARP (High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program) that involves other nations with
"establishments" around the globe.
Here is a resource for some of the
known HAARP facilities in countries such as,
...in addition to outfitted ships at sea.
This YouTube explains more than you may
want to know!
The graphic below indicates an apparent ability for "Radar Hurricane
Steering," which, in hindsight, may explain some weather issues.
Additionally, certain cloud configurations are considered to be
created by HAARP energies and they are labeled as "HAARP clouds."
Here is an exceptional collection of stunning
cloud formations.
Just like the 1950s technology 'phenomenon' nuclear fission with
nuclear energy power plants, HAARP facilities seem to be cropping up
all over. We know that nuclear waste cannot be stored safely easily,
so what don't we know about ELF energies.
The scary part about HAARP technology is what it emits into the
ionosphere where humans should not be mucking around EXCEPT if they
want to accidentally or intentionally cause/steer catastrophic
events that can be blamed on Mother Nature or an Act of God like
According to Alaska Conservation Foundation Dispatch,
This little-known Pentagon-sponsored
radiophysics project, called the High-Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP), is officially intended to expand
knowledge about the nature of long-range radio communications
and surveillance using the fluctuating ionosphere - the portion
of the upper atmosphere extending from 35 to 500 miles above
earth's surface.
The IRI [ionospheric research
instrument (HAARP)] is designed to temporarily modify 30-mile
diameter patches of the upper atmosphere by exciting, or
"heating," their constituent electrons and ions with focused
beams of powerful, high-frequency radio energy. A household
analogy would be a microwave oven, which heats dinner by
exciting the food's water molecules with microwave energy.
Earth-penetrating tomography is a
startling potential use of ionospheric heating.
The method would work by beaming
radio energy into the Auroral electrojet, the curved,
charged-particle stream formed at high latitudes where the solar
wind interacts with Earth's magnetic field. The radio energy
then disperses over large areas through ductlike regions of the
ionosphere, forming a virtual antenna that can be thousands of
miles in length.
Such an ELF antenna can emit
waves penetrating as deeply as several kilometers into the
ground, depending on the geological makeup and subsurface water
conditions in a targeted area.
Aircraft or satellites stationed
overhead would then collect the reflected ELF waves and relay
them to computers at a processing station, where subsurface
inhomogeneities that trace the outlines of structures such as
underground weapons facilities can be imaged.
North Korea and Iraq, where buried
nuclear weapons labs are believed to exist, would be prime
candidates for earth- penetrating tomography surveillance.
What jumps out to be focused on is,
"Earth-penetrating tomography" and
"Such an ELF antenna can emit waves penetrating as deeply as
several kilometers into the ground…",
...which beg an obvious question: Can
they cause earthquakes?
Nevertheless, the above is not the only 'tool' in apparent weather
There are chemtrails - those 'tracks'
laid down by planes deliberately emitting or spraying toxic
chemicals and other poisons, especially nano-size particulates and
aluminum-coated chaff from which, it is hypothesized, HAARP ELF
antenna/rays can bounce off energies to any targeted area.
If readers don't recognize chemtrails, you undoubtedly have seen
them daily over your heads but thought they were contrails. So
here's a visual refresher: Images
of Chemtrails.
Now, consider the difference between a real jet contrail and a
deliberately sprayed chemtrail.
What is in chemtrails
being sprayed? And how do chemtrails affect you?
The chemtrail program involves spraying aluminum, barium, strontium
and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high altitudes.
Toxins fall to the ground, ending up in
our bodies, water, soil, and the air we breathe, which affects:
crops and their nutrient contents, respiratory and lung problems,
the immune system, and probably can seed various forms of cancer and
other diseases.
Here are
photos taken inside a
chemtrail spray-plane.
Apparently, several passenger airlines [9-10] are involved in
spraying, including the U.S. Air Force as apparently captured in
this YouTube
Apparently, there is the theory that the chemicals being sprayed in
chemtrails impact several things: weather manipulation, scientific
experimentation, and some even believe mind control can be part of
the agenda.
I sure hope not because there are enough
people who are "out to lunch" with regard to seeing the light of day
about vested-interest science, advertising,
branding, and media
Chemtrail spraying is prolific in California, where much of the U.S.
fresh food supply is grown, especially organics. Recently,
California was suffering from an extensive
drought while other sections of the USA were being
flooded out.
According to
assays taken, here's a List of Chemtrail Toxic Chemicals & Metals
Open air chemtrail spraying operations are now live in California
(all 50 states and all NATO countries).
Independent analysis of chemtrail
fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including:
Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A
(restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles (Containing
Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
Chemtrails - What Are They Spraying?
Is Mind
Control Involved?
Not to get a little paranoid on my readers, but there has been a
U.S. patent issued that apparently deals with mind control, which
some think all the weather manipulation also is involved with.
Who's to say that is factual, except
that the patent is "United
States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992 -
Silent Subliminal Presentation System - Inventors: Lowery,
Oliver M. Filed December 28, 1989."
A silent communications system in
which non-aural carriers, in the very low or very high audio
frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency
spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired
intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for
inducement into the brain, typically through the use of
loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. [HAARP is
considered a piezoelectric transducer!] [7,8]
The modulated carriers may be
transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently
recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for
delayed or repeated transmission to the listener." [4]
All the above technological advances
probably add to the sum total of weather anomalies and 'climate
change' Planet Earth has been experiencing in the last ten or so
Climate change may be regarded as
something that has been utilized and programmed for certain controls
by vested interests.
What will
weather geoengineers come up with
to control all the carbon dioxide,
sulphur dioxide, and hazardous
gases released from volcanoes?
How about methane clathrates?
Moreover, what about
sun spots that emit toxic gases and
solar radiation directed toward Earth?
Furthermore, hasn't the solar system,
the Universe(s), and Planet Earth evolved with sun spot materials
over millions of millennia?
If weather geoengineers think they
can control the weather - and to date they have been successful
in that 20% less sunlight is reaching Planet Earth
[5] - how can they control one of the more
influential factors in real climate change, which is the inner
core of the planet that is iron heating up with the core
spinning faster than the outer planet?
Is that what's
contributing to melting ice in the Polar Regions?
Weather geoengineering can bring
flooding torrential rain in areas by sending precipitation to mimic
'Acts of God', i.e., storms like we experienced in the winter of
2014 plus Arctic cold when a "Polar Vortex" apparently was brought
down farther into the U.S. mainland by apparently manipulating the
Jet Stream.
Most recently, tornadoes throughout the
Midwestern and Southern states, plus flooding of Pensacola, Florida,
and Alabama (2 feet of rain in just two days [6]),
and other strange weather anomalies are being attributed to climate
change and Nature.
Former weather buzzwords were "global
They have been abandoned for,
"climate change" that actually
may be a man-made and controlling manipulative-factor that
is costing lives
creating horrendous amounts of
damage and insurance claims
spawning severe financial
generating losses of
food-producing land, crops, and growing seasons thereby
impacting food shortages,
...plus other possible factors - some
unknown - that just may be the ultimate 'surprise' no one expects
from "smart" technology, but is being programmed to look like and
being blamed effectively on God, Acts of God, Mother
Nature, or climate change.
Collectively, we need to wake up; look up to the skies; research
what's going on, and don't gullibly accept the fairytales about
climate change, which just may be man-made weather anomalies.
Everything may not be as it seems, dear
Three of the most important questions I think U.S. taxpayers ought
to be asking of each member of Congress are:
How are all these projects
Who's paying for the gargantuan
costs these technologies demand?
Do these projects impact the
U.S.'s almost
$17 TRILLION debt?
Where is the mainstream media on
investigating those tracks in the skies that form blanket
Why isn't Congress having
hearings to find out what chemtrails are all about?
Why aren't TV weatherpersons
blowing the whistle on what they see on their weather radar
screens that look like precipitation but are not?
One did: Kevin Lollis (Oregon TV
weatherman) reported military aircraft dropping chaff - small bits
of aluminum or other things.
Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch talks about
chemtrail effects in his
April 26, 2014 report, which I encourage readers to listen to.
Listen carefully to what he discusses
and then ask yourself: