by John Marshall
May 1, 2015
NewsWithViews Website
Spanish version
Was weather warfare used
in Vietnam?
Veteran Marine John Marshall
has the low-down on how
chemtrails and HAARP
are being used against us.
Ever notice that the skies are not a deep
blue color anymore, but rather a dull milky white most
of the time?
Ever look up and notice how the spray
left by jets lingers for hours and spreads out and
Ever notice those patches of trees in the
forest that appear to be dying or dead?
Ever heard of so many respiratory and
skin problems with family and friends like
Ever see such weather devastation on the
If you have noticed any of these things then you are
witnessing BG engineering (bio-geo-engineering) in action.
The consequences are extreme and most people don't
realize we're being fumigated like bugs.
entire globe is being sprayed under the auspices of climate
change formerly known as global warming. That term was changed when
it proved to make them look like the liars that they are.
The spray in concert with
HAARP is used to divert weather patterns
like a weapon on unsuspecting countries or states. These weather
weapons are being used right now to cause a drought in California
and Oregon.
Weather weapons are nothing new since they were used on the
Ho-Chi-Mein trail in Vietnam to bring in a monsoon to halt the
advancement of the enemy. China, Russia, and the US all have these
weather weapons.
One thing for sure is this country and the world are at extinction
level pollution levels.
For instance:
Radioactive pollution
from Fukushima
encircling the northern hemisphere, if that's not bad
Noise pollution.
RF pollution from,
cell phones, cell towers,
smart meters, Wi-Fi transmissions, and computers.
Indoor pollution from all the chemicals and
waste in our home.
Pollution from the personal hygiene products.
Pollution from all the pharmaceutical drugs
and street drugs consumed.
Pollution from the toxic chemicals we use on
our clothing and the chemicals used to make them.
Pollution from all the toxic chemicals in/on
our food/alcohol/ and our water.
Pollution from the toxins in our silverware,
plates, and dishes.
Pollution from round-up and other toxic
garden products.
Pollution from radioactive/chemical toxins
from power generation.
Finally pollution from BG-engineering (Bio-Geoengineering).
This is the worst of them all, because nobody is exempt,
nobody gave their permission, and nobody had a choice in the
matter. We can clean up our environment, go organic, eat/get
healthier, exercise, buy better cloths, grow a garden, but
it would all be in vain as long as BG-engineering continues
When you combine many of these chemicals with others
they have a synergistic effect and are exponentially more powerful.
As for most of this pollution goes, we could change
life styles and have a choice in every matter but BG engineering is
not up for notification, change, or debate.
We all breathe, drink, bath, eat, and wear, these accumulative
poisons every day and night. It won't be long before your body
reaches a critical mass and breaks down into disease. No matter how
healthy we are, we will all eventually succumb to this.
It has aluminum dioxide, barium, strontium, and recently discovered
fluoride which is host to over 300 toxins and heavy metals.
Scientists have also found biological agents in the mix as well,
hence the term bio-geo-engineering BG engineering for short.
This issue is the single most important thing we are facing as
humanity and we must do something or we're heading for a crematorium
near us and that's understated.
Since everybody is getting acclimated
to the trails then it would be
easy to one day change the composition or formula of the spray and
we'd all be kissing dirt and never realizing what hit us.
As far as I'm concerned, this constitutes criminal actions subject
to arrest on behalf of the DOD, corporations and the sociopathic
banksters. I'm no lawyer but it seems they are violating too many
statutes to be legal. There has to be something we can charge them
They have to be totally nihilistic. This affects their families too.
The pilots' families as well, who knowingly spray these toxins
without so much as a thought to their behavior.
Soon there won't be any pilots, it will all be automated with no one
to say otherwise. The Air force has had remote controlled unmanned
jets for years and some say they were used
on 9/11.
We are literally paying to incrementally kill ourselves. Is our
unwitting life structure just a built in form of mass incremental
suicide/murder? At this point, I'd say yes!
This in my opinion is the ultimate, full spectrum form of eugenics.
California, just like every other state in this nation is under
siege right now. Political solutions are out the window because the
criminally inclined politicians infested in our government can't be
trusted to act in our best interest and won't prosecute their
BG engineering is a criminal act on our health and welfare. It's a
criminal act on the planet as well. So where's the environmental
Nazi's? They're hiding of course because they get nowhere fighting
There's an important below video I think everybody should
Geoengineering Investigation Demanded by Numerous Experts
People are definitely trying to stop this insidious poisoning
but unfortunately, so far, their efforts are in vain. When this many
people show up to a meeting and the frustrations continue from
inaction of the California government and all other states as well,
I call that time for hands on actions.
This is a response from a person at the meeting:
"Those at the top, that California is relying on
for help, are being silenced by the criminal regime that has
taken over the US. I've been in and out of fits of tears of
sadness and anger.
We all know the spray is toxic and killing trees
and wildlife, and we know we are being forced to inhale it. It
already reeks of omnicide."
Omnicide is genocide of all
life forms at once.
Sad but true we are being murdered incrementally
along with the planet and all its inhabitants.
In a perfect world, we all would get answers and take actions to
stop this. But in this far from perfect world I would resort to
sit-ins'. If it were up to me, I would try to halt the flights by
staging a peaceful sit in on the tarmac.
Can you imagine hundreds of people at every
exterminator/contractors site sitting down on the tarmacs in full
view of the media in defiance of these global criminals?
This would be something the media couldn't ignore. This would wake
others and soon we would have our political servants trying to
hide from us because they know they won't be reelected if they
don't do something to stop it.
They would also be running away because they made a deal with the
devil that they don't want to answer to us for that, or the
devil who bought them. They just don't care that you can't make
deals with the devil.
If you're not sure how they get away with this, read this from our
own US code:
CODE, TITLE 50, CHAPTER 32 1520 & 1524
Chemical and Biological Warfare
1520. Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or
biological agents by Department of Defense; accounting to to
congressional committees with respect to experiments and
studies; notification of local civilian officials
(a) Not later than thirty days after final approval within the
Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be
conducted by the Department of Defense, whether directly or
under contract, involving the use of human subjects for the
testing of chemical or biological agents, the Secretary of
Defense shall supply the Committees on Armed Services of the
Senate and House of Representatives with a full accounting of
such plans for such experiment or study, and such experiment or
study may then be conducted only after the expiration of the
thirty-day period beginning on the date such accounting is
received by such committees.
(1) The Secretary of Defense may not conduct
any test or experiment involving the use of any chemical or
biological agent on civilian populations unless local
civilian officials in the area in which the test or
experiment is to be conducted are notified in advance of
such test or experiment, and such test or experiment may
then be conducted only after the expiration of the
thirty-day period beginning on the date of such
(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to tests and experiments
conducted by Department of Defense personnel and tests and
experiments conducted on behalf of the Department of Defense
by contractors.
1524. Agreements to provide support to
vaccination programs of Department of Health and Human Services.
(a) Agreements authorized. The Secretary of Defense may enter
into agreements with the Secretary of Health and Human Services
to provide support for vaccination programs of the Secretary of
Health and Human Services in the United States through use of
the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of
the Department of Defense.
Changes made to title 50 in April, 2000
1520a. Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of
chemical or biological agents.
(a) Prohibited activities
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by
(1) any test or experiment involving the use
of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian
population/ or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological
agent on human subjects.
(b) Exceptions
Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the
prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to
a test or experiment carried out for any of the following
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a
medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural,
industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related protection against
toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose
related to riot control.
Read the document called
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. It
will give you chills and good insight into this madness...