by Susanne Posel
June 13, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

A new study published in Nature
Climate Change, asserts that the warming of the world’s oceans
have everything to do with the effects of man. This scientific
research has climate change alarmists excited over a new way to
direct man-made climate change into the social meme.
According to the study,
“We have identified a human-induced
fingerprint in observed estimates of upper-ocean warming on
multidecadal timescales.”
Computer model data from research from
Australia, Japan, India and the US proves that the temperature of
the oceans and its variable fluctuations are not a natural
Causational information fabricated by
suppositional computer models from the world’s major oceans compared
to climate alarmist’s computer models shows that there is an excess
of man-made influence.
The international team of researchers used for this study attributed
only archrival computer models and assumed simulations and compared
them to the supposed effects of fossil fuel emissions during the
last century.
The report states that ‘When the global mean changes are included”
the “anthropogenic fingerprint” is of 1% which is an insignificant
level. Yet, this statistic is being blown out of proportion to
create frenzy over the earth’s victimization at the hands of humans.
Peter Gleckler, climate change alarmist scientist from the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) stated:
“Although we performed a series of
tests to account for the impact of various uncertainties, we
found no evidence that simultaneous warming of the upper layers
of all seven seas can be explained by natural climate
variability alone. Humans have played a dominant role.”
The LLNL is a pseudo-outreach of the
government; a national security laboratory that proposes deterrents
to national security by using science and technology in the name of
national interest.
Their methods of interest include:
The LLNL is a private sector corporation
employed by the US government to act as a research agency used in
promotion of the climate change alarmists to coerce national support
for the lie that man-made climate change is a real national security
The LLNL is dedicated to “strengthening the United States’ security
through development and application of world-class science and
technology to”:
Enhance the nation’s defense
Reduce the global threat from
terrorism and weapons of mass destruction
And respond with vision,
quality, integrity and technical excellence to scientific
issues of national importance
The US government owns LLNL while
allowing them to function as owner operated. They receive the
majority of their funding from the
NNSA Office of Defense Programs
for nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship activities.
Support for national security and homeland security work also comes
from the
NNSA Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, the
Department of Homeland Security, various
Department of Defense
sponsors, and other federal agencies who sponsor activities, such
Office of Environmental
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National Institutes of Health
Various state of California
agencies and industry
Last month, Leon Panetta, Defense
Secretary stated that climate change was a matter of national
Panetta spoke to the Environmental Defense Fund,
“The area of climate change has a
dramatic impact on national security. Rising sea levels, severe
droughts, the melting of the polar caps, the more frequent and
devastating natural disasters all raise demand for humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief.”
George Soros’ disinfo corporation, Media
Matters (MM), supports President Obama’s
global warming assertions
and his war on affordable, clean energy.
They claim that,
“climate change poses a serious
threat to our national security, and that transitioning to
alternative energy will enhance military effectiveness.”
MM collected “15 military leaders” that
have agreed to assist Obama in pushing the lie of man-made climate
change by saying that they believe it is a threat to national
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s
Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) retorts that if
a successful action is not taken to stop climate change, it will
become a national and international security threat.
Pachauri said:
“If the impact of climate change is
going to make regions of violence poorer, then they really
provide a level of fertility for inciting disaffection,
resentment against the prosperous world. That’s an indirect
effect that can create the conditions for terrorism.”
Recommendations to the US were:
“We’re likely to have problems with
respect to water supplies in the US. We have to tell the people
of the US. that this is something intimately connected with
their present and their future.
The cost of inaction is going to be
far higher than action. And the cost of action is really not all
that high. The US has made all kinds of sacrifices in the past
and has always come out on top.”
The oceans are a big issue now that the
UN’s Earth Summit in Rio+20 is being held this month.
Many activists
are clamoring for the UN to put the ocean at the forefront of their
Scientists at Yale University have
put out a paper concerning the
acidification of the oceans. Through decrying biodiversity
preservation, Carl Safina, marine biologist and president of
the Blue Ocean Institute, claim that the additional CO2
produced by man is making the ocean more acidic and this is vastly
altering marine life.
The result they predict is forced extinction of many marine species
over the next several decades. Gleckler
contends that “multi-model”
ensembles gave them decades of data that reflects “natural climate
However, while ignoring real world
observations and solely base their conclusion from computer models,
the alarmist team was able to,
“detect attribution of a
human-caused climate change signal.”
The movement toward reversing climate
change has more to do with over-reaching governmental and
international control, and less to do with mitigation of the actual
While the US government, various
globalist schools and the UN fear-monger the need for rules,
regulations and controls over the people and sovereign nations, they
fail to answer the problem with solutions.
They simply continue to brow-beat the idea that man is responsible
for the condition of the planet and their usurpation of control over
the world’s population will stop the effects of global warming.