100 Reasons Why Global Warming Is
1900 Scientists say 'Climate Change Not Caused by CO2' -
The real Environment Movement was Hijacked
Español |
2018 - Más Crisis Climática e
Inestabilidad Global
2023 is a Year of 'Record Cold
Temperatures' - Media Blackout
A 1200-year Mini Ice Age was
Caused by Global Warming
A CBS News Report from over 40
Years Ago proves 'Global Warming is the Ultimate Hoax'
Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse?
A Discussion on Climate Change -
Evidence and Causes
Against Nature - The Television
A Glimpse Into Our Future -
Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms and Massive Power
Grid Failures
A Leading Cause of Climate Change
that No One is Talking About
ALEC Exposed! - Warming Up to
Climate Change
Español |
Alto Asesor del Gobierno
Australiano Revela Ardid de las Naciones Unidas sobre el
Cambio Climático
A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the
Next 15 Years
Analysis finds Solar Activity
'Controls Climate Change'
A New Film designed as an Homage
to 'Climate Change's child deity' Greta Thunberg
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
surprises Scientists - Media Silent...
- How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize The Human Race
A Third of UK Teenagers believe
Climate Change Exaggerated - Report shows
At last, Skeptics are Shunning the
Climate Scaremongers
Atmospheric 'Phenomena'?
- Main File
Australian MP Craig Kelly is Right - Bushfires
Not Caused by Climate Change |
Australia PM Advisor says Climate
Change a United Nations' Led Ruse
Español |
Aviones Privados de los Activistas
Climáticos se Congelan en la Pista en una Enérgica
A Warning From The Ice - A
Biosphere in Disarray
- from 'The Truth? by Joseph P. Firmage
Big Drop in June (2016)
- According to UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
Bill Gates' Climate Fantasies
Bill Gates Funded Solar
Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects
Español |
Bill Gates "Guerrero" del Clima y
Super Emisor
Español |
Bill Gates quiere Rociar Millones
de Toneladas de Tiza en la Estratosfera para frenar el "Calentamiento
Bill Gates says it's OK for him to
use Private Jets because he's "The Solution" to Climate
- 'Billionaire
Climate Elites' have their Own Rules and Agenda
Español |
de Greta Thunberg - Las Cámaras estuvieron Grabando a
partir del Día Uno de su 'ascensión' Viral
Brutal Shifts for Modern
Español |
- ¿Calentamiento
Global o Simplemente Masivos Volcanes Submarinos?
Español |
Calentamiento Global - Una
Pseudociencia Oficial... -
Main File
Italiano |
Cambiamenti Climatici - È sempre
così, sempre lo sarà
Español |
Cambio Climático - A la Larga,
todos Muertos
Español |
- ¿Cambio
Climático o Guerra Geofísica?
Español |
Cambio Climático - Traición Contra
la Humanidad
Carbon Dioxide Levels, 'Man-Made'
Global Warming and Other Official Pseudoscience
Español |
y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar
Central Banks declare Climate
Change as 'Core Mission'
Español |
Cero Absoluto - La Agenda Global
Changing Climate, Changing Communities
- Guide and
Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation
Chemtrails - Covert Climate
Chronic 2000-04 Drought Worst in
800 Years and 'New Normal'
Español |
Clima Extremo Global - ¿Es Causado
por el Hombre o se debe a Otra Cosa?
Español |
- "Clima
- La Película" - La Fría Verdad
Alarmism is 'Facing Collapse in Face of Reality'
Climate Alarmists - 'Doomsday
Predictions' fall Flat
Climate and Agricultural News
Climate and Public Health - A
Two-Headed Inquisition
Climate and the Money Trail...
Climate Catastrophes
Climate Change (aka Global
Warming) is 'Delusional Nonsense' - German Professor
Climate Change and the
Astrobiology of the Anthropocene
Climate Change and the Crisis of
Pseudoscience - John F. Clauser
Climate Change - A Summary of The
Climate Change - Concocting The
Climate Changed |
Change" denying Statements made by Former IPCC Experts
Change Experts' Call for End to Developed World Economic
Growth for 'The Next 20 Years'
Climate Change - Five Surprising,
Peer-Reviewed Facts
Climate Change has been a 'Routine
Scare Tactic' since the 1930s
Climate Change Hoax Collapses -
New Science finds Human Activity virtually Zero Impact
on Global Temps
Climate Change Impacts in The
United States
- National Climate Assessment 2014
Climate Change is in reality
Weather Warfare by the Governments
Climate Change isn't Worsening
Floods or Droughts - Wrong the PBS and AP...
Climate Change, Manufactured
Dissent and "Foundation-funded Doomsayers"
Climate Change Not as Threatening
to Planet as previously Thought - New Research Suggests
Climate Change Panic is Killing Us
Climate Change Roulette and Water
Climate Changes - Always Has,
Always Will
Climate Change Shock - Burning
Fossil Fuels 'COOLS Planet' - Says NASA
Climate-Change 'Solutions' that
are Worse than the Problem
Climate Change Solved by 'Letting
the Human Race Become Extinct'
Climate Change - The Folly of "Demanding" Action
Climate Change - The Wrong Focus
Climate Change - Treason Against
Climate Engineering Insanity -
Manufacturing Winter Weather with Tropical Moisture
Climate Extremes - Recent Trends
with Implications for National Security
Climate Fools
Climategate - Scientists,
Governments, Private Industry Conspire to Fool The World
Lockdowns are Coming
- "Climate
March" Hides Real Culprits and Real Solutions
- "Climate
Policy is Redistributing The World's Wealth" says IPCC
Climate Science Paper Censored by
American Meteorological Society Journal
Climate Spinning Out of Control
- "Climate
- The Movie" - The Cold Truth
Climatologist exposes how Junk
Climate Science drives the 'Billion-Dollar Fear Machine'
Climatologists Call for United
Nations to Get Out of Climate Change
Cold Climate Disaster Coming Our
Consulting firm McKinsey estimates
$9 Trillion per year cost for 'Climate Accords'
Copenhagen Is On
- Obama Proposes a Treaty And Leads U.S. Delegation
Cosmoclimatology - A New Theory
Covid Panic, Climate Panic -
Driven by Same People for Same Purpose
Español |
De Soluciones Falsas a Soluciones
Reales Para el Cambio Climático
Despite 'Media Fearmongering'
Great Barrier Reef is Growing Quickly - Study
Español |
Destacados Científicos Critican el
Ridículo Informe Climático IPCC de Las Naciones Unidas
Did Exxon make it Rain Today? -
Headlines blaming Natural Disasters on Climate Change
Don't Think the U.S. Military is
Concerned with The Climate? Think Again...
Dozens of Scientists reveal 'Most
of the Planet is Colder Today' than most of Past 8000
Italiano |
Dozzine di Scienziati rivelano "La
Maggior parte del Pianeta Oggi è Più Freddo" di quanto
lo fosse 8000 anni fa
Duplicitous - White House-Approved
Report says Man-Made Global Warming is Real!
Earth Changes - Water Element
Climate is 'Cyclical' as new study Claims an Ice Age is
Earth's Tilt Angle - Key Trigger
for Ending Ice Ages
Eco-Genocide - 11,000 Scientists
sign order Demanding Globalists Eliminate Billions of
Humans from Earth
Español |
Eco-Genocidio - 11,000 Científicos
Exigen a Globalistas Eliminar Miles de Millones de
Humanos del Planeta
Español |
Efecto Ártico - ¿El Umbral a Una
“Pequeña Glaciación”?
Español |
El Acentuado Vínculo Climático 'Ya
No Puede Seguir Siendo Ignorado'
Español |
El Cambio Climático alimentó el
Ascenso y la Desaparición del Imperio Neo-asirio, la
Superpotencia del...
Español |
El Clima es el 'Nuevo Covid'
Español |
El Clima - Nueva Arma de
Destrucción Masiva
- Su Manipulación Con Fines Militares
Español |
El "Fin Del Mundo por CO2" se
Retrasa por Errores Matemáticos
Español |
El Gobierno sabía más de Seis
Horas antes de la Tragedia de Valencia que llegaban
Riadas Devastadoras
Español |
Ozono y los CFC
- Crónica de Una Infamia
Español |
El Secuestro de lo 'Verde' - De
'la Belleza y la Biodiversidad' a 'la Falsificación y el
- 'End
Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to
'Block Out the Sun'
Español |
Enfriamiento Global -
Main File
Español |
Establecen que la 'Temperatura
Media' de la última Edad de Hielo fue de 7,7 grados
Español |
Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra
y La Vida
Español |
Esta fue la Razón Principal del 'Colapso Maya'
Even with Climate Change the World isn't
Doomed |
Exploring abrupt Climate Change induced by
Comets and Asteroids during Human History |
Exposed Covert Agenda Behind
Geoengineered Global Climate Change
Extreme Weather Link 'Can No
Longer Be Ignored'
Failed 'Doom Forecasts' destroy
Alarmists Credibility
Fake Climate Change Studies Aim to
Influence Public Opinion Through Propaganda
Feels like Global Warming, right?
- Smashing Cold and Snow Records...
Forbes censors 'Award-Winning
Environmentalist's Apology' over Three-Decade 'Climate
Scare' - So here it Is
Forecast for Solar Cycle 25
Former President of Greenpeace
Scientifically Rips Climate Change to Shreds
For once, I agree with Greenpeace
- Carbon Offsets are a 'Global Con Job'
Framework Convention on Climate
- United Nations 2009 Revised Negotiating Text
Future Climate Impacts across
- Recognizing the Elephant in the Room
Español |
Ganador del Nobel refuta la
Narrativa del Cambio Climático - Señala un Factor
Español |
Genes "Climáticos"
- Monopolios Favorecidos por El Cambio Climático
Geoengineered Snowstorms - The Snowmen Turning
Warmth Into Winter
Geoengineering Adds to Global
Geoengineering and The Aerosol
Spraying of Our Skies Affects Our Health
Geoengineering Causing Climate
- Alarmists Cover Up
George Soros emerges as Major
Funder of 'Global Climate Strike' Groups
Soros is Backing 'Climate activist' Greta Thunberg
George Soros is Backing Greta
German Physicist Says CO2
Affecting Climate Change is “Sheer Absurdity"
German Scientist Accused NASA of
'Massive' Temperature Alterations
Germany's Green Movement has 'Run
Amok at the Expense of People and Nature'
Giving Up Meat won't Save the
Planet and Cows are not Killing the Climate
Global Cooling
Main File
Global Cooling Is Coming
- And Beware The Big Chill, Scientist Warns
Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome
Global Ocean Heat Transport
dominated by Heat Export from the Tropical Pacific
Global Warming and The Ideology of
Anthropogenic (Human Caused) Climate Change
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
Global Warming - "Fixing The
Climate Data Around The Policy"
Global Warming or Simply Massive
Under Sea Volcanoes?
Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling -
The Showdown Begins in 2020
Español |
- ¿Gobernado
por la Emoción sobre la Razón? - El Perturbador Culto de
Greta Thunberg
Goodbye Global Warming and Climate
Change - Good Riddance...!
Good News about the Great Barrier
Reef is 'No News' for the Mainstream Media
Governed by Emotion over Reason? -
The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg
Green Grifters - Another
Elite-laden Conference demonstrates the staggering
Hypocrisy of Climate-Change...
Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key
to 'Saving The World'
Heat and Drought
Español |
Holanda cerrará 11.200 Granjas
para cumplir los 'Objetivos Climáticos' |
Hot Air
- Warmers and Democrats Are Once Again Getting
Overheated by Their Own Propaganda
How to Use Climate Change as a
Tool for Control
Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key
to 'Saving The World'
Human Engineering and Climate
Human-Induced Global Ocean Warming
on Multidecadal Timescales
Humanity is An Unsustainable
Danger to Earth's Eco-System
- Earth Summit Royal Society and WWF
Humans Are National Security
Threat to Oceans and Our Planet
- U.S. Government Study
Humans Aren't Causing Climate
- And Schoolchildren are Being "Brainwashed" says U.S.
Español |
Icebergs, Gin-tonics y Cambio
In 20 Years Solar
Activity is Predicted to Fall to 60% Leading to a
Massive Drop in Temperature
In Climate Propaganda, Normal is
Promoted as Abnormal
Influence of Cosmic Rays on
Earth's Climate
Inside the "Church of Climate"
Español |
Inundaciones Desafían la
Integración Sudamericana
IPCC Economist's Statement That
‘Climate Change' Is Really About Wealth Redistribution - Not News
IPCC Found Telling Pack of Lies
About Sea Level Rises
I Tried to Interview Greta
Thunberg - The most fervent Supporter of the "Climate"
know Nothing about "Climate"
Español |
James Lovelock - El Profeta del Cambio Climático
James Lovelock - The Prophet of Climate Change
John Kerry Stuns by
Proving the Futility of Climate Change Action
Judicial Watch Sues NOAA for
Documents Withheld from Congress in New Climate Data
Español |
Capa de Ozono
Español |
La Caza de Brujas impulsada por el
Cambio Climático - Antes y Ahora...
Español |
La Extraña Casualidad de "Los 500
Días para el Caos Climático
Español |
La NASA confirma que la Argentina
es uno de los Pocos Países del Mundo con Balance
Positivo de Carbono
Español |
La Naturaleza es una Fuerza
Invencible - El Hombre no puede con ella...
Español |
La Nueva Muerte Verde
Español |
La Primavera se ha Adelantado un
Mes - Según 75 años de Estudio sobre 'los carboneros'
Español |
La Tierra a Medio Plazo - Los
Cambios Climáticos
- Atando Cabos
Leading Arctic Scientist says
Climate Crisis a 'Globalist Scam' - Global Cooling on
Italiano |
Le Banche Centrali dichiarano i
Cambi Climatici una "Missione Principale"
Let's Not Be Stupid about Climate
Living Planet Report
- Report 2012
Local Cooling and Drying induced
by Himalayan Glaciers under Global Warming
Long-Term Monitoring Program -
Annual Summary Report of Coral Reef Condition 2020/2021
Español |
Los Dictados del Cambio Climático
son Autodestructivos - Pero también forman Parte de una
Agenda Mayor
Español |
Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos
Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo
Español |
Los Verdaderos Asesinos del Clima
- Actualizaciones para Greta...!
Español |
Lula Decepcionado por la Respuesta
de Biden sobre el Cambio Climático
Italiano |
Lula Deluso per la Risposta di
Biden sul Cambiamento Climatico
Italiano |
L'Uomo che ha "Inventato il
Cambiamento Climatico" e ha influenzato la Agenda del
Great Reset di Schwab
Mainstream Media ignore New
Research confirming "Ocean Currents are Stable"...!
Manmade Global Warming - The Story
and the Reality
Many Climate Ambitions will End
with 2021
Massive Coalition Backs Trump's
Climate Science Committee
Massive U.S. Senate Document on
National and Global Weather Modification
Masters of The World Meet to Play
'God' With The Climate
Mathematical Errors Overestimate
Persistence of CO2 in Atmosphere
- Royal Society Humiliated by Global...
Media ignores 30 Year Global Drop in Hurricane Frequency and
Mid-Winter Snowfall Predictions
2022/2023 - New seasonal Forecast for U.S., Canada, and
the EU from the...
Millennium Cycles - New Paper
Reveals Clear Solar Impact on The Climate 9000-6000
Years Ago
Modification of Cirrus Clouds to
Reduce Global Warming
Español |
- "Nada
que ver con el Hombre" - 'Defensores' del Cambio
Climático "están en una Mina de Oro" para ganar Dinero
NASA declares Carbon Dioxide is Greening the Earth
Documents Reveal "Climate Change" Caused by Covert
Weather Weapons
NASA Study Proves Carbon Dioxide
Cools Atmosphere
- New Discovery
New Pristine Reef Discovery - A
Marvel for Most, a Chance to Promote Unwarranted Climate
Alarmism for CNN
New Studies show Warming and
Drought were as severe before 1900 with CO2 under 300
No, Earth IS NOT in a
'Climate Emergency' - Delingpole
Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate
Español |
No hay "Emergencia" Climática -
Científicos de la Declaración Europea del Clima escriben
a Naciones Unidas
Español |
No, la Tierra NO ESTÁ en
una 'Emergencia Climática' - Delingpole
No Natural Weather - Understanding
Severe Weather, Flash Floods, and Global Warming, is Not
Nearly as...
Español |
No Seamos Estúpidos sobre el
Cambio Climático
Not by Fire But by Ice
- The Next Ice Age - Now!
Español |
Notos Científicos Italianos 'Sueltan una Bomba' sobre el
Cambio Climático
Now the Pentagon tells Bush - Climate Change Will Destroy
Español |
Nuestro Planeta está Enojado
Ocean Fertilization - Polluting
Our Waters Will Cause Another Ice Age
Our Civilization is on the Edge of
a Systemic Breakdown
- Time For Plan B
Our Planet is Angry
Over a Thousand Top Scientists conclude
"There Is No Climate Emergency"
Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change and the
Costs of War
- 'Permanent
Climate Lockdowns Coming - Whether You Like It or Not' -
Klaus Schwab's Daughter
Español |
Pesimismo Climático -
Direccionamiento de las Opiniones hacia un Pensamiento
Planetary Emergency Issued by NASA
Planetophysical State of The Earth and
Polar Bears, Sun Spots and Rising
Sea Levels - Dr. Willie Soon
Español |
Polo del Destino
Project Cirrus Final Report
Prominent Scientists Declare
Climate Claims Ahead of United Nations Summit
- 'Irrational', 'Based on...
Promoters of Climate Anxiety
Prophets of Doom - Why a new '2024 Climate Report' is fueled
by Fear, Not Facts
Español |
Proponen provocar Erupciones
Volcánicas para Bloquear el Sol
Reality Defies the Doomsday
Climate Narrative
Real Science vs. Climate Fraud
Heat and Drought Signs of Solar Catastrophe?
Researchers Predict that a "Mini
Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
Recent temperature trends in the
South Central Andes reconstructed from sedimentary
Researchers discover Himalayan Glaciers are
Cooling Down - Potentially Slowing Down effects of Climate Change |
Rise of the Climate Oligarchs |
Rising Carbon Dioxide is
Making the Earth Greener
Russian Astrophysicist Predicts
Global Cooling - New Study
Science or Science Fiction?
- Professionals' Discursive Construction of Climate
Scientists Observe First
Signs of Healing in the Antarctic Ozone Layer
Scientists Respond to the Obama
Administration's 2014 National Climate Assessment
Slowing of The Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation at 25° N.
Solar Activity just reached a 'New
Space Age Low'
Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into
Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Solar Variability and
Terrestrial Climate
Sorry Mainstream Media - Wildfires
are Declining not 'Increasing'
- 'Staggering
Rise in Climate Related Disasters' UN Claims, but
Reality is a DOWNWARD Trend in Disasters
Storms are NOT Made Worse by
'Climate Change'
Stratosphere Targets Deep Sea to
Shape Climate
Study Examines Climate Change as A National
Security Issue
- Weather Warning
Sunspots and Climate
Español |
Temperaturas Récord y Señales de Sequía... ¿Señales de
Una Catástrofe Solar?
The Absurd CO2 Scam - PsyOp
Climate Change
The BBC is Rotten to the Core -
Climate Change
The Beginning of a New Ice Age
The Biggest Deception in History -
Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change
The Church of Malthus
- Haters of Humanity
The Climate Change Mental Asylum -
CO² Fanatics suffering from Ideological Insanity
The Climate-Change Religion - How
long before Human Sacrifices?
The 'Climate Crisis' is Fading as
Unachievable Goals collide with Exploding Costs
The 'Climate Crisis Lie' is about
Money and Power
The 'Climate Emergency' Is a Hoax
The Climate is Changing
The Climate Religion and
Copenhagen I
The Climate Scaremongers - It's
Worse than We Thought...!
The Coming Crash of the Climate
The Coming Global Superstorm
The Common Roots of 'Climate
Change and COVID-19 Hysteria'
The Earth's Magnetic Field Impacts Climate - Danish Study
The Effects of Solar Variability
on Earth's Climate -
A Workshop Report
The Elephant, the Blind, and the
Intersectoral Intercomparison of Climate Impacts
The Engineered Winter Deception -
Chemical Ice Nucleation
Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control
The Greening of the Globe
Green New Scam is Dying
The High Church of Global Warming
The Hijacking of 'Green' - From
'Beauty and Biodiversity' to 'Fakery and Fascism'
The Little Ice Age which has
Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change -
Valentina Zharkova
The Manipulation of Climate For
Military Use
- Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda
The Man who 'Invented Climate
Change' and influenced Schwab's Great Reset Agenda
Ministry of Climate Truth Strikes Again |
The Next Climate Debate Bombshell
The Next Grand Solar Minimum,
Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes
The Not-So-Scary Truth about
'Climate Change'...
Ozone Layer Recovery Lie and Climate Engineering Denial -
Both are Breaking Down...
The 'Paris Climate Deal' was a
Fraud - The United Nations Admits...
The Philippines Haiyan Typhoon is
Not the Result of Global Warming
- Climate Change
The Profound Junk Science of
There is No Climate Emergency -
Climate Models miss One Key Variable - Nobel Laureate
John Clauser
There is No Climate 'Emergency' -
European Climate Declaration Scientists write to United
The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" Institutions,
Foundations and Activist Groups
The Rockefeller Way - The Family's
Covert 'Climate Change' Plan
The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change
The True Source of Climate Change
- HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification
The United Nations admits that The
Paris Climate Deal was a Fraud
The United Nations exposes
Chemtrails - 100% Proof we are Being Poisoned
The U.S. Historical Climatology
Network Monthly Temperature Data - Version 2
The U.S. Military emits more
Greenhouse Gases than Sweden and Denmark
The Wrong Trousers - Radically
Rethinking Climate Policy
This is what 'They Don't Want You
to Know' about the Climate Agenda - Dr. W. Soon's
interview by T. Carlson
Thousands of Scientists Unite to
End "Climate Emergency" Hysteria
Top-Level Climate Modeler exposes
'Nonsense' of 'Global Warming Crisis' - Dr. Mototaka
Top Scientists Slam and Ridicule
United Nations IPCC Climate Report
Español |
Tormentas en España - Voces contra
las Armas Meteorológicas y la Agenda 2030
To Stop Climate Change Modern
Capitalism Needs to Die - Scientists say to U.N.
Total Dominion Over Earth's
Weather and Natural Resources - NWO Cabal
- "Tropical
Pacific" is Major Player in Global Ocean Heat Transport
Trudeau's 'Climate Obsession' runs
into a pesky thing called Reality
UNEP Says Global Governance Will
Reverse The Effects of Climate Change
Español |
Una de las Causas Principales del
Cambio Climático sobre la que Nadie está Hablando
Español |
Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará
dentro los Próximos 15 Años
Español |
Un Frío Desastre Climático viene
Hacia Nosotros
Alliance' - Exposing the Radicals Advising Pope Francis on
- Special Report
U.N. Climate-Smart
Revolution Begins with Agricultural Land Grabs
U.N. seeks Urgent Climate Action
to prevent "Greening" Sahara Desert - Proving Climate
Change is 'Death Cult'
U.S. Department of Defense is The
Worst Polluter on The Planet
U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter
than as many as 140 Countries - Shrinking this 'War
Machine' is a Must
Video shows Bill Gates admitting
"Clean Energy" solving Climate Change is a SCAM
Volcanic Eruptions Reshape Arctic
Ocean Floor
Washington's New World Order
Weapons Have The Ability to Trigger Climate Change
Was Hugo Chavez Right
about HAARP and the Haiti Earthquake? - Is Weather Even
Natural Anymore?
Weather Events are not Climate...
Weather Modification -
Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential
- Committee on Commerce,
Weather Warfare
- Main File
Well-Funded Climate Activists
waging Psychological Warfare on the Public
What are the Climate Engineers
Doing in the Arctic?
- Astounding Images, and Dead
Causes an Ice Age to End?
What Climate Crisis...?
While the Climate Always has and
Always will Change, there is no Climate Crisis
While the Climate Always Has and
Always Will Change - There Is no Climate Crisis -
Complete Version
are 'Climate Change Predictions' always so Wrong...?
Why Canada Must Get Out of The
Paris Climate Agreement
Why Covid-19 will end up Harming
the Environment
Why Weather Patterns are Becoming
More Expensive - Going to Extremes
World Health Organization (WHO)
using COVID to push Climate Change Agenda - Tucker
World Meteorological Organization
Report debunked - Weather Hype fuels false 'Climate
Crisis' claims
You Are Being Warned
- This Strange Weather Phenomenon...
Additional Information |
1974 Fires Burned 15% of Australia
Abandoned Wind Turbines in The USA
Deutsch |
Verlassene Windkraftanlagen In den USA
Absolute Zero
A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon - A Threat used to
Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset'
Climate Solution That Is Out of This World
A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering
Approach to Climate Stabilization
Alarmists Fake Grassroots Effort
to Guarantee Carbon Taxes
Alliance of World Scientists
Signatories - Warning of a Climate Emergency
Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for
United States National Security
A New Empirical Constraint on the
Prevalence of Technological Species in the Universe
Apocalypse Now? Communicating
Extreme Forecasts
Approaching a State Shift in
Earth's Biosphere
Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Arctic Governance in An Era of
Transformative Change
- Critical Questions, Governance Principles, Ways...
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Remained
Constant During the 1990s
A Safe Operating Space for
Español |
Así se Prepara el 1% para el 'Apocalipsis'
A Timely Fix for a Grand Theory of
Avoiding a 'Climate Lockdown'
Bill Gates gives speech Demanding
Action on Climate Change to 'Elites' who Flew in on
Private Jets
Bill Gates' Vision of Combating
Climate Change is Mostly Myopic, Out of Touch, and a
Little Bit Scary
Biofuels Fallacy
- Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save
the Climate
Español |
Cambio Climático Cósmico y
Terrorismo Financiero
- Atando Cabos
Español |
Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol
- Main File
China, Russia and U.S. in Heated
Military Race to Control Atmosphere
CIA Investing in Research Aimed at
Modifying The Earth's Climate for Unknown Reasons
Español |
Advierten que EE.UU. Inició una Guerra Climática contra
Civil Conflicts Are Associated
With The Global Climate
Change a 'Catalyst for Conflict'
Climate Change and Land
Climate Change and The Time of
Climate Change led to 'Unexpected
Anatomical Changes' - Fossil of Extinct Human Species
Climate Cycles Linked to Civil War - Analysis Shows
Climate Engineering is a Gateway
to Global Government
Climate Engineering
- Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential
Climate Wars!
- Billions Are at Stake
So Far as The “Climate Scientists” Are Concerned,
Climate Wars...
Cloudbusting Information
CO² is Not Causing Climate Change
Communicating Climate Change to
Mass Public Audiences
Español |
Cómo el Clima Cambió la forma del
Cuerpo y Cerebro Humano
Español |
Cómo la Ciencia ha sido Corrompida
Dramatic Changes in Our Sun
- Main File
EcoAlert - Titan Supercomputer
- Launches New Era for Climate-Change Analysis at 20,000
Español |
El Cambio Climático No Causó la
Desaparición de los Neandertales
Español |
El Cambio Climático que Acabó con
el Imperio Romano
Español |
El Co-Fundador de Greenpeace dice
que Todo lo que se Afirma sobre el 'Cambio Climático' es
una Estafa
Español |
El Futuro de la Tecnología - ¿Sólo
los Más Ricos Sobrevivirán y Trascenderán la Condición
Español |
El Sistema de Alerta
Crítica de la Naturaleza
Español |
El Sol
Tiene Efectos Regionales en El Clima de La Tierra
Español |
El Volumen de Hielo Marino en El
Ártico Crece un 50% en Un Año
Engaging Community for Sustainable Revitalization
- Key Trends,
Strategies and Recommendations
Español |
- ¿Es
el Cambio Climático una Oportunidad para la Agricultura
Evidence for A Physical Linkage
Between Galactic Cosmic Rays and Regional Climate Time
Executive Summary of The WMO
Statement on Weather Modification
Extreme Weather - A Guide to the
Chemistry of Cold Weather
Farms are Climate Enemies and Must
Be Radically Transformed
Español |
Francisco - "Los que Niegan el
Cambio Climático" son "Tontos"
Galactic-Bursts Signatures in
- 10Be Spectra Reveal Cosmogenesis of Climate
Deutsch |
der Windenergie
Generic Indicators for Loss of
Resilience Before a Tipping Point Leading to Population
Geoengineering Could Cause the
Next Great Famine
Geoengineering Could Disrupt
Rainfall Patterns
Geoengineers to Release
Planet-Cooling Gas into New Mexico Atmosphere
Getting Real about Green Energy -
An honest Analysis of what it CAN'T Promise
Global Risks 2013 and X Factor -
The Disturbing Report by The World Economic Forum
Global Risks Report 2013
- An Initiative of the Risk Response Network
Sustainable Development Report 2019 by Group of
Independent Scientists - Transforming the Economy
Global Warming - Myth or Reality?
Green Gets The Green
Español |
Gracias a la 'Pandemia' los "Confinamientos
Climáticos" están ahora en el Horizonte
Grassland Plants show surprising
Appetite for Carbon Dioxide
Debacle - Tens of Thousands of Abandoned Wind Turbines
Now Litter American Landscape
Greening of the Earth and Its
Greta Thunberg - Fake as the
Climate Change Hoax
Deutsch |
Debakel - Die Amerikanische Landschaft übersäht Mit
Tausenden von Verlassenen...
Guess What Else Climate
Change Hurts? - Globalization...
Gulf Loop Current Destroyed
- May Lead To Shut Down of Atlantic Thermoregulation,
Rapid Cooling
Heavy Metal Contamination and Mass
Extinction - What's The Connection?
High-Power ELF Radiation Generated
by Modulated HF Heating of The Ionosphere Can Cause
How Many People Must Die to 'Fix
the Planet'?
Human Engineering and Climate
Hurricane Irma Manipulation -
Objectives and Agendas |
Hyperdimensional Hurricanes?
of Climate Change - Perception & Reality
IPCC's Land Report shows the
Problem with Modern Farming is based around Oil, not
Is Something Other Than Natural
Phenomena Changing Climate?
Español |
La Estrategia de la Despoblación
Español |
La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para
Promover Agendas Políticas'
Historical Growth in Global Terrestrial gross Primary Production
- by J.E. Campbell, J.A. Berry, U. Seibt
Lies of Silence
- The Controlled Global Media
Español |
Los Científicos miran abiertamente a los "Chemtrails" para
Enfriar el Planeta Tierra
Español |
Los Globalistas están Admitiendo
abiertamente 'Su Agenda de Control de la Población' - Y
es una Mala Señal...
Italiano |
L'Uovo Oceanico e La Gallina
- Variabilità Climatica Atlantica
Español |
Mensaje a la UE: Ustedes tienen la
Oportunidad de Dejar de Alimentar la Devastación en el
Message to the EU: You have the
Chance to Stop Fuelling Devastation in the Amazon
Naomi Klein and the 'Climate of
Nature's Critical Warning System
New Evidence that an
Extraterrestrial Collision 12,800 Years ago Triggered an
Abrupt Climate Change for Earth
Español |
Nubes "Agujero"
- Según la NASA Un Fenómeno
Completamente Natural
Oil Spill Aftermath? It's Only The
Pentagon-Sponsored Study Opens Door for Super Lasers for
Weather Control
Perception of Climate Change
'Ancient Water Systems' can help Protect Communities from
Shortages caused by Climate Change
Planetary Boundaries - Exploring
The Safe Operating Space for Humanity
Planetary Boundaries - Guiding
Human Development on a Changing Planet
Politician wants to 'Alter the
Moon's Orbit' to fight Climate Change
Pollution Alters Isolated
Pope - 'Deniers of Climate Change'
are 'Foolish'
Pope Francis - Climate Change Deniers are 'Stupid'
Precise Timing of Abrupt Increase
in Dust Activity in the Middle East coincident with 4.2
ka Social Change
for the Coming "Climate Lockdowns"
Español |
Proyecto Ultrasecreto de la Guerra Fría halló Plantas
Fósiles bajo Groenlandia
Putting an End to the EPA's
"Secret Science"
- Climate Change
Español |
Hace Que Cambie El Clima?
Quietly U.S. Cities Spend your
Money Preparing for Climate Change
Regional Atmospheric Circulation
Shifts induced by a Grand Solar Minimum
Español |
Riesgos Globales 2013 y Factores X
- El Inquietante Informe del Foro Económico Mundial
Risk of Global Climate Change by
BP Oil Spill
Rogue Geoengineering Could 'Hijack' World's Climate
Role of Climate in the Rise and Fall of the
Neo-Assyrian Empire |
and the Geoengineering Empire |
Scientists Able to Control the Weather using
Lasers |
Scientists Figured Out how to Create a Cat. 5
Hurricane in a LAB - Worrying |
Scientists Openly Look to 'Chemtrails' to
Cool Planet Earth
Recommend Having Earth Put Down
Scientists Uncover Evidence of
Impending Tipping Point for Earth
Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People
Español |
Seamos Realistas sobre las
Energías Verdes - Un Análisis Honesto de lo que NO
PUEDEN Prometer
Español |
Antiguos de Agua' del Perú protegerían a Comunidades de
escasez causada por Cambio Climático
Skeptical Climate
Scientists Coming In from the Cold
Slowing down of North Pacific
Climate Variability and Its Implications for Abrupt
Ecosystem Change
Solar Irradiance Reduction to
Counteract Radiative Forcing from a Quadrupling of CO2
Ways Monsanto Wants to Profit Off Climate Change
record attests to Stable Environmental Conditions during
Neanderthal-Modern Human turnover in...
Sustainability and the Astrobiological
Perspective - Framing Human Futures in a Planetary Context
Systematic Climate Model biases in
the Large-scale Pattern of recent Sea-surface
Temperature and Sea-level...
The 'Butterfly Effect' in Climate
- Chaos and Fractals
The Case for Young People and
- A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future
The Climate Role of our Sun
The Cold, Windy Voyage to
Unreliable Green Energy
The Genocidal Roots of the Green
New Deal - The Limits to Growth and the Unchaining of
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net
Zero - Our progress and plan towards a net-zero global
The Global Environment Outlook
Report - GEO-4
- Large File
The Globalists are Openly
Admitting to 'Their Population Control Agenda' - And
that's a Bad Sign
The Globe's Not Only Getting
Hotter - It's More Unjust and Unstable Too
The Grab for Greenland
Great Reset' - World leaders to harness COVID and pursue
'Sinister' Climate Agenda |
The Green Pope and the
Catholic Rebellion
The History of Using Children to
Push for Agendas
The Kyoto Protocol - An Assault On
Science, Economic Growth, And Human Freedoms
Mobile Polar High - A New Concept explaining present Mechanisms of Meridional
Air-mass and Energy...
The PAGE09 Integrated Assessment
- A Technical Description
There Are Two Paths Ahead - Each
Marked With a “Danger” Signpost
Sun's Magnetic Effect on Weather and Humans
The Truth
- by International Space Sciences Organization
The UNEP That We Want
- Reflections on UNEP's Future Challenges
The United Nations Creates New,
More Powerful Global Environmental Agency
The Vanishing Sunspot Mystery
- What Does it Mean for Earth's Climate? - A Galaxy
Throwing Out The Free Market
- An Interview with Naomi Klein
Tsunamis and Earthquakes
- Main File
Tsunamis y Terremotos
- Main File
Español |
Una Solución Oportuna
para una Gran Teoría de la Naturaleza
Español |
Un Cambio Climático pudo haber Estimulado
la Evolución Humana
Undeniable fact that "Carbon
Dioxide" is NOT a "pollutant" but a Giver of Life - Open
Letter to Canada's P.Minister
UNEP - Implementation of The
Long-Term Strategy
- The Engagement and Involvement of Young People...
UNEP - Proposed Medium-Term
Strategy 2010-2013
Español |
Un Estudio Determina que el
posible Colapso del Imperio Acadio pudo ser debido a un
Cambio Climático
Unless Peace Comes - How to Wreck
the Environment
U.N. Climate-Change Envoy
Mary Robinson Criticizes UK and Germany
U.N. May Switch Blue Helmets to
Green -
Then Launch Climate Change Peacekeeping Wars
Italiano |
Uno Studio determina che la Caduta
dell'Impero Accadico potrebbe essere dovuta a un
Cambiamento Climatico
U.N. Urged to Freeze Climate
Change 'Geo-engineering' Projects
U.S. Climate Change Procedure
Based on U.N.'s Geoengineering Governance and Technology
Weather as a Force Multiplier -
Owning the Weather in 2025
Weather Channel Helping to Hide The Geoengineering
Weather Wars - Who should Be
Allowed to Engineer our Climate?
Deutsch |
Grün Denkt Dem Wird ein "Grüner" Gesetzt
What brought the Decline of the Eastern
Roman Empire - Can we Learn from it?
When We Grow Up, We Will Fall in Love with Earth
Why The Forecasts for Food
Production Could Be Entirely Wrong
- Big Trouble Ahead?
Wind Energy's Ghosts
Wind Farms Are Net Carbon Dioxide Emitters
Wind Farms Will Create More Carbon
- Say Scientists
Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency
Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety,
Government Betrayal and Moral Injury - A Global Phenomenon |
Adoption of The Paris Agreement -
Full Text of Paris COP21 Climate Change Agreement
COP21 - Climate Obstacles Emerge
Soon After Paris Summit 2015 Concludes
Español |
COP25 - El Fracaso en la Cumbre
para Regular los Mercados Relacionados con el Carbono
Español |
COP26 o cómo "Pintar de Verde" los
Intereses de la Gran Finanza
Español |
Las Nuevas Armas Financieras de
Occidente y la COP26
Español |
- "No
hay Crisis Climática... El Planeta No Está en Peligro" -
Premio Nobel de Física desafía a la COP28
Español |
- "No
hay Pruebas del Impacto de los Combustibles Fósiles" -
Presidente de la COP28 hace Declaraciones...
Oil CEO at COP28 says blaming the Energy
Industry for the Climate 'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for
The Climate Scam revealed by COP28
The High Priests of Climate
Hypocrisy are here 'To Save the World' - COP28 at Dubai
El Niño - La Niña |
Español |
Altas Temperaturas No Suponen
"Amenaza Existencial" - Dice nuevo 'Jefe de la ONU para
el Cambio Climático'
Changes in Gulf Loop Current Will
Cause "La Niña" Type Weather Extremes This Winter
Epic El Niño Yields Massive Data Trove
Español |
Hallan la Fuente que está
Calentando el Océano Global
Historic Failure? - 5 Takeaways
from the COP21 Paris Climate Talks
How Geologic Factors generate El
Niño and La Niña Events
Español |
La Mayor Extinción Masiva de la
Historia - Causada por Duración Anormalmente Larga de El
Español |
La NASA Alerta que la Tierra está
- "Impacto inmediato"
Italiano |
Le Alte Temperature Non
Presuppongono una "Minaccia per l'Esistenza" - Lo Dice
il nuovo Capo dell'ONU...
Mega El Niño events caused
End-Permian Mass Extinction - Researchers Suggest
NASA Examines Global Impacts of
the 2015 El Niño
The Heat-Delirious Media is
Wrongly Blaming Climate Change for 2023's Heat Waves
Methane |
Arctic Ice Imploding, Methane Releasing
Arctic Methane Leaks Threaten
BP Quietly Preparing A Nuclear
- Making Methane Ignition A Reality In The Gulf
of Methane 1,000m Across Erupt from Arctic Ice
- A Greenhouse Gas 30 times
More Potent...
Four Corners - The Largest U.S.
Methane Anomaly Viewed from Space
Frozen Methane
- From The Gulf Oil Spill to Climate Change
Natural Gas Discovered at Unexpectedly Shallow Depths
Below Seafloor
How BP Gulf Disaster May Have
Triggered a 'World-Killing' Event
Hundreds of Giant Methane Craters
Discovered on the Arctic Sea Floor
Massive Blow-Out Craters formed by
Hydrate-controlled Methane expulsion from the Arctic
Español |
Metano Congelado - ¿Nueva Fuente De Energía?
Methane Buildup Predicted
in Superstorm Book Confirmed
NASA Confirms a 2,500-Square-Mile
Cloud of Methane Floating over U.S. Southwest
New Climate Threat as Methane Rises From Cracks in
Arctic Ice
Researchers Discover Massive
Methane 'Fountains' in Arctic Ice - A Genuine Threat to The
Scientists Gain New Insights Into 'Frozen' Methane
Beneath Ocean Floor
The Climate Time Bomb that Will
Cost Us $60 Trillion
The Dangerous Methane Mystery
Vast Costs of Arctic Change - Climate Science
Why You Need To Know What Methane
Hydrate Is
Forests - Trees / Bosques
- Árboles |
Español |
Deforestación - Hechos, Causas y
Ecuador Sets Tree Planting World
Record in One Day with 647,250 Trees Planted
Español |
El Bosque es Nuestro Mejor Aliado
Forests Emerge as a Major
Overlooked Climate Factor
Forests the size of France Regrown
since 2000 - Study Suggests
How Forests Attract Rain - An
Examination of a New Hypothesis
How much can Forests fight Climate
Español |
La Reforestación en China está
fomentando la Vuelta de Animales Exóticos
Planting more Trees in the Arctic
actually makes the world Warmer
Rainforests May Pump Winds
Rising like a Phoenix - Australia's Forests Renew Themselves |
The Paris Climate Accord is
Genocide against Plants, Forests and All Life on our
Trading Forests - Land-use change
and carbon emissions embodied in production and exports
of forest...
Tree Planting is No Climate
Solution at Northern high Latitudes
Bill Gates' Agenda to Chop Down
Paris Climate Accord
- COP21 / Acuerdo Climático de París |
Adoption of The Paris Agreement -
Full Text of Paris COP21 Climate Change Agreement
Christiana Figueres Postmortem on
Paris Climate Summit - Flame of Hope
Coordinated Insanity over Climate
COP21 - Climate Obstacles Emerge
Soon After Paris Summit 2015 Concludes
Donald Trump's Main Reasons for
Withdrawing from The Paris Climate Agreements
Historic Failure? - 5 Takeaways
from the COP21 Paris Climate Talks
Español |
La Derrota de Ucrania redefinió la
"Bélica Agenda Verde" y la salida de Trump del Acuerdo
de París
Paris Climate Agreement is Finally
Unraveling Everywhere
Possibly the 'Best Thing you will
ever Read' on Global Warming - The István Markó
The Paris Climate Accord is
Genocide against Plants, Forests and All Life on our
Trump's Speech on Paris Climate
Agreement Withdrawal
What You're Not Being Told about
the Paris Climate Agreement
Books-Treatises |
Apocalypse Never - Why
Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All - by
Michael Shellenberger
Short History of the Future - Surviving the 2030 Spike -
by Colin Mason
trend in Destructive Potential of Tropical Cyclones in the South
Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom - by
Patrick Moore
False Alarm - How Climate Change
Panic costs us Trillions, Hurts the Poor and Fails to
Fix the Planet - by
Español |
La Profecía de Orión
- por Patrick Geryl
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster -
by Bill Gates
Inconvenient Facts - The Science
that Al Gore doesn't want You to Know
- by Gregory Wrightstone
Telling Lies for God
- by Ian Plimer
The Storm
- by Daniel Defoe
Unsettled - What Climate Science
Tells Us, What it Doesn't, and Why it Matters
- by Steven Koonin
Multimedia |
Al Gore
Debates Global Warming
An Inconvenient Truth
Arctic Sea Ice Refuses to Melt as
Birkeland Currents and Weather -
Donald E. Scott
Capitalismo vs. el Clima
Capitalism vs. the Climate
Climate Change
- Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul
Climate, the Movie - The Cold
Eastern Pacific Ocean is Cooling,
Not Warming! - Are Climate Models Wrong?
Future Sea Level Rise Worldwide
Geoengineering - A Planet in Crisis
- The Most Important Topic For 2013
Guerra Climática al Descubierto
- HAARP - Ike ?...y el Hanna, Josephine, Nana,
Global Dimming
Global Warming - Doomsday Called
HAARP - Transmision
CBC Sobre Control Climatologico
High Anxieties - The Mathematics Of Chaos
Ice Age Meltdown
- Earth Investigated
Inuit People on Sun Wrong, Stars
Wrong, Earth Tilting on Axis
La Gran Estafa Del Calentamiento
- Versión Completa, No Censurada
Español |
La Historia del Suelo |
La Onceava Hora
Español |
La ONU está detrás de la Estafa
del Cambio Climático - Agenda 2030
Italiano |
La Storia del Suolo |
Marlo Lewis Critiques Al
Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
Oscurecimiento Global
Paremos El Calentamiento Global
Plan B - Mobilizing to Save
- Journey to Planet Earth
Project BlueBeam
Scientist exposes "Climate
Religion" and its Anti-Liberty Agenda - István Markó
The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice
The Secret Life of Plants
The Soil Story |
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6 |
Una Verdad Incómoda
- Una Vision Casi Apocalíptica Del Planeta - Al Gore
Unprecedented Climate and
Temperature whiplash Scenarios
Related Reports |
Antarctica Rediscovered
- Main File
Atomic Power and the Use of
Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
- Main File
Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites
- Main File
Chemtrails and Geoengineering
- Main File
- Main File
Immanuel Velikovsky
- Main File
Nikola Tesla
- Main File
The Ultimate Delusion - The United
- Main File
Tsunamis and Earthquakes
- Main File