Climate Change


Global Warming...






 -  100 Reasons Why Global Warming Is Natural



 -  1900 Scientists say 'Climate Change Not Caused by CO2' - The real Environment Movement was Hijacked


 -  2018 - Más Crisis Climática e Inestabilidad Global


 -  2023 is a Year of 'Record Cold Temperatures' - Media Blackout


 -  A 1200-year Mini Ice Age was Caused by Global Warming


 -  A CBS News Report from over 40 Years Ago proves 'Global Warming is the Ultimate Hoax'


 -  A Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse?

 -  A Discussion on Climate Change - Evidence and Causes


 -  Against Nature - The Television Program



 -  A Glimpse Into Our Future - Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms and Massive Power Grid Failures


 -  A Leading Cause of Climate Change that No One is Talking About


 -  ALEC Exposed! - Warming Up to Climate Change


 -  Alto Asesor del Gobierno Australiano Revela Ardid de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático


 -  A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the Next 15 Years


 -  Analysis finds Solar Activity 'Controls Climate Change'


 -  A New Film designed as an Homage to 'Climate Change's child deity' Greta Thunberg


 -  Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery surprises Scientists - Media Silent...


 -  Anthropocene - How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize The Human Race


 -  A Third of UK Teenagers believe Climate Change Exaggerated - Report shows


 -  At last, Skeptics are Shunning the Climate Scaremongers


 -  Atmospheric 'Phenomena'? - Main File


 -  Australian MP Craig Kelly is Right - Bushfires Not Caused by Climate Change


 -  Australia PM Advisor says Climate Change a United Nations' Led Ruse


 -  Aviones Privados de los Activistas Climáticos se Congelan en la Pista en una Enérgica Protesta


 -  A Warning From The Ice - A Biosphere in Disarray - from 'The Truth? by Joseph P. Firmage

 -  Big Drop in June (2016) Temperatures - According to UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville)


 -  Bill Gates' Climate Fantasies


 -  Bill Gates Funded Solar Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects


 -  Bill Gates "Guerrero" del Clima y Super Emisor


 -  Bill Gates quiere Rociar Millones de Toneladas de Tiza en la Estratosfera para frenar el "Calentamiento Global"


 -  Bill Gates says it's OK for him to use Private Jets because he's "The Solution" to Climate Change


 - 'Billionaire Climate Elites' have their Own Rules and Agenda


 - 'BIOPIC' de Greta Thunberg - Las Cámaras estuvieron Grabando a partir del Día Uno de su 'ascensión' Viral


 -  Brutal Shifts for Modern Civilization


 - ¿Calentamiento Global o Simplemente Masivos Volcanes Submarinos?


 -  Calentamiento Global - Una Pseudociencia Oficial... - Main File


 -  Cambiamenti Climatici - È sempre così, sempre lo sarà


 -  Cambio Climático - A la Larga, todos Muertos


 - ¿Cambio Climático o Guerra Geofísica?


 -  Cambio Climático - Traición Contra la Humanidad


 -  Carbon Dioxide Levels, 'Man-Made' Global Warming and Other Official Pseudoscience Climate-Change...


 -  Causas y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar


 -  Central Banks declare Climate Change as 'Core Mission'


 -  Cero Absoluto - La Agenda Global Revelada

 -  Changing Climate, Changing Communities - Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation


 -  Chemtrails - Covert Climate Control?



 -  Chronic 2000-04 Drought Worst in 800 Years and 'New Normal'


 -  Clima Extremo Global - ¿Es Causado por el Hombre o se debe a Otra Cosa?


 - "Clima - La Película" - La Fría Verdad


 -  Climate Alarmism is 'Facing Collapse in Face of Reality'


 -  Climate Alarmists - 'Doomsday Predictions' fall Flat


 -  Climate and Agricultural News


 -  Climate and Public Health - A Two-Headed Inquisition


 -  Climate and the Money Trail...


 -  Climate Catastrophes


 -  Climate Change (aka Global Warming) is 'Delusional Nonsense' - German Professor


 -  Climate Change and the Astrobiology of the Anthropocene


 -  Climate Change and the Crisis of Pseudoscience - John F. Clauser

 -  Climate Change - A Summary of The Science


 -  Climate Change - Concocting The "Consensus"


 -  Climate Changed


 - "Climate Change" denying Statements made by Former IPCC Experts


 -  'Climate Change Experts' Call for End to Developed World Economic Growth for 'The Next 20 Years'

 -  Climate Change - Five Surprising, Peer-Reviewed Facts

 -  Climate Change has been a 'Routine Scare Tactic' since the 1930s

 -  Climate Change Hoax Collapses - New Science finds Human Activity virtually Zero Impact on Global Temps

 -  Climate Change Impacts in The United States - National Climate Assessment 2014


 -  Climate Change is in reality Weather Warfare by the Governments


 -  Climate Change isn't Worsening Floods or Droughts - Wrong the PBS and AP...


 -  Climate Change, Manufactured Dissent and "Foundation-funded Doomsayers"


 -  Climate Change Not as Threatening to Planet as previously Thought - New Research Suggests


 -  Climate Change Panic is Killing Us


 -  Climate Change Roulette and Water Scarcity


 -  Climate Changes - Always Has, Always Will

 -  Climate Change Shock - Burning Fossil Fuels 'COOLS Planet' - Says NASA

 -  Climate-Change 'Solutions' that are Worse than the Problem

 -  Climate Change Solved by 'Letting the Human Race Become Extinct'


 -  Climate Change - The Folly of "Demanding" Action


 -  Climate Change - The Wrong Focus


 -  Climate Change - Treason Against Humanity


 -  Climate Engineering Insanity - Manufacturing Winter Weather with Tropical Moisture

 -  Climate Extremes - Recent Trends with Implications for National Security


 -  Climate Fools


 -  Climategate - Scientists, Governments, Private Industry Conspire to Fool The World


 -  Climate Lockdowns are Coming


 - "Climate March" Hides Real Culprits and Real Solutions


 - "Climate Policy is Redistributing The World's Wealth" says IPCC Official


 -  Climate Science Paper Censored by American Meteorological Society Journal


 -  Climate Spinning Out of Control


 - "Climate - The Movie" - The Cold Truth


 -  Climatologist exposes how Junk Climate Science drives the 'Billion-Dollar Fear Machine'


 -  Climatologists Call for United Nations to Get Out of Climate Change


 -  Cold Climate Disaster Coming Our Way


 -  Consulting firm McKinsey estimates $9 Trillion per year cost for 'Climate Accords'


 -  Copenhagen Is On - Obama Proposes a Treaty And Leads U.S. Delegation

 -  Cosmoclimatology - A New Theory Emerges


 -  Covid Panic, Climate Panic - Driven by Same People for Same Purpose


 -  De Soluciones Falsas a Soluciones Reales Para el Cambio Climático


 -  Despite 'Media Fearmongering' Great Barrier Reef is Growing Quickly - Study


 -  Destacados Científicos Critican el Ridículo Informe Climático IPCC de Las Naciones Unidas


 -  Did Exxon make it Rain Today? - Headlines blaming Natural Disasters on Climate Change


 -  Don't Think the U.S. Military is Concerned with The Climate? Think Again...


 -  Dozens of Scientists reveal 'Most of the Planet is Colder Today' than most of Past 8000 Years


 -  Dozzine di Scienziati rivelano "La Maggior parte del Pianeta Oggi è Più Freddo" di quanto lo fosse 8000 anni fa


 -  Duplicitous - White House-Approved Report says Man-Made Global Warming is Real!


 -  Earth Changes - Water Element


 -  Earth's Climate is 'Cyclical' as new study Claims an Ice Age is Coming


 -  Earth's Tilt Angle - Key Trigger for Ending Ice Ages


 -  Eco-Genocide - 11,000 Scientists sign order Demanding Globalists Eliminate Billions of Humans from Earth


 -  Eco-Genocidio - 11,000 Científicos Exigen a Globalistas Eliminar Miles de Millones de Humanos del Planeta


 -  Efecto Ártico - ¿El Umbral a Una “Pequeña Glaciación”?


 -  El Acentuado Vínculo Climático 'Ya No Puede Seguir Siendo Ignorado'


 -  El Cambio Climático alimentó el Ascenso y la Desaparición del Imperio Neo-asirio, la Superpotencia del...


 -  El Clima es el 'Nuevo Covid'


 -  El Clima - Nueva Arma de Destrucción Masiva - Su Manipulación Con Fines Militares


 -  El "Fin Del Mundo por CO2" se Retrasa por Errores Matemáticos


 -  El Gobierno sabía más de Seis Horas antes de la Tragedia de Valencia que llegaban Riadas Devastadoras


 -  El Ozono y los CFC - Crónica de Una Infamia



 -  El Secuestro de lo 'Verde' - De 'la Belleza y la Biodiversidad' a 'la Falsificación y el Fascismo'


 - 'End Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to 'Block Out the Sun'


 -  Enfriamiento Global - Main File


 -  Establecen que la 'Temperatura Media' de la última Edad de Hielo fue de 7,7 grados Celsius


 -  Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La Vida


 -  Esta fue la Razón Principal del 'Colapso Maya'


 -  Even with Climate Change the World isn't Doomed


 -  Exploring abrupt Climate Change induced by Comets and Asteroids during Human History


 -  Exposed Covert Agenda Behind Geoengineered Global Climate Change


 -  Extreme Weather Link 'Can No Longer Be Ignored'



 -  Failed 'Doom Forecasts' destroy Alarmists Credibility


 -  Fake Climate Change Studies Aim to Influence Public Opinion Through Propaganda


 -  Feels like Global Warming, right? - Smashing Cold and Snow Records...


 -  Forbes censors 'Award-Winning Environmentalist's Apology' over Three-Decade 'Climate Scare' - So here it Is


 -  Forecast for Solar Cycle 25


 -  Former President of Greenpeace Scientifically Rips Climate Change to Shreds


 -  For once, I agree with Greenpeace - Carbon Offsets are a 'Global Con Job'

 -  Framework Convention on Climate Change - United Nations 2009 Revised Negotiating Text


 -  Future Climate Impacts across Sectors - Recognizing the Elephant in the Room


 -  Ganador del Nobel refuta la Narrativa del Cambio Climático - Señala un Factor Ignorado


 -  Genes "Climáticos" - Monopolios Favorecidos por El Cambio Climático


 -  Geoengineered Snowstorms - The Snowmen Turning Warmth Into Winter


 -  Geoengineering Adds to Global Cooling


 -  Geoengineering and The Aerosol Spraying of Our Skies Affects Our Health


 -  Geoengineering Causing Climate Change - Alarmists Cover Up


 -  George Soros emerges as Major Funder of 'Global Climate Strike' Groups


 -  George Soros is Backing 'Climate activist' Greta Thunberg


 -  George Soros is Backing Greta Thunberg


 -  German Physicist Says CO2 Affecting Climate Change is “Sheer Absurdity"


 -  German Scientist Accused NASA of 'Massive' Temperature Alterations


 -  Germany's Green Movement has 'Run Amok at the Expense of People and Nature'


 -  Giving Up Meat won't Save the Planet and Cows are not Killing the Climate


 -  Global Cooling - Main File



 -  Global Cooling Is Coming - And Beware The Big Chill, Scientist Warns


 -  Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


 -  Global Ocean Heat Transport dominated by Heat Export from the Tropical Pacific


 -  Global Warming and The Ideology of Anthropogenic (Human Caused) Climate Change

 -  Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience - Main File



 -  Global Warming - "Fixing The Climate Data Around The Policy"



 -  Global Warming or Simply Massive Under Sea Volcanoes?



 -  Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling - The Showdown Begins in 2020


 - ¿Gobernado por la Emoción sobre la Razón? - El Perturbador Culto de Greta Thunberg


 -  Goodbye Global Warming and Climate Change - Good Riddance...!


 -  Good News about the Great Barrier Reef is 'No News' for the Mainstream Media


 -  Governed by Emotion over Reason? - The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg


 -  Green Grifters - Another Elite-laden Conference demonstrates the staggering Hypocrisy of Climate-Change...


 -  Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World'



 -  Heat and Drought


 -  Holanda cerrará 11.200 Granjas para cumplir los 'Objetivos Climáticos'


 -  Hot Air - Warmers and Democrats Are Once Again Getting Overheated by Their Own Propaganda


 -  How to Use Climate Change as a Tool for Control


 -  Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World'


 -  Human Engineering and Climate Change


 -  Human-Induced Global Ocean Warming on Multidecadal Timescales


 -  Humanity is An Unsustainable Danger to Earth's Eco-System - Earth Summit Royal Society and WWF


 -  Humans Are National Security Threat to Oceans and Our Planet - U.S. Government Study


 -  Humans Aren't Causing Climate Change - And Schoolchildren are Being "Brainwashed" says U.S. Senate...


 -  Icebergs, Gin-tonics y Cambio Climático


 -  In 20 Years Solar Activity is Predicted to Fall to 60% Leading to a Massive Drop in Temperature


 -  In Climate Propaganda, Normal is Promoted as Abnormal

 -  Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth's Climate



 -  Inside the "Church of Climate"


 -  Inundaciones Desafían la Integración Sudamericana


 -  IPCC Economist's Statement That ‘Climate Change' Is Really About Wealth Redistribution - Not News


 -  IPCC Found Telling Pack of Lies About Sea Level Rises



 -  I Tried to Interview Greta Thunberg - The most fervent Supporter of the "Climate" know Nothing about "Climate"


 -  James Lovelock - El Profeta del Cambio Climático


 -  James Lovelock - The Prophet of Climate Change


 -  John Kerry Stuns by Proving the Futility of Climate Change Action


 -  Judicial Watch Sues NOAA for Documents Withheld from Congress in New Climate Data Scandal


 -  La Capa de Ozono



 -  La Caza de Brujas impulsada por el Cambio Climático - Antes y Ahora...


 -  La Extraña Casualidad de "Los 500 Días para el Caos Climático


 -  La NASA confirma que la Argentina es uno de los Pocos Países del Mundo con Balance Positivo de Carbono


 -  La Naturaleza es una Fuerza Invencible - El Hombre no puede con ella...


 -  La Nueva Muerte Verde


 -  La Primavera se ha Adelantado un Mes - Según 75 años de Estudio sobre 'los carboneros'


 -  La Tierra a Medio Plazo - Los Cambios Climáticos - Atando Cabos


 -  Leading Arctic Scientist says Climate Crisis a 'Globalist Scam' - Global Cooling on Horizon


 -  Le Banche Centrali dichiarano i Cambi Climatici una "Missione Principale"


 -  Let's Not Be Stupid about Climate Change

 -  Living Planet Report - Report 2012


 -  Local Cooling and Drying induced by Himalayan Glaciers under Global Warming

 -  Long-Term Monitoring Program - Annual Summary Report of Coral Reef Condition 2020/2021


 -  Los Dictados del Cambio Climático son Autodestructivos - Pero también forman Parte de una Agenda Mayor


 -  Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo


 -  Los Verdaderos Asesinos del Clima - Actualizaciones para Greta...!


 -  Lula Decepcionado por la Respuesta de Biden sobre el Cambio Climático


 -  Lula Deluso per la Risposta di Biden sul Cambiamento Climatico


 -  L'Uomo che ha "Inventato il Cambiamento Climatico" e ha influenzato la Agenda del Great Reset di Schwab


 -  Mainstream Media ignore New Research confirming "Ocean Currents are Stable"...!


 -  Manmade Global Warming - The Story and the Reality


 -  Many Climate Ambitions will End with 2021


 -  Massive Coalition Backs Trump's Climate Science Committee


 -  Massive U.S. Senate Document on National and Global Weather Modification


 -  Masters of The World Meet to Play 'God' With The Climate



 -  Mathematical Errors Overestimate Persistence of CO2 in Atmosphere - Royal Society Humiliated by Global...


 -  Media ignores 30 Year Global Drop in Hurricane Frequency and Power


 -  Mid-Winter Snowfall Predictions 2022/2023 - New seasonal Forecast for U.S., Canada, and the EU from the...


 -  Millennium Cycles - New Paper Reveals Clear Solar Impact on The Climate 9000-6000 Years Ago

 -  Modification of Cirrus Clouds to Reduce Global Warming


 - "Nada que ver con el Hombre" - 'Defensores' del Cambio Climático "están en una Mina de Oro" para ganar Dinero


 -  NASA declares Carbon Dioxide is Greening the Earth


 -  NASA Documents Reveal "Climate Change" Caused by Covert Weather Weapons


 -  NASA Study Proves Carbon Dioxide Cools Atmosphere - New Discovery


 -  New Pristine Reef Discovery - A Marvel for Most, a Chance to Promote Unwarranted Climate Alarmism for CNN


 -  New Studies show Warming and Drought were as severe before 1900 with CO2 under 300 PPM


 -  No, Earth IS NOT in a 'Climate Emergency' - Delingpole

 -  No Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate Change


 -  No hay "Emergencia" Climática - Científicos de la Declaración Europea del Clima escriben a Naciones Unidas


 -  No, la Tierra NO ESTÁ en una 'Emergencia Climática' - Delingpole


 -  No Natural Weather - Understanding Severe Weather, Flash Floods, and Global Warming, is Not Nearly as...


 -  No Seamos Estúpidos sobre el Cambio Climático


 -  Not by Fire But by Ice - The Next Ice Age - Now!


 -  Notos Científicos Italianos 'Sueltan una Bomba' sobre el Cambio Climático


 -  Now the Pentagon tells Bush - Climate Change Will Destroy Us



 -  Nuestro Planeta está Enojado


 -  Ocean Fertilization - Polluting Our Waters Will Cause Another Ice Age


 -  Our Civilization is on the Edge of a Systemic Breakdown - Time For Plan B


 -  Our Planet is Angry


 -  Over a Thousand Top Scientists conclude "There Is No Climate Emergency"

 -  Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change and the Costs of War


 - 'Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming - Whether You Like It or Not' - Klaus Schwab's Daughter


 -  Pesimismo Climático - Direccionamiento de las Opiniones hacia un Pensamiento Único


 -  Planetary Emergency Issued by NASA


 -  Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life


 -  Polar Bears, Sun Spots and Rising Sea Levels - Dr. Willie Soon


 -  Polo del Destino

 -  Project Cirrus Final Report - LARGE FILE



 -  Prominent Scientists Declare Climate Claims Ahead of United Nations Summit - 'Irrational', 'Based on...


 -  Promoters of Climate Anxiety


 -  Prophets of Doom - Why a new '2024 Climate Report' is fueled by Fear, Not Facts


 -  Proponen provocar Erupciones Volcánicas para Bloquear el Sol


 -  Reality Defies the Doomsday Climate Narrative


 -  Real Science vs. Climate Fraud


 -  Record Heat and Drought Signs of Solar Catastrophe?



 -  Researchers Predict that a "Mini Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon

 -  Recent temperature trends in the South Central Andes reconstructed from sedimentary chrysophyte...


 -  Researchers discover Himalayan Glaciers are Cooling Down - Potentially Slowing Down effects of Climate Change


 -  Rise of the Climate Oligarchs


 -  Rising Carbon Dioxide is Making the Earth Greener



 -  Russian Astrophysicist Predicts Global Cooling - New Study


 -  Science or Science Fiction? - Professionals' Discursive Construction of Climate Change


 -  Scientists Observe First Signs of Healing in the Antarctic Ozone Layer


 -  Scientists Respond to the Obama Administration's 2014 National Climate Assessment


 -  Slowing of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 25° N.


 -  Solar Activity just reached a 'New Space Age Low'


 -  Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere



 -  Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate


 -  Sorry Mainstream Media - Wildfires are Declining not 'Increasing'


 - 'Staggering Rise in Climate Related Disasters' UN Claims, but Reality is a DOWNWARD Trend in Disasters


 -  Storms are NOT Made Worse by 'Climate Change'


 -  Stratosphere Targets Deep Sea to Shape Climate


 -  Study Examines Climate Change as A National Security Issue - Weather Warning


 -  Sunspots and Climate


 -  Temperaturas Récord y Señales de Sequía... ¿Señales de Una Catástrofe Solar?


 -  The Absurd CO2 Scam - PsyOp Climate Change


 -  The BBC is Rotten to the Core - Climate Change


 -  The Beginning of a New Ice Age


 -  The Biggest Deception in History - Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change


 -  The Church of Malthus - Haters of Humanity


 -  The Climate Change Mental Asylum - CO² Fanatics suffering from Ideological Insanity


 -  The Climate-Change Religion - How long before Human Sacrifices?


 -  The 'Climate Crisis' is Fading as Unachievable Goals collide with Exploding Costs


 -  The 'Climate Crisis Lie' is about Money and Power


 -  The 'Climate Emergency' Is a Hoax


 -  The Climate is Changing


 -  The Climate Religion and Copenhagen I


 -  The Climate Scaremongers - It's Worse than We Thought...!


 -  The Coming Crash of the Climate Cult


 -  The Coming Global Superstorm


 -  The Common Roots of 'Climate Change and COVID-19 Hysteria'


 -  The Earth's Magnetic Field Impacts Climate - Danish Study


 -  The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate - A Workshop Report

 -  The Elephant, the Blind, and the Intersectoral Intercomparison of Climate Impacts


 -  The Engineered Winter Deception - Chemical Ice Nucleation


 -  The Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control


 -  The Greening of the Globe


 -  The Green New Scam is Dying


 -  The High Church of Global Warming


 -  The Hijacking of 'Green' - From 'Beauty and Biodiversity' to 'Fakery and Fascism'


 -  The Little Ice Age which has Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change - Valentina Zharkova


 -  The Manipulation of Climate For Military Use - Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda


 -  The Man who 'Invented Climate Change' and influenced Schwab's Great Reset Agenda


 -  The Ministry of Climate Truth Strikes Again


 -  The Next Climate Debate Bombshell


 -  The Next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes


 -  The Not-So-Scary Truth about 'Climate Change'...


 -  The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie and Climate Engineering Denial - Both are Breaking Down...


 -  The 'Paris Climate Deal' was a Fraud - The United Nations Admits...


 -  The Philippines Haiyan Typhoon is Not the Result of Global Warming - Climate Change


 -  The Profound Junk Science of Climate


 -  There is No Climate Emergency - Climate Models miss One Key Variable - Nobel Laureate John Clauser


 -  There is No Climate 'Emergency' - European Climate Declaration Scientists write to United Nations


 -  The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" Institutions, Foundations and Activist Groups


 -  The Rockefeller Way - The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan


 -  The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change


 -  The True Source of Climate Change - HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification


 -  The United Nations admits that The Paris Climate Deal was a Fraud


 -  The United Nations exposes Chemtrails - 100% Proof we are Being Poisoned

 -  The U.S. Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature Data - Version 2


 -  The U.S. Military emits more Greenhouse Gases than Sweden and Denmark

 -  The Wrong Trousers - Radically Rethinking Climate Policy


 -  This is what 'They Don't Want You to Know' about the Climate Agenda - Dr. W. Soon's interview by T. Carlson


 -  Thousands of Scientists Unite to End "Climate Emergency" Hysteria


 -  Top-Level Climate Modeler exposes 'Nonsense' of 'Global Warming Crisis' - Dr. Mototaka Nakamura


 -  Top Scientists Slam and Ridicule United Nations IPCC Climate Report


 -  Tormentas en España - Voces contra las Armas Meteorológicas y la Agenda 2030


 -  To Stop Climate Change Modern Capitalism Needs to Die - Scientists say to U.N.


 -  Total Dominion Over Earth's Weather and Natural Resources - NWO Cabal


 - "Tropical Pacific" is Major Player in Global Ocean Heat Transport


 -  Trudeau's 'Climate Obsession' runs into a pesky thing called Reality


 -  UNEP Says Global Governance Will Reverse The Effects of Climate Change


 -  Una de las Causas Principales del Cambio Climático sobre la que Nadie está Hablando


 -  Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará dentro los Próximos 15 Años


 -  Un Frío Desastre Climático viene Hacia Nosotros


 -  'Unholy Alliance' - Exposing the Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate - Special Report


 -  U.N. Climate-Smart Revolution Begins with Agricultural Land Grabs


 -  U.N. seeks Urgent Climate Action to prevent "Greening" Sahara Desert - Proving Climate Change is 'Death Cult'


 -  U.S. Department of Defense is The Worst Polluter on The Planet


 -  U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter than as many as 140 Countries - Shrinking this 'War Machine' is a Must


 -  Video shows Bill Gates admitting "Clean Energy" solving Climate Change is a SCAM


 -  Volcanic Eruptions Reshape Arctic Ocean Floor


 -  Washington's New World Order Weapons Have The Ability to Trigger Climate Change


 -  Was Hugo Chavez Right about HAARP and the Haiti Earthquake? - Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?


 -  Weather Events are not Climate...

 -  Weather Modification - Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential - Committee on Commerce, Science...

 -  Weather Warfare - Main File


 -  Well-Funded Climate Activists waging Psychological Warfare on the Public


 -  What are the Climate Engineers Doing in the Arctic? - Astounding Images, and Dead Scientists


 -  What Causes an Ice Age to End?


 -  What Climate Crisis...?


 -  While the Climate Always has and Always will Change, there is no Climate Crisis

 -  While the Climate Always Has and Always Will Change - There Is no Climate Crisis - Complete Version


 -  Why are 'Climate Change Predictions' always so Wrong...?


 -  Why Canada Must Get Out of The Paris Climate Agreement


 -  Why Covid-19 will end up Harming the Environment


 -  Why Weather Patterns are Becoming More Expensive - Going to Extremes


 -  World Health Organization (WHO) using COVID to push Climate Change Agenda - Tucker Carlson


 -  World Meteorological Organization Report debunked - Weather Hype fuels false 'Climate Crisis' claims


 -  You Are Being Warned - This Strange Weather Phenomenon...



Additional Information



 -  1974 Fires Burned 15% of Australia


 -  14.000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in The USA



 -  14.000 Verlassene Windkraftanlagen In den USA


 -  Absolute Zero


 -  A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon - A Threat used to Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset'


 -  A Climate Solution That Is Out of This World


 -  A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering Approach to Climate Stabilization


 -  Alarmists Fake Grassroots Effort to Guarantee Carbon Taxes


 -  Alliance of World Scientists Signatories - Warning of a Climate Emergency


 -  An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security

 -  A New Empirical Constraint on the Prevalence of Technological Species in the Universe

 -  Apocalypse Now? Communicating Extreme Forecasts

 -  Approaching a State Shift in Earth's Biosphere


 -  A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere


 -  Arctic Governance in An Era of Transformative Change - Critical Questions, Governance Principles, Ways...

 -  Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Remained Constant During the 1990s


 -  A Safe Operating Space for Humanity


 -  Así se Prepara el 1% para el 'Apocalipsis' Climático


 -  A Timely Fix for a Grand Theory of Nature


 -  Avoiding a 'Climate Lockdown'


 -  Bill Gates gives speech Demanding Action on Climate Change to 'Elites' who Flew in on Private Jets


 -  Bill Gates' Vision of Combating Climate Change is Mostly Myopic, Out of Touch, and a Little Bit Scary


 -  Biofuels Fallacy - Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save the Climate


 -  Cambio Climático Cósmico y Terrorismo Financiero - Atando Cabos


 -  Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol - Main File



 -  China, Russia and U.S. in Heated Military Race to Control Atmosphere


 -  CIA Investing in Research Aimed at Modifying The Earth's Climate for Unknown Reasons


 -  Científicos Advierten que EE.UU. Inició una Guerra Climática contra Sudamérica

 -  Civil Conflicts Are Associated With The Global Climate


 -  Climate Change a 'Catalyst for Conflict'


 -  Climate Change and Land


 -  Climate Change and The Time of Transition


 -  Climate Change led to 'Unexpected Anatomical Changes' - Fossil of Extinct Human Species reveals...


 -  Climate Cycles Linked to Civil War - Analysis Shows


 -  Climate Engineering is a Gateway to Global Government

 -  Climate Engineering - Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential Responses


 -  Climate Wars! - Billions Are at Stake So Far as The “Climate Scientists” Are Concerned, Climate Wars...


 -  Cloudbusting Information


 -  CO² is Not Causing Climate Change

 -  Communicating Climate Change to Mass Public Audiences


 -  Cómo el Clima Cambió la forma del Cuerpo y Cerebro Humano


 -  Cómo la Ciencia ha sido Corrompida


 -  Dramatic Changes in Our Sun - Main File



 -  EcoAlert - Titan Supercomputer - Launches New Era for Climate-Change Analysis at 20,000 Trillion...


 -  El Cambio Climático No Causó la Desaparición de los Neandertales


 -  El Cambio Climático que Acabó con el Imperio Romano


 -  El Co-Fundador de Greenpeace dice que Todo lo que se Afirma sobre el 'Cambio Climático' es una Estafa


 -  El Futuro de la Tecnología - ¿Sólo los Más Ricos Sobrevivirán y Trascenderán la Condición Humana?


 -  El Sistema de Alerta Crítica de la Naturaleza


 -  El Sol Tiene Efectos Regionales en El Clima de La Tierra


 -  El Volumen de Hielo Marino en El Ártico Crece un 50% en Un Año

 -  Engaging Community for Sustainable Revitalization - Key Trends, Strategies and Recommendations


 - ¿Es el Cambio Climático una Oportunidad para la Agricultura Argentina?

 -  Evidence for A Physical Linkage Between Galactic Cosmic Rays and Regional Climate Time Series

 -  Executive Summary of The WMO Statement on Weather Modification


 -  Extreme Weather - A Guide to the Chemistry of Cold Weather


 -  Farms are Climate Enemies and Must Be Radically Transformed


 -  Francisco - "Los que Niegan el Cambio Climático" son "Tontos"

 -  Galactic-Bursts Signatures in Antarctica - 10Be Spectra Reveal Cosmogenesis of Climate Switching


 -  Geister der Windenergie


 -  Generic Indicators for Loss of Resilience Before a Tipping Point Leading to Population Collapse


 -  Geoengineering Could Cause the Next Great Famine



 -  Geoengineering Could Disrupt Rainfall Patterns



 -  Geoengineers to Release Planet-Cooling Gas into New Mexico Atmosphere


 -  Getting Real about Green Energy - An honest Analysis of what it CAN'T Promise


 -  Global Risks 2013 and X Factor - The Disturbing Report by The World Economic Forum

 -  Global Risks Report 2013 - An Initiative of the Risk Response Network

 -  Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 by Group of Independent Scientists - Transforming the Economy

 -  Global Warming - Myth or Reality?

 -  Going Green Gets The Green


 -  Gracias a la 'Pandemia' los "Confinamientos Climáticos" están ahora en el Horizonte


 -  Grassland Plants show surprising Appetite for Carbon Dioxide

 -  'Green' Debacle - Tens of Thousands of Abandoned Wind Turbines Now Litter American Landscape

 -  Greening of the Earth and Its Drivers



 -  Greta Thunberg - Fake as the Climate Change Hoax


 -  'Grünes' Debakel - Die Amerikanische Landschaft übersäht Mit Tausenden von Verlassenen...


 -  Guess What Else Climate Change Hurts? - Globalization...


 -  Gulf Loop Current Destroyed - May Lead To Shut Down of Atlantic Thermoregulation, Rapid Cooling


 -  Heavy Metal Contamination and Mass Extinction - What's The Connection?

 -  High-Power ELF Radiation Generated by Modulated HF Heating of The Ionosphere Can Cause Earthquakes...


 -  How Many People Must Die to 'Fix the Planet'?

 -  Human Engineering and Climate Change


 -  Hurricane Irma Manipulation - Objectives and Agendas


 -  Hyperdimensional Hurricanes?


 -  Impacts of Climate Change - Perception & Reality


 -  IPCC's Land Report shows the Problem with Modern Farming is based around Oil, not Soil


 -  Is Something Other Than Natural Phenomena Changing Climate?


 -  La Estrategia de la Despoblación


 -  La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para Promover Agendas Políticas'

 -  Large Historical Growth in Global Terrestrial gross Primary Production - by J.E. Campbell, J.A. Berry, U. Seibt


 -  Lies of Silence - The Controlled Global Media


 -  Los Científicos miran abiertamente a los "Chemtrails" para Enfriar el Planeta Tierra


 -  Los Globalistas están Admitiendo abiertamente 'Su Agenda de Control de la Población' - Y es una Mala Señal...


 -  L'Uovo Oceanico e La Gallina Stratosferica - Variabilità Climatica Atlantica


 -  Mensaje a la UE: Ustedes tienen la Oportunidad de Dejar de Alimentar la Devastación en el Amazonas


 -  Message to the EU: You have the Chance to Stop Fuelling Devastation in the Amazon


 -  Naomi Klein and the 'Climate of Hypocrisy'


 -  Nature's Critical Warning System


 -  New Evidence that an Extraterrestrial Collision 12,800 Years ago Triggered an Abrupt Climate Change for Earth


 -  Nubes "Agujero" - Según la NASA Un Fenómeno Completamente Natural


 -  Oil Spill Aftermath? It's Only The Beginning!


 -  Pentagon-Sponsored Study Opens Door for Super Lasers for Weather Control

 -  Perception of Climate Change


 -  Peru's 'Ancient Water Systems' can help Protect Communities from Shortages caused by Climate Change

 -  Planetary Boundaries - Exploring The Safe Operating Space for Humanity

 -  Planetary Boundaries - Guiding Human Development on a Changing Planet


 -  Politician wants to 'Alter the Moon's Orbit' to fight Climate Change


 -  Pollution Alters Isolated Thunderstorms


 -  Pope - 'Deniers of Climate Change' are 'Foolish'


 -  Pope Francis - Climate Change Deniers are 'Stupid'

 -  Precise Timing of Abrupt Increase in Dust Activity in the Middle East coincident with 4.2 ka Social Change


 -  Prepare for the Coming "Climate Lockdowns"


 -  Proyecto Ultrasecreto de la Guerra Fría halló Plantas Fósiles bajo Groenlandia


 -  Putting an End to the EPA's "Secret Science" - Climate Change


 -¿Que Hace Que Cambie El Clima?



 -  Quietly U.S. Cities Spend your Money Preparing for Climate Change

 -  Regional Atmospheric Circulation Shifts induced by a Grand Solar Minimum


 -  Riesgos Globales 2013 y Factores X - El Inquietante Informe del Foro Económico Mundial


 -  Risk of Global Climate Change by BP Oil Spill


 -  Rogue Geoengineering Could 'Hijack' World's Climate


 -  Role of Climate in the Rise and Fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire


 -  Rothschilds and the Geoengineering Empire


 -  Scientists Able to Control the Weather using Lasers


 -  Scientists Figured Out how to Create a Cat. 5 Hurricane in a LAB - Worrying


 -  Scientists Openly Look to 'Chemtrails' to Cool Planet Earth


 -  Scientists Recommend Having Earth Put Down


 -  Scientists Uncover Evidence of Impending Tipping Point for Earth


 -  Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People


 -  Seamos Realistas sobre las Energías Verdes - Un Análisis Honesto de lo que NO PUEDEN Prometer


 -  'Sistemas Antiguos de Agua' del Perú protegerían a Comunidades de escasez causada por Cambio Climático


 -  Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In from the Cold

 -  Slowing down of North Pacific Climate Variability and Its Implications for Abrupt Ecosystem Change

 -  Solar Irradiance Reduction to Counteract Radiative Forcing from a Quadrupling of CO2


 -  Some Ways Monsanto Wants to Profit Off Climate Change

 -  Speleothem record attests to Stable Environmental Conditions during Neanderthal-Modern Human turnover in...

 -  Sustainability and the Astrobiological Perspective - Framing Human Futures in a Planetary Context

 -  Systematic Climate Model biases in the Large-scale Pattern of recent Sea-surface Temperature and Sea-level...


 -  The 'Butterfly Effect' in Climate Change - Chaos and Fractals


 -  The Case for Young People and Nature - A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future


 -  The Climate Role of our Sun Confirmed



 -  The Cold, Windy Voyage to Unreliable Green Energy

 -  The Genocidal Roots of the Green New Deal - The Limits to Growth and the Unchaining of Prometheus

 -  The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero - Our progress and plan towards a net-zero global economy

 -  The Global Environment Outlook Report - GEO-4 - Large File


 -  The Globalists are Openly Admitting to 'Their Population Control Agenda' - And that's a Bad Sign


 -  The Globe's Not Only Getting Hotter - It's More Unjust and Unstable Too


 -  The Grab for Greenland


 -  'The Great Reset' - World leaders to harness COVID and pursue 'Sinister' Climate Agenda


 -  The Green Pope and the Catholic Rebellion


 -  The History of Using Children to Push for Agendas

 -  The Kyoto Protocol - An Assault On Science, Economic Growth, And Human Freedoms

 -  The Mobile Polar High - A New Concept explaining present Mechanisms of Meridional Air-mass and Energy...

 -  The PAGE09 Integrated Assessment Model - A Technical Description

 -  There Are Two Paths Ahead - Each Marked With a “Danger” Signpost


 -  The Sun's Magnetic Effect on Weather and Humans


 -  The Truth - by International Space Sciences Organization


 -  The UNEP That We Want - Reflections on UNEP's Future Challenges


 -  The United Nations Creates New, More Powerful Global Environmental Agency


 -  The Vanishing Sunspot Mystery - What Does it Mean for Earth's Climate? - A Galaxy Insight


 -  Throwing Out The Free Market Playbook - An Interview with Naomi Klein


 -  Tsunamis and Earthquakes - Main File


 -  Tsunamis y Terremotos - Main File


 -  Una Solución Oportuna para una Gran Teoría de la Naturaleza


 -  Un Cambio Climático pudo haber Estimulado la Evolución Humana


 -  Undeniable fact that "Carbon Dioxide" is NOT a "pollutant" but a Giver of Life - Open Letter to Canada's P.Minister

 -  UNEP - Implementation of The Long-Term Strategy - The Engagement and Involvement of Young People...

 -  UNEP - Proposed Medium-Term Strategy 2010-2013


 -  Un Estudio Determina que el posible Colapso del Imperio Acadio pudo ser debido a un Cambio Climático


 -  Unless Peace Comes - How to Wreck the Environment


 -  U.N. Climate-Change Envoy Mary Robinson Criticizes UK and Germany


 -  U.N. May Switch Blue Helmets to Green - Then Launch Climate Change Peacekeeping Wars


 -  Uno Studio determina che la Caduta dell'Impero Accadico potrebbe essere dovuta a un Cambiamento Climatico

 -  U.N. Urged to Freeze Climate Change 'Geo-engineering' Projects


 -  U.S. Climate Change Procedure Based on U.N.'s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy

 -  Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025


 -  Weather Channel Helping to Hide The Geoengineering Assault


 -  Weather Wars - Who should Be Allowed to Engineer our Climate?


 -  Wer Grün Denkt Dem Wird ein "Grüner" Gesetzt


 -  What brought the Decline of the Eastern Roman Empire - Can we Learn from it?


 -  When We Grow Up, We Will Fall in Love with Earth



 -  Why The Forecasts for Food Production Could Be Entirely Wrong - Big Trouble Ahead?


 -  Wind Energy's Ghosts



 -  Wind Farms Are Net Carbon Dioxide Emitters



 -  Wind Farms Will Create More Carbon Dioxide - Say Scientists

 -  World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency

 -  Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury - A Global Phenomenon




 -  Adoption of The Paris Agreement - Full Text of Paris COP21 Climate Change Agreement


 -  COP21 - Climate Obstacles Emerge Soon After Paris Summit 2015 Concludes


 -  COP25 - El Fracaso en la Cumbre para Regular los Mercados Relacionados con el Carbono


 -  COP26 o cómo "Pintar de Verde" los Intereses de la Gran Finanza


 -  Las Nuevas Armas Financieras de Occidente y la COP26


 - "No hay Crisis Climática... El Planeta No Está en Peligro" - Premio Nobel de Física desafía a la COP28


 - "No hay Pruebas del Impacto de los Combustibles Fósiles" - Presidente de la COP28 hace Declaraciones...


 -  Oil CEO at COP28 says blaming the Energy Industry for the Climate 'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for Obesity'


 -  The Climate Scam revealed by COP28


 -  The High Priests of Climate Hypocrisy are here 'To Save the World' - COP28 at Dubai


El Niño - La Niña


 -  Altas Temperaturas No Suponen "Amenaza Existencial" - Dice nuevo 'Jefe de la ONU para el Cambio Climático'


 -  Changes in Gulf Loop Current Will Cause "La Niña" Type Weather Extremes This Winter


 -  Epic El Niño Yields Massive Data Trove



 -  Hallan la Fuente que está Calentando el Océano Global


 -  Historic Failure? - 5 Takeaways from the COP21 Paris Climate Talks


 -  How Geologic Factors generate El Niño and La Niña Events


 -  La Mayor Extinción Masiva de la Historia - Causada por Duración Anormalmente Larga de El Niño


 -  La NASA Alerta que la Tierra está Amenazada - "Impacto inmediato"


 -  Le Alte Temperature Non Presuppongono una "Minaccia per l'Esistenza" - Lo Dice il nuovo Capo dell'ONU...


 -  Mega El Niño events caused End-Permian Mass Extinction - Researchers Suggest


 -  NASA Examines Global Impacts of the 2015 El Niño


 -  The Heat-Delirious Media is Wrongly Blaming Climate Change for 2023's Heat Waves





 -  Arctic Ice Imploding, Methane Releasing



 -  Arctic Methane Leaks Threaten Climate


 -  BP Quietly Preparing A Nuclear Device - Making Methane Ignition A Reality In The Gulf


 -  'Fountains' of Methane 1,000m Across Erupt from Arctic Ice - A Greenhouse Gas 30 times More Potent...

 -  Four Corners - The Largest U.S. Methane Anomaly Viewed from Space


 -  Frozen Methane - From The Gulf Oil Spill to Climate Change


 -  'Frozen' Natural Gas Discovered at Unexpectedly Shallow Depths Below Seafloor


 -  How BP Gulf Disaster May Have Triggered a 'World-Killing' Event


 -  Hundreds of Giant Methane Craters Discovered on the Arctic Sea Floor

 -  Massive Blow-Out Craters formed by Hydrate-controlled Methane expulsion from the Arctic Seafloor


 -  Metano Congelado - ¿Nueva Fuente De Energía?



 -  Methane Buildup Predicted in Superstorm Book Confirmed



 -  NASA Confirms a 2,500-Square-Mile Cloud of Methane Floating over U.S. Southwest


 -  New Climate Threat as Methane Rises From Cracks in Arctic Ice


 -  Researchers Discover Massive Methane 'Fountains' in Arctic Ice - A Genuine Threat to The Atmosphere?

 -  Scientists Gain New Insights Into 'Frozen' Methane Beneath Ocean Floor


 -  The Climate Time Bomb that Will Cost Us $60 Trillion



 -  The Dangerous Methane Mystery



 -  Vast Costs of Arctic Change - Climate Science


 -  Why You Need To Know What Methane Hydrate Is



Forests - Trees / Bosques - Árboles



 -  Deforestación - Hechos, Causas y Efectos


 -  Ecuador Sets Tree Planting World Record in One Day with 647,250 Trees Planted


 -  El Bosque es Nuestro Mejor Aliado


 -  Forests Emerge as a Major Overlooked Climate Factor


 -  Forests the size of France Regrown since 2000 - Study Suggests

 -  How Forests Attract Rain - An Examination of a New Hypothesis

 -  How much can Forests fight Climate Change?


 -  La Reforestación en China está fomentando la Vuelta de Animales Exóticos


 -  Planting more Trees in the Arctic actually makes the world Warmer


 -  Rainforests May Pump Winds Worldwide


 -  Rising like a Phoenix - Australia's Forests Renew Themselves


 -  The Paris Climate Accord is Genocide against Plants, Forests and All Life on our Planet

 -  Trading Forests - Land-use change and carbon emissions embodied in production and exports of forest...

 -  Tree Planting is No Climate Solution at Northern high Latitudes





 -  Bill Gates' Agenda to Chop Down Forests



Paris Climate Accord - COP21 / Acuerdo Climático de París


 -  Adoption of The Paris Agreement - Full Text of Paris COP21 Climate Change Agreement


 -  Christiana Figueres Postmortem on Paris Climate Summit - Flame of Hope


 -  Coordinated Insanity over Climate Change


 -  COP21 - Climate Obstacles Emerge Soon After Paris Summit 2015 Concludes


 -  Donald Trump's Main Reasons for Withdrawing from The Paris Climate Agreements


 -  Historic Failure? - 5 Takeaways from the COP21 Paris Climate Talks


 -  La Derrota de Ucrania redefinió la "Bélica Agenda Verde" y la salida de Trump del Acuerdo de París


 -  Paris Climate Agreement is Finally Unraveling Everywhere


 -  Possibly the 'Best Thing you will ever Read' on Global Warming - The István Markó Interview


 -  The Paris Climate Accord is Genocide against Plants, Forests and All Life on our Planet


 -  Trump's Speech on Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal


 -  What You're Not Being Told about the Paris Climate Agreement




 -  Apocalypse Never - Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All - by Michael Shellenberger

 -  A Short History of the Future - Surviving the 2030 Spike - by Colin Mason

 -  Decreasing trend in Destructive Potential of Tropical Cyclones in the South Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s

 -  Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom - by Patrick Moore

 -  False Alarm - How Climate Change Panic costs us Trillions, Hurts the Poor and Fails to Fix the Planet - by B.Lomborg


 -  La Profecía de Orión - por Patrick Geryl


 -  How to Avoid a Climate Disaster - by Bill Gates

 -  Inconvenient Facts - The Science that Al Gore doesn't want You to Know - by Gregory Wrightstone

 -  Telling Lies for God - by Ian Plimer


 -  The Storm - by Daniel Defoe


 -  Unsettled - What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn't, and Why it Matters - by Steven Koonin




 -  Al Gore Debates Global Warming


 -  An Inconvenient Truth


 -  Arctic Sea Ice Refuses to Melt as Ordered...!


 -  Birkeland Currents and Weather - Donald E. Scott


 -  Capitalismo vs. el Clima - Capitalism vs. the Climate


 -  Climate Change - Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul

 -  Climate, the Movie - The Cold Truth

 -  Eastern Pacific Ocean is Cooling, Not Warming! - Are Climate Models Wrong?

 -  Future Sea Level Rise Worldwide


 -  Geoengineering - A Planet in Crisis - The Most Important Topic For 2013

 -  Guerra Climática al Descubierto - HAARP - Ike ?...y el Hanna, Josephine, Nana, Gustav...etc...!

 -  Global Dimming


 -  Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off


 -  HAARP - Transmision CBC Sobre Control Climatologico


 -  High Anxieties - The Mathematics Of Chaos


 -  Ice Age Meltdown - Earth Investigated


 -  Inuit People on Sun Wrong, Stars Wrong, Earth Tilting on Axis

 -  La Gran Estafa Del Calentamiento Global - Versión Completa, No Censurada

Español  -  La Historia del Suelo

 -  La Onceava Hora


 -  La ONU está detrás de la Estafa del Cambio Climático - Agenda 2030

Italiano  -  La Storia del Suolo

 -  Marlo Lewis Critiques Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"


 -  Oscurecimiento Global 


 -  Paremos El Calentamiento Global


 -  Plan B - Mobilizing to Save Civilization - Journey to Planet Earth

 -  Project BlueBeam


 -  Scientist exposes "Climate Religion" and its Anti-Liberty Agenda - István Markó

 -  The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice Age


 -  The Secret Life of Plants

 -  The Soil Story

 -  The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6

 -  Una Verdad Incómoda - Una Vision Casi Apocalíptica Del Planeta - Al Gore

 -  Unprecedented Climate and Temperature whiplash Scenarios


Related Reports


 -  Antarctica Rediscovered - Main File



 -  Atomic Power and the Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons - Main File


 -  Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites - Main File


 -  Chemtrails and Geoengineering - Main File


 -  HAARP - Main File



 -  Immanuel Velikovsky - Main File



 -  Nikola Tesla - Main File


 -  The Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations - Main File


 -  Tsunamis and Earthquakes - Main File