
by Robert Chatwin
August 14, 2015
Collective-Evolution Website
Spanish version

Following the success of my recent
article, The
Truth Behind Capitalism, and the overwhelming number of people
who watched my below documentary
short, I decided to decode the premise of the article by looking
at the many comments left by you, the CE (Collective-Evolution) readers:
Both the article and the documentary
criticized the capitalist system from Karl Marx's perspective, and
suggested that a more communal, or 'communist' approach to the way
we live would be more moral, ethical, and better for people and
Unsurprisingly, not everyone agreed with this standpoint,
but the fact that so many people commented on the article is very
telling in and of itself.
In 2008, the economic system as we knew
it literally collapsed, and it seems that this may well be one big
reason why so many people are questioning the validity of the system
we have today and fervently debating its many alternatives.
So before I decode The Truth Behind
Capitalism, here are some of the ideological alternatives to the
current capitalist system that were expressed by CE readers:
is commonly misunderstood as government control of everything; in
actual fact, advocates of socialism seek worker control of
everything, not state control.
Socialists believe the people should
make decisions as a collective through workplace co-operatives.
Karl Marx coined the term 'socialism' as
a reaction to the exploitation by factory workers of the working
class, especially through child labor, purely to yield more profit.
As Harvard, Stanford, and Yale educated
economist, Richard D Wolff, explains
here (below video), advocates of socialism see the free-market motive for
profit as a problem with capitalism, not the state itself:
Whereas socialism promotes an
alternative economic system that is democratically planned by the
workers (democratic socialism), advocates of social democracy support
the current mixed economy, and want to keep the private sector.
However, they believe that the state
needs to heavily regulate the actions of capitalists to avoid
'corporatism' or 'crony capitalism,' which is when out-of-control
business practices allow for corporations to lobby, influence, and
sue the government.
Examples of such regulations could
include using the proposals set out by the non-profit organization
Positive Money as a way to regulate the market economy with
better ethics and morals, or the framework of
planetary boundaries (below video) developed by Earth system and environmental
scientists, which suggests preconditions for businesses to ensure
sustainable development:
Advocates of capitalist libertarianism argue that true capitalism is nothing but the
free and voluntary trade of goods and services and the private
ownership of the means of production.
The profit motive is seen as a
beneficial consequence of free trade because profit can only
be realized when something is produced that other people want.
Libertarians believe that the inequality
we are experiencing today has grown not because of capitalism, but
because of government involvement, since political rulers not only
grant monopoly privileges to a small few, but also decide who
succeeds and who fails.
Advocates of libertarianism therefore
see a stateless free-market society as a motivator to be creative
and productive:
instead of government imposing rules from above,
people trade and interact freely with each other for the benefit of
In this model, the profit motive exists alongside a non-aggression
libertarians emphasize individual decision-making and the market
economy, advocates of communism seek to move beyond money
as a form of trade to a society in which people work together as a
community, and make communal decisions on the best way to benefit
all people in society.
Communist societies past and present
have only been communist in name.
Communism has never existed,
because in a truly communist society there is no more state,
everything is owned by everyone, and there is no more scarcity.
Marx believed that communism is the
natural progression after socialism; advocates of communism see
the ideology as a goal to aim for as the people build a fair and
equal society.
Economy - RBE
Resource-Based Economy is
a relatively new term that many CE readers are excited about.
idea was developed by Jacque Fresco of
Venus Project and is now also being developed by
Zeitgeist Movement. RBE advocates argue we must view the world
systemically as one organism, and focus on technology as a means to
manage the world's limited resources and provide for the needs of
Like communism, it is a belief in
a post-scarcity economy where there
is no longer need for money, and like libertarianism, there is also
complete individual freedom.
In order to eradicate scarcity,
however, the world's resources would be managed by a central
computer, which could therefore be seen as a kind of central state
The principles behind the RBE are set out in
The Free World Charter.
CE readers also left comments about one
other social structure.
The Ubuntu Liberation Movement
proposes a society free from money with abundance for all, but
as founder Michael Tellinger explains here below,
this system turns to ancient knowledge rather than modern
technologies for its societal blueprint:
I knew nothing about this movement, and
that is perhaps ultimately the point.
If we recognize that no one
person can know everything about all things, then it follows that no
one person can have all the answers.
At the same time, all the reader
comments on alternative systems show that the truth behind
capitalism is that actually everyone wants the same - a new, fairer,
happier, more equal and more sustainable system than the one we have
now - the only disagreement is on the best way to achieve this.
The first step to social transformation
must therefore be to actively reject the system as it stands.
We can
move our money out of the big banks and into credit unions, and we
can join any movement for positive societal change that resonates
with us.
For the transformation will not come
from the system itself. The transformation will come when we all
work in collaboration for a common goal despite our differences.
Because ultimately, we are all far more
alike than different...