by Zen Gardner
September 01, 2014
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

Once we understand that everything is an illusion we're
home free.
Knowing we're eternal consciousness
having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone
can possibly have.
It's wonderful, it's free and it's forever… and it's for everyone!
People just need to wake up to it.
That would seem to be fairly simple, especially once it has happened
to you. The fullness of life you expand into, the realization of
infinite possibility, is so exhilarating, liberating and profoundly
simple that you can't help but wonder why everyone doesn't see it.
This is especially so once the grand conspiracy being foisted on
humanity comes into full focus. Things really kick into high gear
upon realizing fully what's going on and why we're here at this
crucial time.
The notion that this wonderful realization should be apparent to all
soon tempers though, when we remember being in that entranced
unconscious state ourselves and how we thought we understood pretty
well what life was all about.
A healthy spiritual check for our
How Did It
Almost all of us were once encased in something that kept us apart
from this simple experiential realization.
That encasement was both natural and
engineered. Natural in the sense that we are spirit born into a
physical body, so there is a dimensional challenge right there.
The real problems arise with the cultural and societal constructs we
are born into. As helpless infants for an extensive period of time
after birth, we are at the complete mercy of whomever is caring for
Although we are inherently spiritual
beings, if this is not corroborated by the spirit and behavior of
those around us a type of callous begins to grow to obfuscate that
knowledge. Much like waking from a dream and not being able to
remember it as a whole different "reality" takes over our senses.
It just happens. If people have dumbed down parents they will most
likely be dumbed down as well.
At least on the surface. In later years
they perhaps can wake up out of that environment as many of us have
The War On
Children are very often extremely spiritual, often remembering their
previous state in detail.
Children are born pure. If this inherent
spirituality is encouraged and the reality of our true nature
reinforced, this would be a very different world.
However it rarely is. Those indigenous peoples who were not raised
in engineered societies but only within simple cultural guidelines
are very spiritual and natural. There is no "waking up", they just
never went to sleep.
This is why these rich, conscious native
cultures and
their shamans have been
systematically decimated by
the ugly Controllers.
They do not want an awakened populace
nor for these simple empowering truths to be propagated. Period. And
these spiritually free, unharnessed indigenous peoples carried this
awareness and connectivity that the Controllers so despise.
So in the overlords' view the children of the world must be made to
conform to a system as limiting and spiritually confining as

This will include drugging, mind control, restrictive
false education in militaristic institutions, treadmill like jobs,
mindless diversions and constant propaganda.
In other words, the imposed world system around us.
If you're wondering why the global crack down is
so fierce and Orwellian and is
accelerating at break neck speed, this is why. The awakening is
spreading like wildfire. And they know it...
This is why predators like
Zbigniew Brzezinski see
the awakening as a threat and say
things like,
"It is infinitely easier to kill a
million people than it is to control them."
See below video:
This the type of monster we're up against.
Original Sin -
The Seed of the Matrix
The most clever and effective tools to control mankind
are religion
and belief systems.
Instead of fully denying our
spirituality, they acknowledge it, then channel and control it. Win
the masses over by appealing to this innate drive in each of us to
realize our spiritual potential and take them to another nicely
decorated cell they think is freedom.
They use this tactic proficiently...
Just look at the infrastructure
the Catholic Church for probably the most blatant and elaborate
example. The other religions and denominations aren't far behind,
nor the socio-political structure. Anything to "protect" us from
reality and personal responsibility.
Original sin is one of the most colossal reversals of truth of all
time. That and the fear of death. From start to finish these
parasitic overlords lie, steal, destroy, manipulate and kill.
They're never satisfied.
But that's how they do it, reverse and
confuse everything until your true orientation is almost impossible
to find.
Or so they'd like to think...
That we were born in "sin" and need someone else to pay a fee to get
our innocence back couldn't be more binding, never mind exclusive of
everyone who doesn't see why they have to pay this toll for just
arriving here. It's like having to buy land and water on our own
Who the hell thinks they own this place?
This is why we're "tagged" at birth with "certificates" that connect
us to this false, imposed legal matrix. It's a contract, and one
that needs to be broken. Consciously...
An essential part of
In reality we were born pure until they put their filthy
Matrix trip
on us. Even then they will never conquer our indomitable conscious
But untangling and disengaging is ours
to fully pursue.
If You Can't Beat
'em, Lead 'em
Who can you trust in this day and age, even with
the internet
communication and information revolution?
It's obvious
the PTBs will try to subvert or
nullify the Truth movement, or whatever you want to call it. They
must think we're naive dolts like the asleeple and just awaiting
their fascist harvesting combine.
Quite the arrogant disconnect
there, when their machinations are so obvious to the rest of us.

But that makes sense, when they live in a lower density mind trap
and can't even conceive of our state of consciousness.
Overall there's a lot to be wary of. And that's a healthy attitude.
Am I paranoid? Damn straight I am if that's the definition. They are
after us. Reminds me of Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Most Dangerous
Game" where the ultimate hunt for
the psychopathic gamesman is a
human being.
That's their mindset in a nutshell. Just look at the
war and genocide programming and soft kill depopulation agenda.
I Don't
Believe in Believing
When it comes down to it, don't believe anyone.
Belief is a form of spiritual weakness.
Faith (not religious), or knowledge, is a whole different animal,
it's actually knowing on a personal level despite the baggage that
comes with the term, but belief will get you in trouble.
Pursue until you are fully convinced.
Sometimes it takes some doing - many times you just know something
in your heart to be true. That's not a belief, that's knowing. That
is where we derive our power, our happiness, our effectiveness.
Belief will have you living in vain, vain repetitive prayers or
rituals, vain longings for what you desire as you await the graces
of some deity or all powerful ruler or government; vain hopes for
things that could be realized through knowing affirmation. Even the
quantum physicists know better.
What we intend and focus our
attention on becomes manifest.
Our knowing creates our world.
I tell people all the time to not believe me or take my word for it.
People need to find out for themselves. That's what's wrong with the
world today. Everyone just blindly follows the dictates of others,
especially the vast matrix of deceit.
What choices they do make are within a
carefully contained compartment, giving the illusion of freedom.
I'm just sharing my take and if it resonates or helps people on
their way, great. People need to get their own knowledge and
perspective. I just want to help turn over a few stones as I'm
learning myself and stir people up a bit and maybe inspire and spur
them to action to free themselves and others.
If someone thinks I'm full of crap that's fine with me. They go
their way and I go mine. But let's at least acknowledge the sanctity
of having the freedom to each pursue and learn for ourselves.
I like it when people challenge anything, as long as it's
constructive and in a spirit of wanting to learn and find the truth
of the matter.
When someone shoves their program too hard or it's
for self justification or aggrandizement watch out. We all get out
of it sometimes but when there's a regular pattern that's off kilter
we have a problem.
But even then, take the good stuff and
leave the rest.
You'll usually find yourself looking at
other sources of information naturally, and leaving the
questionables behind.
Truth Psy-Ops
The Truth community or alternative research community is already
infiltrated, you just know it is by simple logic.
The PTB's motto is to lead the
opposition, that's how to control it.
So you know they are amongst the places
we all visit for information, trying to mislead and misinform,
whatever the source be it spiritual or clearly misdirected or
agendized information.

Some are obvious like the politicized
bullshit or religiously oriented propaganda. Some aren't that easy
to spot, much like these new computer viruses that appear and
disappear. They're shape shifters of every sort.
With real
conscious awareness comes
discernment. We need to listen with our ears and minds, yes, but
most of all with our hearts.
I can't say I know for sure who's who myself but you can usually
sniff them out. For example, there are some who've captured the
so-called "patriots'" attention with mountains of exposes and angry
rhetoric and most don't have a clue where they're being led and what
a diversion it potentially is.
Even some of the alternative health
sites have some very questionable viewpoints and allegiances.
The information in these compromised
outlets is mostly bang on, otherwise it wouldn't work. But there are
usually major gaps missing from the full Truth, or it's caged in a
structured paradigm that by definition is limiting and will only
land us in new versions of the same problems.
Eternal vigilance, as has been said, is the price of freedom.
Maybe it's all karmic and what has to happen with people getting
waylaid by partial truths, I don't know. I do know what my path is
and it's not based on a destination or outcome.
The path is what I'm
doing and living every day, and I'm an extremely grateful and happy
person. I did have to go through several major traumatic life
changes to find the full "Now" way of life as is the case of many.
But this awakening is something I feel
I'm still just learning about and at childhood stage which I'm very
comfortable with.
In fact I feel I know less all the time
and it feels good. The wonderful mystery of it all just gets more
fantastic and I'm learning to just let go and enjoy it instead of
trying to figure everything out.
Funny thing is, the more you do that the more wonderful things just
come at you.
Like many of you reading this, I couldn't help keeping on until
everything became clear. It's very humbling to wake up, everything
is just so so wonderfully evident, like "where have I been?".
But it's a massive responsibility at the
same time. If we don't manifest and utilize this awareness, it will
not only fade but many others we could have helped will suffer.
Therein lies the catch.
Belief System
Diversions and Hijacking the Awakening
The NWO is a spiritual model most
of all. They want control and ultimately the spiritual is supreme
and they know that.
While they don't have the conscious
awareness and wonderful empathy we have, they do operate on a
spiritual level, just a different frequency. The New World
Order includes
a new world religion, and they're
warming up to it.

There's a plethora of disinfo tools laced into the alternative
information and 'spirituality' arena.
Most are obvious.
If it disempowers, it's wrong
If it directs your allegiance,
it's wrong
If it robs you of your
sovereignty, it's wrong
If it's dogmatic and
hierarchical, it's wrong
Most lies and lying systems have all of
those traits, while other aspects are more subtle.
There are other attributes but to me the
ones above are the most prominent.
The so called
New Age Movement is rife with phony
baloney trips, messiahs and deliverance doctrines. Many will be
tempted to rest their weary minds and park their energy in any one
of these false peace spaces and expect someone to cover for them.
Walk on your own two feet. There's nothing more empowering and
We have to understand there are plenty of way-stations, indefinite
stopovers, sidetracks and diversions on our path to conscious
fulfillment. For these psychopathic control freaks to try to hijack
this awakening in every way possible is clearly a priority for them
towards our continued subjugation.
Be savvy...
The point is to get past them, and not fall for their mind candy and
rhetoric, no matter how appealing. We are divine in our entirety and
do not need some kind of system or group identity other than Love
and Truth.
Sure, groups will form as action or
fellowship gatherings, but when those symptoms start appearing it is
probably time to split, and enlighten those around you. Until we
have a clear, consciously aware picture of what's going on and our
real situation, shortsighted actions are just rearranging deck
chairs on the Titanic.
So, hijack the awakening? Let them try to put out the light of the
sun and stop the other stars from shining while they're at it. What
Meanwhile, keep an eye out for these maniacs. They're getting more
desperate by the day. These psychotic parasites are on the loose. We
need to be smart and on our toes.
And most of all keep the light on. Those in the approaching darkness
will be needing it.
Game on. They don't know what or who they're dealing with.
Let it fly...!