by Zen Gardner
15 June 2012
BeforeItsNews Website

We already know we can trust about a modicum of mainstream science.
And still with a wary eye. While many discoveries are seemingly bonafide, the context in which they’re presented is always suspect.
And that’s what it’s all about. Context. Framework.
That is why a discovery like this can be so liberating to the
watchful eye.

Star Found Shooting Water “Bullets”
Stellar sprinklers may help
irrigate cosmos, study suggests
NationalGeographicNews Website
“Seven hundred and fifty light-years from Earth, a young,
sunlike star has been found with jets that blast epic quantities
of water into interstellar space, shooting out droplets that
move faster than a speeding bullet.
The discovery suggests that protostars may be seeding the
universe with water. These stellar embryos shoot jets of
material from their north and south poles as their growth is fed
by infalling dust that circles the bodies in vast disks.
“If we picture these jets as giant hoses and the water droplets
as bullets, the amount shooting out equals a hundred million
times the water flowing through the Amazon River every second,”
said Lars Kristensen, a postdoctoral astronomer at Leiden
University in the Netherlands.
“We are talking about velocities reaching 200,000 kilometers
[124,000 miles] per hour, which is about 80 times faster than
bullets flying out of a machine gun,” said Kristensen, lead
author of the new study detailing the discovery, which has been
accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy &
Water from stars. Kind of blows our old
concepts “outta the water”, no?
This amazingly produced combination of
hydrogen and oxygen may just be one of the prime building blocks of
the Universe. And our planet’s dependence on it attests to its
But it flies in the face of current nuclear fission theory that
excludes such a possibility. They’ve said up to this point hydrogen
and oxygen combine to form water for micro-seconds and then it’s
gone. Hmm.
Wonder how these “water bullets” make it
out to the rest of the Cosmos?
“Oops, there goes another science
fraud ‘fact’…”
Reminds me of the infinite points in a
line, or the innumerable vectors making a circle.
We see the line or circle as a defining
line, but they’re infinite combinations gathered into what is to us
a very shallow perception. We live at that lower plane of perception
physically and mentally, but not spiritually.
And we need to perceive life spiritually to begin to understand true
reality. Not the other way around.
The Underlying
Issue with So-called Science
If some strictly defined, or directed and thereby restricted,
thought discipline is so boxed in they tend to discard anything
contrary to current theses or understandings, I don’t trust it.

There may be some stand alone truths in
there, but don’t talk to me about context and how it “fits” in the
microverse of your left-brain, ruler-dominated control systems.
Fact is, we’re on the verge of incredible breakthroughs, not just of
science, but of understanding and perception.
It’s been anticipated, even if with
“The most merciful thing in the
world… is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its
The sciences, each straining in its
own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but someday the
piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such
terrifying vistas of reality… that we shall either go mad from the
revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and
safety of a new dark age.”
H.P. Lovecraft
Or… the revelation will be so empowering
a new day will dawn no one could have perceived.
But not without it’s bumps and scrapes.
Enter the Electric
This understanding of
the Electric Universe is gaining traction fast.

And well worth investigating.
“Today, nothing is more important to
the future and credibility of science than liberation from the
gravity-driven universe of prior theory.
A mistaken supposition has not only
prevented intelligent and sincere investigators from seeing what
would otherwise be obvious, it has bred indifference to
possibilities that could have inspired the sciences for
Thunderbolts of the Gods
There’s a whole world to explore there
that may well explain our fantastic Universe we observe way better
than we’ve been told. Fact is, we live in an expanding, giving,
creative cosmos that only waits to be explored and utilized.
That kind of empowerment is not looked upon kindly
by our
controllers, truth be told. They want dependency. Hence the
information clampdown.
If you haven’t realized that yet, you’ll continue to be tooled and
channeled wherever they want the rest of your days. And it’s usually
based on an underlying need for security.
Again, you feel you need
that because “they” created the underlying paradigms of the latest
“terrorists” or “scarcity” bogey men to keep you in place.
Shake that fast.
Remain Open
and Look for New Horizons
We need to remain open.
We need to hold to our spiritual convictions
that not only are things not as they seem, but neither are they as
we are told. So called science is the perfect illustration of this
As is the
so-called educational system...

If it’s building us up, giving us
practical, insightful stepping stones, fine.
If it’s limiting
creativity, defining our boundaries and marking off territories as
taboo, no thank you.
Look for this assumptive limitation principle. It’s in everything
coming at you and it’s important to discern.
Better yet, turn off
their input. You really can’t trust a thing.
Utilize the internet, get to the source,
and use discernment.