by Steve Pavlina
May 20, 2011
Spanish version

What does it mean to wake up and become more conscious?
Let me share some perspectives that should make it easier to
understand the process of waking up.
The Cellular
From the cellular perspective, you can see yourself as an individual
person interacting with other individuals.
You're like a single cell
in the larger body of humanity, which is comprised of billions of
other people-cells.
For example, I could say that I'm a guy (a cell) who's dedicated to
helping people (other cells) live more consciously. I may
communicate with many people during my lifetime, but each person is
a unique individual, so the impact is different for everyone. We may
all be part of some larger body of humanity, but our interactions
mainly occur at the individual cellular level.
This is similar to one of the cells in your body noticing the other
cells around it and deciding to do what it can to be of service to
those cells. It may help a lot of cells, but it still regards itself
as an individual cell helping other individual cells.
And it won't help all cells equally, nor
could it do so even if it tried.
The Holistic
From the holistic perspective, you see yourself as an integral part
of the universe as a whole.
The overall intent is to help universal
consciousness grow and evolve, particularly the human consciousness
of which you're a part.
This would be like one of the cells in your body recognizing that
it's part of a larger physical body, whereby it stops thinking of
itself primarily as an individual cell and begins to see itself as
being of potential service to the greater whole. Its fate isn't as
important as the fate of the larger body.
So with this perspective, instead of thinking of myself as a guy who
helps people live more consciously, I can see myself as a servant of
humanity helping to create a more conscious humanity, or as a
servant of universal consciousness itself.
My primary role here is to serve
conscious evolution, which isn't necessarily what's best for any
particular individual human in the short term.
Other Perspectives
Of course there are other perspective too.
We could discuss
identification with community, nation, all life, the cosmos, etc.
These perspectives are equally valid, but exploring them would add
complexity without adding much substance to the core ideas. So for
now I want to keep this simple.
On the atomic side, you're an individual, and other people are
individuals too. On the holistic side, we're all part of a greater
I'm not suggesting that any one perspective is best. All of these
perspectives are valid. But I will suggest that it's important to
integrate the holistic perspective more fully into your life if you
wish to experience a healthier flow of abundance.
"Waking up" basically means that you consider and integrate the
holistic perspective as part of your daily life.
Of course there are degrees of waking
up, depending on how aware you are of the holistic perspective and
how fully you've integrated it into your life. In the same manner,
the cells in your body may have varying degrees of awareness that
they are in fact part of a larger human body.
Alternatively, to be "asleep" is to be unaware of the larger
holistic perspective. We could also define this behaviorally by
saying that someone is asleep if they're aware of the holistic
perspective, but they don't attempt to act congruently with it.
In terms of semantics, I'd say that the
first group is asleep, while the second group is trying to sleep.
At the individual level, fairness seems to be about equality.
But of course we don't see that much
genuine equality in the world. It's quite obvious that some
individuals have more resources than others. Some people seem to be
luckier too.
Does your own human body care about fairness when it doles out
resources like oxygen and sugar to its individual cells? To an
extent, sure. When resources are abundant, there's plenty for all,
but even then the distribution isn't perfectly equal. And when
resources become scarce, the body will starve cells that are less
important to its survival to divert more resources to the most
crucial cells.
So the question is, are you an essential cell in the larger body of
consciousness? Or are you superfluous?
Well… look at the resources that life
sends your way.
Do you feel all your needs are well met
- your physical needs, emotional needs, social needs, self esteem
needs, etc?
Are you a highly self-actualized individual?
Or do you
have strong unfulfilled cravings for things that are important to
Have you possibly given up on meeting some of your needs?
you flourishing or are you stuck?
If you're struggling to get your needs met, that's a hint and a half
that life itself isn't particularly concerned with your well-being.
Don't fret though if this describes your situation. It's a problem that can be fixed. Just
don't try to fix it by clamoring and complaining - that doesn't work
and will often backfire.
This may not seem fair, but in a way it is reasonable.
You may be a
very nice, kind, and generous person, but if your focus is at the
cellular level, you're probably missing so much of the big picture
that in the grand scheme of things, your contribution just doesn't
matter that much, at least not from the perspective of universal
You may be doing what could just as easily be done by someone else,
which means you're highly expendable. You may be playing follow the
follower. You may be genuinely helping, but only at the cellular
You may be doing nothing much, which
makes it easy to ignore you.
If you live in such a way that doesn't really contribute much, don't
be too surprised if it seems like life is starving you for
resources. After all, life doesn't need you as much if you aren't
actively helping with its expansion and growth.
Consider the cells in your own body. You may scratch an itch on your
arm and kill lots of cells in the process without even thinking
about it. Individual skin cells just aren't that important to your
overall survival.
But you're less likely to scratch off a
patch of critical brain cells.
A cut on your finger is no cause for
alarm, but a cut on your eyeball is something you'd do more to
avoid. Your body is even designed to protect some parts more than
others. If something flies at your face, you'll automatically throw
up your arms to protect your head. But you won't normally use your
head to protect your arms.
Do you think you're among the critical humans that the larger body
of humanity would move to defend and protect? Or are you among the
sacrificial parts?
What Does
Consciousness Want?
What do you want as a human being? Think about your goals, dreams,
and aspirations for a moment.
Now consider what an individual cell in your body would want. It
wants oxygen and sugar. It wants to eliminate waste. Is this on the
same level as your goals? Do you aspire to breathe, eat, and take
dumps as your primary goals for the year?
Hopefully not.
Now look at this from the other side. From the perspective of the
consciousness itself, your human-level dreams and goals seem petty.
It's important to keep people happy to an extent, but the fate of
any one human is largely insignificant. Universal consciousness
really doesn't care if you have a job or an income, if you get the
house you want, if you have a good relationship or not. It doesn't
care if you get laid or remain a virgin.
Well, it cares a little, but it's not a major concern, just as you
aren't overly concerned about the fate of any individual cells in
your body. It's the body's overall status that matters. And you
probably identify more with your mind (your collective cellular
intelligence) as opposed to your physical body anyway.
Similarly, universal consciousness is more concerned with the
evolution of consciousness itself (our collective consciousness) as
opposed to the fate of any individual human or even of humanity
itself. Now the loss of humanity would probably be a setback, but
consciousness may eventually recover in other forms.
What does consciousness really want? Like you and like your
individual cells, it wants to get its needs met, and it wants to
grow and evolve. But the level on which it's capable of doing this
goes way beyond what you're capable of as an individual.
Look around at all the amazing - and accelerating - achievements of
consciousness. It's expanding in many directions simultaneously.
Consider what's evolving on earth. Humanity itself is becoming
smarter and faster and more connected. And it's having some health
issues to deal with as well.
And consciousness wants to keep going.
Living Small
or Living Large
You can spend your life fussing over your own piddly cellular needs,
but in the grand scheme of things, it won't be anything to write
home about.
No matter what you do or don't do as an individual, it's
just not going to matter that much.
The same can be said of any cell in your body. At the individual
level, a single cell isn't particularly important.
Imagine asking a cell in your body what he's doing with his life,
and he talks about the Bloodstream Marketing course he's taking and
how excited he is about all the extra sugar he'll earn from his
efforts. Oh boy!
But will his efforts pay off? Probably not. If he isn't getting his
needs met, there's probably a good reason for it. The larger body
will see that his needs are well met if there's a good reason to do
so. Otherwise it will divert resources where they're needed.
This is how silly we humans appear to universal consciousness. It
still cares about us and wants to see us happy for the most part,
but it finds our cellular perspective to be rather limiting. If you
push to get your individual needs met, but you do so in ways that
the larger body doesn't care about or which may interfere with its
bigger plans, it will either ignore you, or it will swat you down
like a mosquito.
Imagine if a cell in your body said, I just want to eat food and
reproduce like crazy. That might seem fun from his perspective, but
then the larger body has a tumor to deal with. Send in the white
blood cells.
If you feel like some greater force keeps knocking you back down
every time you try to get ahead, you're not imagining it.
It really is knocking you back down, and
it will continue to do so until you stop trying to get ahead like a
cancer cell would. Have you ever noticed, for instance, that as soon
as you try to make progress on cancer-like projects, you keep
getting distracted, so your attention has to turn somewhere else?
Quite often we cry "Life is so unfair" when from a larger
perspective, it's a no brainer that life is either going to ignore
us or attack us.
Humanity's white blood cells will come
after us and make life unpleasant for us when we forget that we're
part of a larger whole and that its well-being is more important
than our individual well-being.
Now imagine if an individual cell in your body said to you,
"Wait a minute. I get
it. I may be just a tiny cell, but I'm a part of this whole
body. That's cool. Is there anything I can do to help?"
What would you say to it?
You might wonder what one conscious cell
could do for your whole body. Not much most likely. But then you
might think, What if this cell could wake up many others, and what
if those cells could awaken still more? Eventually you could have a
body filled with cells that were aware of the whole body and seeking
to serve it. This would fix a lot of your problems.
You'd have much better health for
starters. Cancer wouldn't be able to take root. Most diseases would
be eradicated easily. You'd always be able to maintain your ideal
So you might tell that one conscious cell,
"Go around and wake
up more cells. Gather them together. Then we'll talk."
Being a Conscious
A conscious cell is aware of the whole body and realizes that the
body matters more than any individual cell.
The cells are there to serve the
evolution of the body and mind, not merely themselves. There's
obviously a connection between the good of the cells and the good of
the body, but it's easier to have a healthy body if on some level,
the cells are aware that the body's health is more important than
their own. A cell that works against the health of the body is a
disease cell.
conscious human being is aware of the larger body of humanity and
has a sense of a greater consciousness that's unfolding and evolving
at a much higher level than any individual human can.
There is value in the lower level perspective. It's not a
perspective to ignore but rather to integrate with the holistic
perspective. For example, through relaxed meditative breathing, we
can connect with the lower level perspective of our own cells.
Breathe in. Breathe out. We're getting plenty of oxygen. Life is
good. This cellular level perspective can help to ground us.
Many meditations are essentially about
tuning back in to this cellular perspective, while other meditations
involve expanding to a more holistic perspective. The ideal is to be
able to consider all of these perspectives as valid.
If our cells aren't healthy, our bodies can't be healthy, and so
humanity itself can't be healthy. And of course the opposite holds
true as well.
But there are ways of meeting our needs
on different levels that are in alignment with all of these
perspectives, and there are other ways that are out of alignment.
To live consciously, we need to shift
towards the ways that are in alignment, so we can meet our needs as
we also meet the needs of the cells in our bodies and of the greater
body of humanity.
I'm certainly not the first human being to have the experience of "waking up" and becoming aware of this.
Other conscious humans
helped wake me up and continue to help me stay awake… or to reawaken
me when I lose that perspective. I also endeavor to do my part and
help other people wake up to the realization that jobs and money and
marriage and retirement just aren't that important.
There are more important things to
attend to here. Meeting our cellular needs is still important, but
we don't want to fuss at that level too much. We have more
significant work to do here, and we could be experiencing life at a
much higher level of existence.
Living your life as a part of humanity will take your experience to
a level that's far beyond life as an individual human being. Even if
your intention is to help people, try expanding it to a vision of
helping humanity, as if humanity itself is a conscious entity.
It's a whole different level of being.
Now what I'm seeing is that the gathering phase is well underway.
Many years ago, it seemed like conscious people were very isolated.
Now they're coming together in bigger and bigger groups. I'm
involved in multiple groups of this nature, and it seems like every
few months I'm hearing about new groups forming.
The conscious humans are clustering, and
these clusters are growing larger and more organized. It's as if new
organs are incubating with the larger body of humanity. Something is
definitely happening, and it's a wondrous thing to behold.
Consequently, while I know some people are worried about where
humanity is headed, I'm not worried at all. In fact, I'm excited
about it. I have the privilege of being able to see what many of
these conscious people are up to, and they're starting to create
transformational ripples. If you're reading this article, then these
ripples have already reached you, and you're being impacted by them.
Some conscious cells are still isolated, however. Others are in very
small groups only. And of course there are lots of people who still
primarily think at the cellular level (go Bloodstream Marketing).
But this is changing.
Perhaps the simplest way I can explain what's happening is that
humanity's Power has been increasing by leaps and bounds, and now
its alignment with Truth and Love desperately need to catch up.
Otherwise humanity will eventually crash and burn. For instance, the
first atomic bombs were dropped only 66 years ago, yet now we must
somehow ensure that they're never used on a global scale, not even
1000 years from now.
One serious mistake or lapse during any
minute that we have nukes, and it's a major setback for us all.
That's a tall order that cannot be satisfied at the cellular level
of consciousness.
We've had too many close calls already
(see the documentary Countdown to Zero for details on that). The
larger body of humanity is aware of this challenge, and it
recognizes that we need more people who are Truthful, Loving, and
Powerful to deal with this existential threat.
You're going to start picking up on this at the individual level, if
you haven't already. For instance, you're going to feel far less
tolerant of political leaders who lie to you. We're going to see
different kinds of leaders emerge, the kinds of leaders we truly
need in this day and age.
There are plenty of people like that,
but in order for them to become popular enough, we just have to
continue waking up more individual people. Once enough people are
awake (or stop trying to sleep), we'll see some major shifts.
These shifts are already happening in
the world of business, where popularity with the masses isn't as
The Flow of Abundance
What we're seeing is that on some level, this higher consciousness
is taking note of what's happening, and it seems to be assisting and
accelerating the process.
It wants human beings to wake up because
a body of conscious cells can do much more than a body of
unconscious ones. So if you're concerned that there are too many
crises in the world, recognize that there's an upside. These major
challenges are helping more and more people to finally wake up.
We can't even begin to address these
challenges with cellular-level thinking, so we have to wake up in
order to solve them.
There's a lot of rebalancing that's occurring as universal
consciousness and individual human consciousness communicate with
each other about how to best meet each others' needs. How can
humanity continue to evolve and expand while keeping individual
humans happy and healthy? For humanity to be at its best, enough
individual humans need to be at their best as well.
You're going to see this reflected in
your own life too, as you grapple with the challenge of how to serve
some greater life purpose while also making sure your individual
needs are satisfied.
In a way, you're helping humanity
experiment in order to find good solutions, which it can then spread
to other cells. This is why cells like me feel an undeniable urge to
pass on what we've figured out thus far.
As I've seen in my own life, this higher level consciousness is
clearly listening. Somehow it can perceive the level at which we're
thinking, and it responds in kind. If you keep thinking at the
cellular level, this higher consciousness will keep trying to wake
you up. You may lose your job and other possessions, for instance,
until you finally realize that those things don't matter.
We have more important things to deal
with right now.
I'm far from perfect in this area, but I'm gradually getting the
hang of it. I'm noticing that whenever I slip back down to cellular
level thinking, I get a good smackdown. I feel like everything slows
to a crawl. And when I shift back up to a higher level perspective,
it's like I'm back in the flow again. The phone rings with fresh
opportunities, money just shows up, loving relationships flow into
my life, and more.
Fortunately perfection isn't
necessary. We just have to shift the balance far enough to achieve
critical mass.
For those who are stuck at the cellular level of thinking, I suspect
that life is going to become increasingly difficult for you. You're
going to see your worries, fears, and frustrations magnified.
Life will seem to be getting worse. It
may seem like important aspects of society are falling apart around
you. This is happening for a reason though. These old systems are
going to be dismantled. That's actually a good thing. They'll be
replaced with better things.
For instance, you may be worried about debt, either your own or your
country's or someone else's. But from the larger perspective of
humanity, debt is meaningless. Humanity really doesn't care if our
financial system collapses or not. In fact, it may be better for it
to collapse and be replaced by something else.
So if you're really attached to the
current system and the money in your bank, you may get scared.
But if you're looking at the big
picture, you'll probably feel excited instead.
Be willing to lose what doesn't matter, so we can all gain what does
matter. Jobs don't matter, but creativity does. Paying our bills
doesn't matter, but keeping our bodies healthy does. Getting good
grades in school doesn't matter, but preserving and passing on our
collective knowledge does. Start reorganizing your life around what
matters, and be willing to shed what doesn't.
Try not to be too attached to remnants of the old cellular
consciousness, like the money you have, the job you do, and the home
you live in. The more you cling to those things, the more stressed
out you'll be. Just notice that these are all artificial cellular
level concerns.
What's important is that humanity is
evolving in a very positive way. You can resist that change and see
your old goals fall apart, or you can flow with it and actively
participate in the process of change.
For those who are waking up, life is going to become much easier in
a way. Your life will explode with opportunities to learn, love,
share, and grow. The good stuff will come from your alignment with
the expansion of universal consciousness. But it's important to keep
the perspective of what really matters. Money doesn't matter.
Bloodstream/Internet Marketing is pointless and shallow. Waking
people up and consciously co-creating something amazing is what
When you align yourself with this higher level consciousness,
abundance will flow through your life with relative ease. However,
this type of abundance will be universal level abundance, not human
level abundance. It doesn't mean you'll necessarily have more money,
a more luxurious home, or more possessions. That kind of stuff just
doesn't matter and represents artificial needs, not real needs.
This level of abundance means that
you'll be experiencing the benefits of being in a healthier body.
You'll get more of what really matters - more growth opportunities,
more love, more joy, more inner peace.
Focus on your true needs. What do you need to feel abundant?
You need to keep your body
healthy with healthy food, sunshine, and clean air and
You need a reasonable degree of
You need love and belongingness.
You need self esteem.
You need an outlet for your
Your true needs are quite simple
in fact, and they're easier to satisfy than your artificial
You don't need the latest tech
You don't need a job or an
You don't need to get married.
You don't need to master
Bloodstream Marketing.
Your artificial needs may not align well
with humanity's larger concerns. But your true needs certainly do
align. It's in humanity's best interests to keep its best servants
healthy, happy, and prosperous.
In that sense, if you dedicate yourself
to serving this greater body, it will surely watch your back.
Aligning With Higher
Level Desires
In order to tap into this greater flow of abundance, you have to tap
into higher level desires.
First, recognize that your human level goals are beginning to bore
you. No matter how important you try to make them, you can't get
motivated to work on them. You just can't get that worked up about
making money beyond a certain point.
People may tell you it's important to
have specific financial goals, but when you try to do this for
yourself, it makes you feel yucky inside.
You can't get motivated to work on those
kinds of goals. They don't inspire you. And so you procrastinate and
then beat yourself up. It's time to end this cycle. It's time to
re-align your desires with something that actually matters to you.
You can set better goals than the human equivalent of stockpiling
oxygen and sugar.
Stop thinking about what you want for yourself as an individual.
Start thinking about what you want for humanity as a whole.
In the past, you may have been hesitant to even think at that level.
Start thinking at that level now.
What do you want for humanity
Where would you like to see this
larger body go during your lifetime and beyond?
Do you want us to clean up the
Explore outer space?
Improve our educational systems?
Stop fighting wars?
Let yourself dream about what's possible
for humanity. Notice that these dreams are much more impressive than
anything you could possibly do as an individual.
Become a billionaire? Who cares?
Start a charity? Big deal.
Discover a new planet? Nice try.
When will you be ready to work on a real
goal, a goal for humanity itself?
The best part is that you don't even need to figure this out
All you need to do is wake up to this
higher level perspective, and then simply ping this universal
consciousness to tell it you're awake and ready to serve. Ask it for
guidance, and guidance will come.
Just be aware that universal consciousness is frakkin powerful. It's
way more powerful than human level consciousness. When you tap into
this resource and align yourself with it, your life is going to
speed up. At first it may seem like drinking from a firehouse. It
will take some time to get used to it.
If you feel that the flow is too much for you, you can ask it to
slow down. I do this all the time.
When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I say to
the universe aloud,
"Okay… this is too
fast. Let's slow this down for a week or two and give me a
chance to catch my breath."
Then when I'm ready, I ask it to speed
up again.
With practice you'll get used to this faster pacing. You'll get used
to things showing up when you need them. You'll get used to
experiencing synchronicities almost every day.
A synchronicity is no accident. Universal consciousness knows what
you need, perhaps even better than you do. You really don't even
have to ask for your specific needs to be met once you ask to be a
better servant of humanity.
Lately I've been holding off on setting specific goals for myself.
Instead I've been saying to the universe,
"Bring me what you
want me to work on, and also please bring me whatever you know I
need for optimal health, happiness, and flow."
And then I do my best to remain
open-minded and detached from outcomes.
I let the universal consciousness guide
me instead of having to set specific goals and intentions. I still
have an intention, but it's simply to do what's best for humanity as
a whole.
Partly I'm doing this because I've reached the point where any
individual-level goal would bore me, and I wouldn't be able to
motivate myself to work on it. I just don't care that much about
oxygen and sugar to make it the central focus of my life.
So I'm willing to risk things like
losing my money, losing my home, having my relationships disrupted,
etc. just for the opportunity to see where this flow leads.
And yet somehow when I move past this
fear of losing stuff, I seem to gain much more than I lose. As far
as meeting my human needs goes, they're all nicely satisfied and
then some.
Bloodstream Marketing just can't
Effect on
When you begin to align yourself with the perspective of higher
level consciousness, your relationships with other people will
Try not to be too attached to what
happens here. Your pairings with any one or more individuals aren't
necessarily going to be stable. It's how your relationships affect
the whole of humanity that matters. What ripples are you and your
relationships co-creating?
People who aren't compatible with this new perspective will fade
from your life. At first you may fear that you're going to end up
alone, but there's no cause for alarm. New relationships will come
into your life, relationships with people who have a similar
perspective. And these relationships will be much better for you
than the old ones.
They'll help you hold the new
These new relationships will be different than what you're used to,
however. There will be less rigidity and more flexibility in this
part of your life. Such relationships may defy traditional labels.
You may feel a bit ungrounded in this new space. It takes time to
get used to it.
Eventually you'll realize that happiness and love can come from
anywhere. You may have your emotional needs met equally well by a
long-time partner or with someone you just met. Universal
consciousness will guide you to whatever it is that you need to
sustain your emotional health, as long as you don't get too attached
to how it shows up.
If you remain open and flexible, your
emotional needs can be satisfied with relative ease.
Trust that universal consciousness knows
just what you need, and it will deliver it right to you if you're
ready to accept it. Again, you don't even have to ask once you're on
this path. It will satisfy your emotional needs because doing so
makes you a better servant. You can't serve humanity so well if
you're feeling lonely and disconnected.
You'll be more motivated if you have
love in your life, so love will be delivered unto you.
Compared to where I was a few years ago, my relationship life might
seem a bit strange these days. I have many relationships that would
be difficult to label, but they seem to be healthy and flourishing
in ways that are hard to get my head around. I can't really define
what they are, and I can't predict where they're going. But it seems
like these connections are good and healthy for all involved.
My biggest relationship challenge is
unloading the traditional-minded baggage that nudges me to lock down
and label each relationship, so I can feel like I understand it. But
whenever I fall into that pattern, things get worse, not better.
Conscious relationships don't seem to like being locked down and
labeled. They require more freedom and flow.
At first this sort of situation could make a person feel insecure.
You may be accustomed to having a sense of security based on the
stability of predictable interactions with people close to you.
However, when you align yourself with universal consciousness,
you're likely to move around a lot more relationship-wise. You're
going to meet and interact with a lot more people than you're used
to. Your social life will be rich and varied. Your stability has to
come from trusting that no matter where you are, your emotional
needs will still be satisfied.
You'll have the opportunity to share
love, intimacy, affection, etc., and it can be more abundant than
what you experienced at the individual level of being. I assure you
that you won't have to go it alone.
This isn't a lonely path - it's actually
an incredibly social path.
Effect on Work
Your work life will be transformed as well.
You'll probably need to stop thinking of
your career in terms of having a stable job and earning a set
income. Serving humanity requires a lot more flexibility and flow
than a traditional job can provide. Thinking of starting or running
a business is equally limiting. This is human level thinking. What
does humanity need?
Humanity is more concerned with things like creativity, purpose, and
expansion. It would love to see you contribute to the ongoing
expansion and evolution of consciousness. That's what matters.
The other stuff is too trivial to fuss
I don't really have a job title. Sometimes I make one up like
President or CEO when it's required for social convention, but the
title is meaningless to me. When people ask me what I do for a
living, I don't really know what to say. I don't do anything for a
living. I just live. In certain situations I might say that I'm a
blogger, author, or speaker, but that's mainly what I say to people
who are asleep and I don't have time to wake them up in that
particular moment.
If I'm talking to someone who's awake,
then either they won't ask such a silly question, or they'll
understand my honest answer… and they'll probably share a similar
feeling about job titles.
My business cards have the wrong address because I haven't updated
them in 5 years. My website obviously isn't the prettiest one out
there. I've never spent money to market or promote my website, book,
or workshops. I don't think it would be a bad thing to do so; it
just hasn't ever been necessary. Humanity takes care of all my
marketing and does a better job than I could.
Last year I uncopyrighted all my blog posts and
podcasts, so you have just as much ownership of this article as
I do.
From a cellular level, that might seem
like a foolish decision. But that isn't the level at which I made
the decision. What does a copyright mean to humanity? Of course it's
What would you think if one of your
cells tried to patent the Krebs Cycle? Silly cells…
Some people are repackaging and selling my work for money. Does that
bother me? Of course not. Even though they may be operating at an
individual level of consciousness, they're actually helping. They're
spreading ideas that humanity wants to spread; after all, humanity
gave me those ideas to share in the first place. They're doing
exactly what they're supposed to be doing.
I think some of them have been donating
back to me as well, since I've seen a modest increase in donations
lately. But I didn't do this to get more donations. I did it because
it should help the ideas spread and get more people thinking about
living consciously. It really doesn't matter which humans get credit
or make money from it.
I think my business actually works better because I don't manage it
with a cellular mindset. Millions of people have been drawn to my
work, and it's been translated into more languages than I can track.
People keep sharing it, with or without my permission. New
opportunities keep showing up. Money keeps flowing. Everything
works. Well, aside from my web server, which I may have to upgrade
yet again due to traffic growth.
But that's a good problem to have, isn't
Why does my business work? Because it's not really a business. It's
a service, not primarily for individual humans, but for humanity
itself. The purpose is to help enough people wake up and live more
consciously, so that humanity itself may continue to survive and
thrive. And by performing this service for humanity, it takes care
of all my needs. It's really good at it too.
I barely have to lift a finger to attend
to such things. I rather appreciate that.
Individually speaking, there are some humans out there who don't
particularly like my work. But that's largely irrelevant because
humanity as a whole has made it abundantly clear that it appreciates
what I'm doing and wants to speed things along with further
expansion. These days I largely ignore cellular level feedback
because it comes from people at varying levels of wakefulness, so of
course they won't all agree.
But I pay close attention to feedback
from universal consciousness, such as whether my life is flowing
well or not. These days it's flowing amazingly well, so I figure I'm
on the right track.
Is humanity making it abundantly clear that it appreciates what
you're doing? If not, any guesses as to why? Could it be that you've
been ignoring humanity's needs, and thus it's been ignoring your
Try doing the opposite and see what
happens. I think you'll like it.
Conscious Business
Recently I've been listening to an audiobook about the history of
Google began as a fairly idealistic
company with the grand mission of organizing and providing access to
all the world's information. Does that sound like an individual
level goal or a goal for humanity itself?
Of course Google has since
become a giant, besting all other search companies.
Interestingly, one of the reasons it
succeeded is because it attracted some of the brightest minds in the
world, people who were inspired by its mission and who would not
have worked for the company if it was just about the money. You
could say that humanity diverted the best resources to Google
because Google's mission
served the 'best interests' of humanity...
In fact, Google has helped to create a
smarter, more self-aware humanity.
Microsoft used to be a similar purpose-driven company, with the
mission of putting "a computer on every desk and in every home."
That was an expansive goal that served humanity. But a lot of people
now believe
Microsoft has lost its way, and sometimes it acts more
like a cancerous tumor than a servant to humanity.
Do you believe that Microsoft is here to
serve humanity, or mainly itself? Is it working with the expansion
and evolution of humanity, or is it working against it? Probably a
bit of both.
Hence its mixed results and recent
stagnation. Microsoft needs a new mission that aligns with
humanity's expansion. So far its current attempts at a new mission
have been fluffy and noncommittal. It wastes too much energy on
trying to defend its turf, failing to recognize that there's only
one turf, and it belongs to universal consciousness.
If you happen to work for Microsoft, do
what you can to wake more people up within your company, and
eventually the culture will shift, as will the company's results.
The irony is that companies that care less about quarterly returns
and more about service to humanity can often achieve amazing growth.
Why? Because humanity wants those companies to succeed. It sends
them whatever resources they need to succeed.
Notice which companies appear to be serving the expansion and
evolution of humanity and which are only here to serve themselves
and their stockholders.
If you were a genius, which kind
of company would you want to work for?
If you were humanity itself,
which companies would you support?
Which would you ignore?
Which would you wish to tear
down or transform?
Now what kind of company do you
currently work for?
* * *
Martin Luther King,
Jr. said
that we have guided missiles and misguided men.
Let's change that.
Guidance is available to you
whenever you want.
You just have to be
reasonably awake to receive it.
Then you'll have all the
inspiration you could possibly want.