



 -  ¡Adiós a Google!



 -  Beware of Google



 -  Big Broother Is Well-Connected - And Then There Were Four - The Google Saga  Continue...


 -  Big Tech Giants want to Prove they are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?


 -  Big Tech 'Indenture entire Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and Governments - Snowden


 -  Bilderberg, Google and The G8 - New Global Tax Regime Already in The Works


 -  Bilderberg Wields Artificial Intelligence - "A Tool to Massively Amplify Our Ability to Control the World"


 -  Boom... Google Crushes Traffic to a Website by 99%


 -  Cómo Facebook y Google Financian Masivamente el Periodismo en Todo el Mundo


 -  Como Google Puede Manipular el Resultado de Todas las Elecciones Democráticas del Mundo


 -  Con la Censura Unilaterale di un Presidente in Carica Big Tech ha Dimostrato che è più Potente di qualsiasi Gov.


 -  Control 101 - Creating Consensus Reality


 -  Cosa Succederà se Facebook e Google si Impossessano del Mondo?


 -  Cuidado con la Manipulación de las Empresas de Tecnología como Google


 -  Deep Web - La Rete oltre Google


 -  Director of DARPA Departs Pentagon for Google - Further Reinforcing Government Ties


 -  Dismantling the Transhumanist Agenda


 -  Don't Be Evil Google!


 -  El Denunciante que Expuso la Profunda Conspiración de Google para Derrocar al Gobierno de EE.UU.


 -  El Duopolio de Facebook y Google está Acabando con Todos los otros Medios Digitales


 -  El Imperativo de Reemplazar Google y Facebook


 -  El Matrimonio de Big Data con Big Brother - China crea Sistema para Evaluar Conducta de sus Ciudadanos


 -  El Riesgo que Corremos Abandonando al Mundo a Google y Facebook - Monopolios Peligrosos


 -  El Verdadero Origen de Google está Vinculado a la CIA


 -  Eric Schmidt Admits Google+ Is a Giant Advertising Database


 -  EU warns Google CEO Sundar Pichai - It Won't allow the Web to remain the 'Wild West' any longer


 -  Ex-Empleados de Facebook y Google Luchan contra la Tecnología que Construyeron


 -  Ex-Impiegati di Facebook e Google Lottano contro la Tecnologia che hanno Costruito


 -  Experto Explica por qué se debería Dejar de Usar Google Chrome


 -  Gmail de Google Escanea, Controla la Sintaxis, Analiza y Cataloga tu Correo Electrónico


 -  Goodbye Google - Some reasons to 'De-Google Your Life Now'


 -  Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots


 -  Google - A Dictator Unlike Anything the World has Ever Known


 -  Google admits in Court Documents that it believes "Free Speech is Disastrous" for Society


 -  Google and Facebook Accused of Bypassing iPhone's Privacy Settings to Spy on Owners to Build...

 -  Google and Facebook - Alliances With Intelligence to Make Privacy Obsolete


 -  Google and YouTube have Created a Culture of Censorship


 -  Google Announces Privacy Changes Across Products - Users Can't Opt Out


 -  Google Anuncia Cambios de Privacidad en Todos los Productos - Los Usuarios No Pueden Elegir...

 -  Google Archipelago - The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom - by Michael Rectenwald


 -  Google Assumes Role of Private Intel Big Brother


 -  Google Buys Boston Dynamics


 -  Google Charges Feds $25 A Head For User Surveillance


 -  Google Chrome is Tracking Your Every Move and Storing it - This is How to Stop It


 -  Google Chrome's New Feature - Spying On You for Google


 -  Google Claims 'Quantum Supremacy' - Marking a Major Milestone in Computing


 -  Google Claims to Have Reached Quantum Supremacy


 -  Google Developing Eavesdropping Software - Audio 'Fingerprint' for Content-Relevant Ads


 -  Google Devising Method to Rank Websites by Truthfulness


 -  Google Executive Expresses Wacky Thoughts on Internet Domination


 -  Google Gives New Meaning to "Orwellian" - Becomes Ministry of Truth


 -  Google Has Become Orwell's "Ministry of Truth"


 -  Google is Evil and We Must Denounce Its Stunning Hypocrisy


 -  Google is Not What It Seems



 -  Google is Tightening its Grip on Your Website


 -  Google is Watching You - Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency


 -  Google latest Search Engine Update crushes Traffic to "Inconvenient" Websites


 -  Google Megalomaniacs in Bed with Pentagon/NWO Lunatics


 -  Google - None Dare Call It Sedition


 -  Google nos Vigila - El Caso de los Servicios Médicos


 -  Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda



 -  Google Proclama la 'Supremacía Quántica' con el Ordenador más Potente


 -  Google Proclama la "Supremazia Quantica" col il Computer più Potente


 -  Google Putting CNN, Washington Post, NYT in Charge of Fact-Checking News


 -  Google Re-establishes Relationship With Government Spies


 -  Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has Become Spy Software"


 -  Google Secretly Planting Cookies on Millions of iPhone Browsers - Your FTC Privacy Watchdogs


 -  Google Seeks Internet Surveillance of the Smart Grid


 -  Google's Eric Schmidt and the Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex


 -  Google Spans Entire Planet With GPS-Powered Database


 -  Google's "Quantum Supremacy"...?


 -  Google Starts Watching What You Do Off The Internet Too...


 -  Google Street View Secretly Took Your Wi-Fi Details ...And Will Use The Data to Target Ads at Mobile...


 -  Google's True Origin Closely Tied to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)


 -  Google's True Origin partly lies in CIA and NSA Research Grants for Mass Surveillance


 -  Google - The Perfect Compliment to Big Brother


 -  Google to Fund and Develop Wireless Networks in Emerging Markets


 -  Google - Who's Looking At You?



 -  Google y La Ultima Trampa para Proteger a Los Poderosos


 -  Harvard Professor Exposes Google and Facebook


 -  How Facebook and Google provide Massive Funding to Journalism around the World


 -  How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You...!


 -  How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election


 -  How Google is Secretly Recording You through your Mobile - Monitoring Millions of Conversations Every Day


 -  How Google spent 15 Years creating a 'Culture of Concealment'


 -  How Wide Does This Go? - Now Google Devices 'Found to Transmit User Locations Back to The Company'


 -  Il Duopolio Facebook e Google sta Distruggendo Tutti gli altri Media Digitali


 -  Is Big Tech merging with Big Brother?


 -  Is Google Making Us Stupid? - What The Internet Is Doing to Our Brains


 -  Is Google's 'DeepMind AI' close to 'Human-Level' Intelligence?


 -  Julian Assange - 'Google is Not What it Seems' - They 'Do Things the CIA Cannot'


 -  L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0


 -  Las Razones por las que ya No Debería Utilizar Google y Gmail


 -  La Trampa de Google - ¿Su Inteligencia Artificial está Manipulando Cerebros?


 -  La Verdadera Razón por la que Google y YouTube Censuran la Verdad sobre las Vacunas


 -  L'Imperativo di Sostituire Google e Facebook


 -  Lo Que Google Sabe Acerca de Tí


 -  Los Secretos de Silicon Valley - Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas

 -  Lost in The Cloud - Google and The U.S. Government


 -  Nace una Nueva Tecnología con Graves Implicaciones para El Futuro


 -  New Global Internet Censorship Tool Kit - By Google...


 -  New Google Algorithm Restricts Access to Left-wing and Progressive Web Sites


 -  Orwell Acertó - El "Ministerio de la Verdad" ya Existe


 -  Our Quantum Computer is 100 million Times Faster than a Conventional System - Says Google


 - ¿Porqué me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?


 -  'Privacy Is a Casualty' of Google and Facebook's Success - Senator Al Franken


 -  Profesor de Harvard Expone a Google y Facebook


 -  Quello che Google Sa su Di Te


 - ¿Qué Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?


 -  Raging Against the Algorithm - Google and Persuasive Technology


 -  Revelan un Nivel Récord de 'Espionaje' Gubernamental de EE.UU. a Través de Google


 -  Secrets of Silicon Valley - What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know


 -  'Selfish Ledger' Video reveals Google's Scheme to Direct Human Evolution


 -  'Shadow Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All Digital Ghosts Now


 -  Showdown in Europe - Tech Giants Brace for Sweeping EU Privacy Law


 -  Skynet is Coming - Google Uses "Virtual Brain" to Improve Voice Recognition


 -  Some Reasons Why Google Wants to Build the Perfect Human

 -  Spanner - Google's Globally-Distributed Database


 -  The All-Seeing-Eye of Google and the Future of Criminal Investigations


 -  'The Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech Giants


 -  'The Good Censor' - Leaked Google Briefing admits Abandonment of Free Speech for 'Safety and Civility'


 -  The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook


 -  The New Gatekeepers - How proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News We See


 -  The Paris Lawyer who Gives Google Nightmares - The New Clash between Free Speech and Privacy


 -  The Rise of Internet 2.0


 -  The Whistleblower who Exposed Google's Deep Conspiracy to Overthrow the U.S. Government


 -  Turning The Tables on Big Brother - Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in Blow...


 -  Una IA Financiada por Google será Capaz de escribir 30 Mil Historias Mensuales para Otros Medios en...


 -  U.S. Government Officially Conscripts Google into the Military Industrial Complex


 -  Verdades Ocultas de Google - Reuniones a Puerta Cerrada y Juguetes para Espiar a los Niños


 -  What Google Knows About You


 -  When A.I. takes Control of Your Computer


 -  With Unilateral Censorship of a sitting US President, Big Tech has proven it's more Powerful than any Govern...


 -  'You Have to Fight for Your Privacy or You Will Lose It' - Google's Eric Schmidt Interview


 -  Your Secret Wi-Fi Password is No Secret to Google



Additional Information


 -  7 Tips to Optimize Identity Protection


 -  A Generalist Agent


 -  Antarctica Mysteries



 -  Big Brother Is Well Connected - Google's Growing Domination



 -  Big Brother Not Just Spying on Schoolchildren Through Their Laptops


 -  Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City of the Future in Toronto


 -  Elon Musk Unveils New Plan for Global Satellite Internet - While Google Invests a Billion in SpaceX


 -  Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube, Facebook and Blogs


 -  Firefox's new Privacy Feature stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online


 -  Going With The Flow - Google's Secret Switch to The Next Wave of Networking


 -  Google-Twitter Cave to International Censorship Pressure


 -  Google versus Muerte - ¿El Combate del Siglo?


 -  Insanity - New Google Glass App Will Read Other People's Emotions


 -  Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy - Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away


 -  Is Google Censoring Nibiru-Planet X?


 -  Kill Off The Open Internet - Verizon-Google - There's a Hard Rain Coming

 -  Knowledge-Based Trust - Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources


 -  Kurzweil and Google Working Together to Develop Technology for Immortality


 -  La Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens


 -  Last Chance Before Google Rounds Up Your Web History


 -  Shocking Censorship at Google News and The Future of Net Neutrality


 -  Sites Feed Personal Details to New Tracking Industry


 -  The Age of Tyrannical Surveillance - We're Being Branded, Bought and Sold for Our Data

 -  The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine

 -  The Good Censor - A Google Leak


 -  The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...


 -  The Many Ways Google Wants to RFID Chip Your Body


 -  The Oligarch Takeover of U.S. Media

 -  Transhumanism - From MK-Ultra to Google



 -  Transhumanismo - Desde el MK-Ultra hasta Google


 -  Untangling The Web - A Guide to Internet Research - Large File


 -  When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech


 -  Who Will Save Us from The Future? - What Google Has Done to Life on Earth


 -  Why MIT Scientists are Building a New Search Engine "Google 2.0"


 -  World's First Anti-Propaganda Search Engine Launching Soon - Favors Independent Media while Banning...


Google and The CIA-NSA


 -  Department of Justice Wants Court to Keep Google/NSA Partnership Secret


 -  Google and CIA Plough Millions Into Huge 'Recorded Future' Monitoring Project


 -  Google and The NSA Connection


 -  Google and The NSA - Who's Holding The 'Shit-Bag' Now?


 -  Google Asks NSA to Help Secure Its Network



 -  Google, CIA and the NSA - Inside the Secret Network behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War and Skynet


 -  Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring


 -  Google Partners With NSA, CIA on Intelligence Database


 -  Google's New Search Tool to Use CIA and World Bank as Sources for 'Facts'


 -  Google Teams Up With CIA to Fund "Recorded Future" Startup Monitoring Websites, Blogs & Twitter...


 -  Google to Enlist NSA to Help It Ward Off Cyber-Attacks


 -  Google, Your Files and The CIA



 -  How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...


 -  How Much did CIA and NSA have to do with the Founding of Google?


 -  How the CIA made Google


 -  How the NSA Spies on Your Google and Yahoo Accounts

 -  Intelligence Community Massive Digital Data Systems Initiative


 -  Latest Docs Show Financial Ties Between NSA and Internet Companies - Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and...


 -  NSA, GCHQ Using Data from 'Leaky' Smartphone Apps to Spy


 -  NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo and Google Data Centers Worldwide - Snowden Documents Say


 -  NSA Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and Others


 -  Security-Enhanced Android - NSA Edition



 -  Skynet Rising - Google Acquires 512-qubit Quantum Computer - NSA Surveillance to Be Turned Over to...

 -  The Google-NSA Alliance - Developing Cybersecurity Policy at Internet Speed


 -  The NSA has Inserted its Code Into Android OS, or Three Quarters of All Smartphones


 -  Use These Secret NSA Google Search Tips to Become Your Own Spy Agency


 -  Why Google made the NSA


 -  Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's How




 -  Google Created by CIA NSA Blocking Dissidents & Whistleblowers Government Cyber Warfare &...

 -  Google Teams Up with CIA - Democracy Now - June 2010





 -  Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube, Facebook and Blogs


 -  FaceBook, Google and YouTube Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to Free Speech?


 -  Feds Order YouTube To Remove Video For Containing "Government Criticism"


 -  German Library Claims Copyright on "Nazi Anthem" Censors Documentary on YouTube


 -  Google-YouTube reverses policy Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of Silencing the Truth


 -  Los Oscuros Contratos de Elon Musk con la Inteligencia Estadounidense


 -  YouTube amplía su Censura hacia Terapias Alternativas como "Formas de Desinformación Médica"


 -  YouTube Censors Video Interview With Jeffrey Smith About GMOs

  Book- Treatises  

 -  The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - by Shoshana Zuboff

 -  The Silicon Jungle - A Novel of Deception, Power, and Internet Intrigue - by Shumeet Baluja




 -  Counter-Intelligence - Shining a Light on Black Operations



 -  El Mundo Según Google


 -  Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying Tools - Julian Assange


 -  Google - Behind The Screen



 -  Google - Fabrica de Ideas


 -  Google Earth - Unusual and Secret Images


 -  Google Reveals 'Scary' Timeline Feature that Tracks Your Every Move

 -  Google's Jigsaw to Be Used to Undermine Alternative Media?

 -  Monsters Inc. - Amazon, Google and Facebook


 - ¿Porqué me Vigilan, si Soy Nadie?

 -  Secret Meeting Between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt - Audio

 -  The Creepy Line - Social Media's Manipulation of Society


Related Reports


 -  Facebook and The Internet - Main File


 -  The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File