by Zen Gardner
December 6, 2013
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

It’s amazing how starved for truth such
an informationally soaked world can be.
But here we are.
Sleep apnea, or discontinued, interrupted breathing during sleep, is
a terrible condition for anyone, often requiring the assistance of
breathing machines. It’s a relatively new affliction to our times
often having to do with obesity and nervous conditions.
When applied to Truth this concept is so indicative of the vicious
cycle we live in. The whole world is in this truth starvation
cycle. Lack of life-giving air, as in the influx of truth, will
cause some serious personal and societal repercussions, as
exemplified by the current world’s confused and dilapidated state.
It is beyond starved of fresh truth.
It now requires a machine to keep pumping (dis)information into its
circulatory system. And who’s supplying the machined “air waves”
they’re dependent on?
You guessed it...

We Are What We
It’s true we are what we eat, but it also applies not only to our
food and water, but also to our air.
food is adulterated, our water is
deliberately contaminated
with psycho-sedatives, and our air
is systematically poisoned. These clearly affect our perception and
Now transliterate that to our informational supply.
Truth deprivation is the biggest story of all. And it’s the most
serious. The other symptoms are merely physical manifestations.
When fish are starved for air they exhibit certain behaviors. We’re
seeing that in humanity. It’s truth starvation causing humanity’s
unconscious floundering on the deck of a truth deprived world.
Lying governments,
non-nutritious foods and
empty media, and a broken down
family and social system contribute to this nutritionally starved
morass of informational excrement that is asphyxiating the world’s
Humanity is living in a carefully circumscribed truth-deprivation
tank, and it’s gasping for air.
Controlled Behavior
Is the Intent - Period
People today
live in a controlled environment.
We live within our self-and-otherwise
prescribed limits, but we live there. Some wake up to realize these
apparent limitations are imaginary, but most do not. Hence the
stupefied world of today.
The limits are as they seem, in the minds of those who accept them.
If you believe and agree for whatever reason, it’s yours.
Much like the elephant on a tether, we’re trained to think we have
circumscribed limitations we cannot cross. How very wrong. It’s
entrainment, simply said, it’s nothing but a trained response.
When we’re deprived of truth we behave
unconsciously. Without the resources to make an informed decision we
are not fully complicit in the scheme of things, but we are
unwitting sponsors of a uniquely artificial world that only
prescribes control and manipulation.
When we wake up to our fully conscious nature it all seems like a
dream we’ve surfaced from, but that is the world most of the planet
lives in.
And will surface from...

The End is Always the
We are the prescribed solution. Whatever befalls us.
The matrix of deceit is another animal; It’s a strangely misdirected
one, that only seeks to deceive, contain and manipulate at
unimaginable levels. It is not from our dimension.
If anyone cannot recognize the systematized strangulation of Truth
at this point I seriously wonder, but there are many who get it.
Those who do get it are the many folks who are reading this right
It’s not a big jump. It’s a simple reality.
I hope you make it...