Cosmic rays from a
binary star known as Cygnus X-3 helped accelerate
human evolution during the last Ice Age
The veneration of Cygnus as a bird associated with
cosmic life and death goes back 17,000 years to when
the constellation occupied pole position in the
northern night sky
Cygnus is at the root of all the world's religions The origins of astronomy, literature, ancient
cosmologies, even transoceanic sea voyages all
occurred some 17,000 years ago Traces the very DNA of life from shamanic art in
Paleolithic caves to the foundations of the Great
Pyramid, from psychedelic journeys in the Peruvian
Amazon to Francis Crick's discovery of the double
helix Reveals that our ancestors knew what science is
now telling us - that life on Earth originated among
the stars, a fact known and accepted by our
ancestors |