by Dolly Knight and Jonathan Stromberg from CenterFromImplosionResearch Website
In this article, we look at the increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere due to technological innovation, and at what we can do to protect ourselves from it.
Up until the latter part
of the nineteenth century the 'ether theory' was an
established scientific fact. Then in 1881, two men named Michelson
and Morley carried out an experiment, which concluded
This experiment discredited the ether theory and caused its rejection in favor of the theory that space is a vacuum and air is merely a chemical composition of oxygen and nitrogen plus other minor constituents.
Here at the Centre for Implosion Research, we believe that the ether is for real, that it is basically dynamic vibratory energy. Dynamic, because it is in motion, and this motion always follows a vortex path.
...have shown that etheric energy, although invisible to most, is very real.
It is the stuff that enables the perpetual motion of planets, stars and universes. It is the driving force whereby planets are moved within the flow of ether, similar to logs being moved by the flowing water of a river.
This explains why there is no relative motion between Earth and ether.
Our blood and the sap of plants, move in this way too. After all, our veins, arteries and minute blood vessels are not straight channels. They are winding their way through our bodies just like a river winds its way through the countryside.
Through peripheral vision, our eyes are capable of seeing the subtle light and color emanations of etheric fields.
People can train themselves to regain this ability. The human aura or etheric energy field contains numerous energy centers, also known as chakras. Etheric energy is spiraling into these chakras in a vortex fashion, thereby sustaining the aura.
Further to this, since etheric energy is essentially a broad spectrum of frequencies, these frequencies, once accumulated, can be transferred onto other objects by way of resonance.
The dictionary defines resonance as the,
This phenomenon makes radio transmission possible.
Therefore the energy fields of objects and their color emanations differ according to their chemical composition. It follows, that the numerous cells, organs and symbiotic organisms within us also resonate to different etheric frequencies.
Thus the human aura is a symphonic spectrum composed of many individual eigenfrequencies. This explains the association in ancient Eastern knowledge of certain colours with certain parts of the human body.
It is like a wonderfully harmonious orchestral sound. Debilitating outside influences, such as disease forming (pathogenic) organisms, resonate to etheric frequencies which are dissonant or disharmonious to our energy field. If these pathogenic organisms become lodged within our bodies, they interfere with and disrupt the harmony of our energy field.
Likewise, if one prominent instrument in an orchestra is riot in tune with the rest of the players - if it plays off-key-its sound will interfere with and disrupt the otherwise harmonious orchestral sound.
So what does modern science think about an energy that pervades space? Well, apart from the quantum energy that every atom contains, there are atmospheric resonance phenomena that have been investigated, called the Schumann Waves or resonances.
These are very long waves of extremely low frequency, which are present everywhere in the atmosphere on this planet. The Schumann Waves have been identified as part of the natural electromagnetic radiation, which is particularly important for life on this planet. The human brain actually resonates with these atmospheric waves.
NASA, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has studied these Schumann Waves extensively and recognized the importance of these waves for human health. Space shuttles, leaving our atmosphere, are equipped with artificial Schumann Wave generators to simulate the natural electromagnetic environment of the earth.
One of the Schumann Wave researchers is Dr Phil Callahan from Florida whom we recently met in Germany. He has traveled all over the world measuring these frequencies.
What he found was that most prehistoric monuments and church towers, and in particular the round towers of Ireland, act as dielectric (non-metallic) antennae and amplifiers for Schumann Waves, thus creating an enhanced natural electromagnetic environment within their vicinity.
This might explain the special atmosphere in churches and why people experience a feeling of reduced stress and re-invigoration.
The Devenish Round
Tower in Ireland
Since humanity's artificial electrification of the planet, our atmosphere is not only filled with the natural necessary radiation, but also with unnatural radiation, which has to be considered electromagnetic pollution.
This electromagnetic pollution from the communications and broadcasting network, the power lines and all electrical appliances interferes with natural radiation and causes within humans and other living organisms a state of electromagnetic stress.
Everybody has experienced stress in their lives with well known symptoms of headaches, sleeplessness, bad moods, etc. The fact is that these symptoms of stress are general response signals of the body, which can have a multitude of potential damaging causes.
When people use mobile phones, they expose themselves to high levels of particularly aggressive types of electromagnetic pollution. This strains the body and it is likely to respond with well known stress symptoms such as headaches. Mobile phone radiation strains the body by interfering with its natural electromagnetic operating system.
The list of potential damaging effects is growing steadily as international research progresses. Damage can occur even when stress symptoms have not yet been experienced.
But what can be done to combat this apart from spending a lot of time around standing stones and other ancient monuments?
At the Centre for Implosion Research, we have come to realize that the vortex is the energy transformer and accumulator in nature. It can raise energy from one dimension to a higher vibration and it can restore the natural energy patterns to something that has been polluted. We believe the vortex provides the possibility to transform man-made electromagnetic radiation back into the natural healthy flow of ether.
It protects the wearer from electromagnetic pollution by strengthening the beneficial Schumann resonances in its vicinity and by transforming unnatural electromagnetic radiation back into ether.
Lymphocytes, the white blood corpuscles produced in lymphatic tissue, play a very important role in fighting infection and diseases such as cancer.
Lymphocytes are easily damaged by unnatural electromagnetic frequencies and especially by microwave radiations, which - are used for the mobile phone communications system.
The standard scientific tests have shown that the number and viability of lymphocytes remained much higher in samples which were energized with the Personal Harmonizer, confirming that it has a beneficial and strengthening effect on the human immune system.