by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
Now it can be told.
Ancient ancestors of the current Star Nations civilizations
had constructed and placed in space a network of Space Beacons which
would facilitate navigation and position-finding across the galaxy.
Three of the Space Beacons were positioned within our solar system.
At least one of them had been spotted by Apollo astronauts during
flights to the Moon.
These 30-mile-long black rectangular Beacons look somewhat like the
"Monolith" in Arthur C. Clarke's novel/movie, "2001: A Space
Odyssey." Not a coincidence; Clarke was a CIA asset and
In 1972, the Cabal, covetous of the advanced technology these
Beacons utilize, had secret military astronauts go into space and
retrieve first one, and later the other two Space Beacons. These
they ultimately placed in remote snowy locations in Nunavut
Territory, Canada, in Greenland, and astride the Alaska-Yukon
Territory boundary.
These Beacons exert powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt
Earth's natural energy lines and grids, have altered the weather,
and have been used by the Cabal to focus energy in undisclosed ways.
Previously I had referred to them with some correspondents using the
vague term (for security reasons) "Cabal disruptive-energy devices".
The extractions of two of these Beacons were:
information about the Space Beacons, recently restored to space
On September 9, 2007 the third of three Space Beacons was restored
to their rightful position in space after they had been stolen and
brought to Earth around 1972.
The Extraction Operation involved Colonel Shadow and
his Counter-insurgency Team providing defense against Cabal
mercenaries surrounding the Beacons, as well as Star Nations
providing the technical expertise and personnel to lift the Beacons
back into space.
The Beacons have some internal energy systems and intelligent
guidance systems to interact with other objects in space, (including
Earth). They are not just inert lighthouses.
Ancient ancestors of the current Star Nations civilizations had
constructed and placed in space a network of Space Beacons which
would facilitate navigation and position-finding across the galaxy.
Three of the Space Beacons were positioned within our solar system.
At least
one of them had been spotted by Apollo astronauts during
flights to the Moon.
These 30-mile-long black rectangular Beacons look somewhat like the
Monolith in Arthur C. Clarke's novel/movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Not a coincidence; Clarke was a CIA asset and knowledgeable.
In 1972, the Cabal, covetous of the advanced technology these
Beacons utilize, had secret military astronauts go into space and
retrieve first one, and later the other two Space Beacons. These
they ultimately placed in remote snowy locations in Nunavut
Territory, Canada, in Greenland, and astride the Alaska-Yukon
Territory boundary.
These Beacons exert powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt
Earth's natural energy lines and grids, have altered the weather,
and have been used by the Cabal to focus energy in undisclosed ways.
Earlier in mid-2007, the extraction of these Beacons from Earth
began. The dates were:
Space Beacon #1 (Nunavut Territory) on July
18, 2007
Space Beacon #2 (Greenland) on August 14,
On September 09, 2007, ex-NSA Colonel
Shadow and his Counter-Insurgency Team (CIT) helped provide security for
an operation in which the Zeta came down and extracted the Third and
final Space Beacon back into space.
They did so amid withering fire
from Cabal mercenaries ordered to prevent the Beacon from leaving
Cabal grasp. The Colonel sustained a superficial flesh wound, which
he minimized, as well as many rounds to his chest, (but protected by
body armor.) Others in his CIT also took hits to their bullet-proof
Now that these Beacons are back in their natural positions in space,
the equilibrium of electromagnetic forces in local space and on
Earth is restored.
Star Nations is grateful for this, as is Mother Earth.
And so should be we all.
Because satellite imagery is only updated occasionally, you can
still see these beacons where they rested (before extraction) on
Google satellite imagery, at:
Their precise locations were:
Beacon #1 was located in
Nunavut Territory, Canada, northwest of Chesterfield Inlet
on the central western shore of Hudson's Bay and south of
Baker Lake. (N62-W95
Beacon #2 was sitting
atop the south-central Greenland snowy ice sheet, east of
Kangerlussuaq (Sondre Stromford); i.e., WNW of Iceland.
Being 30 miles long and pitch black, it's hard to miss.
(N69-W42.3 about)
Beacon #3 was situated in
Alaska near the Gerstle River Army Test Site, (near Fort
Greely), SE of Fairbanks and west of Highway 2.
(N62.15-W141.30 about)

Beacons location
I extend my personal thanks to Star
Nations for their forbearance these past 35 years while Cabal had
confiscated property stolen from space. And my deepest thanks to
Colonel Shadow and his CIT for a huge job well done. When the
Cabal stole those Space Beacons and brought them to Earth, it was
the Cabal's responsibility to restore them to space.
When Humans learned (a couple months ago) where the Cabal had been
storing those Space Beacons, it also became our responsibility to
see that that stolen property was put back where it came from. But
we lacked the technical know-how to do that. So, we asked Star
Nations for help. Star Nations graciously agreed to help us with OUR
Thus, the three Beacon extraction missions were successful.
The Beacons did not stand out so much because, for one thing, the
Beacons were "invisible", since they do not reflect light. As for
the perfectly-dark image, that is because the Space Beacons absorb
all incoming electromagnetic energy (including light - photons). The
Beacons only emit energy when and if they are programmed to do so.
Thus, the Beacons are like a light-photons "black hole". A perfect
"black body" object. Light goes in, but it isn't reflected, (which
is how we see objects typically, via reflected light striking our
The satellite camera is in the same
situation. It recorded reflected light from the scenery all around
each beacon, but not from the beacon itself. All we see are the
beacons' shape traced by the absence of reflected light in that
beacon's total surface area. A question was asked about how the
Cabal got the three Space Beacons to Earth, examined at least one in
their underwater RCA lab, and transported them to their until-recent
northern locations.
Additional information from Zeta informants reveals that the Beacons
were brought down through atmosphere in a controlled descent. These
Beacons operate with a very advanced form of artificial
intelligence, so advanced that they can be considered partially
alive. The Beacons had no interest in burning up in atmosphere, and
utilized gravitational buffering to control descent.
Once at the ocean's surface, the Beacons floated just above the
surface, (to avoid unhelpful electrical contact with the water.)
When positioned above the Cabal's underwater RCA laboratory north of
Bahamas (in 1972), when it was time to be examined, the Beacons
enveloped themselves with a shield against contact with the sea
water and then descended to the sea floor. After the scientists had
finished examining them, they floated back up to the surface, their
enveloping shield serving as a floatation aid.
Since the Beacons floated just above the water, they could be moved
across water and land surface without friction.
While the Space Beacons absorb electromagnetic energy including
light, their presence can be inferred by their blotting out the
background scenery behind them, whether that background scenery be a
snowfield in Greenland, or the star field behind a Beacon in space.
Just as more than one observer has
spotted a
TR3-B black triangle antigravity craft sailing across the
dark nighttime sky, by noting the triangular patch of sky where the
view of the star field has been blocked by the craft. Note carefully
that I said to Marih that the Beacon was invisible (in quotes),
meaning not really invisible technically, but rather failing to
reflect light, which is how we normally see things.
I also cited Dr. Michael Wolf and Colonel Shadow as
Expert Witnesses testimony that the Beacons are real, and not
some alleged software glitch.
None of the debunkers of the Beacon
satellite images has managed to explain why the Beacon image
"mistake" was exactly repeated three times in three
widely-separated areas of Earth, and why the Cabal would lose
hundreds of their mercenaries fighting to defend software
Nor why multiple independent remote
viewers saw these Beacons.
Nor why Star Nations was so
insistent that the stolen Beacons be repositioned in space, if
they were just "software glitches".
Nor has anyone successfully rebutted
Bob Roth's eloquent explanation (below) of why the Beacon
satellite images are not software glitches.
Satellite photographic evidence is
physical evidence... Photo documentation is not verbal testimony. It
is solid, three-dimensional, objective phenomenological reality.
This is not a photo that some MUFON member in Keokuk, Iowa took and
then PhotoShopped. Those satellite images are directly from
Google Space satellite imaging of the globe. You can go to Google
Space and see them for yourself. That's why we gave you the Google
addresses (above). There are some limits to conspiracy theory.
The Space Beacon was discussed on my website for years, in
one of my articles on what National Security Council
scientist Dr.
Michael Wolf
during his tenure working with
the special Studies Group (formerly
The Space Beacons were only remote-viewed by Mantis incarnate
woman (Fran) of my UFOFacts on-line Group a handful of weeks
ago. This led to my bringing a demand for their restoration to space
to the attention of the U.S. Government (CIA and NSC
and NSA, etc.). When the government wouldn't act, then
Colonel Shadow volunteered to help ward off Cabal security troops,
and Star Nations accepted his offer and volunteered to do their part
(by extracting the Beacons back to space.) This all happened rather
Star Nations and I pushed it, because Earth had been hurting
too long from the Beacons' misplacement and their powerful energy
Civilians were not alerted to the Beacons before their removal
because if anyone got to within a quarter-mile of them, the
electromagnetic radiation they emit would have been
injurious-to-lethal. Also, if any civilian began to even begin a
directed approach to the Beacons, Cabal security would have
intercepted them, with unwelcome consequences.
The Beacons were not some tourist
attraction that somehow you were deprived of going and kicking the
tires on yourself. Making the general public aware of their location
before extraction would have tempted some to take foolhardy action
that would easily have cost them their lives. Neither I nor Star
Nations wanted any even tangential responsibility for letting that
Bob Roth's statement:
(Mr. Debunker),
Your assertion that the monoliths
are nothing but an artifact of image stitching errors theory
doesn't explain why the monoliths are visible at multiple
altitudes (the Greenland monolith is just barely visible when
looking at all the continents together), when I know that the
images at differing altitudes are made with individual photos
taken at different zoom levels by satellites (the
altitude-to-zoom-level isn't one-to-one, but I've seen where
zooming out makes the image colors, hence different photo sets).
It also doesn't explain why the
software used to create the map would have such a glaring error,
when it's job of displaying EVERYWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET is so
well done. Nor does it explain how these supposed image errors
should just so happen to show up where monoliths were
remote-viewed to be, and where Colonel Shadow went and saw them.
Don't you find it odd that the
stitching of images should produce such a narrow strip of
blackness, although it's using rectangular images of much larger
size? Don't you find it odd (as I mentioned before) that the
software wouldn't catch such an image overlap bug in these three
places, but nowhere else, and that those supposed errors would
form a near-perfect isosceles triangle, kind of like it was by
- Bob Roth
Star Nations Council member Asheoma
te ka Meata shared the following information:
We Humans tend to think of
technology in our own terms. What many people don't understand
about these Space Beacons (“monoliths”) is that they operate in
all the levels and in all dimensions. That is how they work and
were designed.
The Beings who made these also developed
the energy grid system that is like the super highway that ties
together many dimensions of space/time. These Monoliths do a lot of
work for Star Nations.
Monoliths are more than just fancy
computers. They interact in a way considered to be conscious.
Star Nations found them along the grid system and learned that
they were not just devices but were capable of interacting with
Star Nations in a way which demonstrated intelligent life.
This might have been programmed into
the Monoliths, or it could be a result of their own learning
after they were made.
A few bits of information Humans
should know about what Monoliths do:
Monitor traffic of all known
dimensions. Star Nations continues to develop understanding
about the dimensions / also called the levels of Source by
Recording of all traffic
Prediction of future traffic
patterns. Asheoma said to let all know
that when he says traffic that he is talking about not just
Star Nations and Beings but ALL energy patterns. The grid
system is like the nervous system in that it carries
information throughout the grid.
Emitting information such as
warnings and other information of interest to other
Emitting energy communication
broadcasts which are available to be read by any interested
party. Asheoma just showed an example of this that made me
laugh like the Monolith was a news broadcast station and the
Planets in the area could listen to it or not.
Monoliths on Earth were mostly
deactivated or in a form of sleep in order to limit the damage
being done to Earth energy systems. Humans were activating parts
of these Monolith systems against the will of the Monolith but
the Monolith would not harm the Humans doing these things. They
act with a form of consciousness that does everything it can to
avoid causing any damage to anything it comes into contact with.
Asheoma is showing us that the Star
Nations believe they were designed this way because the ones who
made the Grid System knew that the Monoliths might be
accidentally discovered by lower evolved Beings and they did not
want those Beings to be hurt. But they also did not want the
technology to be misused so the Monoliths were programmed to
shut down as much as they could without going against their own
internal built system of survival.
When the Star Nations removed the
Monoliths from Earth, they used inter-dimensional transport, and
are working on repairing them before they are returned to
They said it was a very big
undertaking to do this and could not have done this without Col
Shadow doing the ground security he provided because the
Monoliths could not activate with their own energy because it
would have damaged Earth and any Humans near them.