by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
Michael Wolf, MD, Ph.D., ScD, JD, is scientific consultant to
the National Security Council's Special Studies Group (popularly
known as MJ-12). In December, he began a new series of disclosures to
the author. These are not "leaks", but are sanctioned by the U.S. Government
under its "Processed Release of Information" program.
It is my conclusion that other prominent
participants in the government's Acclimation Program include:
Philip Corso, U.S. Army (ret.)
Colonel Steve Wilson, U.S. Air
Force (ret.)
ambivalently, Colonel Donald Ware,
U.S. Air Force (ret.)
The latter have also been in communication with
the author. This report is a follow-on to the previous report on disclosures
by Dr. Wolf which appeared in NEXUS. [1]
Commenting on the U.S. Government's Processed Release of Information
program, Dr. Wolf stated that the "Powers That Be" [reactionary global
control elite, aka
Cabal] resist disclosures, and want the
pace of any information release to be glacially slow. They fear that if Star
Visitors technology gets out into the public domain, (such as
petroleum-coal-natural gas-uranium-replacing Zero-Point Energy, as well as
pharmaceutical industry-replacing Star Visitor curatives for almost all
diseases), that the elite's near-monopoly on wealth and power will be
Indeed, Wolf said that the government has
operational cold fusion "in the back room".
"We have modules that will restore
[polluted] sea water to its natural state, as well as devices which
connect to condensers and storage devices that produce unlimited
But, so fearful are those super-wealthy
power-brokers of Star Visitor technology replacing their crude and polluting
assets, that a considerable amount of Black Project funds for the Project
MILSTAR grid of DSP-1 UFO-surveillance satellites come from Oil States.
Dr. Wolf angrily retorted to the elite's selfish
"We need to cut through the crap!"
During our conversations I challenged Dr. Wolf
that the disclosures he has made only come to the attention of that small
percentage of the public with a special interest in UFOs, (because of the
controls on the mass media against covering this subject thoroughly.) Thus,
I pointed out to Dr. Wolf, he could be being played for a "useful fool" by
those "Powers That Be", in dribbling out rationed tidbits of UFO information
to the tiny boutique of UFO magazines, thus having the unintended effect of
cooperating in the delay of full and public disclosure.
Wolf dismissed the "useful fool" possibility,
sharing that he has given a warning to his bosses at the National Security
Council, including General Bob _______, that Wolf will stop playing a role
in the Processed Release of Information program,
"unless they get to the core of the problem:
letting governmental and military witnesses (to UFO/Star Visitors
reality) get out and speak," and be allowed to testify at open televised
The UN maintains an unacknowledged Special
Intelligence Branch, which is involved in working with all countries and
their intelligence services around Star Nations matters. Dr. Wolf revealed
that he is negotiating with an official within the UN's Security Council
staff to have the UN release UFO information it possesses in 1999. This
official has advanced degrees, and has been given "incredible powers" during
her Star Visitor encounters.
He says,
"The UN people know everything (about the
visiting ETS). And (Apollo astronauts) Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper
have made appeals to the UN to let the truth be known."
He added that a "Cabal" is a significant part of
the problem.
The Cabal is a rogue group of private
industry, government, intelligence and military officials who have
aggressively misused national security secrecy to achieve illegal monopoly
over Star Visitor technology. The Cabal is so entrenched, that it is
hard for honest official government to remove them.
Some of the Cabalistas are very high
military officers, while others hold leadership positions as Senators and
Congressmen, predominantly but not exclusively of Republican party
"They want Clinton out of the loop
[of detailed UFO/ET information]," Wolf said, because the President has
given private indication of being prepared to make public announcement
of UFO reality as his departing message, if he is forced out of office.
Wolf stated that,
"the Cabal is slowly dying off, and some are
being relieved of duty."
When I retorted, "But not fast enough," Wolf
sighed and did not disagree.
Dr. Wolf became quite excited as he shared with me signals he has been
receiving recently, that,
"Something is coming, so big that the
government will have to announce UFO reality."
When I pressed him for a time-line for the "big
event", he replied, "six months to 1-1/2 years."
He added that besides adequate public psychological preparation about Star
Visitor presence, there is another condition: that any such public
announcement Star Visitor ET presence,
"has to be in agreement with the
(extraterrestrial) Council of the (ET) Elders," the High Council of the
Star Nations-RB (personal communication).
The Council is the ruling body of the Federation
of benign extraterrestrial races that in contact with Earth, sort of like a
galactic UN Security Council. The Council is in ongoing communication with
the governments of Earth through our UN's designated emissaries.
The Star Nations federation is working collaboratively with world
governments to gradually prepare the general population to accept the
reality of, and presence of, Star Visitor races on Earth. The Star Nations
federation has wished to avoid any mass panic or major disruption of society
that could have come from a premature announcement. And the time is now
near, if not already arrived, for the world public to accept contact with
races from the stars.
The Star Nations federation has another precondition before they are willing
to present themselves openly: Peace on Earth. They are unwilling, short of a
global cataclysm, to show themselves publicly, until all major conflicts on
Earth have been peacefully resolved. They do not want to emerge and try to
share their culture amidst Humans shooting at each other and bombs dropping.
World governmental leadership has taken the Star Nations federation's
challenge to heart, Wolf said.
Thus, the reader may have noticed a concerted
international effort in the past several years to resolve major conflicts,
some of which have been going on for centuries.
The Soviet Union has been dissolved,
allowing self-determination by its member states.
In Northern Ireland, Protestant and Catholic
factions are implementing a Good Friday Peace Accord.
In the Middle East, Israeli and Palestinian
leaders have begun implementing the Camp David and Wye River Accords,
albeit with many interruptions and setbacks.
In the Balkans, the new peace agreement
seems to be holding in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while in Kosovo, a shaky
modus vivendi is being worked out between ethnic Albanians and the
Serbian minority.
And regarding the dispute between the
Tibetan people's demand for autonomy and its occupation by the People's
Republic of China, Dr. Wolf says that back-channel dialogues are under
way to attempt to resolve this, by a sharing of Star Visitors-based high
technology in exchange for the Dalai Lama being allowed to return to
Canada has returned immense sections of its
Northwest Territories to self-determination by Aleut and Inuit original
Japan and the Russian Republic have entered
into discussions about settling disputed ownership of the Kuril Islands.
Yet there are a few remaining major problem
Civil war in Congo and Angola could spread
to nine adjoining African states.
A fratricidal Moslem-animist war in Sudan
has not yet been resolved.
Iraq remains a Middle East flashpoint,
threatening Iran and other countries. (Dr. Wolf says that
behind-the-scenes efforts are now focusing on moving Iraq to a
post-Saddam Hussein governance.)
And North Korea continues to threaten
aggression against South Korea.
Thus, those who wish an end to the UFO Cover-Up
should support world peace efforts. The Star Nations are not willing to be
openly introduced until the flood of arms is ended.
Recently, my "ex"-CIA informant "Jesse" alerted me to a secret NATO
Operation TEACUP. When I asked Dr. Wolf about it, he identified
TEACUP as at one level having to do with intelligence services having
identified Iraqi agents in Romania trying to buy advanced guidance systems
technology for Iraqi SCUD missiles. Thus equipped, Iraqi SCUDs would allow
delivery of nascent Iraqi nuclear, chemical and biological warfare warheads.
NATO is concerned that Saddam Hussein would be able to hit Iran's capital,
Tehran, thus starting a Middle East war, and possibly precipitating World
War III.
For those having a higher secrecy clearance, Operation TEACUP's guidance
systems concerns are a cover for higher-level information concerning
Rumanian knowledge about Star Visitors and their technology. Wolf thus
indicated that Rumanian advanced guidance systems are derived from
back-engineering Star Visitor technology.
The NSC consultant next mentioned a Star Nations space beacon, dubbed "the
Monolith", which had been retrieved from space by a U.S. military
spacecraft and brought back to Earth in 1972 for study.
The beacon looks somewhat like, but is smaller
than, the Monolith in
the movie "2001".The
MJ-12 scientific section began analysis of this beacon at RCA's underwater
laboratory north of Abaco Island, Bahamas. The military, naturally, wanted
to examine the beacon's intense power source for possible conversion to
weapons application.
The Monolith's extremely powerful energy fields
were designed for its precise position in deep space. When it was brought to
Earth, those fields exert an unbalancing force.
Dr. Wolf said,
"I told them not to keep it. Already the
Moon is 2% out of its orbit."
This has adversely affected the weather and
global warming.
"I told them [SSG - "MJ-12" subcommittee] to
get it the hell off of Earth!"
He has been negotiating with U.S. National
Security officials visiting him about returning the space beacon to its
former position in space and restore the balance. As leverage, he has
delivered an ultimatum, threatening to stop participating in the Acclimation
Program, and stop serving as the premiere Star Visitor-specialist consultant
to the National Security Council.
His final trump argument to the NSC has been,
"I will blow the whistle publicly on the
whole thing," if the space beacon is not put back.
He is so serious about this matter that he
contemplated asking the Director of the Secret Service to provide a
Secret Service detail, or asking his Admiral colleague on the NSC's MJ-12
subcommittee to provide a Navy SEAL contingent, to accompany the
previously-mentioned female UN Security Council official to
Area 51
to compel the return of the Monolith.
Wolf also stated,
"We are currently negotiating with an ET
mothership to bring the Moon back into its axis."
He declared that
Moon is artificial, long ago positioned in its orbit by Star
Visitors. Furthermore, he confirmed that there is a Star Visitor base on the
Moon. When I suggested the base was on the dark side, he did not challenge
that assumption.
The NSC's enfant terrible railed about the disinformation on "cattle
mutilations" so prevalent in pop UFO articles, and set the record straight.
The harvesting of cattle tissue that is done by the Star Visitors is not to
be confused with cattle
mutilations done by Special Forces operating out of
Stealth antigravity helicopters, using hand-held lasers. The Star
Visitors know that bovine tissue is genetically very close to human. They
use this tissue to bioengineer human organelles. (An
is a specialized part of a cell that resembles and functions as an organ.)
The Star Visitors are engineering organelles to
place within humans, which will operate to filter out the pollutants we take
in from our increasingly-contaminated environment, so that we can survive.
The organelles also provide increased hardiness for the person's immune
system, to successfully resist the increasingly virulent strains of
infectious bacteria, viruses and prions we face.
Current Star Visitor-human encounters have little to do with seeking
sperm and ovum donations, Dr. Wolf says, but are directed towards making a
compatible match of bioengineered organelles with the individual human's
The conversation then turned to Egyptian pyramids. As the movie "2001"
reflected reported CIA-asset Arthur C. Clarke's insider knowledge
a real extraterrestrial space messaging beacon,
so once more, art imitates real life. In this case, the movie "Stargate"
introduced the public to the concept of a special portal, which permitted a
person stepping through to travel to another dimension.
Dr. Wolf revealed that,
"The Egyptian pyramids were built by our
[Star Visitor] ancestors, using sonic technology and other
advanced devices."
He added that within the Egyptian pyramid
complex is a
Stargate, which permits access to the Star
Visitors existing in a different dimension. He intimated that the Stargate
was near the Sphinx's paw.
He complained,
"Egypt won't allow John Anthony West
access to the area, even though the Egyptians don't have the technology
to make it work."
Dr. Wolf has communicated about the Stargate
with his friend, the UN Security Council staff official.
"She said, 'We ought to work together to get
this out. This will raise consciousness in the general public, and will
speed up getting out the fact of extraterrestrial contact into the
As the conversation wound down, Wolf delivered
one final bombshell. If, as seems increasingly likely, Al Gore steps
into the Presidency, the U.S. will have a President whose family has been
personally involved with Star Visitor encounters. Gore has a child who was
seriously ill, and who was cured by the Star Visitors.
"And Vice-President Gore himself has had an
encounter with a Star visitor."
Thus, America might have an Experiencer
1. "Inside
Revelations on the UFO Cover-Up", R. Boylan, NEXUS, 5:3,
Apr.-May. 1998, 45-50
2. Although Dr. Wolf did not enumerate the Oil States, previous
financial involvement by certain States in secret U.S. national-security
operations suggests that the list may include Brunei and Saudi Arabia
among other Oil States.