by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
August 7, 2011
Examiner Website
Wilbur “Will” Allen, a former White House employee and Air Force One
engineer under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan,
George H.W. Bush, and
Bill Clinton and an expert photographer of interdimensional UFOs in
the prohibited
P56-A airspace over Washington, DC, has revealed in
an exclusive August 7, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview that U.S. government agencies are continuing a
public cover-up of continuing, recent documented interdimensional
extraterrestrial UFOs that are creating interdimensional wormholes
and flying over the U.S. Capitol and White House.
Mr. Allen indicates that some of these documented interdimensional
UFO/ET events in prohibited airspace occurred as recently as July 4,
2011 (below image) over the Washington Monument, which is the center of P56-A
prohibited airspace.

The UFO events also include an October 13, 2010
broadcast of three spherical UFOs during a BBC TV report from the
White House.
A public panic like the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast
Mr. Allen states that, in his opinion, U.S. government agencies are
refraining from informing the public of these UFO overflights over
prohibited airspace of U.S. governance venues because they fear that
disclosing these continued overflights would trigger public panic
along the lines of the infamous “War of The Worlds” invasion
broadcast hoax by actor Orson Welles of October 30, 1938:
War of The Worlds
Orson Welles - Radio Broadcast 1938
Mr. Allen has
also stated that that,
"Everett Bellamy (Senior
Assistant Dean of Georgetown Law Center), on behalf of John Podesta,
who is a full-time faculty member at Georgetown Law Center, a former
White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton (1998-2001)
and Co-chair of the Obama Transition Team (2008-9), told Mr. Allen
that the frequent UFO and extraterrestrial over flights and landings
on the U.S. Capitol that Mr. Allen is able to document
photographically using state of the art high definition equipment
could, if made widely public, 'destabilize society,' and urged Mr.
Allen to cease his activity documenting these UFO/ET over fights and
ExopoliticsTV interview with Will Allen
Readers can watch an ExopoliticsTV interview with Will Allen on UFOs
over White House and U.S. Capitol embedded in the article above or
at the following URL:
UFOs during live BBC White House TV coverage
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, as an example of UFO activity that
is captured and blatantly broadcast on mainstream media and yet is
kept from public discourse and public attention, Will Allen
discusses the October 13, 2010 BBC broadcast of three UFOs during a
live White House TV update.
A photograph of the UFOs in that BBC broadcast appear below.

As described by Robert Stanley, Mr. Allen’s colleague in his book
Covert Encounters in Washington, DC,
“As a BBC Washington
correspondent reported on the Obama Administration’s policy
regarding homosexuality in the military, three spherical, glowing
UFOs were unintentionally broadcast on television for at least one
minute as they hovered near the White House.
The UFOs moved
independently and were violating P56-A which is the heart of the
prohibited airspace that centers around the Washington monument.”
No public commentary, either on the BBC or other mainstream media,
or by the Obama administration press office or any U.S. government
agency appeared after this BBC world broadcast of interdimensional
UFO/ETs by the White House.
Research by this reporter reveals that the UFO and extraterrestrial
truth embargo continues to be enforced through a peer pressure White
House media infrastructure played out with White House press corps
White House Press Association, press secretary block ET,
UFO press questions to Obama.
UFOs on 4th of July - Independence Day
In his ExopoliticsTV interview (above video), Will Allen also revealed details of
the photographs of interdimensional UFOs that he has taken on
successive “Independence Days”,
July 4, 2011
July 4, 2010
July 4, 2002
Mr. Allen’s photographs of July 4 interdimensional UFOs in P56-A
prohibited airspace over the Washington Monument are set out in a
special slide show accompanying this article.
The July 4, 2011 UFO sightings are independently verified by other
Moments after Mr. Allen’s photographed the UFO, a witness in the
U.S. military standing near the Pentagon saw the same dark UFO that
Will Allen photographed July 4, 2011.
This witness’ report to the
National UFO Reporting Center
(NUFORC) reads:
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report Occurred: 7/4/2011 21:15 (Entered as: 07/04/11 21:15) Reported: 7/11/2011 5:29:53 PM 17:29 Posted: 7/17/2011 Location: Washington, D.C., DC Shape: Cylinder Duration: 2 seconds
“Parked on 14th street Bridge during fireworks display, my family
and I saw something fly over head silently and without lights. It
was black or carbon, and we all watched this object fly over.
“Can anybody tell me what’s up or if anyone else saw something?
“I am in the US Military and have never seen anything like that.
“I do not wish to be contacted or named
“(NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides
no contact information. One of six reports from same source. PD)
Mr. Allen photographed the interdimensional UFO object on July 4,
2011 at 9:13 p.m. The NUFORC report stated the Pentagon sighting of
the UFO by a U.S. military personnel was 9:15 p.m., a result that is
consistent with Mr. Allen’s sighting.
Following the above July 4, 2011 UFO sighting,
another July 4, 2011
UFO sighting and photo occurred a few hours after the fireworks on
Capitol Hill (below images):
UFOs over Washington,
DC - Will Allen
July 4, 2011
Washington Monument
Credit: UFODC.com,
Will Allen
UFOs on July 20, 2011 & 2010
- F-14 fighter jet chases & UFOs over
the White House
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Allen reveals a UFO sighting
witnessed by a friend of his on July 20, 2011 that involved an
interdimensional UFO being chased by F-14 fighter jets over
Washington, DC.
According to Mr. Allen, “A friend in NE Washington, DC called to
tell me he was suddenly aroused by the sounds of low flying jets,
jets just over the tree tops. What he saw being chased was a UFO
with ball of light. It [the UFO] moved fast and the jets barely
paced behind this object. This happened at 7:35 pm on July 20, 2011.
This July 20, 2011 UFO chase event parallels a July 20, 2010 event
in which Mr. Allen photographed UFOs with a ball of light directly
over the White House in P56-A prohibited airspace.
Mr. Allen states,
“On July 20, 2010 at 3:18:07 AM in NW Washington
DC, a relatively short distance from the White House, I imaged a
slow moving UFO pulse through the sky, and then [observed the UFO]
fire an energy beam which extended from it.”
Mr. Allan also states,
“I took several stationary images of the stars as I usually do.
However, there is one object I thought to be a star, moving and then
discharging a beam of light!!!.... There is one frame that does not
make much sense? A Star is either moving or shooting a beam of light
that is ‘bent’? The motion is not registered with any of the other
‘stars’ in this sampling.”
Mr. Allen added,
"In the ten frames of images [in a video of the
UFO] are other objects. First are the echoes of the luminous anomaly
slightly in front of this object in tandem flight and maneuver. What
the luminous anomaly did, so did the echoes except they did not
discharge a plasma beam? Secondly, it was in pursuit of another object(s).
In my analysis, I discovered a luminous red object in
flight, however in pursuit of an energy distortion, which I have
imaged may times, because it follows me? However, in the ten frames
the objects mentioned all are perhaps in a tactical posture. Please
take a look, the physical data does indeed show ET engagement, and
the anomaly is discharging a tactical device.
Ironic, it echoes the hyperdimensional UFOs on July 16, 1952/July 16, 2002/July 4,
2002/July 4, 2010/July 20, 2010, Analysis B (quadrant analysis) July
20, 2010."
See 'UFO
near White House emits ray of light: horseplay, false flag or
'socially destabilizing' event?'
It seems reasonable to speculate that the UFO Mr. Allen photographed
on July 20, 2010 at 3:18 AM was an intentional incursion by an
intelligent hyperdimensional civilization into the airspace adjacent
to the White House.
Mr. Allen has long-standing apparent working relationship with an
apparent intelligent hyperdimensional civilization behind the
hyperdimensional UFOs he photographs. He has a solid record of
accurate, high speed, high definition photographs of
hyperdimensional UFOs in the P-56A restricted airspace over
Washington DC and adjacent to the White House.
This reporter has noted that Mr. Allen’s photographs of UFOs flying
over and landing on the roof of the U.S. Capitol on July 16, 2002
were taken 50 years from July 16, 1952, when UFOs were photographed
over the U.S. Capitol.
Mr. Allen’s historic photographs of the July
16, 2002 event together with UFO sightings and landings by U.S.
Senate buildings, and the Washington Monument are set out a slide
show in
a previous article.
Mr. Allen, who grew up on U.S. military bases and now resides in
Washington, DC, has stated that at age five he was visited by a
group of “four to five grey extraterrestrials in silver spacesuits”
who implanted him with a device.
That implant device went undetected during all the years of his
military and White House service, and now signals him to go to
specific locations in Washington, DC where he is instructed to
photograph extraterrestrial craft and personnel that enter P-56A
restricted Capitol Hill airspace through hyperdimensional Star gates
at extremely high speeds.
Mr. Allen, who has reported some of these
UFO/ET landings to the U.S. Capitol Police, states that the police
have told him his photographs confirm ET/UFO landings their officers
are also encountering.
Mr. Allen believes that his photographs, which are forensic in
quality, document that the same intelligent hyperdimensional
civilization was behind the July 16, 1952 and the July 16, 2002
flyovers of the U.S. Capitol. These UFO/ET flyovers are continuing
into the present. Mr. Allen states that the civilization
communicating with him and directing his photographic documentation
of their hypervelocity landings on the U.S. Capitol are “grey and
There is no independent evidence that the intelligent
civilization behind the hyperdimensional UFOs appearing to Mr. Allen
is grey of human-hybrid.
Through advanced photo-analysis, Mr. Allen has established
dimensional similarities between the UFO phenomena
the 1944 “Foo Fighters”
the UFO/ET phenomena filmed by the Walt
Disney company at the Lincoln Memorial on July 26, 1952
UFO/ET phenomena overlying the U.S. Capitol on July 16, 1952 (and
during the July 13-29, 1952 Washington, DC UFO flap)
the UFO/ET
phenomena over flying the U.S. Capitol 50 years later on July 16,
the UFO/ET phenomena appearing over the Washington
Monument (Washington, DC) on July 4, 2002
ET/UFO phenomena
photographed at the U.S. Capitol on November 17, 2008
UFO/ET phenomenon photographed as reflected on Commander Buzz Aldrin’s
visor as he walked on the Moon during Apollo 16 (April
21-24, 1972)
According to Mr. Allen’s photo-analysis, each of the UFO/ET
phenomena mentioned above was capable of dimensional shift into a
self-generated Star gate phenomenon.
UFO near White House emits ray of light:
horseplay, false flag or 'socially destabilizing' event?
Washington DC as a portal for interdimensional UFOs and ETs?
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Allen states that as a
photographer, his mission is to present the data of UFO sightings in
the P56-A restricted airspace of Washington, DC as object,
scientifically valid data.
Mr. Allen states his is not prepared at
this stage to offer further hypotheses on the agenda of the
intelligence behind these interdimensional UFO incursions of
Washington DC airspace that U.S. government agencies are currently
banning from official public disclosure or discussion.
Robert Stanley, Mr. Allen’s colleague and associate, builds on
Mr. Allen’s data and has come to a number of working conclusions.