by Andrea
August 13, 2012
FrugallySustainable Website
“Stop at the crossroads and look
Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Prophet Jeremiah
Generation Z, Generation AO (aka…”Always On”), or Net Generation.
These are terms that define the current generation.
They’re always “on.” They are hyper-connected…most don’t even
remember a time without advanced communication and media technology.
Texting, googling, YouTube’ing it’s what they know - it’s what they
What happened to a simple time and place?
How did we become so at risk for losing the life and skills of
A Simple Time and
Can we go back?
I believe the answer is yes! But in order for this to happen I agree
with what Shannon Hayes says in her life-changing book, Radical
Homemakers, that we must realize…
“Home is where the great change will
begin. It is not where it ends.”
So what does that look like practically
in our daily lives… in each of our homes?
Here are a few tips that have helped me:
A clean, organized, and
well-managed home brings peace.
But it’s not just about keeping
the “stuff” clean and organized. No! It’s about simplifying…
reducing the amount of stuff we have in our homes and
reducing the amount of stuff that we buy to fill our homes.
Clutter breeds chaos.
Spend less
The first step toward spending
less is learning to re-define our understanding of the word
We must re-define what is and is
not a necessity. In fact, did you know that if we have $20
in our pocket, food in the refrigerator, clothes on our
back, a roof overhead, and place to sleep, we are richer
than 75% of the people in the world!
Save More
Just as re-defining our
necessities will help us to spend less… naturally we see
that this principle will also help us to save more.
Don’t live within your means…
live below them. And by that I mean, save more than you
spend. Cut up the credit cards, start living with a budget,
move into a smaller home (or rent something smaller and
cheaper), sell a car…
Now… you all know that I am a
huge fan of the Internet - through it I earn my livelihood.
However, I’m continuously
working toward a healthier relationship with technology. I
want to see it as a tool, not a master.
Choosing a day - or even specific times during my day - to
disconnect and un-plug has helped significantly.
I love the
heart behind the author of Unplugged Sunday and if you ever
get the itch to read more on the subject…
I highly recommended reading:
The Winter of Our Disconnect: How
Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with
Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to
Tell the Tale.
Get outdoors
This one comes easy for me!
You see… I was raised with a
deep respect for the creation surrounding us and have
therefore always loved nature. In fact, some of my closest
friends may even consider me an overly enthusiastic outdoors
I believe the Earth is our
playground - containing the entirety of items necessary for
our existence and entertainment. We’re not a family that
spends time or money on super expensive entertainment,
travel, and/or recreational activities.
Why should anyone!?! It’s simply
a matter of getting outdoors and enjoying what has been
freely given to us!
Keep it small and local
I’ve developed a saying for
myself when it comes to earning an income,
“I want to make a living,
not a killing.”
Repeating this to myself daily
helps to keep me sane!
So many burdens of our daily
lives are lifted as we seek to lead simpler lives. Please
don’t misunderstand, I strive to do everything with
excellence and to do it well.
But whether it be through
friendships, church, neighbors, activities for the children,
my business, or our food that comes from local farm co-ops…
I find freedom in keeping it small and local.
Live in community
Having a close group of family
and friends almost seems foreign for a lot of us.
But those who experience the
benefits of living in community with others understand the
support that comes from having each other. You see, we were
never intended to live this life alone.
In fact, fierce independence
often comes with a pretty high price tag and requires so
much of our time.
Bring back a simple time and
place by:
supporting your friends
getting to know your
passing on your
knowledge of the “old ways” to the younger
organizing a carpool
with other parent’s to-and-from school
sharing a meal with
family and/or friends
Identify true security
As I understand it, security is
an illusion… but it feels real only because so many people
agree to abide by its terms.
Perhaps it has been the mere
pursuit of security - whether it be physical, emotional, or
financial - that has led us so far away from a life of
Believe me when I say that no
amount of food storage, no level of higher education, and
certainly no amount of income can provide security. True
security isn’t something you have, it’s something you are.
Who you are is the only thing
that can’t be taken away.
The real issue of security comes
down to what we put our faith and trust in - and once that
has been identified, the road to simple living becomes a bit