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The Truth Has Been Revealed
September 19, 2012
As you will see in the video below, the results collected during a study that focused on determining the potential harm done to animals and humans from consuming GMO corn NK603 are worthy of the outrage and concern we are finally witnessing on a mass scale.
The most telling discovery is that rats fed GMO had a 600% increase in death over the control group.
Experts across the spectrum have weighed in to
discuss these shocking findings. Equally disturbing
are the findings surrounding the world's leading
herbicide, Roundup. It is a combination that now can
be conclusively called pure poison.
The campaign for labeling
of GMO is now gaining steam in California, and
France has launched
a major investigation, but until we have at a
minimum universal proper labeling of what we
are ingesting, we face a future of incredibly
compromised health at the hands of giant chemical
corporations like
Monsanto and DuPont who already have provably
poisoned people and the environment with creations
like DDT, Agent Orange and now, apparently,
modern-day genetic modification and herbicides and
pesticides like Roundup.
The images and video below are disturbing, but must
be shared.
Now is the time to spread this information and exert maximum pressure with wide-scale boycotts of these destructive companies.
French researchers from CRIIGEN secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.
More information at
El Momento de La Verdad
Octubre 31, 2012
Un video para comprender la investigación del CRIIGEN, la manera en la que los OGM son evaluados y la toxicidad del maíz NK603 y del Roundup para la salud humana.
Un estudio de dos años de duración. Resultados inquietantes sobre la comprobada toxicidad del maíz NK603 para ratas alimentadas con este alimento.
La toxicidad confirmada del Roundup.