by Daisy Luther
September 1, 2013
TheOrganicPrepper Website
The USDA has just approved a
new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than
the toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the mainstream though - it was all
done very quietly in the hopes that no one would notice. Bayer
has developed a soybean that can withstand applications of the
toxin isoxaflutole (IFT). IFT is classified as a probable human
carcinogen. That’s right - they KNOW that it causes cancer and
they created a plant with which they can use it anyway. A plant
that is meant to feed us or feed our livestock. They’re going to
douse the fields with it and allow it to leach into groundwater
and contaminate soil. The EPA knows this. Read the data sheet
about this - you won’t believe your eyes when you see the
assessment of this chemical that will soon be sprayed all over
fields across America. Based upon a battery of acute toxicity
studies, Balance Herbicide is classified as Toxicity Category
III. Isoxaflutole demonstrates developmental toxicity and has
been classified as a Group B2 carcinogen (probable human
carcinogen). The data available at this time indicate that
isoxaflutole is very phytotoxic. Isoxaflutole is persistent and
mobile, and may leach and accumulate in groundwater and through
surface water. (source) They KNOW and they are allowing it
anyway. Since glyphosate wasn’t ruining the world fast enough,
Bayer decided to up the ante. Herbicide-tolerant weeds have
adapted to the pesticide and now to continue growing the GMO
scourge, more toxic methods have to be used. “Bayer’s new GE
soybeans represent the next wave in agricultural biotechnology -
crops that dramatically increase farmers’ use of and dependence
on toxic herbicides,” said Bill Freese, science policy analyst
at Center for Food Safety. Dubbed FG72, these GE soybeans were
developed by Bayer CropScience, the second-largest agrichemicals
firm in the world. The EPA has designated IFT as a “probable
human carcinogen” based on animal tests in which it triggered
liver and thyroid tumors in rats. IFT and its major breakdown
product persist in surface waters, and despite its limited use,
at present is frequently detected in tests. It is also toxic to
aquatic organisms, wild plants and important crops (e.g.
vegetables.). IFT is so toxic that three states - Wisconsin,
Michigan and Minnesota - rejected the Bayer-EPA label for this
herbicide as insufficiently protective of human health, the
environment and neighboring crops. First generation GE crops,
like Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (RR) varieties, are resistant to
the herbicide glyphosate. Skyrocketing use of glyphosate with RR
crops has wiped out biological diversity in our fields, for
instance nearly wiping out milkweed and thereby contributing to
a dramatic decline in Monarch butterfly populations. Glyphosate
use has also triggered an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant weeds
that now infest roughly half of farmers’ fields. “Bayer and
other biotech companies are now poised to introduce a host of
‘next-generation’ GE crops resistant to more toxic herbicides as
a false ‘solution’ to massive weed resistance,” said Freese.
“But their effect will be to generate still more intractable
weeds resistant to multiple herbicides.” (source) Also hopping
on the second-generation GMO train are the ever-evil Monsanto,
with new varieties of corn and cotton, as well as Dow, with new
varieties of corn and soybeans. The EPA and the USDA are
supposed to be our safety net - they are supposed to be agencies
of protection. Instead, they allow the big biotech companies to
set their own rules and policies. There is absolutely no excuse
for approving the use of a toxin that is a probable human
carcinogen and yet the agencies established to protect us did it
anyway. We are already in the midst of a cancer epidemic in this
country. Nearly half of the population will deal with cancer at
some point in their lives. The President’s Cancer Panel, a
three-person panel that reports to the U.S. president on the
National Cancer Program calculated that 41% of Americans will be
diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes. If you’re male,
the chances are 1 in 2 that you will be diagnosed with some type
of cancer, and women have a 1 in 3 chance of the dreaded
diagnosis. A Global Cancer Statistics for 2011 study names
cancer as the #1 killer in the western world and #2 in
developing countries. (source) With this new USDA approval, I’d
say the odds of getting cancer just got a whole lot higher. No
longer is just avoiding GMOs and eating organic enough. Our
water supply is tainted. Our land is contaminated. Even the air
we breathe is subject to pesticide drift. You need only to look
at the petri dish that is the Hawaiin island of Molokai to see
what happens to a population that is subjected to these types of
farming techniques and that occurred with the LESS TOXIC
glyphosate. (“Less toxic glyphosate” are words I never thought I
would type!) Do you still think I’m overreacting about GMOs?
Only through the development of genetically modified plants that
can withstand these deadly poisons would the probable human
carcinogens be able to be used. IFT is a chemical weapon and the
fields of America are the warzones.
The USDA has just approved a
new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than
the toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the mainstream though - it was all
done very quietly in the hopes that no one would notice. Bayer
has developed a soybean that can withstand applications of the
toxin isoxaflutole (IFT). IFT is classified as a probable human
carcinogen. That’s right - they KNOW that it causes cancer and
they created a plant with which they can use it anyway. A plant
that is meant to feed us or feed our livestock. They’re going to
douse the fields with it and allow it to leach into groundwater
and contaminate soil. The EPA knows this. Read the data sheet
about this - you won’t believe your eyes when you see the
assessment of this chemical that will soon be sprayed all over
fields across America. Based upon a battery of acute toxicity
studies, Balance Herbicide is classified as Toxicity Category
III. Isoxaflutole demonstrates developmental toxicity and has
been classified as a Group B2 carcinogen (probable human
carcinogen). The data available at this time indicate that
isoxaflutole is very phytotoxic. Isoxaflutole is persistent and
mobile, and may leach and accumulate in groundwater and through
surface water. (source) They KNOW and they are allowing it
anyway. Since glyphosate wasn’t ruining the world fast enough,
Bayer decided to up the ante. Herbicide-tolerant weeds have
adapted to the pesticide and now to continue growing the GMO
scourge, more toxic methods have to be used. “Bayer’s new GE
soybeans represent the next wave in agricultural biotechnology -
crops that dramatically increase farmers’ use of and dependence
on toxic herbicides,” said Bill Freese, science policy analyst
at Center for Food Safety. Dubbed FG72, these GE soybeans were
developed by Bayer CropScience, the second-largest agrichemicals
firm in the world. The EPA has designated IFT as a “probable
human carcinogen” based on animal tests in which it triggered
liver and thyroid tumors in rats. IFT and its major breakdown
product persist in surface waters, and despite its limited use,
at present is frequently detected in tests. It is also toxic to
aquatic organisms, wild plants and important crops (e.g.
vegetables.). IFT is so toxic that three states - Wisconsin,
Michigan and Minnesota - rejected the Bayer-EPA label for this
herbicide as insufficiently protective of human health, the
environment and neighboring crops. First generation GE crops,
like Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (RR) varieties, are resistant to
the herbicide glyphosate. Skyrocketing use of glyphosate with RR
crops has wiped out biological diversity in our fields, for
instance nearly wiping out milkweed and thereby contributing to
a dramatic decline in Monarch butterfly populations. Glyphosate
use has also triggered an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant weeds
that now infest roughly half of farmers’ fields. “Bayer and
other biotech companies are now poised to introduce a host of
‘next-generation’ GE crops resistant to more toxic herbicides as
a false ‘solution’ to massive weed resistance,” said Freese.
“But their effect will be to generate still more intractable
weeds resistant to multiple herbicides.” (source) Also hopping
on the second-generation GMO train are the ever-evil Monsanto,
with new varieties of corn and cotton, as well as Dow, with new
varieties of corn and soybeans. The EPA and the USDA are
supposed to be our safety net - they are supposed to be agencies
of protection. Instead, they allow the big biotech companies to
set their own rules and policies. There is absolutely no excuse
for approving the use of a toxin that is a probable human
carcinogen and yet the agencies established to protect us did it
anyway. We are already in the midst of a cancer epidemic in this
country. Nearly half of the population will deal with cancer at
some point in their lives. The President’s Cancer Panel, a
three-person panel that reports to the U.S. president on the
National Cancer Program calculated that 41% of Americans will be
diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes. If you’re male,
the chances are 1 in 2 that you will be diagnosed with some type
of cancer, and women have a 1 in 3 chance of the dreaded
diagnosis. A Global Cancer Statistics for 2011 study names
cancer as the #1 killer in the western world and #2 in
developing countries. (source) With this new USDA approval, I’d
say the odds of getting cancer just got a whole lot higher. No
longer is just avoiding GMOs and eating organic enough. Our
water supply is tainted. Our land is contaminated. Even the air
we breathe is subject to pesticide drift. You need only to look
at the petri dish that is the Hawaiin island of Molokai to see
what happens to a population that is subjected to these types of
farming techniques and that occurred with the LESS TOXIC
glyphosate. (“Less toxic glyphosate” are words I never thought I
would type!) Do you still think I’m overreacting about GMOs?
Only through the development of genetically modified plants that
can withstand these deadly poisons would the probable human
carcinogens be able to be used. IFT is a chemical weapon and the
fields of America are the warzones.
The USDA has just approved a new
generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the
toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the
mainstream though - it was all done very quietly in the hopes
that no one would notice.
Bayer has developed a soybean that
can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
That’s right - they KNOW that it
causes cancer and they created a plant with which they can use
it anyway. A plant that is meant to feed us or feed our
livestock. They’re going to douse the fields with it and allow
it to leach into groundwater and contaminate soil.
The EPA knows this. Read
the data sheet about this - you won’t believe your eyes when
you see the assessment of this chemical that will soon be
sprayed all over fields across America.
Based upon a battery of acute
toxicity studies, Balance Herbicide is classified as
Toxicity Category III. Isoxaflutole demonstrates
developmental toxicity and has been classified as a Group
B2 carcinogen (probable human carcinogen). The data
available at this time indicate that isoxaflutole is very
phytotoxic. Isoxaflutole is persistent and mobile, and may
leach and accumulate in groundwater and through surface
water. (source)
They KNOW and they are allowing it
Since glyphosate wasn’t ruining the
world fast enough, Bayer decided to up the ante. Herbicide
tolerant weeds have adapted to the pesticide and now to continue
growing the GMO scourge, more toxic methods have to be used.
“Bayer’s new GE soybeans
represent the next wave in agricultural biotechnology -
crops that dramatically increase farmers’ use of and
dependence on toxic herbicides,” said Bill Freese, science
policy analyst at Center for Food Safety.
Dubbed FG72, these GE soybeans
were developed by Bayer CropScience, the second-largest
agrichemicals firm in the world.
The EPA has designated IFT as a
“probable human carcinogen” based on animal tests in which
it triggered liver and thyroid tumors in rats. IFT and its
major breakdown product persist in surface waters, and
despite its limited use, at present is frequently detected
in tests. It is also toxic to aquatic organisms, wild plants
and important crops (e.g. vegetables.). IFT is so toxic that
three states -
Wisconsin, Michigan and
Minnesota - rejected the Bayer-EPA label for this herbicide
as insufficiently protective of human health, the
environment and neighboring crops.
First generation GE crops, like
Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (RR) varieties, are resistant to
the herbicide glyphosate. Skyrocketing use of glyphosate
with RR crops has wiped out biological diversity in our
fields, for instance nearly wiping out milkweed and thereby
contributing to a dramatic decline in Monarch
butterfly populations. Glyphosate use has also triggered
an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant
weeds that now infest roughly half
of farmers’ fields.
“Bayer and other biotech
companies are now poised to introduce a host of
‘next-generation’ GE crops resistant to more toxic
herbicides as a false ‘solution’ to massive weed
resistance,” said Freese. “But their effect will be to
generate still more intractable weeds resistant to multiple
herbicides.” (source)
Also hopping on the
second-generation GMO train are the ever-evil Monsanto, with new
varieties of corn and cotton, as well as Dow, with new varieties
of corn and soybeans.
The EPA and the USDA are
supposed to be our safety net - they are supposed to be agencies
of protection. Instead, they allow the big biotech companies to
set their own rules and policies. There is absolutely no excuse
for approving the use of a toxin that is a
probable human carcinogen and yet the agencies
established to protect us did it anyway.
We are already in the midst of a
cancer epidemic in this country. Nearly half of the population
will deal with cancer at some point in their lives.
The President’s
Cancer Panel, a three-person panel that reports to the
U.S. president on the National Cancer Program calculated
that 41% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during
their lifetimes. If you’re male, the chances are 1 in 2 that
you will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and women
have a 1 in 3 chance of the dreaded diagnosis.
A Global
Cancer Statistics for 2011 study names cancer as the #1
killer in the western world and #2 in developing countries.
With this new USDA approval, I’d say
the odds of getting cancer just got a whole lot higher.
No longer is just avoiding GMOs and
eating organic enough. Our water supply is tainted. Our land is
contaminated. Even the air we breathe is subject to pesticide
drift. You need only to look at the
petri dish that is the Hawaiin island of Molokai to see what
happens to a population that is subjected to these types of
farming techniques and that occurred with the LESS TOXIC
glyphosate. (“Less toxic glyphosate” are words I never thought I
would type!)
Do you still think I’m overreacting
about GMOs? Only through the development of genetically
modified plants that can withstand these deadly poisons would
the probable human carcinogens be able to be
IFT is a chemical weapon and
the fields of America are the warzones.
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/move-over-round-up-usda-approves-2nd-gen-gmos-that-can-withstand-even-deadlier-herbicide-09012013#sthash.XUlclHsA.dpuf
The USDA has just approved a new
generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the
toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the
mainstream though - it was all done very quietly in the hopes
that no one would notice.
Bayer has developed a soybean that
can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
That’s right - they KNOW that it
causes cancer and they created a plant with which they can use
it anyway. A plant that is meant to feed us or feed our
livestock. They’re going to douse the fields with it and allow
it to leach into groundwater and contaminate soil.
The EPA knows this. Read
the data sheet about this - you won’t believe your eyes when
you see the assessment of this chemical that will soon be
sprayed all over fields across America.
Based upon a battery of acute
toxicity studies, Balance Herbicide is classified as
Toxicity Category III. Isoxaflutole demonstrates
developmental toxicity and has been classified as a Group
B2 carcinogen (probable human carcinogen). The data
available at this time indicate that isoxaflutole is very
phytotoxic. Isoxaflutole is persistent and mobile, and may
leach and accumulate in groundwater and through surface
water. (source)
They KNOW and they are allowing it
Since glyphosate wasn’t ruining the
world fast enough, Bayer decided to up the ante. Herbicide
tolerant weeds have adapted to the pesticide and now to continue
growing the GMO scourge, more toxic methods have to be used.
“Bayer’s new GE soybeans
represent the next wave in agricultural biotechnology -
crops that dramatically increase farmers’ use of and
dependence on toxic herbicides,” said Bill Freese, science
policy analyst at Center for Food Safety.
Dubbed FG72, these GE soybeans
were developed by Bayer CropScience, the second-largest
agrichemicals firm in the world.
The EPA has designated IFT as a
“probable human carcinogen” based on animal tests in which
it triggered liver and thyroid tumors in rats. IFT and its
major breakdown product persist in surface waters, and
despite its limited use, at present is frequently detected
in tests. It is also toxic to aquatic organisms, wild plants
and important crops (e.g. vegetables.). IFT is so toxic that
three states -
Wisconsin, Michigan and
Minnesota - rejected the Bayer-EPA label for this herbicide
as insufficiently protective of human health, the
environment and neighboring crops.
First generation GE crops, like
Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (RR) varieties, are resistant to
the herbicide glyphosate. Skyrocketing use of glyphosate
with RR crops has wiped out biological diversity in our
fields, for instance nearly wiping out milkweed and thereby
contributing to a dramatic decline in Monarch
butterfly populations. Glyphosate use has also triggered
an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant
weeds that now infest roughly half
of farmers’ fields.
“Bayer and other biotech
companies are now poised to introduce a host of
‘next-generation’ GE crops resistant to more toxic
herbicides as a false ‘solution’ to massive weed
resistance,” said Freese. “But their effect will be to
generate still more intractable weeds resistant to multiple
herbicides.” (source)
Also hopping on the
second-generation GMO train are the ever-evil Monsanto, with new
varieties of corn and cotton, as well as Dow, with new varieties
of corn and soybeans.
The EPA and the USDA are
supposed to be our safety net - they are supposed to be agencies
of protection. Instead, they allow the big biotech companies to
set their own rules and policies. There is absolutely no excuse
for approving the use of a toxin that is a
probable human carcinogen and yet the agencies
established to protect us did it anyway.
We are already in the midst of a
cancer epidemic in this country. Nearly half of the population
will deal with cancer at some point in their lives.
The President’s
Cancer Panel, a three-person panel that reports to the
U.S. president on the National Cancer Program calculated
that 41% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during
their lifetimes. If you’re male, the chances are 1 in 2 that
you will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and women
have a 1 in 3 chance of the dreaded diagnosis.
A Global
Cancer Statistics for 2011 study names cancer as the #1
killer in the western world and #2 in developing countries.
With this new USDA approval, I’d say
the odds of getting cancer just got a whole lot higher.
No longer is just avoiding GMOs and
eating organic enough. Our water supply is tainted. Our land is
contaminated. Even the air we breathe is subject to pesticide
drift. You need only to look at the
petri dish that is the Hawaiin island of Molokai to see what
happens to a population that is subjected to these types of
farming techniques and that occurred with the LESS TOXIC
glyphosate. (“Less toxic glyphosate” are words I never thought I
would type!)
Do you still think I’m overreacting
about GMOs? Only through the development of genetically
modified plants that can withstand these deadly poisons would
the probable human carcinogens be able to be
IFT is a chemical weapon and
the fields of America are the warzones.
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/move-over-round-up-usda-approves-2nd-gen-gmos-that-can-withstand-even-deadlier-herbicide-09012013#sthash.XUlclHsA.dpuf
The USDA has just approved a new
generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the
toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the
mainstream though - it was all done very quietly in the hopes
that no one would notice.
Bayer has developed a soybean that
can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/move-over-round-up-usda-approves-2nd-gen-gmos-that-can-withstand-even-deadlier-herbicide-09012013#sthash.XUlclHsA.dpuf
The USDA has just approved a new
generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the
toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.
You won’t hear about this on the
mainstream though - it was all done very quietly in the hopes
that no one would notice.
Bayer has developed a soybean that
can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/move-over-round-up-usda-approves-2nd-gen-gmos-that-can-withstand-even-deadlier-herbicide-09012013#sthash.XUlclHsA.dpuf
The USDA has just
approved a new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly
herbicides than
the toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms
across America.
You won’t hear about
this on the mainstream though - it was all done very quietly in the
hopes that no one would notice.
Bayer has developed a
soybean that can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
IFT is classified as a probable
human carcinogen.
That’s right - they KNOW that it causes
cancer and they created a plant with which they can use it anyway. A
plant that is meant to feed us or feed our livestock.
They’re going to douse the fields with
it and allow it to leach into groundwater and contaminate soil.
The EPA knows
this. Read
the data sheet
about this - you won’t believe your eyes when you see the assessment
of this chemical that will soon be sprayed all over fields across
Based upon a
battery of acute toxicity studies, Balance Herbicide is classified
as Toxicity Category III.
Isoxaflutole demonstrates developmental toxicity and has been
classified as a Group B2 carcinogen (probable human carcinogen).
The data
available at this time indicate that isoxaflutole is very
phytotoxic. Isoxaflutole is persistent and mobile, and may leach
and accumulate in groundwater and through surface water.
They KNOW and they
are allowing it anyway.
Since glyphosate
wasn’t ruining the world fast enough, Bayer decided to up the ante.
Herbicide tolerant
weeds have adapted to the pesticide and now to continue growing the
GMO scourge, more toxic methods have to be used.
“Bayer’s new GE
soybeans represent the next wave in agricultural biotechnology -
crops that dramatically increase farmers’ use of and dependence
on toxic herbicides,” said Bill Freese, science policy analyst
at Center for Food Safety.
Dubbed FG72, these GE
soybeans were developed by Bayer CropScience, the second-largest
agrichemicals firm in the world.
The EPA has
designated IFT as a “probable human carcinogen” based on animal
tests in which it triggered liver and thyroid tumors in rats. IFT
and its major breakdown product persist in surface waters, and
despite its limited use, at present is frequently detected in tests.
It is also toxic to aquatic organisms, wild plants and important
crops (e.g. vegetables.).
IFT is so toxic
that three states -
Wisconsin, Michigan and
Minnesota - rejected the Bayer-EPA label for this herbicide as
insufficiently protective of human health, the environment and
neighboring crops.
generation GE crops, like Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (RR) varieties,
are resistant to the herbicide glyphosate.
kyrocketing use
of glyphosate with RR crops has wiped out biological diversity in
our fields, for instance nearly wiping out milkweed and thereby
contributing to a dramatic decline in Monarch
butterfly populations.
Glyphosate use
has also triggered an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant
weeds that now infest roughly half
of farmers’ fields.
“Bayer and
other biotech companies are now poised to introduce a host of
‘next-generation’ GE crops resistant to more toxic herbicides as
a false ‘solution’ to massive weed resistance,” said Freese.
“But their
effect will be to generate still more intractable weeds
resistant to multiple herbicides.”
Also hopping on the
second-generation GMO train are the ever-evil Monsanto, with new
varieties of corn and cotton, as well as Dow, with new varieties of
corn and soybeans.
The EPA and the
USDA are supposed to be our safety net - they are supposed to be
agencies of protection. Instead, they allow the big biotech
companies to set their own rules and policies. There is absolutely
no excuse for approving the use of a toxin that is a
probable human carcinogen and yet the agencies established to
protect us did it anyway.
We are already in the
midst of a cancer epidemic in this country. Nearly half of the
population will deal with cancer at some point in their lives.
The President’s
Cancer Panel, a
three-person panel that reports to the U.S. president on the
National Cancer Program calculated that 41% of Americans will be
diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes.
If you’re male,
the chances are 1 in 2 that you will be diagnosed with some type of
cancer, and women have a 1 in 3 chance of the dreaded diagnosis.
A Global
Cancer Statistics for 2011 study
names cancer as the #1 killer in the western world and #2 in
developing countries.
With this new USDA
approval, I’d say the odds of getting cancer just got a whole lot
No longer is
just avoiding GMOs and eating organic enough. Our water supply is
tainted. Our land is contaminated. Even the air we breathe is
subject to pesticide drift.
You need only
to look at the
petri dish that is the Hawaiin island of Molokai
to see what happens to a population that is subjected to these types
of farming techniques and that occurred with the LESS TOXIC
glyphosate. (“Less toxic glyphosate” are words I never thought I
would type!)
Do you still think
I’m overreacting about GMOs? Only through the development of
genetically modified plants that can withstand these deadly poisons
would the probable human carcinogens be able to be
IFT is a chemical
weapon and the fields of America are the warzones.