by Marco Torres
September 13, 2013
PreventDisease Website
Marco Torres
is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate
for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public
Health and Environmental Science and is a professional
speaker on topics such as disease prevention,
environmental toxins and health policy |
All the biggest names in the food business use GMO. All of them!
Together these eight companies make up more than 90% of food product
inside grocery retailers.
The worst part is that most of the
organic food brands are owned by the same companies.
I repeat, all of the above companies use genetically modified
ingredients in their foods.
Now if you look at the
acquisitions of organic processors
which occurred between December, 1997 when the draft USDA standard
was released, and its full implementation in October, 2002, you'll
find that more than 75% of them own organic brands, but few
companies identify these ownership ties on product labels.
Heinz acquired a 19.5% stake in Hain Celestial in 1999 while also
transferring ownership of their Earth's Best brand.
Most remaining independent organic processors have resisted
substantial buyout offers (typically 2 times annual sales), but that
doesn't mean they won't cave in the future.
Is it not time to ban the brands which lobby against GMO labeling
and consistently use these ingredients in their foods?
