1. Dolly the Sheep
The first
ever GMO mammal, Dolly the sheep was put to sleep in
February of 2003 after she was discovered to have a progressive
lung disease.
She was 'born' on July 5, 1996 after researched by
Dr. Ian Wilmut and his team from the Roslin Institute research

2. A GMO Dog
Man's best friend glows. Imagine tampering with the genes of
your loving pet. A research team from Seoul National University
(SNU) created a genetically modified female beagle, named Tegon.
She was 'born' in 2009, and she glows fluorescent green under
ultraviolet light if given a doxycycline antibiotic.
"The creation of Tegon opens
new horizons since the gene injected to make the dog glow
can be substituted with genes that trigger fatal human
diseases," the news agency quoted lead researcher
Lee Byeong-chun as saying.

3. Bald Chickens
Chickens without feathers were genetically altered in Hebrew
University in Israel to grow quickly, but without any protective
Researchers claim there are many reasons why
bald chickens are necessary. They point to the fact that
fast-growing "boiler chickens" produce excessive body heat and
may suffer tremendously in warmer climates, so the lack of
feathers would make these creatures more comfortable, but
animal protection groups are leery.
The removal of chickens'
feathers makes them more susceptible to parasitic infections,
and can make it more difficult for them to mate.

4. GMO Goats
Genetically engineered goats were created by a team at a
Framingham, Massachusetts-based Genzyme Transgenics
Corporation, Tufts University and Louisiana State University.
Why? To produce a human protein that affects blood clotting. Three
female goats
posed for a picture in April of 1999 to show off the work of
the scientists.

5. GMO Pterophyllum Scalara Fish
These GMO fish were glowing in a tank under a blacklight
while being displayed at the 2013 Bio Expo in Taipei.

6. Genetically Engineered Angelfish (Pterophyllum)
These fish glow in a tank under a blacklight at a fish farm
in Pingtung, southern Taiwan, as of September 16, 2010.
genetically modified creatures are the world's first fluorescent
angelfish created by a joint project between Taiwan's Academia Sinica and Jy Lin, a private biotechnology company. The breed is
the largest fluorescent fish in the world.
They are still able
to mate and reproduce, which is more than we can say for
Monsanto's suicide seeds.

7. Transgenic Sheep
Transgenic sheep were grown in China using
'a simplified
technique' -
They were successfully born on March 26, 2012 due
to the efforts of scientists from BGI, the world's largest
genomics organization, together with the Institute of Genetics
and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
and Shihezi University, Xinjiang province.