by Anthony Gucciardi
December 5, 2011
ActivistPost Website

France is the latest nation to voice
opposition against genetically modified crops, with GM maize
unlikely to hit French fields next year despite the end of a ban
Monsanto maize.
The news comes as evidence compiles that French legislatures will
launch new restrictions regarding the use of
Monsanto’s 810 maize on French
It all began when France’s State Council
overturned the ban on
Monsanto’s GMO maize stating that it was not sufficiently justified.
The organization then attempted to justify its decision by saying
that the government did not give enough evidence to justify a ban.
Under law, an EU country can only unilaterally ban a genetically
modified strain if it can scientifically prove it is a risk to the
health of humans, animals, or the integrity of the environment.
Interestingly the ban was lifted under these circumstances after
numerous reports have surfaced highlighting the many ways in which
GMO crops and biopesticides are
thoroughly damaging the
This is why GMO crops are continually being banned around the world
in a display of defiance against biotech giant Monsanto.
Nations like Hungary have taken a stand
against GMO crops and
Monsanto, destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown
with genetically modified seeds. Many of the farmers were actually
shocked to find they were using GMO seeds, which are resulting in
extreme environmental consequence.
Peru has also taken a stand for health freedom,
passing a monumental 10 year ban on genetically modified foods.
Amazingly, Peru’s Plenary Session of the Congress made the decision
despite previous governmental pushes for GM legalization. The known
and unknown dangers of GMO crops seem to supersede even
executive-level governmental directives.
Even Nicolas Sarkozy, the current president of the French
Republic, voiced his opposition to Monsanto’s GMO maize:
The French government keeps and will
keep its opposition against the cultivation of the Monsanto 810
maize on our soil, Sarkozy
Nations and individuals around the world
are ready to drive Monsanto out, and bring sustainable and
health-promoting organic farming into their daily lives. Fresh
produce is the future, free of GMOs and full of vital nutrients.
Explore More:
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn
Monsanto GMO Sugarbeets to be
Destroyed | Court Concludes USDA Illegally Approved Biotech
Merck vs Monsanto - Fighting for the
Worst Company Award
GMO Crops Continually Banned Around
the World in Display of Health Freedom
Non-GMO Rallies Spring up Nationwide
for World Food Day