by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
June 02, 2013
NaturalNews Website
Thank goodness carbon dioxide levels are finally rising ever so
slightly in our atmosphere, bringing much-needed carbon dioxide to
the plants and forests of the world which have been starving for
The lack of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the most
devastating limiting factors for plant growth and reforestation of
the planet, and at just 400ppm - that's just 400 micrograms per
kilogram - carbon dioxide is so low that Earth's plant life can
barely breathe.
Editor's note
I have added substantially to this
story since it was first published in order to attempt to
educate what appear to be a mass of brainwashed, mathematically
illiterate commenters on Facebook who demonstrate a wholesale
inability to process information with anything resembling
rationality on this subject.
Let me clarify three things before we even get into the story:
NO, I do not support the
coal and oil industry, and in fact I think they are
terrible polluters of our planet for lots of reasons
that have nothing to do with CO2. As it turns
out, all the coal and oil being burned across our world
right now only slightly impacts CO2 levels, especially
when compared with CO2 emissions by ocean life. So my
support of CO2 as an essential plant nutrient in no way
is any kind of endorsement of the oil and coal
industries. My long track record of activism against
corporate monopolists is irrefutably solid.
YES, CO2 is an essential
plant nutrient. Despite all the idiotic beliefs of
people who have been brainwashed by Al Gore into
believing scientific mythologies, higher CO2 levels
support faster plant growth and the re-greening of our
planet, period! Anyone who disagrees with this is flatly
uninformed, brainwashed or just plain ignorant of plant
biology (and that's a lot of people). Recent science is
proving that rising CO2 levels are, in fact, expanding
plant growth and reforestation around the world. Read
Increase in Carbon Dioxide Levels "Greening" the Deserts or read the
press release from
the original researchers out of Australia who documented
this correlation. And everybody needs to read
The current level of CO2 in
Earth's atmosphere is 400ppm. By comparison, Oxygen
exists in the atmosphere at 210,000ppm. When you exhale,
your own breath contains 40,000ppm of CO2, and if you
know anything about emergency first aid, then you know
that breathing this 40,000ppm of CO2 into another
person's body (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) is a
lifesaving action. It's not uncommon for CO2 to
levels of 3000ppm in homes, schools and offices. OSHA
allows workers to work in environments with up to
5000ppm of CO2. (Because, again, oxygen is present at
210,000ppm, vastly out-weighing the CO2.)
So all this talk of carbon dioxide
threatening the entire planet at just 400ppm - less than
one-half of 1/1000th of the air - is pure nonsense. Total quack
science fear-mongering.
In fact, most of what we've all been told about CO2 over the pat
few years is a complete lie. It's time to stop believing these
lies and wake up to reality. Most importantly, stop defending
the CO2/global warming hoax. Yes, CO2 is rising, but it's
mostly from non-human activity, and rising levels actually
support forests and plants everywhere.
How did I "wake up" to this information?
It's simple: I used to
be a believer in the CO2 hoax until I really began to study
plant physiology and aquaponics production. Only then did I
discover that CO2 is a vital nutrient for plant growth and that
levels of CO2 in the atmosphere were radically deficient for
optimal reforestation and plant biology. My awakening to this in
no way means I endorse coal or oil industries, both of which are
dirty polluters of the planet.
But I am no longer allowing
myself to be conned by the likes of Al Gore who has successfully
convinced far too many people that their own breath is a global
pollutant that needs to be regulated and taxed.
The CO2 scam is nothing more than a global tax moneymaking
scheme being pushed by people who hope to get rich off our
collective guilt for a problem that's entirely fabricated and
My original story continues here:
Throughout the history of our planet, atmospheric CO2 was much, much
higher, and it supported eras of lush rainforests, rapid plant
growth and far greater biodiversity than what we see today.
In fact,
525 million years ago, Earth's atmospheric CO2 levels were as high
at 7,000 ppm - and far from the planet "dying" as global warming
hoax pushers try to claim, it was one of the most lush and
biodiverse times in our planet's history.
As the following chart clearly shows, CO2 levels are at one of their
lowest levels in the history of our planet:

Carbon dioxide
is greening the planet
Global warming alarmists and hoaxers, of course, have warned that
CO2 levels crossing the threshold of 400ppm will spell certain doom
for the human race.
What they don't mention is that rising
CO2 levels actually set off a "global greening," complete with
forests re-growing at an accelerated rate, gardens producing more
food and arid regions seeing a restoration of green plants.
In fact, a study just published in Geophysical Research Letters has
documented that a 14% increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere gave
rise to a 5% - 10% increase in green foliage, with a total increase
in plant "cover" of 11%.
That study is entitled,
CO2 fertilization
has increased maximum foliage cover across the globe's warm, arid
That study refers to CO2 as a "fertilizer" that causes a
"fertilization effect."
As the study authors explain:
Our results confirm that the anticipated CO2 fertilization effect is
occurring alongside ongoing anthropogenic perturbations to the
carbon cycle and that the fertilization effect is now a significant
land surface process.
CO2, you see, isn't a "pollutant." It's a nutrient!
By the way, your body is 18% carbon and 65% oxygen.
(I'm going to
pre-empt some stupid Facebook trolls who will say, "Not true! Your
body is 75% water!" by answering in advance that H2O is made of
hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen has such a low atomic weight, however,
that it doesn't contribute more than about 10% to your total body
mass. Then again, trying to teach science to Facebook trolls is a
lot like trying to teach pigs to write javascript.)
In total, you are 83% made of the same stuff as CO2, just in a
different molecular arrangement. CO2 is, of course, constantly
reformed and recycled throughout the planetary ecosystem.
biological activity alone produces 90 billion tons of CO² each year
- many multiples of the far smaller amount produced by human
activity (about 6 billion tons). If CO2 alone caused global warming
and global death, we'd all be dead by now.
It turns out that CO2
actually helps fertilize the growth and restoration of plants and
Ocean plants
love carbon dioxide, too!
By the way, it's not just land plants that are starving for CO2.
Marine plants also need more CO2, and most marine biology came into
being in a time when CO2 levels were far higher than they are today.
The higher CO2 levels are in the atmosphere, the more CO2 gets
absorbed into ocean water, making it available to help marine plants
thrive. This CO2, importantly, is also used to build coral reefs.
Wait a second! Haven't we all been told that CO2 is destroying coral
reefs? I used to think so, too, because I hadn't scrutinized the
science closely enough.
But if you really dig into this issue, it
turns out that coral reefs are largely being destroyed by toxic
chemical runoff from human activity, not from CO2.
If you love
plants and forests and gardens, you have to love CO2
The bottom line in all this is that if you love plant life on planet
Earth, you've gotta love carbon dioxide.
CO2 is the key nutrient
that's needed to bolster the rapid growth of nearly all plants, and
right now Earth's atmosphere is in a state of carbon dioxide
That's why professional greenhouse owners actually
pump CO² into
their greenhouses to increase plant production.
Rising CO2 levels are a huge benefit to plant life across the
planet. Hare-brained plans to "sequester" CO2 will cause an
artificial reduction in this crucial plant nutrient, resulting in
the mass global die-off of plants and the thinning of forests.
Carbon sequestration is, quite literally, plant starvation and an
attack against Mother Nature.
So don't buy into the disinfo hawked by
CO² alarmists like
Al Gore.
They are pushing an utterly fictional story about how "CO2 will
destroy the world" and end human civilization if we don't stop its
rise. I welcome rising CO2 levels and being scientifically trained,
I know that carbon dioxide only exists at less than 1/1000th of the
atmosphere. In fact, it's currently at less than half of 1/1000th of
the atmosphere.
That's an extremely small amount of CO2 - just
And it's just barely enough to keep Earth's plants from
dying en masse.
CO2 is an essential plant
nutrient that accelerates the growth of plants, gardens and
CO2 is present in the atmosphere
at just 400 ppm. By comparison, oxygen is present at 210,000
ppm. There is barely any CO2 in the atmosphere at all.
Higher CO2 levels means better
reforestation and "greening" of the planet. As CO2 levels
rise, barren regions are able to "re-green" with trees that
couldn't grow there before.
CO2 is chronically deficient in
the atmosphere today; many plants are "starving" for carbon
NO, I do not support the oil and
gas industries. In fact, there is hardly any link between
energy usage and the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. The vast
majority of CO2 emissions come from biology, not burning
fossil fuels.