by Robert Appel
Fellow, Marshall McLuhan Center,
University of Toronto
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Lana Cantrell was born in Salzburg, Austria, and
now lives in a suburb of the Twin Cities in MN.
She is a
member of the American Association of the Advancement of
Science, American Institute of Biological Science,
American Holistic Medical Foundation, Palepathology
Association, and the Ancient Astronaut Society.
Cantrell has a Ph.D. in the areas of Clinical Nutrition,
Biochemistry, Paleopathology, Physical anthropology,
Egyptology, Holistic Medicine.
Eight year of exhaustive research has revealed the true
history of mankind, hidden in the ancient texts of the
Egyptian, Sumerian, Indian and Hebrew peoples.
Did man have a fully
developed, technological society in deepest
Did he once have the
power of space flight?
Did a vast universal
war destroy the world?
Fact or fiction?
That is what this research
attempts to discern as the ancient texts unfold their
I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Cantrell in 1991. I
have a copy of her renown book,
The Greatest Story Never Told.
Here is a book that carefully tells the story of how the
human race got here in the first place. The following
book review was done by the inquisitive minds at the
Media Guru web site. It is a story that we all must
read. In the following months to come I will place more
information of this most remarkable research on this web
For now this introductory
information will have to start what will become a most
amazing revelation, one which
Zecharia Sitchin has
already spelled out in his Earth Chronicle series.
the world will know its origins, and we will not be
living a life much like we saw in the well known film
"Planet of the Apes" where their own ancient history was
also denied, and the tongs of the humans were cut out
because only apes were allowed to talk and not humans.
want to personally thank the editors of Media Guru for
publishing this review. |
"According to the Veda, vast empires
waxed and waned in biochemical dishevels.
Atlantis and
Lemuria were the climax of
great trade routes that stemmed from one corner of the world to
the other.
Atlantis' location was, as the name implies, a
continent in the Atlantic. Lemuria was now only a chain of
volcanic islands, and, if we read the tectonics correctly, the lost island of Mu of the Japanese. [Literally, JA-PAN,
or "remains" of Pan, or Mu.]
Berossus, a Babylonian
historian of 300 B.C.E,. recorded from older archives that,
before the Deluge, ten kings reigned 432,000 years.
The Bible
'shortened' this to a 2220-year reign as, no doubt,
the editors could not then
conceive of such extended longevities. People were yet living to
110+ years, according to the AYURVEDA medical treatise.
was 'middle age' to many then. The Chaldeans claimed their
sciences went back 470.000 years."
We call this book review "special"
because the book being reviewed is a one-of-a-kind.
As our regular
readers know, this Center is especially interested in the so-called
mysteries of pre-history, believing that the accepted
archaeological and anthropological texts are so much hokum, and may
cause us to be perceived as incredibly ignorant by future
(Note: Our prior review of the astounding work
was over a decade in the researching, generated a lot of positive
feedback from our readers. Highly recommended!)

However - this is the point - all prior reviews published here
have been of easily obtained "mass market" books, such as, for
example, the excellent collection by
Z. Sitchin.
Nonetheless, as we travailed, we kept
hearing rumors of a "not easily available" book, no longer in print,
which was reputed to be the 'best' work of its kind extant.
using the resources of an antique book finder, we were finally, and
successfully, able to obtain a copy of
published in 1988 by the Biohistorical Press.
And what a book it was - almost a million words, in total,
representing the 8-year PHD research project of its author, Ms.
Lana Cantrell.
Cantrell brought to her study of pre-history not
only an open mind (a major pre-requisite) but also an extensive
background in medical writing and reporting, which enabled her to
offer unique insights on many mysteries of pre-history - insights
we have never seen before, and may never see again.
"There is much to be said for
'curses' and none of it good! Tutankhamen was a direct
son of the Gods. His entombment was one of the finest. The
opening of that tomb brought both the poison of the 'snakes'
[Egypt. 'symbol' for radioactivity].
There are still
active cells there. I think it is odd that, in the paleopathological sciences, people who work with the mummies
tend to die abruptly, or become sick with very strange
illnesses. Even people who work with hominid bones come down
with unusual viruses; kidney and blood ailments are common.
They are digging up very 'dangerous'
remains because of the longevity of the different isotopes, - such as uranium, which has a 710 million year half-life.
Poking around Egyptian tombs is risky business, considering what
you may come across may not really be 'dead'. In biomagnetics,
it was found that cellular water is no different than normal
water in that it is dielectric.
At death, cellular water does
not change, nor do proteins. By surrounding their dead with
gold the ancients kept this electric potential alive - not
to mention those special 'resins'.
adipocere, fat has oxidized to
water which preserves the body.
A healthy body in death
(peculiar as that sounds) has cells which are still capable of
electrical stimulation and still do retain their own subtle
charges as they retreat from the cell membrane to the nucleus.
One interesting experiment showed that dead cells of marine
micro-organisms still oriented themselves to a magnetic field,
much like the "mummies"!
Why? Because they had not completely lost
their electromagnetic force.
The Egyptians placed their
dead in special resin, as resin has uniformly fixed-charged
sites. Gold sarcophagi would have provided dielectric constants
at low frequency. Tutankhamen was entombed, not in a burial
chamber as some believe, but in a an enclosed hemostatic
When Carter opened it, all the energy was
Students of the meta-sciences are well
aware of the essential premise of all meta-historians - namely
that the extensive and detailed literature left to us by ancient
Indian, Middle Eastern, and related civilizations (including some
works that contain tens of thousands of individual verses or
stanzas) are not the pleasantly deranged ravings of religious
zealots - as Modern Science tells us - but rather a genuine
attempt by the scribes of yore to record real events involving real
biological entities.
Pursuing that notion - as Cantrell and others have done - is most disturbing to the western mind, as
it calls into question
everything we hold dear about our own place in history.
At first
glance, taken literally, it appears as though beings of greater
power than ourselves ("gods") interfered frequently with the
development of the key cultures that ultimately fostered our "human"
race. Many references to what now looks like genetic alteration
in the distant past do little to reinforce our own flagging
Ditto for the equally vast number of
references to "weapons
of mass destruction" in ancient dates - which make the
modern Star Wars program seem tame by comparison.
(Note: There are so many hundreds of
references to
flying machines, missiles, and
other 'weapons' in the ancient Indian texts that the original
British translators of the nineteenth century REFUSED to make the
translations, saying it was all 'religious gibberish'. Only
when Indians took control of their own culture in the twentieth
century, were accurate translations available to the rest of the
world for the first time in centuries, possibly millennia!)
So, into this den of Paradox bravely walks author Cantrell
and - as promised - her work is breath-taking in its scope. Her
particular ability to see the "eugenics" beneath the surface in many
ancient tales is both startling and disturbing.
Also disturbing is
the author's excellent instincts.
Even though written a decade ago,
the author included in her substantial tome many warnings about the
current Western diet and its negative implications on testosterone
(proven correct) the immune system (also correct) and the possible
damage to psychological development of young children ("children
killing children" - she predicted, also astoundingly correct.)
"If there is one major remorse by
the people of both the Veda and the Egyptian texts, is that
the Pandava,
the Ennead, had left the earth.
It must
have been a sorrowful sight to see the only people capable of
helping, fly off. It seems though that they left with
the Anunnaki fast on their
heels. Either that, or everyone was trying to escape the blast.
Ra attempted to gather his family together and, according
to a very early Egyptian legend. Osiris was the last to
They took off from a mountain,
taking advantage of course of the magnetic flow to ascend into
space. Osiris had trouble getting onto the "iron plates,"
as the story goes, and Ra had to drop the famous 'ladder'
with which he barely escaped, with the help of the Twin Gods
(which correspond to the Pandava twin brothers in the Veda).
collaborating story in the Veda tells us 'why' he was late. It
seems the entire family had barely made it to the mountain top - with Draupadi fainting.
The Veda claims their lives were
'ended' and they had to ascend now to the heavens - but the
Egyptian texts contradict this."
In addition to covering ground already
trodden by other authors - and doing it excessively well -
Cantrell introduces scores of totally original theories.
If even
half of them are correct, she will go down as one of the greatest
minds of this century. For example, she questions why no major study
of archeological ruins has ever been done for residual
radioactivity - arguing persuasively that if such 'weapons of
destruction' did exist in the past, and were used, the evidence
should be clear even today.
(See quote above - she also concluded,
on the evidence, that much of the damage to the King Tut mummy was
done by the manner in which the tomb violators forced open the
coffin, using heat and force, essentially "quick frying" the
Especially eerie is that Cantrell
was able to identify - and show the reader - that a particular
Egyptian hieroglyph associated with "dangerous" artifacts of
the Gods is exactly and precisely the same symbol used today by
nuclear plants to label hazardous matter.
Cantrell also feels
that pictorial references to "snakes" in Ancient cultures have more
to do with energies and waves than the actual
reptile, a theory that holds up surprisingly well when all her
data is looked at.
Like writers before her, Cantrell asks why areas known in
pre-history to have been the lushest and greenest on earth - such
the US southwest and the Middle East - are now barren.
Where did
names like "Dead Sea" and "Death Valley" come from...?
The book is itself an experience of
great wonder, and is highly recommended. We regret that interested
parties, may - like ourselves - have to use a "search" service to
find a copy.
Also, because no doubt of problems in finding a
publisher, it appears that little or no editing was done to the
original M/S, and typos abound.
Note: read also "The
Nibiru, The Anunnaki and Human Devolution - A Tale of Two Brothers."