by Anna Hayes
GreatDreams Website
The Indigo Children are not to be considered "superior or
elite" in comparison to other humans, but rather viewed as living
demonstrations of the dormant abilities that are NOW
beginning to rapidly unfold among ALL HUMAN POPULATIONS.
Scientific communities in China, the US and other countries are now
identifying small groups of infants and children that display rare
abilities such as purging HIV, advanced genius and
psychic/telekinetic abilities and other extra-ordinary
attributes. These are the identified Indigo Children. Indigos
can display some or all of these qualities and others not yet
In Indigo Children, fragments of DNA science identifies
as 'junk DNA' and other portions of the DNA chain that
science has yet to identify, are more organized and operational at
birth than in the average populations, which gives Indigo
Children biological, mental and/or spiritual skills and
abilities that appear advanced, compared to that of the norm, these
attributes can also present developmental challenges for some young
indigos, as our present environment and cultural structures are
harmful to humans with the advanced biological and psychological
sensitivities that come with accelerated genetic development.
One little understood attribute of Indigo advancement is that
of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION, an accelerated psycho-spiritual
biological orientation and natural usage of sensory abilities that
are beyond the range of the commonly known 5 senses.
Attributes associated with Perceptual Expansion are a direct
result of valid/heightened sensitivity caused by accelerated genetic
development and organic advancement in spiritual orientation. Though
phenomena associated with Perceptual Expansion are increasing among
general populations as a result of human evolutionary progression,
this attribute is more distinct and advanced in Indigo Children,
which places them at risk within the present environmental,
sociological and political atmosphere. The attributes of the
Indigo can rapidly become heightened challenges for them
personally and in relation to those around them.
The phenomena of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION due to genetic
progress is presently evidenced and demonstrated in global
culture through rapidly increasing occurrences and reports of
'unexplained' events such as
Evidence of biological and psychological challenges involving the
genetic acceleration associated with Perceptual Expansion can
be found in:
the increasing
frequency of 'senseless crimes' - such as "School Yard
acceleration of
suicide and drug use among teens
progressively advancing appearance of ADD, Behavioral
Problems, Bio-chemical imbalances and allergies among
the advancement
of Thyroid Malfunction, schizophrenia, Bi-polar and
Cognitive disorders Psychosis, cancers, and other maladies
among general populations
In Indigo Children
the attributes and challenges of genetic advancement are amplified.
Presently, professional and scientific establishments attempt to
rationalize away the existence of Perceptual expansion Phenomena
attributing them to imagination, hallucination, mental illness or
deception, because such events cannot be effectively explained
within the current paradigms of Physical Science. More progressive
physical sciences acknowledge the potential existence of
multi-dimensional reality fields, based upon the potentials
suggested within the Quantum Mechanics Theory, but practical
applications of such experimental paradigms are presently
Many Indigos are now being mis-diagnosed and
inappropriately treated as cases of ADD, Schizophrenia, Bi-polar
Disorder, etc. because of medical, psychiatric and spiritual
communities do not yet recognize the symptoms , causes and remedies
for the biological, perceptual, psychological and spiritual
sensitivities characteristic to advancement of the human genetic
The Indigo Children are the forerunners of what will
eventually be the norm for the human collective as we progress in
our genetic evolution, through Bio-instinctual Response to changing
environmental conditions. Challenges presently faced by the Indigo
Children will progressively become challenges of the norm, as
humanity is now evolving into the genetic acceleration currently
exhibited by the Indigo Children.
Medical communities, whose
paradigms of treatment area also based upon common physical science
theories, have yet to recognize the full spectrum of DNA
imprinting function or the direct connection between DNA,
consciousness and the manifestation of disease, and so do not
routinely look for such connection in research and diagnosis.
society is to progress to accommodate the needs of Indigo
Children and the general progression of human genetic evolution,
these paradigms will need to expand. There are complimentary
alternatives. The evolution of a culture begins with each