by Mary Rodwell
ACERN Website
In this article the Australian Close
Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) open its files on
research into the 'New Humans'. Homo noeticus, 'the Star
Children', or 'the new kids on the block' and compares Australian
evidence with the latest research from America and the United
There is a quote from the last chapter of the book
The Aliens and the Scalpel (1999)
by surgeon Dr Roger Leir who writes,
"I believe that any mother that
looks at her recently-born child in comparison with children
born twenty years ago, will testify that there is a tremendous
difference. Some look upon the differences in the 'new humans'
and say the reasons for this have to do with better prenatal
care etc.
In my opinion, this supposition is nonsense and in the
light of my more recent studies and exposure to the alien
abduction phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that the
rapid advancement of the human species is due to alien
intervention in our bodies and minds.
UFO researcher Bob Dean has spoken
many times of the development of a new humanity called Homo
noeticus. This is a term coined by noted author John White who
has been doing research into parapsychology and noetics (the
study of consciousness) for many years".
(Leir, p.191).
Some of the unusual qualities Leir is
referring to are:
The ability of babies to
read written print
Sign language being used to
communicate with toddlers not old enough to speak
Advancements in crawling or
age of speech
"The question is why? I suggest the
answer involves alien manipulation of human genetics"
(Leir, p.192).
More research will obviously be needed
to confirm these claims before the scientific and medical world will
accept them.
We first need to establish whether more gifted children
than normal are being born and what their range of abilities are and
then we would need to eliminate other causes for such abilities,
such as better nutrition and parenting. Unfortunately, proving that
an increased incidence of genius-level children is the result of
alien intervention is made even more difficult in a society that
denies that UFOs, aliens and paranormal abilities even exist.
Another respected researcher, Colin Wilson, in his book
Alien Dawn (1998, p.309) writes,
"Not long before
Andrija Puharich's death, I was
asked to write an article about him and rang his home in
America. When I asked him about what he was working on, he told
me he was working on the study of supernormal children.
'You wouldn’t believe how many
of these kids are out there. They seem to be on genius
level. I know dozens and there are probably thousands' ".
Wilson ends his book by writing,
"And this, I suspect, is the
beginning of the change that the UFOs are working on"
Richard Boylan, psychologist,
clinical hypnotherapist and secretary of the Academy of Clinical
Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) in America, not only
acknowledges the evidence for Homo noeticus, but also has a
name for them.
He calls them 'Star Kids'. He believes they exist in
sufficient numbers to run workshops for both them and their parents.
These workshops are called 'Helping
Children Explore their ET Encounters' and are designed for
"special children and their parents,
who have been touched by a heritage from the Stars. They often
seem like little adults in children’s bodies. They often have a
gaze, a knowingness that belies their years. Telepathic
down-loading, often during the night, in what are made to seem
like 'dreams' increases the range and perspective in which these
children operate.
The children seem at home with
complex devices, which their parents struggle to master. Some of
these children are what I call Star Kids. Defined as a child
with both human and extraterrestrial origin. The
extraterrestrial contribution to the child’s make-up may come
from reproductive material, from genetic engineering, from
biomedical technology and telepathic consciousness linking, as
well as from directed incarnation of an ET into a human body"
(Boylan, 1999).
He continues:
"The child is conceived from parents
who are themselves 'experiencers'. And the genetic material is
in part extraterrestrial, or they have at least had their human
genome altered by ET bioengineering to bring out abilities
beyond the average. These children are either much brighter,
more cosmically minded, more psychic, or all three, than their
human peers.
Some invariably remember a previous life in which
they have lived with their ET family. I have found they have
volunteered for a round of incarnation as a human on Earth,
particularly at this pivotal time.
These kids are often confused at
first by the primitiveness of Earth, their dense physical bodies
and often witless thinking and behavior of their age mates, not
to mention the adults they observe. These children really
unnerve their parents when the talk about where they came from,
or their 'real' ET parents 'up there!'
When these children make
profound observations about human foibles, more than one parent
has shaken her head and asked herself, 'What kind of child have
I had?' "
(Boylan, 1999).
offers these workshops to address
such perplexity and outline a path of understanding about these
The workshops provide an environment where the children
have freedom to use their advanced abilities such as telepathy,
precognition, telekinesis, penetrating intuition, aura reading and
the close connection with their ET guardians without the ridicule
and negative peer pressure they would face in ordinary schools. The
workshops also have a component to give parents guidance on how to
help their Star Kids be all they can be.
I wrote a letter to Richard Boylan inquiring about the Star
Kids and a possible link to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
He replied that,
"Some seem to think there is an ADD
or ADHD disorder in Star Kids. What I think is the case is that
Star Kids are crushingly bored by regular school and other
pedestrian information presentations and seem distracted with
wandering attention as a result of their boredom ('How slow the
teaching goes, I can’t pay attention to something presented that
slowly, that simply, with that much repetition').
I think it is
worthy of comment that as little as twenty years ago, the ADD
syndrome was unknown".
From books written by 'contact
experiencers', we hear that many can recall having been taught in
spaceships, or special ET night schools. Author and experiencer
Whitely Strieber wrote about attending such a school as a child in
his book the Secret School (1997).
Many of the people that complete my encounter experiences
questionnaire mention having information and knowledge that they had
not consciously learnt. This may be in the form of general
information, ecological awareness, or sensitive secret information.
It may be precognitive knowledge, even mathematical formulae,
physics and spiritual concepts.
These individuals are often very
confused about what to do with the information, as well as being
bewildered about how they just know this stuff. It is often beyond
anything they may have learnt at school or education establishments.
It is also interesting that it is not
necessarily only down-loaded to our academics or scientists,
although that happens too, but to many people from all walks of
life, like the farmer who suddenly becomes knowledgeable about
complicated mathematics or quantum physics; or the builder who finds
he has information on anti-gravity devices. Add to this, are
experiencers who suddenly start to speak a language or languages
that they say feel more comfortable to speak than their primary
language, such as English. They also find they have a desire to
write in an unusual language or script and feel compelled to draw
unusual symbols or pictures.
Homo noeticus or Star Kids are being recognized in
America, but what is the evidence in Australia to support the
existence of these 'new kids on the block', which is my name for
them? From my research, I have become increasingly convinced that
there is growing evidence to support the hypothesis that they do
For example, a young mother struggling to come to terms with
her own contact experiences said her main concern writing to me was
not for herself, but for her young son.
"I am seeking someone to listen and
understand", she wrote. "Believe me, I am not filling his head
with stuff, rather it is him telling me things. My little boy is
four and a half years old and yes, he does have a vivid
imagination. But he does and says things that there is no way he
would have picked up anywhere else.
He knows what I am thinking,
finishes my sentences for me and feels pain when I do. Lately,
he has been talking about 'baddies' that steal him. He's
worrying the hell out of me. I try to make light of it and
support him at the same time. He insists it's true.
He is very
blasé about it and also says he will introduce them to me one
'Some aliens look like us', he
said. 'There are blues ones too'.
Today, he was unwell and I kept him
at home.
He was chattering about his 'ghosts' in the bedroom
which were like teletubbies. He said they float, not walk and
they talk to him all the time. He has the knack of answering my
questions before I ask them and this morning he told me what he
wanted for lunch, which was exactly what I was going to suggest.
I find this happens so much that it becomes the norm.
He tells
me details of the aliens in such a matter-of-fact way, it has
actually made it easier for me to cope with the concept."
"I still have my doubts about their intentions, but can see he
is unharmed and somehow accepts it as part of everyday life. He
doesn’t seem traumatized and if he says those ones are scary
(meaning the Greys, I think); he doesn’t appear to worry too
much and understands that they are scary looking, not evil. He
says that they come through the walls and can become invisible,
when need be. They visit him apparently to teach him things,
more than he learns at school."
"For a child to say they only come out at night, come through
walls, float not walk, become invisible, but are still around,
astounds me. It is something that, as an adult, I am just
reading about as the characteristics of ETs.
He once was sick
with flu and said to me, 'I didn't want to go in the spaceship'.
I asked when this happened and he said, 'Last night I went with
you mummy, I didn't want to go'. I asked if the 'ghosts' took us
and if it was the small ones and he nodded."
" 'They are fantastic you know mummy, really great, you should
meet them. Maybe I will show you them one day'. He said he had
an 'aliens' dream. They made him 'big', and daddy and I were
there. We didn't stop them.
Why? He said he was bigger, not
taller and that he liked going through the walls. He mentioned
the tall dark aliens grabbing him and hurting him.
They hurt his
shoulders when they grabbed him and were doing something in his
tummy; they also stuck their fingers in his ears. His third-eye
area hurt today (referring to the space in the middle of the
forehead, believed to be the centre for clairvoyance,
clairaudience and psychic abilities),
He also talks about his
dream in which 'the pavement is shaking and breaking up'."
Such information about possible earth
disruptions or global catastrophes is common with experiencers.
Elizabeth Robinson (1998) talks about how she copes with her
daughter Jessica's contact experiences and how au fait Jessica is
with this.
For example, in recounting a dual-conscious experience,
Elizabeth writes,
"Suddenly, what seemed like seconds
later, I felt an enormously commanding energy presence in the
room. Feeling slightly dizzy, I sat next to Jessica. She had her
head down and was busily writing out the spelling words that I
had asked her to write. Then I noticed that Jessica had stopped
her work again and raised her head, staring motionless ahead of
Mummy she began, 'I think the aliens
are here'. I realized then that she too was picking up the
energy presence. 'How do you know I gently inquired?' 'I just
know!' she replied."
I have had numerous accounts of young
children in recent years that seem to be equally as comfortable with
their ET visitors, many times confronting their parents with rather
bizarre and challenging information for them to acknowledge.
One five-year-old girl said to her mother,
"You're not my real parents. They
are in fairyland. You are just here to look after me."
On another occasion, she said to her
"I don't really look like this."
mother asked, "What do you look like?".
Her daughter replied, "I
am different 'inside'."
And her daughter said, "I can’t tell
you. It would frighten you."

Insert Picture
Mary Rodwell and
Elizabeth Robinson
acts as a resource overseas as
well as within Australia.
I am contacted regularly by a mother with
a young teenager, who reside in the UK. She often struggles to
support he fifteen-year-old son, especially as his maturity, wisdom
and abilities are bewildering for her and sometimes she even feels
well out of her depth in attempting to understand what he tells her.
The abilities he displays are still
considered to be paranormal. He regularly has conscious out-of-body
experiences (OBEs) in which he 'astrally' goes to distant places to
perform healing. He has been having contact experiences since he was
a small baby. His mother writes,
"My son says it's the ETs who
usually choose the parents not the children. He says the
children are genetically altered before they are born. They are
given ET DNA."
I had sent her a description of Richard Boylan’s Star Children, as I wanted to see how the information
resonated with her and her son. She said,
“The more I read of Mr Boylan’s
description about the Star Children, the more it fitted my son.
He often complains about the bulkiness of his body, saying how
limiting it is.
He talks way beyond my comprehension and gets
annoyed with me for not understanding. As you now, he is usually
very tight lipped about his experiences and I asked him why this
is. He explained to me that it is very hard to trust anyone
because you never know who they are working for.
I thought this was stretching things
a bit far, but he was very serious when he asked me if I thought
it was 'strange' that, after hundreds of years of slow progress,
we had suddenly come on in leaps and bounds in just the last
fifty years. According to him, 'they' (and he includes himself)
gave us the knowledge. They showed us how to split the atom and
harness nuclear fuel so that we might finally meet them as
However, he says angrily that we
turned all this knowledge into power over others less fortunate
as, for example, with the atomic bomb. He told me that we were
warned that we should only harness eighty percent of nuclear
power, as any more is too much for our use and is dangerous. He
says that naturally we didn't listen.
He spoke angrily because
he said that 'they' had made a mistake in teaching us those
things. They assumed that we were ready."
The mother adds,
"Coming back to Mr Boylan's
workshop, my son thinks it's a great idea, as he still has
painful memories of being treated differently at school and is
glad that this man (Richard Boylan) cares enough and is clever
enough to recognize these galactic visitors and nurture them to
obtain their full potential."
Despite regular, conscious OBEs and the
healing performed in this state, this young man, according to his
mother, is sometimes exasperated by how little we know and when his
mother wanted to learn a recognized form of spiritual healing, he
responded by saying that the method was rather 'primitive' and he
could teach her a better way.
I have only briefly told some of the accounts of the new kids on the
block and what seem to be rapid changes apparent in some of our
This suggests a reprogramming, not only of our genetic
make-up, but a deliberate and continuous non-human educational
program facilitating a super-awareness with abilities that, up until
recently, would have only been seen in a select few.
As I continue to research and explore
these accounts from parents who have had contact, I become more
convinced by the possibility that we are indeed witnessing a rapid
evolution of the species on many levels of awareness. If this is
indeed the case, then it is vital to recognize it and instigate
programs to assist our new kids on the block to integrate and grow
healthily and with the correct support, as is being pioneered by
ACCET and Richard Boylan.
If any parents feel that their children
exhibit any of these characteristics, they are welcome to contact