by Marco Torres
August 19, 2010
PreventDisease Website
Marco Torres
is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate
for healthy lifestyles.
He holds degrees in
Public Health and Environmental Science and is a
professional speaker on topics such as disease
prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
Why is it that medical journals are promoting the most ridiculous,
flawed and baseless studies recently?
The latest from the journal
Brain Research sponsored by
Big Pharma, makes absurd
conclusions that women taking the pill have higher brain
functions and social skills.
It's touted as the first study that looked at the impact of the
hormonal contraceptive on the brain. It found that the contraceptive
of choice increases brain size by around 3 percent.
So does an increase in brain size by default result in an increase
in social skills or intelligence? Absolutely not, but that's exactly
what people like Dr Belinda Pletzer from Salzburg University,
want us to believe.
She said that the sex hormones in the
Pill clearly have a "tremendous effect" on the female brain.
She added:
"Larger volumes of a brain area
could lead to an improvement of the functions this area is
responsible for. Looking at the brain areas involved in our
study, which are larger in Pill users compared to
naturally-cycling women, this could concern several higher order
brain functions, especially memory and verbal skills.
The behavioral changes due to
contraceptive use are likely to affect those skills that are
already better developed in women compared to men like, for
example, memory."
So although the study did not test for
higher brain functions, memory, verbal, spatial or social skills
either pre- and post-scan, the scientists automatically assumed that
an increase in brain matter size would lead to and increased
capacity in these brain functions.
Do Larger
Brains Mean Higher Brain Function?
Does that mean that people with larger brains and more grey matter
have higher brain functions? Of course not.
Brain weight and size have little or no
effect on cognitive measures and this has been firmly established in
unbiased scientific studies that have not artificially inflated
their conclusions courtesy of a few nudges by Big Pharma.
Actually, strictly speaking within one species, in this case humans,
brain size has historically been a rudimentary indicator of
intelligence and many other factors affect brain function to a far
greater degree. Only behavioral data can really show the
significance of levels of encephalization in humans.
So without testing the subjects for
higher brain function, the subjects in this study could have
expanded their brain matter without any appreciable increase in
intelligence. That's why its supposed to be "scientific study"
implying you don't place radical assumptions in your conclusions
without testing.
One of the most interesting phenomenon in brain development is how
the adult brain has fewer neurons as it grows. There is an increase
in brain size without a net increase in the number of neurons, and
the dramatic reduction in the number of synapses as the brain
This has puzzled scientists for decades
in efforts to discover what the brain is doing in order to learn. At
least the researchers had the common sense to declare that they
have no clue how the Pill could have such an effect.
Although some areas got bigger, the
brain did not increase in overall size, and it is not known whether
these parts shrink back to their original dimensions when a woman
comes off the Pill.
The Dangers of
the Pill
The bottom line is this: The Pill is dangerous, period!
Such studies as the one above are a
perfect fit for tabloid and gossip pieces, but they have little
credibility and lots opposition by reputable scientists who are free
from Big Pharma's funding and manipulation.
Blood Clots, Migraines, Weight Gain,
Dull Libido
The pill has been associated with many side effects, including
blood clots, migraines and weight
Perhaps least talked about is its
tendency to
dull libido by decreasing
testosterone levels. Contraceptive drugs curb the hormone's
production in the ovaries and also raise levels of sex hormone
binding globulin (SHBG),
a substance that takes it out of play and causes sexual dysfunction.
Heartburn, Sleep Disturbances,
Constipation, Attraction
The pill exposes women to higher levels of hormones to overcome
their own cycle. Some of the side effects of pregnancy are noticed
in the pill.
That means women on the pill may experience heartburn, or
constipation, or sleep disturbances, either as insomnia or extra
In a study of about 100 college students in the U.K., scientists
found that the pill may change
how women find a man's scent sexually
Depopulation initiatives over the
past 100 years have also strongly encouraged the medical community
to promote drugs which not only curb reproduction rates but also
decrease perceived attractiveness of the opposite sex.
Trouble for Exercisers
If you're a young woman on
birth control pills, a
workout can spell trouble for your bones.
"Birth control [pill] prevents the
exercise from reaching its maximum effectiveness in protecting
bone," said Connie Weaver, professor of foods and nutrition at
It also
impairs muscle gains from
resistance exercise training in women.
Heart Disease
A study from Belgium showed that long-term use of oral
contraceptives increase the chances of having artery buildups that
raise the risk of heart disease.
Still think an increase in brain matter is worth taking the pill?