by Mark Sircus
21 September 2010
IMVA Website
From whatever point of rationalization or greed it is clear that
certain groups of corporations with government support have
deliberately created a toxic hell on our planet.

It’s a special kind
of hell that gets chemically and radioactively more toxic each year
with the damage and danger expanding to hurt, debilitate, torture,
and even kill people in uncountable numbers.
Welcome to Planet Earth...
The weight of evidence based on the findings of wildlife biologists,
toxicologists, and epidemiologists clearly indicates that the
world’s populations are being exposed to a host of chemical
contaminants and heavy metals. And even radiation exposures are
headed upward with the medical establishment’s stubborn use of
radiation in diagnostic tests, its use in the treatment of cancer
and the insane use of depleted uranium on distant battlefields.
Chronic disease is the number one killer in the United States,
accounting for about four out of five deaths in America each year
yet most doctors have not the slightest idea of what is really
causing this.
The medical establishment has not been able to solve
or cure any of the chronic diseases facing humanity simply because
they don’t really want to know anything about the causes. So medical
officials go on and on about the flu and about viruses instead of
addressing the fact that
pharmaceutical medicine are one of the
greatest sources of toxic exposure - and so is dentistry.
this is a plan by design of the pharmaceutical manufacturers,
meaning the pharmaceutical giants have manipulated the entire bunch
of us - patients and doctors - to continue to look to their
pharmaceutical drugs as the end all, be all of these chronic
Their sole intent is to keep us on their drugs, not to
find a real cure, and it’s of little consequence to them that these
drugs cause harm and suffering.
There are poisonous time bombs going off in billions of mouths
and few in medicine and dentistry are aware of it. Why dentistry
did not study mercury chemistry before 1000s of tons were
implanted two inches from the brain and why allopathic medicine did
not scream out warnings are questions we will be asking for a long
Most doctors, dentists and health officials have been brainwashed;
they cannot see the forest for the trees when it comes to toxicity.
This has been deliberate.
Medicine and dentistry are among the worst
polluters of the human biosphere so they are the last ones who will
come to grips with
Toxicity Syndrome. Contemporary medicine is now
threatened with its own demise because as toxicity rises in the
world (and intensely in certain areas) we become more sensitive and
sick - not from viruses, bacteria and fungus, but from chemical
As toxicity saturates our bodies any new threat shoves us
hard over the line causing a syndrome known as blue flu, chemically
induced flu [1] as is occurring in the states affected by
the Gulf
Oil Spill right now.
We had to move from Kenner, Louisiana because everyone in my family
came down with headaches, nausea, and vomiting. But when two of us
started having blood in our urine and feces, I did my research and
this is case book symptoms of
Corexit use. I started to document the
plants in the yard and the garden. The leaves would have various
colored spots and then decay.
Also a white baby-powder-looking
substance would cover some leaves. One day I actually went out and
found oil on some plants. We moved farther north and the symptoms
went away.
To understand Toxicity Syndrome one has to understand the equations,
the factors that mix and become strong etiologies of disease. Today
it is clearer than ever that our main health concern is toxic
exposures meeting head on with severe nutritional deficiencies,
which leave people and their children more vulnerable to toxic
insults and thus to disease itself.
According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) about
100 million Americans, more than one-third of the population, suffer
from some form of chronic disease like,
heart and kidney disease
Cancer is the second leading
cause of death, exceeded only by heart disease. Among children ages
1 to 14, cancer is now the leading cause of death by disease.[2]
current rates, invasive cancer will be diagnosed in half of all men
and in one in three women in their lifetime.
“Whether it is cancer
or autism that is affecting our families and showing up in our
examination rooms, the growing rates of chronic disease compel us to
search for clues and answers to determine the true causes of these
increasingly prevalent illnesses,” says the PSR.
How many of us know that on August 1st of 2006 the
American Chemical
Society published research that showed conclusively that methyl-mercury induces pancreatic cell apoptosis and dysfunction.[3]
Mercury is a well-known toxic agent that produces various types of
cell and tissue damage yet governmental health agencies diminish the
importance of this fact exposing billions of people to levels of
mercury harmful to pancreatic health. In the case of diabetes
mercury is especially telling for it affects the beta cells, the
insulin itself, and the insulin receptor sites setting off a myriad
of complex disturbances in glucose metabolism.
But hey, why not
inject everyone, even pregnant women, with another round of
mercury-containing flu vaccines? A little more toxic hell is not
going to hurt anybody, right?
Human destiny is on a collision course with contemporary medicine,
dentistry and the pharmaceutical companies who have been poisoning
humanity and making a lot of money doing so. Drug companies have
been accused of
conning the public by hyping up patented medicines
while downplaying their potentially harmful side-effects.
A new
study [4] estimates that 85 percent of new drugs offer few if any new
benefits while having the potential to cause serious harm due to
toxicity and misuse.
The margin of safety which researchers thought to be present with
regards to health effects of amalgam does not exist. Sensitive
can be damaged because of mercury in their mouths. Amalgam as
soon as possible should be banned in the whole European Union.
Professor Maths Berlin
Former WHO leading expert on the effects of mercury
Human destiny is on a collision course with
mercury, not carbon
Tomorrow we will all wake up to a world with about twenty
tons more mercury in the environment, hundreds of pounds of mercury
will be put into people’s mouths by dentists, and tens of thousands
of little children will receive vaccinations laced with mercury in the
form of ethyl-mercury, super-charged with aluminum.
Human destiny is
on a collision course with many things but carbon dioxide is not one
of them. It was a truly idiotic notion to present a healthy gas as
dangerous while losing track of the real threats. In my book
Bicarbonate, I present the real story of carbon dioxide because that
is what bicarbonate turns into in the stomach when taken orally.
is a healthy and necessary gas whereas mercury is a deadly substance
that only insane doctors and dentists insist on continuing to use.
A careful reading of the published medical research clearly
demonstrates that all sensible concern for published scientific
research regarding the toxicity of mercury has been cast aside
exposing the entire world’s population to grave unwarranted harm.[5]
Human destiny is also on a collision course with pesticides.
Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are showing up in everyone’s
blood affecting people’s and children’s brains. Children whose
mothers were exposed to certain types of pesticides while pregnant
were more likely to have attention problems as they grew up.
A study
published in the August 2010 issue of Environmental Health
Perspectives, adds to evidence that organophosphate pesticides
affects the human brain.
Researchers at the University of California Berkeley tested pregnant
women for evidence that organophosphate pesticides had actually been
absorbed by their bodies, and then followed their children as they
Women with more chemical traces of the pesticides in their
urine while pregnant had children more likely to have symptoms of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, at age 5, the
researchers found.
Drug Money
People & Power
Recent months have seen health scandal after health scandal making
headlines in the U.S.
Two of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical
companies have been fined billions of dollars after investigations
into their secret working practices. What these cases have revealed
will eventually change the way the drug industry is perceived
Revelations have emerged of pervasive fraud, fatal side
effects, and huge kickbacks paid to doctors as the above video
Honest Medicine?
At least some people in the world are asking for honest,
better-qualified doctors who have been trained in the realities of
human life and disease.
Some patients and their family members are so
fed up with doctors and nurses that they are actually attacking
them. Shenyang China reported 152 “severe conflicts” between
patients and doctors last year. Dissatisfaction with medical care is
common in the cities across China. Chinese hospitals are actually
dangerous places for health professionals to work.
In 2006, the last
year the Health Ministry published statistics on hospital violence,
attacks by patients or their relatives injured more than 5,500
medical workers.[6]
In June a doctor was stabbed to death in Shandong Province by the
son of a patient who had died of liver cancer.
Three doctors were
severely burned in Shanxi Province when a patient set fire to a
hospital office. A pediatrician in Fujian Province was also injured
after leaping out a fifth-floor window to escape angry relatives of
a newborn who had died under his care.
In the United States people
choose to sue instead of stab but the reasons for people to get mad
as hell grow as the abuses of the pharmaceutical, medical and
chemical universes become more crystal clear as each year passes.
Veteran of
Pharmaceutical Industry Talks
Gwen Olsen
Former Pharmaceutical Industry Rep.
A fifteen-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry says that
the pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of health and
healing but instead the business of disease maintenance and symptom
They are not in the business to,
...because if they were they
would be in the business of putting themselves out of business.
There is nothing more urgent in the field of medicine then us
getting a real handle on the best ways to eliminate heavy metals,
radiation and other toxic poisons from the body. The most obvious
way of course is to reduce exposure. When it comes to pesticides,
for instance, the easiest way to do that is to consume organic
In a recent U.S. EPA-funded study, 23 youngsters in the
Seattle area were switched to an all-organic diet, and the levels of
pesticides in their bodies declined to essentially zero after only
five days. When the kids started eating conventionally grown food
again, their pesticide levels shot back up.
The study, published in
Environmental Health Perspectives clearly shows that pesticide-free
food leads to pesticide-free kids.[7]
One of the primary ways we have to diminish our exposure to poisons
is to drink pure water with key minerals, especially
magnesium and
sodium bicarbonate added to it.
This is extraordinarily helpful in
two major ways:
First by providing pure water we eliminate the intake of highly
toxic substances found in almost all public drinking supplies.
Secondly pure water helps the body eliminate the poisons we
cannot avoid and are ingesting directly into our bodies.
Pure water drunk in abundance on a daily basis will assist the body
in eliminating much of the heavy metals and other chemicals being
[1] www.datelinezero.com/?p=2333
[2] www.cancure.org/statistics.htm
[3] Ya Wen Chen, Chun Fa Huang, Keh Sung Tsai, RongSen Yang, Cheng
Chieh Yen, Ching Yao Yang,# ShoeiYn Lin-Shiau, and ShingHwa Liu.
Chem. Res. Toxicol., 19 (8), 1080 -1085, 2006. Institute of
Toxicology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, and Department of
Orthopaedics, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, and Departments of Traumatology, Surgery, and
Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan .
[4] www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1304118/Top-professor-claims-5-6-new-medicines-little-benefit-patients.html
[5] The Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of
Pediatrics have issued a statement asserting, “the available
scientific evidence has not shown thimerosal-containing vaccines to
be harmful.” Their statement is false and totally misleading.
Following are some of the scientific studies that demonstrate thimerosal, a mercury-containing substance that is used as a
preservative, to be harmful and to be a highly probably causal
factor in autism.
Note that these studies are consistently ignored
in the medical establishment’s publications claiming that there is
no evidence for vaccine-caused autism.
1 Bernard S, Enayati A, Redwood L, Roger H, Binstock T. Autism: a
novel form of mercury poisoning. Med. Hypotheses. 2001
Apr;56(4):462-71. PMID: 11339848
2 Geier DA, Geier MR. An assessment of the impact of thimerosal on
childhood neurodevelopmental disorders.PediatrRehabil. 2003
Apr-Jun;6(2):97-102. PMID: 14534046
3 Geier MR, Geier DA. Neurodevelopmental disorders after thimerosal-containing
vaccines: a brief communication. ExpBiol Med
(Maywood).2003Jun;228(6):660-4. PMID: 12773696
4 Geier&Geier. Parents’ worries about thimerosal in vaccines are
well founded!
5 David Baskin, M.D. et al. Thimerosal induces DNA breaks, caspase-3
activation, membrane damage, and cell death in cultured human
neurons and fibroblasts. Toxicol Sci. 2003 Aug;74(2):361-8. Epub
2003 May 28. PMID: 12773768
6 MadyHornig, M.D Etiologic factors and pathogenesis of autism:
evidence from clinical studies and animal models. IOM presentation,
Feb 9 2004 Audio only:
7 Richard C. Deth, Ph.D. Effects of Mercury on Methionine Synthase:
Implications for Disordered Methylation in Autism DAN! 2003
Philadelphia -
8 Richard C. Deth, Ph.D. A Link Between Thimerosal and the Brain:
Can Vaccines Affect Central Nervous System Function? Molecular
Psychiatry 2004, Volume 9.
9 Vojdani A, Pangborn JB et al. Infections, toxic chemicals and
dietary peptides binding to lymphocyte receptors and tissue enzymes
are major instigators of autoimmunity in autism. Int J
ImmunopatholPharmacol. 2003 Sep-Dec;16(3):189-99. PMID: 14611720
10 Jeff Bradstreet, M.D. A Case-control Study of Mercury Burden in
Children with Autistic Disorders and Measles Virus Genomic RNA in
Cerebrospinal Fluid in Children with Regressive Autism. IOM
presentation, Feb 9, 2004 Slides:
11 Valsamakis A et al. Altered virulence of vaccine strains of
measles virus after prolonged replication in human tissue. J Virol.
1999 73(10): 8791-7. PMID 10482633
The CDC’s original findings before the CDC began to manipulate the
data, obtained via the Freedom of Information Act: High risk values
for thimerosal injections and a range of neurologic problems,
including ADHD, tics, language problems, and autism.
factsformedia.com/factsformedia/thimerosalstudy.pdf Excerpts from CDC’s in-house conference: Thimerosalsequelae
12 Congressman, Dr. Weldon’s letter to the CDC director, available
momsonamissionforautism.org/Autism_Central/Dr_Weldon_Responds.shtml Institute of Medicine presentation of Congressman Dave Weldon, M.D.
13 Geier MR, Geier DA. Autism and thimerosal-containing vaccines:
analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). IOM
presentation, Feb 9, 2004. Slides
14 David Baskin, M.D. Relation of Neurotoxic Effects of Thimerosal
to Autism. IOM presentation, Feb 9, 2004. Audio only
[6] www.nytimes.com/2010/08/12/world/asia/12hospital.html
[7] United Press International, Christine Dell’Amore, 22 Feb 2006