by Anthony Gucciardi
December 30, 2011
ActivistPost Website
Spanish version
Is it possible to thrive without
antipsychotics, high-powered painkillers, and statin drugs?
More importantly, are natural alternatives really as ‘dangerous’ as
mainstream health officials claim?
Sure, there have been some great advancements in the field of
medical science, but profit mongering and a blatant disregard for
public health has driven
Big Pharma giants to throw science to the
wind and unleash a variety of harmful yet profitable
It is thanks to this motive that pharmaceuticals have now led to
more deaths than traffic fatalities in the United States.
Killing at least 37,485 people nationwide in 2009, the mainstream
medical structure continues to not only ignore natural alternatives
but actually goes as far as to label them ‘dangerous’ and completely
deny their effectiveness.
Vitamin D, which can be obtained by
simply stepping outside, has been found to slash your risk of
cancer, obesity, and the flu. Of course, unless you are
supplementing thousands of times over the safe limit of vitamin D,
there are virtually zero side effects to accompany these benefits.
statin drugs have been linked in peer-reviewed research
more than 304 diseases conservatively.
This information directly challenges and disproves the claims of
many supposed health ‘experts’ that pharmaceuticals and invasive
mainstream medical interventions are the only answer to treating
(certainly not curing) disease. If we were to see a medical paradigm
shift into natural, or at least integrated medicine, we would see a
dramatic slash in cancer rates simply from educating the world about
the benefits of free vitamin D.
Some estimates place
70% of U.S.
children in the vitamin D deficiency category, as well as a large
number of adults. Imagine if health officials were to adopt more
integrated health principles, such as the consumption and
supplementation of a spice known as turmeric.
Turmeric is known to
positively affect over 573 diseases according
to peer-reviewed research.
Why have the governments of the world
not recommended these free or inexpensive supplements to their
citizens, potentially saving billions in healthcare costs per year?
Instead, government organizations like
the CDC and
the FDA push
pharmaceuticals on the public while suppressing many
health-promoting supplements like turmeric.
The truth of the matter is that
Big Pharma cannot profit on free
vitamin D, or extremely inexpensive turmeric.
In a nation where
public health was truly a concern, these substances would be readily
available and replacing harmful pharmaceuticals that
contain 70
negative side-effects on average.
Hospitals, which offer no form of prevention against disease, would
slowly begin to disappear as the need diminishes. Citizens would
optimize their health through avoiding toxic ingredients like
mercury-containing high-fructose corn syrup,
BPA, and
modified ingredients after they were all outlawed from domestic and
imported food products.
Currently, we live in a very unnatural society. You are not
meant to feel sick, broken down, and rely upon invasive
surgeries and damaging pharmaceuticals to sustain your health.
It’s time to shift to a new health
paradigm, where natural living is paramount.