by Mark Sircus
13 December 2011
IMVA Website

Almost 20 percent of the children
in this country are
chronically ill or disabled. That’s a very different situation from
what it was 20 or 30 years ago, and there’s no explanation
given by the public health authorities as to why that is true.
Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine information Center
The pristine environments of the world
have vanished.
We have now realized too late that the
same thing has happened to our bloodstreams, cells and tissues.
As the ability of science to measure
increasingly smaller amounts of toxins in the body improves, we are
finding that it does not take very large amounts to degrade bodily
What’s worse, these many toxins combine in
unpredictable ways to produce a combined effect, worse than the sum
of the individual effects.
The really bad news is that we have open nuclear wounds on the
planet belching out radioactive materials around the entire northern
hemisphere, a fact that the entire medical community stubbornly
ignores. Medical officials have also kept their mouths shut about
the clouds of mercury that have been penetrating every corner of the
earth - as well as every cell in our bodies.
All the coal fired plants in the world
together put out thousands of tons of mercury into the environment
and it gets into everything. Modern medicine and dentistry have also
contributed to the poisoning of the public by their use of dangerous
chemicals, heavy metals and radiation.
(For more on radiation dangers and
treatments read
Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome and also the second
edition of my book Iodine).
Some crazy countries routinely use
depleted uranium weapons
on the battlefield and the fallout from
that stuff stays around for a few billion years.
Fortunately for our children and for us
there are natural and semi-natural forms of treatment that can
reverse much of the damage of mercury, lead, arsenic and other
chemical poisoning.
Even uranium can be eliminated with the
proper protocol.
Chelation has been shown to be effective
at removing
plutonium from the most carcinogenic locations in
the skeleton, such as on bone surfaces near living cells.[1]
Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless
“Oral agents, especially DMSA, can
encourage yeast overgrowth.”
When chelating people with a heavy metal
burden, particularly when they are young children or very elderly or
have any chronic disease, it is best to mobilize and eliminate the
metals gently, slower rather than faster, so that the body can
reabsorb less and avoid flooding the body with toxic metals that
cause further oxidative stress due to their free radical activity.
Natural chelators are safe, non-invasive, affordable and available
without prescription as they are considered food supplements.
In reality there is a tremendous amount
of anecdotal evidence with a host of chelation products and
substances on the market but very little hard proof. It is far
easier to make claims than to prove their efficacy by way of costly
clinical studies.
Metal chelation is a complex and serious matter. It is a fact that
you can end up in worse health after chelation than when you started
if you are not well-informed and do not proceed carefully under the
care of a competent healthcare practitioner.
Synthetic chelators can be used to good effect by competent doctors
but their dangers are ever present.
Some of the more aggressive chelation
procedures are appropriate in the cases of acute toxic exposure but
even with stage-four cancers or imminent threat of heart attack or
stroke it is probably best to use gentle approaches whenever
Mortality from cancer was reduced 90
percent during an 18-year
follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of
59 treated patients (1.7 percent) died of cancer while 30 of 172
non-treated control subjects (17.6 percent) died of cancer
Dr. Walter Blumer
Dr. Garry Gordon, a leader in the
field of chelation says,
“No one on planet earth is operating
at optimal levels without doing something about the toxic
metals. Thus the conclusion I draw is that chelation appears to
be a lifetime necessity for all. There is no chelation that can
dent the lead levels of bones unless continued for at least
seven years (bone turnover time).” [3]
So, if you are betting your patients’
health on effective protection, you need to get into chelation and
detoxification for the long haul. This is one of the principle
reasons we need natural nontoxic substances. Using synthetic drugs
with their own toxic side effects is not the best way to chelate.[4]
EDTA, which is much less toxic than
DMPS and
DMSA, may not be appropriate for treating low-level lead
exposures because it can be toxic in that it also increases
excretion of some essential metals. EDTA produces substantial
diuresis of zinc and a temporary 30-40 percent decrease in plasma
Dr. George Georgiou
“Many health practitioners use
synthetic chelating agents such as DMPS, DMSA, EDTA and others
to mobilize and eliminate heavy metals from the body.
There are advantages and
disadvantages to using these. One advantage is the power of
their mobilizing activity - they are quick to mobilize and
eliminate certain metals in the body, but this may place a huge
burden on the body’s detoxification systems.
Further symptoms have been reported
by natural medical physicians throughout the U.S., such as
intractable seizures in pediatric patients and multiple
sclerosis in adult patients due to taking high doses of DMSA
over extended periods of time. These are valid reasons to be at
least cautious in the use of DMSA for the treatment of
mercury-toxic pediatric patients.
The fragile brains and nervous
systems of children with autism, PDD and seizure disorders
should be handled with considerable care so as not to increase
the damage.”
Chelation therapy was introduced into
the United States in 1948.
The treatment is well recognized by doctors around the world.
Heavy Metal Detox
In a large metal foundry in Russia, Dr.
George Georgiou tested extensively many natural substances for their
efficacy in removing heavy metals from the workers there and found
chlorella and cilantro so effective - when used “together” - that he
introduced “Heavy Metal Detox” (HMD) in 2005.[6]
But the issues are not straight or
clear-cut as Dr. Georgiou explains,
“During the three years that I have
been researching the efficacy of certain natural substances for
their heavy metal chelating effects, I have stumbled across a
few surprises. For example, the literature was full of
testimonials on how chlorella and cilantro are excellent
chelators of heavy metals, so we tested both of these in
carefully designed, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.
Let’s take Chlorella vulgaris as an
example - when we tested this alone in pre-post provocation
urine and feces tests using 3,000 mg daily, we found no
difference between the pre- and post-tests. In other words,
chlorella by itself was not eliminating any metals that could be
detected by an ICP-MS at parts per billion levels of
Dr. George Georgiou and the Russian
government invested one million dollars in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial with 350 people that has shown that when
natural substances are combined, they work as effectively as
synthetic chelators.
After much experimentation Georgiou
cilantro, chlorella and a chlorella growth factor extract.
The Mexicans eat a lot of cilantro and
there are doctors there who have pioneered the use of this plant in
detoxification and chelation protocols. It is important to remember
the important point that medicinals work best in combination with
others that are carefully selected and balanced in a formula and
full protocol.
HMD (Heavy Metal Detox) from Dr. George Georgiou gives us, in my
opinion, the best possible medical formula to help remove
radioactive contamination.
It is interesting to see that uranium-238
is being eliminated in the hair using the HMD protocol.

If metals are present in the storage
organs, then the probability is that you will get a dramatic
INCREASE in the toxic metals compared to baseline - this indicates
that the HMD™ is pulling heavy metals out of storage sites into the
blood and then into the hair.
This is a sure indication that the
person has metals stored in the body and the clinical decision is to
continue taking the HMD
Another excellent chelator that works as part of a complete
protocol, like the HMD does, is
Metal-Free, which was designed and
created by Dr. David Minkoff. He developed his unique chelation system
to save his wife much the way Dr. Rashid Buttar developed his
TD-DMPS to recover his son from autism.
Dr. Minkoff wrote to me saying,
“We have noticed for the past ten
years an increasing number of patients with high uranium levels
in the hair or on stool tests.
Since uranium is one of the heaviest
and densest metals, it behaves in the body as lead or mercury
would with the added danger of radiation. I have no explanation
for the increasing levels and have attributed them to the armor
piercing weapons used in the Middle East and the fallout
eventually coming back here and getting into the water and
vegetation and then into people.
We have even seen it in small
infants. Metal-Free will increase the levels of uranium in the
hair and stool after challenge which shows the increased
He stated this to me well before
Fukushima happened!
The peptides in Metal-Free bind to heavy metals at several sites on
the metal molecule rather than at one site. This creates a
non-competitive irreversible bond. The peptide’s affinity to metal
is strong, meaning that when a metal is picked up by Metal-Free it
will not lose the particle along its way out of the body.
Metals may be removed in the urine,
sweat or fecal matter. Heavier metals, such as lead, mercury and
uranium, are principally removed through the bowels, which mean the
kidneys are protected from the heavy metals.
The cell receptor sites in the body have a lesser affinity to heavy
metals as compared to Metal-Free.
This means the locations in the
body where metal is being stored will release this metal when the
product pervades its area. When the metal is released from the
receptor site, a molecule in the Metal-Free formula attaches itself
onto the metal or toxin, which keeps it soluble and in circulation
to be removed.
The formula attaches itself using all three methods of bonding
(ionic, covalent and hydrogen) while DMPS uses only ionic. Metal-Free’s
triple bond prevents the metal from being lost and reattaching
itself into another area of the body.
The peptides in Metal-Free are nanosized
meaning they can easily penetrate skin and mucous membranes.
Stool levels for heavy metals using the Metal-Free formula are as
Metal |
Pre-challenge result (ppm) |
Post-challenge result (ppm) |
Increase |
Range (ppm) |
Mercury |
0.032 |
0.106 |
330% |
< 0.05 |
0.061 |
0.118 |
190% |
< 0.08 |
Arsenic |
3.87 |
6.6 |
170% |
< 0.3 |
< dl |
0.025 |
250% |
< 0.009 |
Copper |
40 |
300 |
750% |
< 60 |
Nickel |
8.3 |
18.6 |
220% |
< 8 |
Uranium |
0.066 |
0.302 |
450% |
< 0.12 |
Dr. Minkoff said to me that,
“Metal-Free, for reasons unknown and
we have checked many times, does not bind beneficial minerals
and so does not deplete the body while removing the heavy
This is of course a problem when one
uses synthetic chelators like DMPS.
Metal-Free has been used by many
doctors on thousands of patients as have all the chelation products
I am presenting.
I present two different natural chelators that work with different
principles because chelation is a long-term process and it behooves
people to alternate and experiment with different types of natural
chelators and to use them alternatively through the months and
years. Using
Edible or topical clay assists greatly in the chelation
Dr. Timothy Ray, an oriental medical doctor,
speaks elegantly
about avoiding the healing crisis that synthetic chelators so often
He has a product similar to HMD called
NDF and NDF Plus that are based on chlorella and cilantro.
Mercury can also be bound to sulfhydryl
in garlic or to sulfur in the form of organic sulfur (MSM).
I have had the privilege of studying
with many of these brilliant doctors.
The first one was Dr. Alan Greenberg
who created a stand-alone chelation formula named
Chelorex. This is
a good formula if you want an-everything-in-one-type product that
contains a long list of appropriate and well-tested ingredients.
Dr. Greenberg put his money where his
mouth is and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars testing his
formula and it showed very positive for uranium elimination as did
the HMD.
I learned a lot from Dr. Greenberg and most of the items in his
formula are in my protocol.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) did not make my top fifteen medicinals but would be
next in my priority list.
ALA is a serious chelator and should be
taken with caution by starting at low dosages and supporting its use
with a full protocol, which includes clay to make sure that the
heavy metals do actually leave the body.
In the 21st century the center of
pharmacology needs to be shifted
away from medicines that add to people’s already heavy toxic
burdens, to medicines and protocols that reduce these burdens.
Dr. Bert Berkson, who was
licensed by the FDA to study the intravenous use of ALA, has had
success even with some very difficult cancers.
Dosages, though, have to hit the sweet
spot to affect changes and cures. When it comes to concentrated
nutritional medicine (Natural Allopathic Medicine) it is important
to remember that we are using medicinals that are not poisonous
(because the body needs them, that’s why we call them nutritional
This means the operating medical principle is not the
dose makes the poison (allopathic terrorism).
It means that we can take the dosages up
to the saturation point. With some medicinals like magnesium and
vitamin C we have bowel tolerance levels to inform us when we reach
this level. With sodium bicarbonate we have simple pH paper for a
guidance system.
With just about everything else we have
plenty of medical science to guide us.
No matter what chelating method you use, they will all be more
effective if your magnesium levels are not depleted.
Magnesium is
very important for phase one detoxification and it, along with other
minerals like zinc, displaces toxic heavy metals from the body.
Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural self-cleansing and
detoxification responses of the body.
Thus it is reasonable to assume that low
levels of magnesium would render a person or child vulnerable to
heavy metal mobilization during chelation.
Many of the problems with chelation can
be reduced when a person is given sufficient magnesium. The
therapeutic value of magnesium as a
transdermal application reaches
well beyond the potential of dietary magnesium or oral magnesium
Transdermal therapy effectively
saturates the tissues, delivering high amounts of magnesium directly
into circulation.
Special Note: In
a few weeks I will be publishing two video books, one to doctors and
healthcare professionals of all stripes and another to patients
called First Consultation. In them I will share my best guidance
about dosages that in reality are a highly individual thing based on
age, medical condition, sex, nutritional status, toxicity profile,
and weight. Patients who are working without the guidance of a
healthcare professional have to use feelings and feedback signals
from the body.
Intuition is also a feeling, as
Einstein informed us, and the body is sensitive in terms of the
feelings generated by substances taken-whether it is good for the
body or not, and whether dosages are too high or too low.
[1] Radiat Res. 1986
Sep;107(3):296-306. Reducing the cancer risk of 239Pu by
chelation therapy. Jones CW, Mays CW, Taylor GN, Lloyd RD,
Packer SM. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&uid=3749464&cmd=showdetailview&indexed=google
[2] Journal of Advancement in Medicine Volume 2, Numbers 1/2,
Spring/Summer 1989 Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality
after Chelation Therapy With EDTA Walter Blumer, M.D. and Elmer
Cranton, M.D.
[3] http://www.gordonresearch.com/answers/chlorella_and_cilantro.html
[4] The earliest types of chelation involved synthetic agents
such as BAL, penicillamin e and EDTA administered intravenously
for acute toxic metal poisoning. Subsequently, DMSA and DMPS
were utilized, first intravenously and later orally and now even
transdermally. Chelation therapy provides a relatively safe,
effective, and inexpensive alternative to the drugs and surgery
often used for circulatory disorders such as coronary heart
disease, carotid (neck artery) stenosi (blockage), and leg
artery stenosis (blockage). Chelation is a process by which
toxic substances in the body, particularly heavy metals can be
excreted safely. However, numerous negative side effects are
associated with each of these chelators (with the exception of
EDTA which is ‘relatively’ safe ) including allergic reactions
involving the skin and mucous membranes (itching, exanthema or
rash), as well as occasional cases of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
or erythema exudative multiforme.(11). Other side effects
include nausea, headache, muscle aching, changes in taste,
severe malaise, dizziness, numbness, insomnia, diarrhea, weight
loss, extreme fatigue, leg cramps, cardiac arrhythmia, liver and
kidney damage, abdominal pain, anxiety, severe restlessness,
mental changes, tremors, inability to concentrate, poor memory,
impaired equilibrium, chemical sensitivities and tinnitus. (12).
Studies have shown up to 30% of patients have severe negative
side effects as a result of these synthetic chelating agents,
which may develop after a single dose. For warnings against DMPS
all one has to do is go to the DMPS Backfire website.
[5] R. A. Goyer, M. G. Cherian, M. M. Jones, and J. R. Reigart.
Role of Chelating Agents for Prevention, Intervention, and
Treatment of Exposures to Toxic Metals. Environmental Health
Perspectives Volume 103, Number 11, November 1995
[6] http://mercuryexposure.org/index.php?article_id=648