by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
September 16, 2009
NaturalNews Website
The FDA has now suddenly granted approval to four different H1N1
vaccines, all on the same day!
With virtually no testing, these
fast-tracked vaccines are now approved for use on everyone: Infants,
children, adults, senior citizens and even expectant mothers. But
does everyone really need these vaccines?
According to
the CDC, by June of 2009, one million Americans had
already been exposed to H1N1 swine flu. Although the CDC hasn't
released official infection statistics in recent months, with the
rapid spread of the mild virus, it's not unreasonable to suspect
that by now, three months later, the number of Americans who have
been exposed to H1N1 swine flu has at least doubled to two million.
Yet here's the interesting part: You don't see two million Americans
dying from swine flu.
That's because many of those who were infected by swine flu never
had any idea they were infected at all. They were so-called "symptomless
carriers," because they never experienced a sniffle or other
flu-like symptoms. Their immune systems conquered swine flu
automatically and effectively, creating antibodies and overcoming
the infection by relying on fundamental human physiology.
Even for those who got sick, virtually everyone survived the
sickness. After a few days of extra rest in bed (and hopefully some
nutritional supplementation), they were able to kick the virus and
return to normal life. This is all a normal part of beating any flu.
All these millions of people who were infected by H1N1 and didn't
die have naturally made their own swine flu antibodies. They are now
immune to the swine flu, and they now have zero risk of being
infected or killed by this H1N1 swine flu in the future.
At the same time, the CDC has no idea how many Americans already
have H1N1 antibodies from surviving a swine flu infection. The WHO
has no idea of this worldwide figure, either. It is likely in the
tens of millions of people around the world.
So here's the relevant question: What happens when you give an H1N1
vaccine to a person who already has H1N1 antibodies?
All of the risk, none of the benefit
The answer is that injecting such a person with an H1N1 vaccine
exposes them to all the risks of a vaccine with none of the
purported benefits. In other words, such a vaccine cannot help them
in any way because they're already immune to H1N1!
The vaccine can only harm them or have no effect.
Given that there is zero reward but some measurable risk for these
people taking the vaccine, it only makes sense that people who have
existing H1N1 antibodies should never be given an H1N1 vaccine shot.
To determine this, however, each person about to receive a vaccine
shot would have to be tested to see if they already have H1N1
influenza antibodies. But to conduct that test for the entire U.S.
population would take years to complete. (The CDC testing labs are
already overrun and can't handle millions of tests in a timely
Thus, there is currently no effort to test anyone for H1N1
antibodies before injecting them with the H1N1 vaccine... a vaccine
that may have been rendered utterly useless to that person even
before the shot!
No medical justification, just FEAR marketing
Millions of people around the world, you see, have already survived
H1N1 swine flu. For those individuals, there is absolutely no
medical justification for being vaccinated.
The only justification
for a vaccine is economic - to sell another vaccine to someone who
doesn't need it.
This is, of course, the
predominant business model of the
pharmaceutical industry:
Sell monopoly-priced drugs to
people who, for the most part, don't really need them.
That's how psychiatric drugs are pushed
these days, and much the same is true for cholesterol drugs, blood
pressure drugs and of course vaccines.
With the swine flu, neither the pharmaceutical industry nor the
mainstream media has bothered to address this important question of
injecting people who are already antibody positive. It's not only a
question of the additional health risk to the recipient of the
injection; it's also a question of the efficient use of vaccines
when the available supply is limited.
For every person who is injected but
didn't need the vaccine, there's another person out there who won't
get the vaccine (from the point of view of western medicine, of
course, which wants everyone to be vaccinated).
You are your
own vaccine!
But there's a bigger point in all this. If millions of people have
already been infected with H1N1 swine flu and virtually none of
them died, it's a powerful demonstration of the awesome
defensive capabilities of the human immune system and the human
body's ability to make your own vaccine.
As a human being with a functioning immune system, you are a walking
vaccine factory.
Simply by exposing your body to an
invading virus, your immune system gets to work, manufacturing its
own "vaccine" and building its own antibodies to make you immune to
any further infections from that virus.
That's why you only get the
chicken pox once.
It's why one winter's flu
doesn't strike you every winter.
It's the reason you are still
alive today, and it doesn't require needles, or chemical
preservatives, or adjuvants or a trip to the local medical
And if your human body already has this
miraculous nanotechnology known as the immune system, why do you
need a vaccine for the ridiculously mild H1N1 swine flu in the first
Sure, if H1N1 had a kill rate of five percent, that would be a
different story. But we're talking about a flu that's so mild, a
single death from it results in national headline news.
"Cornell student dies from swine flu..."
As I explained in a
related article on NaturalNews, you
are 40 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have your
life saved by the swine flu vaccine.
And that's if you've never been infected by swine flu in the first
place. If you've already been infected and you're still alive, your
odds of being saved by a swine flu vaccine injection are precisely
Would you buy a lotto ticket if there were zero chance of winning
something? Most people wouldn't, and yet many of those very same
people are lining up to get ready for a swine flu vaccine lottery
that may offer them exactly the same empty odds of success.
That, of course, is why the swine flu vaccine isn't being marketed
using statistics, mathematics or reasoned logic.
It's being pushed through one mechanism:
Because as the drug companies have long
since learned, fear always overcomes reason when it comes to
pimping vaccines.
And even mathematicians and scientists
will line up to get injected with a vaccine they don't even need if
they can be properly motivated to discard reason and abandon
statistical reality.