by Mark Allan Sircus
September 2009
from IMVA Website

Swine flu is a respiratory illness in
pigs caused by a virus.
Mexico's government is ordering closed
schools nationwide as the suspected death toll from swine flu
climbed to 149. Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova says only 20 of
the deaths have been confirmed to be from swine flu and the
government was awaiting tests results on the rest. He says 1,995
have been hospitalized with serious cases of pneumonia since the
first case of swine flu was reported on April 13.
Alarmingly, the
flu outbreak in Mexico is striking healthy young people - a pattern
that would be expected if a flu virus new to humans emerged.
Nations from New Zealand to France reported new suspected cases.
Governments including China, Russia and Taiwan have begun planning
to put anyone with symptoms of the deadly virus under quarantine.
Officials in Mexico and the U.S. are taking emergency steps to
contain what is believed to be a new multi-strain swine flu.
“If the
confirmed deaths are the first signs of a pandemic, then cases are
probably incubating around the world by now,” said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a pandemic flu expert at the University of Minnesota.
Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu,
human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European
swine flu.
Human and animal viruses from four or more continents
suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that spreads
from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating.1 Just last month
Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught shipping a mix of H3N2 seasonal
flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses.
Baxter released
contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria, which
contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses. 2
In Mexico City children rarely use the color blue when they paint
the sky. The atmospheric pollution in the Mexican capital, one of
the world's biggest cities, is one of the most severe air pollution
cases in the world. Contaminated air hangs over its population of
more than 20 million people doing damage to children’s lungs causing
chronic lung diseases when they are adults.
Perched at 7,300 feet in
a bowl-shaped valley where the air is thin, vehicle fumes get
trapped and you might as well be living in a gas chamber. It is that
bad and this explains in part why we are finding deaths from the flu
concentrated there with no deaths reported outside of Mexico to this
date. Even the healthy are sick.
Full of toxins, they are medically
speaking “accidents waiting to happen,” so when a strong flu strain
strikes such a population the death rate will be very high. The
cause of death is debatable!
Should there be a pandemic - something that is far from certain -
the CDC has already begun work on a vaccine, which should be ready
by October, entirely too late to protect people from the present
threat. Flu vaccines in general often fail miserably to protect old,
young and healthy alike so there is really no loss from the delay.
There are four different drugs approved in the U.S. to treat the
flu, but the new virus has shown resistance to the two oldest. The
CDC recommends the use of the flu drugs
Tamiflu and
Relenza. Both
drugs 3 must be taken early, within a few days of the onset of
symptoms, to be most effective though we already know that Tamiflu
is deadly in and of itself so its only advantage is to those who
make money from it.
So basically the western medical establishment
has no solution and offers no real help.
Infections cannot be separated from the conditions that
invite pathogens to proliferate. This seems to boggle the
minds of orthodox medical scientists, who like the blind men
and the elephant, seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time.
We live in a dangerous world and anything that throws us out of
balance invites pathogens to take up residence in our bodies.
this is the beginning of the pandemic that health officials have
been warning about it is best to begin preparing your body before
the flu strikes. This article offers natural emergency medicine that
addresses both the body’s terrain and the potential pathogens
Starting with the most basic medicine, we need to address
dehydration and the use of water and mineral salts as medicines
Dehydration Dangers
Complications of flu can include bacterial pneumonia, ear
infections, sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic
medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or
diabetes. Many underestimate seasonal flu's severity and neglect
treating dehydration, a survey of U.S. physicians and consumers
Fifty-seven percent of doctors surveyed said they considered
dehydration the single most dangerous flu side effect.
"Severe flu
symptoms like fever and body aches often keep patients from taking
in adequate fluids," said Dr. Leanne M. Chrisman-Khawam of Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
"By managing symptoms, one
will be more likely to manage their dehydration as well." 4
Dehydration is one of the most overlooked and basic causes of
Physicians rarely prescribe water, and you'll never hear of
a pharmaceutical firm recommending it, but water can prevent and
cure many common conditions because it is a basic or underlying
cause of disease. According to a study published in the Archives of
Disease in Childhood, more than 70% of preschool children never
drink plain water.
Pediatric medicine does not pay attention enough
to dehydration that occurs when acute diseases strike5 and children
can pay with their life for this. The fact that one of the most
common lawsuits in pediatric emergency room medicine is overlooking
dehydration tells us of a gapping hole in pediatric medicine that
need not be there.
The blood is 80 percent water thus hydration levels are extremely
important in blood chemistry. Moderate dehydration, a 3-5% decrease
in body weight due to fluid loss is sufficient to result in a
substantial decrease in strength and endurance because of the
decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood signaling a drop
in Zeta potential.
Proper hydration is thus the most basic
preventative medicine against death from any type of flu.
Mercury Exposure = Increased Vulnerability
Chronic mercury exposure is also a threat to our health and makes us
especially vulnerable to flu infections.
It has been shown that,
“prolonged exposure of mammals (white mice) to low mercury
concentrations (0.008 – 0.02 mg/m3) leads to a significant increase
in the susceptibility of mice to pathological influenza virus
This is shown by more severe course of infection. In the
experimental group more mice died (86 – 90.3 %) than in the
unexposed animals (60.2 – 68 %), additionally the experimental group
died more quickly. The significant difference was in the appearance
and degree of pneumonia in the effected animals,” wrote Dr. I. M. Trakhtenberg in Chronic Effects of Mercury on Organisms.6
Though everyone in the northern hemisphere is contaminated with
mercury health officials have a mental block against suggesting
anything that might reduce total mercury body burden.
Though some
dedicated health activists are cracking the FDA’s endorsement of
mercury dental amalgam it will take a Martian death ray to get them
to protect the public from the obvious. Natural
chelation methods
work safely to remove mercury but unfortunately, if this is the
dreaded flu outbreak, there will be little time to reduce mercury
levels. Much can still be accomplished with the emergency protocol
suggested below.
Mercury exposure will make flu symptoms worse and
even more dangerous, and that is one reason the flu vaccine is
deadly because most brands include thimerosal, which almost fifty
percent mercury.
Several other mercury fighters have a place in the flu battlefield.
In addition to binding mercury into a fairly harmless complex,
selenium is a very good inflammation fighter even in small
N-acetyl L-cysteine, an antioxidant and glutathione
precursor, stimulates production of this master antioxidant and,
among other things, boosts the immune system and has
anti-inflammatory properties. Alpha-lipoic acid, another mercury
mover, acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, while protecting
the mitochondria and reducing cellular inflammation.
Learn about
them before you need them and add them to your medicine kit now.
Iodine, the Universal Pathogen Killer
As early as June 1, 1905 an article was printed in the New York
Times 7 about the successful use of iodine for
consumption/tuberculosis. Though iodine kills most pathogens on the
skin within 90 seconds, its use as an
antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal has been completely ignored by
modern medicine.
Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds,
yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic
preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon
tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens:
Most bacteria are killed within 15 to
30 seconds of contact.
Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,
antiviral and antiseptic of all time.
Dr. David Derry
Dr. David Derry says iodine is effective,
“for standard pathogens such as
Staphylococcus, but also iodine has the broadest range of action,
fewest side effects and no development of bacterial resistance.”
Some doctors have reported that it is excellent for the treatment of
Iodine kills single-celled organisms by combining
with the amino acids tyrosine or histidine when exposed to the
extracellular environment. All single cells (pathogens) showing
tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed instantly by a
simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins.
and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control
pathogenic life forms, and we should use it and trust it to protect
us in ways that antibiotics cannot.
Dr. David Brownstein, author of
Iodine – Why You Need It, uses
iodine extensively in his practice and says,
“Iodine is a wonderful
antibiotic solution without question and most importantly I never
see any of my patients complain of dysbiotic reactions from its
Because drug-resistant micro-organisms continue to emerge and
the number of patients susceptible to these infections is increasing
dramatically an approach that utilizes the innate powers of the
immune system as a therapeutic agent will have the greatest benefit
to sick patients.
The body’s ability to resist infection and disease
is hindered by long-term deficiency in essential vitamins and
minerals including that of iodine.
Poor immune response is
correlated with impaired thyroid function; a deficiency in iodine
can greatly affect the immune system because low levels of iodine
lead to problems with the thyroid gland. 8
I personally talked to a missionary, Stephen Fisher, in Zambia on
the phone last year who told me about his very successful use of
iodine to treat people with malaria. He used 20 drops of
Iodine in a half glass of water given 4 or 5 times during the first
day and then decreased the dose to 10 drops of Nascent Iodine 4
times a day for 3 more days, although higher dosages can be
administered for much longer since iodine is a nutritional medicine
that is needed by the body.
Such a protocol can be used for the
swine flu or any other type of influenza. Brownstein and others use
much higher dosages of other iodine forms, namely Lugol’s 9 and Iodoral for cancer treatment. If you are interested in high dose
usage, please read one of the books by Dr. Brownstein or myself for
more details on how to do so.
The minimum number of iodine molecules required to destroy one
bacterium varies with the species. For H. influenzae it was
calculated to be 15000 molecules of iodine per cell. When bacteria
are treated with iodine, the inorganic phosphate up-take and oxygen
consumption by the cells immediately ceases. Thus the antiseptic
properties of iodine are used to sterilize every surface and
material in hospitals.
Iodine is an excellent microbicide with a
broad range of action that includes almost all of the important
health-related microorganisms, such as enteric bacteria, enteric
viruses, bacterial viruses, fungi and protozoan cysts.10
The tremendous diversity and mutability of many infections and their
ability to intelligently exploit the cells is one of the main
reasons we should return to iodine as our favored broad spectrum
antibiotic, anti-viral and anti fungal agent.
Iodine provides us
with a safe way to strengthen innate responses to invading microbes
while simultaneously correcting or eliminating a basic nutritional
deficiency that causes immunological unresponsiveness.
Iodine is able to penetrate quickly
through the cell walls of microorganisms.
Iodine is a deadly enemy of single cell microorganisms thus it can
be our best friend in our fight against the most dangerous
Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism
to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it
to protect us in ways that antibiotics can’t.
Dr. David Brownstein, one of a core group of iodine doctors had very
kind words to say about my Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal
Medicine book.
“Dr. Sircus has done it again. He has written a
wonderful book on iodine that shows the benefits of iodine for
treating a wide range of disorders and how you can incorporate
iodine into your daily lifestyle. This book should be in everyone's
I would say the same about his book, which inspired my
deeper study into the applications of Iodine.
An Important Note:
Supplies of drinkable iodine are severely limited
and unavailable in most parts of the world. It would be wise to
stock up on both Nascent Iodine as well as Lugol’s. For those who
can only get the inexpensive iodine at the drug store meant for cuts
and bruises, know that you can paint the body with it quite heavily
and frequently to get iodine into the body.
Just monitor the skin
for any reactions with small area applications first.
Influenza, Inflammation, and the Role of Magnesium
What makes avian-derived H5N1 strains, and the influenza strain
underlying the 1918–1919 human pandemic so virulent is viral
triggering of cytokine-mediated lung inflammation. Inflammation is
the activation of the immune system in response to infection,
irritation, or injury.
Characterized by an influx of white blood
cells, redness, heat, swelling, pain, and dysfunction of the organs
involved, inflammation has different names when it appears in
different parts of the body.
Magnesium is central to immunocompetence, and plays a crucial role in natural and adaptive
immunity in great part because of its dominance over the
inflammatory response.11
Magnesium is at the heart of the inflammatory process, it is the
prime first cause when it is not present in sufficient quantities.
Increases in extracellular magnesium concentration cause a decrease
in the inflammatory response while reduction in the extracellular
magnesium results in inflammation.
Magnesium literally puts the
chill on inflammation especially when used transdermally.
deficiency induces a systemic stress response by activation of neuro
endocrinological pathways,” writes Dr. Mazur. “Magnesium deficiency
contributes to an exaggerated response to immune stress and
oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response,”
he continued.
A little bit of magnesium chloride can be added to the drinking
water (the same as sodium bicarbonate mentioned in the next
But both can be introduced in much greater dosages and
concentration in baths to bypass digestive systems that may not be
working properly. Many already know of the transdermal effect of
magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate. One can also apply both
‘magnesium oil’ and a self-made lotion of sodium bicarbonate to the
skin for rapid absorption and this is most helpful for children.
can be put into a sterile solution and nebulized directly into the
lungs if inflammation becomes life threatening. When all else fails,
physicians can get both magnesium and sodium bicarbonate into the
body with IVs.
Most people and children are already magnesium deficient, which
would naturally increase complications or the possibility risk of
death from influenza. Everything mentioned in this basic emergency
protocol is preventive and can be started immediately.
Don’t wait
for the WHO to officially announce an international pandemic before
you stock your emergency kit with the basics.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Using bicarbonate to change blood and full body pH is going to shift
the environment of most pathogens making it more uncomfortable for
them to inhabit a host. Malaria and influenza are often associated
with abnormalities of fluid, electrolytes and the acid-base balance.
Sodium bicarbonate is very useful and should not be overlooked just
because it is one of the most simple medicines and food items you
can buy in the supermarket.
Fluid and electrolyte imbalances easily occur in anybody with a
severe flu. This is common in severe malaria, extremes of age, young
children, malnutrition, and patients with high degree of fever and
Sodium bicarbonate can be administered orally every two hours and
can be put in the baths as well as mixed with mineral water to make
a lotion.
For oral use,
Bob’s Red Mill Sodium Bicarbonate is the
best but for baths the old Arm and Hammer product is fine. Sodium
bicarbonate buffers and defends us from a host of complications, and
is even used in chemotherapy to protect patients from the toxic
effects of dangerous drugs.
Sodium bicarbonate along with magnesium chloride are workhorse
medicines that are extremely useful in most all clinical situations.
Certainly they are useful together in infectious diseases to support
both the basic physiology and mitochondrial function.
Vitamin C
One does not have to say much when it comes to the importance of
Vitamin C in preparing the body for an aggressive attack of
influenza of any type.
If vitamin C levels are low, the body will be
more vulnerable to complications. Also, an attack of the flu will
lower already dangerously depleted vitamin C levels. Whole food
vitamin C is often better tolerated than pure ascorbic acid in
addition to the fact that whole food vitamin C comes with the
necessary co-factors for its efficacy, which ascorbic acid does not.
There are many natural remedies on the market and many wives' tales
- and there is always Mother’s chicken soup!
One will find an
extensive list of possible herbs, formulas and foods that might
help; however, they do not make up a core protocol that one can
depend on in an emergency situation that can easily develop with a
severe strain of influenza.
The Sun – Strong Medicine against the Flu
Medical scientists have noticed that people with the least D were
most likely to have had a recent infection of the upper respiratory
We already know that getting plenty of vitamin D — more than
diet can offer — appears to provide potent protection against colds,
flu and even pneumonia. As the amount of vitamin D circulating in
blood climbs, risk of upper respiratory tract infections falls and
this is important when strong flu strains strike hard.
Dr. Adit Ginde, an emergency room physician at the University Of
Colorado Denver School Of Medicine in Aurora says that in people
with lung disease, low levels of the sunshine vitamin “magnify
many-fold” the apparent vulnerability to infection seen in people
with healthy lungs.
Dr. Ginde findings appeared in the Feb. 23
Archives of Internal Medicine and concluded that in every season,
people in the lowest vitamin D group were about 36 percent more
likely to be suffering a respiratory infection than those in the
highest group.
Grind’s study showed that low levels of vitamin D more than doubled
the risk of respiratory infection for people with COPD — and boosted
it almost six fold in people with asthma — compared with
participants who had normal lung function and were in the highest
vitamin D group.
What was most disturbing about the findings was
that the NHANES data he analyzed had been collected about 15 years
ago, when almost twice as many people as today had vitamin D levels
above 30 ng/ml. This is a crucial point. We are more vulnerable
today then every before to a massive epidemic because we are more
toxic and more deficient in crucial vitamins and minerals than at
any point in modern history.
One of the most important and misunderstood vitamins is A, and it
works hard to keep you healthy with vitamin D when in the right
balance. Vitamin A plays a vital regulating role in the immune
system also. Vitamin A deficiency leads to a loss of ciliated cells
in the lung, an important first line defense against pathogens.
Vitamin A promotes mucin secretion and microvilli formation by
mucosa, including the gastrointestinal tract mucosa. Vitamin A
regulates T-cell production and apoptosis.12
If you are a sun lover, you do not need to take supplemental vitamin
D; however you still need to consume adequate vitamin A. Animal
studies show that even moderate amounts of vitamin D increase the
body's need for vitamin A, whether the vitamin D is provided in the
diet or by UV light. So, if you cut back or eliminate cod liver oil
in the summer, you can also consume plenty of oily fish, liver,
butterfat and egg yolks from grass-fed hens to ensure adequate
vitamin A.13
So throw away your sun screens and get out in the sun when it is
high in the sky and roast yourself until slightly pink, and do that
perhaps every other day as a replacement for dangerous antiviral
medications, along with the rest of the anti-flu protocol.
lots of carrot juice with oranges and eat spirulina, which is
extraordinarily high in beta-carotene.
In Summary, a Heart Felt Plea
Please, I beg people to be aware that in November of 2005 Japan's
health ministry issued a warning of dangerous behavioral side
effects linked to the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu. This came amid
reports that several children in Japan died after taking the
Dr. Rokuro Hama, head of the Japan Institute of Pharmaco-Vigilance,
had investigated eight suspicious deaths of children aged between
two and 17, which he thinks are linked to Tamiflu. He reported his
findings at a meeting of the Japan Society of Pediatric Infectious
Diseases. Investigators say in one case last year, a 17-year-old
boy, after taking the medication, left his home during a snowstorm,
and jumped in front of a truck and died.
Earlier that year, a
14-year-old boy, after taking one Tamiflu capsule, jumped or fell
from the ninth floor of an apartment building. Doctors say in both
cases the boys had not exhibited any abnormal behavior before taking
Drug manufacturer Roche and US regulators have warned that influenza
patients treated with
oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
may have an increased
risk of self-injury and delirium.
"People with the flu, particularly
children, may be at increased risk of self-injury and confusion
shortly after taking Tamiflu and should be closely monitored for
signs of unusual behavior," says a warning that Roche has added to
its official product information, according to a company letter
posted on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Web site.15
Many reputable doctors and health activists are weighing in and we
should be very scared for some very good reasons.
Read Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s essay. Read Bill Sardi’s pdf. Read the Huntington Post’s
essay on the dire economic effect and the implications of declared
health emergencies. The medical industrial complex and governments
around the world are ready, willing and able to use this as an
excuse to attack the human race with misinformation and extremely
dangerous drugs and vaccines.
Remember Dr. Eleanor McBean?
Dr. Eleanor McBean, lived through the 1918 Influenza epidemic, and
“As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the
vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My
family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the
time. There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated
soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases
were those they had been vaccinated against.”
Vaccines, especially when given in multiple quantities in one
sitting certainly have the potential to throw a person or child’s
body out of balance as can nutritional deficiencies, dehydration,
lack of exercise 16 or a lack of sun and vitamin D.
Almost everyone
today is magnesium deficient, certainly every Mexican who eats white
There are many who believe from the depths of their hearts that
vaccines are bio weapons of mass destruction, which exist for both
pharmaceutical profit and over bloated professional medical egos
attached to status and power.
No matter what we believe though and
no matter what develops over the next few days it would be more than
prudent to disseminate this information that will be helpful to both
doctors and people facing the current public health crisis.
1 http://www.healthtruthrevealed.com/articles/10344711404/article
2 http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/02/27/8560781.html
3 Cases FDA staff members reviewed 596 cases of psychiatric reports
linked to Tamiflu. Most cases occurred in Japan, where Tamiflu is
widely used to treat the flu. In Japan, three adults committed
suicide in addition to the five children who died. The FDA uncovered
reports of psychiatric side effects among children taking Tamiflu in
365 children from its U.S. approval in October 1999 through May
Many relayed similar stories of children trying to
"flee or
escape'' through windows, while others became violent. One child
tried to strangle its mother, while others banged their heads
against walls.
Tamiflu prescriptions in Japan have declined since
February 2007, when several teenage patients who were taking Tamiflu
fell from buildings, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. said in Nov. 5
statement. Chugai sells Tamiflu in Japan. Roche owns the majority of
Chugai stock, with about 51 percent of shares.
As a result, use of Tamiflu,
"was reduced by almost half compared with previous years,''
Chugai said.
The company said it would supply 6 million treatment
courses in Japan this year, compared with 12 million in previous
years. There were 115 cases of psychiatric events among patients
taking Relenza from the time of its approval in July 1999 through
August 2007, including 74 children. Seven patients became delirious
and developed impulsive behavior, saying they were fearful or needed
to flee. None of the patients died.
4 “Zicam survey: Flu's impact underestimated,” Phoenix Business
Journal, Monday, October 3, 2005.
5 Children and adults easily lose too many fluids from: Vomiting or
diarrhea. Excessive urine output, such as with uncontrolled diabetes
or diuretic use. Excessive sweating, i.e., from exercise. Fever. You
might not drink enough fluids because of: Nausea, Loss of appetite
due to illness. Sore throat or mouth sores.
Dehydration in sick
children is often a combination of both -- refusing to eat or drink
anything while also losing fluid from vomiting, diarrhea, or fever.
6 Trakhtenberg, I.M. From Russian translation. Chronic Effects of
Mercury on Organisms. In Place of a Conclusion. Page 2.
7 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9406E4D81E3DE633A25752C0A9609C946497D6CF
8 Marani L, Venturi S. Minerva Med. 1986 May 7;77(19):805-9.
was and is sometimes used therapeutically in various pathologies
where the immune mechanism is known to play a dominant role. It has
in fact been administered to patients with tubercular granulomatous,
lepromatous, syphilitic and mycotic lesions where it facilitates
cure. This effect does not depend on iodine's action on the
micro-organism responsible. Iodine may also be used in Villanova-Panol
Panniculitis, in erythema nodosum, in nodular vasculitis, erythema
multiforme and Sweet's syndrome.
Oral iodine is also very effective
in the lymphatic-cutaneous form of sporotrichosis. In order to
establish a relationship between dietary iodine and immune response,
607 infants residing in an area of endemic goitre were studied: 215
were given Lugol solution (2 drops a week for about 8 months) and
392 not. The immune response was assessed by the skin test method
using tetanic toxoid and a clear correlation was shown between this
and lymphocyte stimulation and monocytic chemotaxis tests.
The test
was considered positive when an infiltration of at least 5 mm in
diameter was shown after 48 hours (in the U.S. 80% of paediatric
cases aged 2-10 years old were positive). A significant difference
was noted in the average diameter of the infiltrations after the
tetanic toxoid skin test in the two groups considered (P less than
The results appear to indicate that an adequate iodine
intake is necessary for normal retarded immune response. The
molecular mechanism by which iodine increases immune response is
still to be decided.
9 Retired biochemist and toxicologist
Walter Last has this to say
about Lugol’s:
“Lugol's solution is an internal iodine solution
designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other
microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100ml of Lugol's solution,
also labeled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist.
a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less
strong. If this does not cause an allergic reaction, continue to
take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not
together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine.
Iodine is an oxidant and it is best to reduce the intake of
antioxidants while using it. If the blood was contaminated, then you
may initially experience a die-off reaction of the Candida, causing
weakness and possibly headache or nausea.
If this happens cut
temporarily back on the amount of Lugol's solution and drink plenty
of water and diluted teas or juices. Continue for 3 weeks, but
interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. Do not take the iodine
for more than 3 weeks as that interferes with thyroid activity. If
necessary repeat the course after several months.”
Lugol’s can be
purchased at
(NO. of STRAINS) |
Proteus (41) |
- 2500 |
15 -
180 |
Staphylococcus (36) |
66 -
2500 |
15 -
80 |
Pseudomonas (36) |
25 -
2500 |
15 -
900 |
Streptococcus (25) |
- 2500 |
15 -
30 |
Escherichia (23) |
- 2500 |
30 -
120 |
Salmonells (9) |
- 2500 |
15 -
60 |
Candida (8) |
- 2500 |
10 -
120 |
Serratia (6) |
- 2500 |
60 -
120 |
Spores-Baccillus; Clostridium
(6) |
10000 |
2 -
5 Hours |
Trichomomonas (5) |
- 2500 |
30 -
60 |
Enterobacter (4) |
- 2500 |
Klebsiella (4) |
- 2500 |
Clostridium (4) |
30 -
60 |
Shigella (3) |
- 2500 |
Corynebacterium (3) |
Diplococcus (3) |
- 2500 |
Mycobacterium (3) |
- 2500 |
60 -
120 |
Bacillus (3) |
- 2500 |
10 -
30 |
Sarcina (2) |
- 2500 |
Trichophyton (2) |
Aspergillus (2) |
(1) |
Herella (1) |
Edwardsiella (1) |
Citrobacter (1) |
Providencia (1) |
Acienetobacter (1) |
Epidermophyton (1) |
Microsporum (1) |
Pencillium (1) |
Nocardia (1) |
Table 4: Microbiological Efficacy Activity of PVP-Iodine versus
Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds, Actinomycetes and Rickettsia
11 Mag Res. 1992:5:281-93
12 Nutrition Reviews 1998;56:S38-S48.
13 http://westonaprice.org/search-results.html?cx=006599781855607243500%3Aofb8viwlk8e&cof=FORID%3A11&q=vitamin+A&sa=Search; http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/clarifications.html
14 http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2005-11/2005-11-13-voa12.cfm?CFID=179725494&CFTOKEN=93593013&jsessionid=88305caec48ef01d4dc03d34725713f347a3
15 http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/panflu/news/nov1406tamiflu.html
16 Jeffrey A. Woods, PhD., and graduate student Tom Lowder at the
Physical Fitness Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, University
of Illinois, recently reported that four consecutive days of
moderate exercise in mice after they were infected with influenza
protects them from dying, compared with mice that didn’t exercise.
Woods and Lowder reported their findings at the American
Physiological Society’s 2004 Intersociety Meeting, showing that
20-week-old mice that had exercised had significantly (p=0.008)
higher survival rates (18 of 22) versus HCC of the same age (10 of
22). When all EX mice (47) were compared with all HCC mice (48), EX
had twice the survival rate, 59% vs. 29.4% (p=0.003).
They reported
that none of the variables (food/water intake, random activity or
symptom severity) proved to be reliable at predicting mortality.