by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
PESNetworkInc Website
Having written a book on
the subject, he now intends to build a full-scale
version of this tower that he says will both tap into
free energy and disseminate it wirelessly. Counter
points asserts that Tesla and subsequent researchers
miniaturized the tower down to a much more workable
size, and that reconstruction of the Tower would only be
an exercise in nostalgia -- Tesla himself had moved
beyond it. |
Author of Atlantis to Tesla, and frequent talk-show radio
guest on subjects such as
Planet X and earth changes, James McCanney,
announced on April 28, 2005 that he has "completed the preliminary
plans to build a full-scale Tesla tower."
McCanney, a self-described "rebel" astrophysicist from Cornell
University, points out that the universe and our solar system are
highly electrical in nature, and that Tesla had figured out how to
tap into that energy that surrounds us, and then convey it for
practical use by mankind -- free, through the air.
At least part of the fruits of
Tesla's work are attested to in the
fact that today's alternating current, central to today's electrical
grid, is his invention. He also contributed significantly to the
development of radio (some still argue that he deserves credit as
the first, not Marconi). Tesla once demonstrated the wireless
conveyance of electricity at the 1893 Worlds Fair, lighting
Chicago's Columbian Exposition.
Wardenclyffe tower
with dome frame.
Completed in 1904
The Wardenclyffe tower, also called a
"magnifying transmitter," was meant to be the start of a global
system for wireless telecommunications and a national (and later
global) system of towers broadcasting power to users wirelessly in a
manner like radio. Instead of supplying electricity through a
current grid system, users would simply "receive" power through
antennas on their roofs. The source of energy was alleged to come
from the Earth's electromagnetic fields. The energy flux of a
turning planet could be magnified and converted to electrical power.
The tower was scrapped for metal to be used in WWII. Today, its
principles are implemented by
HAARP, which is used for weather
modification, and was recently bought by the Carlyle Group (Bush
connections) from the U.S. Govt.
Construction on the Wardenclyffe tower began in 1900 on Long Island,
New York. Famous architect, Stanford White, designed the
non-technical skeleton, which is what most photographs convey.
Rising 187 feet, with a steel shaft running 120 feet into the
ground, the tower was topped with a 55-ton, 68-foot diameter metal
In 1905, the project was abandoned per the withdrawal of support by
JP Morgan. A world bent on war and mistrust would not have it. The
tower would not only be capable of power transmission for peaceful
uses, but also had destructive applications.
"The art is already so far developed
that the great destructive effects can be produced at any point
on the globe, defined beforehand with great accuracy," Tesla
Some allege that
the Tunguska explosion
of June 30th, 1908 may have been caused by Nikola Tesla.
"The explosion, estimated to be
equivalent to 10-15 megatons of TNT, flattened 500,000 acres of
pine forest near the Stony Tunguska River in central Siberia.
Whole herds of reindeer were destroyed. Several nomadic villages
were reported to have vanished. The explosion was heard over a
radius of 620 miles."
Is the world ready
for this technology now?
McCanney seems to think so.
"I was going to do it silently.
However, with the people following me these days there is no
such thing, so I am just going to do it in full view of
everyone," he declares on his site.
In his book Atlantis to Tesla, McCanney
purports that the ancient science of Atlantis and Tesla have been
rediscovered, along with the source of unlimited electrical power.
It also discusses the secret societies that McCanney says have come
to control the governments of the world, and how they have come to
exert control over the dissemination of power, when that power could
be attained freely from the electrical universe.
In a section called "Nicola Tesla's Tower..." on his very large home
page, McCanney asserts:
"My theoretical work has
rediscovered the principles of the Tesla tower and unlimited
free electrical power from the ionosphere, as printed in my book
Atlantis to Tesla."
He asserts that,
"the military built such a tower
last July (only a few short weeks after the release of my
Atlantis to Tesla book on the July 7, 2003 Coast to Coast
program) near Kanata* Canada; and when they tapped into the
ionosphere (the idiots did not put any control electronics on
their tower) the surge blew out the north east electric power
grid corridor."
In his Coast to Coast AM interview,
McCanney said that the Atlanteans had achieved a high level of
technology before their end, including a spacecraft that used a
series of glass tubes as part of its propulsion system. He also
spoke about a huge statue of Poseidon in Atlantis that had an
antenna on the top of it for collecting energy, not dissimilar to
Tesla technology.
McCanney says that one must read his first book in order to
understand the second, Atlantis to Tesla. The first is titled:
Planet-X: Comets & Earth Changes: A Scientific Treatise on the
Effects of a new large Planet or Comet arriving in our Solar System
and Expect Earth Weather and Earth Changes.
He says one has to
the science of an electrical Solar System.
"You won't understand the electrical
fields that [Tesla] was tapping into to produce unlimited
electrical energy out of the atmosphere unless you go back to
the source of that energy, the Sun."
"Our Sun emits hundreds, if not thousands, of times more energy
in the form of electrical energy than it does in the form of
light energy."